Thursday, 4 May 2023

Gravity Enabled Continuously Rotating Electricity Generator

There are a small group of people wide spread around the world, who believe that Johann Bessler’s claim that he had invented a so-called Perpetual Motion machines was genuine.  But most people’s first opinion is to dismiss such declarations with little further consideration, and it’s not surprising, given the current school of thought about such assertions.

Despite the certainty that the educational institutions have established in their curriculums, teaching the young and old alike that Johann Bessler was a fraud, there are a number of questions which are routinely dismissed or ignored, but which need to be properly examined in a fair and unbiased fashion to determine the truth about his machine.  Why? Because those questions raise serious doubts about the consensus of opinion that any kind of machine such as Bessler’s was or is impossible

The inventor never gave up on his contention that his machine was genuine and he declared that if he was found to have been cheating then he should be executed for it.  You might think that such an end was unlikely but actually several people making claims to take advantage of one or more members of the ruling class were indeed summarily executed by having their head chopped off.

Early on during his initial exhibitions, his claim to have invented and exhibited a perpetual motion machine caused a considerable amount of interest within certain court circles among the intellectuals who inhabited that elite society.  Numerous letters between several witnesses who attended Bessler’s demonstrations sparked the interest of Gottfried Leibniz. He managed to arrange two private demonstrations where he was able to ask several questions and examine the wheel and its motion.  He came to believe that here was a great invention which should not be lost because of the scepticism generally advanced in reaction to the demonstrations.

Following his advice and help, Bessler was ordered to bring his machine to the court of Karl, the Landgrave of Hesse. Karl had spent some considerable time funding the experiments of Denis Papin and subsequent to his departure for London, Karl agreed to provide Bessler with rooms to exhibit his new and larger machine.  Of course Karl insisted on being allowed to confirm the inventor’s claims by examining the workings of the machine which he did.  He concluded that the machine was genuine and remarkably simple.  He was a man of tremendous prestige being held in high regard and had a reputation for honesty and sincerity throughout Europe. This coupled with his interest and knowledge of the latest discoveries in the world of science made him the ideal person to offer Bessler his patronage

Following Leibniz’s recommendations, Bessler developed a series of demonstrations which were designed to provide firm, convincing evidence that Bessler’s wheel was genuine. The most obvious one required a continuous run of around two weeks under lock and key and the Landgrave’s personal seal.  A guard was also placed outside the room for the full period of the run, which was actually extended to 54 days in total.

Other measures designed to reduce the chance of fraud, included providing two alternate sets of pillars supporting the wheel, to enable the device to be moved from set to the other.  This allowed the examiners to check both sets of bearings before and after translocation had taken place. Nothing suspicious was ever found.  An Archimedes pump was attached to the wheel to demonstrate how it could pump water if needed.  A chest of stones weighting 70 pounds was hoisted by the wheel from the castle yard to its roof and lowered many times.

Many have tried to find a way that Bessler might have faked the demonstrations, but no secret method has ever been found, and the truth is there for anyone capable of objective analysis to examine the evidence - to see if it was impossible to fake or impossible to be real! 

Current research suggests that although a perpetual motion machine in an isolated system is impossible, where there is an external force field there must be a way to tap this force continuously for as long as that force exists. Bessler states very clearly that his machine relied completely on the action of some weights thus propounding the force of gravity.

This suggested solution is customarily dismissed because gravity is a force and not a source of energy.  However thousands of waterwheels and hydroelectric power stations are enabled to work due to the force of gravity.  The argument that a fallen weight has to be lifted once it’s fallen is used to dismiss Bessler’s wheel, but if Bessler managed to contrive a method which overcame that problem, then his machine was indeed the real deal.  Obviously he must have succeeded so there is a potential solution to global warming with free, clean energy.  

What are we waiting for!



  1. We are waiting for you John.

  2. Allora John ti si é accesa la lampadina e l'idea valeva 100.000 Talleri ?

  3. A water wheel is a bad example. The energy used comes from the Sun through evaporation, not gravity.

  4. The reason I used such a basic example is this. It doesn’t matter how the water gets there, I was simply pointing out that even though gravity is not regarded as a source of energy, we use it routinely as an actual energy source…..indirectly. It makes things fall and the falling of objects of mass i.e., water and weights etc, is used to drive machinery.

