Thursday, 16 August 2012

Away again - and another clue!

I'll be away for a few days so, as usual I might close the comments facility, although I'm not decided yet - sorry guys.  If I do close the comments it will happen on Friday evening about seven o'clock GMT (plus 1).  But I'll be back quite soon - and no, I haven't succeeded in rebuilding Bessler's wheel yet!

I'm in two minds about providing this clue as it may lead to someone deciphering my coded anagram and thus the priniple used in Bessler's wheel.  In fact, instead of giving you the clue, I will simply say that if you go to my website at and study the pages, there are two of the pages which contain vital clues, but you must pick two items and draw intellectual connections between the facts described and then apply one fact from one item to the other one.  Not much of a clue I know but it will become clear when I explain what I mean.

So I'll be in Spain on Saturday and I'll try to keep an eye on things to make sure the comment facility is ok.  I think I can close it from there if I have to but I prefer not to.




  1. Let's see now with 19 pages of "clues" linked to the website you posted, there would be

    19! / (2! x 17!) = 19 x 18 / 2 = 171 pairs

    of pages that we can "...draw intellectual connections between the facts described and then apply one fact from one item to the other one."

    Me thinks that with this latest obfuscating delay in providing specific clues and their interpretations that you appear to be purposely stalling for more time. Critics might claim that this is only to allow you to, hopefully, get some (or any!) "promising" motion out of your latest design with some modification(s) and then use that to justify your interpretrations of the clues. For without such verification, ultimately, your interpretations of the clues will mean ZERO!

    Anyway, whatever you are up to, best of luck with it. I shall continue to maintain my belief that you will FINALLY reveal all BEFORE Christmas of THIS year!

  2. I'll try to offer something more interesting upon my retrurn TG. In a way you're right, I am stalling for more time. In time you will see that my interpretation of Bessler's clues doesn't require verification, my reading of the clues will become obvious - and therein lies the problem, if I explain them too soon I may deprive myself of success first. As promised, failure to achieve success will result in full publication.


  3. Enjoy your trip John. Although I am eager to hear about your research and developments, we are not in a hurry anyway after all these years since Besslers time. I am sure your findings will be interesting.

  4. Well, I can't exactly brag about "being on time" myself. I'm about 99% of the way down that "right track" approach I promote, but I'm having a devil of a time trying to complete that remaining 1% of the journey!

    I currently believe that there were only THREE basic actions going on inside of Bessler's wheels during any 45 degree increment of their drums' rotations: lever return spring stretching once a weighted lever passed the 6:00 position of a CW rotating drum, axleward swinging of a weighted lever as its pivot approached the 9:00 position of the drum which then resulted, via interconnecting cords, in ALL four of the weights of the weighted levers whose pivots were located between 9:00 and 3:00 being each moved a bit closer to their rim stops (contact only finally being made at 3:00), and finally the contraction of the lever return springs as their particular lever's weight drew closer to its rim stop. These three distinct actions occurred simultaneously and smoothly so that the CoM of all 8 weights of a one-directional wheel or sub wheel would always remain floating on the drum's descending side during drum rotation.

    A careful analysis of the clues has given me most of the details of the above described method that Bessler used to construct a WORKING OB PM gravity wheel. Unfortunately, it has not yet yielded ALL of the details of HOW Bessler used springs to achieve such a design (I refer to this method as his "Secret Principle" for want of a better name). So far in the last several months, I have tried at least a dozen different arrangements of springs attaching them from various points on my model wheels' weighted levers to various points inside of the drum. Nothing I've tried so far has allowed the above described three simultanteous actions to take place. Sometimes I think I'm getting closer, but then I eventually realize that I've just hit another dead end and it's time to try an alternative approach.

    My recent continuing failures, of course, do not mean that the required three simultaneous actions can not be achieved, but, rather, just that I have not yet properly interpreted all of the clues pertaining to the Secret Principle and verified these with a working computer model. I believe that ultimate success is only a matter of time and not a very long time at that. Sooner or later, I will have the CRITICAL breakthrough I need to complete my journey. I'm hoping to have this nut cracked BEFORE Christmas of THIS year.

    Meanwhile, my efforts have given me a better appreciation of this enigmatic Bessler quote:

    "I don't want to go into the details here of how suddenly the excess weight is caused to rise. You can't comprehend these matters, or see how true craftsmanship can rise above innate lowly tendencies (as does a weight above the point of application of a lever)" (AP, pg. 357)

    Traveling 100% of the way to the end of the "right track" that Bessler successfully covered ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES one to understand ALL of the "details" about making a wheel's "excess weight" (that is those weights located between the 9:00 and 3:00 positions of a CW turning drum) "suddenly rise" (that is ALL move together quickly and smoothly closer to their rim stops) during each 45 degree increment of drum rotation as a SINGLE weighted lever's pivot approaches the 9:00 position of a CW rotating drum and its weight swings closer to the drum's axle. IF one can not figure out how to do this, then he will NEVER be able to successfully reverse engineer the design that BESSLER used.

    It's really all just as simple as that.

  5. REALLY, tg. THANK you for reminding us AGAIN of the details of your non-working,0% complete, OB PM gravity wheel design.

