Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Necessity is the Mother of Invention. -

Everyone's heard of the old proverb, 'necessity is the mother of invention', thought to have originated with Plato, and there are plenty of historical examples of its truth in action.

It describes the situation where a need arises for which there appears to be no immediate solution, in the end someone often invents something that solves the problem.  If you really need to find a way to do something you will find a way ..........eventually.  It might take more than 300 years to do it!

All the developments in the field of medicine, for instance, have been achieved through research necessitated by the needs of people seeking longer, healthier lives.

Man first discovered fire to light the darkness of the caves he inhabited and to keep warm. The wheel was invented to help move himself and his possessions from one place to another; boats to move on water; sails to speed up that movement and reduce the need for oars and oarsman. Windmills to grind corn and pump water for irrigation etc. 

The list of inventions designed to relieve a human need is vast but now there is a need for a clean  and cheap or even free kind of energy, to produce electricity. This is not a desire, it is a desperate need.  300 years of fossil fuel-derived energy has resulted in global warming. The icecaps are melting, sea levels are rising, low lying lands will be submerged.  The weather is becoming more variable and extreme.

We have been taught that gravity-enabled engines that can work continuously without the assistance of streams of water, or strong winds, or specially arranged weights, are impossible, but this should not necessarily blind us to anything which might appear to contradict this long held opinion  on the matter.  If there is good evidence that the current view might be erroneous, then the evidence is worth re-evaluating no matter how certain the over-riding consensus is, that the evidence is misleading.

Johann Bessler went out of his way to provide the best possible evidence that his machine was genuine without allowing anyone to see the inside and learn how it worked.  Apart from his ruling prince, Landgrave Karl of Hesser-Kassel, a man of unimpeachable reputation, no-one ever saw the internal workings of his wheel. Karl stated it was genuine and we have no reason to disbelieve him, nor any doubt that he fully understood the device.

No matter how convinced the sceptics are that his wheel was a fake,  not a single one has come up with a sensible explanaton which tells us how he faked it.  No-one can explain how he managed to fool so many people for so long, including some of the brightest scientists of the age.

Ever since I first encountered the legend of Bessler's wheel I have known intuitively that such a machine was possible.

Yet despite the utterly convincing evidence that Bessler did not lie, we continue on our way seeking answers to a question which has already been resolved - how to obtain cheap, clean electricity.

  Please share the following link and donate if you wish to aid my granddaughter's treatment.




  1. Yet another outstanding, thought provoking mini-essay, John.

    When Bessler's Wheel is turning once again, having multiplied into the millions of all sizes and applications, much being then rightened with the world on account, a collection of these might appear as published, thus filling-out and expanding the record of success leading to the triumph generally.

    Such a splendid success approaches slowly, stealthily tho surely.


  2. Thank you James, you’re most kind. I fear that not all my prose deserves such favourable approbations. I like the idea of publishing a few of them, those I might feel were less injurious to my reputation!


  3. John, of course you are right!

    I am pretty certain that what we see is a problem based on "negative" knowledge. Meaning, that science and academia have made conclusions and even "laws" based on the lack og evidence, understanding or willingness to any of the above! Lack of evidence is not the same as evidence of it not being there. The lack of understanding, and even the lack of ingenuity and intellectual capacity combined with The Semmelweis-reflex etc. makes it extremely hard for us as a group, to change direction. For the same reason we still have a huge amount of different religions even supported by academia, all claiming to be to THE one true keeper of the truth, and by that; ALL confirming that through thousands of years we are capable of fooling each other with hogwash, disguised as intellectual truth, based on pride, prejudice, spinelessness and the fear of being left out. All possible through negative knowledge, confirmation bias and the illusion of superior (booksmart) knowledge and the Semmelweis reflex. For the reasons above, it's likely to conclude that Bessler's wheel operated as reported by qualified witnesses and by the inventor himself.

    This is my personal and private opinion based on hundreds of observations and repeatable observations.

    Publicly and officially; I just agree with you :-)

    1. Thank you Øystein, I couldn’t have put it better! I absolutely agree with everything you’ve written. I must admit I’m very impressed with your command of the English language as well.


  4. Necessity is the mother of invention. Invention is a hard, laborious and painstaking task, so much so that once the child is born, the mother dies.


