Thursday, 14 May 2015


Ok, so I'm not selling up and moving house after all!  We both admitted to each other that we didn't really want to leave this house and we have been unable to find one we like as much, so we've cancelled the sale.  No villa in Spain either, at least not until the wheel works!

My current build incorporates the principle I discovered two or three years ago, and it's proving difficult to get it to perform correctly.  I know it is in the right place and it operates as I think it should but it is not causing the weight to 'shoot up' quickly enough, as Bessler described it.  I feel confident that I will get the configuration right in time but now that I am free of the house-moving troubles I can get on with playing with variations on the leverage to generate enough lift to move the weight upwards quickly.  The speed of the lift will affect the wheel's speed - too slow and it will have a braking effect.
I have always insisted that there are five mechanisms, but it was interesting to learn that the sound of the Kassel wheel was described in a newspaper report as making seven or eight bumping noises.  This fits in with my belief that there have to be an odd number of mechanisms and therefore  includes the possibility of seven as described by me on my web site at

Having said that, according to my own work on deciphering Bessler's clues, there are many more potential sources for various mechanical noises, and the seven or eight reported sounds must either be ignoring the lesser ones, or they have all been silenced in some way.  I note that the early wheels were remarkable for the amount of noise coming from them when they turned.  Bear in mind that Bessler said he had tried to dampen the sounds with felt on some occasions and this seems to lend support to the idea 

And another thing, Karl reported that the design of the wheel was very simple, but I am aware of the principle that permits the force of gravity to drive the wheel without conflicting with the laws of physics and  I do not think he could possibly have understood all of what he was seeing.  It would not have been at all obvious even to someone as intelligent as he was.  I suspect that Bessler showed him the internal workings without pointing out the particular features which make the wheel comply with the principle I mentioned earlier.  It will easily escape attention unless you know what you are looking for.

My wheel is quite complex, in that it has several components which interact with each other and it is this interaction which is causing me problems in finalising one perfect mechanism whose precise configuration I can transfer to the other four to produce an exact copy of Bessler's wheel.  Confidence is high!




  1. I disagree John. I believe Karl knew exactly how it worked. His word and reputation was on the line. Did he not also say that he was surprised no one else had thought of it before?

  2. In your exact copy of Bessler's wheel, John, do you use scissor jacks and axle compartments?

    1. I think Karl could see how it worked but I think the reason he was surprised that no one had thought of it before was because he was unaware of the need to include my 'Collins' principle in the configuration. This would be undetectable unless you knew of it before hand. Sorry for the short-hand i.e. 'Collins' principle, it saves time in the long run.

      Yes to scissor jacks.


  3. John, didn't you have some sort of "scissor jacks" design a long time maybe a decade or more ago? I vaguely remember this being discussed on another free energy site and that it was, of course, unworkable. I had a dalliance with this approach years ago, but quickly realized that there was no advantage with them and, besides, they were a pain to construct or model.

    In my version of Bessler's wheels, I have finally solved the problem of getting my ascending side weighted levers to "rise in a flash". That is absolutely critical to keeping the center of mass of the weights and levers on the wheel's descending side during rotation. Now, however, solving that problem has caused a new problem to emerge: I have to find some way to make my 6:00 moving to 7:30 drum position lever and its attached weight drop as quickly as possible. Not as easy as one might think to achieve since this lever must stretch a rather tight spring in the process. Well, I'm sure I'll finally solve the problem, but it would be nice if it happens before I finally reach my 1200th model.

    It sounds to me like you are using or intend to use five separate, isolated self-shifting pm mechanisms. That would seem, however, to not be agreement with Bessler's DT statements about the weights being "coordinated" with each other. As you know, the coordination in my design is achieved by interconnecting ropes between a one direction wheel's eight levers. Are there any sort of interconnecting ropes between the scissor jack mechanisms you use or do they achieve coordination by simply being activated at various positions around the wheel? Your use of scissor jacks will make modeling and sim testing of your design more difficult, but, fortunately, not impossible. I wish you Godspeed toward a successful outcome.

    1. Yes I used scissor jacks many years ago in a design which I thought would do the trick - but it didn't. Since then I have occasionally returned to them but until this last few months I did not see how they could be of benefit, but I have found a use now.......!