    I think your latest clue is safe, John.

    1. You're quite welcome, Doug (I think!).

      Actually, I find a bit of repetition from time to time helps me crystalize my thoughts concerning the matter and gives any lurking newbies Bessler mobilists out there in PM land a chance to see what I'm up to without giving too much away at this point in time.

      Yes, sadly, my current "right track" model wheel is non-working and will remain so until and unless I can determine ALL of the details of Bessler's "Secret Principle". Knowing that there might only be a small change in the arrangement of my springs that will suddenly turn my non-runner into a runner helps motivate me to keep working at it. I've come too far at this point to just call it quits. I want to feel the same way that Bessler did at the House of Richters on that fateful day in late 1711 or early 1712 when he finally realized that he had IT!

      Of course, even I have my limits. IF I can not get my present design operational by, say, this Christmas, then it will, indeed, be time for me to seriously consider "retiring" from active research. I'm hoping that it will not come to that.

  6. John, don't write because you feel that you must!


  7. Off for yet more Sangria, John?

    Well, have fun in the Spanish sun but, beware the beguiling castanets and alluring rhythms, for such have been the ruin of more than just ONE good chap! :-)


    quoting the nonsense of technoguy 17 August 2012 22:38

    "Well, I can't exactly brag about . . ."

    (Tiresome, repetitious, ONANIST BLATHER inserted here.}

    "It's really all just as simple as that."

    Now, of all this creature's silly effluvia, THIS part can be believed sure!

    When-oh-when will Grace be granted us and this secret, shameless prattler be made gone???

    This would be the main question for contemplation while John is away. (That of The Wheel will sort it's self out handily; the moment approaches.)


    Cynic-In-Chief, BesslerWheel. (Ret.)

    1. quoting the far, far greater nonsense of "Primemignonite (James)" concerning my last comment:

      "Tiresome, repetitious, ONANIST BLATHER inserted here."

      It's amazing how many of your comments contain references to masturbation and ejaculation. Is that your favorite activity? I only ask because trying to solve the Bessler wheel mystery certainly does not seem to be!

  8. TG,...You can't say I didn't warn you.Those inter-connected configurations have one problem.The minute you try to close the loop,you have a conflict.
    Confirmation from a hands-on mechanical build.

    1. Well, Bessler DID "close the loop" and he DID use cords AND springs to do so. If he did so, then someone else (hopefully me...PLEASE God let it be me!) will also be able to do so.

      I'm happy to report that with this morning's clue analysis session I noticed something in the DT portraits that really caught my attention. There is a clue in the second portrait which I believe may offer a solution to the counter balancing problem I am having with my 9:00 to 3:00 weighted levers. I will be trying it out during my next modeling session to see what its potential is.

      Basically, one must figure out a way to use interconnecting cords and spring tension to COMPLETELY counter balance the 4 weighted levers whose pivots are located from 9:00 to 1:30. I mean that that entire array of weights must be so WEIGHTLESS that the axleward swinging 7:30 weighted lever can, as it approaches the 9:00 position during drum rotation, cause the previously mentioned 4 weighted levers to RAPIDLY move closer to their rim stops with the weighted lever approaching the 3:00 position finally GENTLY resting its weight upon its rim stop when that lever's pivot reaches the 3:00 position. This action requires the PRECISE placement and tensioning of springs as well as the correct interconnecting cords between the levers.

      Yes, it IS a VERY tough nut to crack, but I have ALREADY cracked nuts almost as tough to reach my present location which is about 99% of the way down the "right track" to success. This nut will just take a little longer due to the unusual hardness of its shell. The the solution IS in the DT portraits. HOW do I know? If the solution to this balancing act was NOT there, then Bessler would not have left a COMPLETE record of how he did it in the event that, at some later date, he needed to prove priority to the design or to be able to "bequeath" the design to a future reverse engineering Bessler mobilist. Yes, the answer IS there and this morning I think I had a glimpse of it!

  9. Justsomeone said: TG, your numbers are all wrong! Knowing Bessler's secret is 99% of the build and 1% is in the details.....NOT the other way around!

    1. I, of course, have to strongly disagree with your assertion.

      The Bessler mobilists out there in PM land have been building like crazy for the last 300 years and have achieved ZERO results despite their enthusiasm and dedication. What they all did NOT have were the DETAILS of the design that Bessler found. IF they had had those details, then we would have Bessler's design for a WORKING OB PM gravity wheel right now and be building working replicas.

      Those details ARE in the two DT portraits and this is why I always urge my fellow reverse engineering Bessler mobilists to spend about 25% of their research time studying those portraits as they do building / modeling! Even with the portraits and simulation programs, one's progress will be VERY slow. I know mine has been. Don't expect THE solution to jump out at you in your first few days or even your first few YEARS!

      But, once the design is found and published, most of the guesswork and toil will end for everyone. Then it will be time to replicate Bessler's design and try to learn as much as possible from it, something which, unfortunately, was not done during his lifetime. With modern replicas we will be able to determine if the basic design can be improved so as to boost its power output. Almost as important will be determining if it is possible to use the basic principles of Bessler's wheels to make OTHER designs that are also self moving. Who knows, maybe we will even be able to quickly figure out how Asa Jackson's wheel worked as a result!

