Monday, 7 December 2020

The Need to Find the Solution to PM Continues in 2021.

This has been a traumatic year for everyone but hopefully 2021 will be better with the successful administering of one or more of the proven vaccines against Covid-19.  Things tend to look brighter in the spring and I have that same old feeling I get each year that the new year will herald the birth of the new version of Johann Bessler’s wheel, a working replica of his original one.

This year, as every year, I remain confident because I found what I think is the solution ....again!  I have been working on the same design for maybe three years only to find I had made a mistake.  Three years of effort to come to a standstill.  But that’s par for the course in this field of endeavour and a common experience among all of us and we never, ever give up.  Because even though the ultimate reward may be less than we hoped for, to receive acknowledgement for our achievement would mean the world to us. But the reward could be huge both financially as well as beneficially for the planet Earth, leading to climate cooling, pollution reducing, energy saving.

What an amazing achievement for who ever succeeds, and it could be anybody and possibly more than one.  To prove all the naysayers wrong - the scornful, the scientists, teachers and of course the bulk of the populations, how very satisfying that would be!  So let’s all recharge our batteries over the holidays and start afresh with renewed vigour, optimism and determination not to let this solution evade our best efforts in 2021.

I’ll be 76 in February, some 60 years since I first learned of the legend of Bessler’s wheel, and I think it’s about time I was proved correct in my conviction that Johann Bessler did not defraud anyone about his claim to have invented the perpetual motion device for which he became so famous, (or notorious). So anybody out there who thinks they might have the answer, get to work, build a PoP wheel, or make a sim that proves we were right all those years ago.



  1. You want to celebrate peoples lives being ruined by the 'vaccine' for 'covid 19' , with the release of the bessler wheel ! YOU WONT BE DOING THAT YOU IDIOT JOHN

    1. Thank you for your opinion, I’ve seen enough people who have had their lives ruined by catching the virus, so calling me an idiot doesn’t impress me. There are a number of people who are still suffering the effects of COVID-19 several months after they had ‘recovered’, so if this ruinous vaccine prevents them catching the virus in the first place then I welcome it.


    2. The companies making these new mRNA vaccines are getting ready to inject them into tens of millions of people in the coming months. But, the NEW vaccine technology they are based on has never before been used in human vaccines! Also, the companies only have to prove that their vaccines have no immediate or short term dangers. They cannot prove that they will have no long term dangers with "long term" meaning over two years after a vaccination. No one really knows what will happen then to people getting them.

      Here's an article with some more information:

    3. Just saw on the news that they shot up the two first people, an elderly male and female, with the Pfizer vaccine over in the UK. So far they seem to be okay. They approved this two stage vaccine over in the UK last week, but haven't yet approved it over in the US. Wonder what will happen if the US does not approve it because of safety concerns? Should be interesting to see how they handle that over in the UK. They'll probably just ignore it and keep shooting everyone up with it. Still not hearing anyone talking about any side effects from the vaccinations. Wonder why? Because there aren't any or maybe they are purposely downplaying them so everyone will go in for their shots?

    4. That second guy they shot up with the new vaccine over in the UK is named William Shakespeare! It said he's a resident of Warwickshire. Sounds like he's a neighbor of yours John.

      There are some side effects to that vaccine that they finally mentioned. It can give you a sore arm, fatigue, and a low fever, but these only last a few days. The first shot gives you about 50% protection after ten days and the second shot you get three weeks later takes you up to 95%.

    5. Yes he had his shot in Coventry, about ten miles from me, and Stratford-on -Avon is nearer. Jokes just poste....

      The Taming of the Flu” ...and “The Two Gentlemen of Corona”. And someone

      asked if Ms Keenan was patient 1A, then was Mr Shakespeare “Patient 2B or not 2B?”!


    6. Hahaha...nice puns! How about "Merchant of Virus" and "Tempestilence"?

  2. Well said John!! Will a video made in the USA play in the UK or does it need a modification or different "code" ? Thanks

  3. Not a video, its Fox news.

  4. A virologist actually allowed on the mainstream controlled media, to warn us about this 'vaccine'.

  5. Hello again John, I mean a video of my Bessler movement, not political news.

    1. I don’t know but we could try it.


    2. Any food, medication, or vaccine always has the potential to produce a very rare fatal allergic reaction in SOME people. There have been people who have died after eating a few peanuts! Most of us can eat peanuts without being killed by them though. The companies producing these vaccines are required to test them on tens of thousands of human volunteers before declaring them safe. So far no one has reported anyone being killed by any of the vaccines. There was a single case of a man down in Brazil, IIRC, who died after getting an experimental vaccine, but his death was attributed to some other cause.

