Sunday, 3 June 2012

300th anniversary approaching and no sign of success .... so far!

We're almost at the 300th anniversary of Johann Bessler's first exhibition - and I've a feeling it's going to be a bit a damp squib!  No sign of success either here or elsewhere although that may change very soon.  

I'm going away to Spain for a couple of weeks very early on Tuesday morning and I'll have to close the comments facility, but as soon as I get back it will be open again and I'll be back at work on my own wheel, unless of course someone has beaten me to the winning post and published their own working model!  I won't close the comments 'til Monday evening.

There have been a number of people who have said that they will have a working model by the 300th anniversary, myself among them, but I suspect that they won't materialise (mine won't).  My own work has gone well and I think that I have the right design if only roughly, and getting it perfect has proved more difficult than I anticipated.  But as I continue to build, adjust, build and adjust I learn more and more (about how to build a stationary wheel!).  I know that certain people will say I'm just fooling myself and my design will never work (I don't need to name you guys!) but I have something up my sleeve that may astound you once you know.

I'm taking a small computer with me in the hope of finding free wi-fi and I may post something if I can.

So good luck to all of you who are building or designing and I'll see you again soon.



  1. Have a nice, restful, sunny time in Spain, John. We'll all still be here when you come least most of us.

    Unfortunately, the 300th anniversary of Bessler's first public OB PM gravity wheel demo is a bit too soon for me to be able to celebrate by unveiling THE design he used with all of its fascinating details. I'm only about 98% of the way to a working wheel at this point in time and I'll probably need, at a minimum, another 6 months of so to finally reach the end of that "right track" I keep referring to IF I am, indeed, destined to reach the end of that track.

    My decades of Bessler research have all pointed me toward a SINGLE design which I am now 100% convinced was THE one Bessler used. If, however, it fails to work, then, most likely, I will be "retiring" from being an "active" Bessler mobilist and join the ranks of those "arm chair philosophers" who think it's possible to achieve PM but do not have the foggiest notion of HOW to do it. It will be a somewhat bitter ending to a LONG search for the solution, but, eventually, we all have to face facts and get on with our lives...

  2. Thanks John,..I am trying my best to have my proof of prototype working by the 6 June,if not it will be a week later.
    Enjoy your trip and we'll connect when you get back.

  3. I would post my wheel on the internet but the problem is i am banned from the bessler forum and i cannot afford a website !
    - Ealadha

  4. I can post your wheel on one of my web sites, if you wish, although you might have to wait until I return, Ealadha.


    1. Yes thank you , that would be great if you could do that .

  5. "but I have something up my sleeve that may astound you once you know"
    that would make all of this worthwhile !

  6. I'd love to say more Chris, but I must resist the temptation!


  7. Ok John but don't hurt your integrity by managing to disappoint . We all have our loopholes , hopefully yours isn't veiled in your "politeness" and how you carefully assert your opinion without actually making claim to anything in particular.

  8. It hurts when people don't believe in us as much as we do ourselves but scientific facts don't allow for belief .

    1. I think the problem is that the average "no track" skeptic is mostly or even totally unfamiliar with the Bessler and Asa Jackson wheel histories and, consequently, erroneously believes that PM has NEVER been achieved. OTOH, we mobilists KNOW with near 100% metaphysical certainty that that is not so. Also, the "no trackers" tend to accept, WITHOUT QUESTION, the assertion that the amount of energy / mass weights lose on the descending side of a wheel MUST ALWAYS EQUAL the amount they regain on the ascending side of the wheel. The possibility that, because of the mechanics involved, the descending side weights in an OB PM gravity wheel lose MORE energy / mass than is regained by the ascending side weights is something that never occurs to them. That possibility requires a bit more thinking and it's always easier to just "parrot" the uninformed utterances and specious reasoning of various self-appointed and self-annointed "experts" than it is to gather as many facts as one can and then derive his OWN conclusions from them!

  9. The person who has the solution should guard against scammers who would take the idea as their own. They would get a witness and backdate a document claiming it was their discovery all along.

    1. The scammers would be selling pdfs on the internet even if someone had a patent , scammers done that with the Howard Johnson magnet motor recently .

