Thursday, 7 May 2015

How Many Ways might there be to Solve Bessler's wheel? Update.

It has been said many times that even when we solve Bessler's wheel, we won't know for sure whether it will be the same design as his. Perhaps this doesn't matter but it seems an unlikely conclusion to me anyway.  I have known the principle or trick, if you like, to the secret of Bessler's wheel, for  a couple of years and I am certain that the principle I'm referring to is a vital part of the configuration; without its use the wheel will not spin.

I also know that if I hadn't found it, I would still suspect that there would only be one way to make gravity able to drive the wheel and therefore whoever solved the problem would still require this particular specific principle to be incorporated in its construction.  So for his wheel to work, Bessler must have known and used the same principle and therefore anyone having to use this same principle would result in a duplication of Bessler's wheel. If you consider that for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years, man has sought the answer to this riddle, as far as we know, without success except for the once, there can surely only be one principle involved and therefore only an extremely limited number of ways it can be used - and maybe only one way.

I have give some consideration to potential alternative ways it might be used and I suspect that it might be possible to use it in a reactionless drive.  How this might be achieved using the principle I have in mind is beyond my engineering skills to make, although I have sketched some ideas.  When you consider that in Bessler's wheel you are attempting to convert the downward linear force of gravity into a rotational one, then it doesn't seem too big a jump to assume that you could reverse it and use a rotational drive to create linear thrust.  Of course I am fully aware that to date, no reactionless drive has ever been validated under properly controlled conditions but then neither has a gravity-driven wheel. It seems that a consequence of building either one would conflict with Newton's third law, (for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction), however the same principle which I think will work for Bessler's wheel should be available for use in the opposite direction and we are all working to prove Bessler's wheel because we believe it was genuine.  If the consequences of Newton's third law can be circumvented in one direction then it should also be possible in the other.

I guess you are asking, if I know the principle why have I not created a working model by now?  A reasonable question and I shall try to answer it.  I know and understand the principle and the reason why it will work, and I'm confident that everyone will agree with me when I explain it.  But finding out how to use it has proved more difficult than I imagined when I first found it.  I have over the last couple of years, through a combination of hands-on building, trial and error, and successfully teasing out the desired information from Bessler's drawings I have at last arrived at the correct configuration, and I am completing my final construction.  

My intention is to finish this model and - if it works - then I can finally publish the details.  If it doesn't work, I shall also publish the details of the principle and also the extracted information from the particular drawings I used. I'll explain how I arrived at my conclusions and let someone else carry it forward.  I will do this because I am certain that I have everything right, but who knows?  Perhaps the quality of my workmanship might result in a less than continuous motion.

I understand with the utmost clarity that the vast majority of readers here, will think I'm deluded and I don't blame you.  But, I am fed up with constructing endless stationary wheels and I want to share the only bit of real information that I do have, the principle!  But allow me, please to just finish this last attempt to build a working model.

The reason for my belated apparent haste after many years of procrastination, is because we are planning to sell our current home and buy a smaller one here and maybe a small villa in Spain, where we can try and avoid the miserable winters in England.   This means that my current project will suffer an extended hiatus  The house is being tidied up for sale and my workshop is suffering the same fate - being tidied up and all my work hidden away. If this one fails to rotate continuously and drive another device, then I will publish everything as video, digital and printed documents within the next few weeks.




  1. Maybe you should get a carpenter's helper to finish the wheel for you John. :) Let me just say my opinion about the clues here. Imho.... the clues are exactly where Bessler says they are.

    1. You're right justsomeone, the clues are where Bessler says they are!


  2. I've always maintained that there could be more than one way to achieve an imbalanced pm wheel and that Bessler was extremely lucky to find one of them. From reading his material, however, one gets the distinct impression that he thought he had found the only way. I guess this is understandable considering all of the failed designs of others he had seen, perhaps attempted to replicate and improve, and his own string of many failed original designs. It would only be natural for him to reach such an exclusive conclusion and then try to protect his priority by hiding the physical parameters of his finally successful pm mechanism in the two DT portraits.