      The Pfizer vaccine so far looks like it's safe but unfortunately requires us to run in for two injections. The first is a "primer" and the second, three weeks later, is the "booster". This vaccine is not 100% effective so a person could, after getting it, still get infected by and sick from Covid-19 and he might still be infectious to others. So far no one knows how long a vaccinated person will be immune from the infection if the vaccine works for him. Even with the vaccine we will still need to wear masks for months afterward. The good news is that those vaccinated who did get sick from Covid-19 didn't get sick enough to need to be hospitalized because their breathing wasn't impaired enough.

    3. vaccines, this coronavirus and peanuts are all the same. There isn't a problem with them, one of them is even a food source.
      The problem is the state of peoples immune system.
      The increasing number of "allergens" shows clearly we are generally less able to cope with, what should be "not a big problem".
      Our bodies are no longer able to function optimally at a cellular level because of the toxic nature of all our fundamental needs; food, water and most importantly air.
      Endocrine disruptors disrupt the endocrine system, this causes the body difficulty in correctly regulating the immune system and a few peanuts is enough to throw everything into chaos.
      It is like blaming evreyone else for our own mistakes.
      The problem is within us and not whatever triggers our problem.

    4. Some lady doctor on tv said that some people had bad reactions to the Pfizer vaccine during its testing on volunteers. Four people got something called "Bell's Palsy" (yes, it's named after the inventor of the telephone Alexander Graham Bell) which is an inflammation of a nerve in the face that causes your face muscles to be paralyzed. Fortunately it's only temporary and since you will be wearing a mask no one will notice. Lol! She said she shoots people up with various vaccines during the day and that we can probably expect the side effects to be worse than with the flu shot but not as bad as with the shingles shot. The British health people however are warning anybody with a history of allergic reactions especially to eggs might want to avoid taking the vaccine. Someone else said if you do have allergic reactions easily you should keep your EpiPen handy in case you start to go into anaphylactic shock after vaccination. That is a very rare reaction though. I think if you get vaccinated and don't have a serious reaction within the first hour you'll probably be okay.

    5. The reason the British healthcare people are suddenly cautioning people about allergic reactions to the Pfizer vaccine is because two of their front line healthcare workers had severe allergic reactions to it after being vaccinated and needed emergency treatment before they went into anaphylactic shock.

      It's too bad they can't give you some sort of skin patch test BEFORE they inject you with a big dose to make sure you are not allergic to the virus proteins in the dose. They advise people to do that with regular over the counter hair coloring products that can cause some really nasty allergic skin reactions in sensitive people. Why not recommend the same for a vaccine that is new?

    6. It was recently mentioned that Pfizer EXCLUDED certain people from their vaccine safety testing volunteers who had a history of past serious allergic reactions. They also excluded kids and pregnant women. That means the "safety" data on their new vaccine is actually INCOMPLETE! Now we're seeing a list of people being shown who should NOT be getting their vaccine! I notice that some of the doctors are switching from mentioning "rare" or "occasional" side effects to talking about "FREQUENT" side effects which are all due to the vaccine stimulating one's immune system! That's what it's supposed to do, of course, but if it over stimulates it a person could wind up fighting for his life! IIRC one doctor said people should pop a benadryl tablet before getting vaccinated to help prevent their immune systems from having an initial over reaction. The reality is that one cannot really know how his body will react to being injected with it until AFTER he's injected and once it's in he will have to ride it out no matter what happens. To put a serious dent in this pandemic, they need to get about 80% of all Americans vaccinated with it. I think that's going to be a lot harder to do than the the public health people think it will be.

    7. They're experimenting with the first drive through vaccination center in the US. You just drive up, let your left hang out the window, and a nurse injects you with the Pfizer vaccine. It's kind of like an assembly line approach. But, I notice that after they inject you, they want you to drive over to a waiting area where you have to wait 15 minutes. If during that time you start to have any side effects, you honk your horn and another nurse runs over and gives you drugs to treat the side effects!

      The more I learn about this vaccine, the more nervous the idea of getting it makes me!

