Sunday 5 February 2017

5th February - 72 today! Update

It's my birthday today so I thought I'd write something a little different.  First an update.

Building work is drawing to a close on my house.  My log cabin which is now known fondly, in my family as Bessler Research Activity and Inspiration  Nerve centre (BRAIN!)  is finished and has all my drawings, computer files etc in it, but actual hands-on work is now possible in my somewhat truncated garage.

I think I'm in pretty good health but I remember back in school reading George Orwell's book, 1984, and wondering if I'd make it to that date!  So far so good! That phrase reminds me of Steve McQueen's comment in the film, "The Magnificent Seven", when he said, “It reminds me of that fellow back home that fell off a ten story building. As he was falling people on each floor kept hearing him say, "So far, so good."'

Two people known to me suffered brain aneurisms last year, one was only 40 and survived thank goodness - it was touch and go; but the other, who was in her seventies died.  So it is not sufficient to assume good health is enough, you need some good luck too, to avoid these invisible weaknesses which can manifest themselves at any moment without warning.

So my new year resolution is to publish my research this year pending success or failure in my wheel building.  Now that I have my workshop back and the workmen are about to leave us in peace, I can get on with it all.

One of the unavoidable consequences of this research which is full of documentary information is that the information is ambiguous.  It is all presented in a 300 year old foreign language, it apparently includes encoded information, but no one is sure what this information is designed to reveal; will it be Bessler's last laugh, tying us up in knots in our attempts to extract real information, which is only the inventor showing us how he fooled everyone, or will it contain actual instructions for building his wheel?

This ambiguity leads to numerous false starts, and the dissemination of inaccurate or just plain wrong information presented as fact.  But as time goes by I see also a faint light at the end of a very long tunnel.  It is my firm belief that Bessler strived to leave sufficient information after his death, to allow us to work out his discovery and reconstruct his wheel, but he also had to find a way to prevent those people in his day from working out his secret.  These two requirements were and are incompatible. This makes our job doubly hard.  Are we in the 21st century any cleverer than those of Bessler's day?

People such as Blaise Pascall, Sir Isaac Newton, Gottfried Leibniz, Leonard Euler - the list in endless, that tiny sample of people of Bessler's day demonstrates that the human mind was at least as ingenious as any today, so how do you go about leaving information encoded in such a way that people of those days could not decipher the message and yet others of a later age could do it?

I came to the conclusion mnay years ago that Bessler must have left something in his family grave which would point the way to full disclosure.  We know he obtained permission to be buried in his own vault in his garden.  I and another reseacher sought details of the burial site and came to the conclusion that the site was covered by a carpark, and was probably destroyed at some point prior to its construction.  The only other potential site was the windmill from which he fell to his death; but this did not belong to him and he must have built it assuming that he would return to his home and garden once that commission had been completed.  It is therefore most unlikely that that anything of value would be found there.  I have also visted the windmill which is still in existance although in a somewhat ruinous state.

To my mind that is the most likely method he might have chosen to direct those who searched for a solution after his death.  Nevertheless, I remain confident that my own research will provide a lead in the right direction if not the complete reconstruction and it will be apparent this year.




  1. Happy Birthday, John!
    And, many many more!

    1. Thanks Hutch, I always appreciate your visits here.


  2. Happy Birthday and lot of good luck in wheel building, John!


  3. Happiest of Birthdays, John. Actually, I know many people in their late 70's who are doing just fine and looking forward to many more productive and healthy years of life. It seems all the one's I've seen pass away in their 60's and '70's had been smokers who were addicted to diets loaded with refined carbohydrates and saturated fats. Glad I escaped those "traps".

    You're astrological sign is Aquarius and here's some info I found about people with this sign:

    "Positive Qualities of Aquarius: Truthfulness, Just, Curious, Affectionate
    Personality, Frank, and Imaginative.

    Negative Qualities of Aquarius: Unpredictable, Detachment, Tendency to go off-track, and Inefficiency.

    Possible Health Concerns: Aquarius-born people must be very careful of any kind of addiction."

    Also sounds like, finally, you will be able to settle down and get some "hands on" research done on your approach to Bessler's wheels. Let's hope you get some good results. I will be looking forward to anything you can reveal.

    1. Thanks Ken. I don't know what your astrological sign is but one of the aspects must be supreme patience with grumpy old men!


