Saturday, 23 December 2023

Preliminary to Sharing the Solution.

This is a precursor to my sharing of what I believe will prove to be the solution to Bessler’s wheel. It’s just to explain how I got to this point and to prepare the ground for my posting of the most important parts of my information.  There are many additional pieces of information which all go towards confirming my findings, but they would fill a book, which is what I’m doing.

Johann Bessler deliberately left a treasure trove of clues which once solved would, he must have hoped, lead to someone finding the solution to his perpetual motion machine. This would give him the acknowledgement he sought, albeit after his death. He wrote that he would rather receive that than just give the secret away during his life.

So how did he intend us to find his instructions for building his perpetual motion machine? First he adopted the name Orffyreus, which was a simple ROT13, or Caesar shift code. This code was a well known cipher that he knew would be picked up but maybe only followed up by those whose curiosity was piqued about the wheel.  That led to more complex coded stuff.  He dropped hints that the secret was available if you knew where to look.

You know the old adage, ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’, I believe Bessler left pictures of his machine showing how it worked and he also left written descriptions for two reasons. One reason is that although a picture may contain useful information, it may not be enough to complete the necessary detail, particularly because it has to be disguised so that no one could happen upon it by chance and understand it easily - and more words will be necessary to fill in the gaps even leaving out the fact that the picture had to be camouflaged for security reasons.

He disguised the information that revealed his secret by using a number of different codes both textual and graphic. I always believed that the best ones would be found hidden within an illustration and that is what I found. In my blog dated 8th June 2019, more than four years ago, I wrote, “The most instructive drawings have proved to be those found in DT. They contain everything you need to know about how to reconstruct Bessler’s wheel - yes, everything”

On the 15th November 2017, six years ago, I wrote, “So the four drawings in Das Triumphirende contain just about all the information you need to build Bessler’s wheel.”

On the 29th May 2012, eleven years ago, I wrote, “In fact only the toys drawings in MT contains useful information. There are additional hints in MT137 and in the letters 'A' which he used in MT, and there are hints too in some of the illustration numbers. The remaining drawings he was referring to are the five which appeared in his Das Triumphirende and of course the one in Grundlicher Bericht and the one at the end of Apologia Poetica. These five drawings hold almost everything you will need to build his wheel.”

For so many years I studied those illustrations without finding the key.  But over the last year or so, I believe I’ve unravelled the complex weave of hints, red herrings and sleight of hand to produce a likely contender for the solution. Like Bessler I’m going to try to demonstrate my reasoning by using illustrations more than words, but both will still be necessary.

I’m writing a blog containing the information about the design and configuration of his wheel, once it’s done I will post it here and on Besslerwheel forum for anyone to attempt a sim.  I’m also building a prototype but I’m very busy with other time- consuming activities so it might be that the model isn’t finished until some time in January.  But you never know, it’s not a very complex design, maybe I’ll get a chance to finish it earlier. Of course it could happen that a sim proves my design before I finish my prototype - or someone else does.

Finally, if I’m right about the above suggestions about the solution being hidden in plain sight in his published illustrations, and someone finally builds Bessler’s wheel according to the design I’m going to publish, it will prove beyond all doubt that we will be able to reproduce a model of Bessler’s Wheel which exactly replicates his own wheel.

I intend to publish the big reveal either on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day depending on how I am feeling on the Eve!


Copyright © 2023 John Collins


  1. We are now all in our seats at the long banquet table of the johncollinsnews blog as we await the arrival of our tasty English Christmas pudding. Finally we can see the serving cart being wheeled in toward us and soon the pentagonal silver bowls on it containing our treat will be placed before us along with silver forks and napkins. The scent of the aromatic spices of the pudding even now fills our nostrils as our mouths begin to water profusely! Did someone say they detected the sweet and woody scent of rum?!

    Feed us, John Collins, feed us for we have hungered far too long for this exquisite treat that you have promised us!

  2. JC wrote "But over the last year or so, I believe I’ve unravelled the complex weave of hints, red herrings and sleight of hand to produce a likely contender for the solution."

    "likely contender" sounds like you are still not sure if you have B's design or not. Hopefully, the drawings/photos you supply will be clear enough for the design to be accurately simmed. If not and you or others never get anything completely built, we may never know for sure how likely the design really is. If you are to move on to a more likely design, then a final decision has to be made on the current one you have and the sooner the better.

    @anon 09:50:

    Nice metaphorical description. I too am at my seat and awaiting my bowl of "English Christmas pudding". I had the real thing last year and it was delicious! If anyone hasn't had it yet, they should definitely try it and a little extra rum will make it all the better.

