Thursday, 22 April 2021

Documents re: Johann Bessler aka Orffyreus - Perpetual Motion.

I’m currently getting ready to move house again so finding time to write my blogs and complete my work on Bessler’s wheel, is now too difficult.  Space to work is non-existent and I am staying with one of my daughters until we have chosen our next house.  This means no workshop until after we have moved!  But at least I will be able to continue my account of the codes and clues I’ve deciphered to date.

The comment facility is open to anyone so if you would like to make a comment please do so.  I may take a little longer to respond due to on-going house moving keeping me pre-occupied.

So in the mean time once more, here are the details about Johann Bessler aka Orffyreus and his amazing Perpetual Motion Machine.  Plus details of how to order his biography and his books which each include English translations.

The Legend of Bessler's wheel.

On 6th June, 1712, in Germany, Johann Bessler (also known by his pseudonym, Orffyreus) announced that after many years of failure, he had succeeded in designing and building a perpetual motion machine. For more than fourteen years he exhibited his machine and allowed people to thoroughly examine it. Following advice from the famous scientist, Gottfried Leibniz, who was able to examine the device, he devised a number of demonstrations and tests designed to prove the validity of his machine without giving away the secret of its design.

Karl the Landgrave of Hesse permitted Bessler to live, work and exhibit his machine at the prince's castle of Weissenstein. Karl was a man of unimpeachable reputation and he insisted on being allowed to verify the inventor's claims before he allowed Bessler to take up residence. This the inventor reluctantly agreed to and once he had examined the machine to his own satisfaction Karl authorised the publication of his approval of the machine. For several years Bessler was visited by numerous people of varying status, scientists, ministers and royalty. Several official examinations were carried out and each time the examiners concluded that the inventor's claims were genuine.

Over several years Karl aged and it was decided that the inventor should leave the castle and he was granted accommodation in the nearby town of Karlshafen. Despite the strong circumstantial evidence that his machine was genuine, Bessler failed to secure a sale and after more than thirty years he died in poverty. His death came after he fell from a windmill he had been commissioned to build. The windmill was an interesting design using a vertical axle which allowed it to benefit from winds from any directions. 

He had asked for a huge sum of money for the secret of his perpetual motion machine, £20,000 which was an amount only affordable by kings and princes, and although many were interested, none were prepared to agree to the terms of the deal. Bessler required that he be given the money and the buyer take the machine without viewing the internal workings. Those who sought to purchase the wheel, for that was the form the machine took, insisted that they see the secret mechanism before they parted with the money. Bessler feared that once the design was known the buyers could simply walk away knowing how to build his machine and he would get nothing for his trouble.

I became curious about the legend of Bessler’s Wheel, while still in my teens, and have spent most of my life researching the life of Johann Bessler (I’m now 76).  I obtained copies of all his books and had them translated into English and self-published them, in the hope that either myself or someone else might solve the secret and present it to the world in this time of pollution, global warming and increasingly limited energy resources.

Not long after I was able to read the English translations of his books, I became convinced that Bessler had embedded a number of clues in his books.  These took the form of hints in the text, but also in a number of drawings he published.  Subsequently I found suggestions by the author that studying his books would reveal more information about his wheel.

For some ideas about Bessler’s code why not visit my web sites or see my work on his “Declaration of Faith at

Also please view my video at
It gives a brief account both the legend and some more detail about some of the codes.

The problem of obtaining a fair reward for all his hard work was anticipated by Bessler and he took extraordinary measures to ensure that his secret was safe, but he encoded all the information needed to reconstruct the machine in a small number of books that he published. He implied that he was prepared to die without selling the secret and that he believed that posthumus acknowledgement was preferable to being robbed of his secret while he yet lived.

It has recently become clear that Bessler had a huge knowledge of the history of codes and adopted several completely different ones to disguise information within his publications. I have made considerable advances in deciphering his codes and I am confident that I have the complete design.

Johann Bessler published three books, and digital copies of these with English translations may be obtained from the links to the right of this blog. In addition there is a copy of his unpublished document containing some 141 drawings - and my own account of Bessler’s life is also available from the links. It is called "Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved?

