Sunday 23 December 2012


I'm not sure if I shall post another blog before Christmas as our house is now bursting at the seams!  My elder daughter, son-in-law and two of my grandchildren are all here and eating and drinking us out of house and home!  Two of them are now six foot four and can eat for the olympics, and we have had to resort to alcohol to de-stress! It was also my younger daughter's birthday, yesterday, and we are having ten for Christmas dinner.  Great fun though and I wouldn't miss it for the world, but getting time to blog when there is so much going on is not so easy, but I do get up early every morning, always have done, and that may be my best time to write.

My long search for the solution to Bessler's wheel..............continues!  I don't know how many times, as each year draws to a close, I've written that I'm sure that next year will be the year somone somewhere succeeds in solving this puzzle.  So what about 2013?  Will it be the year?  I don't know and perhaps it is a good idea not to tempt fate by saying that I have a feeling that it will be the year when Bessler's wheel rolls again!

I'm disappointed that we didn't succeed during this 300th anniversary year but that would have been a mighty coincidence, wouldn't it - to actually solve the problem on the 300th anniversary? So next year will be the 301st since Bessler exhibited his wheel, but of course he probably built his proof of principle wheel the year before so maybe it will be 302 years since he actually discovered the secret.  It simply doesn't matter whether we time the solution to a nice round number of years as long as we do make the discovery - and the sooner the better.

There are lots of discoveries to celebrate every year but mostly only the more famous ones get a centenary.  Somehow I feel that when this one surfaces it will earn the right to have centenary celebration.  So forget the 300th anniversary, next year will do just fine for the discovery of how Johann Bessler built his self-moving wheel.  Good luck to us all and I wish everone a Merry Christmas or a Happy Holiday according to your personal preference.




  1. Thanks John and all the same to you.
    You know ,if you think of it,the 300th anniversary is actually from June to June which means we still have 6 months to meet the deadline.
    I have a new wheel on the drawingboard at the moment that I'm sure is going to crack it,but I suppose you've heard all this before so I will let you know when the wheel actually turns.

    1. So there's still time! Good luck, Trevor. I too am still hoping to make fully working model, but definitely not before the New Year now!!


  2. John,Happy Merry Christmas to you and your family and everyone on this orbiting planet.

  3. Best of the holiday season to you and your family and friends, John. Try to keep your stress levels as minimum as possible. Sadly, it has been noted that the maximum number of heart attacks occurs on Christmas Day! The reasons aren't too hard to understand: lack of sleep, rushing around doing last minute gift buying, last minute holiday decorating (my annual headache), entertaining people one may not have seen (sometimes thankfully!) in one or more years, foods laden with grease, salt, and sugar, and driving like a maniac to get home from a friend's home after having "one (or more!) for the road"!

    Trevor is quite right. The 300th anniversary of Bessler's Gera wheel demo will not be up until June 12th, 2013, so we still have about five and a half months to finally solve the Bessler wheel mystery. I know I'll be right in there plugging away at it...especially now that I am so close!

    Merry Christmas Everyone!

  4. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody!

  5. Thank you, John. Merry Christmas to you too! We finally have a little time to build the machine. I hope that this year accepted to go!

  6. John, I would like to take this opportunity to Thank You for your tireless work on the wheel. You are such an integral part of all of our lives that you seem like a brother. You single handedly have kept me going over the years to keep on keeping on. I have learned so much this past year, that it seems impossible that we will not have a wheel turning before the 300 year anniversary is over.

    Merry Christmas to your house and all who enter

    I am a Perpetuum Mobilist

  7. Merry Christmas to you and your family, John.

    Happiest of holidays to all the readers of John's blog.

    Yes, it would have been very cool to have someone announce a successful wheel back in June, but as you say, let's just get it done.

    Bessler will always be known as the man who first built a self-running wheel, but whoever rediscovers it will also gain world renown as the one who gave it to the world.

    - Mark

  8. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

  9. PART I:

    Alright already...Christmas is OVER now. Time to put our new toys away for a while, and get back to work on our wheels! Even Santa's elves are ALREADY working on NEXT Christmas' toys!

    I've just completed another morning "marathon" session of "right track" modeling and testing and have reached the following conclusions about THE design that Bessler found and used in the Merseburg wheel (the numbers given below must be modified when applied to my 4:1 scale model wheel. Distances are divided by 4 and k values by 16 for my reduced scale computer model wheel).


    (a) A one-directional "sub wheel" within the two-directional Merseburg wheel used a "Contact BEFORE 3:00" design with primary springs that had an initial stretch of 0.75 inches and a spring constant or k value of 20 lbs per inch. This design gives an impressive horizontal projection of the center of mass of its eight 4 lb weights of 0.92 inches onto the drum's descending side.


    (b) A one-directional "sub wheel" within the two-directional Merseburg wheel was a "Contact AFTER 3:00" design with primary springs that had an initial stretch of 1.00 inches and a spring constant or k value of 16 lbs per inch. This design gives a somewhat less impressive horizontal projection of the center of mass of its eight 4 lb weights of 0.72 inches onto the drum's descending side.

    The varying INITIAL (that is, when a weight was in contact with its rim stop) stretch distances of the primary springs and their k values in the two designs allow BOTH designs' 6:00 going to 7:30 position weighted levers' pivots to arrive at the 7:30 position with the levers vertically oriented which helps maximize horizontal displacement of the CoM. BOTH designs also have the configurations of their 10:30 to 3:00 position weighted levers remain stable WITHOUT the use of supporting latches on the 12:00 weighted levers. This stability is also maintained for BOTH designs as long as an initial acceleration given to the drum (as in the case of the push starts used for the two-directional wheel) is not excessive (which is the reason why Bessler would push start his two-directional wheels using only two FINGERS!).

    So WHICH of these two slightly DIFFERENT designs did Bessler ACTUALLY use? Good question because I can find MULTIPLE clues to support BOTH designs in the two DT portraits!

