Monday, 30 August 2010

Update - and five mechanisms required for proof of principle

Because I remain convinced that parametric oscillation (or kiiking) is the key to understanding Bessler's wheel I hope those who read this will understand why I continue to discuss it here.

Following a suggestion by a member of BW forum, I reconstructed my wheel with one (modified) mechanism instead of five, in an attempt to provide proof of the principle. I then realised that I had set it up wrongly as I had included an equal weight on the opposite side of the wheel to counterbalance it. This of course reduced the torque available to a very small amount. A kiiking rider has only himself to rotate about the swing pivot but if he had a non-participating second rider attached on the other end of a pair of extended swing rods he would be counterbalanced either in his outer position or in his inner one, depending on how the counterbalance was arranged. But even if the counterbalancing rider was working at pumping the swing in concert with the main rider, the torque available would be tiny in comparison to that generated by one rider.

I removed the counterbalance, restoring the full torque available and the mechanism, when started at a position close to twelve o'clock, rotated to the eleven o'clock position where it stopped and reversed. Obviously the mechanism was generating too small a pulse. This also highlighted the fact that kiiking swingers have to pump their swing many times to get  up to twelve o'clock, (20 or 30 pumps) and this is clearly the only point from which they can achieve a full rotation.

The sport of "kiiking", or "kiikuda" to use the correct verb, requires the winner to be the one who can achieve a number of consecutive rotations using longer swing rods than anyone else. This implies that the rotation is easier to achieve with shorter rods - or that the distance the rider moves his body in or out is relatively more with shorter rods. Obviously the latter applies as the distance moved inwards or outwards is going to be roughly the same for every contestant (unless he or she has extremely long legs!) but is more effective on shorter rods.

As my mechanism moves the weight inwards a set amount because the weights are the same regardless of how long the rods are, I may shorten the rods a small amount to increase the change in the angle of momentum and generate a stronger pulse, but space is limited. So if I place a second mechanism exactly opposite the first one, I anticipate that with the reduced torque then available from the action of the mechanism, the wheel will still not achieve one rotation - why? Because the difference in length of the pendulum achieved by the falling shifter weight, will only produce a small impulse. I stated many times and on my web site at that I believe that the wheel required five mechanisms as I maintain Bessler implied by his ubiquitous use of the number five,and that is still my firm opinion. Because I believe this is true I shall omit further testing with anything less than five. I'll update this information when I have more to say.

I have updated an old web site at I occasionally post things on which have little to do with Bessler, and have added a potted history of Kiiking and good evidence that it goes back a long time before Ado Kosk publicised it.



  1. Be my guest ,...knocked yourself out John, but believe me I've been down that road and believe me it's a dead end. Kiiking needs work energy and where are you going to get it from?
    Forget about the mysterious and come back down to earth.There's a lot about simple down to earth physics that has been missed by the interlectuals.

  2. You could be right Trevor...certain things have been missed out...

    No pumping action is reqd in bessler mechanism..It is automatic...the arrangement is is very simple but difficult to arrive at by laymen..due to gravity pull the mechanism are kept active without themselves having to pump, climb, etc., everything is taken care of by gravity..the wheel entirely feeds on gravity hence it is aptly referred to as being greedy..

  3. John, re your link. I could have told you about BPPV. If your doctor didn't know about it even 10 years ago I'm surprised! I would have changed doctors.

  4. Yes,...I think that cure for vertigo is amazing.
    Thats really positive progress. One learns something new every day.
    As for me, just when I think I have explored all the avenues I can think of in physics, something else reveals itself to blow me away.
    Things are looking good with the wheel.

  5. You're right Damian, I probably should have changed Doctors, but I like the guy - and anyway it's difficult to change Doctors here, although you can try out different ones from the same surgery.

    Your wheel's looking good Trevor? Good luck.


  6. If you want us ti help put some more pictures online please ...

  7. Remember back when you were so confident you had the solution that you said that you were pained to see others flailing about with ideas that didn't work?
    Now how should we feel about you and your kikking thing.