  10. I'll be raising a glass or two to Johann's 300th , damp squib and all.
    Gravity will help me lower the glass.

    1. And while raising that glass or two against the relentless pull of gravity will drain a bit of energy / mass from your body, the energy / mass of the alcohol molecules imbibed will MORE than replace it! There are many other ways to extract the energy / mass content of matter than through the use of a OB PM gravity wheel! LOL! Hmmm...I wonder how Bessler celebrated the first public demonstration of his Gera wheel?

  11. Part the first -

    Our esteemed author/moderator informs as sadly that

    "We're almost at the 300th anniversary of Johann Bessler's first exhibition - and I've a feeling it's going to be a bit a damp squib! . . ."

    Although never having seen that particular expression "damp squib" before, the feeling of it's meaning in essence does comes through, and so, to it I must add a heart-felt 'I hope not.'

    (And, I must find out it's precise meaning, and then incorporate it into The Primemignonite Lexicon of Prickly, Skewering Rascality; it seems just too delicious a thing to not, would you not agree?)

    And then we have the very tail of the same offered paragraph as follows

    ". . . No sign of success either here or elsewhere although that may change very soon."

    As to the latter, personally, as well, I believe it shall! (A perfect concordance now being complete, provisionally.)

    I ask rhetorically, what factor of aspect might compel me, The Primemignonite, to agree so fervently with our EA/M?

    (The plain answer practically bows itself; mightn't we guess it?)

    Well then, that not withstanding, it is because I believe @techno-fiend to be A LIAR!

    (Please, do forgive me my rude shouting? Given the extremeness of this unique, juicy circumstance, I felt it necessary to do this part in this famous way, and just could not contain myself for, alas, even I am not perfect.)

    Now, at this juncture, how could I be so forward as to be so very rude and, doubtless-so, too direct for good health as well?

    To answer my own query I offer this brilliance-flash of @techno-thing's as-reiterated, as below-follows

    "Unfortunately, the 300th anniversary of Bessler's first public OB PM gravity wheel demo is a bit too soon for me to be able to celebrate by unveiling THE design he used with all of its fascinating details. I'm only about 98% of the way to a working wheel at this point in time and I'll probably need, at a minimum, another 6 months of so to finally reach the end of that "right track" I keep referring to IF I am, indeed, destined to reach the end of that track."

    * * * * *

    (Veritably there, 'twas The Triumph of Eloquence!)

    The doubtless fact is, that given them all so-far, as nicely compounded and revealed by our own but unknown, most irritating personage , that it - The Wheel Of Perpetuity of his - already DOES turn! (Kindly, for the same reason the same?)

    Of this he resolutely refuses to inform, and thereby keeps us hanging upon his most cruel hook! (Not a pleasant place to be, most depending on said hook's entree!)

    It is an obvious lie!

    His Thing of itself does go!

  12. Primemignonite4 June 2012 at 04:42

    Part the second -

    Then, like throwing gasoline into a raging inferno, our Creature Of The Great And High Impudential (who and whatever he/she/it may be truly) informs us in the following way, as to all these things

    * * * * *

    "My decades of Bessler research have all pointed me toward a SINGLE design which I am now 100% convinced was THE one Bessler used. If, however, it fails to work, then, most likely, I will be "retiring" from being an "active" Bessler mobilist and join the ranks of those "arm chair philosophers" who think it's possible to achieve PM but do not have the foggiest notion of HOW to do it. It will be a somewhat bitter ending to a LONG search for the solution, but, eventually, we all have to face facts and get on with our lives..."

    Yet more deception of some supposed eloquence, as all combined up with that trade-mark posteriorated sphincter flatulence and, as always, presented in his most impudent, pestilential fashion!

    Well, the truth to be told, the only thing that IS "100%", is the fact of it's working, the knowledge of which he HOLDS HOSTAGE! (Again, if you please . . . & etc.)

    Ahhh but there is sunshine here to be seen, breaking through. Why might I be SO reckless/bold, as to offer this rare hope ray?

    Ha! It is to be found here - a Rarest Jewel of Greatest Promise, as plucked for our possible concerted, most welcoming, blessed relief.

    To wit

    ". . . If, however, it fails to work, then, most likely, I will be "retiring" from being an "active" Bessler mobilist and join the ranks of those "arm chair philosophers" who think it's possible to achieve PM but do not have the foggiest notion of HOW to do it. . . ."