  10. Hello,

    I was wondering if anyone could recommend an inexpensive/free simulation software for working with Bessler's Wheel? I was hoping to test a few ideas.

    Thank you in advance!

    1. I HIGHLY recommend Working Model 2D for the very beginner. You can get a free download of it from their website to try it out. Unfortunately, there free downloads do not allow one to Save his progress which can be a pain when you are constructing a complex model and need to take a break. If you pay them, then they will provide you with a code that "unlocks" the Save feature in the free download. If you look around on the web, however, you might find someone with an unlocked version for sale.

      WM2D comes with a tutorial that will have you building WORKING models almost immediately. With a few short hours of practice, you will be able to build about 90% of what you want and reliably determine if it is working the way you would like it to work. Be prepared to be surprised at how UNtrustworthy your intuitive sense of mechanics is once you start using simulation programs. Once you begin, you will never be without them again!

    2. My preferred software is, and always has been silux. You can download it, and three pdf documents from It's free.

      Warning: Silux works fine on 32-bit computers, but no-one I know has been able to get it to run on a 64-bit computer. Also the full documentation (desirable for the "power user") may no longer be available from silux AG.

    3. If you need to do 3D modelling, there is Blender, which is free (and which I think Chris Wilson uses). It incorporates Bullet Physics, which is good in some respects, but I have found Blender non-intuitive and quite hard to learn.

      I also sometimes have access to a computer running Solidworks, and also Ansys. Both are good, professional programs, but costly, unless you're into downloading cracked versions, which I don't recommend.

    4. How much cost SolidWorks3D?

    5. According to my contact, the price varies a lot depending on the Solidworks package you select (base model, premium model, etc), but is in the range of several thousand US dollars. See for some discussion on prices.

  11. good pastime for John

  12. “Finally, Herr Orffyreus supposedly gets to the root of the matter when he asserts that children in the lane play with his perpetual motion or so-called superior force.” Wagner

    Could there really have been a toy in that day that children played with that mimicked his secret motion?

    Perform a Google search for “17th century toy”. Click the first image displayed – it should be a picture of a bear and a blacksmith. Or click the link below to go straight to the picture.

    In the 17th century, this toy was produced by monks in a monastery. Didn’t Bessler visit with monks.

    Intersting similarity to MT138. "Children's game in which there is something extraordinary for anyone who knows how to apply the game in a different way." Johann Bessler

    1. I think the "superior force" that both Bessler and Wagner referred to was simply the net driving TORQUE created by the offsetting of the CoM of a one-directional or sub wheel's 8 weights. There are several early 18th "lane games" (most of which I was probably still playing when I was a kid!) that would have utilized superior forces for their actions such as the simple seesaw, the rolling barrel hoop, etc.

      The real problem in building a WORKING OB PM gravity wheel is not creating a superior force or net torque due to a dislocation of its weights' CoM, the problem is MAINTAINING the dislocation as the wheel starts to rotate. That is a VERY tricky thing to do, but Bessler, after a decade of struggle, managed to do just that. The secret of how he did it IS encoded into the two DT portraits, but one must be prepared to make MANY attempts to find AND properly interpret them if he wishes to replicate Bessler's discovery.

      The hammering bear and woodsman toy is, of course, almost identical to the one Bessler illustrated in MT138. That toy DOES show ONE of the principles that Bessler used inside of his wheels. That is, the toy demonstrates how two swinging objects (the hammers) can have their motions carefully "coordinated" so that they do not collide as the toy is being used. In a similar fashion, the individual swinging of the weighted levers inside of Bessler's wheels were also carefully coordinated (although there was no danger of two of the weighted levers ever colliding with each other).

      However, inside of Bessler's wheels the coordination was performed by CORDS and not by rigid wooden pieces as in the toys. The toys also, in a general way, illustrate what happens as diametrically opposed weighted levers swing inside the drum of a Bessler wheel. As weighted levers approach the 9:00 position of a CW rotating drum, they swing CCW and get a bit CLOSER to the axle. OTOH, as weighted levers approach the 3:00 position, they swing CW and get a bit FARTHER from the axle (and eventually come to rest on their rim stops at 3:00).

      One should not take the MT138 toys or any of the other MT illustrations too literally. At best, they only VERY generally HINT at what was going on inside of Bessler's wheels. The serious reverse engineering Bessler mobilist needs to be studying the two DT portraits DAILY and doing a LOT of building / modeling as he does so. There is NO other way!

    2. @ Technoguy

      If by modelling you include theoretical modelling, modelling the dynamic logic, then I agree.

    3. TG, you speak with much technical prowess. You could be right, or you could be a plant, discrediting every good idea, attempting to lead us astray from the "right path". Good luck though to ya ...

    4. @ Frank Grimer

      By "modeling" I mean constructing a virtual wheel on a PC monitor and then using a simulation program to see how it would work in the real world if a physical model was made from it. If the design one has is the same as Bessler found and there are no glitches in the sim program, then the virtual wheel should work and, more importantly, any physical wheel based on it should also work in the real world. However, it is also possible that one may not have the same design Bessler used and his wheel could still work (as in the case of Asa Jackson). In either case, a glitch free virtual model should demonstrate this functionality.