    1. Because of your cynicism anon 02:51, NO pudding for you this Christmas!

  3. @anon 17:57 : I don’t want to tempt fate but if I was a gambling man I’d bet my house on it!


    1. Bessler was willing to bet his head...but, then again, he knew what was inside his drums and that his head would remain attached to its body.

    2. Speaking of severed heads, I think I finally figured out why Bessler put that severed head clue into the Toys Page. Paul, imo, correctly noticed that its nose points to a symbol telling us we have to do additions and multiplications with the alpha numerical values of the letters on the page. Doing that is actually the start to accurately decoding the rest of the secret information hidden in the page. So far, so good...but, why a severed head?

      Now I think I know why. Pointing to that clue with his nose was the last meaningful gesture that a man with his chopped off head falling away from his body would be able to do. That was symbolic of the Toys Page containing the last clues that Bessler would ever give us about how his pm wheels were constructed and worked. And they were in fact the last clues put at the end of the last book he intended to write about his wheels which we only saw in its unfinished form three centuries later thanks to JC. Bessler must have removed the original drawings showing how his pm wheels were constructed and worked and substituted the Toys Page because he knew that book, when finished, but not yet published, might be confiscated without warning by the police at some future time and the secret revealed without his permission or him being paid for it even if he had previously destroyed and physical wheel that they could not have confiscated. The Toys Page actually contains all of the critically important information about his wheels, but in a very difficult to understand numerological form.

      The severed head clue is difficult to find even for those who have studied the page closely for years. But, if one finds it, then Bessler knew he would be studying the page very closely and only then would he be ready to find the rest of the clues it contains and begin to accurately interpret them. I never would have noticed that clue if SoS hadn't taken the trouble to point it out to us. Thanks, SoS.

      I apologize if this comment seems inappropriate at Christmas time, but I needed to get it out so others can think about it.

      Happy holidays everybody.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @anon 15:43

      I noticed that Bessler seemed to have some sort of obsession with the human nose. As you mentioned, I previously found that the severed head's nose in the Toys page was pointing to another important clue there and you could also form the lucky number seven by using the noses of the two upper hammermen on that page. IIRC, SoS discovered that you could draw a line from Bessler's hand holding the glasses in the second DT portrait that when extended to the left over to the first DT portrait would exactly touch his nose in that figure (the two portraits had to be put side by side for that to happen though).

      I think Bessler got this nose obsession from reading from the Old Testament's Genesis 2:7,8 where it says:

      "Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Thus the man became a living creature."

      Maybe Bessler also saw this famous Renaissance painting:

      where God (depicted as Jesus since they thought that it was him doing the creation in the Garden of Eden instead of God the Father), after forming Adam's body from dust, breathes life into him through his nose which looks like some sort of divine laser beam?

      From sources like these Bessler would have learned that the nose, particularly the nostrils, and not the mouth was the way God put life into inanimate matter. In Bessler's mind he had actually done the same with his pm wheels. Their perpetually out of balance design allowed their otherwise inanimate matter to start moving by itself. Of course Bessler would not have thought he had God-like powers of animation, but would have assumed he could not have made his pm wheels unless God was performing a miracle through him. Imo, when dealing with Bessler's clues, we always have to keep in mind how very religious he was.


      Also, I wish everyone here the best for the holiday season.

    5. @Paul
      I go along with your theory that Bessler was obsessed with the nose. I also think that was because the shape of the human nose can be associated with God in an odd way.
      Below is a close up profile image of a man's nose I found online. I inverted the image and could then neatly draw the number 7 into it (yellow lines). 7 is supposed to be a very lucky number and also refers to the part of heaven where God lives. So, God miraculously putting life into Adam through his nostrils makes symbolic sense.
      The nose has the number seven hidden in it as I show and Adam was just a pile of dust that was lucky enough to have God who normally lives up in the 7th and highest part of heaven come down and bring him to life using his nose instead of some other part of the body like the heart. I'm sure Bessler would have been aware of all of this symbolism and that could explain his obsession with noses.

  4. There was a guy here years ago (IIRC he was called "SK" and that was short for Suresh Kumar) who wrote something I never forgot. He said that when someone finally finds B's secret pm wheel, he will have NO doubts about it and, if he has ANY doubts, then he most likely does NOT have that secret.

  5. @ anon 17:57, your extreme scepticism is duly noted and dismissed. I trust you will be as forthright in your praise of my achievement when my Bessler/Collins designs is accepted and proven by both simulation and a working model.