    On the surface, it would appear that the "Contact BEFORE 3:00" design is the superior one because it gives the maximum horizontal projection of the CoM: 0.92 inches. However, there is a rather distinct advantage to the "Contact AFTER 3:00" design with is lesser horizontally projected CoM which only becomes obvious when the design is tested.

    I noticed that, upon commencing CW drum rotation, the 10:30 going to 12:00 weighted levers in the "Contact BEFORE 3:00" design required almost 20 degrees of drum rotation, nearly HALF of the 45 degree interval of rotation, before they even started to move their weights closer to their rim stops. OTOH, the 10:30 going to 12:00 weighted levers in the "Contact AFTER 3:00" design began moving their weights closer to their rim stops after only 5 degrees of drum rotation! Since, when all of the "Connectedness Principle" cords are in place, there is a taut cord stretching from the 10:30 weighted lever to the 9:00 weighted lever that applies a lifting force to it that thereby helps to initiate the "Bessler Effect", it would seem that the "Contact AFTER 3:00" design would be that which one would prefer to use despite its lower torque.

  10. PART II:

    Anyway, from now on I will be working with BOTH designs simultaneously as I progress down the "right track" to see which one, when a final running design is found, produces the maximum torque. It's still a bit premature to pick one over the other and I've only mentioned them here to give my fellow mobilists an idea of the problems that Bessler's DELIBERATE use of ambiguous symbolism in the portraits can lead to. Despite this, however, I consider it a "good" sign that he is doing this with the overall design that he found and used. It represents the last (hopefully!) of his efforts in the DT portrait clues to confuse and frustrate future reverse engineering mobilists before they finally arrive at the END of the "right track" and successfully find THE design.

    Also during this morning's extended computer modeling / testing session, another "revelation" came to me.

    I'm now starting to believe that the primary springs inside of Bessler's wheels did NOT participate DIRECTLY in rendering the 9:00 going to 10:30 weighted levers' weights weightless! That was accomplished SOLELY by TWO secondary springs attached to each weighted lever which were used in a special way (I do not have all of the details of this at this time). In the last blog entry's comments I revealed the "Center of Cover / Tip of Nose Clue" that can be found in the 1st DT portrait and commented that I thought the two wig curls in the clue meant that a PRIMARY and secondary spring were used to negate the weight of the weights whose pivots were traveling between the drum's 9:00 and 10:30 positions. I have now had a change of mind about this and believe that the two curls actually represent two SECONDARY springs.

    Well, I, obviously, do not yet have ALL of the details of THE "right track" design that Bessler found and used. But, after this morning's extended research session, I believe that I am definitely heading in the right direction again. I will shortly be turning most of my attention on the secondary springs that were attached to the 9:00 going to 10:30 drum position weighted levers. The placement and tensioning of these springs are CRITICAL to producing that all important EARLY "Bessler Effect" that I have been mentioning. Unless this information can be found, then it will NOT be possible to duplicate Bessler's wheels!

    If my luck holds up, then it just might be possible to legitimately announce that the rediscovery of Bessler's secret wheel mechanism HAS been achieved and to do so BEFORE the 300th anniversary of the Gera wheel's public demonstration ends at midnight, local Gera time, on Tuesday, June 11, 2013!

  11. Good luck TG. As for all us mobilists, gravity -or more precisely, anti-gravity- effects are quite in the public eye, as may be witnessed by this:

    A million euro prize. Not bad!

    1. Yes, Andre, but where to be found is the prize for the machine that produces usable energy from gravity?

      There seem to be prizes for everything under the sun but that.

      Such would interest yours truly, truly.


      And, yes, of course, BEST of luck to him/her/it.

      Why not?

      Uh, well . . .

      "If my luck holds up, then it just might be possible to . . ." - @technoXXX 26 December 2012 11:38

      Pardon me while I barf!?!

      (What is it to take to finally dislodge this wordy, cowardly parasite? Reveal yourself, you hiding, stinking little rat!)


  12. OMG! Our PRIMively Evolved MIget GNome (ONly Irritating To Everyone) is BACK again and "BARFING" while ALSO defecating! His entire digestive tract must be fully charged with fetid sludge as a consequence of celebrating the troll equivalent of Christmas. God only knows what foul slime they all feast on as they celebrate the birth of their King of Trolls!

    Once again, the windows of this blog comment section should be opened and the ventilation system turned up to maximum. All non-trolls present should, as a precautionary measure, don their emergency gas masks and protective boots and gloves and proceed to the nearest exits in a calm and orderly fashion. Perhaps in a few hours the stench levels will drop down into the tolerable range again! If not, then this section may have to be temporarily sealed and fumigated with a concentrated deodorizing gas.

  13. TG wrote: "the windows of this blog comment section should be opened and the ventilation system turned up to maximum"

    IMO, John should open the door, shove TG out, and close and lock the door behind him!!

    This isn't the first time that I've had to put up with reading this kind of post from him.
    What really rips it, is having my young Granddaughter looking over my shoulder while it was on the screen.

    I have had more than enough of this nonsense.

  14. i disagree. the coward 'midget gnome' got what he diserved for insulting tg. hes the one who should be banned not tg.

  15. Guys, please resist the urge to insult each other, it's not entertaining for the rest of us.

    TG I have asked you more than once to curb your enthusiasm for long detailed descriptions of your thinking - I welcome all comments but yours are excessively long and tend to dominate the comments section. I'd prefer it too, if you would modify your language, no matter how offended you may feel. Perhaps you have brought it upon yourself by taking up such a large part of the comments section? People dislike grandstanding. I've told you already that I don't even read your writings because of their length, not because I have any disregard for your thoughts, but because they are too long and I cannot be bothered to plough through it all.


    1. "Guys, please resist the urge to insult each other, it's not entertaining for the rest of us."