    I wish you luck with your planned move. Moving, especially as one gets older, can be somewhat stressful, but I, too, am considering eventually moving to some sort of retirement community where I will no longer have to maintain a large piece of property and can let others do it for me. I am very eager to see the "principle" you keep alluding to in your blogs. Don't worry about making a wheel out of it that works. If you have anything real, it won't be long before someone demonstrates that with a computer simulation and, should that happen, it won't be long before someone else makes a working physical prototype from it. Bessler stated that he had found success where everyone else had looked. To me that can mean only one thing: he figured out a way to make an overbalanced wheel work. Don't worry about anyone thinking you are deluded. A "delusion", by definition, is a false belief. Until and unless your belief in your "principle" is proven to be unworkable, you are not deluded. Whenever someone suggests that I'm deluded, I respond by disagreeing and just stating that I am "cautiously optimistic". Sounds a lot better than having a psychiatric diagnostic label pinned on oneself especially by people who have usually done little to research the subject of pm mechanics in depth.

  3. Well an N3 violation is certainly one route to OU. Any such wheel could produce at least twice the output energy as input. Ditto for the EM equivalent of N3 - counter EMF / back EMF; if you can torque a rotor without imparting counter-torque to the stator, then Bob's yer proverbial.

    And it would certainly fit with Bessler's wheels apparently having no need of stators to push or pull against.

    If there [i]is[/i] a reactionless torque involved, then to convert this to an unbalanced linear force shouldn't be too difficult - possibly even as simple as arranging two contra-rotating wheels on the same base, and using permanent magnets in place of gravity to free it from terrestrial constraints. But i'm guessing it's probably a little more complex than this or you would've thought of it already...

    There's been a renewed interest in potential N3 violations in the respectable press lately, ever since NASA's successful testing of Shayer's EM drive in vacuum last week, so now would be a good time to unveil a competitor and maybe capitalise on the public momentum behind NASA's efforts - if not steal their thunder!

  4. Happy to report that this morning's modeling session produced some very surprising results. I have been struggling with trying to determine the exact masses of the weights and levers Bessler's Merseberg wheel and table top prototype used and have become convinced that all of my hundreds of failed attempts were due to not knowing these precisely. Then I found a remarkably subtle clue in the second DT portrait that, when carefully analyzed, gives a particular spring constant value. I then decided this morning to use this value with the values of 4 lbs for the masses of both the Merseberg wheel's single weights and levers. Incredibly, the entire array of levers within the drum was perfectly balanced and, upon rotation, displayed a sort of buoyancy with all but one of the levers (the 6 o'clock one which I have did not yet connect to the others) displaying a rapid shifting before the drum had even completed half of a 45 degree increment of rotation. I've never seen such responsiveness before! This is the kind of rapid shifting that must be achieved in order to keep the center of mass of all of the weights and levers on the wheel's descending side during rotation if the pm effect is to be achieved. Now, if the system behaves itself when the 6 o'clock lever is connected up to the other levers, then this could be "it"! I should know in a few days.

    Meanwhile, here's an interesting little detail for the few serious DT portraitologists out there to ponder. Look at the second portrait. Now look at that lamp on the lower right side. It consists of a conical top cover that sits on a cylindrical upright supported by tripod feet that rest on the table in front of Bessler. Note that the visible half of the conical top cover has four "ribs" that stretch from its peak down to its circular rim. Assuming that the conical top cover is symmetrical, that means that there are also four additional ribs on the unseen back half of the cover. Thus, we have a total of eight ribs on the conical cover. Now imagine that you look at the conical cover from a position directly vertically above it. What would you see? You would see a circle with a dot at its center and eight ribs radiating out from the center dot to an outer circular rim. Sound familiar? What you would be viewing would be a symbol for the drum of one of Bessler's wheels with the dot and ribs representing the drum's axle and radial frame pieces! Need more convincing about this "accidental" symbolism? Now again view the second DT portrait normally. Imagine a vertical line dropping straight down from the tiny knob at the top of the conical lamp cover. It passes through the center of the cylindrical upright support of the lamp and let it extend down below the portrait to the text below it. You will find that the line touches the second of the two letter "L's" in the word "vollendet" below the lamp. What is the significance of this? Note that the two "L's" are joined together by an intertwining of the flourishes at their tops. "L" is the 12th letter of the alphabet and we have two "L's" that are combined. Bessler is telling us by this symbolism that we must do a mathematical combination of the values of these two letters. Let's do it by multiplying them so that we have 12 x 12 = 144. This number, 144, is very significant. The reason is that this tells us that the conical lamp cover represents the drum of the Merseberg wheel. That wheel was 12 feet or 144 inches in diameter! Is all of this just an "accident"? I certainly don't think so. And, again, this is only a tiny fragment of the wealth of information contained in the two DT portraits.

