Sunday, 4 August 2019

A Miscellany of Metaphors in AP XLVI

There is an intriguing passage in Johann Bessler’s book, Apologia Poetica, Chapter LXVI,( page 295,  in my version of the English translation, which follows on from the original German, also referred to as AP).  It is in the form of free verse and is composed of a list of phrases, mainly metaphorical, which Bessler seems to hint might supply clues to the way his wheel worked.

I'm reluctant to put my own interpretations on the meaning of the phrases, but I think it worthwhile to risk it to get some feedback.  I make no claim for accuracy, these are only my current suggestions and my thoughts hop from one idea to another and if anyone can get closer to the intended meaning please feel free to add your thoughts. The passage is introduced by the  following words:-

Those who are keen to ask questions should ask them of this little book. My work will not be revealed prematurely. Should anyone wish to speculate about the truth, let him just ponder on the rich pageantry of words which I now cause to shower down upon him! 

The above introduction seems to imply that the book AP, contains some answers.  He also says his work won't be revealed prematurely, which also implies that it will be eventually.

Let a Gärtner be no breaker of fences, even if a Wagner leaves ruts in the road.

Gärtner can mean gardener so he is saying don't let the gardener break any fences - Wagner means wagon, and he warns that wagoners damage the roads by leaving ruts in the roads, both phrases relate to the two men's attempts to damage Bessler's reputation.

For greed is an evil plant.                                                    
Greed/money is the root of all evil

An anvil receives many blows. 
A driver drives. 
A runner runs.
The seer sees.
The buyer buys.
The rain drips down.
Snow falls. 
The shotgun shoots.
The bow twangs.

The above eight phrases describe the various forces available.  An anvil receives forceful impacts; a driver steers and whips a horse onward; a runner runs freely; the eye sees, it is a passive force; the buyer pays for his goods with items or cash of equal value; rain drips down slowly; snow falls lightly; the shot gun shoots explosively, and the bow twangs elastically..

A great fat herd of fat, lazy, plump horses wanders aimlessly.
This could apply to a point in rotation where the weights are neither pushing nor pulling, just hanging.
The flail would rather be with the thresher than with the scholar. 
The flail/whip/cane moves upwards faster than it moves downwards.

Children play with heavy clubs among the broken columns.
I think this could describe the actions of weighted levers, similar to items C and D on the Toys page.

Acrobats and shadow-boxers are as fleet and nimble as the wind.
Fast moving mechanisms.
The cunning cat slinks silently along and snatches nice juicy mice.
The dog creeps out of his kennel just as far as his chain will stretch. 
He knows how to please by playing with his little toys and nick-knacks.
He wags his tail, creeps through the hoop and is rewarded with pats on his paws by the stiff fops who watch him.
I think these are metaphors for the various actions of the mechanisms. hye will only be understood once the real mechanisms can be watched in action.

A wheel appears on the scene - is it really a wheel, for it does not have the normal type of rim. It revolves, but without other wheels inside or outside, and without weights, wind, or springs.
Seen sideways or full-face it is as resplendent as a peacock's tail. It turns to the right and to the left; it spins around in any possible direction, whether laden or empty.
 A poetic description of the wheel.

All things belong to one of the three kingdoms (animal, vegetable, matter) and - you have the physical evidence in front of you. Without such things as sulphur, salt and mercury all things will soon come to a standstill - the qualities of the elements are necessary to keep things going. Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are ready to join in any battle. Even the things we eat do not lose their
elemental influence - for it spreads itself through every limb and sinew of our bodies.
I think this could be an attempt to explain the actions and origins of the force he called 'heaviness', but we call 'gravity'.

A crab crawls from side to side. It is sound, for it is designed thus.
This describes the actions of the storks bill

Poltergeists often wander freely through locked doors.
This describes how gravity can have an effect on all matter, resting or falling.

But softly! - speak softly of all the marvels, lest the enemy grows wise! He will drench me with his spittle so that I will lose my temper and, in a sudden fit, cast aside the mantle that conceals my wheel! But he shall be thwarted in his desires! His snapping will not bring me to that point! Let that be brought home to him, for rather, I shall now magnanimously set down in my book the following specific questions which have in recent days been sent to me in the hand of One who is of high rank. 
A warning to himself not to give too much away - I wish!

My granddaughter Amy is in a rehab clinic trying to recover from a series of diseases which suddenly afflicted her about eighteen months ago.  

They are CRPS, (chronic regional pain syndrome), FND (functional neurological disorder) and EDS. (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) .