    2. Like Bessler probably was, my Sun sign is also Taurus which is for people born between April 20th and May 20th. Yes, the stress of Bessler research can make the most patient of us "grumpy" from time to time, especially when our latest "can not possibly fail to work" design that took weeks or months to complete turns into yet another "non-runner" in a matter of seconds!

  4. Many Happy Returns John.
    When you talk of Orffyreus Bessler's clues, you talk of hundreds, so how do you know whether its a good clue or not?
    You have probably used good clues with bad, so you end up disregarding them all, unfortunately you have no one to tell you if your right or wrong so it's like looking for a needle in a haystack, once a working wheel appears, everyone will try and tell everyone else that they already had the answer.

    1. I am awareof all the clues I have posted on my web sites at:

      Although these are mostly speculation, I feel they were worth publishing. The other clues which I am aware of and haven't published yet are the ones I believce are good ones.


  5. Happy Birthday John,
    if you ever find your old VHS tapes, there's a device called an analog video digitizer
    available, it has analog input, and a USB output, so you can transfer your tapes to a computer, DVD etc. it costs about $50 - 60 US. I'm pretty sure it decodes the old PAL system.
    Of course you will need to beg, steal, or borrow an old VCR.
    I found out about them while I was trying to find a way to do away with my old VCR, because the cable company over here still uses an analogue signal on the basic set-up.

    1. Thanks Stevo, I shall sort out the VHS tapes once the builders have gone.


    2. John,
      this one looks so simple, even I could use it !

      It changes PAL & NTSC analog(ue) to digital.
      The only thing wrong with it for my purposes is, you have to physically push the record button.
      I don't want to bore you, but what I'm thinking is, using the tuner and timer on my VCR, and putting in a cassette with no tape inside, then using the converter to record from the AV output, but of course, if you have to push the button, it's no good if you're not there / asleep.
      BTW, if anyone's interested, they also make lots of other cool stuff to convert things to digital, photo's, audio cassettes,vinyl,slideshow pictures etc.

  6. Happy birthday John! 72 on 5 Feb. 72 x 5 = 360. I believe this year will mark the end of a full cycle for you, as I and many others (yourself included) strive toward that (to me now seemingly not so elusive) full revolution.
    Many happy returns.


    1. Thanks Zhyyra, I had forgotten the 72 x 5 =360 connection. The sign f the pentagram!


  7. Happy birthday John!!! May you enjoy many more.

  8. best to you john for your birth day. many more to come for sure.


  9. John, Happy Birthday to you (Hé, that would be a nice lyric to a song...;-)

    I assume you have given your research outcome for safekeeping to someone who can publish it if luck would run out on your health and you were not able to publish it yourself?

    I hope however that you may enjoy your finished running wheel, for many years to come!


    1. Thank you Herbert. There is enough of the research in a publishable state to show where to go, although I have much more detail to include and would prefer to finish it if possible.


  10. My best wishes are sent to you on this great day John, Happy Birthday

    1. Thank you Gravittea, all these good wishes are much appreciated.


  11. — Happy (belated) birthday, John !
    One other place that does not change for long is the church: have you thought about looking for clues there, when you went to Bessler's last village?
    — Congratulations, Mullen-Zhyyra, for your beautiful equation 72 = 360/5!

    1. Thank you Michel. I visited Karlshafen once, but did not visit the church, which is a real shame as it apparently has an original organ built by Bessler. I plan to go back some time if only just to see it.


    2. That's it! Elementary, dear John! If you are allowed to, look carefully at the organ, especially if it was built by Johann Bessler. It may contain some clues...

    3. I was going to recommend that you bring a digital camera with a nice zoom feature on it when you visit the church to see the organ Bessler built. I imagined that, maybe, he had carved the shape of one of his wheel's secret weighted levers into the woodwork of the organ housing for future students of his inventions to discover. But, upon further research, I discovered that the organ, which is located at St. Stephanus Church in Karlshafen, only uses some of the metal pipes from the original one Bessler built. I don't think they will contain much secret information or clues. Here's in image of the organ:

  12. Silent lurker typically, but wanted to wish you a happy birthday!


  13. Hi John,
    Hope you had a Fantastic Birthday and many more to come.
    But now it's back to wheel building.
    Over the last 20 to 30 years would you say more or less people are chasing Orffyreus Bessler's wheel

  14. That's a great question for John Uneqk. My guess would have to be more. Now with the Internet, more people must be aware of Bessler and what he accomplished. I am also curious what John thinks.

