Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Why do we search for Bessler's hidden clues and yet ignore his clear advice?

There is a need among us Bessler-obsessives to find out how he made a successful gravitywheel. We look for the solution by studying what he wrote and what he drew and what others said about him and his wheel; we modify the translations to try to get the last important detail that we believe might have been missed and we look for double-meanings in his words and so on and so forth. I am as bad if not worse than most because I seek to find what I deem to be hidden clues deliberately left by the inventor as a guide to those who followed in his footsteps. "Seek and ye shall find", says the bible and I have certainly found! Misapplying the quote, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", I am fully aware that my finds, so clear to me, are obscure to others. I understand the reasons for this and am content to offer my suggestions in the hope that it will help and inspire someone else with more expertise than I to substantiate my finds.

This brings me to another curious facet of our obsession. On the one hand there are these clues which, like the smile on the Cheshire cat, seem to fade into invisiblity, upon deeper scrutiny, revealing nothing more than the number five - and then there are the clearly articulated clues written by Bessler in the plainest language which are either ignored or separated into those we individually accept and those we reject. Why is it that when we are searching for clues as to how he succeeded, by sifting everything he wrote or drew, do some of us, sometimes, ignore the plainly written advice he gives us?

Bessler advised against using simple over-balancing designs to make a gravity wheel spin and said he learned the hard way that trying to arrange for more weights to be on one side of the wheel than the other wouldn't work. Yet I see many attempts to solve the problem with simple over-balancing wheels. Why do we ignore the words of the man who solved the problem? Overbalancing does not form the chief principle behind Bessler's wheel, although I believe it still has a role to play, as I showed in my explanation at http://www.gravitywheel.com/

He also said his weights gained force from their own swinging. A weight which swings and as it does so, gains force i.e. strength/speed, can be seen demonstrated by anyone on a swing. That is how the kiiking swinger works his way up to the twelve o'clock position.

He said too, that he only needed gravity and no other energy source to make his wheel go round. I have already explained on my gravitywheel web site why gravity alone, while still being a conservative force, can be successfully used by means of the twin weight system, suggested by Bessler, without conflicting with the laws of physics. Despite his assurances, most people still believe that there must have been some other force available and necessary to allow his wheel to complete continuous rotations and so they seek a different solution.

If we are serious about finding the answer to Bessler's wheel, we should start by taking his clearly written advice to heart. If this is insufficient for finding the solution then we should look for more obscure clues - as I have done.

I know I allowed my enthusiasm to run away with me and claim that I knew how the wheel worked, but at the time I believed that to be true, as we all have from time to time. I was unwilling to share this information without testing it first, but having publicised my personal conviction that I knew how it was done, I left myself with no alternative but to reveal my belief and thus put myself in front of the firing squad. But this does not mean that the basic principle is wrong. No other one provides such a close match to Bessler's description nor provides a potential solution, and I have explained this in detail at http://www.orffyreus.org/ and http://www.gravitywheel.com/

My mechanism may fall short of the required design to fulfill the principle, but in my opinion the principle itself holds up well and will I am sure lead to a working gravitywheel .



  1. Hi John. Yes I agree with you that the wheel used gravitational imbalance to turn, but there is another clue he gave that points to an additional force.
    In his dialogue at the Kassel Weisenstein he spoke of a swirling raging river of gravity.This speaks to me of his referance to centrifugal force which he used to prime the weights to begin with. He himself said that the wheel was greedy,so you have to sow a force into it in order to get something out. Bear in mind that a centrifugal force is very powerful and it is free so long as the wheel is turning.

  2. I too agree with you, John, that overbalancing alone is not the (whole) solution, at least not in the implementation of Besslers design. The parametric oscillations, or kiiking, are in my eyes a very important if not crucial part of the whole puzzle. Still I am sure more is required - again, in the context of Besslers design. I am fairly certain myself that it may involve another (secondary) parametric oscillator - in this care a 2-stage oscillator a la Melkovic, driving either the circumference of the wheel or used as a resetting mechanism to raise levers & weights combinations to the 12 o'clock position, ready to fall again. But that's just me.

    Within a few months I may have access to some acreage where I have plenty of space to construct some physical full-size models of concepts I have in mind - one of them extremely simple (and completely different). So the bug has bitten here too :-)

  3. I too agree...Several forces aid the movement including inertia..and yet, the wheel mechanism is very simple. An ingenious portrayal of fusion of the advantages of lever principles, laws of Newtonian motion and the inexhaustible and constant force of gravity depicting the movements of heavenly bodies using simple materials like wood, lead,iron,etc.,

  4. Terve !

    What Bessler meant " Think horizontally"

    Why Bessler wheel have to be so thin and high.

    Why bessler lie "I fell
    seriously ill, and some of the crew threw it overboard with some of
    my other belongings. I made a few pocket-watches"

    I wisited in clockmuseum and I find out that one pocket watch need hundres working hours so one minuspoint to Bessler.

