Friday, 30 June 2023

I’ve Been Sharing Information Since this Blog Began in 2009.

Many comments posted here suggest that I don’t share any information, but in fact a simple search in the “search this blog” box at the bottom of the panel on the right will reveal a wealth of information I’ve shared over many years, right back to 2010 and earlier.

There are links to my other web sites in the same panel which include coded information I’ve found and solved.

Ideas to search for:-

Craftsman,  clock,  Toys,  5,  parametric oscillation, (you can miss out ‘oscillation’ it will pick up on ‘parametric’),  kiiking, (the spelling is correct), MT137 and much more.

The first “craftsman” phrase I had already decoded a couple of years before it was actually published way back September 2011!  Yet I still find most people trying make one pound lift four!  

Scrolling down through the search/finds, reveal more interesting subjects of interest. 

Much of my information seems to get lost in the dross being released by others of a more indiscriminate nature. I am certain that most of the information I’ve shared will be re-evaluated once Bessler’s Wheel has been solved and published.  Many have said that they don’t think the information I have published will help anyone reach the correct solution, well it has helped me and when I publish the solution you will see why I say that.


Copyright ©️ John Collins


  1. So that one counts in many places
    Also some ounces that are missing.
    Will the work keep its course,
    And don't pay a hair's attention to it.


    1. I'd translate that as "Slight variations in the masses of its weights will have not the slightest effect on my wheel's ability to keep turning."

    2. “ The design has, in fact, progressed to the point where there is nothing supercritical about the exact disposition of the weights - an ounce more or less, here or there, makes not a scrap of difference to the Wheel, which will hold its course serenely without "turning a hair".


    3. I think we all waiting for a series of blog which reveals the clue a better manner.

  2. So basically you're turned 78 and you're gearing up to make sure to release all you know and then you told us that you've already told us. I certainly hope that at some point you release the rest of what you have. I appreciate what you've done so far...I just thought you were going to tell us the final solution months ago.

  3. Hello John,

    I think the point is that people who have followed all your publications over the many years criticize you for seeming to claim to know the solution in all probability. At the same time, however, you have not been able to provide the proof for years, but have made numerous announcements about disclosing the solution, and have always come up with reasons why you still need time or that it is your insufficient craftmanship. It can be understood as a form of arrogance. Maybe, many believe that ultimately you are also merely on research while having a hard time admitting to possibly not having a solution at all. Especially since everyone here might wish that the search would come to an end. You can make people's mouths water with big words. And yes, you have devoted an extreme amount of your life time to this subject and have worked meticulously to interpret Bessler's records. Of course, it is a fervent wish that all these efforts will not only come to fruition in the end, but that you will also receive the recognition you deserve.

    As far as I'm concerned, unfortunately I can't even see the beginning of a solution in your previous descriptions. For a long time I have been assuming that it is only of limited use to want to interpret Bessler's writings in every detail. The risk of looking for clues in the wrong places is too great.
    I therefore think it makes sense to get rid of it and concentrate on the mechanics just by thinking for yourself.

    Just to mention, I also have great respect for your work and can fully understand why you act your way!

    1. An excellently written comment S.O.P.M, and I have no argument with your assessment of my actions, decisions and the reasons for them. I, as much as anyone else here, suffer from the giddy ups and downs of this research, one moment high on adrenalin from a discovery, followed by a feeling of “so what?” How does this help?

      What I can say is that I have put together a document, with diagrams and text which is, I believe the closest thing to a complete description of how the wheel worked. My illustrations are a bit rough although I used MS paint, because the detail is difficult to include. The text is straight forward but I think a picture helps. I will be using some if it both here and on BW forum in a few days. So far even in its abbreviated state there nine pages and several illustrations and I plan to add more of each if only to make sure thst everyone understands it.