    1. I think it's probably impossible to say for sure, but my impression is that more people are chasing Bessler's wheel now, rather than PM generally. A lot of people have told me that they did not know about Bessler until they came across him either by my web site, or a mention of him on another ste, but they wre already experimenting with PM,


  15. Happy birthday John!


  16. Hi John,
    Did Orffyreus actually state that he had left clues? or are we looking at notes that he simply wrote down which he could refer back to without giving the principle away, for instance someone could have stolen he's notes, which he was confident that they would be worthless to anyone.

    1. You should read my book Uneqk, most of the answers are in there. If not there then in the other Bessler books, not that mind answering any questions if I can. Bessler remarked that if he didn't sell his wheel he would be content to receive acknowledgement after his death, or words to that effect..


  17. Hi John,
    I'm as much interested in Bessler's wheel as your good self, but I'm not actually chasing it, I have very good reason to know whether Orffyreus Bessler did in fact have a working wheel. I'm not trying to find thought in what your doing, but I just hope your reading the clues etc correctly, because if your wrong then Bessler's wheel will never be found.
    Everyone knows that you use more energy picking an object up than dropping it, so in order for Bessler's wheel to work you need to find loads of energy from somewhere? So by giving it a little push will help it on its way? But did Orffyreus actually drop a weight?

    1. You are quite right dear...One needs loads of energy to pick up something that is heavy...Not many understand that Bessler came up with a very ingenuous idea... Using levers and some very clever ways to fight gravity... Even that push is not reqd... Everything is automatic...It is possible...Just give a deep thought...You will really figure it out... Clues are there to help us remain in the right track...But first we got to find that track... Weights in Bessler wheel are proactive...They are the prime movers themselves...The internal design is such that gravity is used both for lifting and dropping... During ascending and descending... During ascending, they are nearer to the axle...And farther while dropping...The swing also provides a great advantage...Every action and movement inside is well coordinated...Every part is designed to provide the greatest possible advantage in overcoming gravity and friction...The entire look inside is quite artful...And awfully simple than one could imagine...

    2. I couldn't agree more regarding good old Gravity.

    3. Sill needs a little Push through.

    4. When something is suspended above the ground it is always in a ready state to fall...The weights in Bessler wheel are provided with that initial lift by being kept or located above the ground...The push or pull you are talking is provided by the counterweight...You see they act in pairs...When one comes down the other had to go up...This is what happens insides constantly...In a normal state it never happens in any machine...But Bessler wheel is designed to do exactly that...

  18. i want to get two of these and give one to john for his birth day gifts.


  19. Nothing would please me more, if you are right, but anything that moves and that mean everything needs a push or pull to get it moving, then perhaps gravity can take over.
    So if a machine turns up that spins but needs a slight push, will everyone regard it has Not being Orffyreus Bessler wheel?

  20. It is our belief system that is the greatest distractor...We act and behave in the way we are taught...We need to think afresh....Once arranged and fixed in a certain way the wheel would go on till that arrangement remains the same or the parts wear off or are damaged...I'm conventional ways everything required a push or pull to move... Here, you are quite right...But if that pull or push or for that matter press/pressure is automated then manual push is just not required... Bessler created this automation and we can very well do it...We need to believe this possibility first...

  21. Bessler's one-directional wheels, literally, pushed themselves to start running. In his bidirectional wheels there were two internal one-directional wheels trying to each push themselves in opposite directions. That resulted in no motion because of the internal balance achieved. To get a bidirectional wheel to move required an external push which then upset their internal balance. Once the details of Bessler's design are revealed, how an external push would upset that internal balance will become easily understood.

  22. Hi Suresh and ken,
    In the nicest way possible you are both right, but the information that Orffyreus Bessler gave out had different meanings to what most people have picked up on.
    I have never read he's clues, except what gets mentioned on John blog, Orffyreus was trying to protect what he had, so he actually told the truth but with a completely different meaning.
    Unfortunately you only see what you want to see, once you see a working wheel it will all make sense.
    Without a push its goings nowhere.
    It's possible that I'm wrong and if I am, that means Bessler's wheels never actually worked, which makes him much more of a genius than we ever thought possible.

