Monday, 4 May 2015

What Secret Lies within Bessler's Portraits?

This is an interim blog which I decided to write concerning recent speculation about the Bessler portraits.

There has been much discussion about the two portraits of Johann Bessler.  Do they contain hidden information and what that information might tell us?

In extracting meaning from Bessler's portraits it can sometimes be helpful to try and put yourself in his shoes.  What information was he trying to convey?

Personally, I don't see how he could transmit sufficient information about how to reconstruct his wheel from anything he contrived to hide in his portrait or portraits, so what do all the apparent clues mean? I am expressing my personal opinion here and I have published what I have been able to discover about the portraits at here and
also here

The only facts that we can reliably extract are the quirky finger gesture which seems to point at some hidden meaning and the odd writing below the portrait which contains some alphanumeric clues and some curious font variables, plus the objects within the portraits, some indicating memento mori, and of course there is the pentagon, but all of these details seem to lead us to a dead end.  These vague hints seem to point to some secret knowledge relating to the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Jesuits or some other secret organisation.  They are definitely clues, but with this sketchy information it seems impossible to understand what he is trying to say. 

Approaching the puzzle from a different angle, I think that if Bessler wished to give us the information it, had to be in the form of detailed construction information in a separate place elsewhere, and maybe he designed the portraits to tell us where to look.

So where would we be likely to find the information that Bessler might be trying to point us to?Obviously the most important source would be drawings because a picture is worth a thousand words, but if its textual clues you want then you won't find a better place than his Apologia Poetica.  I have described some of my findings in my web site at 

So somewhere in the design of the portraits lies a series of clues which may lead us to the source of the real secret - how to build a Bessler wheel..




  1. It is my strong opinion that there isn't any clues in the portraits. I laugh at Ken's ridiculous clue assumptions. Sorry but that's how I see it.

    1. I have to agree with you, jso, although I suspect there might be an attempt to imply that there are clues just to give the impression of secrets to be found.


  2. If there is a secret in either or both portraits, MT, AP, etc., wouldn't it be an indication of what he referred to as prime mover? That's the implication from his own comments in MT. So you have to decide for yourself if that's the secret, then probably most important, what he meant by it, then, find the combination that would provide a movement. I don't think he meant it was either a gravity wheel, or a closed system. I think he meant the prime mover was external to the wheel.

  3. Nice to see the portraits given some more attention in this blog although I am dismayed to see that their importance is still being minimized / denied. I have to blame myself in part for this because I have only revealed a tiny amount of the information I have found in them. No, they do not "point" to some other portions of his writings where the secret will be revealed. Rather, they contain all of the specific numerical information needed to construct either Bessler's 3 foot diameter prototype or his much larger 12 foot diameter Merseberg wheel. Without this specific information, I do not think that his secret will ever be found and all future discussions of the man and his inventions will, like they currently do, just go around in circles that lead nowhere except continuously filling up server hard drives! I have, in the last few blogs, dropped hints about several of the simplest clues the portraits contained and nobody seemed even interested enough to pick up on them (but, perhaps, those that do are not posting here!). Again, I can not really blame anyone too much because one really needs to have a nearly complete wheel in front of him to fully understand the many clues contained in both portraits. Since few, if any, here are in such a position, my trying to explain the clues one by one would be close to futile. If I finally find the working imbalanced pm wheel design Bessler used, I intend to author a quick book on it that will, first, give the specifications for both the two direction Merseberg wheel and its previous one direction 3 foot diameter prototype. After that is done, I will then give an exhaustive analysis of the many clues in the two portraits that justify the various parameters in both wheels. Trust me, they are there and there are way too many of them for it all to just be the result of random chance. They were all put there on purpose by someone who spent a lot of time planning the layout of the various items or rather symbols in both portraits.

    Some things to ponder in the first portrait:

    >why was the book in front of Bessler removed from the last of the one's under his right arm?
    >why does the book in front of Bessler have eight ribs on its spine with the lowest two being pushed together?
    >why are there 16 visible curls on each side of Bessler's wig?
    >why is the label on the 12th bottle reversed so as to form an arrow pointing down?

