Monday, 5 February 2024

Update on Bessler’s Wheel ……. and I’m 79 today.

I’m 79 today and I’ve been studying the legend of Bessler’s wheel for about 65 years!  Well, about 35 years of serious research.

Not quite there yet, but confidence is high.  I’m building yet another a model of his wheel based on the latest information I have obtained from various pieces of text and some drawings he left for us.  This will probably be my last build and it takes time to build a device which is only sketchily described, but I’m giving it one more go. This doesn’t mean I will then give up!  I shall continue to study Johann Bessler’s books and share anything I believe is important. because he intended to give the secret of his machine to posterity, but he didn’t want to give it away until after his death.  Consequently he left numerous clues which had to be invisible to his followers, disciples and those curious to know how his machine worked. But he did leave comments which indicated there was information available if you looked for it.

Although I’m working on a small model relating to Bessler’s first exhibition model which was only four inches thick and 4.6 feet in diameter, mine is even smaller being only 3 feet wide and 2 inches in thickness, but it only needs to demonstrate the concept and verify its potential. Mine will only be able to turn in one direction unlike Bessler’s later models which were able to turn both ways.

The interesting detail of the first two wheels was that they were always out of balance, and had to have a brake applied to keep them stationary.  This is a necessary feature of the these so-called perpetual motion devices.  The two way models remained stationary until they were given a gentle push in one direction of the other, once the sound of a single weight falling and landing on the falling side of the wheel was heard, then the wheel began to accelerate.

These later two wheels were each 12 feet in diameter and the Merseburg one was capable of reaching a speed of more than 50 RPM.  The last version, the Kassel wheel, turned at 26 RPM, but this slower speed was a deliberate design feature because it was meant to undergo to an endurance test and was only stopped after 54 days of non-stop rotation.  A slower rate of turn meant it had a better chance of surviving the test without braking down early.

To gain some idea of the impressive power of the Merseburg wheel, consider this.  At 12 feet diameter, the circumference measured 37 feet and 8 inches.  At 50 rpm, the speed at the circumference would be 21 miles per hour.  If, as was recorded more than once, that it’s  the rotation speed was sometimes recorded more than 50 rpm, it’s not a big step to calculate its speed at 60 rpm, turning once every second and that would give a speed at the circumference of just over 25 mph.  You could certainly feel the 25 mile an hour wind being generated off the edge of the wheel, or cycling at 25 mph on a windless day.

A report on the slower Kassel wheel which ran at 26 rpm, commented that if a man tried to stop the wheel suddenly by hanging on to it, it would lift him off the ground.  These kind of subjective impressions are very convincing about the inherent power in these machines and we should not be too quick to dismiss their potential use as electricity generators.

They were single wheels on one axle but if, for instance we were to mount ten wheels on a single axle, we would increase their power potential ten fold.  That ignores potential extra weights, improved mechanisms and smaller but more complex mechanisms.

I will posting some pictures on this blog, once I’ve completed the model, but please allow a little more time before I do that, because it’s my birthday today, and I’m beginning to work more slowly!



  1. Happy birthday Mr. Collins.
    Good luck in finding the solution to the Bessler Wheel.
    I hope you have enough rest and time for your family in the coming year.
    In future I should read your blog more often and do some research,
    time goes by so quickly.
    Best wishes and good health
    Marco Z.

  2. Thanks Marco. You dropped by just right, I only posted this, this morning!


  3. Happy Birthday John :-)
    Your perseverance is an inspiration to us all. Thanks.


    1. Thanks Zhy. Funnily enough Henry Dircks who wrote two large volumes describing the history of the search for perpetual motion also published under the name Percy Verance as in “ Perpetual Motion: Comprising a History of the Efforts to Attain Self-Motive Mechanism, with a Classified, Illustrated, Collection and Ex
      by Percy Verance (Pseud ). and Henry Dircks | 26 Jan 2012”.