    8. @anon 16.58. Two doctors that got the shot were complaining about side effects. One had really bad fatigue and woke up the next day drenched with sweat. The other developed a fever of 104 degrees! They keep saying it's safe but I think by safe they mean that it won't kill you as long as you can get medical attention to treat the side effects as quick as possible. Some of those don't show up until the next day. One hospital giving the injections has the place where they do it right next to their emergency department! The nurses have to ask people a lot of questions to find out who should not get the shots. If it's so safe why the need for that?

    9. As the vaccinations get seriously under way in the coming months we'll no doubt be hearing a lot more about some of the worst reactions people are having to them. That will create fear in people about getting vaccinated. That fear will then be opposed by another which will be caused by the ever growing number of those killed in the US by the virus and the possibility that one, if unvaccinated, might be next. That number is estimated to be around 500,000 by the spring of next year and it won't stop there! The question is which of the two fears will scare a person more?

    10. I don't intend on taking any new technology vaccines for the corona virus. 50% of the people who get infected have NO symptoms and 80% infected will recover without needing a hospital. I'm just going to keep wearing my mask, washing my hands, avoiding crowds, and taking my vitamin C everyday. I think I'll be okay and if I do get infected I won't infect anyone else. FAIK I could have been infected months ago and didn't even realize it then and now I don't need to be vaccinated. There's no proof so far that being vaccinated keeps someone from spreading it to others or how long a vaccine will work.

      I'm starting to think the rush to get everyone vaccinated is a plan by Big Pharma to start making even more money with their new cheaper to make mRNA vaccines by getting everyone used to getting several of them every year. This first corona virus one is free but I'll bet the others to come will cost hundreds each and you'll have to have them if you want to keep your job. The capitalists will exploit every crisis that comes along to make a quick buck if they can. This one is no different.

  6. It's possible that Ken B may already have found the secret of Bessler's wheels and he could be right if his design is eventually independently verified. But in case he's wrong others should keep looking. The more different working pm designs found the better, imo. Here's an interesting story I recently came across about another man who also supposedly found a working pm machine.

    Most of us have probably heard of a US farmer named Asa Jackson who made his own working non Bessler type pm wheel back in the 1850's and hid it in a cave during the US Civil War to protect it. Parts of that wheel still exist (they are on permanent display in a museum in the state of Tennessee...see the linked image at the bottom of this post), but do not work. But there was another man, a far less well known Canadian pm machine inventor named Lindorf Bourassa Jr. who was a blacksmith and a farmer and also managed to find pm. He was born back in 1896 and died in 1981. Supposedly he got the idea for his pm machine after having a vivid dream like Bessler did.

    He finally managed to achieve a working machine just before WWII started. But he was afraid that the Germans would invade Canada and the US so he buried it on his farm and only told his brother where to find it. In 1995 they managed to find and dig up the machine! It's not really a wheel and looks more like some sort of engine with a crankshaft. Unfortunately, it does not now work, but they noticed there are some springs missing from it. It's also possible that a critical missing part is buried somewhere else and they are still looking for it. Here's a video about him showing them finding his buried pm machine which unfortunately starts replaying again after about ten minutes due to a bad upload.

    Here's a close up photo of the back side of the Asa Jackson wheel down in that museum in Tennessee:

    Notice the two clutch like mechanisms at the bottom of that large outer gear wheel. They seem to be there to grab the outer wheel and somehow drive it around. Maybe the inside diamond shape part is some sort of rocking beam type mechanism? This thing needs to be carefully computer modeled to see how all of the parts in it can move and that has not been done so far. There were some hands on examinations of the wheel in the past by engineers but they were unable to determine how it worked.

    Bessler Curious

  7. John, the three years you spent on your last attempt before realizing it was a failure.
    How long do you estimate it would have taken, had you shared your thoughts and recieved feedback from others to realize you were mistaken?
    I think somewhere around three months, would be a reasonable estimation, i don't think it would have been more and the likelyhood it was less is pretty good. Your thoughts?
    I'm pretty sure that many feel that i am being a pain in the butt, continually trying to get members to put aside their desires to be the one who gets to the finish line. But i feel very strongly about the need to get this problem solved, as do many other members, yourself included.
    The problem being, in my view, is that a good majority only express the importance of this with their words, and not with their actions. Expressing the importance of the need for solving the problem is one thing, but withholding ones thoughts is contradictory to their words.
    What they are saying is "this is a very important issue, for the whole of humanity, but it isn't as important as me".
    We need to get rid of this crazy unproductive attitude.
    We need to not give a damn who finds the answer, or who gets there first.
    We need to look at this problem at the correct scale of the problem, and not bring it to our individual scale.
    There are a few members who are openly sharing all of their thoughts, they are not witholding anything, their objective is to get the problem solved, irrespective of who solves it.
    So i plead with you, to stop trying to be the one who solves the problem and start trying to get the problem solved. Irrespective of who solves the problem you will be a hero for what you have contributed. Can you not content yourself with that?
    Please set an example, stop the nonsense and allow this problem to be resolved once and for ALL.