  6. "Oh Bessler Wheel"
    (sung to the melody of 1824's German song "O Tannenbaum" which in English is "Oh Christmas Tree"):

    Oh Bessler wheel, Oh Bessler wheel,
    How huge your mighty drum!
    Through summer's heat and winter's chill,
    You just keeping on turning round.
    Oh Bessler wheel, Oh Bessler wheel,
    All your wooden timbers are surely sound!

    Oh Bessler wheel, Oh Bessler wheel,
    How you fill me with such wonder.
    In a world beset with Climate Change,
    You bring us hope of endless power.
    Oh Bessler wheel, Oh Bessler wheel,
    I'm so amazed when you are near.

    Oh Bessler wheel, Oh Bessler wheel,
    Your value I understand:
    One day we shall you replicate,
    And all your movements duplicate.
    Oh Bessler wheel, Oh Bessler wheel,
    Perhaps next year you'll be back again!

    Merry Christmas to all the Christians out there and Happy Holidays to all of the non Christian religious. Also, happy winter solstice celebrations to all the agnostics, atheists, pagans, witches, and warlocks too. Everyone loves this time of year. Don't forget to buy yourself a gift if no one else will. You've struggled with the Bessler wheel mystery all year and now you deserve a reward!

    1. "One day we shall you replicate, And all your movements duplicate."

      Yes, that's our ultimate goal. Merry Christmas to you too, anon 18:41, and thanks for your revised lyrics to "Tannenbaum".

    2. Happy holidays to everyone! This is a good time of year to take stock and be thankful for all we have because many who started this year never got a chance to celebrate the holiday season due to some serious medical problem they never expected. It's also a good time to look forward to what we plan to do in the new year.

      Joke for the holiday:

      Santa gets free parking's on the house.

  7. Looks like we are all still patiently sitting around waiting for our bowls of that tasty English Christmas pudding to be served to us. That was supposed to happen by New Year's Day. That day is now only four days away and so far all I can hear are the sounds of a lot of rumbling stomachs!

    Until our promised dessert is finally served to us by JC, perhaps this little appetizer will help to lessen everyone's hunger for a while? Enjoy...

    Happy holidays to all!


    1. I thought John was the only one here into a five lever wheels. Your design is certainly interesting, but I wonder where the cog of its five weights is located. It would have to be on the right side and stay there as the wheel turned cw. It doesn't look like it would produce a constant torque. Most likely a pulsing cw torque. Have you tried building it yet? If not then it should be simmed. Thanks for sharing your "appetizer" with us which was unexpected.

    2. Hi, Martin. IIRC, you were here earlier this year talking about a five weight design you had but you didn't reveal anything then. I assume that the drawing you linked to is that design. I'm looking forward to seeing how yours compares with what John plans on showing us. You don't have any springs in yours but I guess they could be added into it to act like shock absorbers when those descending side weights swing down through 90 deg. and hit their stops.

    3. Nice simple design. It looks like something a carpenter's boy could easily make after seeing it. But I still think Bessler's wheels used eight levers and not five because of the eight thumping sounds that came out of the Kassel wheel. Your wheel would make five thumps on the right side and another five one the left side during each rotation as the weights hit their stops. For Bessler to have used a five lever design in the Kassel wheel we have to believe that they were miscounting the ten thumps as eight which seems unlikely to me. But, I could be wrong about that.

    4. Fortunately, it has other possibilities: part of the motor has only 5 sides, but it turns more than one revolution inside, while the large visible wheel only makes one revolution. In other words, you hear 8 noises per revolution of the wheel, but the motor has made 1.5 revolutions.
      Pure hypothesis, let's be patient.

    5. @Martin

      Thanks for providing some distraction here while we wait for John's big reveal.

      I just had a scary thought. What if, by chance, your "Bessler Martin Wheel" has the same basic design as the wheel that John is going to reveal to us?! If so, then since you published your design first here, you will get the historical credit for it and John will get nothing. Such is the risk one runs when he delays publication.

      That probably won't happen though and I'm also looking forward to comparing what John reveals to what you revealed in your appetizer link. I noticed your "critical" lever swings down through 90 degrees and, IIRC, John mentioned some clue he found saying that happened in Bessler's wheels.

    6. Anon 18:40 to Martin: "...since you published your design first here, you will get the historical credit for it and John will get nothing." !!!

      I have three words of advice for John...delete...delete...DELETE before any more visitors to this blog see that Bessler - Martin wheel design. Despite all his happy holiday wishes for everyone, I think his real plan is to steal the credit for the solution to Bessler's wheels right away from John! Why else reveal it only days before John's big reveal?


