Friday, 27 July 2018

Alternative Benefits from Bessler's Wheel?

If Bessler’s wheel should finally materialise and is shown to work due to the effect of gravity on some moveable weights, then we can make a provisional assumption that it might be possible to apply a similar configuration to other conservative forces.

Many here have expressed the opinion that once built Bessler’s wheel would be weak and of limited use.  In my opinion they are wrong and there will be many uses, particularly in third world countries for basic energy generation, irrigation, refrigeration etc.

There is also the potential to creat a reverse system based on the concept behind Bessler's wheel in which a drive is fitted to the reverse design to produce inertial thrust in a particular direction.  There is potential in such a scheme for boats and even space travel. etc.  But there is one more area of science which I think may hold even more potential.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology lead the field in nano energy research.  This complex subject is full of potential uses for nano engineering, but my knowledge is very limited. This quote from an acquaitence at my local university, “Nanotechnology involves the creation and/or manipulation of materials at the nanometre (nm) scale. One nanometre is 10-9 m or one millionth of a millimetre. Nanotechnology is essentially ‘engineering at a very small scale’, and this term can be applied to many areas of research and development – from medicine to manufacturing to computing, and even to textiles and cosmetics”.  Fortunately,  I was talking to someone who used to be a good friend of Mike Senior,  a couple of days ago about my work with Johann Bessler.  This guy is a Professor at Warwick university and it was his idea that if we could prove that Bessler’s wheel worked there were numerous potential applications within the field of nanotechnology.

You can get an idea of the ongoing research by looking at this page

The author lists a number of developments currently being researched and my contact at Warwick University suggested that nano-engineering could make use of the design concept used in Bessler’s wheel.

I cannot confirm or deny the potential but I thought it worth mentioning.  There are people here with far more knowledge and greater intellectual abilities than I have, so I hope perhaps they might comment more knowledgeably than I could?

NB These additional links provided by arktod 1001.



  1. John, I still lurk here at times, and with nanotechnology you've touched on a topic that I'm more than ever convinced could provide a really good permanently acting Space Drive (as well as free energy), via unidirectional Casimir Force.

    You seem to have found at least an open-minded contact at Warwick University. Leaving my own ideas aside, if he's not already aware of these references, please ask him to take a look at:—

    1. Thanks for the links arktos, I’ll,put them in live tomorrow.


  2. Picking up a 70lb box of bricks is not weak. Gang multiple wheels together and you could really have some horse power.

    1. Exactly anon. Why are people so keen to rubbish the potential power in Besslers wheels?


    2. Exactly. If we require a huge wheel for providing sufficient energy, we can build it easily.

    3. Using a (gravitational driven) BW would be a medieval way of producing energy. Gravity is the weakest force in nature. Magnetism is much more powerful. Applying Bessler’s technique with magnetism is probably possible and would result in much smaller and more powerful devices.


    4. Governments don't seem to have issues building windmills that are over 400ft high. There are hundreds of these scattered across the US and every time I drive by some of them I never see them turning. Also, many cities have massive Ferris wheels right in their downtown area as permanent tourist attractions. No one seems to raise issues about these. Imagine what a 200ft Bessler Wheel could produce all day long. I really don't think acceptance of their great size (if necessary) is going to be an issue.

    5. I agree that other motive forces such as magnetism may produce greater results, but until we have a working Bessler Wheel to work with, we won't know if improvements in building materials, bearings, etc. will produce greater power. We can't dismiss gravity.

    6. I must be a pretty dumb farm boy, because I believe a gravity wheel could have an insane amount of power! With no recurring fuel cost! Anyone who doesn't think so, has never carried water in a five gallon bucket. Sam Peppiatt

  3. Nano technology would greatly benefit from the insight that BW will provide us with. As far as I know, NT can build tiny machines but the problem is that they cannot drive them. Sure, they can build tiny motors, but they cannot produce a NT battery. It would drain immediately. Too small. And a bigger battery would ruin the NT concept.

