Saturday 16 October 2010

The Decoding of Chapter 55 of Johann Bessler's 'Apologia Poetica'.

Reconstructing Bessler's wheel is an important objective for me, but the mystery of Bessler's code fascinates me almost as much.

It has seemed obvious to me ever since I discovered the hidden pentagrams in the Merseberg wheel drawings and subsequently several others in other drawings by Bessler, and of course the proliferation of encoded 5s and 55s elsewhere in his publications, that there must be more to it than just my own theory that they indicated five mechanisms as a basic requirement for a successful gravitywheel - or seven or nine.

It is already obvious to many people that Bessler hid some encoded information in Apologia Poetica and I think that the key to deciphering it involves the number 5.  I'm not saying that I'm wrong about the five mechanisms, it's just that I think that once Bessler had discovered that his gravitywheel needed at least five mechanisms to work (and more as long as they were odd numbers) he decided to use the number five as part of his encoding method, as well. This is typical of Bessler, he seems to have delighted in designing each code to have two or more ways of deciphering it.

The repetition of the number five, almost exclusively within the Apologia Poetica, suggests that it is within this book that we should look for a secret message and Bessler hints at that exact thought. He says,in chapter 46, "Those who are keen to ask questions should ask them of this little book. My work will not be revealed prematurely." Chapter 55 is the final chapter of part one, (part two was added later to respond to unfair accusations by his enemies) so, given my firm conviction that there is an encoded message hidden in the book, and taking into account that Bessler is practically shouting out the number 55, chapter 55 seems like an excellent place to look.

It would be extremely useful to find someone with professional experience in codebreaking who would be willing to apply their professional skills in deciphering the code. I have made contact in the past with acclaimed experts in the field, men such David Khan, widely regarded as the world’s leading expert on the history of codes and cryptology, who although unable or unwilling to help did introduce me to an ex MI5 codebreaker, who was unfortunately too ill to help and who has subsequently passed away. I have also in the past been in contact with Cheltenham GCHQ in the hope that someone there might be of assistance. The woman I spoke to suggested that I post the problem to her and she would publish it internally. Unfortunately this particular piece of encoded material does not lend itself to brief publication on a noticeboard.

I have returned to the mystery of Chapter 55 many times and have accumulated a considerable amount of information about it and I plan to publish the details soon, which will, I hope, help those whose experience in the art of codebreaking is so much more profound and whose knowledge of the subject is infinitely broader than my own.

There are several mysteries attached to Chaper 55; the 141 bible references for a start; the fact that some of them don't actually exist; the fact that the rhyming couplets used throughout the 7000 (approximately) lines of the book are changed for just 220 lines in Chapter 55 (55 verses!); the apparently random switching from fraktur font to Latin font; the fact that five (yes its that ubiquitous number again!) references are duplicated; the weird spaces and omitted lines for no apparent reason. I haven't even mentioned the 684 'xs' that litter the end of many lines in the whole book. I could go on, but I won't. Let me just say that I have some of the answers and I shall post them in due course on one of my web sites in the near future and will notify all who might be interested as to where and when it will become available as soon as I can.

I would add it to but that is so full of brief pieces about some of the codes that there is no room for any more, and I plan a more detailed article about Chapter 55 so I've decided that for the time being I shall probably add it to either or



  1. I am very curious to read about what you have found out so far. First thing I noticed: 220 lines divided by 55 gives 4; two fonts. Is that a sequence? 2 - 4 - 55 - 220. Three times 55 (the third number) is 660. The difference with 684 and 660 is 24, the first two in the sequence combined. Coincidence? The next (and fifth) number should be in the order of 220*4:880. Plus 55 perhaps? That would give 935. I wonder if these are distances of "planets"? How many omitted lines are there? What's the sequencing of those? That may give a clue too... for example, which drawings they refer to. Fascinating stuff!

  2. Sorry, that comment would be from me, not arena. I used the wrong account. Sorry John.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oops... I must have been too sleepy. Obviously I meant to say that THREE times 220 is 660. I think I better go to bed :-)

  5. Funny thing is... if the fifth number is 880, then the difference between 880 minus 684 is 196. Add to that 24 (the first two numbers combined again) and one gets... 220 again. Am I too sleepy, and see too many coincidences, or is this indeed a sequence? And now I really will go to bed. Curious what you think of this, John.

  6. Thanks Andre,...It just goes to show that one can read anything into codes.What is relevant is the principle and it's configuration.

  7. What I do know is,...Biblically,the number five stands for Grace,the supply of all our needs. This could be what is inferred by the dawn of the wheel.

  8. Trevor, indeed, I was very sleepy and made quite a few mistakes, actually. Still, it's interesting stuff as perhaps it may give us some clues to dimensions, measurements, possible configurations. I'm particularly fascinated about the "planets" concept - think spin, angular momentum... the statement that Newton's laws actually made the machine possible instead of impossible. There's some interesting recent research showing that the law of conservation of momentum is invalid in those cases where the law of angular momentum is valid - definitely proving the "kiiking" effect as well.

    I'm sorry if my ramblings confuse you guys sometimes. Or always :-) It's not my intention but I often see many possibilities at the same time, and then I tend to rant.

  9. That's "conservation of energy" instead of momentum. Jeez, I need to sleep more. Goodnight all.

  10. Hi Andre, sorry not to have responded earlier -been somewhat busy of late.

    Ingenious as they are, I don't want to comment on your suggestions at this point because, when I publish the stuff on Chapter 55, you will see where I am going with this and you don't know what I know yet :-)



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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...