    7. @anon 05:45

      Yes, I was here earlier this year and late last year too. Late last year I offered to show my five weight wheel design that I had worked on for several years and wound up getting insulted and having my comments deleted! Earlier this year I came back offering to again show my five weight design and got more insults and threats of deletions. I left in a huff vowing never to return again. I planned to put my design on youtube, but never got around to setting up an account there. Now it's the holidays and I've simmered down enough to again try sharing my design here which I did above. However, my comment above with the link in it to a drawing of my design may only be up briefly until it gets deleted. I've learned from past experiences not to trust this blog when it comes to sharing any kind of five weight versions of Bessler's wheels.


      I'm not here to steal credit for anyone else's wheel design. I don't have to because I have my own design based on my own clues that I found. If my Bessler Martin wheel happens to be essentially the same as the one John talked about showing us for the last several months, but never got around to doing, and I get the credit for being the first to discover and publish it, then that won't be my fault. It will be HIS fault for procrastinating for so long. My only goal is to share what I have and, even if it does not work, hopefully it will give others ideas on how to improve the design or use its principles in their own wheels which is fine with me.


    8. @Martin

      I like your five lever wheel because it would be fairly easy to build.

      But, I think the design you show will have its CoG very close to the center of the axle which will give low torque and might not let the wheel completely "glide" through the rest of the 36 degrees so that all of the levers are reset again to the critical orientation. Here's a change I would suggest for your design:

      Just add some extra ropes. On the drawing of your wheel showing it after it turns 36 degrees, I added a single extra orange colored rope from the lever that swings down through 90 degrees so that its dropping weight can also use some of its lost GPE to pull over to the right that lever on the left side of the axle that you show just hanging straight down. Ideally, that lever's weight would actually hit its stop. That should then shift the CoG of all of the weights farther onto the wheel's descending side for more torque.

      But, this approach will require another five ropes be added to the five you show in your drawing. Your design can keep all of its five ropes in the same plane since no two cross each other, but if my suggestion is used, then the extra five ropes will each have to be put into its own plane to prevent the ropes from rubbing together as the wheel turns. So, with my change a total of six rope planes are needed and that will complicate construction. Having two ropes cross in the same plane is not a problem when making sim models, but reality is a different situation.

    9. @ Martin, I’m sorry if I deleted a design you posted, I’ve never intentionally rejected any designs. I only began to delete more comments because I got fed up with the constant crass remarks and negativity so common to many of them. There have been several links to designs over the years which will still be visible in comments and I have sometimes reposted a blog to include a design added in comments.


    10. John apologizing for deleting comments?! I'm in shock...he must really be feeling good because of the Christmas season.

      Actually, Martin did not, prior to this blog, show us his five lever wheel design. He merely politely commented that he wanted to show it and got deleted! That gave everyone the impression that John does not want any competition on this blog from anyone else working on five lever wheels. IOW, they were his sole monopoly and all others who come here trying to horn in on that monopoly would be suppressed by having their designs deleted!

      But, John and Martin are not the only ones who have been interested in five lever pm wheels.

      IIRC, years ago there was a guy who showed up on BW forum and mentioned that he had paid some inventor thousands of dollars for the design of a simple five lever pm wheel which the inventor guaranteed him was genuine and could make the buyer a fortune. When the buyer paid the money and finally had the design sent to him simmed, it was shown to be unworkable. He then contacted the inventor and told him what happened. The inventor replied that the sims did not use the right values for the springs and weights in the wheel and, for another thousand dollars, he would gladly provide those correct values. The buyer then requested a refund of the thousands he initially paid for the design at which point the inventor promptly stopped responding to his emails! Apparently, they never communicated by telephone.

      The buyer never saw his "investment" again, but showed us an image of the drawing of that wheel. Unfortunately, I cannot find it anywhere and I don't remember enough of its details to make an accurate drawing of it myself. If anyone has its image, please provide a link so we can see what a scammer's failed five lever pm wheel design looks like.

    11. His name was Dave Brown from Florida. The scammer was Kerry Waenga from New Zealand. The wheel was actually an 8 lever wheel and not 5. The wheel was total b.s.

      Where are all the simmers here to help Martin diagnose his wheel concept?

    12. Here's a news article about Waenga and his discovery of the secret of Bessler's wheel from 2017. But no drawings of his wheel because, obviously, it's a big secret worth a fortune. At the end of the article it almost makes it sound like Waenga is grateful to John for helping him make his discovery!