    Some things to ponder in the second portrait:

    >what is the temperature indicated on the thermometer behind Bessler? (I asked this blogs ago)
    >what is the significance of the various carpenter planes on the wall behind Bessler?
    >why does the globe show the Earth's south pole?
    >why can a straight line be passed through the noses of the two organ cherubims and the clock's center and also through the clock's center and Bessler's nose as well as the bridge of the glasses he holds?

    To the serious Bessler reverse engineer these "oddities" will all have significance and carry him closer to understanding Bessler's secret imbalanced pm wheel mechanism. For the armchair philosopher's out there, they will all just be easily dismissed "accidents". I take them very seriously as well as the many other far more specific clues contained in the portraits.

    1. All good questions Ken, and I'm sure you have the answers, but with nothing but your opinion to go on, we are in the same boat as people who read my own speculations and dismiss them as mere mental inventions containing little of substance. I have no wish to denigrate your own efforts to squeeze information from the portraits, in fact I respect your efforts, I merely wished to provoke some more discussion on the matter, as it seems to be the hardest bunch of clues to solve and which one would think it might be among the easier of Bessler's many attempts to catch our attention.

      My own impression of your questions is that we all see what we are looking for and much of it seems too vague to be a real clue. I am concentrating on the more obvious clues like those I mentioned in the blog. But keep up the good work, Ken and one day all of his artistic enchantment will be revealed - hopefully!


  4. John, I was wondering if I should post at all, because nobody really seems interested in the matter, but they only seems interested in finding things that confirms their own pet ideas. If they hear or see something that may point in the direction that all their work is in wain/ wrong, they seems to avoid it or make harsh critique without objective curiosity.

    To solve Besslers hidden work you have to either already have solved the correct mechanism or you have to have an open mind and abandon your "pet idea/s". So you see that this will be even harder to solve for a Besslerwheel builder with his pet idea. Since it is not possible to post picture here, I will make a last statement of what my research has revealed.

    My work has been confirmed by several other serious non-Bessler researchers and has become a smaller part of what has become a major disclosure of the whole Masonic system in a historical perspective. My work has been accepted by a world-wide publisher and co-writer. No details of this corporation can be disclosed at the moment, because I am awaiting further discussions and negotiations about the possible progress.

    (Again) I can tell that the portraits contain some hidden information. The information is (of course) not appearing exclusively in the portraits. But only (and can only) function as a confirmation of Besslers geometric system found in MANY other places (in a way, but not quite as you think John. There are no pointers to other places, but only confirmation of what is found other places). If the information is not consistent throughout his work, it could not be used to prove anything. (If you find something in one place it must be called clues or interpretations, thus it is often being used to support "pet-ideas")

    In my work I have credited you (John Collins) for spotting the "incomplete 5" (..and it is more to it) and pointing to the idea of a pentagon in the portraits. This is all in line with some of the basis of his geometric "default" system. The reason for their appearance will become evident! Even though you have applied the pentagon wrongly in the portrait, the basic idea of the pentagon and "incomplete 5," is the only sane observation/comment made public by any Bessler-researcher so far. Thank you!

    The portraits also appears according to some of the "default" Masonic geometry that I have solved. The system is simple, but can be used in a various of ways. It has been used as a foundation when constructing riddles, paintings and writings by the most learned and intellectuals for the last couple of thousand years, with a peak around 1500-1700s.

    The idea go way back to Euclid and Pythagoras geometric solutions. The Masons favor Euclid proposition/problem 1:47. (Book 1, problem 47). Why? They never tell you how, why, who and where they apply it, this, and the implications is indeed one of their remaining secrets!

    The knowledge give you "bragging-rights" as long at it is done "hidden in plain sight". Bessler used another Euclidian proposition/problem (and method) when he defines his own system. You can find the same system in at least 30-40 pages of Besslers work and as I have written, AP was the first time he publicly documented the geometry in great detail.

    I think/hope this will be about the last time I discusses the matter for now. For those who know me, they know that I am available through private communication.

    Good luck to you all!

    1. Thank you Øystein. I think the problem is that your information although spectacular is only available in a very small way. By that I mean that you generously shared some of your discoveries with me which I was most grateful for and I was utterly convinced by your evidence, nevertheless it was not enough to give me an idea of where to look for myself, in the hope of making some inroads into deciphering ay of it myself.

