Tuesday 8 June 2010


I'm going off-line for a short while from Thursday - nothing sinister in that - so I'll be temporarily freezing the blog from Wednesday evening, so you won't be able to comment after that time. Sorry about that but I can't risk leaving my blog open and unattended for anyone to comment without being able to oversee what is written. Normal service will resume upon my return. This may take as long as three or four weeks. Thanks for your patience.
PS I fear I may have dillydallied too long. I have to be away and events are overtaking me. I wish I could stay. Ah well we shall see what we shall see.



  1. A trip across the big pond, I wonder?

  2. "This may take as long as three or four weeks."

    WHAT may take as long as three or four weeks?

    How very predictable... no more comments allowed (heaven forbid, somebody might say something 'politically incorrect'), and what a surprise - no working wheel...

  3. "PS I fear I may have dillydallied too long. I have to be away and events are overtaking me. I wish I could stay. Ah well we shall see what we shall see."

    What does all of that actually mean?
    There was no mention of going away before, just that your internet connection would be down for a day or two...

    And no, it isn't a trip across the pond, if the wheel works and is put up on Youtube, it will be all over the news within 24 hours, and John will be a millionaire.
    (Still waiting for that fool from the last blog post to show me any remotely convincing PM wheels on Youtube, since he claimed that people would still claim it wasn't real even if they saw it on Youtube.)

  4. I can only imagine that John has to go into hospital, nothing else makes sense.

  5. Really, they don’t they allow laptops in England’s hospitals?

  6. Sounds like family issues.

  7. Could it be for patenting the successful invention...

  8. No doubt he will tell us at an appropriate time.

    He hasn't been backward in discussing personal matters.

    Good luck John - whatever it is that draws you away.

  9. Sorry to seem so mysterious. My family and I are going on holiday to Spain for a couple of weeks and I had hoped to have everything cut and dried before I left so that I could either publish the news that the wheel worked before I left - or I could at least say it didn't and get ready to publish on my return.

    I do have other commitments which do tug at me from time to time taking me away from what I'd rather be doing, which is finishing this danged, blasted, frustrating, recalcitrant wheel of mine!

    I shall return and finish it and publish. I know I shall get the usual sarcastic comments, offensive evaluations of my honesty and also, hopefully some of the supportive ones which make it all worthwhile - and I shall deal with them in my usual way; enjoy the positive ones and ignore the rest.

    As for my commenting on the possibilty of being away for three or four weeks, I was alluding to the slight possibility that the Eyjafjallajoekull volcanoe might interrupt my plans to return in two weeks. I apologise for not making this clearer, but it is a bit of a family issue as one of my daughters was delayed in Spain at Easter for an extra two weeks, and my words were partly aimed toward her.

    And finally I couldn't care less how politically correct the comments might be while I'm away but would you not do the same under the same circumstances? Who knows what offensive logorrhoea might appear in my absence and not necessarily have any connection with either myself or the blog.


  10. PS to the above. I forgot to explain my initial PS. I have received information that someone else has arrived at the same conclusion as I have and that we share the same opinion about the basic principle behind the working of the wheel. At first sight this alarmed me as I felt that I should have published the principle weeks and weeks ago but didn't because i wanted to do the whole thing in one go - publish the principle along with the working wheel, however commonsense returned and I realised that even if he or she (it might be one of the fairer sex?) published their findings it does not solve the problem of how to make the wheel work, something I too have suffered from.

    Anyway I shall publish the document upon my return regardless of whether they have already done so before me.

    Now I've got to get ready for two weeks of utter contentment!!!!


  11. John, have a great time away. Forget Spain, come to Australia. Much nicer! So what if you are stuck in a seat for a whole day just to get here! You'll be able to afford first class soon anyhow!
    We are all ready find the final piece of the puzzle once the basics are revealed by both of you.
    We will solve this!

  12. Told you family issues... his wife said no wheel on holidays!!!

  13. Everybody need a break.
    Enjoy your holiday John,and your family.

  14. Your quote,

    “I have received information that someone else has arrived at the same conclusion as I have and that we share the same opinion about the basic principle behind the working of the wheel.”

    You make it sound like you already told somebody else or how is it you just received information? Network of spies?

  15. It's funny but no matter how carefully I try to phrase something it often gets misinterpreted.

    I received an email from someone who said they believed that they understood the principle and they gave me a few words which confirmed that they were broadly in line with my own thinking. I confirmed to them that we shared the same opinion. So there is no network of spies - just an email from the person in question.

    Yes Australia beckons temptingly. I'm certain we shall visit sometime in the not too distamt future.


  16. Before or after the wheel you have somewhere to stay in Sydney when you visit.

  17. But when exactly are we supposed to know the wheel outcome?? Is it going to be the finished product or just clues publishing ?? And how many more days will pass for us to see the publishing ?? What will happen after this ?? who else is going to build the wheel successfully ??? Jc sir's brief departure has removed some charm in this blog..

    I have simply gone into a world of uncertainty after getting addicted to this site..

  18. Thanks Damian, I might just hold you to that!

    Sorry Suresh, the wheel outcome will be known once I get back. I haven't been able to finish it before I go, but it will only take me a day to finish provided I don't get any interruptions. If it works you will know almost immediately after I know. If it doesn't you will also know immediately, but publishing the details will take a few more days. Once it's made or the details published, its anyone's baby.

    I don't want to cause you withdrawal symptons Suresh and if I am able to, I will post a blog from Spain.


  19. Sir..Thanks...I feel better now...we can once again have discussions as usual when you return..somehow, by this year end the great mystery has to be cleared..

    Have a nice time..take care.

  20. Thanks Damian. I'll probably post tomorrow.



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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

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