      No as I said above Ken, "My wheel is quite complex, in that it has several components which interact with each other and it is this interaction which is causing me problems in finalising one perfect mechanism." So you see although there are five mechanisms in my wheel, each depends on the actions of another.


    2. ". . . I finally reach my 1200th model." - Ken Behrendt --N & N

      "Finally" meaning it is to be YOUR LAST, correct?

      This number WILL be the tail end itself, as put to the Futility Series of a thousand and two hundred?

      In such a case much of the world would surely rejoice - blessed Finality having been achieved - wordless Peace once again reining - all vapid blather having abated, etc.

      If actually so, then such a delightful thing would be well-worth waiting-for.

      (Am I now holding my breath for such a miracle to manifest?)


    3. John, was the use of scissor jacks inspired by the shape of the upper case A with a bent crossbar in MT?

    4. That was a small additional factor Michel.


    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. @James. I'm not sure if 1200 will truly be my last attempt at Bessler's design because the pm obsession is a very powerful infection to free oneself of. There is always that nagging feeling that if one had just managed to hang in there a few more tries then surely success would be achieved. Gamblers also suffer from the same affliction. It apparently involves the release of endorphins in the brain or something like that. The only cure is complete abstinence from the subject for life! Hopefully, I won't have to deal with the withdrawal required because I'll find the solution before I reach model #1200. Well, that's what I'm hoping for.

  4. Yep, sounds like it really has been solved for real this time, I know what the storks bill is for, its used like a gear is'nt it !

    1. I've noticed that on any free energy type website at any point in time there will be about a half dozen inventors who claim that they are on the verge of finally "having it" and that they are only one tiny parameter tweak away from final victory. If one then leaves that site and returns a year later, he will find that there is a new cast of inventors who are also making the same claims! This pattern has persisted since the '90's and the rise of the "new" internet. I suspect that if one checks the historical records (magazine and newspaper articles, books, etc.) going back to Bessler's time and even before, he will find that this pattern tends to be universal. Assuming that this time the pattern will actually be broken, I wonder how the world will be different after. Perhaps actual discoveries of how to "do it" and the machines which physically demonstrate this are also part of a still larger pattern! That is, a working device is actually invented every few hundred years, but then must somehow be lost to the world. If so, then it really makes no difference if I, John, or anybody else here actually does solve the Bessler wheel mystery because, in order to follow the "larger" pattern, absolutely nothing must come from that rediscovery! Inexorable fate can be a very harsh and unforgiving thing to deal with.

    2. Ken Behrendt --N & N

      It is not only "Inexorable fate" that "can be a very harsh and unforgiving thing" with which to deal for 'gaseous excess' would be a one at least equivalent, as well.


    3. You had two reasons for holding your breath, didn't you, James?


    4. No, John, there is no second, the one - "a one" - being in-and-of-itself well enough for any rational explanation's purpose, don'tcha think?

      So, as I (or 'wee', possiblee) understand it to bee, the plan is for KB's auto-rotatory success to manifest BEFORE that 1200th wheel point is reached, and (as inferentially following) operating OR not, the matter will then have arrived at that most blessed condition for all OF FINALITY!

      Theoretically, at least, this would seem to be IT but, I have a very bad feeling that surprises (as in changes to promises implied but never ever made as specific) well may pop-up, given all the thrice-times-known experience, from those earlier brighter days, over at the olde B.W.F. and the out-drumming that became so necessary as remedy. (Here, with no rep system to help, it may be impossible of doing when that point comes, and come it will.)

      After some point essentially unknowable, enough becomes enough. The very trick itself seems to be found in the divining of just WHERE and WHAT that is but, this is really tough to accomplish when dealing with human quick silver, flappable or not.

      Attending this in-parallel is the fact that SHAME has now been killed off effectively. It is in these 'improved' days of ours politically incorrect wholesale, for any to feel that handy old indicator of yore, all being "victims" of one sort or thing, or another. It is just a tiny part of the inculcated general insanity, that we must endure from without and within. Soon it will be over; no more humans or any life left other than that insect.

      (Fukushima Daiichi, you know? Just think of it: That ONE greedy son-of-a-bitch that refused Bessler his few thousands of Pounds, set into motion our present Collective End. This early, most essential test for progress out of greed We failed! "For it is the love of money that is the root of ALL evil." Yes. Of course. Obviously. And now, so as to rub salt into this still-deniable wound, THE WHEEL is to appear but . . . as too little too late! How delicious an irony. For want of a mere ten thousand, the World and all it's higher creatures is to die! Ha! "Just desserts" as Brann would likely regard it, I am sure.)