      I do agree, John, but I happen to be particularly allergic to troll verbal excrement especially when it tends to be REGULARLY directed at me by someone who thinks his "eloquence" gives him the right to insult whomever he pleases whenever he pleases. It's a shame that this one decided to turn your otherwise nice blog into his personal toilet! However, to "keep the peace", if he will agree to stop dumping his "eloquent" verbal crap on me, I promise to stop telling everyone how much it stinks! I am a firm believer that compromise is always possible.

      Sorry, if I am perceived as tending "to dominate the comments section" here. That is not my intention at all and I always invite others to share the results of their research here as I do. Unfortunately, they almost never do! I always TRY to keep my comments here short, but, sometimes that is not possible if what I submit is not to be confusing to readers. I value the time of those who read my comments and want to make sure that they get something of value for the time they invest in coming here and reading them.

      Maybe I should consider only commenting here once every few days or so instead of daily? Then again, perhaps this blog is really NOT the proper place for me to present my latest research results concerning the secret mechanism Bessler found and used. If you wish me to stop posting comments here altogether, then just say the word and I will be IMMEDIATELY gone!

      I had a VERY interesting two-part comment concerning one of the most important illustrations in MT that I intended to post at this time, but now I think I'll wait a while before doing so.

  16. They belt each other sometimes...... so what? We should not be to oversensitive,even Bessler himself penned sometimes nasty stuff.It is my personal opinion,that,what is written on John's blog,everything have relatedness to Bessler's wheel.

  17. Come guys,..chill out,..have some more wisky!

    1. You can't even spell!..the word is whiskey.
      That shows I'm not a habitual whiskey drinker.

  18. I come here to read John's blog posts, and if I have time I will read a few comments that are supposed to be pretty much related to the post at hand.

    James is correct in pointing out TG as a parasite. That is the proper definition of something that would feed off of others, in this case John's notoriety and web traffic.

    TG can get his own blog going very easily, by getting an account on, just as John has done. That fact that he doesn't seems to indicate that he is either to lazy or wants his comments in front of an established audience, hence parasite.

    Technoguy (Ken, whoever) prove us wrong.

    And "Bessler's Secret Mechanism"? Yeah, you are Ken B.


    1. Ed makes a good point - hardly half of the comments relate to what I've posted. I don't mind, in fact perhaps it's a hint that I should be a bit more controversial?


    2. James is correct in pointing out TG as a parasite.

      if tg is a parasite, then we could use more like him on this blog.

  19. Ken Behrendt (Technoguy)

    You should make your own blog. If Chris Wilson can do it, so can you.

  20. Ken's design will not produce PM. It is based on the simple shifting of weights which is at best break-even excluding friction. Employing springs in the manner in which he is using them will not help as they are themselves compressed by the shifting weights they will later help to shift as they un-compress.

    The answer lies in what is noticeably missing from his design ... the prime mover. The prime mover cannot be powered by the device it is powering.

    Keep looking Ken, you may yet find the solution you are seeking.

  21. What I would like to see from TG ( Ken) is maybe a weekly short update on his wheel, not a daily lengthy one. I don't mind his other posts not related to his " right track, cough cough " design. Seriously Ken, do you have to talk about right track, spring tension, k values, 9 and 3 o'clock. Ect. Ect. In most every post? If we were to look at 40 of your wheel posts, they would all look the same! Justsomeone

    1. @JSO

      You seem have the most rational, least vitriolic suggestions which, surprisingly, actually fit in well with my own efforts at solving the Bessler wheel mystery!

      HENCEFORTH, I will only give a DETAILED progress report on my ongoing cutting edge "right track" wheel research, if warranted, about once a week as results are obtained. Not sure what day...maybe a weekend day since things tend to be quieter for me then. In this way, I will have much more time to devote to the research (which I actually prefer to posting on the internet!) and I will also have more confidence in the reliability of what I post because more testing will have gone into verifying it. Perhaps this approach will even help BETTER ensure that THE solution will be obtained BEFORE the end of the 300th anniversary of the Gera wheel's first public demonstration. I am EAGERLY looking forward to being able to make that announcement right HERE on JC's blog as a tribute to his efforts to promote the subject and, of course, to Bessler's tireless struggle to SUCCESSFULLY do the "impossible" without which NONE of us would be here right now!

      This new approach does not mean that I won't be commenting the rest of the time, but those comments will tend to be less frequent, shorter, and more directed toward whatever topic JC has blogged. I'll also occasionally discuss the significance of some of the MANY important clues I've found in the Bessler literature and, of course, in the ALL IMPORTANT DT portraits (a thorough treatment of which would literally require a LARGE volume!).

      Because of the havoc caused by the midget gnome's last visit, I was actually considering permanently deleting that two-part comment on the MOST important illustration in MT and its significance which I mentioned in my last comment, but as a reward for JSO's quite sensible suggestions, I will post it tomorrow. Don't worry, it's not uber technical, but does go into what I've come to believe was THE "principle" that Bessler claimed was given to him by GOD! I think it will help all SERIOUS reverse engineering Bessler mobilists to finally make the switch over to the "right track" design approach so they can have some hope of success for a change.

    2. TG, allow me to clarify.

      What I meant to suggest was, that you could post a succinct status update each week. As in, just those words (the ones I gave in the "Suggested post entries:" in my 28 December 2012 03:21 post). NOT a weekly DETAILED progress report on your ongoing "right track" research.

      And, a daily 2-PART monologue of what you consider to be the significance of some of the clues you've found in Bessler literature and the DT portraits isn't necessary. Keep it brief, and on topic. Just because it's "related to all thing's Bessler" doesn't mean that you should post it here whenever it suits you.

      John's Blog is NOT the place for your verbose posts. Stop being a lazy parasite. Get your own Blog set up (it's nowhere near as difficult as you imagine it to be) and simply make reference to it here, as need be. You could merely append any of your posts here with the words "See my Blog for my thorough explanation." There certainly wouldn't be any limitations on your own Blog, would there?

