Monday, 9 January 2012

Remote Viewing, Psychometry and the 'sixth sense', as a way to get more information?

I have always tried to maintain an open mind to everything and yet I remain deeply sceptical of the possibility that one can retrieve information from a previous time by remote viewing (Rv). But there are certain aspects to an episode of Rv which was carried out on my behalf in 2008, which have left my wall of disbelief slightly dented. I can however provide a possible explanation for the particular report which does at least allow the retrieval of information by some as yet unknown mechanism, in real time - the notorious sixth sense?

Six remote viewers were set the task of attempting to 'see' what Bessler was doing on 6th June 1712. All they were required to do was try to retrieve something, anything, relating to Bessler, Gera, etc, but they were not actually given anything other than an eight-numbered file reference - no names, no dates,no places and no object information - no information at all. This was a highly professional set-up which it was hoped might offer some convincing evidence of its usefulness, so the strictest protocols were applied to the process.

The six reports which I read were disappointing to say the least. I saw nothing in them to grab hold of and I regretfully filed them and forgot about them. Recent discussions on the subject prompted me to read them again and I was astonished to discover one report which I had somehow overlooked. I was looking at this particular one and noticed for the first time that a simple drawing of a house looked a bit like one of my photos of Bessler's windmill. Adjacent to the drawing was a handwritten comment which said "somewhat ornate structure? Top is wrong!" My first thought was that Bessler never finished his windmill, but it was finished later as a simple building without the windmill superstructure. Perhaps the remote viewer had sensed the top was unfinished or altered. But the most extraordinary thing about the report was the prostrate figure lying on the ground at the foot of the house, with the words next to it, " trip - fall" and nearbye the word,"surprise!"

Could the R-viewer really have 'seen' Bessler's fall to his death?

Elsewhere there are several references to the letter "W" and words such as "w unbuckled" which could be interpreted as the letter 'w' split into two 'v's.  This, as many, who are aware of my work on the 'Orffyreus Code' know, is one of the most ubiquitous examples of his code.

The problem I have with this is that one cannot really go back in time, in my opinion, but one might be able to retrieve information from someone such as myself in real time. If the latter proposition is possible then we shall find nothing other than that which is in my head or someone else's. This is not to say that it is not an amazing feat and certainly it would prove useful for finding missing persons for instance, but it is doubtful that it will prove of any use to we who seek further information about Bessler.

There is one even remoter possibility that has been suggested to me in the past. Psychometry is the ability or art of divining information about people or events associated with an object solely by touching or being near to it. Wikipedia says that it is a form of extra-sensory perception characterized by the claimed ability to make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with that object. Supporters assert that an object may have an energy field that transfers knowledge regarding that object's history.

It was suggested that my copy of Das Tri might prove a suitable subject for this process, so I sought help in finding a recognised practitioner - I failed to find one who was prepared to do it for nothing other than one elderly gentlemean who unfortunately lived too far away for an appointment to be possible. I have since then passed my copy onto another more careful owner so I can no longer attempt to obtain information this way, but it still seems that if information can adhere to an object and that information be retrieved at a later date then all is not necessarily lost.

I have no opinion about the validity or otherwise of this subject but I can point to a fascinating study carried out in 2007 which appears to support the theory that objects can retain some kind of information which can be read by those with that particular ability. does seem to give a balanced report on a unique experiment which supports the possibility. Given the probability that the mechanism involved in remote viewing and psychometry are probably closely related, I would imagine that the right person might be able to 'read' the information available in my old copy of "Das Tri"- and my other books - without actally being in its presence!



  1. @ JC

    Interesting possibilities you've raised.

    Like you, I don't believe in remote temporal viewing, but I definitely believe in psychometry and have seen some VERY impressive demonstrations of it.

    The problem with psychometry is that it works best with an item that an owner kept on his / her person for long periods of time, preferably daily, such as an old pocket watch or other piece of jewelry.

    For this reason I would be doubtful about anyone being able to use your old copy of DT for psychometric data recovery purposes UNLESS you knew for a fact that it was a copy that Bessler kept on or near his person for long periods of time.

    A better item for use by a psychometrist would be something that we know he personally handled for a significant period of time like that beautiful hydrostatic balance he made. But, good luck getting a hold of that so you can hand it over to a psychometrist!

    Also, IF that could be done, I would not just have ONE psychometrist work with it, but woud have a group of at least three who would take turns working on it independently of each other. When they were done, I would compare their "impressions" and try to see if there was anything common to them.

  2. John there is another possibility that you aren't adressing. You aren't the first to know about Bessler. It is very possible one or more of those remote viewers have heard of Bessler somewhere in their distant past and are subconciously drawing on that information. We were taught about Bessler in school a few times as a point of curiosity by the instructors. And shown drawings.