      I always wanted to build a PoP version first but I fear that it will be too difficult for me to complete, but I’m making some physical parts to test some the actions. Nevertheless the principle is indeed simple


    2. "I will be using some if it both here and on BW forum in a few days."

      Naturally we can expect the "experts" over at bwf to immediately shoot JC's latest revelations full of more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese. Hopefully, however, we'll see someone take his "simple" principle and make some impressive sims out of it. If it is, indeed, "the" simple mech that Bessler used then those sims should produce something that gets everyone excited because JC actually has something more than just another pile of confused babblings to offer.

      When you chase Bessler's clues, you become like a drunk wandering through an amusement park's Hall of Mirrors. After a while you're not sure what is a real and what is imaginary. But, that's exactly how Bessler planned it to be and I think we can all agree that he did an excellent job of it. Only the most astute will make it through that hall to the exit with their sanity intact.

    3. My prediction.
      If (more like when) those geniuses over on the BW forum can't make a working sim using John's simple mechanism, he'll just say that's because he didn't give them ALL of the details yet. When they ask for those additional details, he'll say that he's not quite ready to reveal them, but will "soon". We'll then all be right back to square one with him again as he neatly hits the reset button on his "research". Now watch and see how accurate my prediction turns out to be!

    4. Rather a genius than a bunch of soothsayers throwing predictions and all sorts of nonsense about.

    5. Future Bessler wheel builder learns what analyzing Bessler's clues will be like!


    6. @Shemp
      That poor toddler might have got brain damage from all of those windows he was smacking his head against! Come to think of it, isn't brain damage one of the main requirements for becoming a future pm wheel chaser?

  4. Bessler has given all the clues needed John, the wheel has been solved. I will be submitting a working prototype soon on the Bessler wheel forum.

    1. Wow, what an unexpected turn of events! The first Bessler wheel chaser to publicly reveal will be considered the official rediscoverer of Bessler's secret. Will it be John or Trevor? The race is now on and I can feel the tension beginning to increase!

    2. Right now there are about a dozen who claim they've solved Bessler's wheel even though none of them actually has a working wheel. We live in amazing times when wishful thinking equals reality!

    3. Any day now I bet!

  5. Hello to all. I've just come back from being out of country for several months and today, which is 7/7/2023, seemed like a good day to post something here. Notice that 2023 can be written as 2+0+2+3 which equals 7, so numerologically today is 777 and a very lucky day to do practically anything.

    In looking over the past few months of blog comments here today (I unfortunately had no internet where I was), it's obvious there was a big decline in their numbers. I was also distressed to read that some think that was due to the Toy Page's "Severed Head Clue" I revealed here last March. While that might be possible, I can say that I personally suffered no misfortune if that actually happened. However, I always carry lucky talismans with me that would protect me while this blog did not have such protection.

    I do believe in curses because I've encountered people in the past who were cursed to the point where they sought help to remove them. I do not do curse removal and such cursed individuals needed to be treated by those who specialize in what is required to remove them. That is not something for an amateur to attempt. Very powerful curses can actually be lethal! Fortunately, almost all who think they are cursed are not and almost all who think they have the power to place a curse do not.

    Assuming that this blog was cursed because of that past clue I revealed here, I will see if I can find some way to reverse it. Perhaps if a hidden Toy Page clue could place a curse, then another hidden clue could remove it when it is found and revealed. I will see what I can find.

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. Nice to see you back again, SoS. I was starting to think that you were gone for good. I'm looking forward to seeing what new clues you can find for us!

    2. Glad to see you back, SoS. Personally I don’t think the “severed head clue” has had any detrimental effect for two or three reasons. Firstly I don’t t think it was ever meant to be a severed head. Secondly, whether or not you believe in the power of a curse is tied to your personal beliefs, and I don’t believe in such things, and in particular, if it has been misdiagnosed as severed head it can’t be a curse. Thirdly the reason for the reduction in comments is partly down to me; I haven’t posted any interesting blogs because I’ve been too busy with other matters unconnected with Bessler.

