Tuesday, 10 July 2012


Little comment has appeared regarding the string of letters and numbers after my posts but several emails have queried their point and some good guesses have been made, so I have decided to explain their purpose - and I suppose in a way this is another clue.

In a letter to Leibniz in 1677, to try to ensure his priority in his work on calculus, Sir Isaac Newton,wrote:- “I cannot proceed with the explanation of the fluxions now, I have preferred to conceal it thus: 6accdae13eff7i3l9n4o4qrr4s8t12vx”.

The string of letters and numbers shows how many times each letter appears, which produces an anagram and once rearranged gives:- “Data aequatione quotcunque fluentes quantitates involvente, fluxiones invenire: et vice versa.” meaning, “Given an equation involving any number of fluent quantities, to find the fluxions, and vice versa.”

In 1610 Galileo Galilei, the Italian astronomer believed he had discovered two moons orbiting another Saturn.  He published the following anagram to ensure his own priority,"smaismrmilmepoetaleumibunenugttauiras". When rearranged, Galileo's secret message was, 'Altissimum planetam tergeminum observavi', and translated reads,"I have observed the most distant planet to have a triple form", which related to his mistaking the rings around Saturn for moons. 

So... in order to try to establish my own priority in this matter, I have decided to post my own encoded information regarding something I discovered about eighteen months ago.  This discovery is not a theory but a well-established and easily demonstrated fact which I have tested to my own satisfaction. I have verified that Bessler himself used it in his machines and published encoded informaton about it.  I do not know if it is his 'connectedness principle' however, although it could be, but I have alternative possible candidate for that.

I did not make the discovery by deciphering Bessler's clues but purely by a combination of frustration and desperation at my lack of progress.  I am not claiming that this is an undiscovered concept so much as an overlooked one in this particular application.  The following code has been slightly modified from the previous ones but the resulting plaintext is identical:-




  1. I just love this method of "encoding" priorities to one's discoveries and I'm tempted to start publishing my OWN encoded discoveries in this blog! However, I am going to resist the urge to do that for the time being (I record my discoveries in physical notebooks with the volumes and pages sequentially numbered, dated, and signed).

    Suppose, though, that one FORGETS what he encoded AND where he encoded it years later should he need to prove the priority to someone (like a jury!)? That could really be embarrassing. To prevent that, one should make the encoded sentences short and place them where they can easily be found like on a special webpage devoted to one's codes which would then be cached by Google for, hopefully, later quick retrieval. And, of course, keep another safe "hard copy" record of them somewhere else.

    "I did not make the discovery by deciphering Bessler's clues but purely by a combination of frustration and desperation at my lack of progress."

    Sounds like some quesswork that led up to your pentagrammatic wheel design. Why not just have done with it and let us know what this "discovery" is? The squirrels are starting to drool!

  2. Its possible to get a swing going perpetually .

  3. John, the deciphered text is in English, right?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. How many words does the sentence have?

    1. This would be very helpful ...

  7. Do we really need more codes in this matter now?
    Each day we burn oil and gas, making bad decisions fore the forthcoming generations, not just enviromental but economical, political etc...

    We sould share all info we have about this matter even though it satisfies the ego a bit to have secrets

    One day its too late



  8. 10a2c5d26e15f6g7h10ik12l3m6n14o14r5s17tu6v5w4y4-3,’.


    Now the hard part ...


    1. Too bad the code does not specify the number of spaces. This would indicate the number of words (potentially).

    2. 10 i's and 10 k's etc

      Not to many words that Mr Collins likes with lots of i's and k's, except Kiiking or kiikking.

  9. only 1 u ,1 k and 1 apostrophe ... I get keeling , situation ,which ,good ,correct(ion),overflow(ing),energy ,rule ,drastic,very ,...

    1. high , low , learn, steep , think(ing),

    2. good work


    3. Oh,there are 10 i's and ten k's ...didn't pick up on that for some reason...


    Hmmm, I seem to have a few letters left over.


  11. It's funny I (seriously)think I have the solution and I'm STILL trying to figure out what the words might be...lol!

  12. John ,
    Have you been able to fill in the blank at the end of the AP ?

    1. Teufel = Devil, TEUFEL = two 'Es,means 5 twice and a Roman letter 'U' also alternative to 'V' means 5 as well. All the blanks contain words with letters relating 5.