    1. Hi RH, I assume it’s you. I have explained this before but here goes again. Firstly having seen the result of Ken Bs mighty opus and his sim and all the clues he claims to have deciphered, I’ve decided I’m not going that route although I had planned to do something similar. I have put my ideas about the clues in many places. Two web sites, numerous blogs here, added my ideas to BW forum but they have been dismissed just like I’ve dismissed Ken B’s. My highly respected friend Fletch did a sim based on my ideas, 4 or 5 years ago and it failed, and so did my sharing of my idea with wubbly who also did a sim for me,which also failed. I have shared ideas frequently.

      Secondly, my granddaughter Amy, has been in hospital for three years. We last saw her last Christmas, and obviously we can’t visit her until the virus has been obliterated. She left uni with an honours degree in teaching. In her second year teaching she caught a cold which affected her breathing so badly that she was taken to hospital by ambulance. Due to poor training a junior doctor failed to insert a cannula three times which resulted in an infection.

      To cut a long story short, Amy acquired CRPS, the most painful affliction you can get, 24/7! Also called the suicide disease because the pain is so bad patients beg to be killed. Subsequently she acquired FND, a neurological disease. She became so intolerant to milk that she has to carry two auto-Adrenalin pens with her always to counter anaphylactic shock if she is mistakenly given anything with even the smallest amount of milk.

      Since this whole horrendous disease started she has also lost the use of her legs, one wrist is so doubled up that she can no longer use it. BUT...Amy is a fighter, she now publishes videos on Tik Tok, encouraging others with disabilities to persevere. Despite being a secure neurological unit she caught COVID-19 four weeks ago but is now gradually recovering from that.

      So for the last three years my wife and I had been visiting Amy in hospital every day, bu now she is in a unit too far away even if we could visit which we can’t - and that is why it has taken me so long to complete one simple wheel, I simply haven’t had the time, but while she is there I can find more time to work on my wheel.

      For information about Amy or to see her on Tik Tok or Instagram you can enter Amy Pohl in google. Currently she has 275000 followers and over 5 million likes!


    2. "We need to get rid of this crazy unproductive attitude. We need to not give a damn who finds the answer, or who gets there first."

      That might be possible if humans had no egos or greed. But we do and always try to minimize the importance of the efforts of others while exaggerating our own. But at the end of the day, the average person out there won't believe anything he hears or sees about any claimed pm machines until and unless he can actually buy one and put it into his home to do something useful. This is because the internet has turned us all into skeptics after bombarding us with pure bs, scams, conspiracy theories, lies, and distortions of reality for years now. We can expect it to get even worse in the future!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am unknown because i have no wish to post anonymously, i don't see the point. The problem is that this blog, for whatever reason doesn't validate my posting as Robinhood46 and often i forget and don't add the RH46 at the end of my message.
      I did mention that many probably find me a pain in the butt, so i imagine many guessed it was me.

    2. SG wrote "if you wish to have conversations with me privately my name is..."

      Our blog's TOP GURU is now accepting applications from those wishing to become his loyal disciples. In the highly unlikely chance that you prove yourself worthy to him, he may actually reveal Bessler's secrets to you since he is really the only one here who "...understand(s) how the machine works fully..."

      How envious we who are not acceptable to him will be of those very lucky few who he deems worthy to receive his advanced knowledge!

    3. I put him in the same catagory as many others.
      "I know the answer, but i'm not telling"
      " the only way to get the message out is if lots of people know the answer"
      And the best way to do that is tell, absolutely nobody. Excellent plan.
      RH46, incase you didn't guess.

