Monday, 14 December 2020

Are There Any Unprejudiced Documentary Makers Out There?

The efforts to encourage the world’s governments to take action to try to slow global warming is becoming ever more intense.  Besides planning on reducing or eventually ceasing the manufacture of gas driven cars and the burning of all fossil fuel by a certain date, the search continues for a new form of energy with which we can power our lives.  The obvious solution is electricity, but the means to generate it without the current issues attached to that is proving difficult - and storing it at an economical price remains an obstinately intractable problem.

So why is it that we still can’t persuade any of the world's scientists, innovators, entrepreneurs or wealthy investors to take an unbiased look at the evidence of Johann Bessler’s wheel, and realise that the problem of global warming might just lie within this simple mechanical device?  The answer is always the same; gravity is not an energy source.  How many times have you read that?  Too many!

Of course it’s true, but it is still used as an energy source indirectly.  Everything which involves a motion which relies on gravity needs a system such as rain to replenish what ever has fallen i.e., water, or it has to be lifted back to its  starting point, weights.  There are lots of way this is done, and by doing this we use gravity as an energy source - yes I know....indirectly.  

Bessler’s wheel also used gravity but was able to lift the fallen weights back up ready to fall again.  Another concept we’ve all read over and over again!  At some point  Bessler’s wheel will reappear and everyone will say, ‘of course, it’s obvious, why did no one think of that before?’  Why indeed.  It’s not for want of trying, and if the world at large did not laugh at our pathetic attempts to create a perpetual motion machine like Johann Bessler’s, we who inhabit this niche world would be more forthcoming in public, whereas we only have each other at this time.

When I flew to Rome to be interviewed for RA1 TV,  I was talked to on a one to one basis, but when the documentary came out there were several experts shown who gave their views on my interview and basically dismissed Bessler’s claims along with myself and the rest of us.  We need a documentary done by someone who is open to the suggestion that Bessler’s claims need to be re-examined and the evidence of his success reviewed.  I’m sure it would grab a lot of attention and maybe focus the minds of those who might be interested in financing legitimate professional researchers with a laboratory full of engineers using the best equipment.



  1. JC wrote "Bessler’s wheel also used gravity but was able to lift the fallen weights back up ready to fall again. Another concept we’ve all read over and over again!"

    But, that is NOT what Bessler wrote in AP (see page 334) which is:

    “Listen – my weights are not like those in turnspits and clocks. They don’t need to be raised up – it’s a different arrangement altogether from what you see in mill-wheels, turnspits and clocks. This is all mentioned in Part One; read it at your leisure. Have I got to slap you on the snout with it, you ignorant half-wit, before you properly understand it?”

    1. Why would you wish to use such offensive language to make your point. That is the second time you have chosen to use profanity, please desist or go somewhere else in future.

      To answer your point, you’re wrong again just like the last time. Bessler is telling us that his weights don’t need to be lifted up as they do in a turnspit or a clock. Such a requirement is not used in his wheels.


    2. John, that "offensive language" is not being used by anon 20:44 against you, in particular. That language is what BESSLER used in AP and was intended for those that were misinterpreting how his wheels actually worked and promoting that misinterpretation. Anon 20:44 was just quoting Bessler. You also seem to be misinterpreting how Bessler's wheels worked with your original statement in the blog entry above, but, then, you make a quick reversal in your reply to anon 20:44. You go from saying the weights need to be lifted up to saying they don't need to be lifted up.

    3. Maybe I haven’t explained it clearly enough? Bessler is saying that unlike the turnspit and the clock both of which had to have their weights lifted manually from time to time, in other words wound up, his wheel does not need that manual action, in his wheel the weights are lifted as required with no outside manual assistance. It seems perfectly clear to me so I don’t know why anyone does not understand.


    4. Oh I see, I didn’t recognise the language was from AP, my mistake!


    5. I think what Bessler was actually saying was that what really counted in his wheels was what was happening to the center of gravity of their weights as a wheel rotated. That center DID need to be constantly lifted up or the wheel could not have remained overbalanced. But, as John suggests, that lifting did not require any outside energy be applied to the weights inside of the wheel which, supposedly, were mounted on levers or flexible arms of some sort. But, that constant lifting needed a constant supply of energy. Where did that energy come from? It couldn't have been from gravity or any conventional form of energy. Whatever the source was it not only had to be powerful enough to keep lifting a wheel's center of gravity just as fast as a running wheel tried to lower it, but it also had to have enough extra power to operate some outside machine attached to a wheel's axle.