  13. There is just one k.
    The code on the last blog has a one before the k and the u.

    1. These are all the letters in the code.


  14. I'm somewhat amazed that anybody is actually wasting their time trying to decode this. Instead we should be asking (as I did in my previous comment):

    "Why not just have done with it and let us know what this "discovery" is?

    1. Where's the fun in that ? ( sarcastically ) . Actually I have what I consider to be pertinent information that I'm not sharing so I have no room to talk .

  15. All in good time, my little pretty - all in good time.

    1. At least Dorothy Gale was provided with that giant hour glass by the witch to look at while she waited for something to happen! LOL!

      Alas, I should not complain because I also have a tremendous amount of info that I'm holding back on releasing until "the time is right". I realized last night that when I finally release the information I have (dependent, of course, on whether or not I am finally successful at making it 100% of the way to the end of the "right track" I keep referring to...I'm only 98% of the way there at the moment), it will, because of its details, have to be released in several "stages".

      First will be the "Connectedness Principle" that shows how the various sets of interconnecting cords are attached between the weighted levers along with their precise lengths, then the "magic" lever shape showing all of its cord attachment points, then the ingenious cord layering system Bessler used to prevent the rubbing and fraying of a wheel's cords during drum rotation, and, finally, the details of the "Secret Principle" which involve the correct placement of a wheel's 8 helical springs, along with their required lengths and constants, so that a one-directional wheel's weights' CoM will maintained on the drum's descending side throughout each 45 degree increment of drum rotation. It is this final principle which changed what would ordinarily be just another "non-runner" into a "RUNNER"!

      It's ALOT of information and it can not just be put into a few anagrams in need of decoding or even a single "fast and dirty" sketch. Most likely I'll need to put up a webpage to hold all of the information. I want to make it detailed enough so that those ACTIVE Bessler mobilists out there that actually do PHYSICAL builds will have something SOLID to base their constructions on. I may even try to post a SIMULATION video (note, NOT an ANIMATION video!) that shows the weighted levers shifting smoothly during at least one 45 degree increment of drum rotation while maintaining the CoM of a one-directional wheel's 8 weights on the descending side of its drum. That will be the "frosting on the cake" and a powerful motivator for those that want to actually BUILD something as CLOSE to what Bessler had as possible.

      The design I'll provide will be that of a 4:1 model of ONE of the Merseburg wheel's one-directional "sub wheels" that will only be 36 inches in diameter, have a 1.5 inch diameter axle, and use eight 1 OUNCE lead weights. If there are any REALLY devoted ACTIVE Bessler mobilists out there that are interested and have the necessary crafting skills, they can then multiply all of its dimensions by 4, make two of the sub wheels, mount them back to back on the same axle, and, after installing the necessary extra 16 gravity activated latches, reproduce the Merseburg wheel IN FULL SCALE! If they want they can even cover its sides with sheets of dyed cloth and, just like Bessler, cut various inspection holes in the cloth covering one of the sides so that they can reach in to perform routine maintenance such as oiling the various bearings and, occasionally, changing out a broken cord or spring.

      Sadly, we will never know all of the precise construction details of Bessler's various wheels. But, I'm sure he would have agreed that that is not really necessary. He wanted us to know the general principles that he used so that, someday, wheels using his basic mechanism would turn again regardless of the minor variations in them that will be introduced by the different craftsmen who build them.

      If he's up in heaven now and aware of what is going on down here on planet Earth, I think it would please him very much to finally have his reputation as an honest man restored and that, now, would be worth FAR more to him than all of the gold in the universe!

    2. In the above I stated that some ambitious craftsman might attempt replicating the Merseburg wheel using my schematics and could also cover its open sides with "dyed" cloth in order to conceal its interior as Bessler did with his wheel (I am, BTW, currently convinced that the cloth would have been tinted with a mixture of blue and green dyes in order to make it as dark and "eye proof" as possible). I forgot to mention above that this cloth was also "oiled".

      I've often wondered why Bessler would have used something slimy like oiled cloth to cover his drum's open side faces. The answer suddenly hit me last night.

      If he had used dry cloth, then, inevitably, some of the oil he had to occasionally squirt on the weighted levers' brass pivot bearings might have seeped through and made EXTERNALLY visible oil stains on the dry cloth. That would have immediately indicated to the "reverse engineers" in his viewing public just where the lever pivots were located and also told them the lengths of the levers he used! It would also have indicated to them that the drum contained at least 8 levers (in the case of two-directional wheels it actually contains 16 levers). That was information Bessler did NOT want being revealed so he just pre-oiled all of the cloth he attached to the drums of his two-directional wheels! Any extra oil that made its way to the outer cloth covering would have just mixed in with the oil already there and spread out so that it was not visible. He probably used something like olive oil on the cloth since it was inexpensive, readily available, and, of course, non-toxic.