    2. Hehe, thanks for reminding me of that John. Yes, I've read it. "Persevere to Succeed" was my primary schools motto too.

  4. Happy Birthday John and eat plenty of cake ..

    I think it can be easy to subconsciously dismiss or overlook one of the most important physical clues imo he left us - so it was nice for me that on your birthday you reminded us again i.e. that his one-way wheels had inherent sustainable imbalance at any position they were stopped at - an easy thing to forget and a hard thing to envisage .. all the best for your building ..

    Best Wishes -f

  5. Happy birthday, good sir! Longtime lurker looking forward to your results and future clues.

  6. Happy Birthday JC! Discovered today that much of the series "The Empress" was filmed at Schloss Weissenstein.

    1. CWforshort above.

    2. Yes thanks, we watched some of it and then got bored with the story! I didn’t realise it was filmed there.


  7. JC wrote "This will probably be my last build...but I’m giving it one more go...I’m beginning to work more slowly!"

    I think he's really telling us here that because of utter frustration he's finally reaching the end of trying to build anything anymore. It was inevitable of course and I predict it will happen around the beginning of this summer. But, expect him to keep right on pontificating that he really "knows" the secret of Bessler's pm wheels even though he's finally given up trying to build anything to prove it.

    I don't consider birthdays anything to rejoice over. Each one tells us that we are one year closer to a cold grave and eternal oblivion than we were the year before. So, I'll skip the cake and happy talk and just "celebrate" by myself with a nice BIG bottle of my favorite booze!

    1. You really are a sad case, aren’t you?


    2. Sounds like anon 16:40 is depressed. Life is certainly full of disappointments which is why we must grasp the few pleasures that come our way as long as we can. Yes, we will all die someday, but the one nice thing about that is that one never knows exactly when or how. There have been many who the doctors decided were hopeless cases who then suddenly made remarkable recoveries.

      I read of a case years ago of a man in South Africa who suddenly collapsed at a gathering. An ambulance was called and two medical technicians pronounced him dead at the scene because he had no pulse or respiration and did not respond to cpr or a defibrillator. At a nearby hospital, two doctors also pronounced him dead and filled out a death certificate for him before moving his corpse down to the hospital morgue. Then, several hours later, he suddenly revived and started yelling and kicking on the latched door of the refrigerated drawer he was in. That nearly scared the morgue attendant to death, but he released the man. A later medical exam of him showed nothing abnormal! So much for the "know it all" doctors!

      As far as John is concerned, even if he never tries to build another wheel, he can still take pride in having provided us with some nice English translations of Bessler's writings which, as John notes, do contain many clues, both obvious and "hidden in plain sight", that reveal how Bessler's pm wheels worked. I think finding them and correctly interpreting them is more important now then just blindly trying one design after another hoping to make a lucky hit on the right one. Inventors have been doing that for centuries so far and gotten nowhere. Personally, I'm going to follow John's lead for the time being and keep my focus on finding new clues.

      Also, happiest belated birthday wishes to John!

    3. He is clearly a boozeholic.

  8. There are actually people not from Earth who have their own youtube channels, here is a link to one of them with a video of her understanding of what gravity is :

    1. All she delivers in her video is a lot of New Age babble. It's not actual physics even though she peppers her babble with scientific sounding terms. She seems intelligent, but obviously did not get the kind of scientific training she would need to become a serious scientist. Maybe in a few months she'll pop in here and enlighten us as to how Bessler's wheels actually worked! We're open to anything at this point in time.

    2. Marie Swaruu did live on Earth for 5 years from 8 years old to 13 years old, somewhere in the uk, in wales somewhere I think, now she lives aboard the Toleka starship which is in a low equatorial orbit , they will be here hopefully for many more years. They are the same race of ETs that visited Billy Meier in the seventies from Taygeta in the Pleiades. They have seeded a lot of their science and technology on Earth over the last 5 to 6 years, there are thousands of videos and pdfs on the internet. Its very possible that in the future they could decide to give us information on gravity wheels, if they know about gravity wheels and how they work, I do not know if they do !