      The audience you have here is dwindling, Ken, as more and more of us are simply ignoring your need to keep everyone appraised of each step you make down the path of 'discovery'. A first step on the Moon is one thing, a detailed journal of an expedition is something else.

      All this is, of course, just my humble opinion. But I think everyone here would like you better for it.

      [end of rant]

      - Mark

    3. Dagnabbit, Justsomeone, I posted this in the wrong place. I'm sorry.

      - Mark

  22. I have felt the lure of a bad idea , to make it my own , but with no function innate . Bessler kept himself in the right state of mind , which is to remain unattached to the various fantasies which keep us from this discovery . He got tired of dreaming about the idea and got to work . He must have felt similar to Karl in that , in all it's simplicity he had not thought of it sooner . We can fool ourselves , we can think wishfully , but in order to succeed we must evolve . Lately I have come to the conclusion that a certain portion of AP ( which John coincidentally hinges the idea that Bessler admitted that his design was an OB wheel ) has been mistranslated to such an extent that it hardly resembles the message it is meant to deliver . IMHO Bessler is merely telling us that his intentions , when he made the discovery that he made , his motivation per se , was to make fools of smart folk , folk that is , who were presumed to be smarter than himself . A large part of my motivation has been similarly malicious ... I must admit . But what difference the type of fire that one uses for his hearts desire if it gets him there all the same ? Such a discovery , even if simple ... is a very unique achievement to say the least .

  23. Justsomeone wrote: "... maybe a weekly short update ..."
    I like that! [well, we can dream, can't we?]
    Suggested post entries:

    A) Nothing new to report.
    B) Minor changes made, due to re-interpretation of the clues. Testing continues.
    C) Current design abandoned, beginning work on new design.
    D) Successful simulation of the complete wheel, my work is done.
    E) All possible clue interpretations exhausted, all testing results in failure. All my work has been in vain, this is my last post.

    In the words of Dilbert's Pointy-haired Boss, "Save the technical mumbo-jumbo. I just want to know if it'll work."


    Ed wrote: "I come here to read John's blog posts, and if I have time I will read a few comments that are supposed to be pretty much related to the post at hand."

    When I first started reading this Blog, that was what I'd do. I don't know why at some point I started to read every comment. Looks like I have another resolution to put on the list for the New Year.

    - Mark

    1. "E) All possible clue interpretations exhausted, all testing results in failure. All my work has been in vain, this is my last post."

      LOL! You'd be AMAZED at how many times I've been at this point over the DECADES. But, something keeps me coming back again and again and again. Maybe it's just a sort of "ache" in my soul that will NOT go away until this mystery is finally SOLVED!

      Well, I guess that's what being an ACTIVE mobilist is all about.

    2. Yep, hitting the fence is what moving forward is all about. You rule out certain configurations and you move on.

  24. JC wrote: "... I should be a bit more controversial?"

    Oh, man! You believe in a thing called a Gravity Wheel, how much more controversial do you want to get?


    - Mark

  25. John is very secretive about his wheel.I suppose I am too.
    All I can say is,it does not look like a wheel at all.In fact it looks just like a peacock's tail.
    Now where have I heard that before?!

  26. From time to time when talking about P.M. with friends the subject of magnets comes up . I suppose the reason for this is because people tend to think that gravity is too weak to overcome the friction involved in a rotating wheel . This is not so . But looking over my design to consider a use for the magnets I have concluded that magnets could in fact be used in the design and considered an improvement however but not necessary .

    1. Gravity is only as strong as the mass you're using but is constant over distance.
      Magnetism's strength lies in it's close proximity which may pose a problem.
      What do you think?

  27. I'm talking about using magnets to keep parts from having to contact one another . N-N , S-S configuration or " cusions " so to speak ... maybe even using magnets as a " repulsive spring " .

    1. Yeah,..frictionless!

    2. I think Earnshaw's theorem says that you can't have a stable magnetic "repulsive spring" from permanent magnets, if the parts are not moving relative to each other. But you can do it, if there is always relative movement or spin between the parts. The Levitron toy is an example.

    3. I once tried to use small ceramic disc magnets to suspend a rotor in midair. The design LOOKED great ON PAPER, but, no matter what I did, I could not get that rotor to "float" in the air. I think there are "frictionless" magnetic bearings available, but I've never worked with them. They're probably VERY expensive.

    4. Halbach arrays are quite interesting too, and do work nicely. There are circular versions too, to replace bearings.

  28. PART I:

    As I promised to "Justsomeone" as a reward for his "sensible suggestions", here is that two part comment that I almost deleted (most happily that did NOT happen!):

    My research into the method that Bessler used to render the weights whose lever pivots traveled between a CW rotating drum's 9:00 and 10:30 positions weightless (but NOT massless!) continues. I am becoming more convinced by the day that this method or "principle" is, indeed, THE one that is referred to in this quote:

    "Give to understanding of Your principle, vouchsafed to me alone, of eternal mechanical motion, and how to apply it in countless good and useful ways." (DT, pg. 207)

    In other words, it was this SINGLE method or principle which was THE one that would turn a "classical" NON-"runner" (other than a classical "sphere weight" type OB wheel) into a "runner". This principle (which Bessler believed was given to him by God!) is what allowed Bessler to achieve success while EVERYONE else (with the single exception of Asa Jackson) found only failure. Additionally, this CRITICAL principle was SIMPLE, yet, obviously, must have been VERY novel to have eluded tens of THOUSANDS of other mobilists over the centuries. What could it have been?

    To begin to answer that question the serious reverse engineering Bessler mobilist should take a look at MT 18 and read the notes that accompanied the figure:

    "No. 18. This is the previous spring-model, and it seems to be good, but seeming is different from being. In the meantime, the principle should not be disdained or entirely disregarded, for it says more than it shows. I, however, will show more than speak of it at the appropriate place."