  16. Guys, I'm happy that you are trying to make sense of my little bit of code, but I only mentioned it because I had six emails asking me about it and I thought there might be more who were wondering what it meant. But it's only there in case someone else should come up with the same information I found, and post it on the web. It would give me the opportunity to point to the code to show I had it at a certain time before.


    1. I do hope that you have some OTHER kind of proof of priority to your "discovery" than merely the claim in your recently posted anagram. Otherwise, you would be open to the charge of having just "post dated" a RECENT discovery in an effort to negate any priority claims of individuals who really did discover it BEFORE you actually did.

      My prediction: When (or IF!) you reveal your "discovery", at least a half a dozen people will suddenly emerge from the mists claiming that they had it years, even decades BEFORE you did and will even offer "proof" to verify that fact (proof, that is, in THEIR minds!). Those "into" patents may even come forth and say the idea was patented in the 19th century! Someone else, a history buff, no doubt, will claim it was first used by the ANCIENT Eqyptians! LOL!

    2. I think you're right TG, it proves very little, but actually I don't even mind if someone does claim that had the idea years ago. It ties in with two different concepts and I think if someone had had both of them they would have built the wheel back then.

      I would not be surprised if someone had obtained a patent which used the idea I've encoded in some other application - its very simple but easily missed/ignored.


  17. When we think we are close we become a little paranoid ...then when we fail we wonder why we ever did ... remember last week ,lol .

    1. The paranoia must be welling up inside you ...

      How's your design progressing?

    2. No, I'm not paranoid . I haven't told anyone what I'm thinking . I am in the process of improving the basic design before the build . People are ignoring the most obvious clues that Bessler left and some things that were never clues are taken as clues . You must understand Bessler and how he used his enemies to misdirect people's thoughts ... instead of doing it himself . I have always thought ever since I read the AP that there is a certain key description that has been taken to be Bessler's when in fact it is Wagner's ... so that people have been trying to build Wagner's principle into a machine rather than Bessler's .

    3. "I have always thought ever since I read the AP that there is a certain key description that has been taken to be Bessler's when in fact it is Wagner's ... so that people have been trying to build Wagner's principle into a machine rather than Bessler's."

      Care to elaborate on that "key description", Chris?

  18. ....siete lontani....molto lontani....e vi state allontanando sempre più...


    1. IN ENGLISH ...

      You are away .... far .... and you are moving more and more.



    1. IN ENGLISH ...


  20. FATTE E INDOVINELLI AVESSE FATTO PRIMA DI molto lontani allontanando sempre que??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
    English please?

    1. IN ENGLISH ...

      MADE AND RIDDLES HAD DONE BEFORE very far away always que

  21. ..qui qualcuno guadagna soldi con l'idea di moto perpetuo...anche se di moto perpetuo ne conosce poco...


    1. IN ENGLISH ...

      Here someone earn money with the idea of perpetual motion ... even if of perpetual motion nor knows little about

    2. Yes , someone can make billions and trillions of euros .

    3. Sadly, I'm not convinced that anybody will ever make a dime off of Bessler's wheels as they previously existed. In fact, just trying to replicate one will cost someone a small fortune in terms of labor and materials!

      Unless their power densities can be DRAMATICALLY increased, they are just not a practical power source for the modern world especially when we consider that a simple lawn mower engine is THOUSANDS of times more powerful, costs less than $100 USD, and can be operated for less than a $1 USD per hour.

      Maybe some company will decide to put out a science kit or model so that kids can build their own PM wheel and learn a little about mechanics in the process. But, that's all I think will come of it. Bessler only made 4,000 thalers off of revealing his secret during his lifetime and that only because Count Karl had pockets deep enough to satisfy his curiosity. Maybe he made a little more by selling his literature that "explained" how his wheels worked and why they were the "real thing". What makes anybody TODAY think that they could do any better with Bessler's design?

      I see the solution of the Bessler wheel mystery mainly as an exercise in logical thinking and puzzle solving and nothing more except, of course, that showing that he really DID "do it" would vindicate him and help insert his story into the history of "legitimate" science.