    6. The energy had to come from gravity, there is no other form present.


    7. There could be another form of energy present inside a wheel. That Ken B guy pushes the concept of the energy being provided by the energy contained in the masses of a wheel's weights. He uses the idea of the energy and mass equivalence equation e = mc^2 to justify that. If he's right then one of Bessler's wheels would work just as well if put into a giant centrifuge and spun around out in space where there is no planet gravity around. But with his approach the mass of the weights would slowly decrease over time as the wheel did external work but it could take millions of years before the weights lost all of their mass! So he's really saying that Bessler's wheels weren't "perpetual" forever just for a very long but finally ending amount of time.

  2. The task of convincing the academic community that PM is a possibility pales in comparison to the shit storm that awaits anyone that attempts to patent or muscle in on big energy. In the US, politicians want to tax electric vehicle owners and homeowners with solar panels to make up for loses in energy taxes. You think the big energy is going to sit by and let some poor schmuck nobody bring something like free energy to the public. At best you might expect to create a desk ornament for executives, but that’s it.

    1. Yes I do think it will be accepted and I never would try to patent if it was I who presented it to the world.


  3. The only chance you have is by approaching big energy directly and offering them a NO cost replacement to their current energy generation machinery. If big energy can produce the same amount of power at NO to little cost, their profits will soar, and they will be on you like fleegle flies on a flat-faced floogle horse.

    1. Again I disagree. Once details are published, the genie is out of the bottle and can’t be put back.


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    3. BS SG - for years you've been beating the same drum with no follow through. If it's that simple to understand, and Karl said it was easy to understand and simple to build, in support of Bessler's claims, then draw the simple mechanical principle up. Sim it if you can. Build it even better. Then simultaneously release to,, Here, and You Tube. Job done. Of course don't rely on predictive text and check your work before posting to not look like a complete fool.

    4. @anon 1:40
      How can you even DARE to question the supreme wisdom of SG?! Don't you realize yet that he is this blog's TOP GURU and as such is INFALLIBLE when it comes to Bessler and his wheels. His pronouncements must NEVER be questioned ever. Shame, shame, shame on you!

  4. You need to write to Josh Gates host of 'Expedition Unknown' and the ilk. There are a raft of quite serious investigators in their own shows on Discovery Channel and History Channel at the moment. If Discovery and History can fund infotainment shows on the hunt for treasures like Forrest Fenn's and The Secret Of Skinwalker Ranch etc then they will be looking for potential high interest and high ratings shows of scientific interest to the curious. Let's face it's got to be a step up from 'Finding Bigfoot' where they never do any enviro/eco-genetic dna testing, or thrue scientific process etc.

  5. The scientists won't accept the reality of Bessler's wheels until and unless we can either explain to them how the wheels could put out energy without magically making it out of thin air or we can actually provide them with a working wheel for them to examine and analyze. Without those, their first law of thermodynamics will continue to prevent any acceptance. Maybe things will change in the future. We can only try to remain hopeful.

    Bessler Curious

    1. There are people in influential positions who are supportive of my efforts so I think this spreading of gloom and despondency and negativity is overdone and uncalled for. There are always ways and means of spreading the good news of a successful build.


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    3. No Stephen, they don’t ‘stroke my ego’ as you presume, they have accepted the evidence of my book and later correspondence between us has confirmed their belief in Bessler and, just like the rest of us, they seek a solution. They are unwilling to publicise their support but would do so if they or someone else were to produce a proof of principle wheel.


    4. Something tells me that if a PoP wheel ever shows up and it isn't putting out tons of energy you'll find their "support" quickly evaporating as they all quietly put their check books right back in their pockets. Talk is cheap and a person's real dedication to a cause is determined by how much of his own hard earned cash he's willing to risk on it.