      By "building" I mean, literally, rolling up one's sleeves and using whatever tools and materials are necessary in a shop environment in order to physically construct a real world wheel. Since there are no sim programs involved, all one need be concerned with is whether or not his design is the same as Bessler found or is some other workable design. He must also be concerned that his craftsmanship is not so sloppy that it introduces enough imprecision into his "build" to prevent it from running even if the design is workable!

      @ Anonymous 19:04

      No, I'm not a "plant" or trying to lead anybody astray. I am a Bessler mobilist who is ONLY interested in finding THE design that Bessler used. I believe that he only had ONE basic design that was used in both his one- and two-directional wheels and that there are enough clues, particularly in the two DT portraits, to reproduce that basic design. That is what I work toward rediscovering and which I refer to as the "right track" approach.

      If anybody disagrees with me, then that is their choice and I respect their opinion. If they happen to agree with me, then fine. I believe that I've already described the "right track" approach I'm on with enough detail over the last few months to help them make the switch over to that approach. BUT, be warned, even after a person finally gets on the "right track" he still has a MOUNTAIN of work ahead of himself! There are no easy and fast routes to finding the secret of Bessler's wheels. The first reverse engineering Bessler mobilist to do so since the time of Bessler will have to EARN that privilege in terms of the time and effort it will require.

      Come to think of it, I don't know anybody who performs some highly specialized task well who has not practiced it for at least TEN THOUSAND hours! I've probably "invested" close to that much time myself over the past decades which is why I am currently 99% of the way to the end of the "right track"! But, if one wants to be the FIRST since Bessler to SUCCESSFULLY duplicate HIS wheels, then that is the price which MUST be paid! There is no other way.

  13. Justsomeone says : TG, you are going to look pretty silly when you find out that there are NO clues in the DT portraits. Jmho

    1. I second that!

    2. Hahaha...that's a good one, Justsomeone!

      Well, IF I'm going to look "pretty silly" because there are NO clues in the DT portraits, then I will have a LOT of company. Why don't you ask JC if HE thinks there are no clues in the DT portraits?

      But, I can't blame you for your opinion. Until one SERIOUSLY studies those two portraits he will be quite BLIND to the rich amount of data that they actually do contain. Specifically, data of a mathematical nature which tells one how to design the "magic" levers used in Bessler's wheels and how to interconnect them together to so as to finally achieve the PM effect. However, admittedly, those clues are VERY subtle. One must have the combined skills of a mathematician, a numerologist, and a craftsman in order to be able to finally locate and ACCURATELY decipher them.

      Sadly, most reverse engineering Bessler mobilists take a quick peek at the DT portraits, dismiss them as nice, but useless, and then immediately move on to analyzing the many UNworkable designs and notation clues in MT. They don't realize that the RELEVANT information about the actual design Bessler used that is contained in MT is only about 1% of what is contained in just the two DT portraits alone! Then they wonder why they've been trying to solve the Bessler wheel mystery for decades and achieving ZERO results!

      Failure is virtually GUARANTEED when you are ONLY using 1% of the clues!

  14. Bessler seemed adamant about NOT letting his secret get out while he was alive. Did he say anywhere in his writings that once he died he would want his design to be found? If not, then saying this, along with assuming his writings and portraits include clues is a leap in iteslf.

    1. Why wouldn't he have asked someone to release his wheel notes upon his death. Of course by providing very subtle clues requiring extensive modeling as TG says could have been his way of making you work for it.

    2. I only emphatic quote of Bessler's suggesting that it was possible to reproduce his wheels by studying clues is the introduction to MT where he says that by combining parts of the different illustrations there that it would be possible to BEGIN to look for a PM and eventually find one. That does NOT, however, mean that the actual secret is in MT.

      Bessler most certainly knew that if he died without his design being sold or him leaving behind a schematic or, at least, coded instructions for replicating his wheels in the future, then he would go down in history as a liar and a crook. His entire decade of struggle would then have been COMPLETELY wasted! Unfortunately, that is largely the status attributed to him for the last 300 years.

      Yes, he was mad at the world of his time and had absolutely no intention of being screwed out of a single thaler for his invention while he lived. But, after death one has little need for money. Just as he planned ahead for his demise by destroying the wheel he hoped to sell to the Royal Society after that deal went sour and also destroyed his original tabletop prototype made at the House of Richters, he made sure he left those coded instructions behind that would allow a future Bessler mobilist to resurrect his design and also clear his name of any doubt or suspicion as to his truthfulness or the genuineness of this wheels.

      Those coded instructions can be found in the DT portraits.

    3. Correction:

      The first line of my comment above should read "I only know of one emphatic quote of Bessler's..."

      Sorry about that.

  15. TG said

    "Bessler most certainly knew that if he died without his design being sold or him leaving behind a schematic or, at least, coded instructions for replicating his wheels in the future, then he would go down in history as a liar and a crook. His entire decade of struggle would then have been COMPLETELY wasted! Unfortunately, that is largely the status attributed to him for the last 300 years."