    3. Has she been DNA tested to see if it is different from most of humanity? Blood test and immunization record on file? Surely she has medical and dental history of some sort that can be verified. What schools she attended, with annual class photos etc. Job history, drivers license, social security number, social media history. Other family members still living in west UK.

  9. There is a lot of history you would need be aware of to understand it but to sum it up, there is a cabal that controls a lot of Earth including the governments, and they have attacked the Taygetan pleiadians throughout history, the reason they contacted Billy Meier in the 70s is because they wanted to talk to humans directly and bypass the governernts because governments are under the control of the cabal. At this time period we are at now they are contacting people through the internet, they do not want to prove they are real because their youtube a/cs would probably be taken down. But for those who have eyes to see, all the information is published on the internet, you can work out for yourself if its true or not. I myself originally thought it was made up but after watching some of the videos I recognized some things in the videos, the first thing I recognized was a video on the animals on their home planets, a mog'yah, which is a type of Taygetan bird that does not exist on Earth , I recognized the bird from the description and realized that I have many past lives their in Taygeta, this is how I know they are real people from the stars. I think Johann Bessler was a starseed from Taygeta in the Pleiades.

    1. The above is a reply to anonymous 00:26 above.

    2. Here's what one website had to say about Meier and all of those UFOs that he was photographing and whose crews he claimed to be meeting with:

      "Billy Meier’s credibility fell further upon the discovery that thousands of photos he’d taken in the 1970s proved to be fabrications. These photos featured purported spacecraft, referred to as “Beamships,” flying over the countryside. Over the years, the validity of these pictures has been dismissed for myriad reasons, including that the spacecraft was perfectly focused and centered within the frame. Upon close inspection, numerous photos were also found to contain household items, passing for pieces of the ships, such as eye-screws that suspended the models in the air, or even cups, bowls, and paper plates that made up the bodies of the crafts."

      I think he is just another kook who decided to use a real phenomenon, like the sighting of genuine extraterrestrial craft in our atmosphere, to make up his own UFO based religion. IOW, he wanted to be a Jesus-like figure with a big following to help him get his ego trip while raking in the cash. This type of behavior has been seen in many others who decided to start their own religions and is nothing new.

      IIRC, years ago there was a UFO investigator that went to his farm out in Switzerland unannounced. Meier was not home at the time and the investigator started poking around the grounds there. Behind his farm house he found a large trash bin and decided to look inside of it. He found the remains of cardboard MODELS of UFOs only a few feet in diameter in the bin! They were lightweight and spray painted silver to make them look like metal. Apparently, Meier would use a thin string to suspend them from a helium balloon which was then tethered to the ground by another string.

      When he photographed one of his model UFOs he would make sure the helium balloon and the main tether string were out of the frame. The suspension string to the model was thin, but it could be seen in some of the photos. Another researcher took some of the photos from Meier's UFO books and had them processed using computer enhancement. Sure enough the enhancements showed vertical regions about the "UFOs" which had been retouched to remove the strings.

      All of that technology that Meier claimed to have received from Pleidian aliens is just a bunch of mumbo jumbo intended to fill up books for sale to the gullible. Nothing of any real value has come from any of it or ever will. But, now I'm sure we'll see a new generation promoting his nonsense religion and, rather than books which few read anymore, they will be showing up babbling all over the internet and in search of clicks to make ad revenue off of or subscriptions to provide members with their latest "insider" revelations.

      Nothing much changes on our planet from millennium to millennium. You have the herds of the stupid being fleeced by the smarter few that know how to tell them want they want to hear and show them what they want to see.

    3. After reading your comment anonymous 11:06, Yes I think I may have been brainwashed by Meier's religion, I did believe in it all, but now, I don't know, maybe the reason the pleiadians look human is because they are human !
      Thanks, I have left the cult, it will take for me to recover and then get on with the rest of my life. -D.S.