Bessler's three published books are entitled "Grundlicher Bericht", "Apologia Poetica" and "Das Triumphirende...". I have called Bessler's collection of 141 drawings Maschinen Tractate, but it was originally found in the form of a number of loosely collected drawings of perpetual motion designs. Many of these have handwritten notes attached and I have published the best English translation of them that I was able to get. Bessler never published these drawings but clearly intended to use them in his planned school for apprentices.

You can order copies of the books from my website at
Or from the top of the right side panel under the heading ‘Bessler’s Books’.
There are also links lower down on the right side panel.

As I often say, the solution to this device is needed now.  Anything that might help cleanse the planet of pollution and help to reduce green house gas emissions, by providing a clean cheap alternative energy source should encouraged in its discovery and development to counter global warming.

Here are the drawings from Giuseppe Pelotti:-



  1. Oggi vorrei dare la mia versione riguardo i 5 meccanismi che penso riguardi la prima ruota unidirezionale di Bessler.
    Proviamo a disegnare un cerchio di 12 centimetri, al centro del cerchio disegnamo un altro cerchio di 4 centimetri e nello spazio circostante disegnamo altri 5 cerchi sempre di 4 centimetri ad intervalli di 72 gradi, ora vediamo la ruota che sembra la coda di un pavone citata da Bessler e vediamo anche che é impossibile inserire altri cerchi, immaginiamo che sui bordi dei cerchi ci sia una cremagliera, che può essere il principio di collegamento, ricordate che i meccanismi sono all'interno di un cerchio e sono coordinati con altri in modo da non ottenere mai più l'equilibrio, se disegnamo una riga orizzontale all'interno dei 5 cerchi satelliti e vi appendiamo due pendoli ciascuno collegandone i pesi l'uno contro l'altro otterremo che girando la ruota i cerchi satelliti si manterranno più o meno stabili sul piano orizzontale e i pendoli oscillano, a questo punto Bessler é riuscito a fare in modo che i pesi dei pendoli siano in equilibrio però fuori dal baricentro.
    Ricordate che le coppie dei pesi sono uno più esterno ed uno più vicino al centro del cerchio, ora fate girare virtualmente la ruota e vedrete che il peso esterno che fa parte dell'appendice perennemente sbilanciata si manterrà sempre dallo stesso lato mentre gira attorno al cerchio principale. con questo credo si possa dire che il numero 5 fa parte della prima ruota a dimostrazione che ci sono più modi di ottenere il moto perpetuo, infatti questo tipo non ha nulla a che fare con la pagina dei giocattoli. Saluti.

    1. PG wrote:-

      “ Today I would like to give my version about the 5 mechanisms that I think relate to Bessler's first one-way wheel.
      Let's try to draw a circle of 12 centimeters, in the center of the circle we draw another circle of 4 centimeters and in the surrounding space we draw another 5 circles always of 4 centimeters at intervals of 72 degrees, now we see the wheel that looks like the tail of a peacock mentioned from Bessler and we also see that it is impossible to insert other circles, let's imagine that on the edges of the circles there is a rack, which can be the principle of connection, remember that the mechanisms are inside a circle and are coordinated with others so as to never get the equilibrium again, if we draw a horizontal line inside the 5 satellite circles and we hang two pendulums each by connecting the weights against each other we will obtain that by turning the wheel the satellite circles will remain more or less stable on the horizontal plane and the pendulums oscillate, at this point Bessler has managed to make sure that the weights of the pendulums are in equilibrium but outside the center of gravity.
      Remember that the pairs of weights are one more external and one closer to the center of the rim, now virtually spin the wheel and you will see that the external weight that is part of the perennially unbalanced appendix will always keep on the same side as it turns around the rim main. with this I believe we can say that the number 5 is part of the first wheel demonstrating that there are more ways to obtain perpetual motion, in fact this type has nothing to do with the toys page. Regards.”.


    2. “Se puoi inviarmi una foto, la posterò in modo che possiamo vedere cosa intendi.”

      In English, “ If you can send me a picture I will post it so we can see what you mean.”


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Santo cazzo scritto compra un deficiente!