    1. "I have never read he's clues..."

      I think that's the problem and is causing you to confuse the performance of his one-directional wheels with his bidirectional wheels. These two types of wheels behaved differently and used different internal mechanics that accounts for their different behaviors. The one-directional ones were always self-starting while the bidirectional ones, once fully brought to a stop, needed only a gentle push to get them turning again in either of two directions.

      Here's a excerpt from a newspaper article on the Merseburg wheel that was published in Leipzig on June 30th, 1715:

      "This new perpetual mobile has something unique and extremely valuable about it that was not found in the Draschwitz model; it can rotate in either direction as desired...However, to start it, a preliminary push or help by hand is needed..."

      This clearly states that the Merseburg wheel was bidirectional and also required a push start while the former wheel, the Draschwitz wheel, did not have these properties. That makes sense because there are other quotes that indicate that the Draschwitz wheel only turned in one direction and did not require a push start.

    2. Ken,
      It makes no difference to me, but your not listening.
      Don't tell me, I know I don't know what I'm talking about.
      It's good that you defend Orffyreus but your not actually doing him any favours.

    3. No offense intended, Uneqk, but it seems like your are completely unaware that Bessler's Gera and Draschwitz wheels were all one-directional and self-starting. If you make the erroneous assumption that all of his wheels needed to be pushed to start and were bidirectional, then you will not be able to determine how they actually worked. But, then again, you've mentioned above that you are "not actually chasing it", so I guess it does not make much of a difference if you have the facts of the Bessler history correct or not. However, to we who are "chasing it", having the facts correct is critical to success!

    4. Hi Ken,
      ok - you're got me in a headlock, I submit, you win.
      But at least I tried.

  23. John, I want to ask why do you beleive that the maid didn't say the truth? That part of the story and the events after that confession points out that Bessler was a fraud. Think about that if he really was genuine, immediately after the allegations, he should have made another one in order to prove he was genuine.

    What happened to the maid BTW?

    1. The maid's evidence is unreliable - she had already been imprisoned twice for malicious gossip. Karl, the Landgrave had seen the secret interior of the wheel to verify it was genuine, and his own reputation was unimpeachable, and he had commented on the maid's evidence, dismissing it. There were numerous eyewitnesses all desperate to prove it that it was a fake, and no one did in twelve years. I am also satisfied that Bessler told the truth in his books, the emotional content is utterly convincing. That and other aspects convince me that Bessler was genuine.

      The account following the maid's testimony is soon to be updated and the evidence of Bessler's sincerity is considerably enhanced. This will be in my updated book, due out sometime this year I hope.


    2. What happened to the maid? She got married and returned to work for her formaer employer, Bessler's mother-in-law, who had moved to be close to Bessler. She got her claws into him, along with her other two daughters and their husbands,

  24. Bessler wheel story is going to be a mystery to many for a long time to come...Till of course the wheel is recreated....No one is to blame for this... The story is such that no amount of book publishing or convincing in any others form is going to clear the murk...This has already been proved...See all the past publishings...What real good has happened...Why so?...Why hasn't the shroud been removed yet?...IMHO... Anyone with the right sense should be able to believe the story after considering all the events including the tragic end...At one point of time Bessler had even offered his head...How bad luck had ruined the man...Why he was the most misunderstood.... Perhaps, if a movie is made out on Bessler the world's populations' emotion could be moved...The very nature of gravity is also to be blamed...I think we are not able to convince others entirely is because Maybe we ourselves have not got the wheel design entirely right...

    1. Bessler's wheel design is simple and it is an imbalanced type wheel. But the reason no one found it in the last 300 years is because the design uses specially shaped weighted levers that have to have a specific mass and must be linked to each other with several sets of cords of different lengths that must be connected to the levers at precise places. Then the weighted levers must have springs of the exact tension attached to them and again at precise places. When all of these factors (and there are others!) are correct, then the configuration of weighted levers will have its center of gravity located on one side of the axle by only a fraction of an inch. The most important thing is that, as the axle and its attached drum begin to rotate, the center of gravity of the weighted levers will be continuously raised by the shifting of the interconnected and coordinated weighted levers and will remain fixed in space on the axle's descending side. There it will provide continuous torque to accelerate the wheel or power outside machinery attached to the axle. With all of these precise factors involved in maintaining the imbalanced geometry of the internal mechanics of Bessler's wheels, it is no wonder that they have not yet been duplicated. As I've stated many times before, my research shows there is only one place in all of the Bessler literature where the exact values of all of these factors is provided. Soon, I hope to be able to provide them so that the serious craftsmen out there will, finally, have a reliable schematic of the internal mechanics of one of Bessler's self-moving wheels and will be able to replicate one of them. I remain extremely confident that such a replication will take place either before the end of this very year and no later than the end of next year at most. Of course, there are no guarantees of anything in life, but I feel more optimistic about my prediction this time than I have about any I've ever made in the past. Those past predictions were merely warm up for this grandest prediction of all which will be the final one and the one that comes true!

