Saturday, 25 August 2018

Update for August 2018 - Are there some missing Clues?

I have been finding the occasional half hour or so to work on my Bessler-wheel and I am confident it will be finished some time in September or October.  I’m away for a week in September but I hope to finish it once I return from my brief holiday.

I'm assuming that this latest construction will work - and my test mechanisms does perform exactly as I planned.  There have been minor construction problems which had to be overcome along the way but so far I have dealt successfully with each one.  They are not serious setbacks, typically, a case of rearranging some pieces so they don’t collide with other parts of the same mechanism.

Despite the apparent difficulties in understanding the clues and interpreting them correctly the concept is not complicated and Bessler could have provided easier clues, but then his fear of someone interpreting them too soon, prevented him.  This raises an interesting question.  Did he ever expect anyone to decipher his clues in his lifetime?  One would assume not, in which case, why did he think someone would be able to do so after his death?  Was there some additional clue that he hoped would assist in deciphering his clues after his death.  I mention this because I have not found any evidence that anyone attempted to solve the clues during his life time.

I’m sure that, in the event that he failed to find a buyer for his secret, he intended to leave enough information available after his death to allow people to reconstruct his machine and give him the acknowledgement he so desperately needed.  He commented on that very point in his Apologia Poetica and said he'd be content with post humus acknowledgement if he failed to sell his secret. That document was published in 1715, only three years after his first claim to have built a working perpetual motion machine, so even then he was considering the possibility of no-sale and what he could do about it. 

One can imagine the frustration he suffered, thinking that he could sell his secret quickly and get on with his future plans but then discovering things were not as easy as he had thought.  After only three years he was considering his options, and yet he continued for another ten years at Kassel castle without a sale.  No wonder he was described as ill-tempered and unpleasant.

In my book I surmised that since he sought permission to build a grave or mausoleum in the garden of his house in Carlshafen, it might have contained a clue, but unfortunately the latest estimate is that the garden is now part of a car park in town, so probably the gravestones which might have held a useful clue, have long since been obliterated or lost.

There is the possibility that the Maschinen Tractate drawings which he destroyed were intended to reveal the secret after his death because they would be found in his effects.  But as he wrote, the arrest made him destroy them, because once he was incarcerated someone might have gained access to his possessions, or his wife might have sold them, and the secret would be worthless.



  1. In his Apologia Bessler does not write about posthumous acknowledgment. He says that if no buyer is found he would destroy his wheel, then continue with medical practice and find inner peace with God. With no word he mentions acknowledgement after his death.


    1. I’ll respond when I find it, Ovaron. I paraphrased the comment.


    2. I've been saying this for years. There is absolutely no comment about posthumous acknowledgement in AP. That is just not true.

    3. To Ovaron and yellow, you are correct, Bessler did not actually state that he would be satisfied with post humous acknowledgement.

      When I first persuaded Mike Senior to translate all Bessler’s books he asked me if I wanted literal word by word translation or something that would read easily. I chose the latter as I had no idea what was in the books and I had no plans at that time to publish them.

      Mike did all the translations in long hand, he did not like computers, and he included many comments or asides in his translations. Regarding the above discussion he wrote in an aside, ‘reading between the lines I think that Bessler intended/hoped that he would at least receive acknowledgement of his invention even if he had passed away before that became a reality’.

      Elsewhere Mike agreed with my early belief that Bessler was familiar with the history of codes and hinted at their use in AP at least. In those early days we assumed that the reason for including coded information was so that Bessler could point to it after the sale and triumphantly say it was all there if you had had the skills to decipher it - but that just doesn’t seem a good enough explanation. I think it was done as a failsafe way of obtaining acknowledgement either in case someone else also invented the wheel, and got paid first - or for post humous reasons.

      For that reason I originally agreed with Mike’s opinion about it being for post humous reasons and in my mind ( I’m getting old and my memory is not what it was!) I thought Bessler had actually written it.


    4. Sorry guys, I meant to include an apology in the above response. Someimes when you have read and reread stuff so many times you think know it all by heart, little pieces of information/opinion merge into a false memory.


    5. John, I think Mike might mean that he left clues about the wheel. But codes? I do not think so. I feel from Bessler's work, he was quite sure that he would sell the wheel in his lifetime.

      Think about it, let's say I've decoded "the code" now. Why should I tell anyone that I decoded something from a 300+ years old text? I could easily tell the world that I've just invented a PM using my super intelligence (!) without any help and nobody would suspect anything at all. Same analogy is also true for that time period. Codes are not good way to protect an invention.

      People are not as goodnatured as you assume them to be.

