Monday, 23 July 2012

Bessler's stressed life.

I was looking at Bessler's portrait and I noticed the condition of his nails.  They all appear to be bitten down very short.  I assume this is an accurate portrayal and the poor condition of the nails is probably a symptom of the ever-present stress in his life.  At that time, some four years or so had passed since his first discovery of the secret of gravity-enabled wheels and yet he had nothing to show for it.  He had moved three times and built three wheels, and smashed them to pieces, and suffered the increasing attempts to have his reputation destroyed by his bitter enemies, Gärtner, Borlach and Wagner.

A brief search on the subject reveals that onychophagia, or nail biting, is a common compulsive habit.  It's believed to be a symptom of stress, and in severe cases is accompanied by anxiety attacks, palpitations of the heart, headaches, dizziness and sweating.

When paranoia is included, as seems to have been the case with Bessler, typically the subject has obsessive thoughts and will harbour suspicions and worries about other people.  They believe that something bad will happen, and that others are responsible, and although their belief may be exaggerated, the central thought which is present with paranoia is a sense of threat.

Bessler himself admits that he was sometimes depressed and axious and apparently anxiety and depression can act as triggers for paranoid thoughts in some people. If they’re anxious they are likely to be on edge and more fearful than normal. Depression can lower self-esteem, and make them more likely to misinterpret other people’s intentions towards them. They are afraid that their enemies, as they perceive them, mean them financial harm, stealing from them, damaging their property or tricking them into giving away their money.

I'm no psychologist but I think that is a close match to Bessler.

PS Update on my wheel building to follow soon.




  1. Bessler was obviously riding on that emotional "roller coaster ride" that all active mobilists inevitably find themselves on and, as you point out, it is apparent in the two DT portraits.

    I've known several people who actually had "onychophagia" and I can tell you that their nails all looked A LOT worse than Bessler's does in those portraits! I mean, practically NO nails left on either hand. One confided to me that he had tried to stop biting off his nails for years without success. He could manage it for a while, but then when he got stressed out, he'd be right back chewing them off again.

    I remember reading a theory once that people with this odd condition might actually suffer from some sort of mineral deficiency and that they then develop the unconscious urge to chew on their nails in an effort to "recycle" that particular mineral which tends to become highly concentrated their nails. Perhaps just chewing on the nail is enough to reabsorb the mineral into the body and one does not actually have to swallow the chewed nail.

    Because of the chronic "pre-Karl" financial problems Bessler had to endure while he financed his own pursuit of PM, he probably did not eat properly and, thus, he could have had multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Such deficiencies can result in anxiety, depression, and fatigue (severe deficiencies can even cause hallucinations!). IF this was the case, then he is to be commended for being able to carry on despite these disabilites and it makes his ultimate attainment of PM even more astonishing.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Interesting that you mention that, TC. Nutritional science is a specialization I got into when I was much younger. You are very correct that vitamin en mineral deficiencies are indeed very potent causes for serious health problems. Although we know from historical and anthropological evidence that in Bessler's time food quality was generally high for those that could afford it, the poor had a considerably more deficient diet.

      In fact the attributes you mention are often observed in strict vegans - those that shun all animal products including dairy and eggs. It not a generally well-known fact that one of the most horrible persons ever to walk this Earth, Adolf Hitler, was a rabid vegetarian and was suffering from all of the aforementioned symptoms, plus Parkinsons and certainly several severe mental disorders. Many if not all of these can be attributed to a lack of natural animal meats and *essential* animal fats, including saturated fats in the diet. These are all potent sources of fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D and E and many valuable minerals.

    3. I remember reading once that a severe niacin deficiency can cause syptoms very similar to SCHIZOPHRENIA. In fact, there have been people mistakenly diagnosed with this disorder who suddenly became normal again after being treated with high doses of supplemental niacin and could then be released from mental institutions!

      Sadly, when they first began "refining" flour in the mistaken belief that doing so somehow made it purer and healthier, they did not realize that they were also destroying its niacin content (along with other vitamins and minerals) and that was what was making those people who regularly consumed it sick.

