Saturday, 10 November 2018

My Wheel is Still a Work in Progress.

I often get emails asking me how my own build is going and when do I expect to finish it.  I have corresponded with some writers to discuss these and other points they raised and have tried to answer them as best I can without giving anything away;  and that particular point is frequently criticised!

I have claimed during the last couple of years or so,  that I know how Bessler’s wheel worked and that I’m building a prototype, but some people complain that I should wait no longer but immediately publish what I know now, in case something should happen to me before the information is released. They also accuse me of being selfish by not sharing this information.

Fine, I admit to being selfish.  I do want to be the first since Johann Bessler to demonstrate his wheel by showing a working model.  I do want to be acknowledged as the discoverer of his secret.  But I also believe that the majority of people researching this subject share the same desire, but even so, I would be content if someone else should succeed before me, either with a working model or a set of instructions showing how it worked.  In the end it’s important that this technology is released to the world.  And that brings me to my other response to the criticism that the information might be lost if I should depart this life before I had completed my build.  I have almost completed a full account of the information required to build Bessler’s wheel and I am currently engaged in making sure that the information is released in the event of my early demise.

I once (or twice!) published the claim that I knew how Bessler’s wheel worked  on some forums and got told to publish or shut up.  I realised how very irritating it is when people say that and keep the information to themselves.  So why am I doing it here and now?  It’s part of a response to many people who have emailed me with several questions.  It’s also because, as someone pointed out, this is my space.and I can write what I like, but to do so on public spaces not under my jurisdiction is rude, ill-mannered and breaks the rules of etiquette.  I don't know if that's true but I'll abide by the advice.

My wheel progresses slowly for several reasons.  Family illnesses intrude taking up time I could  use building, but my family comes first.  I have made some changes in the material I used to make the mechanisms. Initially I always used mild steel strips and they were predrilled with a number of holes not unlike meccano, but the thin strips of the steel I subsequently bought were still too thick, not for the actual mechanism to work but because there are are close to one hundred holes to be drilled and each one was taking too long to drill through and the drill bits were becoming blunt and the holes off centre etc, etc.  I subsequently tried using styrene but that was also unsuitable. So I’m back to using aluminium, but initially I could not find any which was both thin enough and narrow enough for my purposes.  Finally I found a source, so I shall continue to work on it as and when I can.

You would think that after so many years of building these wheels that I would be highly organised and not suffer from such basic problems, but I had been using the same raw material for many years, cannibalising former builds to save time and expense.  When the time came and I was 100 per cent positive that I had the correct design on paper I thought it right to use new untainted material for my final prototype!

One more thing which is a follow-up to my previous blog, someone emailed me about how to proceed when a wheel is found to work and they suggested using monetised YouTube and pointing me towards some information about potential income. It was suggested that the successful wheel-maker could place a video of his wheel and earn a fortune. But I think that those days when some people were earning more than 10 million dollars are over because regulation has been tightened up and the big advertisers who used to place ads are stopping because their ads sometimes appeared along side videos.they felt were unsuitable for their image.  I guess the time to look into that is when you have a working model - and a video of it.



  1. I have to back up a little; not sure what to do with my wheel. I tried to explain it on the Bessler wheel forum, not a single response from anyone, nothing. I get the feeling, no one want's to know how Besslers wheel worked. I don't understand it. Sam Peppiatt

    1. Sam, where is your post at I did search on your name and no main posts came up. Please give me a link.

    2. Quazgaa Seeco, Please see below, Sam

  2. If people don't think your design will produce a working wheel, they are not going to discuss it. You might get a better response by describing what movement in your wheel generates excess energy. If you can't do that, then you don't really know the science or mechanics behind your design and you can't expect any techie at BW to show any interest.

    1. Maybe you are right, they, like you think I'm too stupid to figure out.
      One things for sure, I'm wasting my time trying to explain it to them.
      Sam Peppiatt

  3. Wow, you really have a chip on your shoulder Sam. If you can't explain your ideas so others can understand them and get excited about them like you then build a model and show people and then answer questions.

    1. Anonymous,

      I'm working on it.

      I've figured it out. This is the way they think. "Don't you, (Sam Peppiatt), presume to tell me how Bessler's wheel worked, when I don't know, so how could you possibly know!"

      And, you're right, I'm screwed up. Sam

    2. Sam, I did not see your explanation on the forum either. Please post it here or email it to me and I will post in my next blog.


  4. To all,
    Sure, I'll take another stab at it. My wheel has six swastika style spokes. The weights slide on the spokes. They work in pairs as one slides in the other slides out. This fits wiki clue #2, and I think the best way to OOB a wheel.