    Whenever Bessler says in the MT notes that he will elaborate on some figure's principle "at the appropriate place" that is an indication that the principle he intends to elaborate on was actually USED in THE working OB PM gravity wheel design that he intended to reveal at the end of the work. The MT illustrations DID originally contain the figures for his actual working wheels that used those various "at the appropriate place" principles, but, as everyone knows, they were later extracted from the collection of drawings, burned, and buried. All we have now are the vague references to those missing pages as occur in the notes to MT 18.

    In the figure of MT 18 we see a wheel with four weights attached to the ends of long, flexible strip springs whose other ends are attached to the section of the axle inside of the wheel's drum. As weights pass the drum's 6:00 position, they begin to flex the ends of the strip springs they are attached to and make them sag downward. As weights pass the drum's 9:00 position, the flexing of the springs becomes extreme. Finally, on the drum's right or descending sides, the springs are able to expand and straighten out again and, in the process, propel their attached end weights outward to a landing on their respective rim stops. The idea was that this action, taking place continuously during drum rotation, would keep the CoM of the design's four weights always on the drum's descending side. Obviously, Bessler tried constructing this machine only to learn through "bitter experience" that it did not work because it could not keep its CoM on the drum's descending side at all times.

    But, if this design was a failure, then WHY did Bessler say that the wheel's "principle should not be disdained or entirely disregarded"? Well, I believe that he said this because it was precisely THE "principle" demonstrated in this wheel which WAS employed in the actual WORKING OB PM gravity wheel design that he found and used, but NOT in exactly the same way as shown in MT 18. That is, the springs he used in his wheels were not the non-linear strip type of MT 18, but merely standard helically shaped linear torsion type springs.

  29. PART II:

    If a mobilist was to actually construct MT 18 and experiment with it, he would immediately notice an interesting phenomenon. Once the weights had passed the drum's 9:00 position and produced the maximum flexing or bowing of their long tapering strip springs, the weights would STOP dropping with respect to the drum and begin to move ALONG with it and no further flexing of springs would take place. Indeed, if the mobilist was to reach into the drum when it was stopped from rotating and touch one of the weights which had already flexed its spring as much as was allowed, he would find that he could, literally, lift the weight with the tip of his finger. This state of EFFECTIVE weightlessness (but NOT masslessness) would persist throughout a certain interval of drum rotation until a point in the travel of the weight was reached where the gravitational force acting on the spring was no longer able to cancel out the expanding force of the spring that was trying to push the weight closer to its rim stop so that the spring could straighten itself out. Once that point was reached, the weight would move rapidly toward its rim stop and, no doubt, make "hard" contact.

    Thus, MT 18 was Bessler's way of telling us that its POSSIBLE to maintain a weight in a state of EFFECTIVE weightlessness during a fairly long interval of drum rotation. THIS "principle" is, I am VERY MUCH convinced, THE one that allowed Bessler's OB PM gravity wheels to succeed while all others (with the exception of Asa Jackson's) failed.

    Now, all I have to do is figure out how to render the weights of the weighted levers traveling between the 9:00 and 10:30 positions of my 4:1 scale computer model wheel effectively weightless during the entirety of a 45 degree increment of drum rotation. MT 18 PROVES that it CAN be done, only I must find a way to do it using only TWO helical springs! I already have ALL other parts of THE wheel design derived to my satisfaction such as the shape of the "magic" levers and the "Connectedness Principle" Bessler used and I've even narrowed the interval starting configuration of the design's 8 weighed levers down to only two possibilities: the Contact BEFORE and AFTER 3:00 designs. All that remains to rediscover is this last single, simple, yet VERY novel "principle" that Bessler used.

    Quite fortunately, I am not working in the dark or completely blind. The two DT portraits provide MUCH illumination and with the "eyeglasses" Bessler offers in the 2nd portrait, my vision has been GREATLY enhanced. Already, I'm "seeing" things in the portraits that I never noticed before. The "Center of Cover / Tip of Nose Clue" is only a VERY small sampling of what I am starting to find!

    But, I still have MUCH work to do as we hurtle toward the end of the 300th anniversary of the Gera wheel's SUCCESSFUL public demonstration. If all goes well, we will be celebrating the SUCCESSFUL rediscovery of Bessler's secret wheel mechanism for the 301st anniversary of the Gera wheel's public demonstration!

  30. As Bessler said ... "taking various illustrations together and combining them with a discerning mind, it will indeed be possible to look for a movement and, finally to find one in them".

  31. Just a quick update.

    Since I posted the last two-part comment, I've spend several more hours working with my "Contact AFTER 3:00" wheel design and have, unfortunately, made little progress toward rendering that 9:00 going to 10:30 lever's weight "weightless" by using spring tension ALONE. This might be achievable with the nonlinear strip type springs Bessler shows in MT 18, but not with the simple linear helical springs I am using. It's obvious to me that much of the effective reduction in the weight of that lever must be provided by its interconnection to the weighted lever that lags it, the 7:30 going to 9:00 weighted lever.

    So tonight I will continue with this approach, using a combination of spring tension and LAGGING weighted lever provided torque to, hopefully, render the 9:00 going to 10:30 weight weightless so that the weighted levers LEADING it can, as they suddenly shift SOON after a 45 degree interval of drum rotation commences, pull it rapidly upward and closer to its rim stop. As I've previously mentioned, I call this sudden motion of the 9:00 going to 10:30 weighted lever the "Bessler Effect".

    No EARLY Bessler Effect = NO PM!

  32. I have used magnets for springs on a couple of my designs. If you have a magnet that is .5 in diameter and 1 inch in length magnet it is best to put 3 of these end to end inside of an aluminum tube. This will have will give you a 3 inch long piece... the aluminum tube or should be 2.75 in length. This separates the N from the S. Another important point is to aim them directly at each other, any action from this will bring some of the opposite field into to play. The power of a magnetic field is reduced with distance by the square of the distance. Really, Really, Really pay attention to what you are doing with the magnets.... they are very powerful and can hurt you quite easily.