      The good news was that, eventually, they realized that there were vital compounds in foods, vitamins and minerals, and they began to synthesize them and finally put at least some of the more critical ones back into the "refined" foods and then declare them to be "fortified". If they had left the natural food alone to start with, they would not have had to do all of that! This is one of the reasons I will only eat whole grains.

    4. You are spot-on with that, TC, especially your observations about flour. Did you know that even rats refuse to consume white bread, made of "refined" flour? It's that bad. Same goes for sugar, by the way.

      The potency of whole, natural and unprocessed foods is amazing. Historical evidence tells us about a famous 20th century anthropologist who suddenly was stuck by complete blindness on one of this travels studying indigenous peoples. His aids found an Indian, explained what happened, and the man proceeded to catch a fresh fish (trout). The Indian prepared a broth from the head of the fish, particularly the eyes, which we now know contains very potent doses of vitamin A. After consuming this food, over the next few days the anthropologist's blindness was cured and his normal eyesight restored.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I do have hallucinations of perpetual motion machines , maybe its caused be a deficiency !

    1. There have been a few rare cases in the history of science in which a researcher, after being overworked for months and desperate for results, actually HALLUCINATED the results he reported in scientific literature! Scientists are only human and subject to the same types of physical and mental health problems as anybody else. Anybody who even suspects that he is starting to hallucinate as a result of his mobilism should seek medical attention as soon as possible. No hobby is more important than one's health.

      I recommend that active mobilists make it a habit of taking regular "vacations" from the pursuit of PM so they can refresh their minds and bodies. Often a break of a few days or even weeks gives one's unconscious mind a chance to work on a problem while one sleeps and, after the vacation ends and he returns again, suddenly new possible solutions will present themselves as if by magic.

      Of course, if one does take a brief vacation and finds it very difficult to return to activity again, then that means he needs an even longer vacation or, perish the thought, he even needs a "sabbatical" or break from the pursuit for a longer period of time like maybe six months to a year. If at the end of such a sabbatical he still has trouble returning, then that is a sign he needs to consider "retiring" for good. I was at that point several times, but could never quite decide to retire. This time, however, IF my "right track" approach does NOT work, then it will, indeed, be time for me to finally retire.

      Because of the added emotional / physical stress that the average active mobilist is under, it's probably a good idea that he make sure he takes a daily high-potency vitamin / mineral supplement to cover any nutritional "gaps" in his diet. Some mobilists can even begin to skip eating meals and that will only aggravate any nutritional deficiencies they are developing.

    2. Sounds more like an abundance of crack.

    3. ... a little too much of grandma's cough medicine ...

    4. Banned from BW for similar foolishness.

    5. "I do have hallucinations of perpetual motion machines, maybe its caused be a deficiency!"

      You might be MISusing the word "hallucination". A hallucination is sensing something that is not OBJECTIVELY real, but rather is only SUBJECTIVELY real. That is, only the person having the hallucination is aware of it. Such hallucinations can actually involve ANY of the 5 senses such as hearing, sight, smell, taste, or touch (some psychologists, however, might also include "cognitions" or thoughts in this list as in the case of a person who has persistent delusional thoughts that do not conform to external reality).

      People suffering from the high fever of malaria will sometimes hallucinate that they have insects crawling all over them! It's not uncommon for a survivor grieving over the loss of a loved one to occasionally "hear" the voice of the absent person. A sleeper suddenly awakened may momentarily superimpose the imagery of a dream onto his surroundings and "see" all sorts of strange things. The worst cases can involve a person who has taken a dose of LSD and then has terrifying hallucinations (the so-called "bad trip" or "bummer") that can simultaneously involve all of the senses. One of the troubling aspects of true hallucinations is that they tend to be INVOLUNTARY.

      When I'm working on a modification of the "right track" design for Bessler's wheels that will incorporate my latest interpretation of one of his DT portrait clues, I will often actually clearly "see" the new design "with my mind's eye" and imagine it starting to move and what its various parts will do during any 45 degree increment of drum rotation.