    We are all aware of the problem of returning the fallen object back to its starting point, but I know that Bessler had solved that problem.

    I’m working towards explaining in detail how that was done, but I have several other factors unconnected with this work, which causing me delays, but I am getting there slowly but surely.


  5. The one question i would like to ask John, is if his proposed wheel design contain any Storkbill/Lazytong mechanisms?

    Rather then placing to much importance on pentagrams or Y shaped levers, I'm more inclined to believe that Bessler found a novel way of using the Storkbill/Lazytong to control the distance between the weights in such a way that the rising side having its weight further spaced apart and thus being "Empty and Light" and conversely the falling side getting an excess of weights congregating and as such being "Full and Heavy".

    I don't know how the movement was achieved nor the Hammer/Anvil and Jacob's Ladder place in it. But im certain that any wheel design lacking the Storkbill/Lazytong mechanisms will not work.

    Random Bessler Lurker

    1. You’re right RBL! My design uses the storks bill.


    2. 5 weights and n shaped strings and lazy tongs too? For goodness sake why did I ever start this quest? No way in hell would I have figured this out. It's easily worth millions of dollars.

  6. I finally found the perfect Christmas gift for JC!


    1. Almost perfect Shemp! Maybe a little too chunky? Something similar but more elegant would be nice.


    2. There is no lazy tong in it.

    3. Shemp what a perfect example of what a face would look like when the time comes he finds out that he did not have the answer. Shemp you're subconscious mind knows more about the design then your conscious mind can comprehend it would be very interesting to know the circumstances that brought you to finding that image were you searching for something or did you stumble upon it while looking at something else inquisitive Minds would like to know I believe you understand a curious conscious mind is surely something beneficial to cultivate.

    4. @SG
      Maybe that watch's face represents the look that will be on JC's face when he finally realizes that pentagons have nothing to do with B's wheels? Here's that look in emoji form:

  7. I await, hardly able to contain my glee, anticipating when I reveal the solution and SG, you are going to feel so embarrassed by your presumptuous statements.


  8. If your machine works John I will not be embarrassed I will however be surprised in which case that would mean you understood what a cross face really meant literally screaming the answer. However I fear it is going right over your head again and now that I've revealed that Shemp has subconsciously LED himself to the prime that moves this statement for future reference proves that I see much more than you . I /AM fully aware of the physics involved whether it operates Within a gravitational field or outside. Those who have eyes to see let them see! And with a fully developed imagination they might actually hear! A child's game one that is truly extraordinary.

  9. John a circle of fifths is also a clock a handheld Bell also has a neck and head teacher ring the bell it doesn't make much sense to be 5 minutes late I think you should all pay more attention it's getting rather late I haven't much time left!

  10. Tell me John are you for the Nobel Laureate to be admired by the select few dust collecting stuff shirts or would you rather be a kind-hearted gesture who makes learning a adventure for the children your award would be smiles. Which do you choose John Cambridge or Oxford! Which one rings the bell for you?

    1. There is a pair of electric bells in Oxford (the Oxford electric bells) that were put together in 1840, and are still ringing! So PM machines do exist today.

  11. I often find your comments slightly puzzling SG. The reasons for referencing the circle of fifths has been well covered both here and elsewhere.

    5 minutes late? I don’t get it. I’m not in line for a Nobel prize, I’ve used both Unis for my research, and Birmingham Uni as well. All nice people and helpful, no favourites.

    And why don’t you have much time left?


  12. I am such a skeptic, that even if a working wheel is revealed, I just will not be able to believe what I'm seeing is real. In fact, I will automatically think it's a fraud. It will take an act of God to convince me it's real and I'm not even a flat earther!

    1. No Quarter I'm glad to hear you're not a flat earther that means you do perceive there are other dimensions science today is reviewing it's view on the universe and may I add it's about freaking time literally about TIME! If that sounds funny that's only because it'sTRUE! I hope they like chalk a lot because it's back to the drawing board or maybe they'll just invent a new language to Razzle and Dazzle us when your axioms are limitations what do you expect might happen with The Human Condition you asked for an act of God you've already gotten one you exist so go out and search for what's possible but please listen to the small voice that's within you.

  13. Oh yes John I forgot your last question it's really rather simple. Parts wear out it is to be understood what continues is another adventure I'm sure it will be extraordinary!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...