  8. Well I don't know Axel, that's up to you. If I had kept my mouth shut instead of telling everyone I understood the principle, I could have just carried on until I got the mechanism right. Instead I left myself open to calls to share my theory. I wish I hadn't but there you go, we all do things we regret later. In the mean time I carry on as before but I don't say anything except on here.


  9. Anon 10.36. I don't understand your comment - sorry.


  10. I agree with you about Kiiking. I think you are on absolutely the right track. Thanks for the informative article.

    Incidentally, I notice that you said your father was Lithuanian. That means he must have changed his name to Collins. I imagine he came to England around the time of the second world war. That must be an interesting story - or is it confidential.

  11. It's not confidential Frank but its interesting - to me at least - and a very long story! My fathe's name was Butler, a descendant of the wild geese who fled Ireland in the early 1600s. He came here (England) at the outbreak of the second war to fight along side the Polish army. He was a Count in Lithuania but his family lost all their possessions to the Russians. He met my mother and you can probably guess the rest. He was repatriated at the end of the war and my mother subsequently met my adoptive Dad. I was able to find my family in Vilnius and Poland through the Red Cross. and have been there to meet them.


  12. Thanks for satisfying my curiosity, John. I'm afraid being nosey is an occupational hazard for a researcher. 8-(

  13. Does this mean we really can call you Sir John Collins? He,He.

  14. Trevor...I want to get that book you had mentioned do I go about it?

  15. Trevor said...
    Does this mean we really can call you Sir John Collins? He,He.

    Many a true word spoken in jest. We could soon
    be addressing him as Sir if John pulls off his ambition to build a PMM.

    If his website
    (which I have only just discovered) is anything to go by then in my opinion he is very close to
    doing just that.

    Incidentally, John, I notice that you don't have any dates on that site other than

    Copyright © 2010 John Collins

    To avoid arguments about priority it might be wise to also publish you insights as to the parametric stuff on

    If you want to avoid time wasters, nutters and idiots disturbing the train of thought then you could always restrict your forum to a limited range of responsible posters who you feel will provide constructive criticism or keep stum.

  16. Hi!
    Happened by a chance to read Your post and found it rather interesting. I can offer to You some corrections on the original name for that newly invented "kiiking"-sport You are refering to. Those who do it just for fun call it "kiikumine" and have done it so for centuries, as You rightly point out in that 247website article. Although word "Kiikujad" means just swing-users or swingers (yes, am aware of that other meaning in english-speaking realm :)
    Minu lugupidamine,

  17. OK yes Suresh. If you type in Dialogue at the Castle Weissenstein it will take you to the site. It might just be too late my freind, I am hoping to have proof of prototype by tuesday, which is my birthday,...what a birthday present!

  18. Trevor....Thanks...and yes, good luck...

    This year appears to be good for this planet...Bessler wheel will be resurrected shortly...This may revolutionize the energy scenario..

    Trevor..send me your actual year of birth(Authentic date of birth)...I will try to numerologically analyse and see what is in store for you...whether this original invention is revealed in your destiny...we all can know in know we are very eager..

  19. Sir John has a nice ring to it, Frank, but I haven't got it yet - and I wouldn't hold your breath! I'm writing an acount of my ancestral searches for my 247website because I have a number of relatives scattered around the world who have expressed an interest in what I've found.

    I did consider putting my theory on besslerwheel forum but it seems unfair to take up Scott's bandwith any more than I have already done, and for my benefit.

    I thought that putting a date copyright notice would suffice and I don't really now what else I could do.

    Thank you eastlane, for the corrections. I shall include them in some other corrections I must make.


  20. John...... I Believe, NOW, that you are absoluely coeect about the odd number...... but if we place any value in his drawings,..... "and are ye still without understanding" is a pivotal item. If we do 3 falling arms as a set then it will absolutely not have the opposite affect, you stager two sets of the falling arm to work together, so that some of the energy from a single arm loads up a spring to help the next arm be pulled over the top the we will have the longest distance that the arm can fall and gain the energy in the falling weight. I will be converting my 8 unit to 6 shortly. Good Luck to all.....


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

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