Thursday, 21 March 2013

PM Archive?

The idea for this blog was sparked by a posting on the besslerwheel forum.  The author posted a thread listing some ideas he had, which he wanted to preserve digitally, rather than trusting to 'mortal flesh fast decaying'.  I wondered if there was anything available which might suit more accurately the author's needs.

There are many people all devoted to solving the puzzle of Bessler's wheel and it seems to me that if, perhaps, one of us was approaching success, but for the usual reasons had kept quiet about it until he or she had produced a Proof of Principle wheel - or perhaps, like Øystein Rustad, had deciphered a number of coded drawings by Johann Bessler and wished to complete their studies and first confirm them with a working device - then their sudden early demise might rob us of their work - and set progress back a while. Johann Bessler's option was to hide his solution within his published and unpublished documents. But for us less gifted in the field of steganography, one solution would be to write up the research in detail and place it somewhere on the internet, where it would remain private and remain so until after the sad passing of its author.

Perhaps the document could be stored on one of the many clouds offering a combination of services and only upon the author's death would it be shared among a few chosen people or simply released for public consumption. I could see that the problem of letting the server know that the writer of the document had died could be difficult to solve.  However, I'm sure that someone could write an App that confirmed to the server that the writer was still alive by verifying it each time the ipad/smart phone etc, connected to the internet.  If no connection was made for, say seven days, (or a preset period) then the server would ask for confirmation that the author was still alive and if none was received it would then share/release the document.  

However further research revealed a possible alternative solution.  For example there is a website at which reviews 'Seven Resources for Handling Digital Life After Death'.  These services are designed to allow people to leave messages after their death and these can take the form of emails, documents, wills etc, which can be sent to one or more recipients indicated in the signing up process.  One such site sums up the situation very well. There are some web sites offering a basic service which is free and although I haven't done a lot of research into what is available worldwide, I'm sure that there are a number of such services.

The ironic thing is that only a small amount of storage would be required and servers like Google, Apple and Dropbox, for instance, offer plenty of storage for free. So using one of these might allow you to preserve your information and make it available to those who follow, should you prematurely decease!  Perhaps out there is some entrepreneur who could custom design such a service?

I had thought of calling it PM Archives meaning Perpetual Motion Archive but it could as well stand for Post Mortem Archive.




  1. The tradition with the Bessler Wheel is to take it with you to the grave .

  2. And then take rebirth for revealing....
    Just kidding...But then can we really trust the E-media...There are hackers everywhere...our anons could easily turn into one...paronoia is one strong trait in a PM devotee which would strongly oppose such things...

    1. Which is more applicable?

      Harness the horse in front.

      - or -

      You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

  3. John, Stewart and I have set up such a system between us, just not as automated, yet. I like the idea of involving an app, and something may already exist. I will look into the app side and report back.

    John, do you have/use a smart phone? If so, what type is it? Thanks.


  4. Hi Ed, I don't have a smart phone, just my dumb one. I have a mini ipad if that's any good?


  5. Yes, an ipad mini is good. I have one as well. I guess I was in the mode of thinking of phones because of the "death trigger". :-) But I guess that could work on an ipas as well?

    We can see if there are any useful PM related apps. If not, I could make one.


  6. I have stored my research online, given my wife the password, and given a friend the account name and the message that he will get the password from my wife if I should pass away too early. And together they can approach somebody that I will specify within the docs, to get it out in public through the right channels.

  7. As the author you mention John, then I am not in any need whatsoever thank you.
    The need of which you speak is apparently yours, the others above & most everyone else who see reward out-glitter resolution of this most unique of puzzle, this Grail.
    'Tis a strange thing is it not, that I see only one personal `reward` as such for solving this puzzle & that's an early & fairly rapid appointment with one's maker. Yet I choose to place whatever enters my mind into the mind of as many others as possible, as immediately as possible?
    Yourself & most all others will doubtless fail to see the significance of this & thus doubtless fail, sadly. For dealing with the problem at hand is impossible enough without being oblivious as to what problem one is actually dealing with in the first place.
    Nature, being the problem, will never give up its secrets to such shallow enquiry....I for one truly pray that God forbids it ever could.


  8. I was unsure whether to mention you by name, GillSimo, so I'm pleased you have come forward.

    You mistake my need for greed and I understand your error. The truth is that I published all of my ideas and received so much negativity that I no longer add to my public speculation and instead reserve any more of my findings until such a time as I can release them with proof of their righness or otherwise. Under those circumstances I might indeed post them somewhere where I know (hope) they will not be lost for ever.