  10. JC, here are what i consider to be some encouraging words:
    It took me until recently to understand that the solution to the wheel does not have to be special, novel, complicated, beautiful or unique. It does not have to fit coincidently, neatly into the verbal and graphic "clues" that Bessler provided. It simply has to work. IMHO Bessler hinted that the weights on the ascending side of the wheel were arriving late to the the party. Anyone who has thought extensively about the way the weights have to move in a OB wheel will be familiar with the thought that the same weights at 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock must be affectively lifted twice. One way to remedy this is to have those two weights connected either by a cord or a shaft but by doing so you are doubling the force needed to lift them. So we should all be in agreement that the invention of PM involves in essence finding a way to lift weights straight up as they pass the center of the wheel.


    1. "It simply has to work."

      Wow! Thanks for that revelation!

      "...the same weights at 6 o'clock and 12 o'clock must be affectively lifted twice."

      No, a weight moving from 6 to 12 only needs to be effectively lifted once. But, you have to figure out a way to do it using less energy than is delivered by a weight on the other side of the axle moving from 12 down to 6. Physics says it's impossible. But, is it really? By using the right simple mechanism Bessler proved it is possible. Too bad he never revealed that so simple mechanism because it could have changed our world and saved all of us here a LOT of wasted effort!

      Excuse me now...I have an appointment to meet with the pilot of a landed Pleidian beamship who has promised to tell me what that simple mechanism is. Turns out they've been using it for millennia to generate free energy on their home planet there and they are all mystified that we humans still haven't figured out what it is. In fact, I wouldn't be the least surprised if they or other well meaning ET's visited Bessler three hundred years ago, abducted him while he slept, and then hypnotically implanted the design into his subconscious mind to give him a little assistance with his quest. That would certainly explain that invigorating "dream" he had and how he found "his" runner design shortly afterward! Too bad they didn't also implant a desire in him to reveal the design to everyone!

    2. I don't dismiss the possibility of Bessler's dream being due to some sort of visitation by advanced beings. I recall reading of a case involving Paracelsus. His real name was Theophrastus von Hohenheim and he lived from 1493 to 1541. He was a Swiss physician, alchemist, lay theologian, and philosopher during the German Renaissance.

      He wrote in his diary that late one night he was visited by two tall men who were wearing long dark colored cloaks with hoods which made it difficult for Paracelsus to see their faces. He invited them into his home and offered them food and drink, but they declined them. They said they were strangers in his land and asked him many questions about his town and the its people. After answering them, Paracelsus began to question them, but they tended to just give him vague answers.

      At some point the discussion turned to scientific and philosophical matters. Paracelsus claimed that one of the strangers told him that there was nothing particular to a human being that would survive his death and also that there was no God! The strangers seemed to be complete atheists who did not believe in immortal souls, an afterlife, or God. Paracelsus then asked them how the universe could exist if God did not create it. One of them told him that "his people" had two possible explanations for that. Either the universe had been created from a single huge explosion in the remote past or it was in a continuous state of recycling as its most minute particles disappeared and were then simultaneously replaced by new particles. I'm sure that many will recognize these explanations as very close to the modern big bang theory and the also the theory of a steady state universe made up of virtual subatomic particles with only brief existences.

      After about an hour, the two strangers said that their time was up and they needed to depart. They quickly left and when Paracelsus went to a window to see what direction they were headed in, he could not see them. It was as if they had just disappeared into thin air!

      Was this encounter just a dream Paracelsus had and wrote down after he woke up? Did he just make it all up to add some mystery to his diary? Or, did it really happen because he was visited by beings from another planet with advanced knowledge? We will never know for sure, but it would have been most interesting if they could have discussed the possibility of building a perpetual motion machine.

    3. @anon 11:01
      If two guys in black cloaks knocked on my door late at night there's no way in hell I'd be letting them in! I'd call the cops and let them deal with them.
      I guess it's possible if aliens can build spaceships able to reach our Earth they might land and send out some of their crew to check out how we live as part of some sort of scientific research. When they suddenly disappeared they could have just levitated up into their saucer that was hovering overhead and waiting to pick them up. Those Paracelsus aliens probably were about as impressed with us as we would be with natives living out in some jungle somewhere!