    4. Pssst...RH46. You should play along with SG. Call him up and agree with everything he says. Stroke his ego as much as possible and tell him you consider him to be a great guru and that you would be honored to have him teach you all of the secrets of Bessler's wheels that he discovered from his research into ancient sources. After a couple of calls when he's fooled into thinking that you will make a perfect follower for him, he'll start revealing more and more things to you to prove to you that he really is the ultimate Bessler wheel guru. Whatever he tells you just act amazed and eager to learn even more. Finally, when you are sure that you have milked out the last drop of his Bessler wheel secrets from him, then immediately betray his trust and come back here to tell them all to us! If he provides you with any sketches, send them to JC so he can post them for all of us to see.

    5. That would be fibbing, and i have never been any good at that.

    6. Extracting the last of the Bessler wheel secrets from SG! Lol!

    7. Is that a male goat?!

  9. Big Oil is desperately trying to prevent that Zimbabwe genius inventor Chikumbutso's free energy technology from being released to humanity! He was actually thrown in jail because he refused to reveal it to his past corrupt government so they could sell it to Big Oil and use the billions to fatten up their secret Swiss bank accounts and when that did not make him talk Big Oil even had him poisoned in an effort to get rid of him! He almost died as a result.

    But that was all in the past and now Zimbabwe has a new president who is trying to help him bring his invention to the world. This video describes some of the steps being used to protect his breakthrough invention from being stolen or stopped by Big Oil. Something to do with using "block chains" to protect his IP's around the world. There's some mention of it being made "open source" so every country can start making his free energy machines! It won't be long now!

    1. Whether Mr Chikumbutso is genuine or not does not affect our determination to solve Bessler’s wheel, and I dismiss his fears of being poisoned and the threats from Big Oil etc, as just hot air and over-dramatisation of a claim which remains questionable to date.


    2. All this talk about his invention being stolen and him being killed by Big Oil could just be the prelude to his final disappearing act. Now that he's realized that he's drained as much money out of his trusting "investors" pockets as possible, his next step is to make a clean getaway with it. He's probably already purchased a nice little mansion in some other African country and fake identities for him and his family. Then, one night, they will all mysteriously be gone. They will all be flown to that country by private jet.

      When the "investors" try to get any of his "open source" information off of the internet, all they will find will be a bunch of worthless gibberish. Maybe they will be stupid enough to think that Big Oil already beat them to it and removed the genuine information while substituting the bogus information in its place. They will probably hire some private detectives to try to find out what happened to him, his miracle invention, and, most importantly, the millions of dollars they invested in it. After a few months of getting nowhere, the detectives will give up after having made a few more hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees off of his "investors".

      My prediction is that six months from now no one will be talking about Chikumbutso anymore. There will be a new free energy scammer whose star is rising on the horizon to take his place. If a scammer plays his cards right he can make almost as much money with nothing as he could with a genuine free energy machine!

      Years ago a scammer was actually prosecuted for fraud and wound up in prison after being convicted. His "investors" never saw any of their money though because what little was recovered went to pay their lawyers. When asked why he did it his answer was that if anyone was stupid enough to be scammed, then he DESERVED to be scammed! Hopefully, he's still in prison!

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    3. Thank you AaPoi, I enjoyed your comment, I look forward to your prediction being proved.


    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This article claims that NONE of Chikumbutso's claims to miracle inventions have ever been proved:

      It's worth visiting just to see the various photos of electric cars that are currently available. But they aint' cheap. As soon as the Chinese start exporting their own all electric cars, MILLIONS of which are ALREADY on their roads, most of the non Chinese auto manufacturers around the world will probably find themselves quietly going out of business unless they can somehow partner with the Chinese manufacturers.

      The Chinese are getting ready to take over the world's industrial manufacturing in the next few years. Meanwhile over in the US people are standing in food lines for hours and begging the US Congress to send them some more money to pay their rents and property taxes. We better get our acts together soon or it won't be long before the rest of the world is working for CHINA!

    6. Here's what the typical all electric car in China will look like in the 2020's. GM is even involved in their production with several other Chinese companies. They only cost a few thousand USD and have electric motors that put out about 30 horsepower. But, that's enough to give these very light weight cars a nice acceleration. They're perfect for the upwardly mobile Chinese family with two kids that can use the back seat. It's short wheel base makes it easy to maneuver and park in crowded Chinese cities. Most likely the US auto manufacturers will try to keep them and their low profit margins out of the US!