  3. John, at first sight the possible reference to Bessler's death seems strange, given that it occurred much later than the target date of 6 June 1712. That is a narrow (one-day) target date. It would be interesting to know what the exact wording of the question was, (i.e. the part that the viewers are not given) and how the target number given to the viewers was derived.

    For comparison, the question in the 2001 Evert/Jelinski RV session was, (in German): "The Bessler-Wheel (1712-1714), Construction and functional characteristics while running. Draw most exactly the effective parts." (In that case, the opposite problem arose; Evert was concerned that the target range might be too large, i.e. that the time frame could result in viewing of more than one wheel.)

    You mentioned before that you intended to place the documents relating to that 2008 session on one of your websites. Will you still do this?

  4. I will post all the documents from the 2008 session if and when I get permission to do so. I haven't heard back yet.


  5. Fair enough, John.

    I don't want to sound like an uncritical fan of remote viewing; it's just that I think there is a faint chance that it could deliver some sorely needed new information.

    I think the "low-key" approach is the way to go, too. The last thing that either we Bessler Wheel enthusiasts or the RV proponents need is another high-profile RV failure. Yes, I know there have been some in recent years (e.g. Ed Dames), and there are quite a few people out there who seem to relish such failures, for whatever reasons.

  6. John,..I would not open up to any kind of psycic phenomena. It is dangerous,besides what gratification would you have if the wheel principle was handed to you on a plate.You would not even get a Nobel prize.
    Now I know time is short and people's patience is getting short, but this one thing I know,..That that the wheel will make it's appearance long before the June dealine.

    1. Yes it is dangerous , those remote viewers do not know what they are playing with . They think it is just retrieving information , it is not as simple as that , there is much more to it of which they are unfortunately unaware of .

  7. Trevor I wish you good luck,i am working on two devices, one is E.G. and the other is gravity,one thing is sure in my case,it is not a wheel.

  8. John how did documentary showing go? Wasn't it in December they were going to show it?

  9. The documentary was scheduled to be finished by the end of December and I have just been told that I will be receiving a copy of it on a DVD next weeks!


  10. @ Arktos

    I agree that there is, unfortunately, alot of bias against psychic / paranormal phenomena by the scientific establishment. On the one hand, one can not blame them too much considering how many involved in the subject are either fraudulent or deluded. OTOH, the orthodoxy then over reacts and tends to throw the babies out with the bath water, IMO. SOME very rare people ARE able to do some VERY amazing things that defy explanation in terms of our currently known physics. Well, that just means we need some NEW physics. Burying our heads in the sand like ostriches will not bring forth that physics. Whenever someone emerges that appears to be genuinely doing things of a paranormal nature, he or she should be immediately taken into a physics lab to have the phenomenon scientifically documented.

    @ JC

    Okay, your DVD copy of the Bessler documentary is on its way to you. Now, is it in English and have you gotten permission to run off copies for sale on your website??? I'm curious to see how their model Wiessenstein wheel looks!

  11. Well JC, let me give the answer to your post title; No :) But I am eager to read the sessions.

  12. Them remote viewers will not see the bessler wheel, they are with the dark side .

  13. "NearBYE"... I've seen it all now.

  14. 5 months; T - minus 5 months and counting

    Who will be first to discover Bessler's secret?

    Stay tuned to your remote viewing telecast to find out!

    John, for some reason Chrome won't let a comment through, it erases it when you click publish. I've had to resort to IE. Strange.

  15. And today IE won't allow me to see comments! I've resorted to Firefox and that works fine.


  16. Doug,.. I had the same problem.The solution was to lower my privacy threshold on internet options.

  17. I've got an OK to post the Remote viewing report, so I'll get that up asap and post a link here when its done. It might take a day or so.


  18. @ JC

    I've also had alot of problems with this blog over the last few days which started when I noticed there was a change in the font used for the comments. You must have made some changes that messed things up a bit. I get excessively long downloads during which time my browser is disabled! This comment is a test to see what happens when I try to post a comment. Hope it goes through.

  19. This new format is good! The comment owner name is bold;it can be read and distinguished easily. I like that :)
    I am tuned! 'One minute...I see a man sending comments to your blog! He will discover the secret! His name is...His name is....' :P I am sure something like this will be in the sessions :)

  20. People who don't have any conception of mystic abilities often treated as a child who doesn't know how to drive a car.

  21. I haven't made any changes to the font or the design of the blog, but I can't read or write comments in IE, I have to do it through firefox or chrome.


  22. I also have problems; the blog just "freezes up" when I use IE (version 7). Enabling or disabling cookies makes no difference. So I also have to use Chrome.

  23. I can use my computer on this blog anymore freezes I have to use other means

  24. Chrome which is google, provides the blog and they have made some 'improvements', which has spoiled IE's reading of the blog. Unfortunately there doesn't seem much I can do about it. Firefox still reads it ok, and I guess IE will get around to 'fixing' the problem at some point.


  25. Fix this Google



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  I wish all of you a happy new year!  This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...