Friday, 23 April 2010

Electricity - life without it is so basic!

My daughter and son-in-law are coming home from Spain by plane today - Hurrahhh! I thought at one point I was going to have to fetch'em. Now I can get back to work on the wheel!

Their recent experiences have highlighted two of the most important inventions of our lives. Firstly their electrical fire which resulted in no electricity for a week. No light, no heat, no freezer or fridge so no perishable food in the house;
no cooker so no cooking, no hot water so no washing, no TV, no computer, no internet, no telephone. no charging of mobiles. They played scrabble with the kids by candlelight!

The second thing was the grounding of all aircraft. The chaos that ensued was uttlerly incredible. People walked the lines of cars waiting to cross the channel offering cash for a seat in a car. Others hired cars and dumped them at the port. So many stories! We use aircraft routinely to travel to distant places in a hours - places which would have taken weeks to get to a hundred years ago, and when they fail for some reason we are thrust back to that era and rediscover the problems people used to have just getting around.

When I was researching my book, "Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved?" I read about an Englishman who bought paintings done in Italy and carried them home to London where he sold them to the rich. He walked to Italy and walked back again! He did this several times and became extremely rich - and footsore!

I can't say Bessler's wheel would have had any impact on the grounding of all aircraft but it would have a major benefit for the domestic electricity user!

I have now got two designs of mechanism both of which will operate according to the principle by which Bessler's wheel worked. I'm using one design for now just to prove the principle. The two mechanisms work in different ways but they achieve the same ends and I think there may be another way too, because what I have does not accord precisely with Bessler's designs as far as I can tell. There are common parts but there is not 100 per cent match.



  1. Energy is the life blood of any advanced civilization. Obviously, that's why an invention like this is so important. Cheap energy (because that's what we're talking about) will probably have far greater impact that the discovery and application of electricity itself - it will literally change the world, for the better this time, as opposed to centralized energy monopolies that have the world in a horrible choking grip and which been enslaving us all for far too long. That's why you have to go viral and put it on the web, John - doing so will break the back of the energy cartels and assorted oppressive governments. They have no defense against honesty, openness, and cheap and reliable electricity. It means freedom, real, genuine freedom for all and the possibility to develop a sustainable global civilization. Not everybody with vested interests wants us to have all that...

  2. Actually, the three mechanisms have one thing in common.
    They don't work to turn the wheel.

  3. Likewise, All Anons have even more things in common: they don't add anything useful, they are cowards, and they are breathtakingly closeminded and stupid.

  4. Then isn't that great Andre that you meet the requirements of being an "Anon".

  5. I have also done some researching and analyses on this topicand have come to the conclusion that bessler's wheel was unique ....I have a very strong feeling that there is only one design and that is the bessler design that will work...In my opinion too, no other design is going to be let us just concentrate on how bessler designed his wheel and try to reproduce his mechanism...and if an individual's efforts are unyeilding we can consider pooling of knowledge or to put in a very simple way: like minded people get together and formulate rules first and then set to work it out seriously...

  6. Andre not all anons are created equal.
    Now if you want some fun sing obla dee la da.

  7. Bessler was born in the year 1680 and as per the chinese animal zodiac astrology it is a monkey year. People born under monkey sign are very witty. They can easily impress others with their craftiness you can say. As per the definition a person born under Monkey sign is Inventor, motivator, improviser, quick-witted, inquisitive, flexible, innovative, problem solver, self-assured, sociable, artistic, polite, dignified, competitive, objective, factual, intellectual. Can be egotistical, vain, selfish, reckless, snobbish, deceptive, manipulative, cunning, jealous, suspicious. No doubt all this goes to prove that bessler was genuine indeed...Sometimes, we can easily understand many difficult facts with the help of astrology...but who bothers...

  8. Sounds like almost everone I know Suresh! Just kidding.

    In your earlier post you suggested that 'there is only one design and that is the bessler design that will work...'. I agree as far as the principle which I am certain underpins Bessler's wheel goes - but there may be more than one way to operate a mechanism according to the principle. That is what I believe.