Please share the following link and/or donate if you wish to aid my granddaughter's treatment.



  1. Perhaps, he was bemoaning the fact, that all like goes on, even with out his wheel, (or yours).
    Sam Peppiatt

  2. So John what are your thoughts on salt sulfur and Mercury

    1. I’ve read all the stuff relating to alchemy and although Bessler may have believed in it, I’m not sure if it helps us, which is why I simply suggested that it might be part of an explanation for heaviness. I have no other opinion on it, but if you’d like to share some information I’m always willing to read it.


    2. This site gives some info about the roles of mercury, salt, and sulfur in alchemy. Something to do with the "Three Philosophical Principles" and the elements of air, earth, fire, and water. It all sounds like a boat load of BS to me.

      Bessler, as a student of alchemy, probably came up with his own explanation about how they created motion in the world. Maybe he thought he could somehow use them to produce pm? Didn't someone find a giant ball of sulphur he had after he died? I wouldn't be surprised if he also had some mercury and salt stashed away.

  3. This is some splendid work you've done here, John. I was looking forward to it, but not so soon!

    They are all fascinating hints relating to the inner works of "the True Mobile," I am sure.

    Regarding the matter of the stork's bills or students' forceps (what might students have desired to reach-for by such means?) my own narrow sense is that, where seen in mechanisms of the MT say, they were not to be presumed things material but rather, being representative only of energy as input at their handles and, by that means, sequentially producing ever increasing amounts of energy (kraft?) and/or rates of rotation. It is hard for my struggling pea-brain to accept that such friction plentiful things as they, were ever meant to be physically actualized by Bessler in any machinery. (As usual "I reserve the right to be wrong." - Jim_Mich)

    The "A crab crawls from side to side. It is sound, for it is designed thus." to myself seems to describe, perhaps, what he elsewhere states thusly 'on one side light and ascending, and on the other heavy and full and falling, just as it should be.' (As paraphrased and, maybe as just bit too creatively recounted? Sorry if so.)

    To finish my little minimalist addition, my sense is that these poetical things of entertaining titillation, were meant to serve eventually as mainly confirmation, that any finally discovered operating Mobile of some future was HIS, and no others!


    1. I think all interpretations are valid here James, and I agree with you that this passage may be capable of confirming the truth of Bessler’s wheel.


    2. Yes James you are correct a crab does move from side to side Bessler also would have called that laterally of course that's only 1/3 of what it means

    3. as I said John Bessler didn't work alone he had other support

  4. "A crab crawls from side to side. It is sound, for it is designed thus."

    This one is obvious to me. A crab always walks on eight legs. I think this refers to his wheels using eight levers for motion. A crab also can only move in either direction to its left or right side so Bessler is telling us that it's possible to make a single wheel that can go in either of two directions which was the case for his largest wheels. Very obvious symbol, imo.

    Daniel H.

  5. John I have another question what was the first name of the woman who testified that Bessler was a fraud

  6. ROTFLMAO! Now you twits are extracting secret messages from a poorly written poem by a three hundred year old dead hoaxer! LOL! This sounds like a genuine case of "Folie à Deux" which is a rare shared delusional disorder. I can only hope you're all under the care of competent psychiatrists who can start treating you with the lastest generation of antipsychotic medications. There has been a lot of progess with these lately so there could be hope for you all yet. Here's another poem that contains some secrets for you about how Bessler's wheels worked:

    "Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow. And everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go."

    What's it mean? Actually anything you want it to. But here's an interpretation for those here who are nutty enough to think I'm serious. A lamb has four legs which means Bessler used four weight shifting devices inside of his wheels. All of their motions, which could be rapid like the shaking of a lamb's tail, were carefully controlled by a central gadget of some sort which is represented by Mary. These devices, depending on their locations inside the wheel, had to shift around to maintain overbalance the way the central gadget made them do. They had to "follow" its control just like the lamb followed Mary around! Also those cloth coverings on the sides of his biggest wheels were made from woven lambswool! This includes the Merseburg wheel and we know that because the first letter in the name "Mary" is also an "M"! LOL!

    The Realist

    1. ". . . Now you twits . . ."

      Ha! Realist, you write with a creative abandon and flair mostly absent here. Although I might not agree wholeheartedly with what you put (and mostly I do not), I acknowledge and appreciate your fine style in the doing of it.

      "Folie à Deux" - splendid! If I might, I shall enter this into my own presently slim French lexicon? It is a wonderful expression and, as you apply it here, is not wholly inapt.