  2. OK Scusa John la foto é pronta scannerizzata come faccio ad inviartela?

    1. mandamelo. i miei due nomi in minuscolo su


    2. I’ve added Guisippe’s drawing.


    3. PG wrote (according to JC's translation):

      "...we will obtain that by turning the wheel the satellite circles will remain more or less stable on the horizontal plane and the pendulums oscillate, at this point Bessler has managed to make sure that the weights of the pendulums are in equilibrium but outside the center of gravity."

      Unfortunately, those five "satellite circles" will not all remain "stable on the horizontal plane" as you think. As the outer five circles rotate as a group clockwise around the stationary center hub (they look like they are supposed to be attached to the hub with gear teeth), they will each rotate clockwise around their own separate center pivot. Those motions will then quickly swing the center of gravity of all ten weights toward the ascending side of the group of five circles and make them all stop rotating around the hub. That center of gravity will then just swing from left to right and then back again from right to left a few times below the center of the hub until the outer group of five circles finally stops moving. Over on BW forum they used to call that oscillating motion "keeling".

      I wish I had a better opinion of the design for you, PG, but it doesn't look like it can work. But let's see what others think.


  3. Sembra che i più abbiano dato una occhiata al disegno di principio senza leggere la descrizione, certo sarebbe sciocco pensare che una simile semplice disposizione possa funzionare, prima di tutto devo precisare che il disco centrale é solidale alla ruota
    poi tutti i dischi hanno un ingranaggio sul bordo e all'interno dei dischi satelliti
    vi é il meccanismo che é riuscito a fare Bessler che permette ai pendoli di essere bilanciati pur trovandosi fuori dal baricentro, tutti i 5 satelliti avevano un peso in eccesso da un lato che però non interferivano con i pendoli i quali tenevano il disco stabile sul piano orizzontale. Spero di essermi spiegato, voglio precisare che quella che io ritengo essere la prima ruota realizzata non poteva avere una grande potenza a causa del percorso elicoidale dei pesi e della posizione degli stessi piuttosto al centro della ruota. Saluti

    1. @PG
      I think maybe you just have a variation of this design which looks like it should work but doesn't:

    2. PG wrote:-
      “ It seems that most have taken a look at the basic drawing without reading the description, it would certainly be foolish to think that such a simple arrangement could work, first of all I must specify that the central disc is integral with the wheel
      then all discs have a gear on the edge and inside the satellite discs
      there is the mechanism that Bessler managed to do that allows the pendulums to be balanced even though they are out of the center of gravity, all 5 satellites had an excess weight on one side which, however, did not interfere with the pendulums which kept the disc stable on the plane horizontal. I hope I have explained myself, I want to clarify that what I believe to be the first wheel made could not have a great power due to the helical path of the weights and their position rather in the center of the wheel. Greetings ”.


  4. dans le dessin la ligne horizontale dans les satellites est fictive elle sert au tracé.
    le tracé sert à vérifier la synchronisation des satellites avec le pignon central.
    les poids sur les leviers sont reliés ensemble.
    Pourquoi deux poids?
    j'ai déjà vu ca mais plus simple!

    1. JB wrote:-
      “ in the drawing, the horizontal line in the satellites is fictitious; it is used for the drawing.
      the plot is used to check the synchronization of the satellites with the central pinion.
      the weights on the levers are linked together.
      Why two weights?
      I have already seen that but easier! ”



    1. That's a well made little wheel, but that center red gear is actually attached to a sleeve that fits around the axle that the clear disc is attached to. He can only keep the four metal weights overbalanced by constantly turning the sleeve with his fingers in the opposite direction that the large clear disc turns. If he did that to keep his wheel running, then he would be constantly supplying energy to lift the four weights. If he tried to somehow add outside gears and axles to use the torque of the clear disc to turn the sleeve so he didn't have to use his fingers to do so, then he'd find out that the counter torque of the sleeve would always equal the torque of the clear disc and no motion would happen. Just because a wheel is overbalanced doesn't mean it will turn. All designs like his just lock themselves up when released. That obviously did not happen with Bessler's wheels.