  6. I always thought Bessler was a gifted man, (medicine, poetry, construction of all kinds) .
    Leibniz met Bessler and for this Leibniz there is no doubt that Bessler got his hands on something that surpassed him, and to surpass Leibniz it is already an exploit (integral calculation, calculating machine, etc) at least of Newton's level at the time.
    So yes, I think Bessler is telling the truth, but given his character and his past, his discovery in his eyes was untransferable.
    On the final machine, I don't think we have to lift a weight, it goes up by itself trying to return to equilibrium, like a balance, after the why it is still a mystery, I still have the impression that we are moving forward.
    Thank you JC for all that you do.

    Translated with (free version)

    1. Yes! The weighted levers were always in a state of balance relative to themselves but always out of balance relative to the wheel. When that then made the wheel turn and upset their balance relative to themselves, they responded by immediately shifting about to restore that balance relative to themselves again. How very simple it was!

  7. Thank you thx4. I’d been interested to know where you are from?


  8. Is there anyone who would take it seriously that it was really a self moving flying wheel, that as it rotated it floated on thin air, bobbing up and down five times per rotation.
    If I published the mechanism that causes that, would you even look at it ?

    1. I mean publish it openly on the internet, the mechanism of the worlds first heavier than air flying machine that was also self moving, which was THE Bessler wheel, would anyone ever bother to look at it! Or will we all be prejudiced.
      I know if that was true I should have known about it years ago, but I did not know because of repressed memory .

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    4. Absolutely brilliant idea, Derek! Bessler's wheels were not destroyed by him. He just opened up their axle bearings up when they were running at full speed and let them fly off into the clear blue sky over Saxony. I bet that must have produced a lot of flying saucer stories that unfortunately we have no record of. But there could have been another pm wheel inventor who lived before Bessler was born who was doing the same thing to get rid of his pm wheels before someone could steal their secrets. The sightings of that earlier inventor's flyaway wheels resulted in an image of one of them actually being put on a French token known as a "jeton" that was used for counting purposes. They were minted in 1680 which is the same year Bessler was born! FAWK Bessler may have gotten his hands on one of these tokens and it gave him the same idea to get rid of his own wheels! In this photo of one of the tokens you can even see part of the wooden axle still attached to that earlier inventor's flying wheel!

    5. @anon 17:49
      Bessler's wheels didn't fly and that "ufo" on the jeton is really just a shield symbol someone put up in the sky for some reason. Maybe the guy who designed that 1680 jeton did actually see a ufo and put the shield there because the ufo reminded him of a shield up in the sky? Those jetons were used to teach people how to count money and also as a substitute for real money in games. Anyway, here's another jeton minted in 1648 in France and you can see the same symbol only that time its inverted and stopping an incoming rain of arrows which is one of the things a shield was used for.

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    1. As is so often the case with your comments Stephen, I have no idea why you are laughing nor whether it’s Derek or thnx4 that amuses you so.


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    3. Thanks for the heads up Stephen, it wasn’t me, it was my iPad! LOL


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Our TOP GURU is in fine form today! He achieves that by sounding as mysterious as he possibly can. Then when everyone complains that his babblings make no sense whatsoever his ego is further inflated as they PROVE to him once again that they have still not yet reached his level of supreme guru understanding of Bessler's wheels. But be patient everyone and pay careful attention to his every word. In fact save them all in a folder on your desktop and study them regularly. If you are truly one of the worthy ones they will in a few years time pull you up to SG's level of supreme understanding. When that happens you will be so very happy and grateful to him for having helped you.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The problem in medical science is exactly the same as in the science of physics, defending beliefs is far more important than establishing the truth.

  12. I am working on a pdf that I am going to publish, it will contain the mechanism of the Bessler wheel that did fly, I will have it ready within the next week . I will announce on here when I have it uploaded .

    1. Thanks, Derek. We shall all be eagerly looking forward to it.

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    3. Yes, yes, YES! DS has obviously climbed the ladder, rung the bell, and pulled the curtain aside. He's found the secret of Bessler's flying wheels! We are all in for a very rare treat! I can hardly wait!

    4. Its like a yo-yo, the falling of the wheel is what causes the rotation.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...