    Of course usage of term "if" is deceptive for we know it to be aturning a'solo already, but, if "if" were true actually, then, what follows would be GIDDY GOOD NEWS INDEED!

    (Here, all caps usage can be excused I think, it being warranted by such prospective, bountious joy.)

    My God in Heaven do it! Do it! Do it! Be good to your 'word'.

    Have mercy, Veritable Fiend of Effrontery, Blather, Square Toed-Ness and (the best) In-Your-Facedness!

    As for his parting shot (so-far) where he tells it just like "it is", I'll leave for later, after all the dust-settling's been done.

    The OUT-SHOUT sum, as accrued over these several days but missed by this counter (for which remiss he profoundly apologises), is becoming quite impressive, even for HIS too-hot-crotched impetuousness.

    'Till then,



    1. LOL! It's somewhat flattering to know that you continue to remain TOTALLY obsessed with the word count of my comments, style of writing, real identity, and whether or not my "right track" design is CURRENTLY operational.

      Let me, once again, try to put your mind at rest concerning that last issue. Although I DO, IMO, have the magic lever design Bessler used in his 8 weighed lever wheels AND the Connectedness Principle to go along with them, I do NOT yet possess his "Secret Principle" [my term for it] which indicates HOW to apply spring tension to the design in order to turn it into a "runner". I AM, however, currently working on finding that and slowly making progress.

      Believe me, IF I did ALREADY have THE "runner" design Bessler found, then I would publish the design just to save my fellow "wrong track" mobilists a TON of wasted future effort and, of course, to get a bit of credit for my many hours of effort trying to find it. They could then start devoting their time to working on actually BUILDING the design I have (since it looks like only providing a WORKING computer sim will be the limit of what I will able to achieve at the moment) and, hopefully, improving the power output of the design so that the home power plant dreams of fellows like JC can be realized. And, along the way, by patenting various improvements, they might themselves make a few "happy dollars" for their efforts.

      I am, however, quite serious about "retiring" should the "right track" design I now have prove to be yet another "wrong track" DEAD END. I have reached the point where I can see NO OTHER POSSIBLE alternative approach that Bessler could have used. It's either the one I now mostly (i.e., about 98%) have based on the "clues" I have found or MY solution of the mystery is just not meant to be. I have, metaphorically speaking, painted myself into a nice, tight little corner and the only way of escaping from that predicament is IF my current "right track" design proves to be THE "runner" that Bessler found and used. The success of that design has, literally, become my ONLY escape hatch and, should it fail to work, then its "retirement" time for me. Yes, I've uttered that vow several times in the past...but, THIS time I'm SERIOUS!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hi, John. I just wanted to pop in and say that I also hope you have a wonderful Holiday, and a safe journey. I'm looking forward to further disclosure of your wheel theory (not to mention the wheel itself!) after you return home. I sure hope that your wheel turns and turns and turns. :)
    Mark - from the BW Forum

  15. Have a great and relaxing holiday John!

  16. Andre,have you read Dr.Kowsky gravity nullification?

  17. Thanks guys! I'm looking forward to my holiday, but I'm also looking forward to sharing what I know - and revealing my ace!


  18. What material should we cover our working wheels with for the public viewing on wednesday !

  19. I thought it would be appropriate ( at any given time I wish )
    To interject some of Bessler actual words into the mix :
    "Will we soon hear from the limp:
    You guys can see, the work of law
    There's not much art to it. x
    Shut up you simpletons, let your babbling,
    And do not wear displeasure.
    I have speculated with power
    Until I thought up such a work;
    And vanished is my little time
    'Before I's as simple eye sun.
    Yes, now it's in such a state,
    That of a bad master hand
    Without tearing everything big head
    The throw things together;
    And can (before you know it is mistaken;)
    Manufacture of the work happen;
    Also, blasting it can be
    Do not calculate much too artificially
    To him, if not all,
    The excess weight will not matter
    So that counts for a lot of places
    Also, some ounce, which is missing here.
    If it's working to keep its course,
    And respect not one hair on it.
    This all seems so to me the best:
    You master craftsmen, Honor Hold,
    Will you, if God wil, Mean time
    With a lot more pleasure go to work. x
    No artist is tired of the artificial:
    God give life, rest and peace,
    And bless all the folks' in the country,
    And make even well known more art."