    1. It could be your sim is shifting rapidly because you left the 6 o'clock lever unconnected. When you connect it, it will all balance nicely.

      Whatever that thing is, if it is a lamp, there wouldn't be four more ribs on the back half. There would only be two more ribs. If there were only six ribs, it wouldn't represent the 8 radial frame pieces of his wheel,assuming they had 8 pieces. So that would mean the line through it to the two L's is an "accident".
      The portraits don't have all of these symbolisms you're seeing. It's unfortunate John drew lines on them to support his theory for 5 mechanisms; and now wondering about the positioning of the hands, etc.; it gave others the idea the portraits have clues woven into them. And you're taking it to an extreme. Anyone could do what John and you and others are doing to find things in the portraits that would support any assumption they have about the wheels. If one assumed the wheels had bellows, he could point to the organ in the portrait as evidence, and the MT drawings that show bellows. But the organ is there to show Bessler had experience with organs. You could go through all of these clues and symbols this way and do the same thing with each of them.

      The portraits are mainly what portraits are meant to do, to leave an impression of the person in the portrait.

    2. Yes, the true test will come when that 6 o'clock lever is added to the other levers. It's presence will slow the rate of shifting, especially of the 7:30 lever, and affect the location of the center of mass of all of the weights and levers. My hope is that invisible center will remain fixed, more or less, in space as the drum rotates around it. The main reason why no one has been able to duplicate Bessler's imbalanced pm wheel mechanism, imo, is because, due to the imprecision of their parts and their "connectedness", they did not achieve the exact rates of lever shifting that was just right enough to keep the center of mass of the system at a particular location. Bessler, through enormous effort and personal sacrifice, managed to find the correct component parameters to achieve this pm effect.

      We're going to have to "agree to disagree" about the number of ribs on the conical lamp cover. I'm convinced that the total number is 8 and that just happens to match the number of weights making contact with their rim stops as a drum completed a single rotation. The implication of this is clear to me: Bessler mounted the weight carrying levers of his wheel between the radial frame members of its drum. Most likely, the bearings for the lever pivots were brass and physically embedded into the wood of the radial frame pieces. The wooden lever pivots themselves would have been made from steel rods. A little lubrication was then applied to make a nearly frictionless bearing.

      The organ in the background of the second DT portrait also fits in with the 8 weighted lever theory. Although the organ only shows 7 pipes, anyone who is familiar with musical notation knows that there are 8 notes to an octave and the organ would most certainly be capable of playing at least one and perhaps several octaves of notes. I believe Bessler included the organ as a way of telling us that it was his work with organ mechanics that aided him in the construction of this wheels. He includes it as a sort of tribute to the skills he acquired while pursuing that craft.

  5. Ken never ceases to amuse me

  6. Double lol, Some simple research will soon lead you to the fact that L = 11 in the alphabet used by Bessler and all his peers..

  7. LOL is right …

    There’s know one worse than someone who makes claims for years, but gives no proof to back up their claims, all the while criticizing others for their claims, and oh yeah, has no working wheel.

    Yep, this LOL is for you ... OJ.

  8. To me the point is, if we were all agreed that the copper plate engravings were self-portraits by Bessler then the possibility of clues embedded in them would be greatly enhanced. The fact that we all refer to them as portraits says it all, they are the work of someone other than Bessler. It is of course possible that Bessler worked closely with his portraitist and told him what to include in the image; gave him clues to hide in the image, but speaking as an artist I think this rather unlikely. Bessler was an artist in his own right, capable of producing his own engravings, as we know, but capturing a likeness is a special skill that not all possess, which is why he employed someone else for this task.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Quadruple lol! If you guys don't know that "L" is the 12th letter of the alphabet, then your chances of ever extracting the technical information in Bessler's two DT portraits is ZERO! I shall waste no more time trying to point out the many other important clues in the portraits.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Yes Michel, I assumed that was "old news" to Bessler researchers. (It is written in AP and has been discussed for over a decade at BWF.) I don`t think it should be necessary to go over all the proofs all over again.

      To Ken, I think, if you would presented your ideas, as what they are (your ideas or speculations), you would get more nice and constructive feedback on your posts. Sometimes I think that even you have something to learn from others.

      You present things in a way (maybe not intentional?) that diminishes others knowledge to (quote) ZERO.

