Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Reviewing the Power of Bessler’s Perpetual Motion Machine

Many people have calculated the potential power of Bessler’s wheel and concluded that it wouldn’t amount to much, however I’m not convinced that this is true.

Consider the 70 lbs chest of stones lifted by the two-way wheels.  If you’ve ever physically lifted a 70 pound weight you’ll have a good idea how very heavy it is.  Most airlines have a limit for passenger luggage of 23 kg, which is 50 lbs; adding another 20 pounds to make 70 lbs would be as much as most people could manage to lift comfortably.  Bessler’s wheel routinely lifted it up and down from the castle yard several feet, probably more than 50 feet.  

Professor Christian Wolff gave an account of his attendance at the Merseburg wheel examination. He wrote;

At the moment it can lift a weight of sixty pounds, but to achieve this the pulley had to be reduced more than four times, making the lifting quite slow."

The official certificate issued, described the weight as being seventy pounds and no mention was made of the four-fold pulley, I wonder if the reason for the use of the pulleys was, as Wolff commented, to slow down the lift to make it last longer, and extend the time of each demonstration. On the other hand the Kassel wheel was actually designed to rotate about half the speed of the Merseburg wheel, because it needed to run for four weeks or more.  It rotated slowly to save wear and tear.  It ran for 54 days before it was stopped.

If we take the Merseburg wheel for example, say the axle was six inches in diameter and the wheel turned at 40 rpm when under load, and the distance from the outside yard to roof, some fifty feet.  The circumference of the axle was close to 19 inches.  With the rope wrapped around the axle, one rotation lifted the chest of stones just over a foot and a half, fifty foot would take just over 30 seconds; not much of a demonstration. Using pulleys to reduce the load would also extend the time to perhaps a couple of minutes, just about long enough for all the spectators, of which there were said to be many crowded into the room, to view the lifting process, through the two windows.

There are several other considerations to bear in mind.  Firstly the demonstrations which showed the lifting task surely required some organising, and someone below in the castle yard to signal the lift could begin, or maybe Bessler had his brother Gottfried watching out of the window to say when the lift could begin. Was there slack in the rope attached to the axle or to chest of stones to reduce the effect of a sudden jerk?  Such a jerk could dismount the wheel from its supports if it was too strong. A rope loosely wrapped around the axle, two or three times would allow the axle to begin to rotate, while slipping the rope. Once the wheel was turning, a gentle pull on the rope would cause it to begin to grip the axle as it turned, thus beginning to wind up the chest of stones. Relaxing the rope as the chest neared the top would be more difficult, but perhaps a brake was applied to bring the wheel to a stop.

The pulleys would make lifting heavy loads easier and last longer. Bessler was a showman, and a slow lift with a very heavy load would be more interesting to the spectators.  It could not be helped if the pulleys conveyed the impression that the wheel was not as powerful as it actually was.  It was showtime and Bessler was a consummate master of ceremonies!



  1. Hi John,, I hope you are doing well during this transitional time in your life.

    I post here from time to time. I keep encouraging you to host a Q&A (maybe a Reddit "ask me anything" type thing). Maybe you will one day. Like many here,, I have my own idea about how Bessler did it. My theory (of course) " fits perfectly!" With all of the clues, and as a "thought experiment" it seems certain to work. Oh, and it is wayyyyyyy simple (no, REALLY!).

    On the other hand, I hold two graduate degrees and KNOW exactly what science has to say about this subject (and why). I have mentioned before that a big persuader for me is the words and actions of Karl ( who SAW inside the wheel and confirmed that it is real). I invite any doubters here to comment on this point: Many of the witnesses to the several wheel demonstrations were prominent members of the scientific or academic communities (or representatives of them). Several of their written accounts survive and give evidence that they were thoroughly persuaded. While we do not have a complete record of their observations, we MUST assume they would have made a reasonable attempt to find fraud (none would want to be made fools of). The single biggest test I would have insisted on (in addition to thoroughly inspecting the axle bearings) would be to have the wheel lift more than its own weight. We are told that it lifted a box of stones as many times as observers asked for it. This persuades me that the wheel DID lift its own weight (these observers would have seen the merit to this requirement). This being the case, it is an UNREASONABLE proposition that the wheel was a fraud.