    5. To me it seems that Ken is relying too heavily, or even solely, on his simulator. I have no need for such counterfeit emulators when I have an adequate pair of hands to actually make the self-turning device. I find such hands-on work to be mentally stimulating in that it engenders ingenious inventiveness that your average ersatz display omits.


    6. James Miller wrote :
      "(Fukushima Daiichi, you know? Just think of it: That ONE greedy son-of-a-bitch that refused Bessler his few thousands of Pounds, set into motion our present Collective End. This early, most essential test for progress out of greed We failed! "For it is the love of money that is the root of ALL evil." Yes. Of course. Obviously. And now, so as to rub salt into this still-deniable wound, THE WHEEL is to appear but . . . as too little too late! How delicious an irony. For want of a mere ten thousand, the World and all it's higher creatures is to die! Ha! "Just desserts" as Brann would likely regard it, I am sure.)"
      Many free energy inventions have been suppressed for centuries, during the eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries, do not start blaming one person on it, collectively it is everyones' fault for allowing a situation to exist in the world where technology could be suppressed by evil people .

    7. There was a time when all of my models were handmade. It was a time of little progress or hope for me. Simulations do have their limits, but they have one very overcompensating saving grace: they are fast and allow one to compress hours of work into minutes. Also, one can work in comfort without having to expend cash for various parts and such or risk physical injury. My philosophy now is to simulate until a virtual model that works is obtained. If there are no gross errors in it, then it should have about a 99% chance of working as simulated. Then, at that point, time and cash can be risked in producing a physical model. John, I think you are making a big mistake by not moving into the realm of simulation. Learning wm2d is really very easy. With a few hours of practice, you would be absolutely amazed at what you could be accomplishing. You claim you've found Bessler's "principle" that allows the pm effect to manifest? Great! With simulation you could know very quickly if you really have anything. If it does not work, then you could modify it on the computer and keep doing so until you have a working design. Then, you go to your workshop and begin building with the confidence that you are not risking a big waste of time and energy and, most importantly, enthusiasm which really decides how long one can continue the chase. Just my two pence...(do you still use "pence" over in Britain?)

    8. One solution to the Fukushima extinction level disaster is to build air-tight enclosed habitats and power them with bessler wheels .

    9. The real reason for nuclear power stations is to create material used in nuclear weapons,

    10. The governments will build nuclear power stations if there is bessler wheels or not .

    11. If the bessler wheel had have come out then something much worse could have been invented which the governments would have used to destroy all life on earth much quicker .

    12. No doubt about it. Fukushima Daiichi was an environmental disaster, but it was not really due to a problem with the reactors they were using (two identical ones of which are located in my own state!). The reactors held up well against the earthquake and even the ensuing tidal wave. The problem was that, once the tidal wave hit, it knocked out the outside power used for the reactors' cooling systems. That then forced them to switch over to backup electrical generators to provide that power. That's when the tidal wave hit. Some "genius" involved in the layout of the facility decided to put the generators right near the reactors and in a sort of basement covered with a small protective roof. Well, the tidal wave flooded it out and that made the backup generators useless. Next, they switched over to emergency batteries to keep the cooling system pumps running. That option, unfortunately, only worked for a few hours and near the end they were actually stripping batteries out of their automobiles to keep the cooling pumps working! Once they were drained, it was only matter of time before core meltdowns began with the catastrophic results we all saw.

      I'm not completely opposed to nuclear power because it is a technology that works and there are new reactor designs available that can not experience a core meltdown in the event of a cooling system failure. The big problem with nuclear power is that the fission process actually manufacturers more radioisotopes as waste and these must be safely stored away for thousands of years before they become harmless. That's a long time to have to store anything safely.

      Efforts are currently underway to finally produce a workable fusion reactor which, hopefully, will be able to provide us with enormous amounts of electrical power with minimum radioactive pollution. Personally, I like the solar option, but not as it is now being offered to the public. Let the power companies invest in them and then sell us the electricity with only a modest profit added for their investment. I believe that as solar panels become more efficient and less expensive, that will eventually happen. Meanwhile, we can all help by trying not to waste electrical power by using energy efficient appliances, etc.

