Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Update on Building a Working Model of Johann Bessler’s Wheel.

Things are taking longer than I anticipated due to other factors not associated with Bessler’s wheel.  Mainly it concerns my granddaughter Amy.  I don’t wish to divert attention from my Bessler occupation but we received some generous funds from kind people on our crowdfunding page a while back and by way of a thank you, I thought I would just provide a link to an update article in the Guardian newspaper. Thank you.

But here is brief update on my build.

I’ve mounted the wheel on a simple axle which I can drop into a couple of receivers as I call them. They weren’t designed to be part of a set of bearings but they do the job, I’ve used them before. There will be a little resistance or friction, but if the wheel works as I hope, it will be able to overcome it because it is designed to do work, so overcoming friction is the least of my concerns. This method of attaching the wheel to the support structure works well because it is easy to remove the wheel to work on it when it’s lying flat on the work bench. I can simply lift it out without opening the bearings.

The wheel is currently almost perfectly balanced but once the mechanisms are attached that will probably lead to some unwanted imbalance even if they are locked in place to prevent any of them acting. In my experience these are problems which can be easily resolved later. Maybe the amount of imbalance won’t affect the action anyway.

The first five pivot points are fixed and working. I think their positions relative to the axle position and the edge of the wheel are correct, if there is some adjustment needed, there are two options; one is to move the pivot points inwards or outwards, the second is to reduce the size of the mechanisms.  I don’t think this will be necessary.

There are things to be sorted out once all five mechanisms are fixed and their action is as I intended.  Placing of two pulleys for each mechanism will require a certain amount of trial and error. I know where they need to be but I may have to deal with avoiding obstruction by certain parts of the whole assembly. I’m confident that although these are potential problems I’m anticipating, I’m confident they will be simple to resolve.

This next bit is the most interesting to me. I can picture how it all works and I can’t wait to test it.  From a lifetime of experience in this field of endeavour I know that not everything will immediately turn out perfectly but I feel as though I’m on the final furlong.

I’m sure that most people think I’m kidding myself and that most of my code breaking is wrong or meaningless, and that if, as they suspect, it won’t work, then my plans to share what I know won’t be worth a penny. But I think many people will be amazed at the amount of information Johann Bessler left for us, and I plan to publish all of it, with or without a working model.

But I’m confident that it will work.



  1. Must set a deadline for working model or share information you think are useful.

    1. Yes I agree. In my mind it could be completed by the end of November, but I’d feel better if I allowed for unforeseen circumstances and worked to a deadline of New Year’s Eve 31st December 2023.


  2. >No photos yet? The simmers will need them if they are to help.

    "Placing of two pulleys for each mechanism will require a certain amount of trial and error."

    >This will be the most difficult part and may prove to be your Waterloo.

    "I’m sure that most people think I’m kidding myself and that most of my code breaking is wrong or meaningless, and that if, as they suspect, it won’t work, then my plans to share what I know won’t be worth a penny."

    >Hopefully you will soon surprise them all with an amazing success. But many may now be pondering how you will exit the field should your latest effort fail. Will you just suddenly and permanently disappear like many others did over the years? Lay low for a while and then suddenly flare up again claiming you've found new clues and are finally 100% sure you've got it all figured out!

    If only we had a reliable crystal ball to see how this saga will play out.

  3. I'm sorry that I've been away so long but I've been busier than usual of late and when I checked back here a few weeks ago I noticed that the anonymous comments had been disabled. Nice to see things back to normal here again.

    Anyway although I still reject the idea that the severed head clue I revealed here last March somehow cursed this blog and those who follow it, I know some are blaming me and expect me to somehow undo the "curse". As I said previously, I don't specialize in curse removal. But, I've found something that may help if they are right and that clue actually contained a curse.

    A curse is something that causes one or more people some form of bad luck and is intended to make them unhappy. The opposite of a curse is a blessing which can cause one or more people good luck and is intended to make them happy. Although I cannot remove the alleged severed head clue curse, I've recently found something which I think was a very powerful blessing Bessler purposely placed into one of his drawings. Perhaps, like adding negative and positive electric charges together, once it is revealed this blog and everyone on it will find their bad luck being neutralized. Also, if this blessing clue is as powerful as I suspect Bessler intended it to be, they could actually experience a surge in good luck.

    I'll try to make and upload some drawings in the next few days that will show the location of this most interesting and previously unknown clue. When I found it, I was stunned and I'm not convinced that it was intended for the general reader of Bessler's books, but rather just for him. Maybe this is the right time in history for it to be revealed? Time will tell.

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. Good to see you back again SoS. Like you I don't think that severed head thing was cursed. But there's no denying this blog has been dragging since it was revealed and my own wheel chase has led nowhere since then (not that it led anywhere before then either). I could certainly use a "surge" of good luck. John too if he hopes to get any positive results by the end of this year.

    2. I don’t believe the severed head is a severed head, just an inkblot or a cover up of a mistake or he changed his mind and inked it out.

      Blessed or cursed I don’t know, but definitely sharing what I know once my design is tested working or not.

      In response to an earlier comment, I won’t be fading away, success or failure! Il. Be around as long as I feel that I have something to offer.


    3. Sorry misspelled “I’ll” in above comment! JC

    4. With all of the talk here about a severed head clue on the mt toy page I decided to go back to that March blog and find it since I never heard of it before. I found this interesting drawing someone made of it:


      I think I have to go along with those who claim it's a chopped off head. You got a ax blade right where the neck would be and the head falling away from what looks like a chopping block. What convinces me the most is the location of that tiny white dot that looks like an eye. If it's just an ink blot what are the chances of it being in that exact location?

      I don't know if it's cursed or not. I guess it's possible because I am 100% convinced my ex wife was possessed by demons and they definitely were a curse on me for several years. I'm also ready for some good luck if SoS can get it for us.

    5. Thanks a bunch anon 17:39. Now anyone who hasn't seen that clue yet will be cursed when they click the link you provided and view it assuming that the clue is cursed! Please anyone new here don't click that link yet. Everyone thinks SoS is going to "neutralize" it if it's cursed. But what if he can't?! Please don't click that link until we see what SoS's blessing clue looks like.