  33. This is my reply to
    FRIDAY, 21 DECEMBER 2012

    A reminder of my position on Bessler's wheel.

    John ,
    You can be both ; correct in your advocacy and incorrect in your theory of how the wheel was structured . By the way , people will be much more tolerant of your view if you produce a working wheel . Furthermore , I'd like to point out that from time to time you seem to be speaking to those people who are skeptical about gravity as a force ( if they were suddenly without it they would then recognize it as a force ) and not to us folks actually reading your blog ( who already recognize gravity as a force ) .

    1. That goes for all of us, Chris - correct in advocacy and incorrect in the theory. And as for people being more tolerant of those with a working wheel - I doubt it. Look what happened to Bessler. Same applies today, and all hell will likely break loose. Even in the face of a working wheel, doubt, scorn, claims of fraud and whatnot are most likely the reward of such a breakthrough. Such are the ways of the world, I'm afraid.

    2. Speak for yourself alone as far as being incorrect in theory . It's clear that I'm not an expert or anything , indeed , quite obscure compared to the venerable JC and yet I walk around with a smile on my face because I understand something that people have sought to know for thousands of years .

    3. Not only that but I also have the knowledge , tools and time to build it .

    4. Then somebody just do it already!

    5. Yes , it's already happening ... in process , on the way , ect...

    6. I think we all would be wise to be quite modest about any of this. Its one hell of a problem. It's easy to make bold and sweeping statements, but we have, so far, little to show for it. I do feel that several people are close. Let's hope that 2013 will be the year of Bessler's vindication.

    7. One hell of a problem solved . Speak for yourself .

  34. Well , then there's no problem .

  35. Dear John,
    My best wishes to you and all the participants in your blog.
    I've been following Bessler's heritage for some time, downloaded and read his scanned books, and bought 2 of your books.
    Tried to build some replica of his wheel without any success.
    Your post about apophenia I found amusing. Well, here's a link for everyone:
    The filigranes drawn at the top of each page of Johann's work, and Leadbeater's "visualizations" of matter in the book "Occult Chemistry" are strikingly similar.
    In one of Johann Bessler's books, the filigranes describe 2 heart shaped forms and their paths, symetrical but opposed: one clockwise and the other anticlockwise.
    You Bessler fans will know which book I mean.
    Now, get the book Occult Chemistry which is from the beginning of the last century, and has written and drawn descriptions of "visualizations" of the elements of the periodic table.
    Now you got something to do for new years eve!
    Best regards from Barcelona,

  36. As for @technoXXX's contribution directly after mine, it is good to observe that he is losing it.

    Maybe that will help ameliorate the intolerable condition of the overbearing that he so-labors to craft here. (Or, am I now just dreaming of Heaven appearing on Earth?)


    In not addressing John's subject itself I erred; and so, I offer the following as feeble recompense

    Perhaps it will turn out to be, John, that in the Tri-Centennial Year, Bessler's whole
    secret WAS found and, that in the third year after the first ten of this century, it will
    materialize finally, fully and ready for battle-doing, which thought has now brought me to this recollection: Honorable Respondent Andre allowed in-part on 30th December 2012 at 17:43, as follows

    ". . . And as for people being more tolerant of those with a working wheel - I doubt it. Look what happened to Bessler. Same applies today, and all hell will likely break loose. Even in the face of a working wheel, doubt, scorn, claims of fraud and whatnot are most likely the reward of such a breakthrough. Such are the ways of the world, I'm afraid."

    And how right he is, so I too believe.

    In such a case, as we all long-for, the very EARTH will shake beneath the feet of the worshipful members of Scientism's System of essential believing.

    No other group of suspect workers has IT more coming than do they! In all manner of ways various and rascally and wicked, they have unleashed a veritable Hell upon us with their science gone mad, at the service of baldest, raw and vicious Corporatism!

    COUNT the ways that they have and do do this!

    (Although, very many are accomodated fully and do like it, THIS James is not amused nor fooled by foulness posing for Good!)

    As for their (the physicists') assertions that Perpetual Motion must and cannot exist because it cannot because their circular laws SAY SO, would be this for them to munch on for the while

    "A negative may not be proved."

    You lose!

    That nasty but necessary bit now having been done-with, I, James, wish a Happy New Year to all.

    (And even to @technoXXX but, only after he's proven himself real. Still there is time for it. We all await the near-miracle.)



    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  37. We British still say,'may the best man win' before a game, and it simply means that you hope the person who most deserves to win, does win. I meant nothing other than that and there was no thought of competitiveness between us. I suppose I subconsciously hoped that the secret would not be found by someone coming into the subject with no previous experience in Bessler's wheel; someone who hadn't spent the many years that most of us have done in studying it.

    I guess the use of commonplace phrases used easily and without careful forethought, can easily lead to misinterpretations of the author's message.


    1. "Best man" winning??? It's really more like the LUCKIEST man winning!

      I will celebrate ANY design that works whether or not its by me and whether or not its the one I happen to consider to be THE one that Bessler found and used. But, of course, I will celebrate the MOST and longest IF it happens to be ME that finds THE design that Bessler used! LOL!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. "... since I can't seem to stop myself from posting on this blog ..."

    Might it be as simple as deleting the (Firefox) Bookmark or (Internet Explorer) Favorite ??

  40. PART I:

    After many more hours of modeling / testing with my 4:1 scale computer models of the one-directional "sub wheels" used in the full size Merseburg wheel, I have reached some rather profound conclusions. Here they are:

    First, the most likely spring constant or k value for the springs used in the Merseburg wheel was 20 lbs / inch. This is the number repeatedly given in the portrait clues and, indeed, fits in with my pet theory that Bessler did NOT manufacturer his own springs, but, rather, simply purchased ones that may have been manufactured for use in common market scales.

    Second, an "early" Bessler Effect is not really necessary to achieve PM as long as the 6:00 going to 7:30 drum position weighted lever remains as vertically oriented as possible during the transit time of its pivot. This then allows for a Bessler Effect that is spread out evenly throughout a 45 degree interval of rotation.