    Bessler wasn't concerned enough to clear his name by showing his wheel while he was alive (that is a fact), but you say it was very import to him after his death. You have zero proof of this claim and that the portraits have 99% of the clues when Bessler himself said that MT could be used to reconstruct his wheel. I'm sure I could take one of his portraits and connect enough dots to spell out "Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine".

    1. "You have zero proof of this claim and that the portraits have 99% of the clues when Bessler himself said that MT could be used to reconstruct his wheel. I'm sure I could take one of his portraits and connect enough dots to spell out "Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine"."

      All I can say is that, based on years of research, you are dead wrong about that, sir.

      For example, just a few days ago I managed to decode clues that VERY strongly indicate that the Merseburg wheel's design employed TWO springs (about 6 inches in length each unstretched) on each of its 16 weighted levers. That's a total of 32 springs for the entire two-directional wheel.

      I'm now working with this new detail introduced into my models and believe that each of these springs would have had a k value in the range of about 8 to 16 lbs per inch. Using only a single spring per weighted lever increases the required k value into the range of 16 to 32 lbs per inch which I think is a bit too high for the types of simple helical springs Bessler would have been using.

      Of course, I have only been able to isolate and properly interpret these clues after MUCH study of the portraits. The average "wrong track" or newbie "right track" Bessler mobilist will not be able to find them without assistance. He will, like I was for a LONG time, be completely "blind" to them. My advice to you and others is to look a LOT less into MT and MORE into those DT portraits. Things started to change dramatically in my research when I did just that.

      Ovaltine? I used to drink that stuff by the gallon as a kid! LOL! I'm not sure when chocholate was brought to Europe from the New World, but I guess Bessler might have tasted it during his lifetime, but I don't see any clues that indicate that!

    2. The "Don't forget to drink your Ovaltine" quote was out of the Christmas Story movie.

      Let me ask you a question, and if you don't want to answer, I understand. I have been working on a weight/lever design similar to MT9. Do any of the portrait clues suggest this type of weight shifting/transfer mechanism?

    3. @ Zoelra

      The notation to MT9 reads:

      "Because one has learned that little is to be accomplished with the sphere-wheels like those just now seen in the figures and diagrams, one speculates on another principle, namely: on weights! In all places where I have found weight-figures, these weights are seen to be simple and nothing is attached to the belts or chains. Such is the case with Leupold, but nothing is to be accomplished with his thing unless one acts out of my connectedness principle; but here I do not yet wish to show or discuss the figure for the time being."

      Yes, the design Bessler used is similar to MT9, but it only has 8 weighted levers per one-directional wheel or sub wheel and the "Connectedness Principle" is a bit more complicated than that shown in MT9. In addition, Bessler's design requires at least one "assisting" spring be attached to each lever (I recently determined that the Merseburg wheel used two springs "in parallel" per lever) and a lever which is shaped MUCH differently from the simplistic one of MT9.

      If you are working with MT9-like designs, they you are BEGINNING to get onto the "right track"! Congradulations!

    4. Thanks for the insight. Glad I'm moving in the "right direction" !!!

  16. Justsomeone says : Bessler was not planning on dieing when he did.

    1. True enough. I don't have JC's book with me but I believe there was a long period of time between the time he worked on his last wheel and the time he died. Certainly if restoring his good name or making sure the world had his invention after his death was a priority, he would have taken steps to make sure this would happen. But he didn’t, he destroyed all the physical evidence, and he went on to building a windmill and not another gravity wheel. None of his children stepped forward to provide any information either (at least not that we know). I would like to think that his writings and portraits include clues, and that they are helpful and not misleading, but there really aren’t any facts to substantiate this either way. I also would not discount everyone else’s work based on my own interpretation of what I consider to be clues and their meaning.

    2. "I would like to think that his writings and portraits include clues, and that they are helpful and not misleading, but there really aren’t any facts to substantiate this either way."

      When I finally reveal ALL of the details I've discovered about the Merseburg wheel's internal mechanism from the clues contained in the DT portraits ALONE, I think you'll QUICKLY change your mind about there not having been ANY clues in those portraits. Indeed, there are MANY of them there and far, FAR more than contained in MT!

      Yes, Bessler was obsessed with the security of his inventions and that primarily explains why he kept destroying wheels and burning and burying notes. BUT, there was a SINGLE exception to this rule: the two DT portraits. One can not solve the Bessler mystery unless and until he has mastered ALL of the DT portrait clues. Until one does this, he can not progress to the end of the "right track" to achieve a WORKING OB PM gravity wheel. I am VERY close to having located all of the clues in those portraits AND correctly interpreted them all!

    3. The portraits remind me of one of my son’s “I Spy” computer games where you have to search around for hidden objects under the ocean or in a big mansion. These games are fun and entertaining but finding meaning in a bunch of things laying on a table or hanging on the wall is not so straight forward. I envy your inductive reasoning skills TG. Say, you wouldn’t happen to wear a rain coat and drive around an old beat up Peugeot, would you?

    4. LOL! No, I can't stand raincoats and always carry an umbrella on rainy days. Rather than a Peugeot, I drive a rapidly aging Chevy "Cavalier" which I purchased because I liked the performance profile of its "Ecotech" engine. This engine cruises like a four cylinder, then behaves like a 6 cylinder during accelerations! Drivers of other small four cylinder cars probably think they need a tune up after the driver of a Ecotech powered vehicle leaves them far behind after a traffic light turns green!