      (The French language should be re-instituted as THE language of diplomacy, and English as is presently used, reconciled to the dustbin marked "Errors Finally Found". Although it will serve to lessen-still my "popularity" here, (a very sever risk!) I am a Francophile as well as an Anglophile AND a Germanophile. Within all three ways-of-being and great distinctions, there is very much to be admired and borrowed for fair use, by them mutually. No more warring between them! Would you not agree?)

      Please, try to not be too hard on us as our heart-taken belief in Bessler's wheel, here as elsewhere, is very much a 'faith-based' thing as well as of feeling, these as sustained by a very real, rich table of informational repast.

      As I see it, the problem that many dissenters have (that is IF operating honestly to productive purpose) is dealing squarely with all of the quite high-class witnessing that was done and reported. Critics of The Big Story are too often, sad to say, hobbled by knowledge-lack or, are wittingly practicing ignorance of these, in order to further nefarious intent, serious or merely that rascally.

      For my own part (not that it might sum so as to mean much to you) I can attest to the fact that the little poetry as recited and reviewed in J.C.'s article above, does in fact possess direct relevance to the authentic working mechanism (as contradistinguished from, say, whatever is to be found in this day's newest wind-raising sensation - aka the Behrendt book) that was Bessler's.

      Might all this help just a little?

      (Keep writing!)


    2. "Although I might not agree wholeheartedly with what you put (thus, he at least partially agrees with it which is that we here, including JC, are all "twits" suffering from a psychotic disorder!)... I...appreciate your...doing of it." [note: original quote carefully edited to extract actual intent and meaning]

      Tragically, JM now slides back down significantly from the topmost position on JC's "butt kisser friends list". Alas, it was bound to happen as the strain of maintaining that lofty status proved too much for JM's ability to overcome his inner envy and hostility towards JC's lifetime achievements in the JB field. Perhaps it was also the additional stress placed upon his fragile self-control by the recent promotion here by JC of KB's monolithic tome on JB that further weakened that self-control? The smart money is betting JM will disappear for a brief respite to reappear with renewed control and then rapidly muah, muah, muah his way right back up to the top of JC's "butt kisser friends list" again. JC can be so forgiving of his naughty pets and JM well knows that from incidents past.

    3. Anonymous of 6 August 2019 at 10:40 I cannot relate just how much I appreciate and LOL at your superb humor sense. More of it's like is needed around here.

      As for the first, you cast your analysis too darkly. To some extent or other, we all are twit-like for even exposing ourselves to this mad tho fascinating pursuit and, yes, there must be some element of mind disorder for attempting as said by all grandly accredited and puffed authority of what is impossible but, it is of a far milder sort than you have above termed it.

      (Any actual suffering from "psychotic disorder," would have to be certain ones of the bunch at the BWF. Now, psychopathic is extreme but, for at least one it might not be too far afield from a fair analysis - this being that one famously known as 'The Needler' - he of a clearly serious display of not only classical projection of his inner messes onto others, but also a case of pathetic "need" of sadism-unmistakable. As with the deadly Kissing Bug, the bacilli of intended, hateful torment, are injected by means of ONE THRUST usually.)

      No, Anon, not tragic as you suggest, as no down-slide has taken place. Also, there exists NO "inner envy" of John, just admiration for all the decades he has devoted to studying the "impossible" subject and, certainly no hostility. Also, any self-control as I might possess, certainly is not of the "fragile" type.

      Unlike before, this time "the smart money" is to lose ('loose' for some) with any betting. And, no, I am not soon to disappear in shame, ignominy, pique nor of any of such other like.

      To close, we note that you choose to resurrect the issue of a proposed "butt kisser friends list" but, do not reference the far older and more mischievous in interesting "Naughty and Nice" list. Not fair! Equal time!

      (I shall allow to you only here-and-now, that it's purpose is for the self-same reason as Santa Claus maintains his. Let's keep this between us, OK?)


    4. "Also, there exists NO "inner envy" of John, just admiration for all the decades he has devoted to studying the "impossible" subject and, certainly no hostility."

      Unexpectedly rapid damage control! Yet, it is but only a mere peck and not a full kiss. We wonder if JC's consequently only slightly quivering bum cheeks will consider it sufficient to erase the sting of the previous, carefully camouflaged butt kick? Well, only he will know for sure and decide if JM is to remain at the very top of his "butt kisser friends list" and breathing the rarifed air up there. The smart money betters have lost this round, but will, no doubt, be doubling down the next time to recoup their losses.