      Things are about to change, hopefully for the better. I’ve finished a document detailing how Bessler’s wheel worked and I’ve included a few of the clues I used. The document is hugely abbreviated but it’s still down to nine pages and I’m trying to cut out more of the clue break downs without omitting important justifications for my conclusion just so I can squeeze it into this blog and the BW forum and one of my web sites.

      So once I’ve finished the final draft, I’ll be ready to go public.


    3. I think Bessler was using a variation of the Roman curse tablet with that severed head clue of his. Here's something I found about them online:

      "Romans used lead tablets inscribed with a variety of curses in a number of ways in ancient Rome.

      One of their uses was to elicit help from the dead. Many Roman graves contain these tablets. Usually, they were asking for help from a particular deity to get revenge on someone by having that deity bestow malfeasance or misfortune upon them. In return, the person writing the message would promise to make offerings at their temple.

      Romans would bury these tablets in front of thresholds or upon trees outside of homes to bestow the curses. They thought that being in proximity to the targets’ homes would help bring the gods to them to make it easier to curse them. It was also common to place a curse tablet in a body of water."

      Instead of inscribing his curse into lead, Bessler engraved it into a wood printing block. Then along comes SoS, an expert in clue identification, to reveal it here! Destroying the original wood printing block would have eliminated it, but that did not happen before it was transferred to the printed Toys Page. Then almost three centuries later it was transferred to everyone who bought one of JC's reprinted copies of MT or saw the Toys Page online. There's no way of getting rid of all of that. I too will be looking forward to seeing how SoS can remove this curse...if he can.

    4. @ Anon 12:20
      Thanks for that info on those Roman curse tablets which I found most interesting. I did some research and found this image of a collection of them in some museum:

      They've also found a few of them with the curse written on a sheet of gold instead of cheaper lead. That was probably the way the rich had them made to get the attention of the gods who they wanted to punish someone for them. It's obvious those ancient Romans took curses very seriously and there was a thriving business in producing those tablets which were more like thick sheets of lead. At one point a Roman emperor tried unsuccessfully to forbid them by passing a law that anyone making one would be crucified or torn apart by wild animals as punishment. So far I haven't found out how they removed a curse back then. Also, Christians need to take curses seriously because one of the reasons Jesus showed up was to remove the curse God put on Adam and Eve for their disobedience back in the Garden of Eden. One cannot claim to be a Christian if he does not believe in curses (and also in the exorcism of demons because Jesus was also an exorcist!).

  6. This guy has a new approach. His design uses the CF acting on a weight to work a clutch attached to a large wooden gear whose teeth then push against a smaller stationary gear on the axle so as to accelerate the entire wheel. He says it does not produce pm yet, but that might be because the design is still not complete. His video was uploaded in August of 2022. I wonder if he ever finished it?

  7. ALERT! DANGER! This is a warning for all of you Bessler wheel builders out there who are drilling, sanding, and sawing away on WOODEN wheels parts. That activity could give you CANCER right up your nose!!!


    1. Thanks for that info Shemp. No more building wheels for me...I might get cancer from it!

    2. That's it and just in a nick of time!
      Shemp, you've found John's next creative excuse for him to use to explain why he can't get anything built. It might give him nasal cancer! Health always has to come first over Bessler's wheels.
      Now if you can only find some research that shows that too much effort to make some detailed drawings of how one thinks B's worked and post them can cause brain cancer, then he will have a great excuse to use to explain why he shows us nothing new here as the coming years roll by!

    3. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you naysayers forced to eat your words when John publishes his first batch of new clues here. I wouldn't be surprised if he does that in the next blog. Then you will all be sorry you doubted him!


    5. I didn’t see that, very clever anon 21:50!


  8. The bessler wheel is the only hope to save the biosphere of Earth from complete destruction, so use a mask and get a powerful extractor fan for your workshop.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...