  20. See you guys in a couple of weeks. I've got to get away from theis interminable rain!


  21. Welcome back, John. You got away from the Jubilee madness, too!
    I watched the concert. Paul still rocks.

  22. Hi, JC, glad to see you're back and blogging again.

    I had so much work recently, that it was hard for me to do anything to celebrate the 300th anniversary except to acknowledge that it was a very important date in PM history.

    I did, however, discover the most likely structures of the springs used in the Merseburg wheel! They were about 5 inches in length and 1.5 inches in diameter. Hard at this time to determine their exact spring constants, but I guessimate it was in the 3 to 5 lbs / inch range. A friend of mine into music did another interesting computation for me concerning these springs.

    Assuming that each spring had 20 coils in it that were 1/8 inch in diameter (thus allowing 1/8 in separation between coils in the spring when it was relaxed and, therefore, NOT stretched), he calculates the total length of an unwound spring to be 94.2 in. If struck with a hammer, such a spring will begin to vibrate with a lowest frequency of 67.8 Hertz. That's its "fundamental" frequency and there would also be some "higher harmonic" frequencies emitted that were multiples of that.

    When the UNweighted lever slipped out of Bessler's hands during the reloading of the translocated Merseburg wheel during its official examination, that lever would have been rapidly pulled into alignment with its radial drum support and, upon hitting an internal stop (needed since, without a weight, the lever would not have been stopped by its rim stop), would have caused the spring attached to it to suddenly stop contracting and start vibrating at that base frequency. I've been trying to find a website that allows one to hear sound frequencies of various pitches, but have not found one that would let me hear 67.8 Hertz. Obviously, it's a low, but still quite audible pitch.

    What did the examiners hear when that lever slipped out of Bessler's hands? It would have been a sharp crack (the sound of the lever hitting its stop) which was immediately followed by, mostly, that pitch at 67.8 Hz which would then have slowly faded out. It must have been a startling experience to all of those present. Hmmm...were there any ladies there? If so, perhaps they might have felt faint from this mishap.

    It's not unknown for some individuals to go into shock or even faint when suddenly exposed to loud sounds. I once was driving out of a gas station after tanking up and another vehicle that was entering at the time passed by my open driver's side window. As his car pulled alongside of mine, his front left tire suddenly exploded and deflated. In the process it released a powerful blast of air pressure and I found myself temporarily "stunned" by it. It was a most unpleasant experience which I still remember to this day and which I blame for the hearing problems I still have in my left ear.

  23. Such a thing as never existed and still
    By some chance possibly never will
    A wheel that turns of it's own inner might
    A simple device whereby heaviness takes flight

    A back and forth and forth and back
    A movement of sorts that slips through the cracks
    Of Newton's thoughts and others of the past
    Is having the thing just too much to ask ?

    On one light and the other heavy side
    Will one empty and the other full abide ?
    And such that the two replace and fulfill
    And become one in and of the other and simply not stand still ?

    With gifts like rain and curse like drought
    I cannot see how anyone could doubt
    That a wheel could embody such
    And revolve as before now just as much

    A poem for you all to break the spell
    To lighten the cycle of risen and fell
    So that hopefully what is risen will win
    And turn , yes turn and simply turn yet again

  24. Is that your own poem Chris, or is it one of Bessler's?

  25. It's all mine .

  26. Okay,..You're quite a poet!

  27. Much Thanks...

  28. @ Chris

    Yes, an interesting poem, indeed. Thanks.

    I like the lines:

    "To lighten the cycle of risen and fell
    So that hopefully what is risen will win
    And turn , yes turn and simply turn yet again"

    The problem with most OB PM gravity wheels is that they only periodically reset their weighted levers during rotation. In Bessler's wheels, OTOH, the weighted levers were CONTINUOUSLY resetting themselves during drum rotation to keep the CoM of the weights at a fixed location (which varied a bit with rotation rate) on the drum's descending side. Only very carefully "coordinated" levers can do something like this. So, if one has NO interconnecting cords between his wheel's weighted levers, then that practically GUARANTEES that he is on the WRONG track!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...