  5. Can we be confident (or not?) in Karl's words, i.e.: 'the design of the wheel is very simple'.
    For my part, I am inclined to believe them and think that a simple design can lead to a working wheel: we all have seen so many very sophisticated wheels standing so still...!

    1. Yes, you can trust Count Karl. When he said Bessler's design was very simple, he meant it. To me that means Bessler's secret imbalanced pm wheel mechanism did not contain such things as gears, clockwork mechanisms, pistons, pneumatics, bellows, mercury vials, etc. There were only weights, levers, ropes, and springs. But one had to have a certain particular collection of precisely shaped parts in the design that possessed certain exact parameters. If one had it, then the pm effect would manifest itself. It one did not have it, all he would have was a wheel that would quickly come to a stop. Karl was no fool and you can be damn sure he did not hand over 4,000 deutsch thalers (a silver coin weighing about an ounce) to Bessler for nothing. Karl probably viewed Bessler's small tabletop model wheel and realized that it was, indeed, a genuine imbalanced pm wheel which everyone else had been looking for for centuries but failed to find. Bessler credited his luck to the fact that he was far more persistent in his pursuit of a working design than others had been. Anyone who wants to rediscover Bessler's design had also better be prepared to work really hard to find it. The clues are in the two DT portraits, but one must dig for them and try out each suggest parameter to see if it works. There is no other way. Bessler is dead three centuries now and all of his other diagrams showing the secret wheel mechanics were burned and buried. A correct interpretation of the clues in the two DT portraits is, imo, our only hope now. I continue to work on them.

  6. This new update by John has brought it into sharp focus as to what the principle is, I always suspected it was that, anyway most of you will have to wait until he unveils it.

  7. More bad news. This morning saw the failure of my 1147th wm2d model for a 3 foot diameter version of Bessler's small one directional wheel prototype. Very depressing since I was convinced that this could actually be "it". Everything seemed perfect, but it would not maintain the center of mass of its weights and levers on the drum's descending side during a brief test rotation. Everything worked fine right up to the point where I connected the 6:00 o'clock lever into the interconnected set of eight levers. At that point the design failed and my previously rapidly shifting levers greatly reduced their rates of shifting. The only good news is that, after studying the model's sim for about twenty minutes, I think I see a potential problem. It involves a single rope which may be connected to the wrong spot on the levers. Tomorrow I will try attaching it to another point suggested in the DT portraits and see if that improves matters. When you have a "simple" design that depends on having about a dozen precise parameters, a single one that is incorrect can render the entire wheel useless. The more I study Bessler's design, the more I am amazed at his achievement. He was truly the "right man at the right time in the right place" when it came to pm He had the skills, the energy, the motivation, the materials, the time, and the incredible luck to finally solve this ancient mystery. I'm hoping I will have the same factors on my side otherwise, like thousands of others, I will achieve nothing after decades of labor.

    1. ". . . .This morning saw the failure of my 1147th wm2d model . . ." -Ken Behrendt --N & N

      Really now, is there EVER any other kind????

      Thank God that the 1147th is now history; on to the 1148th and headed for Nirvana after 52 more!


      It - the problem - is always to be found at that 6:00 o'clock punctum quietus point!

      "Without sure knowledge of the primus motus itself, ALL ELSE is but beside-the-point time-waste!" - Bessler, 1746 (Please, do not ask for an attribution here?)


    2. I like your 1746 quote from Bessler. Was it obtained via a seance? Lol!

      I just spent a considerable amount of time testing that rope connection I was suspicious of and it is definitely not the problem. I'm also now convinced that my weight mass and spring constant is correct. So what's the problem? It has to be the rope interconnections between the 6:00 and 7:30 levers. In the coming days I will given them a thorough evaluation and, hopefully, that will improve matters.

      As far as the "primus motus" is concerned, it is and always has been one thing: the dropping or inward swinging of the ascending side levers and their attached end weights as they approach the drum's 9:00 position. There is a lot of gravitational potential energy lost by the weights and their levers as they travel between 6:00 and 9:00 and it is used to stretch some springs and also help lift the lever approaching the 10:30 position of the drum That's the simple explanation. Translating it into a working mechanism is not that easy. I have about 50+ models left before I call it quits and that should be enough time to figure out just how Bessler managed to get that lever approaching the 7:30 position to drop so rapidly despite the rather stiff spring it was attached to. Never give up five minutes before your miracle happens...unless, of course, hanging in there for another five minutes will drive you stark raving mad!