    1. Are you a man or a mouse? You "received so much negativity" that you no longer publicly publish your ideas? How pathetic is that? So some people told you that your idea was wrong, and wouldn't work, and that's your reason for not publishing your ideas?

    2. It's got nothing to do with being told my idea was wrong, I don't need to be told it's wrong if it turns out not to work. The reason for not posting my new ideas is because there are too many of us posting ideas which are mere speculation and unconvincing to everyone else. Much better to reveal the ideas once you have got something to hang them on - like some verifiable proof.

      I have posted my detailed speculation at
      Link text so maybe not as pathetic as you who choose to be anonymous?


    3. Don't worry about people like this John. I think you've now struck a good balance of writing about things without getting too carried away.

      These people are ridiculous and think that you only are a builder if you are writing about a myriad of "clues" found from high speculation and telling everyone how close you are!

      Don't let them drag you down.


  9. I can just see some flu bug hitting the world and suddenly killing off all the aging pm wheel builders in a week or two which would then trigger thousands of internet pm 'archives' to release a tidal wave of wheel designs that would all immdediately be dismissed by the 'Ignorami' as apophenical nonsense that should be ignored. If you know that you do not have a working wheel or sim yet then please don't waste your time on this scheme. Better to use the last few years of your life working on your wheels and studying every square inch of those dt portraits (Bessler's 'archive') like your life depended on it! If you really do have a working wheel or sim then announce it as soon as you can while your still breathing to get the credit and let others verify that its genuine. Don't let the 'Ignorami' scare you into staying silent and getting uber secretive. That's exactly what they want you to do! The longer they can get you to do that the higher the chance your working wheel will be lost after your death and it won't make much difference if its 'archived' on the internet or not because it will just be another design released after a builder's death to add to the thousands of other non runners that have and will be released. Release a working wheel or sim while your alive and the 'Ignorami' will be the ones silenced as reports of its verification come in!


    1. "Release a working wheel..."

      You should heed your own advice, "Mike". (like no one has figured out who you really are)

      Remember, a "working" simulation is only VIRTUAL proof !!

    2. "mike", I see you either ignored my question from the previous blog post or didn't see it, so I'll repeat it once more.

      "mike", would you leave if John asked you to, emulating you hero TG, or would you just come back as "dick" and keep complaining TG and mike are not here?


    3. Ed I did not ignore your question on the previous blog just did not read it yet. I did predict that I would eventually be forced to leave this blog but that will only happen if Collins can once again be duped by the 'Ignorami' into making anyone like me who tries to keep the focus on Bessler's wheels feel 'unwelcome' here. As I've said it is really they who control this blog either directly by repeatedly insulting posters anonymously or with various trolls and stooges or indirectly by using Collins to do the 'dirty work' for them. They will be overjoyed to see me go just as they were tg and a few others. They really have zero interest in Bessler's wheels or seeing the mystery ever solved and they certainly don't want that to ever happen here! Their final goal is to keep this blog so irrelavent and boring that Colins will no longer find it 'entertaining' and will just shut it down rather then maitaining it (I've predicted that will happen around June of this year or even earlier). But I'm also betting that Collins has finally woke up to their tactics and now realizes they are the worst possible thing that could happen to serious Bessler wheel research and this blog.


    4. My ears have been burning for far too long, so I have decided to comply with John's wishes that my comments be shorter and less frequent!

      First I have to attend to some personal business but then I WILL be back, if that is alright with John?

    5. Wow…that would be great TG…we would love to have you back and there is no doubt in that…there was some brief misunderstanding, that’s all…nothing else…have been missing you a lot…we should endeavor to contribute as much as possible to make this blog very interesting without being very intrusive at the same time…we could also be wrong anytime…till we have a real working model no one is going to believe us in any case…it is not their fault either…this happened during Bessler time also…It is all to do with the nature of this matter…something out of nothing…having an open mind is also good for us…
      Anyway…I strongly wish that you must join us and keep up your promise of brevity and the rate of frequency of posting…

    6. Tg returning?! I can hardly believe it! My prayers have been answered and there must be a God! Now maybe this blog will start to be relevant again and we'll start to learn new things about Bessler's wheels which is supposed to be why were all here in the first place or at least I always thought it was. I could care less how long your comments are because I always learned something from them that I saw nowhere else on the web. But expect the 'Ignorami' to double their efforts to get rid of you again. They never rest. They learned where all of Collins 'buttons' are located and how to push them to get people they hate made 'unwelcome' around here.