    1. Ei Anon 07.44 appena letto il tuo inserto ho detto finalmente avremo qualcosa di nuovo da confrontarci con le nostre idee e le nostre esperienze, certo con due lauree posso aspettarmi di più, invece nulla ,come facciamo noi a capire se le tue idee combaciano perfettamente con gli indizi di Bessler se non sappiamo quali sono queste idee. Saluti.

    2. PG wrote, “Anon 07.44 as soon as I read your insert I said finally we will have something new to confront with our ideas and our experiences, of course with two degrees I can expect more, instead nothing, how do we understand if your ideas fit perfectly with Bessler's clues if we don't know what these ideas are. Regards.”

    3. Good to hear from you anon 07.44.

      Yes please by all means challenge unreasonable assumptions but it is unwise to throw everything out because one has been taught that such a thing might be impossible. If a person of unimpeachable reputation puts his reputation on the line in defence of that thing then we should accept it as positive evidence.


  2. On the other hand if someone said Do you want to see a system that could prove the concept of a Perpetual motion device and everybody even the people that say we are trying to solve this issue. but want to avoid the truth of realty. not to be confused to something that may even work in non bessler format.
    Does that ever happen? - John? Has any one ever ask you if you want to see a possible working device that may work as perpetual motion?
    Please tell the people your viewers that you are not one of those people that would suppress the truth by avoiding looking at what may be a working device.
    Are emails proof of ones intentions?
    John, All I want is people to know they have an option, Bessler is nice, but the world is full of people that want their cake and eat it too.
    Thank you. Sorry But like I told Dr. Peter Lindemann I will do what ever it takes to get this technology developed. Tom Wlazlak

    1. I don’t mind you posting comments here Tom, but as I said in my email, I’m not really into magnetic assisted motors. I’ve searched for info using the “EttCM Energy Technologies”, label but there doesn’t seem to be anything to find, just references to it, and numerous deleted comments.


    2. No one suppresses the truth here, but electronic/magnetic devices belong in another blog. Please create your own blog so like minded followers can converse with you there. This is not the place.

    3. Against my better judgement, I am posting this.

      If you Google “EttCM Energy Technologies Tom Wlazlak" you will find one website.

      There are numerous posts at the bottom of the page, and the one I find most on point is a comment that if 8X more power is outputted than inputted, just connect the output to the input, and have 7X left over. Ingenious.

    4. Wow 8 times more power produced than applied, that is outstanding. Seems odd that no one has been able to harness all this free energy. My guess is this is where the flim hits the flam.

    5. When you hear someone say "I don't know where the extra energy comes from" put your wallet in your front pocket and run away.

  3. While waiting for your next light bulb moment, this can help to pass the time:

    Also, don't forget to get a set of the mugs!

    1. Interesting idea, although I can’t see many people buying the Bessler related items - unless of course someone solves the Bessler wheel.


    2. I didn't solve the wheel but I ordered four of the mugs. They might become collector pieces someday.


  4. 70 pounds of weight hanging from a rope that is wrapped around a 3 inch radius axle would result in 17.5 lb-ft of torque.

    17.5 lb-ft of torque equates to 2.917 pounds of force at the 6ft periphery of the wheel. 2.917 pounds of additional pushing force could easily applied by someone wanting to manually start up the wheel from a stopped position, so I don’t think the wheel had to be turning in advance of the weight (load) being applied to the wheel.

    1. If I did my math correctly, an axle with a 3 inch radius, turning at 40rpm, will pull in rope at the rate of 1.0472 feet per second.