    7. @anon06:07
      Despite what Detroit and Big Oil want, I think a LOT of Americans would love to own one of these little Chinese electric cars. A new car for only a few thousand dollars. Reduced auto insurance. Maybe a 50 to 70% reduction in cost per mile driven. No air pollution. No noise. No oil changes. No coolants level checks. No need for power brakes and steering. With high tech solid core tires no more flats. And a range of 100 or more miles on a charge. Who wouldn't welcome all of that?

      The major problem will be keeping them all charged up and ready to go. I think we need to see some big advances in battery technology like a battery that can be recharged in less than ten minutes for a few dollars at your friendly neighborhood charging station or your own garage. Might be possible.

    8. No need to wait for someone else to import your cheap Chinese electric car for you because now YOU can do it yourself and be driving it within a month! Impossible? No! Just contact this company in China and send them a quick $2,200 USD (plus shipping) for your new "Gaiasolar" all electric car. Order a bunch of them and you can sell them to your neighbors and make a few bucks doing so.

      During the day, the car's maintenance free lead acid battery is partially charged up by a solar panel on the roof. When it's night or rainy weather, you just plug your car when needed into any 220 VAC outlet and let it charge. It needs about 6 to 8 kw-hr to fully charge. If your 220 VAC line can supply 20 amps, then you should be able to fully charge its battery in less than two hours. At a cost of $0.20 per kw-hr, it will only cost you $1.60 every time you charge up your car. Your local gas station owner will not be amused by that!

      The car's top speed is only about 30 mph, but the maximum speed limit in most US residential areas is only 25 mph unless otherwise posted. If you have to go on a highway, just stay in the right low speed lane and let the others in a hurry pass you. The maximum range is about 93 miles. The car can climb a hill as long as the grade is not much more than 30 degrees.

      Check out the video which shows the Gaiasolar's high tech dashboard with the color LCD display that let's you immediately tell how much charge you have left and how much farther you can drive. I think it's a touch screen type display. The words are in Chinese, but maybe they can be adjusted to display in English and other languages?

    9. I like that the Chinese electric car uses a single regular lead acid battery. You can get a new one at any auto parts dealer for about $100. Those fancy high price electric cars like the Tesla need to have a lot of lithium ion batteries replaced every five years or so. That can cost the owner thousands of extra dollars. They downplay that part in their ads.

      One problem is that I don't have any 220 volt outlets to recharge this car. I wonder if you can get some sort of gadget to plug into a regular 110 volt outlet that can boost it up to 220 volts?

    10. @Anon 23:37
      One of these units should do it for you. You have to plug it into two separate 110 volt AC outlets and then it combines them to make a single 220 volt AC outlet for you. This will save you the cost and hassle of having a professional electrician come in and rewire your house or garage to install a 220 volt AC outlet there just for your electric car.

    11. anon 23:37 wrote: "I like that the Chinese electric car uses a single regular lead acid battery."

      I can't believe that cheap Chinese car can run for 93 miles on just one 12 volt lead acid car battery. Most likely it needs to have several of them. But they would still be cheaper to replace than the lithium battery in a Tesla. According to Interesting Engineering, the replacement cost for a Tesla's battery is anywhere between $3,000 and $7,000. For that price you could purchase several of those Chinese electric cars!

    12. The low cost of that Chinese electric car is attractive, BUT then you have to figure the extra shipping costs involved. For example, the price to ship a container by sea from China to the United States will be approximately $1500 for a 20 foot long cargo container to the West Coast of America and $3,500 for the same size container to the East Coast of the United States. The cost is per container and does not depend on the weight it carries which I think for this car is about 1,000 pounds.

      Okay, so now it's at your nearest coast port. You still have to get it to your home. That delivery will have to be done by a special truck that can carry the container. There's usually a fixed cost of several hundred dollars for the first 50 miles of the delivery trip and then add $2 per mile for distances greater than that. There may also be an additional charge to unload the car from the container for you.

      Depending on where you live in the US, the shipping cost on your new Chinese electric car could be an extra $2500 to $4500. That means that the total cost including the $2200 car will be between about $4700 and $6700 (I'm assuming that there are no extra importation fees or tariffs tacked onto that). For that amount of money you could probably get a half way descent used fossil fuel burning automobile.