      Meanwhile can you or anybody provide a good translation of the words under the second DT portrait? I don't have a copy of DT yet and can find nothing about them on the web. Thanx.


  10. Okay Mike,..I fully agree there!
    I have passed on this subject because I find it depressingly negative.

    1. Hi, Chris. How's your wheel coming along ??

    2. Trevor, no need to be depressed. The trigger thing is not the norm for this topic. Think of it as disaster recovery, which most businesses do.

      What I do is keep a notebook or folder of current research and ideas that I haven't discussed with my research partner, and in case something happens (which could include fire, tornado, flood, etc.) I will have a backup of the research or it will get to another trusted person for their use.

      It's always good to have a backup, right?


    3. That wasn't me above but truthfully... my wheel is good . I will be reporting a running wheel in a few days here I expect . it's a tough job but someone has to do it , right ? Lol .

  11. Replies
    1. Can't decide which alternate ID to use ??

    2. No,..I was have trouble with my google account,it kept reporting an error 503,whatever that means.
      My wheel is still very much on track.I think I've found out what I was doing wrong.
      A few minor changes and we'll see.

    3. Did you add something that makes bangs so you know you are on the right path?

  12. Guys,..I thought I had explored all the options in physics but found one more and it looks promising.
    Will let yiou know if it pans out.

    1. Hi Trevor,
      can you give us a bit more information on the new option? Always interested in Physics...
      Yours truly,

    2. Bessler refferred to the planets in his poem.From them he observed a phenomena called the Barycentre.
      The centre of mass of the earth and moon system.
      The moon orbits the earth but the earth also orbits the moon in a much smaller circle so that the centre of gravity is outside the eartth's centre.
      The earth's orbit around the sun is actually in a wave form.
      This does not have any effect on the moon's orbital velocity.
      I believe one can use this orbital tug to effect a gain from pendulums providing that it is at a much lower frequency than the swing.
      So far I have made a test and I can raise a weight using just a quarter of that weight.
      I think this is what Bessler was alluding to.

    3. Now that sounds really exciting! Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

    4. Well you have missed at least one other option, and until you find and understand it, you will not have a runner. Keep working at it. ->

  13. I don't know,..I am so used to failure after failure I tend to approach each new test with great apprehension.

    1. Yeah, I sure know that feeling, Trevor.

      Not to belittle your apprehension in any way, I'll leave you with a few quotes by Edison:

      "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration."

      "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."

      Just to let you know you're not alone.

      Best of luck to you, Trevor.


    2. Yes, Trevor, same here, keep at it.


    3. I agree, Trevor. It's interesting to see that you're looking at the Earth-Moon system, at least for inspiration, and maybe even as an energy source?

    4. Interesting indeed!


  14. I am afraid we are slightly mistaken here…
    Trevor said, “The moon orbits the earth but the earth also orbits the moon in a much smaller circle so that the centre of gravity is outside the eartth's centre.”
    The Earth doesn’t orbits the moon in any case…Secondly, Bessler might have just hinted the movement of the weights being akin to the movement of the planets…nothing else to get inspired…not even cords for that matter as insisted by TG…one shouldn’t get misguided as well as misguide others…TG thought that connectedness meant joining by cords…but he was right in most other things…really miss him here…
    The actual mystery lies in the proper design of that magical lever-weight combo …and until such time it is going to be the usual excuses, delays, postponements and failures as well as great disappointments…
    Sorry, no offence intended…

    1. I'm not going to argue Suresh,..Just look up barycentre and you'll see what I mean.
      I only mentioned it to illustrate a principle.
      For the wheel to work you have to sow into it, will not work for nothing.
      What I mean by that is, it turns it has to lift a quarter to give four quarters out.

    2. Suresh said 'TG thought that connectedness meant joining by cords…but he was right in most other things…really miss him here…'

      Your not alone. Tg pushed the use of cords for 'connectedness' because Bessler wrote somewhere that his weights levers were connected together with cords. At any time as a wheel rotated some of them were 'tight' and some where 'loose'. I haven't been able to find the quote though it might be in AP somewhere.


    3. Actually Suresh, Trevor is correct. Neither the Earth nor the Moon rotate around one another. They both rotate around a common center of mass called the barycenter. This is true for all astronomical bodies (galaxies, stars, planets, moons, comets, ...). Below is a link that shows some animations of the Earth/Moon and Earth/Sun rotations. You will have to scroll down a bit to see the animations.