    The swastika shaped spoke is a major break through, because the weights can slide from side to side when the outer part of the spoke is horizontal. At or about the six and 12 O'clock positions. This makes the wheel top heavy and or bottom heavy with out having to lift the weights up.

    1. Continued,
      The weights are reset with a spring. A 2nd rod is parallel to the rod that the weights slide on and can pivot about five degrees to and away from the first rod. A spring is connected between the two rods. One end of the spring hooks to the weight, the other end to a linear bearing on the other rod. By tipping the the rod that pivots a little closer or a little farther away from the fixed rod, (the one that the weight slides on), causes the weight to move in and out. This rod, the one that pivots extends in towards the center of the wheel. A small weight on the end of it moves it up and or down when the rods are horizontal.

      I have to try it yet to make sure but looks like it will work. Sam Peppiatt

    2. SHOULD BE BOTTOM LIGHT---------

    3. John Collins, I think it's ironic that you show a swastika in your book!

    4. Indeed anon, I studied various versions of the swastika design and had dismissed it many years ago, but I might have been wrong, yes very ironic if it turns out that way.


  5. Well there you have it, such as it is. I apologias for being so pissy, Sam


  6. Sam as others have asked please give a link to your topic on so I can see your renderings of your autogravitywheel to help me understand the detail. With just your description here it is hard to visualize and calculate any excess turning moments allowing excess angular momentum and reset from a standing start. That is if that is why you say it will autoturn? You may have another reason? Thank you.

  7. Anonymous,

    See BW, Landgraf karl von Hessen-Kassel, p. 23 & 24 Probably not much help.
    Let me try it first, if it works, I can measure the stall torque. FWEIW, the weights are 10 oz. ea., stroke 5 inches, 2.5" each way of center and there are 6 of them. And it is 3 feet in diameter. Sam

    1. Up date, Wheel not going, I can make a few adjustments, but so far it looks to be another non-runner--------------Sam Peppiatt

  8. I found your postings Sam. They start here over two pages.

    I couldn't see any pictures or drawings in that topic so I looked for your album page in the menu. It appears you have never loaded any renderings for any topic. So it is hard to understand the detail of why this will autoturn.

    You can draw your design out on graph paper and write in the positive and negative turning moments when weights are at each position you describe. You can ignore all other mass except for ones that change radius or radial like the small weight activated levers with spring attached that force the weights to slide across. continued

  9. These have to be included no matter how small they are. Repeat the graph page turning moment analysis between the 60 degree limits of reset [for 6 arms]. So it should be easy just to draw 3 pictures of 0, 30 [mid point], and 60 degrees and calculate the net turning moments for each picture. Cheaper but probably less informative than a hands on real build.

    I am sure people have suggested this analysis to you before so my apologies if I am repeating the obvious and you have already done this.

  10. Anonymous, Yes, you are right, a lot cheaper. Thanks for your help. I appreciate it! Thanks again, Sam

    1. From turning moments you calculate positive and negative torques which takes into account the angle of a weight to a datum like a pivot. The more step drawings you have drawn the more accurate will be the overall picture of the average positive and negative torques of your weight displacement design to see if there is an excess of torque available to reset.

  11. Guys, what do you think, can the Jacob's ladder toy on the toys page be actually a chain? Do you know if there are theories about this?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. In the past it has been suggested on BW that the Toys A & B may represent a straightened section of a continuous hanging linked chain, mainly because of the visual similarities. That's as far as it got as I remember.

  15. Thanks for the responses guys.

    What do you mean by straightened?

  16. A continuous chain hanging around a pulley wheel is an oval or elongated circular shape. Two portions or sections of the chain have lesser curvature than the others due to that shape conformity. If one of the lesser curved portions (or any section) was laid out on a table it would be 'straightened'. A Jacobs Ladder is also a biblical narrative about how angels physically climbed to and from heaven. It is also the name for an age old toy that creates a visual illusion of blocks flipping over themselves when one end is held up, and then it is reversed. The blocks lose gravity potential energy in the flipping over process restored when you hold up the other end of the 'chain'.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Steve. At the top of this page, right side, is an old email address I use here.


  18. I have been sitting on my final design for a while now, I have it in animation form... so i must say that it seems to follow some of the "laws" that Bessler spoke about, mainly, half empty and half full or more likely "heavy and full on one side and empty and light on the other. the thing about my design is there are only six parts ,well, 7 counting the wheel itself.

  19. Very exciting news for us all......Will this be converted to a working model? any updates from your work John?


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  I wish all of you a happy new year!  This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...