    5. AP Page 245

      "Dear Enemy, please continue to think that it is your duty to lampoon my work, because it leads in directions you may not wish it to go! You have the spirit of a slanderer. But Truth will triumph, and will reveal the confusion in your 'thoughts'. People of common sense have always been scorned, and it doesn't really matter who the scoundrels who perpetrate such untruths are, because, enemy, all you write comes from arrogance and envy and amounts to nothing more than slander and waste paper. Write as many lies as you like in your angry attempts to destroy my Wheel of Wonder! In its interior it gains for how else does it grow out of balance?"

      Feel free to substitute the word "Realist" for "Enemy" above!

  7. So Anonymous realist you also practice psychiatry you are an authority on diagnosing psychological disorders so I see you have an identity crisis and you hide behind anonymous because really you're an authority on all topics and you're calling us a delusional. Are you on any medication now!

  8. For greed is an evil plant.
    Greed/money is the root of all evil

    (The love of) money is the root of all evil.

    Just thought i would clear that up.

    1. Radix malorum est cupiditas is a Biblical quotation in Latin that means "greed is the root of evil" From Wikipedia.


  9. From reading Ken's new book mentioned in the last blog (I still have one chapter and an epilog to go), I believe I can provide meanings for some of the metaphors Bessler used in that poem. Here's one to consider:

    "Let a Gärtner be no breaker of fences, even if a Wagner leaves ruts in the road."

    Borlach, Gärtner, and Wagner once visited Bessler's rented home in Merseburg when Bessler wasn't around to supervise their examination of his wheel. They managed to talk their way in and an assitant demonstrated it for them, but would not let them inside of a small guard rail or "fence" around the wheel which is why Gärtner was "no breaker of fences". Wagner leaving "ruts in the road" could refer to the axle inside of a fake perpetual motion wheel he constructed in an effort to show he could, with his fake wheel, duplicate all of the demonstrations given by Bessler with his supposedly genuine wheels. The wooden axle of Wagner's fake had three cut separations or "ruts" in it and was held together by steel pins. Here's an image of it:

    Mark N.

    1. First time I've heard this interpretation, Mark. Well done!

    2. I took another and closer look at that diagram of Wagner's fake pm wheel and realized that the four sections of its wooden axle were not held together by three separate steel pins. Rather, they were all held together by a single central pin which was bent in its middle so as to allow it to function like a crankshaft. Wagner would probably have had a skilled blacksmith make that specially shaped steel piece for him. Wagner shows two cylindrical wooden axle sections in the diagram that flank the crank portion of the single central pin, but I think he could have eliminated them both if he chose to without impairing his wheel's operation.

      Mark N.

  10. In Norway we use the following quote to describe greed: "Much want more". I think this also describes well the basic function of Bessler's PM principle. I think this is also what MT try to describe in many drawings. A hint at a "Greedy principle", where the the "heavy" weights wants to become even "heavier" by pulling even more weight or other weights he try to show in MT 14 etc. I think he want to describe that the PM principle is basically "Greedy". (Much want more)

    Best ØR

  11. Here's another explanation for one of the line's in Bessler's AP poem that occurred to me. The line is:

    "The dog creeps out of his kennel just as far as his chain will stretch."

    One can better understand my explanation for it by again viewing Ken's "hypnotic" youtube video showing the motions of the levers inside of a CW turning, one direction Bessler wheel that he claims (and I now agree!) is described by the hidden clues in the two DT portraits. That video, for those who may not have seen it yet, can be found here:

    Notice what happens to the weight carrying arm of a lever as it passes the drum's 6:00 position. That arm slowly moves away from a wooden stop fixed to the drum and is the "dog that creeps out of its kennel" which is its resting place. As the lever travels from the drum's 6:00 position to near to its 9:00 position, the red colored "stop cord" attaching the lever to the drum eventually becomes tight and prevents any further CCW swinging of the lever about it pivot pin. Thus, the "dog" can only "creep out of his kennel" as far as this "chain" or red "stop cord" will permit. Ken mentions that this then resulted in the angle that the weight carrying arm of a lever made with the horizontal being exactly 62.5 degrees when the lever's pivot pin was located at the drum's 9:00 position. Apparently, this "magic" angle had particular numerological and religious meanings for Bessler as well as maximizing a one direction wheel's starting torque.

    Mark N.

  12. Has nobody even attempted to simulate or build Ken's design yet? Even if it's not Besslers original design it could be a working PM machine left in the pages of a book forevermore!