  8. V2

    In my findings and minds all Bessler clues leads to alchemy and mysticism ... When B. try to describe

    Bessler have also sayid: "All belongs to three kingdom ... Mars, Jupiter, Saturn ... sulphur, salt, mercury ..."
    I suggest here to look for symbols, seals, "games", intelligence and spirits of those THINGS.
    There is lot of similarity with those "things" and between "all available" MT drawings.


  9. I had a very encouraging session with my latest wm2d model this morning. I've decided that the DT portrait clues suggest that the Merseberg wheel used two 4 lb weights at the ends of each of its levers that also had a mass of 4 lbs. I am 100% sure that my levers are correctly shaped and that all of the coordinating ropes are in place and attached to their proper points on the levers. I am also somewhat convinced that I have the correct spring constants that Bessler used in his first two directional wheel. Unfortunately, I can not reveal it at this time. But, having the correct spring constant is still not enough. One must then very carefully adjust the starting tension on these springs. This initial adjustment probably took Bessler several days to accomplish on a wheel, but with simulation software it can be accomplished in only a few hours of trial and error work. I will be spending the next few days doing this adjustment and, God willing, the wheel I have will, finally, display the pm effect which, basically, means that the center of mass of all of the wheel's weights and levers will stay fairly fixed on the wheel's descending side as the drum rotates by it. If that happens, then I believe I can honestly say that the Bessler wheel mystery has been solved and I will record the exact time, day, date, etc. that the rediscovery occurred. I do believe that I have gone as far as possible with the DT portrait clues and that they all point to the particular design I now have. If this design can not be made to work, then I will not be able to proceed further unless a very big breakthrough happens and, right now, I don't see how that could be possible. We should know about all of this in the next few days. I really hope this is "it" because this whole mystery needs to finally be solved so we can get on to other things. I'm feeling good about it now...but, I've felt good about other designs in the past only to be bitterly disappointed.

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks for the well wishes, Michel. Much appreciated.

      When one chases the solution to Bessler's wheels, he enters a sort of bizarre Alice in Wonderland world. On the one hand, he keeps reading Count Karl's statements that the wheel was "so simple that a carpenter's boy could build it after seeing the inside" and that he (Karl) was amazed that no one else had previously come up with the mechanism Bessler used. Then we read that Bessler offered to allow a buyer to decapitate him if, after the purchase, the wheel upon examination proved not to be a genuine pm wheel! Bessler even states that he expected the buyer to complain that the mechanism was so simple that he (the buyer) should not have paid so much for it.

      That bait is enough to pull the pm seeker immediately into the subject looking for that "simple" mechanism. Then, after he comes up for air a few months or years later, he begins to wonder why, if the design is really so simple, has it not been duplicated in almost three centuries by the, perhaps, thousands of pm seekers looking for its solution? Well, I have an answer to this little mystery. The answer is that, while the design is indeed very simple, it is, unfortunately, a very precise one. In order to keep the masses of the wheel's weights and levers in one location on the descending side of the wheel so that there will be a constant torque acting on the axle, it is critically necessary that all of the levers be shifting at precise rates with respect to each other. That requirement means that the levers must have a certain shape and that coordinating ropes of specific lengths must interconnect the levers and be attached to them at specific locations. Then, after you've solved that little problem, you must make sure that the weights and levers have a certain mass each. Finally, the entire ensemble of weights and levers must be carefully suspended by a collections of springs. There are, literally, a dozen or more precise parameters that went into the "simple" design that Bessler found and used. If any single one of the parameters that a reverse engineer of Bessler's wheels is using is incorrect, then he has nothing but another non-runner. It is the need to get all of these parameters just right that is, I believe, why no one in the last three centuries has managed to duplicate Bessler's design. Imo, right now, other than myself and perhaps a few others, everyone is looking for a solution in the wrong place. Well, I could, of course, be wrong and if I actually make it to model #1200 without success, then I will, finally, have to grudgingly admit that reality. But, I'm not there yet!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...