  9. You could be right...but I analysed it a lot and finally believe that there is absolutely one bessler design that will work. Many people have tried on so many different mechanisms and miserably failed. Bessler too went thru numerous designs and finally concluded on one at the end. It is really simple like Carl had mentioned. We should try to comprehend this. Unless we realise this we aren't going to get anywhere near it, believe me, sir.

  10. Karl said "It is so simple a carpenter's boy could build it". What do you mean - you cannot find anyone who is prepared to build according to your design? Since it is so simple that a carpenter's boy could build it, any engineering company could knock it up in hours.

    Bessler's mechanism must have been very simple- otherwise he wouldn't have had to be so incredibly secretive about it - even a few seconds' look at the inside of the wheel would apparently have been sufficient for anybody to work out how it worked.

    Why, therefore, are you having so much difficulty building a working model? I presume you don't work full time. Even if you do work full time, I presume you don't have young children to bring up. Therefore you have hours of free time every evening, and tens of hours free every weekend. Yet you can't build a working model of something that is so simple "even a carpenter's boy could build it"?

    "His Highness, who has a perfect understanding of mathematics, assured me that the machine is so simple that a carpenter's boy could understand and make it after having seen the inside of this wheel..."
    p. 108 Perpetual Motion.

    Now THAT is simple. Is your design that simple, John? Could it be easily duplicated by a carpenter's boy after having seen inside your wheel?

  11. First of all, it is very important we get it clear that there is only one mechanism under the principle that can ever work. No point in getting misled that there could be other ways to build. It would really be a wild goose chase, take my word. Secondly, this mechanism has to be extremely simple that a child could easily follow. It is an artful arrangement of weights and levers that would look as grand as a peacock's tail. The motion should somewhat resemble the planets in orbit with the axle representing the Sun. Eight weights are a must. There should be a thud every time a weight hits the inner circumference of the rim on one side. A weight on one side should easily lift its counterpart on the opposite side. Enough clues have been around all the way but we don't seem to care about them. There are sufficient clues in the 141 drawings too but again we don't seem to be discerning enough. Our very initial presumption about the mechanism could be wrong. Unless all the clues are accommodated in the mechanism we can take it for granted that we are nowhere near the truth. Our entire lives would turn out to be quite insignificant without achieving our dream results. This success can be achieved I tell you. And finally, it cannot be called a PM at all by any means. It is a Gravity Converter. I pray let us get wiser now....

  12. Yes any engineering company could 'knock it up in a few hours' that's true, anon. Even though I understand the principle that causes the wheel to turn and I have the design more or less perfected, there are some subtle details that have to be right and that takes time. I'd explain them here but that would just give it all away and I'm not ready for that yet.

    I don't work at all now as I'm retired, but I do have a family who place some demands on my time and without going into boring details there are other things which use up my time. I have said elsewhere that I have until now, worked on this project at my own speed as and when I wish to, but there is a growing pressure to finish it which is being exerted by the general interest in what I'm doing which I find understandable but which I'm reluctant to give in to.

    The design is easy to understand and I'm sure a carpenter's boy could replicate after having seen inside my wheel but would he understand how it worked if it was stationary? It's hard to explain without giving anything away but the appearance is simple but his understanding might be misconstrued without seeing it in motion.

    I am about to begin work with an engineer to complete this project so hopefully results will appear soon.


  13. It is rightly said that delay is the deadliest form of denial...Sometimes we seem to be at the verge of coming out with the model but one thing or another obstructs. Perhaps, it would be worthwhile to look into why no one is able to succeed after Bessler. Also, find out why Bessler was not able to get the fruits of his efforts. Is there any taboo attached to it ? Is fate or destiny playing any role here in every life ? When is this world going to get this great invention ? Or are we being too skeptical and don't give a damn to these questions ? Any explanations ????

  14. Fair questions Suresh, and in my opinion the reason why no one succeeded after (or before) Bessler is because the wrong principle is and was being used.

    In my case delay is partly due to inadequate engineering skills and also cost. Even though I have had a career in engineering I required theoretical rather than personal manual dexterity, so delay is inevitable, which is why I have sought the assistance of one who has access to those skills.