  4. As many may recall, I finally ended my search for new clues in MT after finding what looked like a severed head on the Toys Page last March and then decided to begin looking in other of Bessler's drawings and, not too surprisingly, I soon found some really amazing new clues hidden in them (which I have not yet revealed), but nothing that I could honestly say looked like a blessing clue. However, about a month ago I felt a strong urge to take a good long look at that "wheel" drawing on the last page of AP (I seem to be drawn to hidden clues for some reason which may have a psychic explanation). I now believe that drawing contains Bessler's most powerful blessing mainly because of its location at the end of his poem and also the nearby Matthew 15:16 quote in which Jesus rebukes his apostles for being too stupid to understand the true meaning of his previously given parable. I think providing that quote was Bessler's way of subtly mocking those readers of AP who would try to find the clues he hid in that "wheel" drawing. He would not have done something like that unless he was very confident that no one would ever find them. Imo, they were really meant to only be known to Bessler and to benefit him.

    Let me just say that the drawing is definitely NOT of a wheel in the usual sense and anyone who thinks the mechanisms of Bessler's wheels were some sort of wedge shaped weights swinging around the axle and tries to make a pm wheel with such weights is just wasting his time. However, before I'm done I will reveal to everyone all of the clues that are hidden in the AP "wheel" drawing and which Bessler never thought anyone would find. If that severed head clue from the last pages of MT actually carried a curse, then seeing the AP "wheel" clues should provide a blessing that will neutralize the curse and, hopefully, even leave enough excess blessing remaining to bring everyone here some extra good luck.

    Unfortunately, that AP "wheel" contains four levels of clues all carefully superimposed over each other and I will have to reveal them one level at a time to make them understandable. The first level clue is the most obvious and easy to find and I can reveal it now. The white wedges and the center circle form the letter "Y" and represent a "Y" shaped lever and its pivot near where the fork begins. I previously found many clues in MT that indicated Bessler's wheels used levers with that shape. The second level clue is an "optical" one which will become obvious in my next comment. The third level clue is a religious one and something Bessler must have spent much time thinking about. And, finally, the fourth level clue is a numerological one and the one I'm convinced was intended as a powerful blessing that would bring Bessler the great luck he would need to finally sell his invention for the huge sum he demanded. Without my skills as a numerologist, I never would have found that deepest fourth level blessing clue.

    So please stay tuned for the next installment in which I will reveal the second optical clue with an interesting photo that demonstrates it.

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. I will be looking forward to your next installments, SoS. I gave up trying to make sense of that AP wheel a long time ago, but I'm sure you'll enlighten us about it before you disappear again. Some think that it looks like the international symbol for radioactivity but I doubt if B's wheels were nuclear powered! John manages to squeeze a pentagon out of it, but he does that with any thing if he can find an angle of 18 degrees in it somewhere! I'm skeptical of all of those pentagons and pentagrams he finds.

  5. Yesterday I promised to provide the second level "optical" AP "wheel" clue and here it is.

    As everyone knows, Bessler was obsessed with keeping the internal mechanisms of his wheels secret and this presented a problem when, upon building the 12 foot diameter Merseburg wheel, he switched from covering their drum sides with wood slats to covering them with stretched sheets of linen in order to reduce their weight. Wood completely blocks light, but linen cloth does not. He dyed the linen a dark color and even soaked it with oil, but he wondered, despite all of that, if someone was to place a brightly lit lamp on one side of the Merseburg wheel's huge drum would enough of the light still be able to pass through the entire thickness of the drum and cast shadows of his "Y" shaped levers on the linen sheets on the other unlit side of the drum. If so then this would act like a primitive x-ray machine! Not only would it show the lever shapes, but also their locations and maybe even where their springs were attached to them.

    After trying to make the drum as impenetrable to light as possible, Bessler would have tested it out by darkening the room containing the wheel and placing a very bright lamp on one side of the drum to see if any shadows were then cast on the opposite side of the drum that he could detect. I'm sure with his elaborate precautions there were no revealing shadows. But, what about if there was a bright sunlit window on one side of the drum and the direct sunlight illuminated that side? That would be much brighter than a single lamp and might reveal his secret pm mechanisms.

    As he tried to test this he would have quickly discovered that when he looked at the darker drum side opposite the window during daytime, the glare from the incoming sunlight ruined his vision and made it impossible for him to see if any shadows were forming on the drum's darker side. The solution was a simple one...just view the darker side of the drum through a long metal tube that would block out any sunlight shining around the rim of the drum so his dark adapted and then sensitive eye would just see the linen covered side of the drum and would be able to detect any revealing shadows if there were any.

    I'm convinced his AP "wheel" drawing actually depicts the view he saw through that long metal tube which was possibly just a brass telescope tube from which he had removed the end lenses. In this quick drawing I made, I placed the AP "wheel" on the left side and an interesting photo I found of a brightly lit scene as viewed through a long polished steel pipe on the right side. Notice the similarities? The distant well lit scene produces the same kinds of dark and light wedge shaped patterns inside of the pipe as are seen in the AP "wheel" drawing by Bessler. The patterns are not exactly identical, but that would be due to Bessler exaggerating his version a little for a reason that will become clear in my next comment where I will reveal the third level "religious" clue he hid in his AP "wheel" drawing.


    Also note that the small dark circle at the center of the AP "wheel" represents the dark side of the drum of the actual 12 foot diameter Merseburg wheel which was covered with dyed linen. The tiny white dot at the center represents the axle of that wheel.

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. I've never seen that interpretation before SoS. I'm going to see if I can find a long metal tube and then point it at a light and see if I can get a pattern inside the tube that looks like those light and dark parts of the AP wheel. If I can I'll try to take a photo and post a link to it here.

    2. @anon 02:33
      You gave me an idea. I rolled up a sheet of cardboard and then taped it to keep it from unrolling. Next, I taped a piece of aluminum foil to one end and punched three small holes in it. That end was pointed toward a light bulb and I took several photos with my cell phone camera through the other open end. The photo linked to here was the best of the shots.
      I'd say it's fairly close to the pattern of light and dark in that AP wheel so I have to consider SoS's theory to be possible.