    4. For a one-way device (two-way is relatively pointless) I thought Bessler's documents' translations basically say: The priciple is relatively very simple but 'hidden'; His constructions involve pulleys and weights; The principle can be demonstrated with just two assemblies but more provide more power; One way devices are permanently imbalanced. 'Five' assemblies should work, but so should any number over one?

    5. Anon 12:49 wrote "If two guys in black cloaks knocked on my door late at night there's no way in hell I'd be letting them in!"

      I can understand that and agree with it, but times were different back then. It was considered a good thing to give refuge to strangers traveling through one's town. IIRC, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because their inhabitants were not being welcoming to strangers coming through the town. Their destruction was not because some of them were gay as many have been led to believe. Helping strangers was considered good because one might be "entertaining angels unaware".

      You also wrote: "When they suddenly disappeared they could have just levitated up into their saucer that was hovering overhead and waiting to pick them up."

      If any aliens had some simple electrical gadget that could levitate objects by reducing their weight low enough to make them float in the air or even rise in it, then they could use it to make a perpetual motion wheel. All they would have to do is put heavy weights around the rim of a large wheel with a horizontal axle. Each weight would have a gadget attached to it that could reduce its weight and then restore it. This process would be remotely controlled somehow.

      Then all they'd have to do is arrange things so the weights on one side of the wheel were always lighter than the ones on the other side. That would make the wheel start turning as the heavy side turned down toward the bottom of the wheel and the lighter side turned up to the top of the wheel. At the bottom of the wheel weights would suddenly become lighter while at the top the weights would suddenly regain their normal weight again. As a result the wheel would keep turning and even accelerating if allowed to run freely. The aliens could then just attach an electrical generator to the wheel's axle and get all of the free electrical power they wanted. Of course to make this work, the amount of electrical power required by the weight reducing gadgets would have to be a lot less than the electrical power the wheel's attached generator produced.

    6. This was inspired by anon 12:49's comment above:

      Time: 3:00 am during the night of a full moon.
      Place: Your front door.
      Sound: Slow knocking which makes you open the door.
      What you then see:

      STRANGER: "I want to come in and 'talk' with you..."

      YOU: "Sure, come on in. You're just in time for some hot cocoa I was making."

      STRANGER: "No thanks. I never drink...cocoa."

      YOU: "Well, then how about a nice big piece of cake?"

      STRANGER: "No thanks. I never eat...cake."

      YOU: "So, what brings you out on a chilly night like this?"

      STRANGER: "I'll show you...but first you must close your eyes and turn around."

      YOU: "Oh, okay. I just love surprises!"


    7. I have the perfect ending for it anon 12:47:

      Time: 3:05 am during the night of a full moon.

      Place: Your living room.

      Sounds: Throat being cut by sharp razor, muffled screams, and blood gushing out. These are followed by the sounds of the slurping of fresh blood and chewing of still warm flesh!

      What you then see: Nothing 'cause you is dead!

  11. Anon 13:13 wrote .. "For a one-way device (two-way is relatively pointless) I thought Bessler's documents' translations basically say: The principle is relatively very simple but 'hidden'; His constructions involve pulleys and weights; The principle can be demonstrated with just two assemblies but more provide more power; One way devices are permanently imbalanced. 'Five' assemblies should work, but so should any number over one?"

    Pretty much! Good work!

    1. "His constructions involve pulleys and weights"

      I can't find any mention of him using pulleys INSIDE of the drums of his wheels. Where did you find mention of that? I have the same question for JC. Imo, anyone saying Bessler used pulleys inside of his wheels is just doing pure guessing.