    I do not think you can use gravity on NT scale. Its influence will become less the smaller you go. But electromagnetic forces become more important and you might indeed apply the newly discovered insights on these forces and create a battery that will never drain. We will have electric cars that will run forever and do not need to be charged.

    But there is more… You might even go smaller.

    It has been discussed before that the wheel might be an explanation of how nature puts dead things in motion. And why not? If the secret of BW is in its design and arrangement of weights then why not logically apply this concept on a molecular level. You would have a molecule that moves. I don’t know if it will turn but it must do something with the excess of energy. We know such a molecule, we call it DNA and it is replicating instead of rotating.

    Bessler’s wheel might also teach us when and why chemistry turns into biology. If the fifth wheel arrives on this earth, a complete new era will begin.


  4. What about the wheels supplying energy for cryptocurrency mining, like Ethereum, Bitcoin or Litecoin?

  5. RAF Greetings John. Since publishing your wonderful book in 1997,have you any new thoughts on WHY Mr. Bessler assumed the name Orffyreus? Was there a subtle hint left for us to discern??

    1. Hi RAF, if you haven’t read it already, I wrote a bit about it on my website at

      There is more now but I’m saving it for when thecwheel works!


    2. Hi , i can reply with my own research on this subject ( I study it for 7 years) . All this is my only commitment and my long research .
      I think that someone said it was normal to latinise his name at this era (John ?).
      If Bessler had not shifted the letters of his name, it would surely have gone unnoticed . I think he did that because it was important for find the solution . Why Orffyre ? Try to shift his name with all shift possible : orffyre is the only one who is "pronounceable" ( here we are all the possibilities : CFTTMFS DGUUNGT EHVVOHU FIWWPIV GJXXQJW HKYYRKX ILZZSLY JMAATMZ KNBBUNA LOCCVOB MPDDWPC NQEEXQD ORFFYRE PSGGZSF QTHHATG RUIIBUH SVJJCVI TWKKDWJ UXLLEXK VYMMFYL WZNNGZM XAOOHAN YBPPIBO ZCQQJCP ADRRKDQ ) .
      Why the latinisation is so important ? It s in relation with the number 5 => 5 in Latin is V . The V is the way for solution but the way is long to find it ( until now , i don't find it in totality but I get close
      Next is when i find the secret and I will give it to you

    3. Thank you anon, I did the same experiment myself and also found that all the alternatives were unpronounceable.


  6. RAF WHY Orffyre? Since the entire subject of Bessler's wheel involves speculation,allow me to speculate just a bit more.The following is only plausable if his name change came AFTER his discovery and if we use, instead of the Atbash code,the DIAMETRAL substitution with the alphabet arranged in a circle.

  7. RAF Without patent protection,Mr. Bessler resorted to the magician's well-known device called misdirecting attention! He wanted his visiting scholars and mechanics to focus their attention on the DOWNWARD moving and heavy side of of the wheel-----the 8 gentle bumps with each turn sure helped rivet that focus there.

  8. RAF The change to ORFFYRE is Bessler's subtle, clever, cunning,crafty hint telling us that the principle is to be found ACROSS THE DIAMETER in the upward-moving side of the wheel!!

  9. On Bessler Wheel / Wiki; he talks about the weights swapping places with every turn of the wheel. Isn't swapping places pretty close to swapping letters? It's not that much of a reach is it? I'm suggesting, this may have prompted the name change. Sam

  10. RAF John, in your opinion,is an underbalanced wheel the same as an overbalanced wheel?Is it possible,by design,to achieve one but not the other.Two high quotes in A.P. prompt this question.

  11. RAF High quotes: (the would-be mobile maker can come up with)..."ingenious ideas about adding extra weights here and 295 and " if they can arrange for some weights to be a little more distant from the center than the others....."page295-6


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