      So please do not assume the lack of response to your posts is indicative of a lack of interest in what you are doing, speaking for myself i am fascinated to know what you are working on now. You can of course contact me through my name at


    2. Thank you. Yes I have been secretive and just shared some minor bits with a few unknown persons, because I soon saw that I had opened a "can of..something" and I realized that I had discovered something real an novel.

      I saw that my thousand of work-hours maybe could pay off. In this way I have hope to show that the years of nightly research lead to something novel rather that delusion.

      When I later found the linkage to general Masonry and the Rosy Cross by knowing Besslers methods, and could prove Dan Brown or even the Shakespeare scholar wrong, I understood that by "degrading" Besslers codes to a sub-genre of general Masonry and put it into a historical perspective, I could reach a lot more people, not only the old "PM/Bessler enthusiasts".

      Still I discover new things and sometimes correct some stuff, and even remove stuff, so I would say that avoiding premature release has payed off! Even some of the material I showed you is no longer used. Not because it was wrong, but because it was (as you say) not leading towards the end goal. (And that is why I could show it to an "unknown"). If what I have found is commonly discussed on the Internet, it would be harder to achieve some exciting publications or get someone to support me.

      The interested publishers may (at some point) want to ask you some questions regarding proper references etc.

      By "your name", you mean your first name dot your last name ?

    3. Both names together without a dot or a space, Øystein.

  5. I stated previously that I was 100% certain that I knew the correct spring constant that Bessler used, but this morning's testing showed me that, once again, I was 100% wrong! However, it was not a total loss because, after scrutinizing the second portrait for almost a half an hour, I think I've found an even more cleverly hidden clue about another value to try. However, it is quite an unexpected value and now I'm starting to think more than ever that Bessler did not use conventional helical coil expansion type springs in his wheels, but, rather, those flexing metal strip ones I mentioned in the last blog. The use of such springs would have allowed Bessler to easily vary the spring constants to any value he needed to make his wheels work with weights of different masses (but I will, of course, continue using the 4 lb ones for the Merseberg wheel).

    I try to keep an "open mind" when it comes to Bessler's wheels. But, one must careful not let it get too open lest his brains slide out through the gaping hole! I'm sure Bessler's DT portraits will contain all sorts of hidden geometric relationships and esoteric symbols. He would not be the first to include such information and, as a artist, he was no doubt familiar with their use by other artists of his time or who preceded him. While this information is interesting, it only has value as far as the reverse engineer is concerned if it can result in a mechanism that can be built and tested and, obviously, displays pm. Otherwise, it's just more evidence of the experiences and interests of a very unusual historical figure. One can collect these from now to doomsday and it will not carry us one step closer to being able to duplicate his wheels. Ultimately, each of us must dig in the area where he thinks the treasure of pm is buried. There are many digging their holes right now, but the treasure is hidden in only one spot and only one person will be lucky enough to find it assuming that any are digging in the right spot. Until I can proudly proclaim "Eureka" and an independent replication confirms my proclamation there is no guarantee that I will be that person. Indeed, none of the people now alive may be that person. But, I do have this uncomfortable feeling that if the solution to the mystery is not found soon, it may never be found and Bessler will wind up relegated to the scrap bin of history marked "Greedy hoaxers who, luckily for them, were not caught!" It's a sad epitaph to have for a man who sacrificed so much to achieve the "impossible".

  6. That is exactly what I am proposing! His geometry was chosen, because when the figures is combined , It depicts the full mechanism/s. it also dictate where it is placed inside the wheel (cricle). Just as the Masons geometry was showing full 2D compasses and squares, golden crosses, the square tool, 3-4-5 triangles, temples/houses etc. Besslers geometry was showing a full mechanism, and in AP, there are words that accompany the figures. Sometimes the words are coded with what I safely would call the simplest code ever made. It is so simple that nobody even think that simplistic. It proves the saying: "less is more"... The mystery will be solved "in our time"!

    1. If you can combine any figures from MT or hidden in his drawings and get a working imbalanced pm wheel out of them, then I shall be very happy to eat every negative word I have ever written concerning your approach, Oystein! And, of course, the same applies to John's approach. But, otoh, should my approach prove to be the correct one, then I hope you two will also likewise enjoy your meals.