    3. Ingenious SoS. My first concern was what bright lamp would they have had in 1715 x 1717? But then you introduced sunlight!

      It’s a clever suggestion. Oilcloth was made of cotton or linen coated many times with boiled linseed oil after being sized with animal gelatine. They added lead and magnesium to make it impermeable.

      I note that “ Historically, pre-19th century, oilcloth was one of very few flexible, waterproof materials that were widely available. Leather was expensive—very expensive in large pieces and required regular maintenance if it got wet. Oilcloth was used as an outer waterproof layer for luggage, whether wooden trunks or flexible satchels, and for carriages and weatherproof clothing.”

      These days waxed cotton or linen do a similar job, but I doubt if it was possible to even see light and shade through this material and even if it had been I’m sure Bessler would simply have added an extra layer.

      But finally, despite the sceptics I believe my explanation at my website at
      Has a more convincing explanation.


  6. (Part One of Two Parts)

    It's another day and time for the next and third level "religious" clue I found in the AP "wheel" drawing.

    As I concentrated on that "Y" shape formed by the lighter parts of the "wheel", they reminded me of something I'd seen many times over the years...the crucified figure of Jesus. But, something was wrong. If the central spot was supposed to be his head, then it was in the wrong place. The central circle or "head" in the AP "wheel" drawing looked like it was actually hanging below the shoulders of the figure if it was supposed to be that of Jesus.

    In all of the Renaissance paintings I'd ever seen of the crucifixion, Jesus is shown, more or less, standing straight up with maybe his arms slightly raised above his shoulders and he is staring upward to heaven with a look of ecstasy on his face which may also be illuminated by a beam of light coming down from the sky. He is fully confident that his heavenly father will bring him back from the dead and glorify him and that his sacrifice on the cross will redeem all of humanity from the original sin inflicted on them by the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

    It was then that I remembered a famous painting of the crucifixion that was done by Salvador Dali in 1951 and which is currently located in Glasgow, Scotland. It is based on a drawing Dali saw that was made by a 16th century Spanish friar. It is not your usual Renaissance depiction of the crucifixion. It shows the brutally beaten body of Jesus limply hanging from the nails in his palms. His head droops down below his shoulders and his upper body leans away from his cross's vertical beam. Dali, like that friar, quite accurately realized that anyone who had been beaten, forced to drag a heavy timber a considerable distance to an execution site, and was weak from the loss of blood would not be overcoming the excruciating pain in his feet from having large iron nails driven through them to be standing upright. The image Dali gives us is of someone who has lost all hope and whose future existence is totally at the mercy of God. The only inaccuracy I could find in Dali's painting is the placement of the nails. From the Shroud of Turin, which appears to be genuine, we now know the nails were in Jesus' wrists and not his palms. Apparently, in Hebrew the word for "hand" also includes the wrist and showing the nails in Jesus' palms in paintings was based on medieval translators not knowing this detail.

    Sayer of Sooths

    (Continued and concluded in Part Two of Two parts)

    1. (Part Two of Two Parts)

      I'm now convinced that the "Y" Bessler formed from those lighter parts in his AP "wheel", aside from being a clue to the shape of his wheels' levers, was also supposed to represent the crucified figure of Jesus. Like Dali, Bessler viewed Jesus as a totally beaten down individual who was completely powerless and dependent upon the mercy of God. No doubt, Bessler would have identified with such a person. Bessler had suffered much in his quest for perpetual motion and, literally, prayed constantly for a miracle from God to find it. He viewed success with being equivalent to being resurrected from the dead. The money the sale of his remarkable invention would bring him would then allow him to actually evangelize the entire world for the glory of God. Like Jesus, Bessler saw himself as on a divine mission, but he needed incredible luck to succeed.

      Below I have attached another quick drawing that shows Dali's 1951 painting on the left side and the same painting on the right side with the outline of the "Y" shape from the AP "wheel" superimposed on it. Now the central circle makes sense. It represents the top of Jesus' drooping head and the dark ring immediately surrounding it, aside from depicting the end of the long tube through which Bessler would have viewed the Merseburg wheel's drum, could also represent the crown of thorns his guards forced Jesus to wear as they mocked him. The pointed ends of the white wedge shaped parts of the AP "wheel" could even represent the thorns that dug into Jesus' scalp!


      Tomorrow I will post the details of the AP "wheel's" fourth "blessing" clue which I am most convinced was intended to bring only Bessler the great luck he would need to finally sell his invention. Perhaps, already having gotten one miracle from God, he did not dare to ask for another and decided to do it on his own by creating the carefully hidden good luck blessing in the AP "wheel"? Apparently, while it was very powerful and allowed him to make contact with Count Karl, it was not quite powerful enough to help him to finally sell his invention and we all know how sadly and tragically the Bessler story ended as a result. But, perhaps, it can still be of use to us today to remove that alleged severed head clue curse on this blog and also bring those who saw it the increased luck they will need to finally find a working pm wheel.

      Back tomorrow with the final fourth level "blessing" clue in the AP "wheel"...get ready for an amazing surprise!

      Sayer of Sooths

      (Conclusion of Part Two of Two Parts)

    2. I've been studying the shroud of Turin for years. You said that the three points of those white triangles in the AP wheel could represent the thorns sticking into Jesus's scalp from his crown of thorns. I agree. There were according to tradition 72 thorns in that crown (the original one is now in the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris and was saved from that big fire they had there years ago). But the AP wheel suggests only three of the thorns actually pieced Jesus's scalp skin. I think it had to be more but if you look at the actual blood stained image from the shroud showing Jesus's head you see the blood did come from three main areas which were from the left and right sides of the top of his head as well as from the front. That's the same pattern the white triangle points in the AP wheel touch the center circle which you say represents the top of Jesus's head. This makes me think Bessler also got the idea on how to arrange those points after seeing a painting based on the actual shroud which he wouldn't have been able to see in person unless he knew the right people.


      If you look at a very enlarged image of the center of the AP wheel you will see something very interesting. The point of the left white triangle appears to be pushing its way into the circle it touches as though it was a thorn about to puncture skin!

      Anyway thanks for this interesting material you are providing us with Sos.