    3. Why an axle of three inches? “The axle or shaft on which the wheel is fixed averages six inches thickness and is six feet long.” (local paper (Leipziger Post Zeitungen) published for the week of June 24th - June 30th, 1715)


    4. I guess, 3 inch radius equals 6 inch diameter or thickness

    5. Oops, I missed that anon! Sorry?


    6. Come on John you know rotation mechanics and computations are based on radius and not diameter.

    7. I was trying to keep it basic and simple just using the figures we had.....and I didn’t read the comment properly. Too quick!


    8. Correction to blog

      Axle Diameter is 6 inches, x Pi 3.14 = circumference, 18.14 inches. 40 rpm = 62 feet per minute
      Reduced by four to one pulley = 15.7 feet per minute. 50 feet took just over three minutes, not two minutes.


    9. A survey was done to determine the average ascent time to walk up stairs. It ranged from 2.165 feet/second to 1.575 feet/second. This beats the raising speed of the BW. Not sure what the going rate was for slaves during Bessler's day, but hard to image anyone paying such a price for a machine that can't even outpace a person walking up the stairs.

    10. Watching rocks being lifted up the outside the castle could have been an all day event. I wonder if Ms. Bessler opened up a popcorn stand.

    11. Looks like John deleted an anon's comment here because he dared to favorably mention Ken B's Kassel wheel brick hoist youtube video of last year. Makes you wonder how many other anon comments John's deleting because they don't happen to agree with his particular beliefs about Bessler's wheels? So much for him welcoming differing opinions here!

    12. Ken I warned you that I would delete any more of your book promotions, and I have. I could have left the link in because it doesn’t provide anything of value. The wheel turns far too slowly, the connections don’t offer anything new, and the video looks really cheap and basic. I only delete Ken’s attempts to promote a book which is stuffed full of absurd speculations, inaccuracies and utterly unbelievable claims. But if you really wanted me to get into this then I could provide a description of many of his so-called clues, and explain why they are only figments of a over-active imagination, but on the basis that there is no such thing as a bad review I would prefer to ignore him and continue to delete all comments supporting his book.

      I’m sure that the anon 09.53 is actually Ken, because the comment appeared so quickly after I deleted his original comment. Obviously he tried to sneak in another of his vacuous comments.


    13. Anon 09:53, John has every right to delete comments he does not see fitting for the group.

      For the life of me I can't figure out why Ken is unwilling to create his own blog and take his followers there. Why keep inundating this site with posts no one wants to follow or cares about.

    14. "John has every right to delete comments he does not see fitting for the group."

      You really mean comments that he sees don't fit in with his own particular beliefs about Bessler's wheels, don't you? It won't be too long before he starts deleting any comments that don't indulge his beliefs and preferably stroke his ego while doing so! I think a lot of anonymous posters from the past are sensing this, dropping out, and that's why the number of comments on this blog have been steadily decreasing of late.

    15. Anon 20.44. Why are you so scared to reveal who you are? I strongly suspect you’re Ken. No one else comes close your unfettered idolisation of his book.


    16. John seems eager to label the efforts of other Bessler researchers as "absurd speculations, inaccuracies, and utterly unbelievable" while being most careful to NOT reveal his OWN "major clues" which he occasionally lets slip that he has. Maybe that is because HE is scared that if he did reveal them they would also be quickly labeled the exact same way by others! Better for one's ego to remain secretive and be thought to have some real answers than to reveal all and see them quickly shot to pieces as he saw done with the "Bessler - Collins Gravity Wheel" last September. Ken to his credit and unlike most has not held back any of his research results from us.

    17. I don’t know why I bother! Either anon 00.30 is actually Ken, in which case there’s no point in arguing with him....or it’s his number one disciple blindly following his master and the response applies.


    18. @anon00:30
      I noticed in his reply to you how he completely ignored your mention of his unrevealed "major clues". Looks like he's still hiding things from us. But why?