    6. Yes clues, not codes, yellow. I must have codes on the brain!

      So I wonder why he left so much information about how his wheel worked? If he was so sure it would sell eventually, why did he begin encoding right from the date of the first exhibition I.e. 1712? If he was certain he would get his money it must have been because he wanted to preen and show off his clever clues and codes to the amazement of all those who castigated him for his claims. Or some other reason?


    7. Exactly John! He was just teasing his "enemies" and showing his wit. Bessler was calling himself a Doctor of PM, you mentioned it before. When you finish your wheel, will you call yourself a doctor of PM? The man was overconfident of himself. That over-confidence also reflects his confidence in his wheel and it is also a proof that his wheel was the real deal.

      So much information is there because he was just clarifying that he didn't make a spring or pendulum driven simple wheel.

  2. " because once he was incarcerated someone might have gained access to his possessions, or his wife might have sold them, and the secret would be worthless."
    He absolutely did not write the above, you are reading something else into what he wrote. There could be other reasons why he destroyed them than what you are presuming. For example - he destroyed them because he was told that he would be killed if the secret came out - so that could be why he did it.
    It would not be worthless if it came out because he had many inventions that would be easier to sell if the secret was out.

    1. Derek, I did not suggest Bessler said those words, I was speculating about other additional possible reasons for destroying the drawings which showed the secret. The speculation related to my comment about post humus acknowledgement. He already stated that it was done because of his arrest.

      I think your suggestion that he did it because he was told he would be killed if the secret came out is very unlikely.


    2. Ok, thanks for clearing that up, I understand what you meant now.

  3. John Collins,

    One questions I have always had; is about Bessler's brother. He, surely would have known exactly how the wheel worked, yet there doesn't seam to be any attempt to question him in regards to how it worked. Why is that? Sam Peppiatt

    1. I know little about Gottfried, other than he was supposed to be an organ builder, or he helped build them, and he moved to London with his wife and family, when Bessler moved to Kassel. He is believed to have returned to Germany after a short while, but I don’t know what happened to him, but I expect he came to live with Bessler and their parents.

      There is a researcher currently trawling through a mass of old documents all relating to Bessler, but which are in various libraries and many are in poor shape unfortunately. I think that once the wheel is built and proven to be the same design as Bessler’s, the legitimate historians willl take an interest and much more information will begin to flow.


    2. John Collins,
      Thanks for your time and consideration, I've always wondered; Bessler must have sworn him to secrecy, Sam

    3. John, your optimism is refreshing. Anything that you need will be provided as required by those of us who truly believe.

  4. Is there anyone alive on this planet that’s related to Bessler? Maybe that person has the real secret and is not afraid to share it openly with the rest of the world.

    1. There was some discussion on the BW forum about a possible candidate but I remain unconvinced. See

      Or search “The Keno Bessler Connection”.

      I have seen a document thst Bessler signed in which he promises to share his secret with the Ksssel blacksmith in return for his daughter’s hand in marriage - he had only made her pregnant! So he had two wives and some daughters each if which married. I’ll post some details about them.



  5. John, I don't know about extra clues but, I do agree with Mike Senior and yourself that reading between the lines, that Bessler (especially as he got older) did not wish for the discovery to remain a secret and he at least hoped that with what he left behind someone would be aided in the rediscovery, or be enlightened as he was.

  6. Szanowny Panie John.
    Moim zdaniem J. Bessler narysował wszystko czym należy się zając . Naszym zadaniem jest ten jeden rysunek zbadać i przetestować jego . To jest nasze zadanie . Nie ma żadnych kodów.
    Trzeba zakasać rękawy i do badania.

    1. According to google translation, ‘Dear Mr. John.
      In my opinion, J. Bessler drew everything that should be taken care of. Our task is to examine this one and test it. This is our task. There are no codes.
      You have to roll up your sleeves and to study.

      To which I reply, the codes are there but are not necessary to understand Bessler’s wheel.

    2. Na co odpowiadam, kody są tam, ale nie są konieczne, aby zrozumieć whe Besslera


    3. Szanowny Panie John.
      Ja mam 56 lat. Od 11 lat uczę się tej geometrycznej sztuki ciężkości - heaviness.
      Przepraszam, że tak ostro zanegowałem istnienie kodów, jednakże uważam , że to nie są kody lecz wskazówki.
      Bardzo szanuję Ciebie za Twoje artykuły i Twój wkład w to wspólne dzieło.
      Na przykład : Johan Bessler / Orf fyre : frO - oznacza : powrotem.
      Pomiędzy : Orf a fyre oznacza dodatkowe przejście .
      „Tego nikt nie uczy” J. Bessler.

    4. Dear Mr. John.
      I'm 56 years old. For 11 years I have been learning this geometric art of heaviness - heaviness.
      I am sorry that I denied the existence of codes so sharply, but I think that these are not codes but hints.
      I respect you very much for your articles and your contribution to this shared work.
      For example: Johan Bessler / Orf fyre: frO - means back.
      Between: Orf and fyre means an additional transition.
      "Nobody teaches this" J. Bessler.