      Yes, it takes a LOT of work to make sense of the symbols in the two DT portraits. This, of course, is EXACTLY what Bessler intended. He only wanted the most persistant and dedicated of Bessler mobilists to finally be able to reverse engineer the design he had found and used.

      There were several points along my journey down the "right track" where I hit an impasse and could not progress any further no matter how hard I tried. Then, almost miraculously, when I was on the verge of completely giving up, a tiny glimpse of a possible way around the impasse would surface and I'd be moving along again. One must be simultaneously building / modeling (preferrably modeling, IMO) and studying the various clues, especially the two DT portraits. IF one can do that long enough, he WILL be the recipient of a VERY nice inheritance, indeed, from Master Bessler! Too bad he chose NOT to make it a free inheritance...

    5. comments in almost 24 hours! That's unusual. Here's something to stimulate some debate:

      I consider this to be one of the most important of the text clues.

      "Wagner describes how he thinks my machine is constructed; he babbles about “excess weights” being snatched along, by means of “internal motive power”, in a frequently-repeated cycle of up and down movements. According to him, Nature dictates that things gravitate downwards. But the weights, which rest below must, in a flash, be raised upwards, and it is this, that Wagner cannot force himself to accept. But, crazy Wagner, just note that that is indeed the case with my device." (AP, pg. 341)

      It's clear to me that the weights which Bessler describes as "resting below" are those weights whose lever pivots are located between a CW rotating drum's 6:00 and 9:00 positions. Those levers' weights do indeed "hang" almost pendant or straight down below their respective pivots as these pivots approach the drum's 9:00 position and a horizontal line passing through the center of the axle. (Indeed, from my own modeling I know that, aside from the 6:00 weighted lever, the 7:30 weighted lever must ALSO be pointing directly vertically downward and that if it is not, then it will draw the CoM of all of the wheel's 8 weights right over to the punctum quietus point under the axle and ruin the wheel's OB in the process.)

      Then, Bessler tells us that something truly amazing happens! The weighted levers, upon their pivots passing the 9:00 position of the rotating drum, SUDDENLY begin swinging CW again and moving closer to their rim stops (with final contact not being made until the pivots reach the drum's 3:00 position). Bessler ASSURES us in this quote that this is EXACTLY how his secret mechanism functioned. He also, by deriding "crazy" Wagner, emphasizes that this sudden reversal in lever rotation about its pivot was NOT accomplished by some conventional "internal motive power" such as the mainspring driven clockwork in Wagner's fake replica of Bessler's one directional wheels.

      My own computer modeling of a 4:1 Merseburg wheel's one-directional sub wheel shows that this sudden change in swing direction by ascending side weighted levers is a CRITICALLY necessary condition in order to construct a WORKING OB PM gravity wheel. The weighted levers MUST, as they pass the 9:00 position of a CW turning drum, begin rotating CW about their pivots and thereby moving closer to their rim stops and they must do this as soon as possible IF the CoM of all 8 of the wheel's weights is to remain on the descending side of the drum.

      How did Bessler achieve this mechanical miracle? Answer: through a VERY cleverly devised, yet simple, corded interconnections between specially shaped weighted levers and the use of spring tension during a certain portion of a weighted lever's journey around the drum's axle. That's the "short" answer. The detailed "long" answer will require far more words than this comment's character limit to deliver.

  17. TG, would you liken the movement of the weights (relative to the center of the wheel) to the retrograde/prograde movement of the planets as seen from earth.

    1. That's a VERY good analogy! Indeed, if one could mount a stationary video camera on the axle of one of Bessler's one-directional wheels or sub wheels and keep it aimed at the 9:00 position of a CW rotating drum, he would see the smooth and continous retrograde / prograde swinging of the weighted levers about their pivots as their pivots approached and then passed the 9:00 position of the drum.

      How was this effect achieved? Well, this is exactly the area I am now concentrating on. One must, obviously, have both a 7:30 and 9:00 weighted lever precisely angled with respect to each other at the beginning of each 45 degree increment of drum rotation and then the interconnecting cords between the two levers must of be the correct lengths and attached to precise points on the levers. If ALL of these factors are correct, then one will see the 9:00 weighted lever "rise in a flash" (and also have its weight draw closer to its rim stop) as it swings CW about its pivot and that pivot approaches the 10:30 position of the drum. While that is happening, the 7:30 weighted lever's pivot will be approaching the 9:00 position of the drum and that lever, as it continues to swing CCW, will finally assume the EXACT same starting orientation as was had by the previous 9:00 weighted lever at the beginning of the 45 degree increment of drum rotation. Or, as the Master said:

      "If one weight is giving an upward impetus, another one, at the same time, is giving an equal downward one." (AP, pg. 362)

      Sounds so very easy to achieve in practice, doesn't it. Trust me, it is NOT. But, I keep trying and consulting those all important DT portrait clues as I do.

