Saturday, 17 June 2023

Time for Sharing Bessler Information.

Those of you who have visited here before will be familiar with the title of this blog, so I expect the usual ironic comments but this time I’m serious. I’ve spent much of my spare time during my life, researching the life of Johann Bessler but at 78 I have to admit it’s time I shared my work, my discoveries and hopefully, the solution.  For me the chief problem is that I keep finding new clues or new ways of interpreting the clues but the new stuff doesn’t alter what I have already surmised.  I really need to stop researching because I worry that there’s an increasing chance that if I delay any longer I might become unable to share what I know due to possible dementia, physical illness or early demise!

I first suspected that Bessler just might have been telling the truth when his maid claimed that he had forced her to turn the wheel from his bedroom via a simple mechanism.  The method she described was absurd and impossible for her, with the help of Bessler’s wife and his daughter, to turn the wheel just one rotation let alone, night and day for 54 days - it was a ridiculous statement.  Later on in my research I discovered that she had been imprisoned twice for spreading malicious gossip about her previous employer, Bessler’s  in-laws. 

Leaving that aside, you get the feeling that Bessler was genuine just reading his account of his search for the secret of perpetual motion; his long running battle to get accepted and his constant harassment by the three men who set out to try and prove him a fake. They were Andreas Gärtner,  Christian Wagner and Johann Gottfried Borlach and they did their damndest to prove Bessler a liar, but they failed.

Bessler was visited by the great scientist, Gottfried Leibniz twice, and he was highly impressed by Bessler’s machine and recommended a number of tests the inventor should include in his demonstrations, to prove the machine’s value . With the acknowledgement from Karl the Landgrave of Hesse, who had been allowed to examine the interior of the machine and had stated that the machine was genuine, the inventor was able arrange the demonstrations just as Leibniz had suggested.  

The demonstrations included raising a heavy load from the castle yard up to the roof, as many times as people wished; driving an Archimedes screw; transportation of the device from one set of bearing to another set a few steps away.  This last allowed investigators to thoroughly examine both sets of bearings and the pillars in which they were set, to the satisfaction of all present.  The bearings themselves were left open for detailed examination.  Finally an endurance test was arranged.  The machine was locked in a room, after all present were able to verify that there were no hidden trapdoors or other means of access to the room.  The machine was started, and Karl the Landgrave locked the door and impressed his personal seal on it, and placed a guard on the door for the full period of the test, which ran for 54 days. What more could he have done to prove he was genuine?

But Bessler was still in a catch 22 situation.  This is a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules or limitations.  The terms of a deal in which payment was to be made following an agreement to buy his machine required the buyer to give the money to  the inventor before being allowed to inspect the interior.  No would-be buyer was willing to do that for fear of being cheated.  But Bessler was equally unwilling to allow access to the machine before he had been paid.  He argued that the buyer could study the inner workings of the device and then change his mind about completing the deal and just walk away, and build his own version and sell it for a lot less money than Bessler was asking for..

A very emotional letter exists, one of Bessler’s final ones, in which he begs for more material so that he can complete his last contract, which was to build a new type of windmill, with a vertical axis so that the wind could apply its force from any angle without having to rotate it to face the wind.  He had built the mill up to the first floor but had run out of timber.  The remains of the mill can still be seen, and it’s a very impressive structure.  Bessler unfortunately fell to his death from the top of the building, and it was believed that the secret of his machine was lost.

I discovered that Bessler had left a complex series of clues of various kinds which would reveal the secret of his machine.  As far as I know no-one before me had even suspected such a thing existed.  I have published numerous examples of these clues on my other web site at

When I publish the actual clues which reveal the secret I hope that someone will take the challenge and build a working model.  I hoped it would be myself who gained that honour, but I’m finding it more difficult these days to build the mechanisms and in fact although Karl described the configuration as simple and the design easy to understand, his suggestion that an apprentice could build it given a chance to note the details, may have given the wrong impression. I think that apprentices could do it, after all they used to study under a Master craftsman for seven years before being released from their apprenticeship, so I believe they were probably more capable than I!

As for the design configuration, it really is simple and easy to understand and, like Karl said, “I’m surprised no one has discovered it before.”  There’s going to be a lot of faces filled with chagrin!



  1. John do you still believe that the machine was powered by the force of gravity?

    1. What you think?

    2. Yes Stephen, it was gravity enabled and some reactions were mechanically modified. Too vague? You’ll have to wait until I publish.


    3. Yes John it is vague it's just a simple question why you have to state yes in the affirmative and then redefined it as enabled is definitely ambiguous it seems as though your leaving the door open to redefine a simple yes or no it reminds me of a SNL skit.