      How should a person respond to someone conveying to them that what they know has ZERO value? Then you get lol etc. in return.

      My friendly advice would be to present your ideas as ideas and speculations. Like: I think that L could mean 12. Maybe use some question marks? Maybe ask if anybody has knowledge of the alphabet / alphabetic values used by Bessler etc. You could get a lot of nice and valuable input!

      Good luck to you Ken and all!

    3. What utter nonsense! Whether the German letters "I" and "J" or "U" and "V" were used interchangeably by some writers makes no difference in the total number of separate letters in their alphabet. But, they do have four extra variations of some of these letters with special sounds associated with them and some of which Bessler used in the DT portrait texts. Here's a chart that illustrates there are 26 regular letters in the German alphabet and "L" is the 12th letter.

      When I read people trying to tell me that "L" is the 11th letter of the alphabet I realize why so little progress (other than my own a perhaps a few others) has been made with the DT portraits to date. It's a really sad situation.

    4. Now you are doing it again! So much for being nice. This is the last time I ever spend time respond to you, Mr. nonsense, "What utter nonsense"? Then please try to convert this text from Besslers publication into German. I will await your nonsense.


      I will even make it easier for you!

      First try using a modern 26 letter alphabet (online), and then try to use the old 24 letter alphabet manually. You (if you dare) or someone else could publish the result here, as my word clearly isn`t good enough. Of course I predict that you think that my close to 20 years of research into the exact matter, is utter nonsense anyway.

      Let us now see which method gives a result closest to old German?

      Tip: "the 24-letter alphabet omits "J" and "U" and proceeds clockwise in alphabetical order."

      Here you can see how variations of a substitute cipher clock (could be used when translating the text above, or converting Bessler --> Orffyre by turning the inner disk) did look like in the 1600-1700s:

      You see, the roots of the 24 letter alphabet and the letter values was deeply founded in the various cryptic methods, thus wasn`t changed over night. This is something you have to investigate and experience by spending time researching the various methods. So you see that this isn`t something that I am just suggesting, but it is the reality.

      Now tell me about the said "really sad situation"...

      Good luck to all! (with or without the correct alphabet.)

    5. You could also try to explain away this. J is omitted in Das Triumphierende, numbering of the machine parts.

    6. You've provided some examples of French made "cipher wheels" that omit the letters "J" and "U". That's nice, but is, imo, irrelevant to the alphanumeric value system Bessler uses in the two DT portraits. In fact, in the first portrait I can find both a "U" and a "J" although that second letter is carefully disquished. Once again, I believe all discussions of any coding systems Bessler may or may not have used outside of the two DT portraits to be irrelevant as far as trying to determine what his secret imbalanced pm wheel mechanics were. If you want to explore such a coding system based upon a 24 letter German alphabet, then you are certainly free to do so. However, don't be too surprised if it does not lead to a solution to his wheels. I'm not purposely trying to offend you or any of the other cryptologists out there...just calling it like I see it. Good luck with your will need it!

    7. ps. I find that I have no problem turning "Bessler" into "Orffyre" using a 26 letter German alphabet!

    8. pps. As far as non portrait DT illustrations are concerned, you might want to check out page 142 where a schematic of Wagner's version of Bessler's wheels is reproduced. At the top of the illustration you will find the letter "U". Yes, the "J" is missing. I guess he was using a 25 letter alphabet on that page!

    9. Since I learned about how the 24 letter alphabet was applied by the intellectuals in the 1500 1600 and 1700s etc.I finally started to make some progress with Besslers work. (the opposite of what you say) (In other words, started to find some systematic information that becomes self proving/evident). I had now been trying to apply your modern alphabet values for over 10 years, to no avail..

      By the way, I see that you didn`t want to decipher the sentence? using the link with the 26 letter alphabet I provided?

      At that time after about 10 years of research I was at the point where I was sure the solution was found by reducing "mgh" (torque) by the use of potential enegy into springs on the ascending side, and by increasing "mgh" (torque) by releasing potential energy on the descending side. But it would not work. I was sure that if I only tuned a counterweight or spring just correct, it would turn. I was obsessed with zooming in on Besslers drawings to find hints or clues to how the levers should look and be fitted etc. But it just would not work. At that time, I took a long break.

      I had then been through, rolling weights. Rolling weights and levers, inclines. sine/cosine calculations, torque calculations, stationary counter-torque, hanging weights, sliding weights, gears, water, water and magnets, levers, levers with springs, centrifugal principles, swinging weights, levers with counterweights, and also interconnections by ropes, Newtonian calculations, spring calculations and Einstens relativity etc etc.