    3. Is this that thorn that's about to puncture the skin you're talking about anon 06:08?


  7. I can now finally provide that fourth level "lucky" blessing clue which I found hidden in the AP "wheel" drawing. It's a very easy clue to understand, but not that easy to find.

    Once one has accepted the level three clue that suggests the "Y" shape pattern of white wedges in the "wheel" drawing is symbolic of Jesus hanging on his cross back in 33 AD, the next question that comes to mind is how would one place a cross into the drawing since there is none. In the linked figure below, I show what I eventually came up with.

    On the left side of my figure the vertical beam is represented by a red line that passes from the top outer circumference of the "wheel", through its dark center circle's white dot, and then down to the bottom outer circumference of the "wheel". It is labeled "B". I then represented the horizontal beam of Jesus' cross by another red line, but it is a chord that spans across the top part of the "wheel" and just touches the topmost parts of the left and right white wedges which represent Jesus' outstretched arms on the cross. That horizontal line is labeled "A".

    When I carefully and repeatedly measured the lengths of "A" and "B" and then took the ratio of A/B of those lengths, I was getting values between 0.7 to 0.8 with values tending toward 0.8 and it seemed like the average was about 0.77. I am convinced that Bessler intended that ratio to be exactly 0.777... which, as some may recall from my comments here years ago, is what became known as "Bessler's Lucky Ratio". It is a particular value that shows up in practically all of Bessler's other published drawings. Aside from being made up from 7 which is the luckiest number in numerology, it is also a reference to Seventh Heaven which the Bible defines as the abode of God. That number's use by Bessler was obviously his way of honoring the god who had performed the miracle of inspiring Bessler to find a working pm wheel design.

    On the right side of my linked figure I show that one can also find another two identical crosses in the AP "wheel" and they are drawn with blue and green lines. Why three crosses? Although I've focused on Jesus' crucifixion so far, the reality is that two others, thieves, were also crucified along with him on that day in early April of 33 AD. The blue and green crosses in the AP "wheel" represent their crosses.


    So in the AP "wheel" we can find Bessler's Lucky Ratio repeated three times which indicates this hidden clue was meant to triple the luck normally associated with that ratio. Now let this new lucky blessing clue that has been revealed here today for the first time completely erase any curses that might have been attached to that Toys Page severed head clue I revealed here last March. Let it not only do that, but let it bring everyone seeing it added luck as they continue the search for a working pm wheel. I'm that sure it will.

    I'll be taking a break from this blog for the next few months and will check back after the holidays to look for evidence that this AP "wheel" lucky blessing clue is working. But, keep in mind that such things work best when one keeps a positive and open mind about them. I'd recommend those searching for a working pm wheel use the AP "wheel" as a good luck charm. One could go online and have a talisman or amulet custom made from it by a professional, but that can be expensive and is not really necessary. Just make an accurate drawing of the wheel on a small piece of paper and keep it on one's person perhaps inside of one of those clear plastic key fobs intended to hold photos. You can fold the drawing to fit it into a fob if needed. In one's workshop consider hanging a larger image of the AP "wheel" near where one works on his wheels. Feel free to also draw in the colored crosses as I did in my linked figure.

    Happy and lucky coming holidays to everyone. The next time we meet I'll have some more previously unknown clues in the Bessler drawings to reveal...even more surprises for the coming year!

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. Curse BEGONE!



    2. Thanks for finally getting rid of that damn curse for us SoS! Ever since it was revealed we've had two shutdowns and no progress by anyone. Now let's use that good luck your blessing clue is supposed to provide and get back to work because 2024 will be here before we know it and 2023 will just be more water under the bridge.

    3. Severed heads, axes, curses, crucified bodies, and thorns jabbed into the scalp. The perfect topics to be discussing as the seasonal holiday of Halloween approaches. And all presented to us by a lucky talisman promoting psychic fortune teller into numerology and astrology. Oh, I also forgot to mention that one of the comments above was by someone who claims to be the reincarnation of one of the three stooges who died in 1955. All we need now is some input from a witch or a warlock. Lol!

    4. It looks as if SoS borrowed some ideas from my explanation of the Apologia wheel from my web site at http://www.theorffyreuscode.com/html/apologia_wheel.html , which I posted in 2009/10!

      But there is nothing connected with numerology as expressed by SoS nor are there any religious inferences to be take from it. Obviously you can take it or leave it, personally I prefer the latter.


    5. Anonymous29 October 2023 at 07:25
      Severed heads, axes, curses, crucified bodies, and thorns jabbed into the scalp. The perfect topics to be discussing as the seasonal holiday of Halloween approaches. And all presented to us by a lucky talisman promoting psychic fortune teller into numerology and astrology. Oh, I also forgot to mention that one of the comments above was by someone who claims to be the reincarnation of one of the three stooges who died in 1955. All we need now is some input from a witch or a warlock. Lol!

      How dare you mock witches and warlocks!
      The Y levers is sacred technology , highly evolved chickens have Y bones too so Bessler must have used them !

    6. I found SoS's latest multi level clue analysis extravaganza very interesting and I doubt that he borrowed anything from JC other than also using the same AP wheel drawing. JC's now over decade old AP wheel analysis was intended to get a pentagon out of the wheel and SoS's new analysis was intended to find the cross of Jesus hidden in the wheel and show how the ratio of the lengths of its horizontal and vertical beams equaled what's come to be called "Bessler's Lucky Ratio". Apparently SoS hopes its lucky power can remove that severed head curse that some here believe has inflicted this blog since last March. The only way that exact ratio could exist was if Bessler purposely made the outer parts of those white triangles in his AP wheel have the right size to give the horizontal beam of the cross the correct length to give that ratio. It couldn't just be a coincidence, imo.

      Contrary to what he wants everyone to believe, JC only actually found a single inside angle of a pentagon in the AP wheel of about 108 degrees and he then added the remaining four angles himself and had to carefully adjust them to equal about 108 degrees each. His finding of that one actual angle could have just been a coincidence. Also, even if he manages to legitimately find a pentagram in one of Bessler's wheels, it might have nothing to do with the pm mechanisms in those wheels, but more to do with religion.