    1. She does by nature John. There is a desperate need for this invention at the moment. The need being the mother is still very much alive. But once the invention is made, the need for it to be invented no longer exists. The need, the necessity is dead :-) The invention itself however (the baby) has long life ahead of it and is celebrated :-)

  5. If John actually does have Bessler's design, then, even if his handmade model wheel model fails because it is just too crudely constructed, a well made computer simulation should show it works in principle. I would consider that sufficient to prove he does, in fact, have Bessler's design! If no simulations show it is workable, even after numerous modifications, then he can be dismissed as just another delusional "seeker after perpetual motion". Let's hope that does not happen.

    1. That is a reasonable argument which I accept, but with one proviso, if my wheel doesn't work, and the simulation doesn't work, please bear in mind that the clues and their meanings I will share will be undeniable, and therefore it may be obvious to some that although I nearly got it, I may be found to have erred in one particular point. In other words don't throw the baby out with the bathwater!


  6. Alden Park (or someone using his name) is posting on BW. Unfortunately he attributes free energy to hypothetical quantum particles called Gravitons. I think his original Chiastic approach to deciphering AP is worthy of attention to confirm whether his findings are accurate, but there is no way I would waste a second on this nonsense. You can't prove a theory using unproven/hypothetical theories. Sorry Alden. Stick to your original pendulum wheel, it makes more sense than imaginary particles.

    1. park keep bumping his offyrean roller bearing ballony to the top over at bw. magnetic frictionless bearings been around a long time and not show any grviton perpetual motion. i think he triggerd by the appearnace of the behrendt book on bessler. i order a copy to see what allthe talk about.

  7. A computer simulation will not achieve its goal either because the Bessler wheel uses a previously unknown principle, or because gravity functions quite differently from computer simulations. A computer simulation that does not work says nothing at all.

    If John's wheel doesn't work, it doesn't say anything either. It will certainly be interesting if it is not a design that has already been tried out several times in different versions.

    Since John is so sure that he has the right design, he must have tried something that at least shows behavior that has not been observed or described before. He wouldn't be so sure to have the right design if it only fits the vague descriptions of Bessler.


    1. "Unknown principle" ???

      Well if by that you mean, no one has figured out the secret yet, then I would agree. But, if by unknown you mean some force we have not yet discovered, then I would say no. Everything we need is right in front of us.

    2. For me, an "unknown principle" for example would be a motion pattern by which it would be possible to extract energy from the gravity field. That would be an "unknown principle" up to now. The force is known, but unknown would be the "principle" by which it is possible to extract energy.


  8. Alden Park wrote to me several years ago to review his book on his chiastic approach to interpreting Bessler’s books. I had to admit I didn’t understand any of it, but I suggested he omit the chiastic parts and concentrate on the factual stuff. I still feel the same.


    1. Chiastic structure is a well know way of writing and hiding information. To me, decoding using this approach seems to make good sense, especially if it turns up legible information, and that information describes details about the wheel. But, attempting to explain perpetual motion based on some pseudo particles made up physicists is just nonsense. Stick to the factual stuff to me means, you can prove what you say, and has a basis in mathematics, not science fiction.

  9. I suspect John will show a movement that generates a known reaction force, and that force either propels the wheel or shifts weights to the OB position.

  10. My design is not a new principle and it does use a known force. The principle can be understood immediately but it incorporates a feature which has either been overlooked or has been found difficult to include in the design. I didn’t discover it, I learned it from Bessler.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You’ve said that before Stephen, but I don’t know how you know that. I’m curious.


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  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hhhmm, I only included the English translation in MT, so you must be able to read Bessler's writing? I wish you would give us more Stephen, so frustrating! Give us another clue.


    2. Aha! I just read the text, "...there is more in it than meets the eye, as will be seen when I pull back the curtain and disclose the correct principleat the appropriate place"

      I'm no nearer understanding though!


    3. Stephen, another version of the phrase "pull back the curtain" is "to lift the veil", which simply measn to reveal what was hidden and usually means to explain something. But perhaps there is more to it?


    4. Bessler was referring to the end of MT where he originally planned to show his working wheel's secret mechanism. That plan changed when he was arrested and responded by removing, burning, and burying the ashes of the woodcut printing blocks for the final illustrations in MT.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...