Thursday 16 August 2012

Away again - and another clue!

I'll be away for a few days so, as usual I might close the comments facility, although I'm not decided yet - sorry guys.  If I do close the comments it will happen on Friday evening about seven o'clock GMT (plus 1).  But I'll be back quite soon - and no, I haven't succeeded in rebuilding Bessler's wheel yet!

I'm in two minds about providing this clue as it may lead to someone deciphering my coded anagram and thus the priniple used in Bessler's wheel.  In fact, instead of giving you the clue, I will simply say that if you go to my website at and study the pages, there are two of the pages which contain vital clues, but you must pick two items and draw intellectual connections between the facts described and then apply one fact from one item to the other one.  Not much of a clue I know but it will become clear when I explain what I mean.

So I'll be in Spain on Saturday and I'll try to keep an eye on things to make sure the comment facility is ok.  I think I can close it from there if I have to but I prefer not to.



The Real Johann Bessler Codes part one

I’ve decided to include in my blogs some of the evidence I have found and deciphered which contain  the real information Bessler intended us...