    4. John as far as you publishing or not publishing it's irrelevant to me I already know the design I'm not intrigued in the slightest by what you found. I've done my own research I'm not interested in opinions I'm interested in facts.

    5. @Stephen Glorioso. Your facts will be dismissed as opinions by JC and others if you ever reveal them just as his facts will be dismissed as opinions by you and others if he ever reveals them. Until a working wheel arrives, there are no facts about one...only opinions. It's amazing how many deceive themselves into thinking their opinions are facts when, in reality, they are not and may never be. We live in an age of delusion and paranoia that's almost as bad as the Middle Ages when you think about it.

  2. A few months ago someone said that if we don't see anything new from John by the beginning of this summer, we can be sure we won't see anything new from him for the rest of year. Summer starts this year on Wednesday, June 21st which is just four days from now. Anybody see anything new from him yet?

    1. JC wrote "Those of you who have visited here before will be familiar with the title of this blog, so I expect the usual ironic comments but this time I’m serious."

      He's actually been "serious" dozens of times in the past! He specializes in two things: being serious about solving the B wheel and, most importantly, coming up with creative excuses why he gets nothing simmed or built and tested. His latest excuse is a first, however. In the last blog we learned:

      "Unfortunately I am very busy following my better half’s instructions on various jobs she requires me to attend to while the weather is so exceptionally fine!"

      Now he's getting nothing done and it's all his WIFE'S fault! Lol!

      I look forward to seeing what his next creative excuse will be!

    2. Ouch! You guys can be quite cruel. I’m always full of good intentions, but it is said the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I’m amazed at how much research some of you do, to find what I said and when.


    3. Thanks for your insights about John, anon 00:27. I think he has usually just been a victim of over enthusiasm and "life getting in the way". Haven't we all been there at one time or another? However, I think he might have the ultimate excuse right now and it's really nothing to joke about. It could be that this blog has been CURSED and it could be affecting John as well as many of the visitors here.

      In the last blog someone mentioned (many still read his comment before John deleted it) that he thought when that "severed head clue" was revealed here by SoS at the end of last March, it contained a potent curse which was released at that time. That could be the real reason that this blog died for months and John got nothing done since then. It may also be the reason everyone else who saw that cursed clue got nothing done. I believe curses should be taken seriously. Remember what happened to those guys who discovered King Tut's tomb back in 1922? They ignored the warning on the door leading into the tomb which said any who violated it would be cursed with an untimely death. Within ten years of that tomb being violated, all 9 of those who had entered it were dead! One of them died within a year from a mosquito bite that got infected and poisoned his whole body. They had no antibiotics back then. At the moment he died, the lights all went out in his home and throughout Cairo, Egypt! Coincidence?

      My advice to John is to completely delete any comments in any of last March's blogs that mention that severed head clue in MT's toy page. Also, anyone new here, please do NOT read any of those past blogs just in case there is something more dangerous such a cursed clue can do. I have not seen that clue and I have no intention of ever looking at it!

    4. Thanks for your fascinating exposition Anon 02:14. I think we can safely ignore the contents of your comment.


    5. I've found that holding a lit stick of dynamite can quickly scare away any evil spirits that come for you when you've been cursed. Here I am demonstrating how I used to do it in my past life:


      Oh, btw, as I learned the hard way several times back then...always throw the damn thing away just before, NOT after, the burning fuse goes into the stick and then run like hell in the opposite direction!

    6. An old method for getting rid of evil spirits is to open the door to the outside, with fan blades attached around a bessler wheel , release the brake, as the wheel starts rotating and speeds up it will blow the evil spirits out the door.

    7. Many back then may have thought that Bessler had made a Faustian deal with Lucifer who, in exchange for his immortal soul upon his death, provided him with demons to move his wheels. There were still parts of Europe then where he could have been burned at the stake and his chopped up wheel used for kindling wood!

    8. You’re right anon 19:28. Bessler did get involved in treasure hunting with some very dubious people into witchcraft. But he steered well away in good time.


    9. Shemp I like your problem solving abilities! but I think it is best not to have the evil spirits to to deal with in the first place I suggest not eating beans to begin with or if you're going to eat beans do it in the Great Outdoors it's better than enclosed spaces with any open flame.

    10. @anon02:14
      Usually I'd dismiss the curse theory as nonsense but it's obvious this blog lost a lot of momentum right after SoS revealed that severed head hidden in the Toys Page last March. If that clue was cursed and SoS was the one who unleashed in on us shouldn't he be the one to get rid of it? Isn't he supposed to be some sort of expert on all that spooky stuff?

  3. So far lots of talk and promises, but nothing released as of yet. Last I knew he was going to have someone build it and test it. I say just throw it out there and let people test it. It'll get done faster that way.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...