  22. Spiro Agnew was vice president to Richard "tricky Dick" Nixon.
    The secret anagram for his name is "grow a penis".

  23. John please make them qualify their posts with an Identity.
    Things are getting out of hand.

  24. John knows requiring names would be pointless.
    The internet is anonymous, Trevor.

    1. I thought every website had an address and can be trace.In any case putting a name and a face should encourage better behaviour.
      Furthermore,when I announce my working wheel I want people to know who I am and who it belongs to.

    2. Every computer has an IP address associated with it which can be read by webmasters. However, in order to trace the actual owner of the computer with that IP address requires that one request it from the ISP company that provides service to that IP address. Because of privacy laws, the ISP do not just hand over that information to anyone. You must have a court order signed by a judge to obtain that information and to get that there has to be evidence of criminal activity.

      Like you, IF my efforts to reverse engineer Bessler's wheels are successful, then I will be using my real name when the design is unveiled.

      Personally, I like the privacy of being known only by my pseudonymous username instead of my "born identity" and being able to choose when and, most importantly, IF I will reveal that information. If someone really gets out of hand on this blog, JC can always block any future requests sent from their IP address in order to post comments, thus removing them from the game (there is a way around this using "proxy" servers, but most surfers would not know how to do that). I just wish that all of the Anons that post here would pick a unique username so that we could keep track of them during a discussion and prevent "Anon Confusion".

  25. I would be willing to share with the world everything i remember for 10 million euros .

    1. I told Hal Puthoff in the last lifetime i lived when i met him in england.

    2. John , ask Hal , i told him it is possible to get a swing going perpetually , he should remember .
      Ask him .

    3. I can give more details of the meeting with Hal Puthoff in the last lifetime i lived if necessary .

  26. Are there any down to earth people out there?

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. My offer includes the offerean ship , the invention for saving lives after a shipwreck and all the dfferent offerean perpetual motion wheels

  29. A psychologist who does past life regression therapy could confirm i am oyffyreus , by doing a past regression session and film the it .

  30. I do not have enough money to pay a psychologist who does past life regression , but if i anyone has the money to pay them if they could send them over here to Ireland to do the past life regression and we will get it filmed and put it up on the internet .

    1. Hmmm...and I was convinced that I was the reincarnation of Johann Bessler! ONE of us HAS to be mistaken! LOL!

    2. I used to daydream about it when i was a child . ,as i got older i forgot , but i remember now ,

    3. I was walking along a path through a forest , i was looking at birds flying overhead , in my mind i turned one of the wings on a bird around 180 degrees and imagined what would happen , the bird would start falling and go into s apin , thats how i invented the windmill .

    4. Please, stop smoking that stuff.

    5. I am not making it up .

    6. Eladha is Bessler in Sole and TG is Bessler in Body. You guys should mate. Maybe you will have a nice baby boy and you can name him Wagner.

    7. Daddy is that really you?

  31. The secret anagram for "President Clinton of the USA" is
    "To copulate, he finds interns"

    1. Right now it's bamasterte.

  32. Look guys, can we return to the subject of solving Bessler's wheel? I am against censoring any comments but I shall be tempted to delete them if they continue to be so completely off the wall!


  33. How about the anagram for "bessler's wheel and the orffyreus code" ?
    "She's swell - a horny beer seduced effort"

    an anagram is words. No one is going to solve a string of 175 letters.

    "many a secret that cannot be pried out by curiosity can be drawn out by indifference" - Sydney Harris

    This game is no fun!
    = a fine mount sighs

  34. Elvis = Lives?
    The eyes = They see?
    The United States of America = Attaineth its cause, freedom.

    Not mine unfortunately!


    1. Unfortunately i do not want to give the world free energy .
      Sorry about that .
      If it was not a free energy device , no problem , i would share it .

  35. Look here Doug,..either your a scitsophrenic or or you're just plain dead drunk.

  36. "So... in order to try to establish my own priority in this matter"

    Hope you can wipe your ass with it!

  37. acdeInort'!


    1. "I don't care!"

      Neither, Trevor. Just a bit of fun.

    2. I'm sorry Doug,..but I view fun as good natured humour,while at the same time staying on the subject of the wheel.
      I reasise this is drawing out and does not seem to come to fruition.

  38. I think the recent surge here of anagrammatic irrelevancies is symptomatic of the GROWING frustration of the hordes of starving squirrels who follow this blog as they continue to impatiently wait for JC to FINALLY release his pentagrammatic design for Bessler's wheels and to also supply the clue interpretations that led up to it.

