Thursday 19 August 2010

Why am I such an optimist in the face of successive failures? I don't know - I just am!

I'm back and ready to tackle this task again, refreshed, reinvigorated with a bunch of new ideas which look good - on paper! Spain was hot and sunny and the girls gorgeous - I mean my wife, daughter and grand daughter of course! The wine flowed and so did my ideas. I'm told it rained here in the UK for the entire two weeks - so no change there then.

I stand by the principle described on my web site at and I'm going to try to prove it is right, but obviously there are some changes to the actual mechamisms to be made. While on holiday I made one new discovery in Bessler's clues, the design of which I have now included in the mechanism. I hope to build it as soon as I can and will report success or failure here.

Reading through the posts on I cannot help but feel that the only thing going around in circles are the ideas and opinions expressed there. Also the clues which I have interpreted and placed on my web site are totally ignored. I cannot claim that they are all correct but it seems to me that people are misinterpreting how Bessler designed his clues and the way to solve them. I have shown the way to interpret them and yet the posts indicate that they are looking at each one as a whole clue rather than a patchwork of different clues.

I realise that nobody has to believe my clues have any validity because I too, have not produced a working wheel, however even though that is true so far, I am confident that in the near future it will be shown that I was largely correct in my interpretations.

So I'm glad to be back and look forward to reading your posts guys. I'm still undecided about the best way to deal with the mean spirited commentaters and bullies who appear from time to time here but I would prefer not to make it more difficult for people to post their comments, so I will probably just delete those I don't like.

My definition of those I probably won't like is not fully formed but I think the use of swear words, bullying and name-calling are unproductive and can cause offence, so I will probabl delete them.



  1. Welcome back John. I hope you are refreshed and ready to join the battle with physics.

  2. So Spain was a success, John, that's good! As JB perhaps would have said: "Wein, Weib und Gesang" :-)
    Looking forward to hear about your new ideas and mechanisms. And yes, I think we need to look at all the clues, especially how they fit together. Bessler sure was a cunning fox.

  3. Hi John, glad you're back. I read a news article about the stinging jellyfish at an all time high in Spain while you were there, and was starting to wonder if you hadn't fallen victim. Keep up the good work. -ssmyser

  4. John I am curios to know if you had anything to do with the animation of the Bessler wheel website.I got quite a fright one day, frustrated, I saw Bessler staring back at me almost mockingly. To my surprise he suddenly rolled his eyes and pulled a tonge at me.It was then that I was determined to discover his secret.

  5. Hi Steve, I didn't know that there had been reports of stinging jellyfish but my grandaughter did mention that she'd seen some when out on a pedalo, but she avoided them!

    No Trevor that was Scott's little amusement. It#s very apt.


  6. Hola !

    "The freedom you give yourself to make mistake is the best environment for creativity." (The art of Cretive Thinking)

  7. It's really nice to have JC sir back and start the Bessler dialogue all over again..this time we should be careful not to call names or find fault with others..Let us make it very productive by behaving very sensibly and contributing whatever little fact we might have on the wheel which could ultimately result in someone building a successful replica...

  8. Yes, thing I'm sure of,..the wheel mechanism is very busy, because it has to sow in order to reap.


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...