Tuesday, 16 February 2010

A vertical or horizontal axis gravity-driven wheel

I was thinking about the fact that windmills can operate in the wind with either vertical of horizontal axes. The axle can either be in-line with the force of the wind or across its path. The same thing applies to water-driven wheels too. Over-shot and under-shot water wheels have an axle which lies across the path of the water. Water turbines have their axle in line with the flow of water. I have from time to time attempted to design a gravity wheel which would have a vertical axis, looking somewhat like the vertical axis windmill that Bessler was building when he died. I have never been able to find a theoretical solution to this problem and yet it seems to me that it ought to be possible.

I hadn't mused upon this question for some considerable time and inevitable my thoughts turned to my current understanding of the principle which works Bessler's wheel and I realised that for the first time I could visualise a workable system using the same principle for a horizontal gravity wheel. I will not be making one soon, as I have to finish my basic model which has had to await my recovery from a secondary infection I got after my cold the other week. But it seems to me that this might be a method of discovering if anyone else's design will work. If it can be converted to work with either a horizontal axis or a vertical one then it just might be the real thing.



  1. John you are just sooo great! If anyone deserves to solve it, it's you (gush). Please take care of yourself...you are like a national treasure or something. I look forward to the wheel, the spiel and the cockney-mentary. Good luck in the days and weeks to come.

  2. While Anomalous pulls his head out of John's arse, I couldn't help but think when reading the line- "and inevitable my thoughts turned to my current understanding of the principle which works Bessler's wheel" - cart before horse, yet again.
    John, you haven't completeted the build, nor proven it yet, so you just can't be that certain.

  3. That's so true Dicksian, but don't you ever speculate on what might be?


  4. We all speculate but speculation and delusion are different things. You have brought forth nothing all year long. John you're not building the eifeltower you know.

    I'm afraid that even IF the current build gets completed we will see yet another case of denial and delusion keeping this insanity perpetuate till your deathbed.

    You are pretty much ruining yourself and digging your own grave. Not accepting any help, not willing to open source, not willing to accept failure. At the very least Bessler died like a greedy basterd who had a working wheel, are you willing to die without knowing wether your last big shot worked or not?

  5. I well understand your point anon, but do you understand my point of view? Its true I haven't published all year long and I've said why often enough. When this build is finished I either open source it or get help from someone who can develop my ideas. He and I are already in agreement about this.

    You believe I'm deluding myself, maybe I am. We'll soon know.

    If you knew how it worked wouldn't you try to build it yourself first?


  6. Yes I will, but I wouldn't make a big circus of it like you did. Either I open source it from the start and then try to build it on my own pace. Or I shut up untill I have it build and succeeded/failed.

    You have chosen the "overhyping" path which has lead you nowhere for a complete year. How much more time do you need to realize you are not doing this the right way?

  7. I agree, and if I had my time again I wouldn't have said anything, but there you are, I did - and I have to live with the consequences.

    Nevertheless, I'm still absolutely confident that I have the solution and I will publish it as soon as possible - working model or not.

    I did not plan to 'overhype'it but you know how excited you get when you think that you've found the answer. You want to tell the world. Now that I really have found the answer you can't expect me to keep quiet!


  8. John, you constantly consciously overhype it! What do you call the statement "Now that I really have found the answer you can't expect me to keep quiet!". Yes. IF you weren't a sensationalist you would keep quiet and carry on building. Remember, you put yourself out there in the public. Nobody twisted your arm. Your own words over the year(s) have told a different story than I think you realise. After awhile, you sound like an inept procrastinator with an anthropomorphic backplate on the edge of failure, instead of an experienced researcher on the edge of success! When you do fail and decide to finally write that elusive book (or now a screenplay), you have damaged your brand. Something to think about...

  9. I prefer to call it irrepressible enthusiasm - I guess I'm incorrigible;-)


  10. Not everybody sees things as pessimistic or denigrating. Keep up the good work, John! I, for one, have confidence that you will stand by your word and the heck with the noisy negativists. Throughout history, the only ones to ever produce any meaningful progress were the tinkerers in their garages - not the armchair strategists and "experts". You can safely ignore them, for irrepressible enthusiasm is exactly what this world needs.

  11. Thank you Andre! Where are you? UK, USA, Canada, Oz - or....?


  12. All over Asia/Pacific... Dutch, with a French name. A bit of a globetrotter by profession :-) I always look forward to your updates, as it also reminds me of beautiful old England, which I love and respect so much. Asia is fascinating, and very beautiful in many ways, but I'll never forget the sight of the white cliffs of Dover. I used to work quite a bit in the Midlands and Wales.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...