      Many don't know that the pentagram was an early symbol for Christians because its five points symbolized the five wounds made on Jesus's body during his execution. Many thought the pentagram symbolized Jesus himself and they even wore the symbol on jewelry and amulets. The regular use of crosses to represent Christianity did not happen until around the fourth century AD.

      I think a lot of people forget how really obsessed Bessler was with both numerology and religion which basically colored everything he did. The person most qualified to analyze the work of someone like that is another expert numerologist who is well acquainted with Christianity and SoS certainly fills that role perfectly, imo.

    7. Anon 14:54. You obviously haven’t read my analysis of the AP wheel or you would understand and agree with it. The facts are clear and have nothing to do with images of Jesus on the cross. I’ve never explained what the pentagram’s purpose was and I won’t until I’ve built my working model. Then I will and you’ll understand why any other interpretation is highly improbable.


    8. Anonymous29 October 2023 at 14:54
      I think a lot of people forget how really obsessed Bessler was with both numerology and religion which basically colored everything he did. The person most qualified to analyze the work of someone like that is another expert numerologist who is well acquainted with Christianity and SoS certainly fills that role perfectly, imo.

      You made some mistakes , allow me to correct it for you

      I think a lot of people forget how really obsessed SoS is with both numerology and religion which basically colors everything SoS thinks about . The person most qualified to speculate and dream up non factual accounts about the work of someone SoS assumes to be like that , is another self proclaimed expert numerologist who is well acquainted with Christianity and SoS certainly fills that role perfectly, imo.

    9. The AP wheel drawing is without a doubt the most mysterious in the Bessler books. I like SoS's analysis of it because he shows us how Bessler uses that drawing to show us the lever shape he used in his wheels, hints at how he tested the cloth covered drums to make sure nothing showed when they were backlit, honors the sacrifice of the Christian messiah, and then finally finds three crosses in it all made using that lucky ratio value. Who else did that for us? John? No, all he's looking for are pentagons and pentagrams to support his belief that Bessler's wheels used five levers despite there isn't a single drawing of a five lever wheel anywhere in MT and no one else believes in a five lever wheel except for some guy named Martin who showed up here some months ago and offered to show us a five lever design he was working on. John responded by insulting the guy and threatening to delete anything he showed us! He hasn't been back since and who can blame him after that kind of "welcome" to this blog?

      There's actually something deeper going on here I believe. You see John wants everyone to think he has some sort of monopoly on the clues in the Bessler books and only his interpretations of them are the right ones. This is the way he keeps pushing his five lever approach on everyone. He does not like it when someone else, like SoS for example, shows up and offers to give us any other clues.

      IIRC, it was SoS who first alerted us to that Bessler lucky ratio back in 2020 and others here then starting to find it in all of Bessler's drawings and mentioning their discoveries in their comments. John's response? He quietly deleted about forty of their comments in an effort to suppress knowledge of the new clue! He thought no one would notice, but they did and heaped a lot of well deserved condemnation on him as a result.

    10. There seems to be a lot of negativity toward SoS here which is totally undeserved, imo. From reading his several comments it looks to me like he mainly wanted to help relieve the fear of those who were convinced that severed head clue revealed last March was cursed by neutralizing the curse for them with a previously unknown blessing clue. And he did that even though he doesn't personally believe that severed head clue is cursed. Then he leaves us hoping that the new blessing clue he found would give everyone here extra luck during the holidays to help them find a runner and even suggested the use of unique good luck charm to help.
      His reward for all that was to be mocked and ridiculed. He was accused of "borrowing" JC's explanation of the AP wheel and not really adding anything new numerological or religious in his analysis. Those accusations are total nonsense as anyone actually reading SoS's comments will soon realize. Imo, SoS has provided us with a unique interpretation of the AP wheel drawing that makes complete sense considering Bessler's personality and his obsession with religion and numbers.

    11. Yes SOS’s interpretation of AP wheel is certainly unique!

      Here’s a question. When I reveal the solution to Bessler’s wheel, are the SoS fans going to attribute my success to the beneficial “AP wheel lucky blessing” suggested by SoS?

      Because if they do, that will suggest that I was right all along, and they were wrong. Many people dismiss my suggestion that the pentagram was an integral part of Bessler’s Wheel, but if my version works then I am right and you who dismiss it are wrong. That’s a fact.


    12. Anonymous30 October 2023 at 04:12
      SoS will receive better responses if he stops claiming Bessler did certain things and instead use words like "i think" "perhaps" "in my oppinion" "could" , by making claims in such a way he is distorting the factual history .

    13. @SoS

      Thanks for making this one of the most interesting blogs in a long time. I liked how you explained those light and dark parts of the AP wheel drawing which was then duplicated by someone here actually making the same pattern appear inside of a cardboard tube!

      Best of luck and good health to you for the coming holidays too. I will be looking forward to any new future clues you show us and so please count me among your fans.

      I'm also thinking of trying your suggestion to use the AP wheel drawing as a lucky charm. I found this place on Etsy that will make a custom logo necklace using any design for only $29.40 USD:


    14. Thanks for that link anon 17:23. If I had cash to burn I'd send an image of the AP wheel to this site and let them handcraft a solid 18kt gold signet ring for me with the design on its flat top surface:


    15. Hey, guys...while you're all talking about making that AP wheel drawing into a lucky charm, I'm already wearing a nice solid platinum ring I had made up using the design! My luck seems to be improving too. Thanks, SoS!


    16. On 30 October 2023 at 07:58 JC wrote "When I reveal the solution to Bessler’s wheel, are the SoS fans going to attribute my success to the beneficial “AP wheel lucky blessing” suggested by SoS?"

      So what if they do? To find Bessler's secret pm design you are going to need the MOST luck of your entire life! But, you have a negative attitude that tells everyone that you don't even believe any luck is necessary. Did you ever consider that you might be sabotaging yourself by being so negative? Your negative attitude could actually be reducing any good luck that the AP blessing clue would bring you. That's the last thing you need at this critical phase of your quest.

      Maybe you didn't notice SoS's advice on 29 October 2023 at 00:06 which was "But, keep in mind that such things work best when one keeps a positive and open mind about them." When someone is trying to climb to the top of a high mountain he most likely won't be successful if he's dragging a heavy anchor behind him which is how bad luck acts. However, he can always use a strong rope that is pulling him along toward the top and good luck acts like such a rope.