    5. You are right, they are clues or hints that we have discussed but I have other information which is more than a hint or a clue.

      Masz rację, są to wskazówki lub wskazówki, o których dyskutowaliśmy, ale mam inne informacje, które są czymś więcej niż wskazówką lub wskazówką.


    6. Dear Mr. John.
      I am a practicing geometry of heaviness.
      If you want, you can ask me about the truthfulness of the information you have.
      I am authorized to do so by the knowledge I have.
      If you do not want to ask me directly, write a new article about a similar topic and put it on your blog.
      I read your blog for all years.

  7. Bessler wrote by hand that MT still after destroying some pages, holds enough information to find the Perpetual Motion among them! But he say it's not in plain sight, but for a discerning mind only! Information that is not in plain sight, but still there, is called hidden information or a hidden code if you like. Remember there are Text, Numbers, geometry and mechanical art in the pictures. He doesn't say in what art the secret lies. If not all.. (But not none, because he say so) If the information on the other hand is left in plain text or drawing it's called just information.

    Besslers papers and books actually uses and proves several traditional codes. Actually I am holding public lectures and live presentations about them these days. So saying there is no code is like saying ha hasn't left information to us to restore the secret. He say he has! And it's aøways the author that has the upper word about his official and hidden meaning in his work. And the fact that he wanted the state to take care of the book, would mean that it was important for Bessler that someone decodes the information that he say is in MT! By what method he doesn't say, bu a discerning mind will find out!

    So, John, indirectly Bessler said and acted that he wanted to be acknowledged after his death!

  8. Yes, there are clues in MT. Of course, when he was arrested, he probably wanted to leave some information since he didn't know how long he would stay in prison.

    "...someone decodes the information that he say is in MT! By what method he doesn't say, bu a discerning mind will find out! "

    What? What are you talking about? He never ever mentioned about a code in MT. He clearly stated there were some mechanisms in drawings, which can be used to deduce the real working mechanism.

    It is not the same thing to say there are clues and to say there is a hidden code. "The code" idea is just pure speculation and fabrication. Go ahead, try to solve the code, but please, please do not talk like Bessler really told there was a hidden code in his works. Because, I see, in years, "the code" idea has turned into a big "pink" lie that you are telling yourselves and it turns whole subject into an esoteric mumbo jumbo.

  9. I only quoted Bessler's words. He wrote that a discerning mind will finally find his PM secret among the MT pages! How, is for a discerning mind to find out. Obviously the information is not in plain sight, or you could build from one of the drawings! True or not?

    1. Quite right Øystein, and your work on the various historical codes is widely recognised. I’m certain that once Besslers wheel has been reconstructed and working the rest of the world will become aware of your own research and become curious to see where it leads.


    2. ..then his material will be accepted by the "elite". It's much easier believing there was a system to his "madness" if Wikipedia or a professor say, than if you er me say so. Most of all, I think your own work will be saluted. I can't say it enough how happy I am, that I discovered him, thanks to you. And if I "knew" he was for sure a charlatan, I would have soon forgotten about him..

  10. So when Bessler write: An acute mind (or a discerning mind) will readily see and grasp what to make of this thing. How do you know what to make of this thing. You speak as you are this acute mind. You simply don't know. Only one thing is for sure. He doesn't mean that you should build it. But what to make of it then? So letæs not name it a code, but a protocol. The drawing has a non working machine, some number and text. What to make of it? You tell.

    1. And by that, I don't say that I'm that acute mind! But you can't say something isn't there just because you don't think so. There are coinciding information in MT leading to more knowledge that is seen at first sight. That's all I state at this point. If you believe the missing information that Bessler say was for discerning mind to discover, has no order or system, that's fine by me, but it doesn't mean it have to be true.

  11. The code is just an interpretation of his writings. Being objective is very important when you try to solve a problem.
    Objectively speaking, we cannot tell if there is a code or not, may be there is, but one thing is certainly objectively TRUE, that is, Bessler never ever mentioned about a hidden code in any of his works.

    When I read John, he is always writing that Bessler mentioned about a code for posthumous acknowledgment, which is not true at all. People should know the objective truth. John must tell that this view is his personal interpretation. I don't want John to lose his credibility.

    I think Bessler was a very practical man. Look at his drawings , they are not perfect and exact. Look MT side notes. The writing was quick and sloppy. I really don't think there is a hidden code which will come to light by measuring precise angles and distances in his works.

    1. I hope to surprise you later this year, yellow with a working reconstruction of Bessler’s wheel, obtained from Bessler’s clues. I could have used the word ‘codes’ but I have to admit that although there are codes they have only a minor part to play in recovering his design.