  5. We... the majority of us, have come to know you (John Collins) as a fair and focused researcher, with your single goal of getting a working wheel. I have always appreciated the frank and clear resolved that you have demonstrated over these many years, and feel that your work has been exemplary. Thank you and keep your eyes on the prize

    1. Thank you Gravittea, you’re very kind and it’s much appreciated.


  6. Ken I just went to your blog ( to post some of comments about John Collin's advances and got the message the blog does not exist. What gives, surely you have your own blog by now.

    1. Ken epitomizes the saying "standing on the shoulders of Giants". He comes here hoping that the success, admiration and respect others feel for John, will somehow apply to him. Well unfortunately for Ken, that will never happen.

    2. Ken B may once have had a blog on blogspot but if he never used it then it probably got automatically deleted along with many other unused ones to free up server space. Anyone wanting to communicate with him might try leaving comments on one of his various youtube Bessler videos which he seems to always answer.

      It could be that Ken is slowly becoming one of those giants whose shoulders others will be standing on! Every time I google "Bessler's wheel" all I see are links to his several Bessler youtube videos. I don't think that would be happening unless a lot of people were starting to accept his version of Bessler's wheels as "the" solution to the mystery. Maybe that's a good thing because it should increase the chance of someone actually building that design he says he found hidden in the portrait clues. So far all he has are working sims which are nice but nothing is more convincing than an actual build,imo.

    3. Nice try Anon 22:50 (or should I say Ken). You have to do more than create an animated video on YouTube to become a giant like John Collins. You need to show a life long history of efforts and accomplishments.

      At this time, you have been weighed, measured, and have been found wanting.

    4. Sadly, the days when the Bessler community accepted every utterance John made about Bessler's wheels as the gospel truth seem to be coming to an end and his debunked five mechanism wheel last year certainly did help matters any. He's going to have to produce something similar to that working wheel sim Ken B. uploaded to youtube back in 2019 if he wants to seriously reverse the ongoing slide of his credibility as far as the secret of Bessler's wheels is concerned. So far he hasn't produced anything even similar to that video and probably never will. His only real role now seems to be to try to help maintain interest in the Bessler story. Let's hope he can at least keep doing that for the rest of his life.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Anon 04:16 (or should I say Ken), you continue to make false claims. John is credible and you are not. You have an exaggerated claim of finding clues that no one else is willing to substantiate, and your provided solution is a cartoon simulation on YouTube. Please leave this blog, as this is a place to comment on John's work, not yours.

      John, please continue deleting posts by Ken as they serve no purpose here.

    7. "I have discovered the exact design Johann Ernst Elias Bessler employed"

      Big boasts easy to make but hard to prove....without the working sims you are just more poor deluded one looking for attetnion...that very sad.

    8. Anon 18:34 lets not be too rash about making judgements. A simple comparison between the two should settle things once and for all.

      John Collins (the short list):
      - life long researcher of Bessler
      - paid for translations of Bessler's books and made that information available to everyone
      - appeared on TV documentary as an acknowledged expert on Bessler
      - revered by researchers on (excluding trolls of course)
      - runs this blog to share ideas
      - runs multiple websites to get Bessler's story out in public

      Ken Behrendt:
      - banned multiple times from for bad conduct and posting under aliases
      - admonished multiple times on this blog for posting extensive content about his theories
      - continues to post under Anon and other aliases such as Technoguy and refuses to accept responsibility for such actions
      - believes free energy comes from evaporating mass when the wheel turns
      - believes clues come from the Bessler portraits, and are based on such things as the number of curls in the wig on Bessler's head
      - unable to convince anyone of his theories on clues
      - refuses to build a wheel to prove his wheel design
      - posts a cartoon on YouTube as evidence of his working wheel
      - continues to deny flaws in his design assumptions that were identified by credible engineers

    9. It's a shame so much energy has to be spent dealing with Ken. His actions can only be characterized as that of a Troll. He keeps coming back because that's what a Troll does, and how you can recognize one.

    10. @anon20:49
      John certainly has some things to be proud of when it comes to Bessler research but despite all of that he hasn't found a solution to Bessler's wheels that could be demonstrated with even a single working sim. Ken has provided such a solution and not held back on any of the clues he found that led him to the design.