    17. Anonymous31 October 2023 at 00:42
      Hey, guys...while you're all talking about making that AP wheel drawing into a lucky charm, I'm already wearing a nice solid platinum ring I had made up using the design! My luck seems to be improving too. Thanks, SoS!


      Funny , I hope your luck is not as fake as your picture.

    18. Anonymous31 October 2023 at 07:17
      On 30 October 2023 at 07:58 JC wrote "When I reveal the solution to Bessler’s wheel, are the SoS fans going to attribute my success to the beneficial “AP wheel lucky blessing” suggested by SoS?"

      So what if they do? To find Bessler's secret pm design you are going to need the MOST luck of your entire life! But, you have a negative attitude that tells everyone that you don't even believe any luck is necessary. Did you ever consider that you might be sabotaging yourself by being so negative? Your negative attitude could actually be reducing any good luck that the AP blessing clue would bring you. That's the last thing you need at this critical phase of your quest.

      Maybe you didn't notice SoS's advice on 29 October 2023 at 00:06 which was "But, keep in mind that such things work best when one keeps a positive and open mind about them." When someone is trying to climb to the top of a high mountain he most likely won't be successful if he's dragging a heavy anchor behind him which is how bad luck acts. However, he can always use a strong rope that is pulling him along toward the top and good luck acts like such a rope.

      Luck would have nothing to do with a runner , if you think luck would get you there go ahead best of luck to you .

    19. https://cmsilver.com/sterling-silver-ring-trefoil-radioactive-warning-symbol-nuclear-danger-with-black-enamel-925-silver/

    20. I’m not negative about my chances of finishing with a working Bessler wheel; far from it. My only negativity is revealed when I read some of the dross that gets posted here. People are free to believe what ever they want, it’s nothing go to do with me, but it is a short step from interpreting the meaning of certain items, to actively promoting businesses that sell talismans for good luck.

      I welcome logical deduction from Bessler’s clues, and even designs that people believe could or would work. We are all trying to get to the solution by various means - I even sanctioned a ‘Remote Viewing’ session a few years ago. The results were……interesting! So please feel free to offer potential solutions but I’m not convinced of the efficacy of numerology, even though Bessler used codes involving alphanumerics, geometry and ROT13.


    21. @anon 11:33
      I also think that photo of the ring anon 00:42 showed us is a photoshopped fake. But, it looks good and I wouldn't mind getting one if it was available in a lower cost sterling silver version. I do believe in the power good luck charms. There's even some research showing that people in hospitals tend to recover faster when people pray for them and the virtues of positive thinking have been known for centuries. My theory is that when you are positive it tends to activate your body and mind to carry on longer and increases the chance you will have success. There could be something else going on as well. Maybe one's positive attitude somehow subconsciously affects others to cooperate with him for his success and can even affect usually random events in his environment to work in his favor. If someone needs a lucky charm to help him keep positive, then so be it. At a minimum it can be an attractive piece of jewelry and a conversation piece.

      @anon 11:20
      Your link looked interesting, but the page no longer exists!

      You wrote "I’m not convinced of the efficacy of numerology, even though Bessler used codes involving alphanumerics, geometry and ROT13."

      It's a good thing that Bessler believed in the "efficacy" of numerology otherwise we would have zero direct information from him today about how the mechs inside of his wheels worked! I'm also convinced that most of those analyses done over the years here by SoS are accurate and his latest four part one in this blog is probably the best he's ever done, imo. Now whenever I see that AP wheel drawing I will immediately think of the three hidden crucifixes in it and how each one contains Bessler's lucky ratio of 0.777. IIRC, SoS mentioned years ago that he always carries talismans for luck on him which have the number 777 on them. Maybe it was his destiny to discover Bessler's lucky ratio years ago? If so, then maybe it was also his destiny to finally give us the definitive interpretation of the AP wheel drawing in this blog?

    22. Sadly there are many in this and other fields who all firmly believe that they are "people of destiny" who will become living legends in their own time. Without actual results, however, they will all be dismissed as delusional cases if they are remembered at all. They might not want to admit it, but pure luck plays a huge role in who actually becomes a person of destiny. Werner von Braun of NASA once said "You're a crackpot until you hit the jackpot." He obviously knew how important luck was and had been in his own life.

    23. Put this in to perspective , people hit the jackpot more than you would expect , people create working self driven wheels less than you would think , depending on your choice of opinion more or less about a 1%'ter which could have been Bessler may or may not have achieved some sort of good outcome.

      I think luck has less chance of being a prime factor here .
      Its good to be positive , but luck and positivity aren't the same thing.

    24. OMG! The people who designed this machine must have heard about Bessler's lucky ratio and if the machine shows that number to you, then you will have a lot of sudden luck in the form of MONEY which absolutely PROVES Bessler's lucky ratio really IS lucky!


    25. There is nothing to suggest that Bessler believed in numerology. His use of codes has nothing to do with numerology. The so-called ‘Bessler’s lucky ratio’ doesn’t exist outside the minds of SoS’s disciples. When are people going to concentrate on seeking the solution to Bessler’s wheel?

      I guess it’s partly my fault for identifying certain clues of an alphanumeric and geometric nature which Bessler inserted within his published works, why did he do that? It seems obvious to me that he was trying to transmit useful information to people who either bought copies while he was still alive or after his death.

      I really do not think for a moment that he inserted the clues which SoS and other believe they’ve found because none of them will assist us in finding his solution.


    26. Anonymous1 November 2023 at 00:48

      :) ,I personally would not deny luck played a part , as he said i soon found that luck was with me , but its not like someone is just going to solve a physics mystery with just luck and nothing else , people have to put a lot of gray matter and hard work in (if its possible).

    27. JC wrote "His use of codes has nothing to do with numerology. The so-called ‘Bessler’s lucky ratio’ doesn’t exist outside the minds of SoS’s disciples."