      I originally thought this was due to spending too much time looking as computer simulations on a monitor, but I can actually "see" the woodwork and other construction details that would be involved in the actual wheel! This could be considered a kind of hallucination since only I am aware of it. What makes it NOT a true hallucination is that I can turn it off whenever I want; that is, it's VOLUNTARY. Interestingly, when I think about it, such "hallucinations" are, indeed, caused by a "deficiency": the deficiency of NOT having a WORKING design so far! LOL! Hopefully, that situation will be changing in the NEAR future.

  4. Yes,.Let's guard against any kind of psychotic behaviour and stay on track.

  5. The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average.

    Sound like anyone you know?

    1. It's my understanding that the Dunning-Kruger Effect states that low skill people tend to overrate their abilities on a PARTICULAR test while high skill people tend to diminish theirs. However, the low skill people do not usually rate their skills higher than the high skill people on the particular test.

      I think that the methodology that Dunning and Kruger used in their research is certainly subject to some criticism. On one day a person might do poorly on a particular type of test and be considered "low skill", but on another day do well on a similar test and be considered "high skill". Human aptitudes, I believe, are far more complex than can be determined by just simplistically comparing test scores. I wouldn't put too much faith in the validity of this so-called "effect". I've seen some really smart people do some REALLY stupid things at times! LOL!

      When it comes to solving the mystery of Bessler's wheels, I think EVERY mobilist should start by considering himself to be LOW skill and up against a NEARLY impossible problem to solve. Over time and with MUCH work, he can then, IF he actually does make some progress, BEGIN to consider his skill level to be improving. With such improvements he is certainly entitled to do a bit of boasting at least over what he has achieved to that point.

      BUT, he should always honestly admit that he is "not quite there yet" to others as well as to himself. IF and when he finally does manage to obtain the complete details of how Bessler achieved PM, then he can be justly proud of the HIGH skill level that he developed along the way in order to get there.

      However, to keep his ego in check, he should always remember that, no matter how highly skilled he thinks his achievement "proves" to the world that he is, he is STILL NOT on the same level as was Johann Bessler. Afterall, the mobilist would not have made any progress if it had not been for the pioneering work of Bessler over 300 years ago. Bessler was a unique individual in the flow of history and, perhaps, there are only a few such people in an entire millenium. That is one of the reasons I sometimes refer to him as "the Master".

  6. Sounds like everyone we know ...because first of all the only authorities that we have are telling us that it's impossible , second it IS impossible until proven otherwise , third egos and psychosis extremes galore along with a presupposition that "ONE's information/knowledge/understanding" is definately superior to anyONE's . The very title of this blog boasts a SUPERIOR understanding of a code that , judged by it's fruits alone may be and in all probability IS a product of fantasy . So instead of looking to the outside for someone to criticize and judge there must surely be a more convenient place to find fault , yes , and so much closer to home , in fact , in the mirror .

  7. I think we all have to admit we have a problem. We need to check into B.W.A for treatment.

  8. @ Ealadha,

    Do you still think that the principle you presented on BW regarding the stick forced out due to CF is a valid principle.

    What I question is if CF does pull the stick out, forcing the wheel to go around, you will have to fight CF to pull the stick back in. I would think this would be a wash, but I am interested in hearing your thoughts.

    1. Yes it is a valid principle , for it to work on a vertical wheel you have to cancel out newtonian gravity using springs .
      A bessler wheel speeds up and slows down a number of times during one revolution , when the bessler wheel slows down there is less CF on the wheel therefore it is easier for the stick to be pulled back in against CF .
      It is always as the wheel accelerates that the stick is let out .
      It works exactly like a child on a swing , when the child pulls back the swing starts to accelerate it is then that the child lets their legs out against CF pulling the swing around with great force .

    2. Correction , the last sentance should say ,the child lets their legs be pulled out be CF , pulling the swing around with great force .

    3. When a child on a swing lets their legs be pulled out by CF they are also cancelling newtonian gravity with muscle tension .

    4. The bi directional bessler wheel speeds up and slows down a number of times during one complete revolution .

    5. "A bessler wheel speeds up and slows down a number of times during one revolution..."

      NOT TRUE!