      You also made several false statements about Ken. He was never banned from Besslerwheel. As I understand it he just promptly renounced his membership and left when he realized efforts were being made there to censor his contributions. I would have done the same thing if treated the same way. Despite that he's still listed over there as a member with several greenies! I don't think he ever went back even using some other name. When he visited this blog a few years ago at John's invitation he said he wasn't "Technoguy" but may have unknowingly corresponded with him in the past when that person was using his real name. He has found and published a large number of previously unknown clues he found in the two DT portraits and they all support the wheel design he promotes. Many consider him the top expert on Bessler clues in the portraits and believe that he has finally solved the Bessler wheel mystery. What he posted on youtube is not an animation but a video made from a working sim. There is a big difference between the two which perhaps you don't understand?

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Stephen I may occasionally disagree with your views but I have never felt the need to block you not delete your posts. I may have misunderstood your offer to help so if the offer is still available I would certainly consider what you have to say.

      I learned my engineering as an aircraft engine fitter in the RAF and subsequently worked for BAC (British Aircraft Corporation) on Concord.

      Also thanks to the kind comments above and please be assured that I will be publishing my proof of what I firmly believe is the design of Bessler’s wheel and it has nothing to do with the numbers of curls in Bessler’s wig!


    13. The facts are what they are and Ken can deny them all day long. He was banned multiple times from for posts unbecoming a respected member. He rejoined multiple times under different names and was kicked each time. He seeks attention and posts inflammatory and inaccurate information. Enough said, the facts are what they are, and he will continue to deny them, that's what a troll does. I guess we just have to live with his incessant meddling until he finally moves on.

      P.S. Credible engineers have already dismissed his SIM as based on false assumptions. Until they say otherwise, that is the final word on the SIM.

    14. Looks like another load of disinformation about Ken B from anon 17:15. I found Ken's first post on the BW forum. The status on one's account there, if it's STILL active, is continuously updated. That post is here:

      They managed to take away all of his greenies (and did that YEARS after he resigned and was no even longer posting there anymore!) to reduce his current reputation to "None". I don't think that would bother him much because he considered the whole green dot system over there as total nonsense and irrelevant to solving the Bessler wheel. But notice that it does not say he is "Banned". He was never actually banned. Come to think of it, it was really he who banned THEM from his research!

      As far as the credibility of those "credible engineers" that have "dismissed" Ken's design is concerned, they stay anonymous because if they were named, you'd realize they are the same old fixtures on the BW forum who have spent YEARS stuck and stupid with the same old designs that never did work and never will work. Their evaluation of anyone's research, Ken's included, is worthless. There was a PhD physicist, a retired professor from a recognized university, who claimed to be an expert of the history of perpetual motion machines who evaluated the design Ken found and said it was unique and that Ken should get patent on it!

      In his book Ken answers the question of why he does not get a patent on the design. Basically, he considers it to be Bessler's and if he tried to patent it, he would only be stealing someone else's invention and passing it off as his own! His only real goal is to make sure that Bessler's design is not lost for another 300 years and possibly even forever. It certainly looks like he has achieved that goal.

    15. Ken left because there were so many posts complaining about him, I think he couldn’t change his style of writing at extreme length, (like his book!) and so he finally realised he wasn’t wanted. As for the green dots, I seem to recall thst they were all removed and restarted under a slightly different system. As for the people who dismissed Ken’s design, you don’t need to have studied the subject to understand that it simply isn’t viable, and doesn’t relate to Bessler’s wheel in any way. Basically it is not so simple a carpenters apprentice could copy it after a short time of studying it; it’s way too complicated, has to much inherent friction; it’s designed from clues which cannot possibly be validated.

      I suspect that Ken came up with a design and then sought features from the portraits that he could identify as clues and manipulated them to fit in with the parts of his design. He built a huge mansion out of straw and paper, held together with spit, and placed on a pile of feathers. The whole structure is simply a monument to his imagination with absolutely nothing connecting it to Bessler’s wheel.