  6. Continuando il discorso della ruota con 5 meccanismi Bessler dice che il disco centrale era il più importante e questo la dice lunga, anche la sua visione di un sole con i pianeti che gli girano intorno con orbita elittica mi fa pensare, il sole è fermo e noi per tenere fermo il disco centrale possiamo farlo con un pendolo, quando Bessler si riferisce alla ruota la chiama il pendolo al singolare, ora con il cerchio centrale fermo il funzionamento almeno in teoria cambia e sembra OK. queste discussioni aiutano a progredire la ricerca, anche se un anonimo mi a dato del deficiente ma io penso che lui non sarà molto orgoglioso di averlo fatto. Accetto volentieri confronti costruttivi. Grazie e saluti.

    1. PG write:-
      “ Continuing the speech of the wheel with 5 mechanisms, Bessler says that the central disk was the most important and this speaks volumes, even his vision of a sun with the planets revolving around it in an elliptical orbit makes me think, the sun is still and to keep the central disk still we can do it with a pendulum, when Bessler refers to the wheel he calls it the pendulum in the singular, now with the central circle still the functioning changes at least in theory and it seems OK. these discussions help to advance the research, even if an anonymous gave me the moron but I think he will not be very proud of having done so. I gladly accept constructive comparisons. Thank you and greetings. ”


  7. Il deficiente era SG lol

    1. Anon 5 May 2021 at 21:04 wrote:

      "The moron was SG lol"

  8. After reading PG's initial post above (excerpts below), it sounds like he is saying a Bessler Wheel can only include 5 mechanisms because only 5 circles can surround the center circle.

    "...draw a circle of 12 centimeters..."

    " the center of the circle we draw another circle of 4 centimeters..."

    " the surrounding space we draw another 5 circles always of 4 centimeters..."

    "...Bessler and we also see that it is impossible to insert other circles..."

    "...I believe we can say that the number 5 is part of the first wheel..."


    In reality, 6 circles can surround a center circle if they are all the same size. So does this mean the actual number of mechanisms in a Bessler Wheel is actually 6?

    1. I found that Bessler gives several numerological clues in his first DT portrait that his one way wheels used eight levers. They are not easy to find though. Here are four of them to consider.

      To find the first clue look at the large cursive script letter "O" in his professional name "Orffyreus" on the top line. It's an obvious symbol for his wheel. The only other letter on another line that that "O" touches is the block script capital "H" in "Hoch" on the second line. "H" is the 8th letter of the alphabet and has an alphanumeric value of 8. So he is here physically attaching that value of 8 to the letter "O" symbol for his wheel.

      The second clue involving a letter "o" is the "o" placed to the right of the letter "H" in "Hoch" on the second line and is another way of associating the alphanumeric value of "H" or 8 with his wheel represented by the "o" even though the two letters do not touch.

      The third "o" clue is found in the word "Comerc" on the second line and the only other letter in that word the "o" touches is the letter "m". "m" normally has an alphanumeric value of 13, but we can add its digits together to get a derived value of 1 + 3 = 4 for it. BUT, notice what Bessler draws over that letter "m"! It's an overbar or "macron" and this was a way of telling readers of abbreviated German words that a letter was a "digraph" or doubled consonant in this case and that they needed to replace the "m" with "mm". If you then double the previous derived alphanumeric value we got for "m" you get 4 + 4 = 8. Again, he physically attaches the letter "o" symbol for his wheel to the number 8.

      The fourth "o" clue is found in the word "Mobel" on the third line and is the hardest of the four to analyze.

      Notice that letter "o" is placed between the "M" and "b" and that the bottom serif of the "M" and the top serif of "b" both point to the "o" wheel symbol but do not touch it. This indicates we have to do something with the two letters before attaching a value derived from them to the "o" wheel symbol. "M" was shown above to have a derived alphanumeric value of 1 + 3 = 4. "b" only has a value of 2. If we multiply those values together we get 4 x 2 = 8. Again, this value is attached to the "o" wheel symbol by placing the letter "o" between the "M" and "b".

      I'm sure many will quickly dismiss all of these numerological clues as mere coincidences and I would agree with them if it were not for the fact that they ALL involve the letter "o" which was definitely used by Bessler as a symbol for his wheels. Imo, these are not coincidences at all but four carefully planned and real numerological clues that he used in his first portrait to indicate that his wheels did use eight levers.