      During each drum rotation, the CoM of the weights stays FIXED on the descending side and this then produces a constant torque on the axle which equals whatever COUNTER torque that is also acting on the drum and its axle. When this balance exists, the rotation rate of the drum will be CONSTANT.

    6. Ealadha,

      Thanks for replying to my comment regarding the stick. I need to think about this for a while.

  9. Ealadha was banned from the BW forum , if you read his posts on the BW forum you will see he is a crazy insane troll .

  10. Ealadha talks to trees and says he remembers 'past lives' , obviously a nutjob .

    1. I don't want to dismiss outright the possibility of there being some sort of "psychic" route to understanding more about Bessler and his wheels. BUT, any such approach is USELESS unless it can, ultimately, lead to a definitive design that can be built or modeled and then tested to establish its validity. That was the problem with the "time travel" remote viewing approach. It did produce some information, but it was of a vague nature and of no use to the builder.

      It's been my experience that the VAST majority of those who think they have special psychic "gifts" are really just deceiving themselves and anybody who they manage to convince to believe in them. But, every once in a VERY rare while, a person might come along who DOES, indeed, have such powers. In all such cases, however, it's best to remain skeptical until those making the claims can OBJECTIVELY prove them.

      Now, if Ealadha was producing sketches, say, of what the interior of Bessler's one-directional wheels looked like and they happened to agree with what I now have, then he might start to convince me that he is on to something real.

  11. Primemignonite25 July 2012 at 22:46

    Bessler's stressed life surely did him no good but he overcame it alright, and fought the good fight.

    As far as stress goes, for respondents to this blog of JC's, @Technorat seems to have taken it all over, the creature being now the obvious master here, his omnipresent, overbearing, eternally lecturing and hectoring style of utter, rampant tastelessness, standing well as evidence for the assertion. (Pushy is as pushy does. Need more be said on this particular one? Multifarious, naughty inferences ARE invited!)

    It is true that some of us 'lessers' of the blog have registered objections to many of his/her/it's various and sundried outrageous pufferies and, of course, to all of that "LOOK! LOOK! LOOK AT ME!!! Am I NOT wondrous and SO, SO intelligent???" stuff, but, still they (we) seem to have a long way to go in ameliorating this freakish, ever-present, creeping outrage of slithery egotism, it's sheer nastiness being constantly on-display under noses, and in faces.


    On several of occasions he has indicated that, if such and such did not come to pass (these promises relating to his obviously destined-to-fail wheel "work", and it's cheekily-presumed success) that he would disappear!

    Obviously, we may now apply to the Standardized Litany of pregnant offense and offending (in-general) - 'LIAR', as he/she/it is still here infecting, lecturing and professing, as if shame itself could not ever exist again!

    (ONLY with us Americans, does this kind of thing get this bad! "It Takes one to know one" and "The ugly American" both here handily applying.)

    Where will it end?

    How will it end?

    Now waxing a bit rhetorical: only in one way will it ever, seemingly, and for THIS some of us do passionately await! (Here we would be speaking of 'an act of Nature'.)

    Only this particular blessed mercy will afford the desperately needed relief from the daily, vapid assault, as we endure.

    Honestly now, have we not noticed that only one sentence said to this stinking troll, is enough to elicit one or two paragraphs of barraging lecture and further directing?

    And also, he/she/it seems to always have THE LAST WORD, in nearly every case! (Or, is it just my imagination?)

    Honestly now (again) would it not be 'nice' to be @technorat free, finally? The irritating little infection gone?

    All the best(s)


    1. PART I:

      @ Primemignonite (James)

      Loved your latest contribution, especially this part:

      "...(we) seem to have a long way to go in ameliorating this freakish, ever-present, creeping outrage of slithery egotism, it's sheer nastiness being constantly on-display under noses, and in faces."

      Sorry if my "right track" approach is causing some issues for you. It is true, however, that it does tend to fill one with a sense of renewed hope and that can, on occasional, lead to some boastful "egotism". It's just that for the FIRST time in my entire "career" as a Bessler mobilist, I can ACTUALLY see some light at the end of the proverbial tunnel and THIS time it's not the headlight on an express train! LOL! Yes, I think that we will finally be seeing an "acceptable" and, most importantly, WORKING solution to the Bessler wheel mystery SOON. That realization is enough to make any "serious" Bessler mobilist a bit giddy and verbose at times.