    2. @ anon 21:16

      In Apologia Poetica part 2 XXXIII Bessler wrote:-

      “ If I arrange to have just one cross-bar in the machine, it revolves very slowly, just as if it can hardly turn itself at all, but, on the contrary, when I arrange several bars, pulleys and weights, the machine can revolve much faster, and throw Wagner's calculations clean out of the window!”


    3. He does mention pulleys, but when he wrote "in the machine" he may have actually meant "with the machine" which would mean any pulleys could have been outside of the drum part which contained a wheel's "perpetual motion structures". I think that cross-bar reference is really to an external compound pulley frame he had attached to the ceiling above the wheel and which was used to test the lifting power of a wheel from a dead stop when it was released or, if two way, given a small push. Those tests would have shown his wheels had very low starting torque and that would have been a big turn off for anyone thinking of buying Bessler's invention.

  12. Happy Chinese New Year everyone! This is their year of the Dragon. In case no one knows, the Chinese use a astrological calendar that is based on a repeating 12 year cycle of lunar years (however, they also use our regular western Gregorian solar calendar for business purposes). Each year of their lunar calendar has an animal assigned to it and they believe that each person's personality and destiny is determined by the animal sign of the year in which they were born.

    Here's a nice website that lets you determine what your Chinese calendar's animal sign is based on your month, day, and year of birth in the Gregorian calendar. It also has a tool that lets you input your birth data as well as that of anyone, such as a girlfriend or spouse, that you are involved with to see if the two of you are "compatible". If your percentage of compatibility falls toward 0% that is bad and indicates a relationship loaded with problems. However, if it rises toward 100% then that is good and you two should get along well together.

    1. Thanks for that Chinese zodiac site which I found interesting.

      Based on John's birthday, it says he's the Monkey sign.

      "The Monkey is the ninth of 12 animals in the recurring 12-year Chinese zodiac cycle. It is a symbol of cleverness, versatility, and innovation. People born in the year of the Monkey are usually smart, quick-witted, and versatile. With a mischievous and playful nature, Monkeys are typically entertaining and can be great companions.

      There's a lot more about monkey sign people on the site, but the above sounds fairly accurate to me.

    2. Thank you for your posts anon 10:46 and anon: 19:10. Very interesting!


  13. I found this interesting story in the recent science news. A group of UK scientists managed to break a record for producing fusion energy from a machine. The fusion only used 0.2 milligrams of hydrogen fuel, but produced 69 MEGAjoules of energy for 5 seconds. That's enough to power 12,000 homes! Now if they can only figure out how to do it continuously, then the age of fusion power will begin.

    1. Mind blowing the amount of energy contained in the mass of matter.

      They said all that energy came out of only 0.2 milligrams of hydrogen fuel. But, during fusion only about 0.7 percent of the original mass of any two protons fusing together is converted into high energy gamma photons that fly off as a final single helium nucleus forms. That means all of that energy that their machine produced really came out of only 0.007 x 0.2 milligrams = 0.0014 milligrams of the mass of the hydrogen fuel used as it transformed itself into gamma ray photons! If the Bessler wheel mechanical energy outputs came from the masses of their lead weights as some believe, imagine how much energy would have been contained in hundreds of pounds of lead that would have been used in his largest wheels! One pound of mass is equal to 453,592.4 milligrams!

      While those UK scientists did make a breakthrough, I think the article forgot to mention that they still had to put even more energy into their machine to prime it and make it work. That energy they got out of it certainly wasn't free. To make a commercially successful fusion power plant they will need to be getting many times more energy out of it than they have to put back into it to keep it operating. We're still a long way away from that. But any news of progress with fusion power is good news.

      However, I doubt if fusion power plants will be here in time to keep our Earth from passing the "tipping point" when it comes to climate change which some estimates say is around 2035. That's the point where we can no longer stop a runaway greenhouse effect that will eventually make much of our planet uninhabitable for life. They should have anticipated our present problem with climate change decades ago and poured much more research money into fusion power research then. But the world had other priorities like spending trillions on senseless wars and the construction of more and more weapons.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...