  7. @ Ken,

    Not exactly on topic but I know you have an interest in magnets so I thought I would share some information that was emailed to me today - basically the turning off and on a magnet. I have not fully read the article but from what I have read, the idea is based on possibly moving shielding around a magnet using a knob. If there is little to no force required to move the knob - turning the magnet off and on - then this might provide a way to make a running wheel.

    1. The "Magswitch" is, indeed, a very ingenious invention. By using rotating diametrically magnetized disc magnets that can rotate with respect to each other, it's possible to have one configuration that projects their magnetic fields externally to attract ferromagnetic materials and another that makes their magnetic field contract into the magnets so that there is virtually no external magnetic field or attraction. The problem with this device is when it is switched on and the two discs north and south poles must align. That will require energy being put into the system. Most likely this will always equal any energy being outputted by any configuration of such magnets that use these special switchable magnets to produce a net torque on a rotor. However, perhaps that is not the case and it's certainly worth a try to see if they or the principle by which they work could be used to make a permanent magnet motor of some sort. Thanks for the link. I found it very interesting.

  8. " because nobody really seems interested in the matter"

    I can assure you i'm nothing short of enthralled by the prospect of the potential revelations you're alluding to, sir. I'm only quiet on the matter due to my near-complete ignorance of such arcane issues...

    I once read Jamie James' "Music of the Spheres" which delves somewhat into Masonic themes and the like, but from the perspective of the evolution of the "Great Chain of Being" and its influence and representations in the progression of Western music theory. So i have some familiarity with Pythagoreanism and its later developments, but not enough to weigh in to any great effect here..

    For those curious, the "Great Chain of Being" was basically the pre-enlightenment 'standard model' from the time of the ancient Greeks up to around the turn of the 18th century, encompassing and integrating everything from spirituality to alchemy, sacred geometry and cosmology - the inextricable fusion of science, philisophy and maths, woven into a self-consistent cosmogony. Thus for centuries, it was entirely possible for a learned man to know pretty much everything there was to know as regards the universe and our place within it.. and the custodianship of these ideas became the backbone of the Masonic movement.

    But... that's about the extent of my learning here. So i'm extremely curious, on the edge of my seat for whatever disclosures may be forthcoming, and have some context for understanding them, but very little useful contribution to make in the meantime..

    1. Thanks for the positive feedback, Vibrator. My whole opinion of the Bessler matter is that there is a sort of huge submerged iceberg of data about the actual mechanics of his wheels that has yet to be fully explored. Everything we "know" about them, from the Gould's book up through Collins' to the present is only the small visible tip of that iceberg. It is, for sure, very interesting material, but, unfortunately, not sufficient to allow successful rationalization of his imbalanced pm mechanics let alone their duplication. I'm hoping that I will soon be able to change that status. It's a lot of work and I don't think it would ever be possible without the many hidden clues Bessler has provided us with. There will be differences of opinion as to where these clues exist. I claim they are all in the DT portraits and others will claim they are elsewhere. Eventually, all will be disclosed and I am confident that we will, like before we all die off, finally have a satisfactory solution. Keep the faith!

  9. Thank you, for a decent and well formulated reply! It seems like what you describing is what I have found to be the goals of the RosiCrucians too. Alchemy, Geometry, Math, Astrology, Magic, Tarot, Poetry, Language etc. Much like what Minerva stood for! I think that RC wanted to team up to ultimately achieve something bigger, like communicate with God, and to make Gold and so forth. John Dee and Bacon was major contributors. But what has never been disclosed/documented to the public is how they applied their secret Geometry. It is also interesting to now being able to recognize historical person knowing the secret and at the same time see that nobody ever document it or made it public. That is what I promise to disclose. What is most exciting is to watch the implications appearing from knowing the methods when we reverse engineer their documents.

  10. Hi Øystein

    Believe me I am most interested in what you have found but as you cannot disclose what you have at the moment I am waiting respectfully until the time comes when you can reveal more of your information.

    You may also stop my friends calling me a bit "nuts" for even be looking into this mystery, I am an electronics engineer by trade and as my friends put it , I should know better :-)

    I know you cannot reveal any great detail of what you have found but I did ask you before if you have found anything like a common ratio between the sizes of the parts and also that pairs of parts have to be positioned at a given degree from each other.