    And, finally, third...this one is REALLY profound!...I may ALREADY have THE basic design that Bessler found and used!!! I reached this conclusion after doing a VERY careful review of all of the interpretations of the DT portrait clues that were used in my current "right track" design. So, either I do NOW actually have the Master's basic design or I have grossly misinterpreted these clues and/or there are still clues that I have not yet "seen". But, my "gut feeling" is that the latter is not the case.

    At this point one might then legitimately ask why, IF I do, in fact, have THE design Bessler found and used, do none of my current designs work because, obviously, during any 45 degree interval of drum rotation, it is not able to keep the location of its weights' CoM on the drum's descending side at all times?

    That is a very good question which, happily, MAY have a very simple answer: None of them YET work because it has not been PROPERLY "adjusted"!

    When one considers HOW Bessler constructed, say, the Merseburg wheel, it becomes clear that, before its various weights were attached to its installed levers' ends, but after its cords and springs had been attached to their various lever and drum anchoring points inside of the still uncovered drum, there was only ONE possible adjustment that Bessler could have made to the wheel's internal mechanism. That adjustment simply involved setting how far the design's 16 primary springs were stretched from their normal relaxed lengths when all of the UNweighted levers were aligned with their pivots' radial drum support members.

  41. PART II:

    The portrait clues indicate that one must stretch the primary springs ANYWHERE from a distance of 0.5 to 1.0 inches. That may not sound that critical, but for a spring with a k value of 20 lbs per inch, it works out to a variation in 10 lbs of CONSTANT force being applied to the levers! Indeed, even small changes in the stretch distances can make BIG differences in the performance of a wheel's shifting weighted levers during drum rotation. Unfortunately, I have not yet been able to find any portrait clues that clearly give the correct stretch distance to use. Apparently, once a reverse engineering Bessler mobilist reaches the point where he is trying to decide what stretch distance to use, he is on his own. The Master only leads one so far and then he must crawl the rest of the way on his hands and knees!

    I had previously been using a "standard" stretch distance of 1.0 inches (that seemed "reasonable" to me, but was NOT clue derived) in my models with no success. Recently I've been using 0.75 inches and did notice a slight improvement in performance. Over the next few days, I will continue to test both the "Contact BEFORE 3:00" and "Contact AFTER 3:00" designs with other stretch distances in that range. At least I am now VERY confident in the k value I'm using for my primary springs. I've also returned to using TWO primary springs in parallel to serve as a single secondary spring since all variations using other orientations of the two springs proved useless.

    I'm even considering the idea of "constructing" a "Contact AFTER 4:30" design because that would add the lost gravitational energy / mass of yet another shifting weighted lever (the one whose pivot approaches the drum's 4:30 position during drum rotation) into helping to lift the 9:00 going to 10:30 position weighted lever and produce the Bessler Effect. But, I'm dreading where this never before tried design will put the wheel's 8 weights' CoM!

    At this point I want to wish everyone (foul trolls EXcluded!) the Happiest of New Years. And, please, please, PLEASE don't drink AND drive later tonight. That is a REALLY stupid thing to do that might have consequences that you will regret for the rest of your life...assuming, of course, that you survive the crash!

    1. The third paragraph of PART II should have read:

      "...that would add the lost gravitational potential energy / mass of yet another shifting weighted lever (the one whose pivot approaches the drum's 6:00 position during drum rotation)..."

      Sorry about that!

  42. TG, I have a hard time believing that in Besslers time one could order springs that would be basically identical to the next. Precision manufacturing with great repeatability and designed reliability wasn't invented yet. In order words, I wouldn't be surprised when in those days manufacturing variability was all over the place. So perhaps Bessler bought a bunch of springs and implemented, himself, a process of "equalizing" the k-values after mounting them, so as to null-out variability. Maybe that's what you should hunt for. Just my 2 cents.

    2 hours and counting to 2013 here. Happy new year to everybody!

    1. Just read this Andre (at 18.20 GMT!) Happy New Year! We have more than five hours to go!


    2. @ Andre

      I quite agree that the quality control on any sort of mass manufactured item, such as a spring, would, in the early 18th century, have been crude by our standards.

      IF my "right track" design for ONE of the "sub wheels" used in Bessler's Merseburg wheel is correct, then it would have required a total of 24 springs with each having an UNstretched length of 6 inches and a spring constant of 20 lbs per inch (the TWO one-directional sub wheels within the tw0-directional Merseburg wheel then requiring a TOTAL of 48 springs!). Most likely there could have been as much as a + or - variation of 10% in the spring constants of those springs. Bessler could have compensated for this by purchasing far more than the number needed and then carefully "cherry picking" out the ones that were as close to k = 20 lbs per inch as possible. Or, possibly, he personally visited the factory that produced them and selected the best from their stock of them.

      Also, even with a variation in k value of + or - 10% per spring found in a randomly selected lot of springs, what really counted was what the AVERAGE k value of a spring was because these springs were working TOGETHER during drum rotation. That average value was probably very close to 20 lbs per inch.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Too bad you can't bounce ideas off your virtual hookers while playing GTA, then you'd realize you have nothing and you could wipe the smile off your retarded face!

  44. That week went by fast. You know... the week between TG's weekly "short" update.

    1. LOL! You're absolutely right JSO! But, it's a REAL struggle for me to contain myself when I suddenly make some interesting discovery or test result and want to share it with ACTUAL mobilists who will be able to understand what I'm discussing. Sadly, NONE of my offline friends or relatives care anything about Bessler or his wheels and trying to discuss this subject with them is like trying to discuss it with trees!