    2. You are talking utter rubbish Ken. You have absolutely no idea if your design is any more valid than anyone else's, other than what's in your mind. I've lost count of the umber of times I've asked you not to offer speculation as if it is factual and you take no notice. Do you think you are the only person on the planet who sincerely believes they no the secret? You are not, but we others refrain from making statements that will mislead everyone else.

      Much as I have avoided any kind of censorship on the blog, I feel certain that I shall simply delete future comments from you Ken, if I think they are infringing the rules I set down for you to follow.


    3. "You have absolutely no idea if your design is any more valid than anyone else's, other than what's in your mind."

      The huge difference between the design I've found and theirs is that mine has a working sim to back it up while theirs has zero to back it up! Additionally, what I have is actually based on correctly interpreted clues in the Bessler literature and not the subjective interpretations of various translators who are not serious students of either mechanics or physics.

      "...we others refrain from making statements that will mislead everyone else."

      Maybe that's because you "others" have no statements to make?! On the contrary, all of my statements are intended to begin putting an end, once and for all, to the Bessler wheel mystery by providing a clue based solution that actually leads to immediate physical replication of his wheels.

      John, you are certainly free to delete whatever comments you choose from your blog. I, however, am also free to choose what blog and forums I support with my comments. Sadly, most of the internet today has deteriorated into little more than a medium for people to babble away on so they can feel like they are being productive although, in reality, they are achieving nothing other than filling up server hard drive space somewhere with more irrelevant prattle. I'm someone that likes to see real progress being made whenever possible. Since I got on the internet back in 2002, I've seen very little real progress made in reverse engineering the mechanics of Bessler's wheels. You have contributed much to providing the historical details of the Bessler story and should be justly proud of that accomplishment, but I can not honestly say I've seen anything from you or others that advances our knowledge of the actual mechanics Bessler used. It was even a shock to me to finally realize that many of those who are interested in him actually don't want to see the mystery solved unless they are not the ones solving it! I, however, have found something very unique in his writings which I am highly confident will radically change this sad situation.

      Update. I'm finally almost done with the editing of my chapter 1 which turned out to be far more arduous than I anticipated. It's long enough to be a separate volume by itself! Several incredible discoveries were made while I was editing the section that analyzes the Kassel wheel illustrations in DT. This information has never been realized or discussed anywhere previously and absolutely proves that Bessler's wheels were genuine! Now that Chapter 1 is almost out of the way, I expect the rest of the editing to, hopefully, go much faster. All will soon be revealed!

    4. Oh no! Ken might not choose to comment here anymore. Oh woe is us! Woe is us! No more of his speculative sim backed up nonsense. Oh, woe is us!

    5. Ken, you assume that because no one has discussed their findings they have not made their own discoveries. Speaking for myself I have made many discoveries which I have not shared, probably for the same reason you haven't shared yours. I too have written imy discoveries up and I am constantly reviewing and editing what I've written. But what is the point of repeating over and over that I have made great discoveries, when I decide not to share what I know yet? You seem to be seeking approval and approbation for your claims while also offering no evidence other than your words. I know you plan to publish a book detailing your discoveries - well so do I!