    They were originally promised these revelations by the spring of this year. That was then delayed and would be released just before the arrival of the glorious 300th anniversary of the first public showing of Bessler's wheels on June 6th. That was then delayed until after yet another of JC's vacations to Spain to charge himself up on sunlight. Then, after he returned from Spain, more delay as he readjusted to returning again to rainy Britain. NOW, instead of the promised new wheel design and clue interpretations, we are merely treated to an anagrammatic alpha/numeric code with, of course, no solution! I am even starting to seriously wonder if my prediction that his new design will be released BEFORE Christmas of THIS year might actually be OVERLY optimistic!!!

    While there is certainly SOME interest in such things as codes, astrological / numerological anaylyses, calculations involving the externalialities and performance capabilities of his wheels, and the biographies of Bessler and those surrounding him, I think the VAST majority of Bessler mobilists want to SEE diagrams, models, or actual builds of Bessler's wheels that SHOW what their internal mechanics might have looked like so that they will be inspired to build or model something of their own that MIGHT actually have a chance of achieving PM.

    John, I hope that I have been premature with this comment and that, in fact, you are on the verge of releasing your new design so that we can spend weeks / months discussing its various pro's and con's.

  39. If anybody is interested, I wrote a small C program that, based on a English dictionary, comes up with possible words based on the (expanded) letter input John provided. I can post some output of a few iterations here, just for fun, if you'd like.

  40. Go for it Andre, I'd be interested to see how close you get.


  41. What the program does is, by means of a recursive algorithm, combine all letters found in the "JC string" into possible words found in the (massive) English dictionary it references. It can work both ways; if I would input a normal word it would transform that into a anagram. For example, the word "collins" would yield:

    clons li, clon lis, cols lin, cols nil, cons ill, ills con, lins col, nill cos, nils col and sill con.

    Or JohannBessler would yield already 3769 possible permutations, such as:

    enablers johns, ennobles jar sh, ennobles raj sh, ensnarls job eh, ensnarls job he, hornless jab en, hornless jab ne, lornness haj be, lornness jab eh, lornness jab he, banners jole sh, banners josh el, banners el jo sh, barless john en, barless john ne, blesser john an, blesser john na, braless john en, braless john ne, ennoble jars sh and ensnarl jobs eh plus a few thousand variations more.

    As can be seen, when not all letters fit it tries to come up with all possible permutations of the remaining letters. With the string John provided of course billions (probably trillions) of permutations are possible. I limited it to remaining 208246 words for the complete "JC string" minus the special characters.

    The first words it found were:

    counterdemonstrations anticonservationist straightforwarder illegitimately lightheartedly lightheartedly halfheartedly forevermore feverfew foveolet evolve flew gowk teff eff eff off wog.

    As can be seen 6 words require a lot of further computing. After about 100.000 permutations it came up with this:

    counterdemonstrations anticonservationist straightforwarder illegitimately lightheartedly lightheartedly halfheartedly forevermore feverfew woolfell teff toff wove eff kev off veg ef go we

    And after 208246 total permutations I stopped the program, the final output was this string:

    counterdemonstrations anticonservationist straightforwarder illegitimately lightheartedly lightheartedly halfheartedly forevermore feverfew feoffee gleek golf welt eff off off vet vow vow

    Total CPU processing time on a fairly standard dual core machine was about 1 hour (that is a LOT in computing terms!). If I would use a parallel cluster that could have been reduced to maybe 10 seconds or so. So it's clear it needed far more time since there are so many possibilities. It's therefore unlikely many words are correct (maybe not a single one is correct!) but it was fun to do.

    Are there any words correct or close, John?

  42. Unfortunately Andre, I'm sorry to say there are no correct words at all, not even close. Nevertheless it's an impressive demonstration and I guess with additional requirements to perhaps shorten the words and also to include those such a 'a' and 'of' for instance you might get more matches. Thanks for the entertainment Andre. If you wish to try again I would be happy to let you know if any match although I might not tell you which ones!


  43. Thanks John! I suppose I can forget about that high-paying job at Bletchley Park, haha. It was just a fun program. Maybe I'll let it run overnight and see what it comes up with. Have a great weekend!

  44. Mr. Bessler (aka Ealadha),

    What is your opinion of Alden Park's interpretation of your "Little Book"?

  45. I think he allowed his imagination to run away with him.



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...