      "Where will it end? How will it end?"

      "It", hopefully, will end FOR ME on the internet with the publication of a series of short articles covering various aspects of the construction of Bessler's wheels. Firstly, there will be a discussion of the "Preponderance Principle" which will explain how an OB PM gravity wheel MUST continously output energy / mass while rotating and what is the source of that energy / mass. Secondly, there will be a treatment of Bessler's "magic lever" design showing its EXACT shape and the locations of the various cord connection points to it. Next will come the details of his "Connectedness Principle" that will describe, in detail, the 48 cords used within each of this one-directional wheels or two-directional wheel's one-directional "sub wheels". The details of the important "layering" system he used within the wheels to prevent cord rubbing and fraying will also be covered. Then, the "Secret Priniciple" will be described. Finally, complete diagrams of the one-directional and two-directional wheels will be provided.

    2. PART II:

      This material will be detailed enough to allow the active mobilists / craftsmen out there to NOW begin constructing WORKING Bessler OB PM gravity wheels! I'm even hoping to be able to provide a video of a simulation showing an 18" radius model wheel in rotation and how its 8 weighted levers move smoothly with respect to each other during each 45 degree increment of drum rotation so as to keep the weights' CoM always on the drum's descending side. While this material will certainly be impressive, final unquestionable verification of the "right track" design will not come until it is used by several independent mobilists to construct the first true working replicas of Bessler's wheels. They will be three centuries late, but, "better late than never" I always say.

      The problem with providing all of the above is that I do not yet possess all of the details of Bessler's "Secret Principle", the FINAL construction detail needed in order to achieve PM and the secret that he guarded most jealously. I AM, however, making slow progress toward finding it.

      I can only say now that Bessler was a true MASTER in the use of spring tension and his wheel mechanism stored energy / mass in stretched springs and then kept it there until it was needed later to help maintain the OB array of interconnected weighted levers within one of his wheels. Even though his method is supposed to be "simple", the exact way he did it is still a puzzlement to me. I've tried at least a half a dozen methods so far without success, but that only means I've eliminated a half dozen NON-working methods that previously stood between me and THE method he actually used. I'm confident I will find it eventually.

      IF I don't find it, however, then I will not be able to progress that finally 2% of the way down the "right track" to success. That would be like climbing to the top of Mount Everest only to have stop 100 feet before you reached the summit and quit your ascent! IF I can not find his "Secret Principle" within a "reasonable" amount of time, like say by THIS Christmas, then I will most likely have to declare failure and "retire" from the pursuit. That will mean that it is not I who is "destined" to solve the mystery. In that event, I will probably no longer continue to comment here and will wish all those that continue to pursue the solution to the Bessler wheel mystery the best of luck.

  12. From the Oxford Dictionary

    Definition of crossbar
    • a horizontal bar fixed across another bar

    Based on this definition, to have a crossbar would imply the existance of another bar. Two bars - each crossing the other. So when Bessler mentioned that his wheel would barely turn with just one crossbar, could we assume then that the configuration he was referring to actually consisted of two bars - a cross (X) design with 4 weights?

    What do you think?

    1. Search BW for "crossbar" or "cross bar". The idea came up several times. I can tell you that many of us believe that the minimal design is indeed a 2 spoke / 4 weight design. Doubling this would create an 8 weight design. Certainly with Bessler's way of hiding the facts, saying one crossbar could imply 2 bars, the initial bar then the added crossbar.

    2. The "cross bars" you refer to are from this AP quote:

      "Further, I make my machines in such a way that, big or small, I can make the resulting power small or big as I choose. I can get the power to a perfectly calculated degree, multiplied up even as much as fourfold. If I can arrange to have just one cross-bar in the machine, it revolves very slowly. Just as if it can hardly turn itself at all, but on the contrary, when I arrange several bars, pulleys, and weights, the machine can revolve much faster, and throw Wagner’s calculations clean out of the window!"