  5. John, exchange a child on a swing with a wooden child and see what kind of height you achieve. You seem to be ignoring the energy the child adds to the equation. All you are doing in your design is moving one weight with another, just like 1000's of designs before you. Sorry, nothing special. As far as no one else having a design that matches as many clues, WRONG again.
    Signed Justsomeone

  6. John, have you made a list of all the writen clues that don't match your design? What does his words in mt10 and mt11 mean to you?
    signed Justsomeone

  7. No I haven't done that Justsomeone, but I might do. Bessler's words in mt10 and mt 11 don't give me any ideas. Actually I don't pay much attention to MT other than the last few drawings. The texts attached to the drawings are too ambiguous for me. I guess they will have some relevance once we see what the true design is.


  8. For the sake of those who misunderstand my point, by 'clear advice' I was referring to precisely those pieces of text I listed above which in my opinion offer simply that, 'clear advice' - and not to the almost illegible notes accompanying the MT drawings.


  9. Frankly speaking, I totally believe that over-balancing design is the solution..but care needs to be taken about the lever-weight design. It's not that we need to ensure more weight on one side, the wheel gets heavier on one side due to the swinging of the weights and the rest is taken care of by centrifugal force and inertia.

    While designing wheel, all the levers carrying the weights have to be arranged at equal spaces..the magic happens due to the unique lever-weight and the wheel structure design.

  10. But,...but,...but, John permit me to respectfully disagree. By using the kiiking principle there would not be enough time to work up a swing. It has to happen within a second and the weight transfer from inner rim to outer rim would have to happen at least within an eigth of a second otherwise it would lose power.
    Bye the way, centrifugal force is also gravity.The earth's gravity turnes the wheel, but the centrifugal force gravity primes it.

  11. I believe the wheel ran entirely on centrifugal force.


  12. Trevor...great..you seem to be absolutely right...

    Axel...it can't be without the gravity...

    Within a very short time the weights have to get ready for the next swing...

    It's the swing and quick and the unique way of pulling up the weights that actually matters...

  13. I believe it ran on glue. And this is why it is a very sticky situation.

  14. Yes..It won't be very long..When one gets the mechanism right it's going to happen..Most clues are clear now...We have sufficient knowledge to replicate the wheel...

    The internal parts of the wheel will unceasingly seek the punctum quietus...as stated by Bessler...The weights will never rest..first they will swing, one by one, then climb up and start the swing all over again..it's that simple..

  15. >Most clues are clear now...We have sufficient knowledge to replicate the wheel...

    LOL .. If that would be the case, the wheel would have already been done..

  16. Not necessarilly....Knowledge alone is no use...the right time has to arrive...and it will arrive soon...there could be some indirect constraints that have to be overcome with every potential inventor of the wheel..like time, resources, etc.,

    Most of us haven't got the mechanism right and that is why it is difficult to digest all that is discussed here...

    The main hindrance is the demoralizing writings that appear here sometimes which spoils the whole picture...

    If bessler story is true I don't see any reason why it shouldn't happen again..only thing is this time we should ensure that the detractors don't appear in the scene...

  17. Yes,...The truth is mechanics takes a long time to perfect. From the first time Ford new how to make a a motor car it has taken 100 years to actually get it to it's level of performance today.
    Let' hope the wheel will only take 100 hours to get it to work properly.

  18. Besides this, everyone is not destined to be an inventor however deft he may appear to be...It has to be written in his destiny...

  19. My destiny is in God's hands.It is only the devil that does not wish us to prosper.
    Anyway getting back to the subject, there is a very important clue in Bessler's dialogue at Kassel Weisenstein.He refers to the children lifting the handles of the weights to the top of the broken colums instead of the actual weights themselves, which is very much easier. There is of course no differance in actual weight between suspending the handle or the weight itself but,...wait for it, the handle must be lifted at 3 o'clock of its pendulum swing when it is weightless. Is this significant?

  20. Trevor...I haven't read these clues...in which book did you find them?

    All clues given by Bessler are significant...I need to read the actual words to decipher..Children mean weights, columns mean levers..I can make out only this..

    The handle has to be lifted when the weight reaches 3 o clock.. I think this is correct. This helps in its next swing...

  21. Doesn't this remind you somehow of the slotted axle I was babbling about a while ago, where the (ratcheted) levers were not allowed to fall below 3 o'clock, and then reset (by the "music-box drum" mechanism I was talking about) to 12 o'clock position again?

  22. You will find it in Ramananda's book,Dialogues at the castle Weissenstein.Besslers words are written in yellow.
    So far as I interpret things, the children refer to the lively swinging weights, the columns refer to the wheel structure or spokes,the levers refer to the handles of the weights.

  23. I got it....should be a matter of weeks...even days before you see it I'll start tomorrow.......july 3 2011.......gold coast australia


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