    4. What I don’t understand is even though the wheel mechanism is supposed to be very simple why is that it is still evading everyone? Bessler was always worried because of fear of losing the secret and he had the wheel covered always…Then we have Karl’s statement of the wheel’s internal look being extremely simple that a carpenter boy could easily replicate the same…also, Bessler wasn’t willing to reveal the mechanism till the entire cash was made available…all this only indicate that Karl must be right about its simplicity…And, if this is true then why aren’t we able to recreate the same now with all the modern technology that is available?…I have a feeling that something is terribly wrong in our approaches…or has destiny got to do anything with it?…
      If our intention is to really be successful in this search then we really ought to be serious enough…letting go the ego and note and observe everything keenly…is it possible that we are lacking the basic understanding of the BW?...We keep fooling ourselves as well as others most of the time…Why aren’t we very sure of what we are after?...Or is the BW mechanism beyond our comprehension?…We indulge in mockery and other cheap games most of the times like kids…My final question is what actually could be the reason or the problems or hurdles that we are facing in this great endeavor?…

    5. I believe I have Bessler's principle, or something better, I don't know which. The clues definitely make sense after you find the principle (or should I say the prime mover).

      I won't offer any proof until I know where I am headed with this thing. All I can say is you will need to find the prime mover first. It is not some add-on to the wheel. Once you have this, you will know what OB wheel designs will work best. I wish I could say more, but even the slightest hint will give away the secret. It is that simple. The problem is, everyone is looking at the solution the wrong way.

      The few clues CW has stated may indicate he has found the same principle. Time will tell.


    6. Imagine having a device that acts like a rocket, a one way force, say of value F. Now imagine attaching N of them to the perimeter of a wheel with radius R. The net torque (T) would be

      T = N x (F x R)

      If I am correct, Bessler's final wheel could produce something around 17.5 lb-ft of torque (70lb lift capability with 3 inch axle radius). Assuming the wheel consisted of 8 of these rocket devices located at a 6ft radius, that makes

      17.5 lb-ft = 8 x (F x 6ft)

      F is .3646lb of force. Only .3646lb of force. How meager. Now imagine the rockets having a force of say 20lb. The torque would be

      T = 8 x (20lb x 6ft) = 960lb-ft

      A rope on a 3 inch radius axle would have a lifting force of 3840lb. So instead of lifting a box or rocks, you could lift a car. Nice!

      So you still think you are looking in the right place?


    7. When I said "what OB wheel design will work best" I meant what wheel type to strap the device to. It could just be a basic wheel, so the force of the devices (rockets) would be doing the work. Or you would use the devices to lift weights in an OB type wheel. An OB wheel seems like not the best use, but you would have many choices.


    8. You are right Anonymous 26 March 2013 19:54…
      Find the prime mover first…that is the lever-weight attachment…the rest is just the support structure or the cover up…This should be our right approach…You can call it the soul or heart of the wheel…then we will eventually be too surprised to find that it matches with all the clues in the poem, etc., provided that we find the correct prime mover… This is the way to start…Thanks...

    9. You will be very lucky and make a fortune if you have really hit upon the right one…Well, do you know that there is only one configuration and that is bessler design which would work?…many don’t realize this and there begins their first downfall…and once you get this design then even before you think of going about building it you would know for sure that it is the one…
      If there were many designs or different ways of achieving success in this matter this wheel would have been invented many times over by many by now…Even Bessler could achieve it only after many failures…The MT designs are proof of it…
      And,finally,it is not just that the levers only play a major role; the weights’ role too is equally great if not more…

    10. Sorry Suresh, I was not too clear. The prime mover does contain weights and levers but they are not used in the way one would think of in a weight shifting OB design. The prime mover is a power source in it's own right and can be used by itself to power something, or attached to something larger. That is why I referred to it as a rocket, because it kind of works that way. If you want to turn a wheel, connect one or more to the periphery and you will get rotation - this configuration is the most efficient and will yield the greatest torque. You could use it to lift the weights in designs like MT9 thru MT16, but why go to all the extra work. However, I do think that may have been what Bessler was eluding to in MT11. The inner wheel would be the prime mover. Using the prime mover to power one of the MT9 thru MT16 wheels is what I meant by all the possible configurations.


    11. The basic operational principle of the prime mover cannot change. So I agree with you on there only being one design if by that you mean the prime mover. However, since the prime mover can be used to power any number of wheel designs (MT9 thru MT16 for example), that part is variable.