      Then what do you do if you need a part for your Chinese electric car? Say the AC motor it uses or its computer system burns out. They won't have them in stock at your local auto parts dealer. You'll have to purchase them from the Chinese manufacturer and pay for something like FedEx Air Cargo to deliver it to your repairman which could take another few weeks. So you'll be paying for the parts AND a few extra hundred for the air delivery and, of course, your repairman will probably be looking for $100 per hour while he's trying to figure out how to repair a car he's never seen before!

      These cheap Chinese electric cars are nice, but you have to consider ALL of their costs. You can only hope that over the life of the car which the manufacturer says is about ten years, all of the money you saved on gasoline, maintenance, and insurance will more than make up for your total costs of buying the car and getting it delivered to your home. I'm sure that eventually we'll see them or the overpriced Detroit versions of them showing up on the streets of America, but probably not for years to come.


    13. Anon 06:07 wrote "No need for power brakes and steering."

      Actually the "Gaia Solar" does have power brakes or "vacuum assisted" braking but it does not have power steering which is really unnecessary. They give a range of about 93 miles for their cheapest car, but if this little car had some sort of regenerative braking system, that range might be extended by 50%.

      The company has its own website which is at:

      They also make other car models that use lithium batteries instead of lead acid ones and that can reach highway speeds of 60 miles per hour and ranges of up to 150 miles. They are more expensive and will need longer to fully recharge. They also make light trucks and small buses which are all electric battery powered.

      But as Jason points out, the cost to import them to the US is a turn off. If you happen to live in China, however, the delivery cost will be much less.

    14. "Actually the "Gaia Solar" does have power brakes or "vacuum assisted" braking..."

      I wonder how they do that without an piston engine's air intake to create the vacuum? Probably some sort of electric powered air pump. I went to their site and notice that they offer air conditioning as an option on some of their electric vehicles. Imagine the strain that would put on the batteries! But maybe they use some sort of high tech electrical cooling system that does not use a compressor and refrigerant gas.

  10. China learned a long time ago how to conquer the world. We're a bit slow to catch on. Military might has its limitations and there is push-back. And it's old fashioned, dirty and costly. You do it covertly thru economic forces. You first of all make yourself self-sustainable i.e. balance of trade is in your favour with a big middle class to support your own manufacturing base. Building manufacturing and industrial capacity. Then you own everybody else's debt (many countries up to 1/3rd of their GPP) because you're lending out your surpluses. Then you keep 'lending' them money on soft terms i.e. low interest rates, easy rollovers, refinancing, not calling in the debt if they play along. These are fish hooks to make that country compliant, and grateful. They take collateral over your assets in case you start to see the bigger picture and object. Then comes the expanding regional influence push into the Pacific West and South. Build a few islands and claim territorial waters rights. Use your navy and airforce to show you that you have the means to take what you want. Reinforce the military might alongside the manufacturing and industrial capacity you have built. Next you make 'no visa' entry rights for your citizens in countries which you 'own'. Military bases if you can swing it. And they can buy your land and buildings, and set up competing businesses to your own citizens. They have a 50 year long term view. Businesses and investments are the long haul, financed from China Banks who own all that debt and have deep surpluses. Then when they are ready they start increasing the interest rates to the rest of the worlds federal banks and start calling in your compounding loans when you default or moan. Time to swing to the Yuan from the US Dollar to cement it home who owns and controls what ! The game has changed and you didn't see it coming - really ? Should have read Sun Tzu and paid attention at school.

  11. Australia as the biggest player in the South-West Pacific is getting a lesson at the moment! One it can't reverse. China doesn't want to reverse tariffs on wine etc. It wants Oz on your knees so you'll stay out of its politics and expansionism plans. And they've got your wine varieties growing in the ground long ago. Alongside kiwi-fruit and apples. The superior diary cow genetics are grazing between the rows.

  12. Make China Great Again !

  13. China is not one to miss an opportunity, covid, societal ambivalence and decline, drug culture, political turmoil, or otherwise. The rest of the world, including America has mostly been asleep at the wheel. Addicted to manipulated low interest rates from China. Increasing household personal debt because of it, consuming imports, and raising wages and standard of living, while not saving. Fat dumb and happy. Meanwhile China is a low wage economy by world standards. They can out compete most other economies in manufacturing, technology, and supply because of competitive advantages, resources, and scale. They look and laugh at MAGA when they own your debt and an ever increasing proportion of your strategic assets, along with many other sovereign countries. Shoulda learned GO instead of linear Chess.

