Thursday 14 July 2016

I'm back! Welcome one and all.

I must apologise for my absence this last few weeks, but thank goodness my house move is completed!  There are still a few boxes waiting to be opened and the contents made to disappear but we're in at last.  I haven't got my workshop yet but I'm confident I will be back at work on wheel building very soon.

I was about 15 years of age when I first encountered the legend of Bessler's wheel and although I immediately suspected the maid's account of how Bessler fooled everyone who came to see his wheel, I never suspected that I would spend the next 56 years years (the rest of my life so far!) trying to discover how he did it.

I think I know now, at last, but as my wife reminded me, I once told a man I was sitting next on a plan to Florida back in 1996, I was on the verge of a breakthrough even then!  But I wasn't, and it is part of my routine to remind myself to keep my enthusiasn/self-confidence under conrol.

My first wheel took the form of a hollow three dimensional swastika made of balsa wood.  It had one large ballbearing in each leg and remained absolutely motionless unless you nudged it a little when it would turn about a quarter of a revolution and then stop again.

There have been so many different versions since then that I have lost count but it must be well over a hundred and possibly two hundred.  Not a single one has shown any inclination to turn more than five or six turns before stopping.  Am I ever tempted to chuck the whole research after so many failures?  No, because I know that that Bessler's wheel was genuine and I have broken so many pieces of code that I think I have the solution.  I was writing up my conclusions until I started to move house and I shall return to it as soon as I can and I will publish it, but I want if possible, to build it first to test my hypothesis.

I believe that the clues I've found clearly show evidence of Bessler's intention to hide information which would help to understand the workings of his wheel, but the best evidence remains hidden in chaper 55 of the Apologia Poetica.  See my website at for information about the clues I've found in Apologia Poetica.

Discussions have surfaced again on the besslerwheel forum about the drawings in Apologia Poetica and in Das Triumphans and the inclusion of pentagrams, see my own interpretations at my website at

These interpretations were made a few years ago, and I have found and solved many more since then, but as they refer directly to the wheel I am working on (soon!) I prefer to keep  my findings to myself until I have had at least one attemt to translate them into a physical reality.

One thing I do know and that is this, should my own efforts fail I am certan that the information I pass on will lead to a successful working wheel by someone with a more skilled engineering talent.

It's good to be back!



  1. welcome back john. been long time now and were looking to see what you found.

  2. Great to have you back, John. I'm sure you're pretty happy about getting the move over.
    Looking forward to your new posts!

  3. Gr8 to see you back :-) I've been checking daily.

  4. John I know what it's like to be interrupted by a major move but so glad for you that it's happened! Welcome back and back to it!

  5. Welcome back, John. I was starting to think you might not return and was even considering starting my own blog just to give everyone a place to expound! I've been working virtually nonstop on my own book on Bessler and it's turning out to be far larger and more detailed than I ever thought possible. Stay tuned for future brief updates as they become available.

    1. Last time I moved house (1996) I said never again! But you forget how stressful it is, and this time it was after 20 years of collecting too much stuff that I could have chucked away long ago but didn't, and now I have to sort through it to decide if I need it.

      Having said that, it's a good exercise in decluttering!


  6. Oh My Gosh....... it is so great to see you back on the blog. I look forward to your leadership to guide the search and success
    Welcome back John

  7. Thanks guys. Just writing next blog. Maybe tomorrow but probably Sunday.


  8. tis is fake but interesting fake for water buidlers

    1. here is one for motion wheel buidlers that use magnets


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...