      I am now sure that I now work in a more "sane" and "grown" way. I am very happy that I chose this new route, but also happy that I learned the basic physics.Now throwing my own mechanical ideas out of the window and researching what lies in Besslers writings. I was also thought basic secret masonic ciphers that I now have perfected .Now I use an open mind (meaning that I also look into/double-check a 26 letters alphabet if it seems proper etc.)

      Good luck! And sorry for a lengthy post, but I try to "wrap up" and I will try to keep my word, and stop posting. lol

      PS! Yes I would know that Bessler --> Orffyre with both the 24 and the 26 letter alphabet.

    10. Oystein, it's obvious that you are very committed to finding a solution to Bessler's wheels. I like that and am impressed at the lengths you have gone to. I, too, have a similar background. All I can say is that if I were to adopt the 24 letter alphabet to the alphanumeric coding system used in the two DT portraits, then they would not make sense in terms of the numerical parameters that emerge from them. When I use a 26 letter alphabet, then I suddenly begin to get values that work. All of the attachment points to the levers as well as lever lengths and pivot locations are all derivable using a 26 letter alphabet alphanumeric coding system. Even the recent spring constant that allowed me to perfectly counterbalance 7 of the wheel's 8 levers came by using a 26 letter alphabet. So, obviously, I am not in any hurry to abandon it considering how useful it has proven to be. Perhaps, as you suggest, Bessler did use a 24 letter alphabet in some of his writings, but did not use it in the two DT portraits. He may have done this on purpose so as to not put another obstacle in the way of some future reverse engineer trying to decode the many parameter values given in the portraits. He knew that, even with a "standard" 26 letter alphabet, it would be difficult enough to decode his portrait clues.

      Why are there no "J's" in labeled DT schematics? There could be a simple reason. Maybe that was Bessler's way of assuring readers that he had personally produced the illustrations for the book. His first name was "Johann" and that begins with a "J". Maybe it was his way of signing the figures without having to actually put his name on them?

  11. Let me elaborate, Ken, your mistake is in giving too many details of your work, opening yourself up to the criticism of others. There are a few people that routinely criticize your ideas, all the while making claims of their own, but are unwilling to share nary a detail to substantiate those claims. Their criticisms aren’t limited to just you (here), but to anyone that espouse any ideas that don’t fit their ‘pet ideas’. Yes yes we have have been told many times over the years to just wait, wait until they see fit to release the details - it’ll be worth it. Of course they didn’t have a working wheel then, and they don’t have one now, so what does that say. I admire you holding to your beliefs and to the incredible effort you have taken in the discovery of the Bessler Wheel. If anyone is deserving of the discovery of the wheel, it is you. Whether you are right or wrong in the end, your actions should be an inspiration to us all. Keep up the hard work.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks for the positive support Anonymous and Michel.

      Yes, I realize that everyone who concentrates specifically on reverse engineering Bessler's wheels will have his own "pet" theory as to how they worked and can usually point to various "clues" (in the form of quotes and unusual objects in images) to support their theories. But, it's not enough to point to one or two clues and base an entire theory upon them, especially if there is the possibility that a particular translation may not be accurate or a figure in MT is known to be unworkable. In defense of a pet theory, the proponent may find himself starting to twist meanings and then read things into them which others can not see or agree with. When I read that someone is trying to reduce the German alphabet to 24 letters to make a theory work, then that seems to me to be situation in which a theory is being defended by actually altering reality. Yes, we all want to find a working solution to Bessler's wheels and that zeal can, over time and with nothing but continuous frustration, eventually begin to erode one's objectivity to the point where something that would have seemed illogical and even ridiculous years ago suddenly begins to look "reasonable". Trust me, there are 26 regular letters in the German alphabet today and there were 26 regular letters in that alphabet back when Bessler wrote his "explanations" of how his wheels worked and the texts under the DT portraits. If we can't agree on something as elementary as this, then we might as well give up ever hoping to solve the riddle of his secret imbalanced pm wheel mechanism!