      I WILL eventually settle down to using your quite reasonable suggestioned commenting "style" because it's starting to look like I have gone as far as possible with the two DT portrait clues. They do not contain an infinite number of clues, only a few dozen and I now have the vast majority along with what appear to be their best interpretations. The "right track" design suggested by the portrait clues is now COMPLETE and it is only a matter of finding out which of the different variations (the "Contact BEFORE or AFTER 3:00" versions) is correct and what initial stretch distances to use on its primary springs so as to achieve the Bessler Effect and the chronic OB of its weights' CoM that will be maintained during drum rotation.

      Eventually, I WILL be only giving a weekly update of the results of these initial stretch distance adjustments for the various variations and I will endeavor to keep it as short as possible. I'd really like to discuss the DT portrait clues, but, amazingly, I'm finding that the vast majority of mobilists don't even believe that they exist! That's like trying to discuss the structure of the universe with people that do not believe that galaxies exist!

  45. Off your meds. Chris?

  46. Chris Wilson said (as a reminder before he deletes yet another of his posts):
    "I once said to Scott @ Besslerwheel forum , and I do not regret it ,"F___K you and your retarded
    friends ." Same to you John . Good luck with your swingset ."

    And he wonders why people get offended by his comments. CW, even if you do create a working wheel, no-one is going to have ANY respect for you, you do realise that, don't you?

  47. Oops, spoke to soon, he just deleted it !!

  48. Thank you Anon. For copy and pasting Chris's comment. I have never heard John say something to someone that would justify that kind of response, or Scott for that matter. Justsomeone

    1. All the more reason why I like John's (very British) statement: "may the best man win".

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Another deleted post ..... idiot.

  51. Happy new year everyone! Justsomeone

  52. I wish for everyone reading this... a healthy and happy New Year !!

    I also wish a successful build in 2013 for each and every one of us making the effort.

    My resolution for the new year in regards to this Blog; that I resolve to apply my mental "Ignore Button" for two contributors in particular.

    - Mark

  53. Ancient Mystery Solved with a question mark ... what a way to imply ... what a way to sell books or make people think that although you have not produced anything that works that somehow the necessary information being peddled by you ... there is such a thing as neutrality and when John decided to go the Dan Brown route ( fiction ) he went to far ... he'd call it artistic license or something like that ...I have not profited a single penny from bullshitting people ... and speaking of Scott Ellis he advises people interested in Bessler to " not take the unconventional path " ... and to watchdogs who re-post other people's deleted posts it just shows your miserly and hateful nature ... people can , at any time they choose , change their minds and if they choose to exercise it by deleting posts then they should be able to ... I suggest you ignore this post it it bothers you .

    1. Have you got that big hammer ready yet, Chris? I'm sure a 10 pound mallet would do the trick.

    2. None of us have produced anything that works, and that includes you. John has produced some fantastic research, something that we freeloaders can not claim either. So stop being obnoxious. If you don't want others to re-post your nasty posts, don't post them in the first place!!!

  54. PART I:

    Ahhh...some rather surprising "good" news to report on this FIRST day of 2013! Let's hope this bodes well for the rest of this year!

    As I previously mentioned, I was considering doing a quick computer model of a "Contact AFTER 4:30 (and before 6:00)" wheel (which is just a 4:1 scale model of one of the one-directional "sub wheels" used in the full size Merseburg wheel) to see where its weights' CoM would wind up after the weighted levers between drum positions 4:30 and 9:00 were "draped" into their proper configuration. At the time I was not too optimistic about what the result would be.

    Well, the 36 inch diameter model wheel was constructed earlier this morning, the draping completed, and the result was a very "nice" surprise! The CoM of the design's 8 weights was projected, horizontally, exactly 0.1832 inches onto the descending side of the drum from a vertical line passed through the center of the axle. That's actually slightly BETTER than the CoM's horizontal projection distance for my "Contact AFTER 3:00" version (which has the weights resting on their rim stops by the time their lever pivots reach the drum's 4:30 position).

    This third version is nice because it throws another weighted lever (the one whose lever pivot approaches the 6:00 drum position) into the collection that work together to pull on and help raise the weight of the 9:00 going to 10:30 position weighted lever on the ascending side of the drum. The more lifting force applied to this weighed lever the better it will be able to produce the "Bessler Effect".

    So, now I have THREE distinct variations for the configuration of the 8 weighted levers used in Bessler wheels. The first variation has weight to rim stop contact taking place between the 1:30 and 3:00 positions of the drum, the second variation has contact taking place between the 3:00 and 4:30 positions, and this most recently constructed variation has contact taking place between the drum's 4:30 and 6:00 positions. All three variations use the SAME lever design, "Connectedness Principle", and springs. Most perplexing, there are clues in the DT portraits that can be interpreted as supporting the use of ALL of these variations!

  55. PART II:

    So which variation did Bessler use? Only ONE is the best and, it's going to take me, perhaps, several weeks of work to determine that.

    I've only been able to find a single quote in the Bessler literature that discusses from what position of the drum came the "gentle" impact sounds of weights landing on their rim stops. That quote merely says that they came from the "descending side" of the drum and nothing more. How much easier my research would be if I even knew just whether they came from above or below the drum's 3:00 position!

    Well, right now I seem to be favoring the design that has contact taking place between the drum's 3:00 and 4:30 positions. Why? Well, if one has a drum 12 feet in diameter whose axle is 7 feet off of the floor, then a witness that is, say, 5.5 feet tall would note that the drum's 3:00 position was located 1.5 feet above his head. That would result in a weight to rim stop contact sound taking place at approximately the height of the witness's ear and, if Bessler tried to deaden the sound as much as possible by covering the rim stop's surface with felt, then probably only an impact at THAT particular location would have been noted by a witness.

    But, to do my "due diligence" with these three variations, I will be testing all of them. For each one I will vary the starting stretch distance of their primary springs from 0.5 to 1.0 inches (which for my 4:1 scale computer model's springs corresponds to varying the stretch distances from 0.12500 to 0.25000 inches) in small incremental steps. And, of course, I will continue to search the DT portraits just in case Bessler did hide the exact value in them somewhere and I just missed it previously.

    I have much work to do.


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...