Sunday, 21 April 2019

I'm Aiming for 6th June 2019 to Publish Details of My Wheel.

I have published a commitment to complete what I believe to be Bessler’s wheel, comprising the same internal design as his, by the 6th June this year. I chose this date partly because I’m determined to finish it as soon as possible, and the 6th June is only a few weeks away -  and also because Bessler first exhibited his wheel on this date, in 1712.   I have said that I have detected and deciphered more and more of the design over a number of years, and I am convinced that I know the whole solution. I’m 74 years of age and think that I had better share what I know while I am still fit and able.  Not that I am suggesting that I am too old to continue if this doesn’t work - I’m just being cautious!

Being aware of countless failures in the past, I am prepared to accept the possibility of failure this time, but unlike every time before, I shall publish everything I know.  Now my promise may sound empty because no one knows whether my current knowledge is worth a hill of beans; well it is quite extensive and will surprise many people once they learn how much information I have uncovered, but the proof will have to wait until I’ve finished and tested my wheel.

Despite lacking much free time to work on my wheel, I’m certain I can complete this project on time and there is nothing so disciplining as the pressure of a finishing date, or publishing,date.

There is also nothing so demanding as the rise of the spectre of global warming.  Action groups such as Extinction Rebellion are using so-called nonviolent resistance to avert climate breakdown, halt biodiversity loss, and minimise the risk of human extinction and ecological collapse. I don't agree with their methods which harm people trying to get on with their lives, and I don't accept the argument that those people should be concerning themselves with the future rathere than living their lives. We get the message, please no more! The protest group were established in the United Kingdom in May last year with about one hundred academics signing a call to action in support in October 2018.  They want to rally support worldwide around a common sense of urgency to tackle climate breakdown.  One of their suggestions was that the British government should put in place requirements to reduce greenhouse gases to zero within the next five years! 

The ramifications of such a policy are so far beyond any possibility of attainment that I suspect it was a dramatic statement based on imaginary ideals but designed to goad politicians into action.  In my opinion the solution they all talk about is at hand - Bessler's wheel. 

A successful demonstration of the wheel and its potential to generate cheap, clean electricity would do more than all the political gesturing currently entertaining us (or irritating the hell out of us) around the world.

So 6th June 2019 is when I will publish all the information I have, whether the wheel works or doesn't.  If/when it works we shall tell the world we have a solution.

 Please share the following link and donate if you wish to aid my granddaughter's treatment.



  1. its too late for bessler wheel. if all carbon emisions stop todya air still keep heating up for decades. we need also take carbon out of air and keep sunlihgt out of atmoshere. not so easy.

    1. Better to stop sooner than later.


    2. What nonsense. Try listening to an opposing view for once:
      There is no such thing as 'catastrophic man-made global warming', which is why they renamed it 'climate change'.
      If it gets colder, they STILL say it's 'climate change', therefore it is an unfalsifiable hypothesis, i.e. useless.
      John, no way will you release everything you know by June 6th, you've said all of this before and you will never do it. Like Bessler, you will probably take the secret to your grave.

  2. Happy Easter John and your family.
    The copy of Besslers wheel with your knowledge will succeed certainly. I can well fancy that it will take the first choice of ecologically friendly energy before water energy, wind energy and solar energy.

    Anonymously, for the wheel it is not too late.
    Maybe carbon filters are also developed to the aerial cleaning and sometime in the space between the sun and earth an accordingly big UV shield places to us before injurious radiation can protect, until the atmosphere has recovered again?

    I wish all nice holidays.

    Marco Z.

    1. Thank you Marco. I wish you a nice holiday too.


  3. Fortunately, it is never too late:)
    Let's encourage John to finish his wheel, even if he doubts the contrary would be abnormal...
    Courage John, we are with you wholeheartedly.

  4. It's not to late! Once in motion the wheel can and will be utilized in cleaning up the atmosphere. I have already conceptualized something for this on the drawing board. It also incorporates a wheel. Together with a Freewheel (my version of a Bessler wheel :-) it will be able to draw in air and clean it non-stop 24/7. It is (no-doubt) much easier to build than a Freewheel at the moment.

    Regarding politicians and global warming, they would do a lot better in keeping there political promises if they had a Freewheel. As of now, no politician has the solution the energy crisis. A free-energy solution is (I believe), the only way forward for humanity.

    Thank you John for your commitment. Don't pressurize yourself too much tho. I too, know how it feels when it seems you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.


    1. Thanks Zhy, for your friendly comments. It’s appreciated.


  5. My approach to the prime mover, whether Bessler's idea or not, is to use a one-shot two stage oscillator to shift weights to the overbalanced position. I can see it working in my head. I have a mathematical model that shows OU under the right conditions. I have a working model of the prime mover that I experiment with. Milkovic showed the design can lift weight.

    What keeps me motivated is the existence of the discrete CF force. It is separate from the overbalanced force that turns the wheel. Without it, or something like it, and you will not have a runner.

    For new comers to the PM search, see Milkovic's two-stage oscillator video and see if you can find any other movement in nature that provides a unique/discrete force you can work with.