  12. I was unable to work on my wm2d model wheel this morning because I had a very rough day of work yesterday that completely wiped me out (cleaning out rain gutters). However, though nearly bedridden now, I was able to do a bit of research. All of this talk about ciphers and alphanumeric codes made me wonder what would happen if I tried to do a numerological analysis of the two names, "Johann" and "Ernst", that Bessler added to his born name of Elias Bessler. What I discovered nearly knocked me over! It turns out that the two names he added actually contain some of the critical parameters that were incorporated into his 3 foot diameter prototype wheel with which he first found success at the house of Richters in Gera in late 1711 or early 1712! I'm not sure when he added these two names, but if it was after the date of his first success, then that would seem to establish that the names were actually intended to document some of the details of his secret imbalanced pm wheel mechanism. Btw, that analysis of the names was done using a 26 letter alphabet.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yes, I am familiar with them. There's another that states "Sometimes we learn more from our failures than our successes." Paradoxical as it might seem, I find myself in agreement with it. Practically every advance I've made in understanding Bessler imbalanced pm wheel mechanism occurred only after I had racked my brains sometimes for months with a design that stubbornly refused to work. Then, suddenly, I saw a clue that, once reinterpreted, led me off with a new approach that worked a little better. Unfortunately, many that pursue the design Bessler used think they will find it hidden in complete form somewhere awaiting them. Sorry, but that's not the way it works and hasn't in almost three centuries since Bessler burned and buried schematics that showed his wheel's internal mechanics. Even in the two DT portraits, one will only find a scattered collection of symbols, angles, and alphanumeric numbers. All have some relevancy, but they are like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that have been randomly mixed together. It is up to the person trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle to collect the pieces and then, slowly and patiently, begin fitting them together until the first little bit of a recognizable image appears. Then he must continue to try and enlarge the image. Eventually, if he is persistent enough, he will have the complete jigsaw puzzle before him. Bessler's many DT portrait clues are like the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. One must try various combinations of them in either a physical or virtual model until he begins to have an imbalanced pm wheel that almost works. He must continue to modify and modify the design to try and improve its ability to maintain the center of mass of its weights and levers on the wheel's descending side as it rotates. Then, if he is persistent enough, the day will come when he will have a fully functional wheel before him. I think I am very close to that day now!

  14. ' But allow me, please to just finish this last attempt to build a working model.'
    Who ? Is there someone threatening to prevent you from finishing it ?
    And why would it be your 'last attempt' ?

    1. Are you being forced to sell your house ?

    2. Odd questions. I thought I made it clear that I wished to finish my latest version of the wheel or, if it should fail, publish what I've done. It would be the last attempt until I have completed my move. No one is forcing me to sell I just want to live in a warmer climate during the winter.


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thanks Michel, for your kind words. As a matter of fact the move we had planned has been cancelled. We both love this house too much to leave it, even though it's really too big for us. The villa in Spain will have to wait - and best of all I can continue with my current wheel project!

      So no, my passion for Bessler research continues unabated and even if this wheel should remain steadfastly unmoving I shall continue to build, but I intend to publish everything anyway, it will give me more time to make a video explaining where I am with the wheel and how I got there -also in book form.

      The blog continues!


  15. Curses...foiled again! I just spent about an hour with model #1145 and it failed to maintain the location of the center of the mass of its weights and levers. Everything works just fine until I connect the 6 o'clock lever into the system. Then it fails and, upon drum rotation, the center just slides right down below the axle. That's the bad news. The good news is that, after studying what is happening, I think that there might be a solution. It involves replacing the single coordinating rope interconnecting the 6:00 and 7:30 levers with two ropes. Yes, this might do the trick, but it does complicate the "simple" design a little. To make matters worse, there are about 16 possible different ways to attach these two ropes between the levers! Only one of them will be the correct one and I'll have to test all of them to find it unless, of course, I get lucky in my first few attempts. The DT portraits tell me all of the possible attachment points, but not which ones to use! Meanwhile, that self-imposed limit of 1200 models is rapidly approaching.

    John, sounds like your dreams of moving were short circuited by the reality that it is very difficult for older people to cope with the stress of the upheaval of home sale and moving. Most of the seniors I've dealt with tend to be averse to major changes in their lives like moving and, as I begin to enter my "Golden Years" I find that this applies to me too. Sometimes when I get the urge to make some big change in my life, I find that lying down in a darkened room for a while helps the mood to pass more quickly. Yes, I do hope this blog can continue and be a focus for those primarily interested in how Bessler did the "impossible". Someone once observed that websites that are about everything are really about nothing! Happily, that does not yet apply to your blog.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...