      I'm not convinced that this reference to "cross bars" has anything to do with the INTERNAL mechanism of Bessler's wheels. Rather, it refers to a block and tackle arrangement used OUTSIDE of a wheel's drum to lift weights.

      I previously calculated that the Merseburg will would be able to just BARELY lift a 9 lb weight via a rope directly attached to its axle and the rate of lift would be slow as would be the rotation rate of the axle. This would also be the case if the, rather than being hung below the axle, the weight's rope first passed through an overhead pulley before being attached to the axle. I think the "just one cross bar" refers to a SINGLE overhead pulley's AXLE.

      An overhead block and tackle system, OTOH, would place SEVERAL pulley's and their "cross bars" or axles over the drum's axle. The SAME mass weight being lifted by a rope passing through the overhead block and tackle arrangement with its multiple pulleys and "cross bar" axles would apply only a fraction of the counter torque to the wheel's axle as it did when directly attached to the axle and this would then allow the axle to turn much faster although the lift rate of the weight would remain about the same.

    3. Perhaps another play on words. "If I can arrange to have just one cross-bar IN the machine, it revolves very slowly." IN the machine whereas you think they are on the OUTSIDE. The reference "clean out the window" could be a reference to the block and tackle with the rope going out the window. Very interesting observation and conclusion. Me thinks a Bud Light may help get to the bottom of this quandary.

    4. "IN the machine whereas you think they are on the OUTSIDE."

      I think that the word "in" here should have been more properly translated as "with". Also, when Bessler says "machine", I think he is actually referring to the drum, its attached axle, and the vertical axle supports collectively. Thus, a more accurate interpretation of his writing might have been "If I can arrange to have just one external pulley and its axle used with my machine, then its drum and attached axle will revolve very slowly".

      I hold this view because in the "right track" design for Bessler's wheels, there are no pulleys inside of their drums.

    5. ... so we have to wrestle with the translation and the true meanings of his writings ...

      What are your thoughts on Bessler's statement that his wheels were based on different principles?

    6. "What are your thoughts on Bessler's statement that his wheels were based on different principles?"

      Again, I think this line could have been translated better. Bessler, IMO, only had a SINGLE PM mechanism, but there were various ways it could be applied. For example, it could be used to make either a one-directional or two-directional wheel with the latter requiring the use, back to back, of TWO one-directional wheels.

      There is also this AP quote:

      "I have many other machines of various types – some, for instance, with weights, others without."

      I think this refers to the large collection of POSSIBLE devices which eventually wound up in MT. There is only an occasional suggestion in MT that he actually built a particular device or saw it demonstrated unsuccessfully by another mobilist. How many of the machines shown in MT he actually PERSONALLY constructed will never be known.

      We know that it took Bessler 10 years to find a working OB PM gravity wheel design. That would have required him to construct a LOT of devices. But, most likely, he quickly eliminated all basic catagories of design, the various "wrong track" designs, and then "settled" on ONE approach which was the conventional OB weighted lever wheel. He probably just built several of these and then stuck with one particularly promising design, the "right track" design I promote, and continuously tested and then modified it until he managed to make it work. That happened at the "House of Richters" in either late 1711 or early 1712. The rest is history.

  13. Ealadha,

    Can you give us your opinion on the crossbar theory?

    For now I am staying with the internal idea and that the wheel needs at minimum two bars (or a bar and a crossbar). My design is based on 12 weights (6 crossbars). I have been working on this specific approach now for almost two years and although I rarely discuss the wheel on any forum, I can say I have made significant progress. I am also one final step away. "harness the horse in front" and several other clues become immediately evident when viewing the wheel and reset mechanism. I will not discontinue work on the wheel even if someone else comes up with a working design first. Based on everything I have read so far, it doesn't sound like any two of us have the same design anyway. Look at the design Chris Wilson presented on BW a few weeks ago - quite impressive to say the least.