    1. You not only need to find a weight movement that produces a force, buy you must also find a way to use that force without affecting the movement that caused the force in the first place.

  6. Hi John,

    I've got it in my diary.

    Can't wait.

    1. It will be worth the wait, even if my model fails me!


    2. DrWhat, I think you meant to say "I've got it in my journal".

    3. if johns desing not work maybe he will re-tire forever like ralph did over on bw? what happens to this blog then? sad to see all end like that. pray it works!

    4. The blog will continue as long as I am able to post it and it will be much more interesting once my information is open for discussion, even if the wheel does not work.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    1. Easy once you’ve done it once, and only a little complex at first. As far as I can tell there is only one design, although it may be mirror imaged on the two-way wheel’s.


    2. Is it such a simple design that as soon as anybody saw the inside of Bessler's wheel, they would be able to copy it? i.e. a carpenter's boy could build it?
      I remember coming to your blog maybe five or ten years ago, when you said exactly the same thing - you were sure you had found the secret, you were going to reveal everything - and then the next post was that it didn't work and you were going back to the drawing board. I won't hold my breath on June 6th, no way will you release anything, not even pictures of the non-working design...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. In my opinion the design I’m working with is not reversible, which is why I lean towards a mirror image set of mechanisms. As some will know I tested out the mirror image design with Savonius windmills which seemed to support the possibility.


    2. Stephen, what do you plan to do with your knowledge of the workings of Bessler's wheels? Are you going to share it anywhere, anytime soon? What's your plan?

    3. Please try using commas in your writing, it's almost impossible to understand what you are saying without them.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. There is no space for a mirror image mechanism; the best is a symmetrical one.

    1. he make space by doubling thickness of drums. too much idfficult to make two wya symmetric wheel work. i know from many bad tries. john right.

    2. Thank you, anon. Just what I was going to say.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Sorry Stephen, I have no idea what either question means. No offence intended, I know you often ask the question but I ignore it because I am unable to think of a response.


  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. yes 6th June 1712 was the date of Bessler’s first exhibition of his wheel. Too late for 2012 though.


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    1. Hhmmm, good suggestion Stephen. It depends on whether I get to finish the prototype in time. If it slips back a day or more maybe I’ll go for that date june 21st.


  15. You promised the 6th no matter what!! :)

    1. Just humouring Stephen’s suggestion. I will publish the results of my prototype wheel on the 6th June, plus the beginning of a series of posts about where clues are and what they mean. The summer solstice is ok but not really relevant to Bessler’s work. I looked up the attached meaning to the summer solstice and the expression celebration of enlightenment seems vaguely spiritual but not widely recognised as legitimate. Sorry Stephen.


  16. Phew, great! Thanks John. We are always excited to see what you have come up with.

    1. lol. don't expect any big wheel revelation on the sixth of this june. john will simply announce that his wheel doesn't work yet without providing any diagrams or photos and then drip feed us "clues" for years to come. he's made these promises in the past and always failed to keep them. don't expect anything to change this year because it happens to be 2019 and is supposed to be the year bessler's wheel is rediscovered.

    2. I kind of understand your scepticism, anon, but you might have waited to see if you’re right, before pouring scorn on my honest intentions. I hope you will be just as forthright in your comments after the 6th June this year, hopefully in support of my posts.


    3. i really hope this year is different. but come the sixth of june youll probaby be over in spain soaking up the sun again and quietly forgeting all about the "reveal if works or not" deadline you've been mentioning recently. please prove me wrong....this time! if i see even a single sketch i will admit im wrong.

  17. Some videos for the reveal would be delightful.

    1. Those videos won't happen either. You'll be in Spain, bad back, yadda yadda yadda. Once bitten, twice shy.

  18. All of us, that are actually builders, know that each piece causes so many other issues that could not be anticipated. The results will be a welcome.... addition to all of your tireless works that we have had the privilege of seeing. Keep the end in mind, and know that there are those of us that lift you up as you endeavor to continue

  19. Hi John,
    I guess we get really excited and can't wait, counting the days so we just don't want to be let down after the wait. This Bessler thing is frustrating enough without more frustrations.
    You are highly respected and your work has been of great value to us all so I certainly believe you when you make a promise.
    Looking forward to it.

    1. Thanks guys. With my extremely limited workshop capabilities it's taking longer than I would like, but I'm still confident that it will be done by the 6th and that it will work.


    2. Wow John they are really squeezing you. I'm afraid if you delay the release they will simply go nuts. Not to worry, your followers will stick by you. At this point I almost wish you would not release the info just to see their idiotic reactions. People like this are not your friends, just leaches looking for a free ride. My advice is don't release. Make them figure it out on their own.

    3. Tempting, but the truth is I want to release the information I have, I'm so excited to see the response.


    4. john now have to come up with plasible excuse why well see nothing on 6-6-19. cant be usual like im in spain, moving, me or relative sick, not finshed testing yet, too cold, or changed mine. need new one not used before. howabout shop caught fire or crook steal my wheel! i like that last one! lol!

    5. Well mr anonymous, we will just have to wait and see.


  20. John, is it safe to get our setups ready for a 5 segment setup, similar to the drawing that you posted earlier?


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...