    I ask this because I have found connected information in the main drawings (M-burg wheel etc) and in MT that show this ratio and also the distance apart of pairs of parts, also because this appears across many pictures I don't think I am fooling myself, I thought it was just based on the golden ratio but I have not seen anything like it before.

    Perhaps Bessler used many different ways of showing the information.

    Anyway I wish you luck, someone has to crack this nut its long overdue :-)


    1. Thanks.Yes the ratios is of course always equal. But he uses a couple of geometric versions. Example: If his secret was a 3-4-5 triangle we would see the length relationship 3-4-5 and the angles 37 and 53 degree a lot. The size would of course be relative. Yes, he uses 3 different geometric constellations to prove the same thing. these are are well know geometric figures, combined. In addition he also uses some standard Masonic geometry, just to mix it up a little.

      Yes, it is long overdue! :-) I know I will bring us close or maybe all the way. For people reading this, the most important about my information now is that I can confirm with 100% certainty that Bessler knew all the Masonic secret methods, and used them. Bessler even published hidden information using his own invented system. Why would he do that if he all he wanted to convey was a fraud? Think about it a little. Don`t loose faith!

      Good luck to all!

    2. Hi Øystein

      Don't worry I have faith that Bessler was not a fraud, I can't imagine someone going to all the effort and the many hours it must have taken to print multiple books all with similar clues.

      What amazes me is that Bessler manages to place clues in plain sight but unless you know the connecting details the clues remain hidden, he deserves a prize just for this achievement :-)

      The fact that you can take one geometric shape and work out from this the sizes of the others needed and then with graphic clues be given the angles, its quite amazing. The most frustrating thing is the 100s or maybe 1000s of hours looking at the pictures without seeing any of this until recently.

      The fact that you can take the clues from one of his pictures and use the same information on other images gives me great confidence, I have seen over the years people counting lines, smudges, etc and using these as clues, It seems that Bessler works in a much more defined way, its really difficult to find the clues but once you have you know your on the right track.

      So where does that leave me? well I know the sizes of the objects, the angles and the distances I know why they have been placed where they are but... I can't see any mechanical advantage at the moment so I am hoping someone like Øystein can connect the last remaining dots.

      It may be that the objects I have found are not the mechanical device itself but a means of working out the connections.

      Anyway I hardly ever post on any boards to busy living a lonely detective life looking for clues...

      Regards to all and good luck


    3. Hi Øystein

      From the beginning of my Bessler research 15 years ago I have been convinced that there is some kind of connection between The Masons and the Bessler story. Exactly what the connection is has not been clear to me. However in ‘recognition’ of this undeniable connection I have included some Masonic references on my website. My poem Solomon’s Freight you have already seen. I also published my drawing number 40 The Engrailed Cross, on 14th Aug. 2011 and on 5th Sept 2011 a web page I titled MT 47 Euclid’s Problem, my notes accompanying this image may be of interest to you.
      I wish you well with your work and hope you succeed in publication. Like many others on this Blogg I can’t wait to see what you have uncovered.


  11. kołodziąż6 May 2015 at 21:10

    Well......Brak odpowiedzi również jest odpowiedzią.
    Lookin' through the eyes of a stranger
    Lookin' through the eyes of danger
    Lookin' at the all-night dancer
    Never takin' all the chances
    On the other side of midnight,
    I was lookin' for a place to stay
    And one thing's sure for certain,
    I ain't never goin' back again

    No more...

    Sayounara Anjin-san:)

    P.S.Kilka słów wyjaśnienia dla osób odwiedzających tego bloga.Po przeczytaniu wstępu i trzynastu rozdziałów książki Johna Collinsa "Perpetual motion an ancient mystery solwed" nie znalazłem żadnej wzmianki o polskim pochodzeniu Johanna Ernsta Eliasa Besslera.Szczególną uwagę poświęciłem rozdziałowi drugiemu zatytułowanemu "Orffyreus" który traktuje o narodzinach i młodości Besslera.Nie natrafiłem na nic co potwierdzało by jego polskość.Tak więc zwrot"a German Pole" zawiera tyle prawdy co sformułowanie"Polish concentration camp".W świetle powyższego nie powinien budzić zdziwienia link który podałem w temacie "Bessler Wheel update,March 2015"
    Dlaczego taka forma? Cóż....Po nas zostanie tylko poezja i dobro-wszystko inne ci ktorzy po nas przyjdą-odrzucą.(Mam nadzieję że Jeff Lynne nie będzie miał nic przeciwko temu że wykorzystałem jego dorobek intelektualny):)

    pozdrawiam R.C.

