Friday, 17 November 2017

Future Plan update.

Following the demise of my plan to share all that I have found out about the design of Bessler’s wheel, I have decided a two pronged approach is the way to go.  I am proceeding with my original plan which has always been to build it and publish the results or, should it fail, publish the design anyway.  It might lead to success by someone else, because I know that I have discovered 90% of it, if not the whole thing.  At the same time I will draw up a detailed plan of how the wheel works according to me, and publish it when it's ready!

It might be thought that I could produce and publish such a drawing quite quickly, but I’m not the fastest nor the finest draughts-man on the planet, by any means, and I want it to be clear and understandable.  I may decide to save each part of the graphic build and then run it as a simulation of the build process.  I can’t do an actual simulation but I know there are many people out there who can.

I’m sorry that the sharing of the design and how I found each clue of Bessler’s which led me onward, has foundered on the rocks - but my plan involved some 50 posts and it wasn’t until I had posted about three times that the emails and PMs began to come in and I realised that I had set myself up for an impossible task of responding to each one, sometimes repeating myself several times, and with a growing number of them coming to me.  An excellent response and I’m not complaining, but it proved to be a cumbersome thing to deal with and in the end not necessary.

So once the design is out there, then I can write about the clues and hopefully show that Bessler did intend to leave that information to us for our benefit - and it would show that our design was exactly the same as his, which would answer those who say that we can never know whether our designs are the same as his.



  1. Over the years you have mentioned numerous times that you will not reply to emails and now, on the eve of your most significant contribution to the discovery of the Bessler principle, you use replying to emails as an excuse to abandon your long touted plan to release details. I find this highly suspect and can only conclude you either don't have the facts or you are now moving to hide the truth.

    1. I didn’t realise that I had mentioned numerous times that I wouldn’t reply to emails, but if you say I have then I must accept that I have. I can assure you that it hasn’t had any obvious effect on the number of emails I get and I always reply to them all.

      My decision is not an excuse to abandon my long touted plan to release details, it’s just a response to an overwhelming number of questions which I felt unable to answer in a manageable way. I could see that further down the line I was going to get totally confused and embroiled in answering questions relating to several different posts and my initial decision was taken to speed things up and this looked like having the opposite effect.

      Now all I have to do is produce a good drawing or drawings showing how the wheel worked. Subsequently I will show how the designed was shown in Bessler’s works.

      So I have the facts and I have no intention of hiding anything, but I would like to ensure I get recognition for my work. I still plan to give it away but I have an agent ready to act for me if and when I succeed in some way.


  2. Sending words of encouragement John, patience is a virtue unto itself.

    1. Thanks for that Gravittea, much appreciated.



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