Friday, 8 October 2010

Das Triumphirende FOR SALE. But only until Midnight GMT 31st OCTOBER 2010

It seemed like a good idea to leave the period that the book was availabe for sale, with an unlimited cutoff date to allow as many people as possible to consider the idea of purchasing the book. So far I have received three firm offers and there are a couple more considering their options. Understandably there has been some concern over how long they would have to wait for their offers to be accepted or rejected, so I have decided to put a time limit on the sale. Anyone interested should make their offer known to me by the end of October, midnight GMT on 31st October 2010.

However, should a firm acceptable offer be made prior to this date, rather in the way that ebay sellers accept "buy now" offers I would be prepared accept it but would only be fair to notify those others who have expressed an interest in purchasing the book,in case they wished to put in an improved offer.

I hope that this seems fair and reasonable.



  1. Sounds fair. Are you saying you will accept the highest offer, prior to the end date, no matter the offer?

    signed, Justsomeone

  2. I will accept the highest acceptable offer, Justsomeone.

    By that I mean if someone makes me an offer which I find acceptable then I will agree it, before the end date, but I would have to inform the others who have made me an offer which has so far not been accepted, before finalising it - just incase they want it more! Well I think I know what I mean!


  3. Good use of a failure to sell something John!!

  4. I'll give you eight thousand Australian dollars, as long as I get a 100% discount!

  5. And I get to keep the book? Sounds like a deal to me!



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