      There are only three "o" letter wheel symbols in the text under the second DT portrait. After reading the above some will be able to see how Bessler also attached the value of 8 to all of them. Good luck with your analyses!

      Sayer of Sooths

    2. Very imaginative SoS. As you will know I favour five mechanisms but without proof I cannot dismiss your own interpretations.


    3. On ne peut mettre que cinq pignons de même diamètre moyen autour d'un pignon identique.
      sinon six pignons s'imbriquent et ne tournent pas.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Hey nice to see you back again SoS. Interesting numerology analysis from you as usual. I agree Bessler definitely put a lot of 8 sums around his letter o symbol for his wheel. I can't think any other reason to do that so much unless he was trying to tell us something.

      I tried to find more 8 sums for the o letters in the second portrait words but could only do one for the word noch. The o is between letters n and c in that word. n is 14 that you can turn into 1+4=5 and the c is 3. You then add them up to get 8 with the o between them! I'm lost with the other o letter words though.

    6. JB wrote:-
      “ You can only put five pinions of the same average diameter around an identical pinion.
      otherwise six sprockets interlock and do not turn. J.B. “


    7. Stephen, I think that certain features of the mechanism are described in DT, but always their meaning is ambiguously described. I have understood their true meaning and have posted some of them here over several years but they are mostly ignored or dismissed because most peo0le have fixed ideas about the meaning and won’t be pursued differently. No he did not lie, but he frequently misled.


    8. @SoS
      Hmm, four "o" word clues in the first portrait and three in the second. That's 4 + 3 = 7! IIRC you said once that 7 is the luckiest number of all and it was also the level in heaven where God lived (seventh heaven). It makes sense that B would use that number of "o" word clues in the two portraits where you say the "o" is a symbol for his wheel. He wanted to attract luck to his wheels to sell them and was also giving praise to God at the same time for helping him find pm. Then again maybe this is just another "coincidence" for everyone to ignore like they do any claimed clues? Lol! Everyone is sure his clues are the right ones and everyone else is only having delusions.

    9. Anon 12:52 wrote "I'm lost with the other o letter words though."

      You did a good job with the word "noch" and because you gave it a try I'll tell you how to analyze the other two words in the second portrait to satisfy your curiosity. Bessler makes their analysis difficult by NOT using the standard alphanumerical values for certain letters in them! That was probably done as a safeguard to prevent complete decoding by anyone who figured out that he was using a simple alphanumerical method to hide clues in the first portrait.

      In the word "vollendet" at the end of the first line the "o" is between a "v" and an "l". "l" normally has a value of 12 but we must use its derived value of 1 + 2 = 3 here. "v" normally has a value of 22 and a derived value of 2 + 2 = 4. If you add these you get 3 + 4 = 7 which is a very lucky number, but it's not the number you are supposed to get. He often likes to use a letter "v" as the Roman numeral with a value of 5 instead of 22. When we use it that way and add it to the derived value for "l" we get 5 + 3 = 8.

      The word "lobt" is on the second line and you will notice that the "o" is attached to the "b" which normally has a value of 2. The "t" to the right of the "b" has a value of 20. It's unusual because it looks a little like a + sign which means an addition must be done. Also notice that he draws the "b" so it looks like the number 6! We need to use that value and add it to the value of "t" to get 20 + 6 = 26. The derived value of that sum is then 2 + 6 = 8.

      So there we have it. Seven words with the letter "o" in them that represents one of Bessler's wheels and all of them have the number 8 numerologically connected to them. Imo, this cannot be due to just random chance.

      Sayer of Sooths

    10. Very interesting clue you found Sos. He must have made up a list of German words with the letter O in them and then went through it and found those that he could also make 8's using their other nearby letterrs. It was only those he used in the sentences under the portraits.

      I agree what you found can't all be chance. It took planning and there's got to be a message in it. Now I'm looking for number 8 elsewhere. There's three of them in the right side Kassel wheel drawing in DT but they look like they are for the weights on the big pendulum not the wheel.

    11. @Anon 21:36

      I've also noticed those number 8's in that second DT drawing of the Kassal wheel. Many will just say they are used to label the weights on that big pendulum and nothing more. But to a numerologist they could also have another and less obvious purpose.