  12. Above text:- PSKilka words of explanation for those visiting this bloga.Po reading the introduction and the thirteen chapters of the book by John Collins " Perpetual motion an ancient mystery solwed " I found no mention of Polish origin Johann Ernst Elias Besslera.Szczególną attention devoted to the second chapter zatytułowanemu " Orffyreus " which treats the birth and youth of Besslera.Nie came across nothing that would confirm his polskość.Tak so the phrase " and the German field" contains as much truth as the phrase " Polish concentration camp " In light of the foregoing, it should not be surprising link that I gave in the " Bessler Wheel update , March 2015 "
    Why such a form ? Well .... After us will only poetry and good - everything else those who come after us - reject . ( I hope Jeff Lynne will not mind that I used his intellectual achievements ) :)

    I greet R.C.

    My response:- Bessler was born in Jonsdorff near Zittau. In 1539 Jonsdorf was first mentioned in a document which showed the selling of land to ten new settlers by the monastery of Oybin.
    In 1547 the whole land of Oybin had been sold to the city of Zittau by Maximilian the Second. In 1620, a large number of Protestant refugees from Bohemia came to Zittau,
    where the Protestant Saxon rulers took them in. The distance from Jonsdorff to Zittau, seven miles. Zittau lies very close to the Polish border and the Czechoslovakia border
    It may have been close to the border of Poland but Zittau and Jonsdorf were part of Germany, so Bessler was a German, or you might say a German/Pole.

    Bessler urodził się w Jonsdorff pobliżu Zittau . W 1539 Jonsdorf raz pierwszy wspomniano w dokumencie, który pokazał wyniku sprzedaży gruntów do dziesięciu nowych osadników do klasztoru Oybin .
    W 1547 cały kraj Oybin został sprzedany do miasta Zittau przez MaksymilianaII . W 1620 ,duża liczba protestanckich uchodźców z Czech przyjechał do Zittau ,
    gdzie władcy protestanckiego Saxon wziął je . Odległość od Jonsdorff do Zittau , siedem mil. Zittau leży bardzo blisko polskiej granicy do granicy z Czechosłowacją
    Może to być w pobliżu granicy z Polską , ale Zittau i Jonsdorf były częścią Niemiec , więc Bessler byłniemiecki, czy można powiedzieć, niemiecki / Polaka


  13. Had another morning of testing my latest wm2d model for Bessler's wheels and still no success. But, hope springs eternal and I have decided that Bessler only used one weight per lever. At least that's what I believe at the moment and is subject to change at any time.

    Meanwhile, I found this interesting site devoted to pm devices. This page mentions a Lebanese inventor that claims he has a working permanent magnetic motor and its patented. He claims he has a new principle of magnetic interaction that allows the device to work. Sounds interesting, but I still think the Yildiz motor is far superior. Anyway, here's a link:

  14. Cheers for sharing, looks like a fairly standard case of delusion though - no working model, dubious supposed principal of "direct vs curved paths"...

    Meanwhile Yildiz is making waves again, claims to have manufacturing partners and is looking for 'customers' to fund orders... see PESN for details.

    Also, Steorn have popped their heads back over the parapet with a little black box to be debuted in Dublin later today, down the pub (Sean Mc's local). Apparently punters will invited to charge their phones and laptops off of it.... see their Facebook page for the lowdown. Steorn's site was offline when i checked earlier so maybe there'll be some kind of splash going up there too..

  15. Thanks for the update about Yildiz, Vibrator. I remain very impressed by his device and in the link below he mentions how he will be manufacturing 5 kw generators powered by his permanent magnetic motors and that they will be delivered to customers by the end of March, 2015. Well, we're over a month past that deadline and I'm wondering if any of his generators have been manufactured and delivered yet. If he can produce a compact 5 kw generator then that is powerful enough to power a standard sized home and he could be a very serious competitor to the companies currently trying to put solar panels on everyone's roofs. Like I said many blogs ago, I don't think we've heard the last of him and it's starting to look like I was right!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...