Monday, 22 May 2023

What If Johann Bessler’s Machine Really Worked? Imagine!

It is so frustrating trying to convince people that Johann Bessler’s machine could be a great invention, an incredible benefit to the planet, a source of free, clean energy.  But we struggle to climb a gigantic wall of scepticism and yet there is a constant intensifying debate demanding a solution to global warming and all the ramifications associated with it.

I have, over a number of years, tried to interest people in those higher reaches of research and development who I believe would be in the right position to take note of Bessler’s work, and accept it as a challenge and obtain funding to rediscover the secret.  Polite interest was the usual response, adding a comment such as, “build a working model and I’ll take a look at it!”  This remains the response.

I watched an inspiring video by Prince William on climate change, such a good speaker!  No I’m not going to write to him, but he makes a good case for doing all we can to help our planet back to a healthier state.  Like his father he prioritises the environment.

Bessler, aka Orffyreus, invented and exhibited a machine which he claimed used only gravity to make it rotate endlessly. After about fifty years of study, my original opinion that Bessler’s claim was genuine has been strengthened to the point where I know beyond a shadow of doubt that his machine was genuine.  The circumstantial evidence is so strong that in a court of law a judge must find Bessler innocent of an suggestions of impropriety. 

The fact that we have been taught emphatically that such devices oppose the laws of science, not to mention common sense, should not detract from the importance of a proper investigation into the potential advantages of such a device in today’s world of increasing energy costs, pollution and global warming.

Having studied Bessler’s words for over 50 years I’ve come to know him and how his mind worked.  When reading his account of his experiences one can feel his exasperation at the actions of his “enemies” his name for those who opposed his claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine.  He continued to stand by his assertion until his death.  I too will continue to maintain my own conviction that his machine was genuine and worthy of development.

I have written a detailed account of Johann Bessler’s life which is available by clicking the appropriate link in either the top of the side panel under the words, ‘Johann Bessler’s Books and biography’. Alternatively you can click on a link towards the bottom of the right side panel which lists each book.  The biography contains details of letters to and from Bessler plus others writing about him.  There are copies of witness statements, tests and testimonials. 

The other books are copies of Bessler’s own work and each has a full English translation at the end.


Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no one can imagine”

― Alan Turing


  1. And unfortunately until proven, everyone will think it was some kind of hoax. In fact, Ive gone from belief to belief it's a play...a literary work orchestrated to suck people in and make them waste their life. Bessler's most clever design was that of making sure he was never forgotten and he did that very well.

  2. What will you do John when your wheel work?

  3. Just for fun, I asked ChatGPT about the implications of inventing a device that can generate free energy. The response was not positive:

    The statement suggests a hypothetical scenario where energy becomes freely available to all of humanity overnight, rendering its market value and associated costs worthless. The implication is that such a sudden and dramatic shift would have far-reaching consequences for our existing economic and social systems.

    In our current society, energy is an essential input in nearly all aspects of production, distribution, and consumption. If energy were suddenly made freely available, it would disrupt established economic structures that rely on energy costs as a significant component of pricing goods and services. This scenario would likely lead to significant upheaval and uncertainty, as many industries and businesses would struggle to adapt to the new reality.

    The statement acknowledges that our system is not built to handle such a sudden and radical change. The implication is that the existing economic and social systems, which heavily rely on energy as a valuable and costly resource, would face severe challenges and potentially collapse under the weight of such a transformation. However, the statement also acknowledges that despite the system's flaws, the process of its dismantling would be chaotic and potentially harmful to society.

    It's worth noting that the scenario described is highly hypothetical and unlikely to occur in the real world. The cost of energy is influenced by various factors, including production, distribution, infrastructure, and market dynamics. While advancements in renewable energy and technological innovations may reduce the cost of energy over time, a sudden and complete elimination of energy costs is improbable.

    If such a scenario were to occur, it would require a fundamental restructuring of our economic and social systems to adapt to the new reality. This would likely involve significant changes in industries, employment patterns, and wealth distribution. Predicting the precise outcomes and the overall impact on society would be challenging, as it would depend on various factors and the responses of different stakeholders.