  14. One more thing. The upper and lower weights assist each other in literally "falling" into their raised/reset positions. "Falling into their raised positions" sounds impossible, but it does indeed work this way. During the time of transition, the shifting weight maintains it's full downward force (weight) on the crossbar balancing the weight on the opposite end of the crossbar. This was the critical piece in this design. Without the balance, back force would be created causing the wheel to slow. Is the wheel done? No, but I have tested the reset mechanism thru small angles and not only does the wheel self start, but it also has positive velocity at the end of the angle test. Building takes much longer than one would image as I am sure all of you know. Hopefully this will be a runner. It has a 2' radius, the wheel is 2" thick, and will only turn in one direction. Well that is all I can say for now. Looks like we are all in the final run for the finish line. R

  15. .i worked on a similar design a while back but could never find a mech or enough energy in the wheel to raise even one weight.I finally moved on to another idea that also is not going so well but what else is new.Im skeptical about any weight/lever design but it sounds like you may have found something so good luck to you.Funny how for so many years no one could make a working design and now there are several here and on a few over sites that sound like they are really close to getting it done.

    1. If one takes the time to check back on various free-energy sites over the last decade or so, he will realize that during any particular month, there will be a least 2 or 3 designs floating around that the inventor is "on the verge" of getting running and which everyone is talking about. Then if you check back, say, three months later you will find out that nothing more is being discussed about it!

      The inventor and his invention simply disappear from the scene. No, they were not all asassinated by hit men dispatched from the fossil fuel industry to silence them. They just realized, after more construction and testing, that their design was UNworkable for one reason or another and then went on to more productive activities.

      I'm determined to make sure the "right track" design I'm currently working on does not just become yet another one of those!

    2. You certainly have conviction, I'll give you that, and I hope you succeed. R

    3. Thanks!

      One of the reasons I have that "conviction" is because of the approximately 73% of the information that I now possess which I have not yet shared here. That information, wholly derived from the Bessler clues (both published and unpublished), is VERY persuasive. I have the correct or "magic" lever design Bessler used, the "Connectedness Principle" for the 48 cords within an 8 weighted lever one-directional wheel or "sub wheel", and even the incredible "layering" method Bessler used to protect the cords within his wheels from rubbing together during drum rotation. Still, all of this is INSUFFICIENT by itself to produce a WORKING OB PM gravity wheel!

      What I still lack is his "Secret Principle" which was the highly unusual method that Bessler used to temporarily store energy / mass within the wheel's springs until it was time to release it so it could help to maintain the OB array of weighted levers during drum rotation. This single principle was, IMO, the ONLY thing that finally allowed Bessler to achieve PM. It is VERY difficult to determine from the clues even if one is using them to guide his builds / models. I continue to work on finding it. I'm hoping to find it before this Christmas, but, like JC, I'm becoming allergic to making predictions when it comes to the timing on any of this.

    4. TG wrote:
      "This single principle was, IMO, the ONLY thing that finally allowed Bessler to achieve PM. It is VERY difficult to determine from the clues even if one is using them to guide his builds / models."


      - Mark

    5. @ Mark

      I made that statement because I believe it to be 100% TRUE!

      There were MANY mobilists before, during, and after Bessler who were just as capable and determined as he was if not more so and who FAILED to achieve PM even after a LIFETIME of devoted effort. The ONLY difference between they and he was that he was EXTREMELY lucky enough to stumble upon the "Secret Principle" during his stay at the House of Richters. That principle involves the SPECIAL use of spring tension within a wheel to help it maintain the OB orientation of its weighted levers during drum rotation. Other than being able to CONFIDENTLY state that, there is little else I can say about it at this time.

      The mobilist who wants to find the EXACT nature of this CRITICAL principle should be doing a lot less laughing and a LOT more building or computer modeling! One will not find it by just reading the Bessler literature or wasting time surfing to various free energy sites hoping that he will see it all spelled out for him there along with pretty animations. No, he will have to be prepared to actually DO a Herculean amount of clue analysis and construction in order to find it. Only a few in a thousand mobilists will actually have what it takes to do this and, even then, only the LUCKIEST of them will ever succeed.

  16. Sending you a joyous holiday John........


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...