    No taboo, just the lack of a scientific explanation which would permit such devices - in other words no satisfactory principle upon which to build a hypothesis.


  15. Somewhere, I read that a wheel was working at bessler's village home drawing water for his fields while he was busy demonstrating another wheel in a different he must have safeguarded the wheel at his village while he was long was he away..whom did he entrust it with...was anyone else aware at his home about the inner he could afford to take such a risk...why the relatives of bessler remained quite and fade away after bessler's demise...were all of them under oath like Carl....Are we making the same blunder like bessler by being too greedy..all this is really not clear...

  16. There is no documentary evidence about a wheel working in Bessler's village, and I suspect it's another case of 'poetic license', as in Frank Edwards' book about Bessler where he describes the internal workings of the inventor's wheel.

    Bessler was compulsively secretive about his invention and would never have risked the slightest chance of anyone seeing its workings.

    There is a document in which Bessler swears to share information about his wheel with one of his future sons-in-law, but no evidence that he ever did so.


  17. Bessler must have changed his name to ward off ill luck, I suppose...He must have tried every trick to escape from bad luck..This not only implies he believed in god but also shows his belief in the superstitioni which was prevalent at that time. But it is interesting to note that he was not only triumphant in inventing the great invention but was equally successful in safeguarding its secret...Atleast, he really wasn't unlucky in this..

  18. Hi JC

    Can you give us the name of the book by Frank Edwards? Was it perhaps called Stranger than Science?


  19. I think it was called 'Strangest of All', Zhyyra.


  20. What if we fail to resurrect the bessler wheel ??? How long could all this go on ??? Will there be a ban from the general public on this topic this time ??? What will happen to our dreams about free energy ??? Is there going to be a gap of another 300 years till another JC or bessler crops up ??? Is there any way out left ???

  21. So gloomy Suresh! I will be publishing everything I know soon, so someone will be able to resurrect Bessler's wheel in the near future even if I can't.


  22. If you can't sir then who can...You have gained more knowledge in this matter..You have been a long time into this than anyone have visited Besslers place and even spent a lot...your entire life is dedicated for this..You have been relentlessly acting as a lighthouse for novices in this have somehow become an authority figure of sorts on Besslerwheel leave alone the subject of PM..It is quite unthinkable or hard to imagine that you can't..maybe there is a little variation in your concept of the besslerwheel..Nodoubt, you have got the principle right.. but the has got to be the same as that of Bessler as I have often been saying recently...there has to be a 100 percent match..even while the final construction is on it should start rotating..I mean the unidirectional one...the weights will start coming down on one side making the weights on the opposite side to go up..the levers will not clash amongst themselves if they move between circular railing support provided commonly for all the levers carrying the weights..the inertia, gravity and centrifugal forces will ensure and definitely keep the motion going..

  23. Bessler wrote " if God allowed me
    a long enough life I could make my wheel go really slowly, with a
    gentle rhythm, and it would still be able to raise even greater

    WTF !

  24. Bessler was absolutely increasing the weight and size of the weights or by further incoroporating gears the above can be achieved..

  25. But, I could make my wheel go really slowly =No kinetic energy only E=mgh

  26. The drinking birds toy also moves in the way you are suggesting..If the wheel is designed as per Bessler's mechanism, with 8 proper sized and properly weighing weights spaced evenly inside, there is no doubt why it shouldn't rotate with enough energy to spare, slow or fast being immaterial...the kinetic energy, which you are referring here would be forth coming due to the action of inertia, gravity and centrifugal forces inevitably... all this depends on the dimension of your prototype wheel ultimately...The problem is, we never really first realise that the Bessler's mechanism was unique and only this mechanism can bring about the universal momentum which bessler had mentioned. Just by following Bessler's clues I don't think anyone can simply achieve this task... One needs to start from the should be begun by first learning what makes everything standstill and further know what all help in bringing about motion or lift to an object..then it should be worked out how all the burden of raising or lifting an object can be unconventional, open and original naturally imagining mind with good intentions can greatly aid this wondrous invention....


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...