  18. Justsomeone says : Two points. First, the impetus quote is about Wagner's wheel, not Bessler's. Second, there are NO clues in the portraits. :)

    1. I took that quote from a general listing of AP quotes. Whether or not it describes Wagner's wheel is irrelevant. What counts is that it DOES describe SOME of the action going on inside of Bessler's wheels. No single component of Bessler's wheels could have violated ANY of our known laws of physics and mechanics and this quote indicates that. Obviously, if no single component can violate any of these laws, then neither can any collection of components. Therefore, Bessler's OB PM gravity wheels at no time violated the laws of physics and mechanics.

      "Second, there are NO clues in the portraits."

      LOL! My stomach is actually starting to hurt from laughing! If you had made a SERIOUS study of those two portraits, then you wouldn't be making such a statement! Anyone making such a statement is trying to convince himself that he ALREADY has ALL of the clues and that is definitely NOT the case if one discounts the DT portraits!

      But, I can not really blame you too much because most of the clues in the portraits are of an encrypted mathematical nature. They require a GREAT deal of analysis, coupled with CONSTANT building / modeling, in order to properly rationalize. This can not be done with a quick perusal. You have to do what Bessler tells you to do in that second portrait: get out your dividers, protractor, and ruler and start making some PRECISE measurements. Record ALL angles and ratios. Draw lines between obvious "points" and see where they lead.

      Here's something to get you started with some introductory level "higher" analysis.

      Draw a straight line through the noses of the two cherubim that hover near the upper right corner of the organ in the background. You will find that it passes through the exact center of the clock's dial which is sort of like the nose of the clock's "face". Next draw another line from the center of the clock dial through the tip of Bessler's nose and see where that one leads. I'll leave it to you to continue from there!

  19. Justsome says : continue wasting your time with the portraits on the wrong track!!!!

    1. If one is NOT studying the DT portrait clues then, truly, he IS wasting his time, IMO. I was in that sad catagory for more YEARS than I care to remember.

      There are a variety of PARTICULAR numbers, angles, and ratios that are repeated in both of the portraits. This precise repetition was NOT accidental, but rather the result of VERY careful planning on the part of Bessler.

      If, as I previously suggested, you had followed the line from the center of the clock dial through the tip of Bessler's nose in the second DT portrait, you would have discovered that it arrives at the space between the lenses of the eyeglasses he holds in his right hand; in other words at the space where the wearer's NOSE would go!

      The message from this is clear. If one studies the various lines, angles, and ratios in the two portraits, it will be as though he, figuratively, put on a pair of eyeglasses. What are eyeglasses intended to do? They help one see more clearly! In this case the knowledge gained from studying the portrait clues will aid the Bessler mobilist as he seeks to gain a CLEAR image of the secret mechanism that Bessler used in his wheels.

      It's also obvious to me, "Justsomeone", that you are NOT yet ready to have these metaphorical eyeglasses placed before your mind's eyes and, therefore, you also are not yet ready to switch over to the "right track" approach to solving the Bessler wheel mystery. Perhaps in time you will be. Meanwhile, I continue my study of the DT portrait clues as I seek to finally complete 100% of the journey down the "right track".

    2. How is it possible for the wheel to self-start if it relies on SWINGING weights? If the weights swing FREELY, then surely there has to be an orientation at which the wheel would not self-start, because a weight might be in a position where it has had not even begun to swing. Or in other words, the wheel might attempt to be started in a position where a weight would normally be in mid-swing, which wouldn’t work, as it would not have acquired any swinging movement at that point.

      It seems to me therefore that the weights must have a CONTROLLED swing, where the weights are constantly under some sort of tension to hold them in any given position.

      But if the swing is controlled, how can they add anything into the set-up above what ordinary levers do anyway?

      Any explanations, anybody, TG?


    3. PART I:

      Thanks for your insightful question, Anonymous 12:31.

      Bessler's ONE-directional wheels were self-starting from ANY drum orientation because their CoM was ALWAYS located on a drum's descending side and STAYED there whether the drum was stationary or in rotation. More importantly, the torque that his wheels displayed did NOT depend upon any "swinging" of their internal weighted levers because, as you note, his wheels had this torque even when they were stationary and the internal weighted levers were not rotating about their own pivots.

      On to another matter.

      In my comment of 25 August 2012 20:36, I may have given the reader the impression that I think that, in a CW rotating drum, the 7:30 weighted lever, as it approached a drum's 9:00 position, was SOLELY lifting the 9:00 weighted lever into position as its pivot approached the drum's 10:30 position. In reality I don't think this was what was really going on inside of Bessler's wheels.

      It is, indeed, possible to angle a drum's 7:30 and 9:00 weighted levers so that a 45 degree CW increment of drum rotation will result in the 9:00 weighted lever being lifted as it approaches the drum's 10:30 position. All that is necessary is to arrange matters so that, as the lift occurs, the 7:30 going to 9:00 position weight will vertically drop a slightly greater distance than the 9:00 going to 10:30 postion weight vertically rises. This assures that the former falling weight will transfer enough energy / mass to the latter lifted weight to raise it.

      However, when you try to use this approach in your builds / computer models of Bessler's wheels, you will quickly discover that it immediately draws the CoM of all of your wheel's weights right over to the punctum quietus. Therefore, this is NOT the approach Bessler used!