      It’s hard to explain but I guess there are ‘hints’, then there are ‘clues’ and lastly there is ‘coded information’. Defining whether a particular piece of information deliberately sown by Bessler is a hint, a clue or a piece coded information depends on whether you recognise it as such or prefer to believe it is simply mystification by Bessler.


    2. I hope so John. You deserve it.

      For me, MT is the most important document of Bessler. It was supposed to be his text book on PM.
      What I don't understand is his "I cannot talk about it right now, when I will pull the curtain you will see" tone in his side notes. It is weird. There must be a reason for that strange manner. I assume those side notes may have been written pretty quickly before the arrest. Other than that it is really meaningless to write some notes in that tone.

      Do you have any idea why he used such a manner in his notes in MT?

  12. What I'm finding out is; all of the MTs, hints / clues, and maybe the codes, are of little use-------------You have to figure it out for your self; how it was done. I say, forget the clues, and try to figure out what will work. Sam Peppiatt

    1. And so we are 300+ years later not much closer to the final product shall we say. Many have tried, many have yet to succeed. So if a man can use the means by what has been supplied hints, clues, tips, and anecdotal info to better his chance to succeed why not. The rabbit hole may be deep but it is wide enough for us to go down until you get to the depths of the final destination where things will get a little narrow. Some will be lost along the way others will stay the course to get to the final prize.

    2. You can't give me one single clue that you know to be correct; there fore, unfortunately, you will have to use your brain to figure it out how it worked. Sam

    3. So then as Oystein quoted above "An acute mind (or a discerning mind) will readily see and grasp what to make of this thing." Do you not use your brain or discerning mind to figure it out? As MT drawings point out things that don't fully work but have part of the principle that could be used to discern what would or should work unless you wish to reinvent the wheel yourself have at it then. It could be said that it is your wheel and not Bessler's because you didn't want to use some of the info Bessler provided as hints ,clues, etc. Good luck copying every step Bessler made and hundreds of others have made only that Bessler figured it out by thought, trial and error, education, craftmanship, and possibly divine inspiration.

    4. See Johns Blog
      Monday, 4 November 2013
      The Six Drawings which hold the Key to Bessler's Wheel.

    5. ... taking various illustrations together and combining them with a discerning mind, it will indeed be possible to look for a movement and, finally to find one in them'. "

      That might be very well the case. But only look at the goblins. The rest has no meaning.


  13. Maybe the secret mechanism is hidden on the back of the Declaration of Independence. But it’s invisible. We’ll have to use the special eye glasses that Benjamin Franklin invented so that we can see how it was made.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Bessler had the special glasses in his hand in the second portrait of himself see Johns Blog Saturday, 1 September 2012
      Bessler's double portrait - what was the purpose?

  15. Think people, think.

    “All things belong to one of three kingdoms end you have the evidence before you.”

    What do you have before you? AP. He calls it evidence. All the info is there, however, very cryptic. AP is the most important info. There is nothing useful in MT except the little goblins that are using kid’s toys like a swing(pendulum), wipwap(lever) or the scissor mechanism. It probably hints to the internal structure being a combination of those.


    1. Look at MT 86. The goblin is doing work by swinging. Exactly what Bessler says about where the movement is comming from. The swinging of the weights.


  16. Hello John
    On your home page of the ( the link to ( does not work gives 404 error I think there is an extra period at the end of the link. The link to on the blog here works ok.

    1. Thanks for the heads-up. I missed the .com off. The other link on the same page, to the Orffyreus page works fine. I’ll,correct it


  17. Come on people, where’s your since of humor? I was just kidding about the Declaration of Independence! I guess no one has seen the movie National Treasure.

    Oh well, I’ll just continue with the mini gravity driven device that I’m building. Maybe I’ll have a break through some time soon.

  18. I think John is the one with the most clue to build a wheel, "the wheel", he is in no hurry, as I was when I was sure I saw the grail. I still have my certainties, but I skate to put them in order, it is more complex than it seems.
    That he reassures himself, even if it does not work, will surely be the beginning of a great development on the part of all the fans of Bessler.
    Happy holidays john.

  19. I sill insist; that all of the so called "clues" won't get you very far. At the end of the day, you will have to figure out in your own mind the way that Bessler was able to get his wheel to work. But what do I know? I'm just a farm boy.
    Sam Peppiatt

  20. I agree, a discerning mind will see the ( potential) of a movement by combining that information, with his own personal test results will he finally seek and finally find the long sought after solution. Everyone hold their hands up if they believe that they have figured out the magical mechanism out .......! all those who have a discerning mind hold their hands up......! We have a Majority in the house Get this done


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...