      JC's "codes", while interesting, have proven to be useless for understanding how Bessler's wheels worked which is obvious to those who have studied them. All JC does is keep talking about 5, 55, pentagons, and pentagrams. So far all of that talk has not led to even a single working sim of a five lever wheel. We've all been promised that we will soon be seeing JC's five lever wheel design, but, so far, that's still just talk. As for "Bessler's Lucky Ratio", there were many here who, when its discovery was first announced years ago, found that particular ratio in practically all of Bessler's drawings and now we see it even showing up in the AP wheel as well!

      SoS is convinced that ratio, aside from being a way of praising God who dwells in 7th Heaven according to the Bible and bringing good luck to Bessler so he could sell his invention, tells us exactly where in the drum Bessler placed the pivots of his Y shaped levers of which there were eight and not five like JC believes. They were always 0.777 x the radius of a wheel away from the center of its axle. For one of his 12 foot diameter wheels, its drum's radius was 6 feet or 72 inches and its lever pivots would have been at exactly 0.777 x 72 inches equals 56 inches away from the center of their axles if SoS is right about this.

      @anon 12:59

      Someone once said "Success is what happens when preparation meets opportunity". But, you have to be lucky to been able to have properly prepared yourself and for that opportunity to finally come along. IF it does, then you have to be able to grab onto it with a lot of hard work before it slips away. Yet, you also have to be lucky to have the right genetics, health, and instilled values to come up with the energy and motivation to do that hard work so you can seize that opportunity.

      Much of life is just pure luck...sometimes good and sometimes bad. I want to have a much good luck as possible and if that AP wheel lucky charm SoS's suggests everyone wear can help, I'm willing to give it a try. I'm still humble enough to admit I don't understand everything in the universe and I can't say with absolute certainty that such a charm would not work. When you are chasing Bessler's pm wheels you need all of the help you can get!

    28. Anonymous1 November 2023 at 18:50

      I am sorry to say but I do not believe in lucky charms horoscopes fortune telling ghosts werewolves occult and Y levers , like John I do not believe in the clues SoS writes about .

      I also do not believe in most other clues people claim to be real , some of it perhaps but not everything .

      The only thing that would convince me of a clue is words from Bessler himself , apart from that we are just interpreting what we think may be answers until actual real world evidence shows up.

    29. I couldn’t agree more anon10:23. It’s why I see the need for a working model as being the only convincing evidence. And to prove it’s the same as Bessler’s the matching evidence needs to be shown.

      I’ve posted so many pieces of code/clues that I believe are correct, but no one as far as I can tell, has ever taken any notice. More people are prepared to believe everything SoS writes rather than follow my lead.


    30. John writes "More people are prepared to believe everything SoS writes rather than follow my lead."

      I think a lot of people would be happy to "follow your lead", but they don't know exactly what direction it goes in. You talk much about pentagons and pentagrams and how you are zeroing in on a five lever wheel design. But, that's about it. Where are the recent photos of your design that were promised? I think people here are weary of your sporadic geometry lessons about pentagon and pentagram angles and the reposting of decade plus old codes that never led to anything. They want to SEE some recent photos and drawings of your design that they can wrap their minds around and, more importantly, start simming for you.

      I think SoS is so popular here because whenever he shows up he dazzles us with his latest numerological revelations and he even gives us some nice colorful drawings to study. He also displays a deep understanding of various related subjects while he does that. Unlike you, he never fails to keep a promise. If he says he's got something new to show us, he shows it the next day right on schedule. People like those who are punctual and reliable and aren't always making excuses about why they have nothing to show. I'm not trying to insult you, but making excuses here is mostly what you do and is probably why someone earlier this year said if we don't see anything new from you by the beginning of summer, then we won't see anything new from you for the rest of the year. So far he's been close to 100% right! The only really new thing we've seen from you so far is a photo of your new wheel disc with some lines drawn on it.

      You recently said you will have your wheel finished and tested before the end of THIS year and everyone is expecting some big photographic revelation to take place to announce that to the world "whether it works or not". What do you think people will be saying if that never happens? Well, I'm sure you can imagine what they will say.

    31. Anonymous2 November 2023 at 16:02
      What do you think people will be saying if that never happens? Well, I'm sure you can imagine what they will say.

      What will people say when it does happen ? I'm sure you already have a script for either cases , might as well come out with it.

    32. I think New Year's day 2024 will come and go and if we're very lucky we might see some photos of a 99% solution from John which he will want everyone to consider to be a potential 100% solution. The question will be whether it's a totally unworkable design as shown by accurate simming or if it might possibly be made workable in some way. If the latter, then his claim that it is a 99% solution will be a lot more credible. Whatever happens I think it will trigger a lot of simming and discussion and that's a good thing.

  8. “ I'm not trying to insult you…..”. Really? I’m sure you could try harder not to insult me!

    So SoS “dazzles you”. But it’s all just bunk, hokum and it’s meaningless. If you believe SOS’s posts, no wonder you’re so disparaging about my efforts.

    As always I shall do my best to show everyone what I’ve been doing but some people will never be satisfied.


    1. Imo, the fans of JC here need to stop being a bunch of gutless cowards that let SoS hypnotize them with his latest new clues and start speaking up in defense of our esteemed leader! Well, if you all haven't got the courage to do that, then I will. If I have to choose between believing in SoS's bunk and hokum or JC's, then I choose JC's. There, I've said my piece now let's see if any other of JC's fans here will do the same. JC needs our support more than ever at this time.

    2. I certainly do not consider SoS's input here to be "just bunk, hokum and it's meaningless". I think he's a true genius when it comes to finding new Bessler clues and I follow his occasional appearances here with great interest.

      I was inspired by his comments in this blog to take another look at that AP wheel and I think his analysis is valid especially as far as Jesus and the crucifixion go. SoS's numerology powers must be rubbing off on people because I even found another way of getting Bessler's lucky ratio out of the drawing and I'm surprised no one else ever saw it because it's so simple to see. Here it is:


      The outer circle of the drawing which I colored green is the zero. The center black circle which I colored red is the decimal point. And, finally two of the three sides of each of the three lighter triangles which I colored yellow are the numbers 7. Put it all together and you get 0.777!

    3. Greetings, fellow seekers of the arcane and hidden secrets concealed in Bessler's enigmatic designs. Today, I am honored to reveal a revelation that may forever alter the course of our understanding of Bessler's genius – the discovery of pentagram clues, cryptic symbols that have remained hidden in plain sight.