    16. Why does Ken bring out the worst in us, maybe because he keeps posting under other Aliases (like Anon 00:47 above) and refer's to Ken as if he isn't the one posting about himself. Anyway I do applaud Ken for his efforts but he has to tone it down a lot if he doesn't want to be criticized. I think that is all it would take, and possibly post as you.

      Speaking directly to Ken now, your efforts and contributions to the cause are interesting, maybe not on point to others, but interesting none the less. Hey none of us have a working wheel, and there is no decrypted words from Bessler describing the wheel, so just about any design could be the one. Please respect John's wishes about not posting too much and use IMO when comparing your work to Bessler's. I'm not sure we will ever know for sure what a Bessler Wheels is anyway.

    17. Yes, I like what you wrote, and I agree with your comments about Ken and myself. I regarded Ken as a friend for several years until he became too wordy and stated his ideas as if they were facts. I have to admit I used to do that sometimes until I was told in the strongest terms to tell my readers this was speculation and/or opinion, if it was.


    18. @anonymous 00:47
      Nice job of debunking the bs of the anti Ken B minority here who are really all burning up from envy that he made way more effort then them to solve the wheel and finally did it!

      Ken's first post on bwf is interesting. Even back then he was pushing his wheel energy from weight masses theory which explains how Bessler's wheel worked. The retired physicist you mention sounds like that Simanek guy who is one of the biggest pm machine debunkers to ever come along. I sent him one of my designs to look at years ago and he knocked it down in no time flat and I later realized he was 100% right. If he liked Ken's design then that says a lot for it.

      John likes to keep saying Ken's wheel is too complicated to work and can't be based on any real clues Bessler left us. That mess of a wheel John finally revealed last year was even more complicated with all of its cramped together levers and pulleys but he was sure it would work. That's because it was HIS design and not Ken's. Also he puts down Ken's clues but still refuses to reveal his own. Why? We all know why. Because if he ever does everyone will laugh them all away and tell him he's just "seeing things" in Bessler's drawings. He wants to make sure that never happens. Last year was bad enough for him!

    19. It wasn’t Donald E Simanek, he wouldn’t have ‘liked’ Ken’s design. Ken’s wheel is complicated…and unworkable. Bessler’s wheel was described as simple and the Landgrave was surprised no one had discovered the secret before. 40 pieces of string is not a simple idea - it’s a ridiculous one. His theory of mass weight loss providing energy is laughable and no one even accepts it as a remote possibility. I ‘put down’ Ken’s clues because they aren’t real. Even if you can find the so-called “mouse in the portrait, there is absolutely nothing to link it to any mechanism. The same applies to all his clues, it’s anybody’s guess how Ken interpreted his mysterious findings and linked them to Bessler’s wheel!


    20. There may be a minority of anti Ken B here, but only because Ken B posts so many times under Anonymous and in the third person. He is his only defender. This type of behavior could be a sign of a mental disorder.

    21. Narcissistic personality disorder involves a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration.


    22. I have not read ken's big bessler book yet but I have studied that sim video he put up on youtube. I don't know if its the exact same one as bessler had which ken says it is but Im convinced if any sort of overbalanced wheel is going to work its going to have to look something like that. It will be overbalanced when motionles and stay like that as it turns and picks up speed by constantly shifting its levers around. Ken wheel does it with cords and springs and needs those y shaped levers to use them. Maybe some ohter versions will also work?

    23. Anon 22:28 (and more than likely Ken B), if you knew a thing or two about statics and dynamics, you would know that simple weight shifting will at best, produce a break even device, and that assumes no friction or wind resistance. When you factor in both of those, I assure you, a simple weight shifting wheel will come to a screeching halt.

      Separate from the weights, cords, and levers, Bessler eludes to the need for a discrete prime mover, and this prime mover must generate the lifting force to raise the overbalanced weights.