      Look at the two weights at the ends of the horizontal bar at the top of the pendulum that have the little number 8's drawn near them. They are shaded to make them look ball shaped which the real ones would have been, but in a two dimensional drawing they are just flat circles. As circles they could be symbolic of two narrower one direction wheels that Bessler would have placed into the Kassal wheel's drum to make it turn in two directions. The horizontal bar that connects them is then symbolic of the Kassal wheel's axle to which the drum with its two inner wheels was attached. This could have been his way of telling us that each of the two narrower one direction wheels inside of the drum contained eight weights each of which was attached to its own lever.

      In the past I've commented that I am leaning toward the belief that the levers Bessler used were "Y" shaped. I first saw this depicted in KB's wheel, but thought he might just have made up the shape with nothing to support its use. Then while analyzing some of the drawings in MT, I began to find numerological evidence for a "Y" shaped lever and that helped move me closer to accepting that Bessler actually used that shape for them.

      Now compare the Kassal wheel pendulum to the ones used with the Merseburg wheel. The biggest difference is that the diagonal braces on the Kassal wheel have been increased in length until they are actually the longest parts of the entire pendulum! Since this is the only drawing we have showing this oversized pendulum that could have been a way of emphasizing its importance. It looks like Bessler wants us to focus on the shape of that pendulum. But why?

      Here's one possible numerological reason that occurred to me. Imagine that the Kassal wheel pendulum consists of two parts that have been combined. One part is the top horizontal bar with the two ball shaped end weights the middle of which is attached to the vertical piece that goes down to that spindle shaped weight at its bottom end. The other part is the two long diagonal braces. The first part represents the letter "T" and the second part represents the letter "V" and they have been combined in the pendulum or added together to make a single structure.

      "T" is the 20th letter of the alphabet with an alphanumeric value of 20. "V" normally has a value of 22, but remember that Bessler liked to use this letter as the Roman numeral whose value was 5 so let's also use that value here. We then add them together to get 20 + 5 = 25. Note that the derived value for this is 2 + 5 = 7 which is a very lucky number in numerology and Bessler certainly wanted to have a lot of luck so he could sell his wheel invention for the high price he demanded for it. BUT, 25 is also the alphanumeric value of the letter "Y"!!! I cannot escape the feeling that this is yet another hidden clue from Bessler telling us that he used "Y" shaped levers in his wheels.

      We can now actually translate these clues into a description by Bessler which would be "My two direction Kassal wheel's drum contains two narrower one direction wheels with each wheel having eight "Y" shaped levers in it that has a weight attached to it".

      Sayer of Sooths

    12. Ingenious. I have alternative interpretations as you might imagine.


    13. Amazing SoS! I've looked at that big pendulum for years and it never occurred to me that it might represent two alphabet letters joined together! He tilted it a little which helps to hide that better. Now I'm looking for alphabet letters in all his drawings! Lol!

  9. Sometime in future antigravity vehicles would become very common... Please read on...

    1. I didn’t make it to the end, unfortunately I got bored before I got there, sorry.


    2. For those who didn't watch it or quit after the first minute, the group leader in this video claims he's having meetings with "Maheshwarnath Babaji" who supposedly was born in 203 AD, has paranormal powers, and is immortal! Some think that before Jesus began his own preaching he went to India to be enlightened by Babaji about various things which would make Babaji at least 2,000 years old! Many Hindus believe Babaji is the reincarnation of Shiva who is a very important figure in Hinduism.

      Babaji is currently hiding out in some of the remote Himalayan regions of India, but occasionally has meeting with one of his most devoted and worthy of followers to give him his pearls of wisdom to deliver to the rest of humanity. The leader in this video claims to be one of those followers and is dispensing those pearls he received from Babaji to his little group who are in search of enlightenment. Now with videos like this we can all receive those pearls too! Amazing what can be done with the internet.