    6. I have to agree that I have done much hinting about "breakthroughs" and have yet to give precise details of most of them. I assure you it's not because I don't want to, but because they really need more than a few posts on a blog or forum to adequately treat them...thus, the justification for a book length treatment. However, I have tried to, at least, share an accurate general description of what I have found which, again, will become far more understandable with forthcoming illustrations. Perhaps in the future I can discuss some of the easier to understand things I've found and try to avoid repetition. As for "approval and approbation", that would certainly be nice, but I'm fully expecting about half of those who find out what I've extracted from the DT portraits to have a severe allergic reaction to them because they won't agree with what they've assumed the known "clues" are telling them. However, those known clues have, in many cases, been distorted by translator bias combined with Bessler's desire to not describe anything in too great detail lest some devious reverse engineer figure out how his wheels worked and then sell their secret for a small fraction of what Bessler wanted for it. The DT clues I have found were inserted into the portraits with the specific intention of giving Bessler historical priority to the secret design should someone else discover it for himself or steal it from Bessler. In the event of Bessler's death, those portrait clues would still preserve his priority because they would then allow some future inventor to replicate one of this wheels. Being geometrical and mathematical in nature, the DT portrait clues use the "language" of mathematics which is just as valid today as it was 300 years ago or even 2,500 years ago! They are not subject to a literature translator's bias, but do require correct interpretation to unlock their meanings. But, how can one verify that he is properly interpreting those DT portrait clues? Simple. A precisely constructed imbalance pm wheel design based on them must work! With a working sim, I am now halfway to that final verification. Needless to say, I expect this very year 2017 to probably be one of the most dramatic ones in the history of the Bessler legend!

  25. John, what if someone turns this thing into a weapon? I always think free energy can be dangerous. Are we ready for such invention?

    1. Worry not, anon. This is just an alternative means of obtaining energy and as long as there are other more powerful forms of energy available, they will not be interested in Bessler's wheel.


  26. 300 years have passed...With no guaranteed solution yet... Whatever suggestions that keep coming now and then is just another goose chase... Discussions happening aren't deep enough...Get thwarted midway... Aren't we losing time?... Don't we expect this to happen in our lifetime?... We don't listen to one another...Most of us on wrong track...I have one suggestion...Let us brainstorm this issue...Let us respect one another's viewpoint...Let us not be blind with our own view... After all, any of us could be miserably wrong...We are always forgetting the descriptions given by Karl about the simplicity...In any case I don't agree with Ken either...His explanation doesn't match with the simple clues and observation given by witnesses...It is too vague and just isn't the way it is supposed to be...I am only worried how he will react when he is proved absolutely wrong one fine day...If this puzzle is to be really solved let us not be in a hurry and blind to our own mistakes as well as taking others for a ride, unintentionally of course,..A good debate will be forthright...

  27. Suresh wrote:

    "In any case I don't agree with Ken either...His explanation doesn't match with the simple clues and observation given by witnesses...It is too vague and just isn't the way it is supposed to be...I am only worried how he will react when he is proved absolutely wrong one fine day."

    On the contrary, I find that the design I have does agree with all of the "simple clues and observation given by witnesses". If you think not, then please do let me know exactly which ones you believe it does not agree with. Also, I'm probably the only one here who has given a detailed explanation of how Bessler's wheels worked including where the energy they outputted came from. If you or anybody else here has a better explanation, then I'd certainly like to read it. No need to worry about how I will react when I'm "proved absolutely wrong one fine day." At this point in time, the probability of the design I have rationalizing all of the correctly translated clues in the Bessler literature and also resulting in a working glitch free sim is probably about one in a trillion! The only reaction I shall be having in the coming years is one of great joy and satisfaction knowing that, finally, this 300 year all mystery is solved once and for all. I do, however, occasionally wonder how all of the other pm chasers out there will react when they find out "one fine day" that they had been chasing the wrong pm wheel design for years or even decades.

  28. It is too premature to come to final conclusions here...Any, of us could be wrong... Only a working prototype can resolve...But, simplicity is the key to success... We should never complicate matters...All that you have been professing can't be taken as gospel truth...You are both right as well as wrong...Right only in certain areas...

  29. I am much closer to the problem than you, Suresh, and I do take the matter as "gospel truth". All of my research into the hidden clues Bessler left, of which practically no one else studying him is aware, has led to a final design which works in simulation form. I shall press on in my efforts to share it with the world.

  30. Correction, of which practically no one else studying him believes are real.

    1. Correction to the above "correction":

      Someone's ignorance of something does not negate its reality. Radioactivity was real long, long before Becquerel discovered it that day in the 1890's. Distant galaxies were real before the telescope was invented. And, the DT portrait clues have been real for nearly three centuries before I show where they are located and what they mean.


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...