    24. Ken B's wheel (which I like to refer to as the spaghetti wheel) is powered solely by simple weight shifting, and it will never be a runner.

    25. "...a pattern of self-centered, arrogant thinking and behavior, a lack of empathy and consideration for other people, and an excessive need for admiration"

      That perfectly describes the average pm wheel chaser! Each convinced only he is on the right track and everyone else is just wasting his time. Each convinced fame and fortune are right around the corner for him only. No telling how many have gone to their graves still thinking like that. They also have one other thing in common...NO success!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It’s probably me Stephen, but I’m not sure if you were saying that I don’t know jack, or you meant the others you mentioned?


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. John remember what Bessler wrote on the toy page. " a different way"

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Glad to know, Stephen. Yes I’m aware of the meaning of the quote you gave. And I’m aware that calculus derive from stone or rock and also refers to limestone much of which lies under the top soil here and makes the tap water very hard.


    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It looks like India is turning into COVID-19 hell!

    I just saw that they had 4 MILLION new cases in the LAST 24 hours and the number of deaths will soon be the highest in the world as the US falls into second place. The hospital system over there is collapsing and running out of beds and oxygen. People are so desperate for the life giving oxygen that they are setting up tents in the streets to let those who aren't getting enough to stay conscious WHILE RESTING have some oxygen and another chance at life. In some placed they have to drive hundreds of miles just to get an oxygen tank refilled. The bodies are actually piling up faster than they can be cremated and some towns are just piling them up in parking lots and burning them there. A lot of people are wondering why only 2% of their population has been vaccinated in the last year when India happens to be the world's BIGGEST manufacturer of vaccines?!

    Last month their new cases were very low and politicians, eager to tell voters what they wanted to hear to get their votes, announced they were opening everything up and there was no need to wear masks anymore. Everybody was happy to do that and they even had a religious festival in one city that 10 MILLION people attended...without masks or social distancing. Meanwhile, new and more deadly strains of the virus were mutating among their population and ready to spread.

    Now we see the result...a deadly second wave that looks unstoppable. Humans may get "pandemic fatigue" but the virus never gets tired of looking for new victims to infect and finding new mutations to do that. The Indian population also didn't get vaccinated as quickly as possible because the vaccine manufacturers there decided to make more money by exporting most of their vaccines to OTHER countries that could pay more for them! Money first and their own people last.

    Now the rest of the world has to try to send as much surplus vaccine as possible over there to prevent what could become one of the worst health disasters since the Black Death of the 14th century. One expert I heard said they could hit ONE MILLION deaths PER DAY at the rate they are going! This disaster is going to cause some BIG political changes over in India in the coming months. It's also a wake up call for any other countries whose capitalist bribed politicians think a few weeks of low new cases means it's safe to open everything up, get rid of masks, and get back to business as usual. You need a few MONTHS of NO new cases to be really sure that can be done safely.

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. The Indian Space Research Organisation[a] (ISRO / revealed on February 1, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman delivered the Union budget for 2020-2021, during which she announced an allocation of Rs 13,479.47 crore for the Department of Space (DOS). This is a 7.5% increase from last year – but a 45.2% increase relative to the allocation in 2015-2016. This signals India’s increasing, and continued, commitment to space activities.

      Note that the Government of India has already approved a budget of Rs 10,911 crore for the construction of 30 Polar Satellite Launch Vehicles (PSLVs) and 10 Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicles (GSLVs), and Rs 10,000 crore for the country’s maiden human spaceflight mission,
      ‘Gaganyaan’, which aims to send three astronauts to space.

      I’m sure the government there see the importance of their space race but surely it should take second place to the disaster which is overtaking the population.


    2. About one in six humans live in India and if they are having a viral disaster over there it won't be too long before it spreads out to the rest of the world. Next on the news we'll be hearing about the new "Indian variant" that is spreading like wildfire and against which our current vaccines are useless. It's just a matter of time. Stock up on masks now before the price of them goes way up like the prices of everything else are doing right now!


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.

Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...