    12. Suresh said in 27 March 2013 04:39 post "Find the prime mover first…that is the lever-weight attachment…the rest is just the support structure or the cover up…".

      I'm not trying to say the Bessler prime mover was not some type of lever-weight attachment, but it is not the prime mover I discovered and am trying to "vaguely" describe. My prime mover is not a simple grouping of levers and weights like those shown at the end of the spokes, or wheel periphery, in MT9 thru MT16. It is so much more, and yet so simple. I believe the prime mover(s) and OB wheel were distinct mechanisms, interconnected to achieve rotation.

      I also think that sometimes when Bessler is describing some aspect of his wheel, he is actually referring to details of the prime mover(s) and not the mechanics or design of the OB wheel. The clues seem to suggest this, but it only makes sense when you have the prime mover.

      The only other thing I will add at this time is I spent years trying to understand the Milkovic two stage oscillator. That experience helped me recognize the potential of the mechanism I discovered, and now call the prime mover.


    13. I need to rephrase something ...

      I said "That experience helped me recognize the potential of the mechanism I discovered, and now call the prime mover".

      I need to change that to

      "That experience helped me recognize the mechanism I now call the prime mover".


    14. Suresh wrote 'What I don’t understand is even though the wheel mechanism is supposed to be very simple why is that it is still evading everyone?'

      Tg touched on this several times. A state or national lottery is a 'simple' set up but only one combination of numbers from the machine will win you the jackpot of money. With Bessler's wheels only one correct combo of lever lengths, cord connections and lengths, and spring connections and tensions will do the trick. It toook Bessler a decade to find that special combo using every crafting trick he knew. If tg is right then that combo of factors is hidden in the two dt portraits. But to recover the info you need to be actively building and following any and all angles, ratios, etc suggested by the portraits. Then if you are very very lucky you will hit it and have a working wheel which is the same as Bessler's. Yes weights, levers, cords, and springs are 'simple' but finding the right shapes and other factors is definity not simple despite what count Karl said after paying for a peek at the wheels insides. He only saw the final result of a working mechnanism and did not know all of the details which Bessler probably did not go into. When tg returns he'll set us all straight on this again (I cant wait!).


    15. Sorry Mike/TG/KenB,

      I respectively disagree with your conclusion. The mechanism you describe is a complex arrangement of levers, springs and cords. Not something anyone would conclude is very simple in appearance or could be recreated after viewing for a few minutes. Plus, complexity aside, the design is nothing more than a weight shifting mechanism, a design that is at best break even. It will never work, and it explains why you don't have a runner. You are wasting your time and ours.

  15. People of the world : This is John Collin's blog and with all due respect this is the ( most fitting ) place where the Offyrean Perpectual Motion will soon be announced . It is thanks to John Collins and Bessler himself of course that most even beleive that a perpetual motion is possible . But without the kind of searching which Bessler himself and now one other person had found it necessary to do it could not have been found again . Yes , as Bessler himself said " It is/was hidden . It seems that every new idea serves to lead one closer to the truth and when you arrive , there is really no room for doubt because you are observing something that you can scarcely imagine , the " tough nut " is now gloriously staring you in the face with Bessler's accurate description finally ringing loudly and well understood . I will put no signature to this post as most of you know who I am already and of my many false starts . I never meant any harm and I know I have rubbed many the wrong way but now you will know what all my excitement was about . Now you will know why I have always felt that the answer would come to me first .

    1. DATELINE: 03 APRIL 2013
      The Chosen One announced today that Bessler's Miraculous Perpetuum Mobile has been resurrected !!


    2. Best of luck Chris. Tg also planned to announce the successful rediscovery of Bessler's secret pm mechanism here but eventually cancelled that idea due to the 'toxic climate' that was allowed to be created here by the 'Ignorami'. Have no doubt about it. They are still here and more active than ever! Expect a ton of verbal abuse from them and their various stooges / trolls if you even try to share any details here.


    3. You see it doesn't matter anymore what anyone says or doesn't say , respects or doesn't , reads or not , thinks of me or themselves . I am immune to all of " that " because I know what I have found . And yes Mark , that's about the size of it except it's not funny .

    4. Oops, I just now spotted an error in what I wrote last night. The "dateline" should read 01 April, not 03.
      (When I am on the desktop PC, I use the numerical pad on the right of the keyboard, not the numbers row along the top. I must have mis-keyed it.)
      Now maybe my attempt at humor/humour will make a little more sense?