      As we immerse ourselves in the depths of Bessler's drawings, we come across patterns and shapes that seemingly defy explanation. It is said that within the mysterious world of alchemy, the pentagram is a symbol of profound significance, representing the balance of elements and the human connection to the divine. It is the quintessential symbol of the occult.

      Our journey begins with a meticulous examination of the intricacies within Bessler's intricate designs. As we scrutinize the wheels, gears, and intricate configurations, patterns begin to emerge. Lines, curves, and intersections that, when connected, form unmistakable pentagrams.

      These pentagrams, hidden in plain view, hold the key to unlocking the true nature of Bessler's perpetual motion machines. They serve as a testament to the alchemical nature of his work, hinting at a deeper connection to the secrets of the universe.

      But why pentagrams, you may wonder? The pentagram is not just a symbol of the occult but a representation of balance and harmony. In the world of perpetual motion, achieving balance is the ultimate goal. The pentagram, with its five points and five elements, is the perfect symbol to guide us on this quest.

      As we unveil these pentagram clues, let us embrace the enigma and embrace the mystical journey that Bessler has laid before us. Let these revelations inspire and guide our explorations, leading us ever closer to the elusive truth behind his perpetual motion designs.

      I implore you to take a closer look at Bessler's work and John clues , to seek out the hidden pentagrams that may have eluded us for centuries. May they serve as a beacon of enlightenment and a pathway to unlock the mysteries that have long been shrouded in darkness.

      In the coming months, I shall continue to explore these pentagram clues and share further insights into the depths of Bessler's work. For now, let us embark on this new chapter with a sense of wonder and anticipation, for the secrets of the pentagram may hold the key to unraveling the greatest enigma of all.

      Yours in the pursuit of the arcane,

      Sayer of Sooths

    4. Nice try, anon 10:35, but the followers of the real SoS here will immediately recognize from your flowery language that you are just that troll nutcase from last year that thought you were being smart by impersonating anonymous, but signed commenters here. You need to get a life...better yet a psychiatrist who will try some different and hopefully more effective meds on you! Get a life LOSER!

    5. @anon 17:14
      That nutter won't impersonate John because he knows he'll have his comment quickly deleted.


    6. In the dawning of yet another day, it's time to address the next layer of the puzzling AP "wheel" drawing. My attention turns to that intriguing "Y" shape within the lighter regions of the "wheel." However, it becomes apparent that this "Y" has misled me. It's time to dismantle the supposed religious and artistic symbolism attached to it.

      Upon careful examination, it's evident that the "Y" shape bears no resemblance to the crucified figure of Jesus or Salvador Dali's artistic interpretations. Instead, it appears to be a mere result of chance, a random configuration of lighter areas on the wheel. The central spot, if intended to represent a head, does not align with any traditional or meaningful artistic or religious depiction of the crucifixion.

      In reality, the AP "wheel" is a mechanical invention, and the lighter sections forming the "Y" shape do not hold any hidden spiritual or artistic meaning. Any attempt to find religious or artistic symbolism in the arrangement of these parts is nothing more than a misleading interpretation.

      It's essential to remember that art and religion are rich and complex subjects, and not every shape or pattern is imbued with deeper significance. The "Y" in the AP "wheel" is simply a product of its mechanical design and has no mystical or symbolic purpose.

      Sayer with no Tooths

    7. Hey anon 21:10 did you lose your teeth when you got kicked in the face by a mule when you were a kid? You must have been doing something back there that you shouldn't have been doing! Hope you learned your lesson.

  9. Nice analysis, Anon 04:42. It's simple and so obvious and I wonder why no one noticed it before.

    I was also "inspired" by SoS to take another look at that AP wheel and was lucky to make what I think is an interesting discovery although it's a more complicated than yours or even SoS's.

    Basically I just looked at those three light wedges in the AP wheel which are actually circular sectors in the drawing and decided to measure the angles at their points. I found that by using the outsides of the black radial lines that form each sector, I was getting values for the angles of between 26 and 27 degrees. If one assumes Bessler intended the values to all be exactly 26.666... degrees, then something interesting happens.

    For three circular sectors of 26.666... degrees the sum of their angles is 26.666...degrees x 3 = 80 degrees. This means that the fraction of the 360 degrees of the complete circle that those three sectors belong to is 80 degrees / 360 degrees = 0.222... (or 22.2...%) . BUT, that also means that the fraction of the complete circle's 360 degrees that is NOT part of the three circular sectors is then (360 - 80)/360 = 280/360 = 0.777... (or 77.7...%) which just so happens to be Bessler's "lucky ratio" according to SoS! To me that seems like too much of a coincidence to be a coincidence.

    From this it looks like Bessler also hid his lucky ratio in his AP wheel drawing in yet another way by carefully sizing those light circular sectors he placed around the center of the wheel. It's not that easy a clue to find so we must forgive JC for never finding it despite his earlier work with the drawing. He would have been distracted because he was concentrating on finding pentagrams and pentagons and, of course, his early research was done years before SoS announced the discovery of Bessler's lucky ratio. I think SoS recently missed it too because he was distracted by looking for various religious symbols in the AP wheel drawing which he successfully found and a "blessing" clue to neutralize a supposedly cursed clue he previously found in the MT Toys Page last March.

    It's nice to be studying these now three century old Bessler drawings and still finding new information in them that was never noticed before. I also agree that this has been one of the most interesting blogs here in a long time which I notice tends to happen whenever SoS visits us.

    1. Congrats to both anons 01:36 and 04:42 for those additional lucky ratio clues they found in Bessler's AP wheel! Those two are surely the first recipients of that extra luck that SoS said might come our way when he revealed that fourth level blessing clue he found in the AP wheel.

      This blog is also the longest in comments so far since the severed head clue curse in MT was revealed last March. I take that as sign that the curse has finally been neutralized. I think we are going to see a lot of good things being reported on these blogs in the months to come!

  10. Clue :
    specifically : a piece of evidence that leads one toward the solution of a problem.

    We await your solution to the problem with your "Y" and 0.777 clues you like talking about so much , when is the wheel build coming ?


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...