    In summary, the statement raises thought-provoking points about the potential consequences of a hypothetical scenario where energy becomes free for all of humanity overnight. It highlights the challenges and potential instability that may arise from such a drastic change, while acknowledging the need for a systemic transformation.

    1. Anonymous 23:58 you really don't have to look to AI to understand what would happen the power structure politically and socially would change of course it would individuals having the power to achieve self-reliance in many ways would definitely be frowned upon by the ones who have power over those individuals due to the weakening of the influence of monetary gain for the purpose of manipulating. It also to release such information could be detrimental to one's own health considering the amount of low life scum of the earth greedy m************ in the world who could not see the force because of the trees and understand it is inevitable that man grows out of this stupid monetary system of course there will be paid but at least this pain comes with hope of a better future for all the ones we we care about! Every species has to evolve to which environment in order to survive into the future mankind is no exception to this rule I'm sorry if this information makes people upset truth up and does that but let's not kid ourselves we all as individuals have to make adjustments for the greater good to give everyone an equal chance. So as an individual you should be doing everything you can to make people aware that this is going to happen and to keep in mind it's a good thing and that it doesn't hurt their ability to survive it only enhances it stress to them that they have to be calm and think of the world has something liking to New Life and for them to understand there will be birth pains. I wouldn't be saying all of these things unless I had knowledge that the technology is real and it is more powerful then you would expect!

  4. There are so many clues that don't seem important to anyone rk

    1. Yes, JC's various websites are loaded with them!

  5. Which book is the detailed account of his life.

  6. Perpetual Motion: An Ancient Mystery Solved?! by JC

  7. I felt the exact same way until I saw this:

  8. Its simply heavier on one side than the other.

  9. Stand on a weighing scale with a sledge hammer, watch what happens to the needle when you hammer downwards .

  10. He even points to what it is, for those who have eyes to see.

    1. More talk, fanciful thinking, yet no real-world build to prove the point. I'm firmly planted in the realm of reality of saying nobody has the solution and the dead horse has been beaten to the point all that is left is shreds of crushed bone from the pulverizing of the carcass.

  11. It's an animation spinning on a computer. Sounds good, looks good, seems plausible but once again - without real-world builds to prove it - it's nothing more than fanciful thoughts. It's like children imagining they are flying with their feet planted firmly on the ground. The imagination is a powerful thing, but in the end - mere thoughts of fantasy - a world many choose to live in but is not "real."

  12. Here you are with the politics again. And secrets too. I straight up just gave up. I sincerely hope that you have the solution JC. Most of my concepts were based on opposed pendula. the most interesting concept i ever came up with was two 270 degree opposed pendula sharing four weights between them so that as they crossed each other a trailing weight would jump to the descending parts and ride to the bottom. Anyone who can picture that action? It was pretty interesting. Have no clue if it could be made to work.


    1. it was only two weights come to think of it, and they never make it to the top or the bottom.


  13. That's Ken Behrendt's wheel which anon 03:09 obviously grabbed from Ken's youtube video. Ken claims that video was made from a working sim and is not an "animation" which can be made to run even if it violates mechanical laws.
    There was an attempt to build it years ago by someone on bwf, but it was apparent that he did not follow the instructions Ken gives in his book on Bessler. Ken never released the simulation files he claims to have that show it works and so far no one else has made his own sim to show the design works. However, a lot of people seem to accept it as "the" solution.
    What impresses me is that during rotation six of the eight levers are always in motion and moving at different speeds relative to each other and that seems to be how the design manages to keep the cog of its weights in one spot on the wheel's descending side although it does wobble about a little.
    Practically every other design I've ever seen or tried to build requires the wheel to turn through so many degrees before some big shift of its levers takes place that then makes the cog suddenly jump back to its starting point on the descending side and usually that flyback action doesn't happen unless the cog is already well onto the wheel's ascending side which actually requires more that the wheel's increased momentum to get it there so it won't happen automatically to produce continuous wheel rotation. That flyback action does not happen in Ken's wheel and the result is that all of the wheel's momentum can be used to accelerate it or power some machinery attached to its axle.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...