  14. Two women scientists recently shared the Nobel Prize in chemistry for "CRISPR" which is a biochemical technique for splitting open strands of DNA at certain locations so you can insert sections of DNA into them. The idea is to be able to someday cure genetic disorders in developing embryos by inserting artificially created genes that will compensate for the one's they lack.

    The Chinese military is also very interested in this technology only they have other plans for it. For example, using it to make super strong soldiers who can function on as little as three hours of sleep per 24 hours. Why would they need them? Simple. They will need them as they begin to expand out of mainland China and take over the surrounding nations. Their military is also currently experiencing explosive growth in armored vehicles, stealth aircraft, and tactical nuclear weapons. Hitler would have envied their dedication to strengthening their military!

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

  15. Looks like somebody is getting a sugar rush from their Chop Suey today.

    1. I wish I had a big bowl of Chop Suey right now. I need to take a break from pizza...but only for a few days!

  16. Back to Bessler-----John, Is there a name for the shape changing figure in C and D in M.T. 138? Is it also a pantograph? Thanks

    1. Yes pantograph can be applied to the figure.


    2. They can also be referred to as "parallelograms" which are four sided geometric figures that have their opposite sides parallel and equal in length and their diagonally opposite angles equal. Both squares and rectangles are actually parallelograms with all of their diagonally opposite angles equal 90 degrees.


    3. RAFORD

      The C and D figures are also Russian toys.

      I think the name you give those mechanisms might be specific to how it is used (or moves). If you haven't looked at Pantograph videos on YouTube, you might want to do that. There is also type of swing that works like that mechanism, so you wouldn't call it a pantograph in that case.

    4. Maybe instead of wondering about the meaning of the two pantograph toys' mechanical actions, you should instead be looking at what their little round finger grips are pointing to and what their meanings could be because there could be some very important clues that Bessler shows there.

  17. Pantographs form a section of a Storks Bill (SB). Also part of a Scissor mechanism. They all change shape with application of a force, and can be used to apply leverage. Their side lengths do not change however their internal areas do depending on that shape. And this gives different leverage characteristics or Mechanical Advantage from Input to Output.

  18. Yes the C and D figures in 138 could represent any number of linkages/movements. Bessler likely would have not shown its true use.

    Russian Toy
    Roberval Balance
    Storks Bill

  19. Here's an odd website that compares Bessler and Einstein.

    Bessler Curious

    1. Thanks for that link, anon 11:56. I read the entire site and found it most interesting. Disturbing though to see Bessler's and Einstein's severed heads being weighed in a balance!

    2. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't see any connection between Einstein and Bessler. Einstein had probably never heard of Bessler or his pm wheels, but if he had he would have immediately dismissed them as impossible and the result of a hoax which is what all scientists are still doing today.

    3. Am I the only one who noticed that girl that posed for that painting wasn't wearing any underwear?! 8^D

    4. The tripod site belongs Dr. Ramesh Menaria, a professor of inorganic chemistry in India. Obviously an intelligent man, who believes in his guru, Deva Ramananda. I’m not criticising his belief in the words of this guru, but you read what he says on the site and make up your own mind if it is helpful.


    5. I give Dr. Menaria credit for promoting interest in Bessler and his wheels and no one can deny that his websites are colorful and interesting to read. But he puts a lot of faith in that one guru of his who takes a kind of psychic approach to the Bessler story and the way his wheels worked. But maybe some of his guru's statements have some accuracy? As they say, even a broken clock is right twice a day! The problem is we can't be sure what that guru says is right and what is not. We need to have information that is as accurate as possible.

    6. And how did the girl come to possess the Sword of Gryffindor?

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. She probably traded her underwear to the previous owner of the sword for it. 8^D

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. @anon 16:02. The last owner of the sword was Neville Longbottom. He must have had some sort of really powerful undies fetish to trade away a valuable magical sword like that.

  20. The Wisdom of a wise man of faith has at its deepest meaning an understanding of many things that most will never know. I, for one, do not believe in coincidence, because it is the intersection of two or more lines that cross at a specific moment in time and space. Given the true beginning of the understanding of how the entire universe is vibration and resonance, these men, or women, who silence all the noise of life and listen to the wisdom that the silence contains, could be given insights into areas that a logical mind cannot understand.... ever, but for now I am still seeking the solution of the wheel


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...