      Keep his quote in mind (My interpretation. Yes, I know it's NOT a word for word translation!) :

      "He will be called a great craftsman
      who can easily throw up a heavy thing
      such that when one pound falls a certain distance
      it rapidly lifts a total of four seperate one pound weights EACH up through a distance equal to the drop distance of the falling one pound weight.
      Whoever can correctly understand how this is done
      can use the principle to soon produce perpetual motion.
      Whoever does not yet understand the principle involved will only be wasting all of his effort."

      As we've discussed in past comments, this quote (another that I consider in the "MOST important" text clues catagory) refers to the use of careful counter balancing. Bessler suggests that it is possible to easily lift four separate one pound weights through a distance equal to the distance that a one pound weight drops! To do this, the four one pound weights would have to be rendered nearly COMPLETELY weightLESS! How could Bessler do something like this? Cleverly hidden power sources inside or outside of the wheels? Help from angels? Help from demons? Levitation?

      Actually, none of these. It CAN be done by carefully counter balancing the four one pound weights with yet another weight or with spring tension or with a combination of the two assisting counter balancing forces so that, COLLECTIVELY, the four one pound weights effectively weigh LESS than ONE pound!

    4. PART II:

      In the case of Bessler's one-directional wheels or sub wheels, as a 7:30 weighted lever approached the 9:00 position of a CW rotating drum, a SINGLE cord connecting it to the 9:00 going to 10:30 position weighted lever would allow that weighted lever to be "easily" and smoothly lifted into position as its weight moved closer to its rim stop (but did not yet make full contact). This happened because that lever's weight had, effectively, been rendered nearly completely weightless through its corded interconnections to the other weighted levers in the drum leading it that were, themselves, under spring tension.

      This then is how Bessler's wheels must have operated. The nice thing about this approach is that it allows one to use initial orientations of the 7:30 and 9:00 weighted levers that would NEVER allow the former to lift the latter solely by itself. In fact, with this approach, the starting orientations of the two weighted levers actually become irrelevant!

      However, one must use orientations of the two levers that will always maintain the offset CoM of the 8 weights throughout a 45 degree increment of drum rotation and, most importantly, will result in the 7:30 weighted lever assuming the SAME orientation that the 9:00 weighted lever had when the former finally reaches the latter's starting 9:00 position after the 45 degree increment of drum rotation is completed. IF this is done and IF all of the weighted levers are identical in size and shape and IF all of the weights, cords, and springs have the same parameters (or nearly so), THEN this shifting process will be repeated one drum rotation increment after infinitum (well, almost, that is)!

      Yes, I know I make all of this sound easy. It's certainly not. As some wit once said, "The devil is in the details." It will take a mountain of work to find out PRECISELY how Bessler used this counter balancing approach to make his wheels do what no other mobilist prior (as least that we know of!) had been able to capable of a self-motion that does not require a "conventional" external or internal power source.

      Such a device has been most aptly dubbed "The Holy Grail of Mechanics". Reverse engineering Bessler mobilists are, in a sense, therefore like the medieval knights of the Arthurian legends who sought the real "Holy Grail"! "Our" Holy Grail, however, will not bestow eternal life, but only eternal motion...well almost.

  20. Anonymous26 August 2012 12:31 said :
    "It seems to me therefore that the weights must have a CONTROLLED swing, where the weights are constantly under some sort of tension to hold them in any given position."
    Very clever observation ! Completely and utterly similar to what I have come to conclude . I will not say "exactly" this or that but (your ideas are) in full accord and without difference (to mine) . Very good .

    1. Further, in an attempt not to leave anyone hanging with incomplete or useless ideas or doubt as to whether there is any valid concept or principle which can be used or employed to produce P.M. I write further : A p.m. device must consist of two devices , which produce two distinct output waveforms , either of which must reinforce the weaknesses of the other respectively .

    2. In a sense, the "right track" design for Bessler's one-directional wheels could be thought of as containing 8 devices (the separate weighted levers) each of which would "reinforce" the "weaknesses" of the others during a complete drum rotation. Ordinarily, after a completed 45 degree increment of drum rotation had occurred, the CoM of the 8 weights would be expected to begin rotating down and below the punctum quietus, but this was then prevented by the next weighed lever moving between the CW rotating drum's 7:30 and 9:00 positions. Result: the CoM of the 8 weighted levers always remained on the wheel's descending side throughout a complete drum rotation.

    3. Chris,

      Two identical devices, maybe out of phase?

    4. I have contended all along that two devices that could produce different waveforms ( out of phase or similarly described ) and compliment each other could produce p.m. . The thing we must remember in such case is that our device has a constant counterpart ( the wheel itself ) that merely expresses the result of our inner work .

    5. Sounds like you are differentiating between the "inner works" from the "exterior wheel" if I am interpreting your post correctly. So could these be the two parts you mentioned earlier that reinforce each other.

    6. Wow I should really read what I type.

      Sounds like you are differentiating the "inner works" from the "exterior wheel" if I am interpreting your post correctly. So would these two parts be the two devices you mentioned earlier that reinforce each other?

  21. Sit down and raise your hand like a good student .... and stop making such an inflated mess .

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  I wish all of you a happy new year!  This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...