Monday, 5 April 2010

There's only one Principle for a Gravity-Driven Wheel.

The possibility of making a working gravity-driven wheel which could utilise one of two or even more different principles has surfaced and my first reaction was, yes, it might be possible. However further consideration has cast some doubt in my own mind. It all depends on some differing criteria. My device is designed to work using only the force of gravity, and no additional forces are necessary, other than those subsequently generated by the motion initiated by gravity.

Inventors have sought to design just such a machine for hundreds of years and have, so far as we know, failed. Only Johann Bessler claimed to have succeeded. I have discovered the same principle that Bessler discovered, and I know this because I have found confirmation of the fact, and it was only after I thought I'd had found the answer that I sought and confirmed it for myself in his books.

This principle undoubtedly provides the answer but I have come to the conclusion that there is no alternative design which requires only the force of gravity to initiate it. Anything else will need an additional force of some kind, be it electromagnetic, magnetic, ambient temperature changes etc. So my opinion has changed, and I think there is only one principle which will work to make a gravity-driven wheel rotate, with no additional external forces to aid it.

Of course it might be possible to incorporate this principle and use something other than weights to induce rotation and I have a couple of ideas but they all require an additional force. So it is my opinion that anyone who believes that they may have designed a working device which does not seem, from the slender information given out about it, to require the adoption of this particular principle, is on the wrong track and is surely heading for failure. I may be wrong and it is after all just my opinion, but perhaps I will be able to prove the matter soon.

I realise that gravity-only wheels are almost anathema to many perpetual motionists (in the meaning of anything forbidden by social usage - thank you Nick), but I am confident that a full explanation will desolve those beliefs like sandcastles in the incoming tide.


  1. ...well stated john and I am in complete agreement..I see this as an "open System" in that you have unbalanced the wheel while keeping earth gravitational/mass and your wheel gravitational mass held apart so that the gravitational attraction is potential zero at center axis allowing rotation only when the strong leading edge of your wheel is so weighted as to be compelled to fall to its own gravitational potential of zero as it rotates at center axial mass. Tapping the ( gravity energy grid)can be stated as an " Open System" with properties of conversion identical to EMF (electro motive force) In this new energy it could be stated as GPF ( gravitational potential force)...I have two 21st. century type gravity conversion motors on the drawing board. The wheel is yours and I hope your success may help me in my endeavors...John...with all my heart I am happy for've worked long and hard for this..I hope to see your crowning achievement..there will be those jealous of course..those who will say they knew...the victory here is american admirer who holds you in the highest esteem sir...congratulations!

  2. Hi John, any more estimates about the time-frame for public release of your design? I've got no more fingernails to bite!

  3. " but I am confident that a full explanation will desolve those beliefs like sandcastles in the incoming tide. "

    Well then give us the full explanation.

  4. It's the first time that I feel THAT sure, that John Collins have found the bessler's wheel! ..

    John, I really hope you have it!

    Good Times !!


  6. Gay caballeros - is that how you see yourself? Personally if I was that way inclined I wouldn't advertise the fact - some people don't hold with that viewpoint - still whatever rocks your boat!


  7. Dr. when you run out of nails I have something for you to bite on.

  8. Hi john : Long time fan and I have all your books. Glad your are making great progress. I have 2 questions maybe you could answer .How many mechanisms in your wheel and is the horse the prime mover or part of the prime mover . Thanks BibleAL

  9. Hi BibleAL. It's no secret, there are five mechanisms in my wheel. Your second question is harder to answer - I guess you can say the horse is part of the prime mover.


  10. Hi John,

    Of the five mechanisms, do you have any of them working and giving the desired effect? If so, I assume it's only a small(ish) step to replicate the working one. On the other hand, I am probably over-simplifying things.

    Still on tenterhooks, whatever they are!

  11. "I have discovered the same principle that Bessler discovered"

    Bessler invented it John, you only followed his paper trail. You did not 'discover' this in a vacuum! Your statement can mislead.

  12. If you aren't shooting the weight high, you don't have the answer!

  13. A quick response - yes one mechanism gives the desired response, but a part of it keeps catching on itself, so I'm in the process of improving it. When it works without catching, it works exactly as designed.

    Yes Bessler did indeed invent it and I also discovered the principle but not how to apply it, but thanks to Bessler's paper trail I now know.

    I'm shooting them high Damian and I do mean shooting.


  14. I have to admit, I'd pay a bloody fortune to be a fly on the wall of your workshop, John :-)

  15. JC is runnig quite a scam by claiming to know how to build a non-runner.

  16. That's stupid anon 16:13! I haven't claimed any such thing and how could that be a scam anyway, claiming to to know how to build a non-runner? D'oh - I bet you could almost claim that - on second thoughts I doubt you could.


  17. I made the comment as a oxmoron to see who would be suckered out to oppose it. Doh.
    You have been touting what amounts to a non-runner haven't you??

  18. Anon 19:16, did you say you are a moron!? I believe that's true! ..

  19. Alright..I'm obviously in over my head, but "GAY CABALLEROS" and oximorons..not to forget..."I'm rubber your glue (Collins) are there Lions and tigers and snakes? oh my! Other than John's progress on the wheel have any of you anonymous turned on to the Beauty of The Project Gutenberg...Rasselas..a pearl cast before you swine...and for what it,s worth don't anger JC; That is an englishman who'll take you down into the mud with him

  20. I'll give you that one anon; it was an oxymoron and I was suckered!


  21. Actually I mispelled the word "oxymoron" to see if anyone would catch that detail.
    Instead, other paths were followed.

  22. "Actually I mispelled the word "oxymoron" to see if anyone would catch that detail."

    Captain Mainwaring would be proud!

  23. How practical.. Actually, I missused grammar to trick you into mispelling some words and get you into some sort of random argument over the possibility of perpetual motion..

    I'm THAT clever...

  24. Still lieing as usual blacky.

  25. Without a patent you'll be screwed in all thinkable ways and also in all unthinkable ways as well.

    That's why patents rights arose in the first place!

    At your age.

  26. I'm anxious to see that wheel..

    Gosh, stil lying!

  27. BW is down at the moment. This is a good place to regroup should a lockout or failure occur in the future.

  28. Agreed, but there are too much dumb idiots anonymous posting ..

    Oh I must be lying again I guess..



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...