    3. Notice how the group of true believers in that video (all whites with plenty of disposable income to spend seeking "enlightenment") are in awe of every word this guy is telling them about what he claims Babaji told him during his alleged meetings with him? I've seen the same kind of hypnotic devotion to charismatic ministers at evangelical Christian meetings where everyone attending leaves their rationality at the front door as they enter. Using a youtube channel let's him spread his nonsense to a potentially far larger audience so he can collect even more "free will love offerings" from them as he "enlightens" them. I wonder how much he pulls in per year charging them for those mumbo jumbo "pearls of wisdom" that he delivers to them? Probably at least $100,000 USD!

    4. As Karl Marx once wrote "Religion is the opiate of the masses". The guy in the video is just earning his income by supplying those people with that drug they all crave...the delusion that they are getting "higher knowledge" that will help them live happier and more satisfying lives. If you check back with them years from now you'll find that most are off chasing some other nonsense hoping it will be a more powerful drug for them. But that's what addiction is all about. The "holy" men have known all about this since the Stone Age. Back then they were taking payment by food or stone, bones, and shells they could trade for food. Today they need cash or credit and debit card numbers. They don't like personal checks because some them will bounce higher than heaven. Lol!

    5. It's good to be a "holy" least for one's bank account!

    6. Anon 00:02 wrote: "I wonder how much he pulls in per year charging them for those mumbo jumbo "pearls of wisdom" that he delivers to them? Probably at least $100,000 USD! "

      If he's in the US and registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a "religion", then he's not paying a single penny of federal or state taxes on those $100,000 dollars he's getting from his followers! That means that the rest of us hard working, taxpaying suckers have to pay even more money every year to make up for what he and maybe hundreds of thousands of other nuts like him are not paying every year. That's money that could be used for OUR families.

      Yes, anon 06:00, it is good to be a "holy man" especially if you get a tax free income along with your "job"!

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

  10. It is too easy to dismiss everything... And, you are known for it...

    All I can say is that certain things could be true also... The problem here is that we simply lack that discerning mind... That's the reason why we couldn't even figure out the BW secret yet... We are too busy dismissing things very fast...

    The guy in the video is also very much conscious how fragile this life is... He knows nothing goes with us when we finally depart except good and bad karma... All the followers are not so dumb...

    It is an individual's choice whether to ignore something but to declare everything to be fraud isn't a good thing...

    We all know how simple the BW internal mechanism is but we don't know how to solve it... We lack patience and discretion... We just don't know what or whom to believe... What to dismiss and what not to...

    God help...

    1. Suresh, you said, “ It is too easy to dismiss everything... And, you are known for it...”. I assume you mean me. I only dismiss things I don’t believe are correct. Other people are entitled to express their opinion, obviously and they do. The only things I won’t discuss are religion and politics, they are very personal beliefs and most people are not open to persuasion and I respect their views.


  11. I am also against religions Sir...
    I meant that for Ken, actually... A fact is a fact in any case be it spirituality for that matter... In choosing to close a subject by terming it to be a matter of personal belief we may be losing the chances of any possibility...

    Our thought process is very complicated and great discoveries depend on intuitions... And, intuitions come from the ever mysterious universe... There are certain things we all believe and there are certain things we have got to believe without any logic by pure love and longing alone...

    BW reinvention is very typical and unique... 300 years back Bessler had successfully invented the same... And we know he believed in the divine hand...

    Our perception of the things around are limited by the five sense organs or mechanisms we possess... It is not right to disbelieve something that really exists beyond the approach of our senses... we need a little bit of extra-sensory understanding... That's all... This can be achieved either by practice directly or if that is too difficult we can gain such knowledge by reading or listening to great souls that are already capable of using extra-sensory perception...imo it would be foolish to declare or dismissing everything so fast without any thought...

    I am very sure this BW cannot be alienated from the divine...

    1. Thank you Suresh and I don’t dismiss intuitive and similar avenues and methods of making progress. I was once involved with a group who sought answers through ‘remote viewing’.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. "You should have already realize that. if he were to attempt it might irreparably damage him! "

      You're absolutely right, SG. If John was to even try to reach your and SK's understanding of Bessler's wheels, it might cause him permanent brain damage! You two must have very strong brains to be able to withstand the stress of all of that knowledge you have about Bessler's wheels. You are to be admired!

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    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Quod nos duo facit

  13. Asinus est asinus est non scitis.


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  I wish all of you a happy new year!  This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...