    13. @anon 22:17

      I do remember that guy who got ripped off by that scam "inventor". He put all of the details on a website he had. I also think I remember enough of the details of his scam wheel design his victim wasted his money on to make a drawing of it. BUT, I remember it as having five weights instead of eight. Here's what I came up with:

      Most likely the scammer was familiar with the MT drawings and picked up some of John's talk about five weight wheels off of bwf or from private emails with him. The scammer claimed he had found the secret of Bessler's wheels and actually had a 2 meter diameter wheel running at a constant 57 rpm's!

      Then it was just a matter of time until he could private message other members on bwf to offer them the opportunity of a lifetime to buy into his revolutionary discovery and make a fortune off of it. Who knows how many he scammed on bwf and other free energy sites with his bogus offers. I don't recall anyone mentioning that they had seen a video of his Bessler wheel in rotation. But, even if he did supply one, it could have been easily faked.

    14. I have retained all the emails between myself and Kerry Waenga and David Brown and a member of BW forum. I know the whole story, but it’s best left alone.


  8. Some sad news to report. Stefan who runs suffered a serious stroke in November that has caused him extreme vertigo. He wanted to sell his domain, but that didn't work out for him. He has now switched the whole forum over to a Read Only mode and will continue is as an Archive.

    A well made pm machine might run for centuries, but when it comes to the human body, Father Time catches up with all of us...

    1. That's probably how all of the free energy websites and blogs will end. Some geriatric owner gets sick and eventually passes on and there is no one younger willing to take over and keep his site up and running. The site goes to a read only archival status as its few still active posters keep working in private on their machines or quietly quit themselves.

      Today's younger generation is looking for instant results in our digital age. They aren't interested in chasing after pm machines for decades and getting nothing out of it but a waste of their time and effort. If you tell them we need free energy, they will just say we already have it. It's called the Sun! Once fusion power is harnessed, I suspect all interest in pm will disappear forever.

      If only Bessler had sold or freely revealed his wheel's secrets 300 years ago, the world might be completely different right now...but it didn't.

    2. Yes it’s sad that the young don’t seem interested in our research but I’m positive that 2024 will see a resurgence of interest in all things Bessler. I’m posting something that might help.


    3. Young people are taught as early as possible that it's impossible, so why should they change their minds about a 300-year-old story?
      The next generation?
      Maybe a few curious people absent from physics classes.
      How old are the youngest here? Over 60?
      Let's just say, optimistically, that there's still 5 years of research to go before it's completely forgotten.
      But don't worry, we'll find it before then. 😁
      Happy New Year.


    4. Confidence is high, but we’ve been here before - It’s going to happen in 2024!


    5. Some say it will never be found, some say Ken B found it back in 2018, and some say JC has found it an will soon reveal it. But, the reality is that no one yet has a working physical wheel spinning away on their workshop table. I look forward to seeing all of the future "rediscoveries" that will be coming along in the next few years. And, who knows, maybe one of them will actually work for a change when built!

      Anyway, Happy New Year to the Bessler wheel chasers over in New Zealand who were the first to begin their New Year's day celebration a little over an hour ago. Beautiful fireworks show in Auckland!

      Over here on the Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil the fireworks will start in about seven hours and people are getting ready to celebrate by going for a traditional swim that cleanses us of all of our past problems and gives us a fresh start for the coming year. We have a beach tradition here, gotten from Africa, of wearing various colors to say what we want for the new year. White is for peace, yellow for prosperity, etc. Right now it's about 80 F (or 72 C) and the skies are getting cloudy so we might get a shower later, but the water temperature is a little too cool for me. I went in for a minute or two for a quick cleansing, but now prefer to shelter under my chair umbrella, nurse my caipirinha, and watch the bronze skin girls going in for a dip. Being too scantily attired is frowned upon, but some of them are definitely pushing the limit, imo.

      Happy New Year to everyone no matter where they are. Let's hope the coming year will be filled with peace and prosperity for everyone...our world could sure use it.

    6. You have such a hard life, anon 20:16, that it almost makes me want to cry reading about! Lol!

      Happy New Year everyone!

    7. Same to you. Actually 12 hours ago. The rain cleared and it was a magnificent Auckland sky tower fireworks display watching from my front lawn. Not quite up to Sydney bridge standard but not bad for a small country of 5 & 1/2 million deep in the South Pacific ocean. Raises a glass to John.

    8. Good news! The latest research shows that older males who get plenty of passionate lovemaking every week will retain their youthful sharp memory.

      Happy New Year 2016 everyone!

    9. LOL! Good one, anon 00:42!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...