      CW -
      Good for you, I'm glad to see your confidence override your temper. Good luck with whatever it is that you've found, I hope it works out.

    5. I just wonder if you are mocking me . If you thought I had actually discovered something would you be attempting humor ? I guess the grandeur will arrive with the proof ! Anyway , whatever your intentions thanks for the note and the reckoning .

  16. For the doubtful and those who presume to instruct others on the proper way to announce and execute the somewhat unlimited failures of this pursuit because they themselves don't really believe that this discovery is possible : Hide and watch ! And then ask yourself why you didn't get bust discovering it yourself instead of being so bent on advising others how to tread a path that you've never even taken one step on along .

    1. Methinks you like to hear yourself talk . Have you built it yet ? You talk as if you have all the answers . You seem to think that nobody but you could possibly have maybe a simpler explanation based on something that actually exists in the literature .

  17. A little tired , it's been a long day . Sorry about the grammar . That's Perpetual and one single step along .

  18. I am looking for a free computer simulation program to try out an idea for the bessler wheel .
    Any of you know any programs you could recommend that can be downloaded from the internet ?

    1. You could try Physion or Working Model 2d . Type them into a search engine to find the download page .

    2. Thank you anonymous, I have downloaded physion .

    3. As you probably know, 2D programs like Physion, Working Model 2D (and silux) are only able to analyse motion in a single plane, or a series of parallel planes. That's all that is needed to analyse most Bessler wheel ideas, but I have found I sometimes need a 3D program.

      I'm now quite impressed with the 3D program Universal Mechanism, see, having used it for a while. When you download it, you get a three month free licence (or you can get the "Lite" version free for ever, but I didn't bother with that. I just bought the program plus several modules for USD220, which is far cheaper than an equivalent Western program).

  19. Although touted here as a simulation, which it isn't (it's an animation) this is a nice idea. Rather simple.

  20. Isn't it time for a new subject?

  21. You could put it in your will, that your research is to be published somewhere on the internet if you were to pass on !

  22. On the subject of preponderance, here's a novelty for you. (JC, it might need a new thread)
    I call it “THE BICYCLE PARADOX”.

    To see this in action, you need a bicycle. Rest it against a wall or get a friend to hold it up – front wheel to the left, back wheel to the right. Then use your hand to do the things you normally with the pedals. With the pedals horizontal, push down on the top of the front pedal – the bicycle moves forwards. Now push upwards on the pedal at the back – the bicycle moves forwards. With the pedals arranged vertically, push forwards on the top pedal - the bicycle moves forwards. Obvious, isn't it; moving the pedals in a clockwise direction makes the bicycle move forwards (in this case, to the left). Now with the pedals vertical, push the bottom pedal clockwise (backwards in this case).
    The bicycle moves backwards!

  23. I'd call that a wrong analysis of directions.

    1. Hi Great Bear, that doesn't seem right. I think your conclusion that the pedals move clockwise is wrong. When you say, 'push down on the top of the front pedal', that is making it move anticlockwise or from 9 o'clock towards 6 o'clock.

      And later you say, 'Now with the pedals vertical, push the bottom pedal clockwise (backwards in this case).' That clearly moves the pedal from 6 o'clock, backwards and upwards towards 3 o'clock- anti-clockwise, and the bicycle would still move forward and to the left - or am I confused?

      Possibly it has something to do with me being English and driving/riding on the left. In the US, your pedals would move clockwise but only if the front wheel was to the right and the rear wheel to the left!


    2. As you say JC, I think GB has clockwise and counter-clockwise mixed up. We also have to assume that the bike does not have a free-wheeling hub. That is, if you pedal forwards the bike goes forward, if you pedal backwards, the bike moves backwards - like how a uni-cycle works.

      Also I think we have to think in terms of linear push direction instead of rotation.

      If you push the upper pedal to the LEFT, the bike moves to the LEFT. If you push the lower pedal to the LEFT, the bike moves to the RIGHT.

  24. Isn't the internet the PM archive already? Nothing is new.

  25. Sorry - my anti and my anti-clockwise may have got mixed up while mixing some weird drink combinations. I shall put these away and have some alcohol to clear my head instead.

    I hope you got the general idea though. It's an unexpected outcome to a seemingly obvious action.

    1. Is the assessment below correct?

      If you push the upper pedal to the LEFT, the bike moves to the LEFT. If you push the lower pedal to the LEFT, the bike moves to the RIGHT.

  26. May be it's time to get out of the armchair and give it a try?


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...