    1. Ken's book is still relatively new and it takes time for anything new to gain wide attention. Most in the pm field are too wrapped up in their own designs to worry about simming or building the design he found in the DT portrait clues. We just need to be patient. Eventually, sims of it by others will be made and, if they look encouraging, we can expect physical replicas to be attempted. I'm just glad he finally got that book published. I would not have been able to do something like that in a million years. No way! What if he had dropped dead before it was published? The secret might have been lost for another 300 years or maybe even forever!

      Daniel H.

    2. Come on guys. Ken's wheel is a joke. There are more clues that don't match his design than do! He is looking at ink blots in the portraits! Go ahead Ken and add a load to your sim. like Bessler actually did and let's see it still revolve. Lol

    3. JSO wrote "There are more clues that don't match his design than do!"

      Do please let us know exactly what clues you think don't match the design.

  13. Bessler stated that there is little to accomplished by moving a weight " a little " closer to the axle. Aka Ken's design!

    1. From studying his video wheel, it looks like the weights on the rising left side of the drum are always a lot closer to the axle than those on the dropping right side of the drum.

  14. Publishing a book as your opinion is one thing, stating with certainty that this is Bessler's wheel is another. This certainly is not Bessler's wheel and shame on him proclaiming it is!

    1. Lol! Maybe you'd prefer to read a book by a guy who wasn't sure if he actually found a solution? You put him down for stating with certainty that he's found it, yet you ignore own hypocrisy of stating with certainty that he has not found it. The reality is that, until you actually read his work and do some simming or building of your own, you have no idea of whether or not he's found it. All you can do at this point is offer everyone your uninformed opinion!

  15. Best of luck with your wheel John! I love this hobby and thank you greatly for your contributions!

    1. Thank you jso, I love it too!


    2. I predict that you will both love it a lot more when you finally start to experience some success! Any success!

  16. As Ken warned in the last blog, be wary of those giving book reviews who have not read the book. Their opinions have little value. I have almost finished reading Ken's lengthy and well written work and I can only say that the clues he's found in the DT portraits all point to a single wheel design which is exactly what is shown in his youtube video (but that video's wheel does not include the extra parts needed to achieve a two direction wheel that are described in detail in his book). I have read much about Bessler over the years on various sites and I've never seen even a small fraction of the clues he presents in his book discussed. The simple reason, imo, is because no one has previously found them by subjecting the portraits to the kind of intense analysis he has while constantly refining his conclusions with literally thousands of computer models and sims over the course of about a decade or so. His book is definitely something special that has come along. I think this will become quite obvious to those that actually read it as it did to me. From what I've seen so far, I have little doubt that he has, in fact, finally found a solution to the Bessler wheel mystery which is both simple and unique as it should be if we are to believe Count Karl's testimony. It's really what the Bessler wheel community has been anticipating for years. Now, finally it is here and I predict it will dramatically change the course of future Bessler wheel research forever.

    Mark N.

    1. "As Ken warned in the last blog, . . ."

      Don't you mean as as YOU "warned" Ken?

      You are one slippery, odious character - a manipulating, hiding, little RAT of a sort-of human being. (The mercury poisoning turned you into a word-bullying/exhausting thing unspeakable - monstrous!)

      Your presence here on John's site, whether in pro per or, as stealthy as above and, as many other silly nom de plumes, should stand as evidence enough pro the disallowance of Anonymous posts, signed or not

      This situation has proved absolutely, so I believe, to create endless upset, confusion and anxiety, on the part of the now-few that play by the rules and REVEAL that it is we who are posting, and not someone like YOU and your damned book boosting cons and deceptions.

      Get OUT of here, you scum!!!

  17. While I wouldn’t want to use similar language, I agree with the above sentiments expressed, Ken. It’s so obviously your pen which created the fawning comments and I believe I gave you a good enough opportunity for comments about your book on my previous blog, so please don’t insult our intelligence any further with your not-so-anonymous posts. Thank you.


  18. Sorry to have to dispute your collective paranoia, but I'm not Ken! If I do sound anything like him, it might be because of my recent reading of his new book. He uses a particular vocabulary to describe the inner workings of Bessler's wheels and it tends to be infectious. I had a few more very interesting interpretations of some of lines from Bessler's poem, but, seeing the hostility here against anyone saying anything positive about Ken or his recent publication, prompted by pathetic characters like James (I do fully agree with Fetcher's most accurate past description of him!) and others who really have no serious interest in the subject, I won't be sharing them here. I must now consider whether I will even comment here in the future or encourage others to visit. I'm starting to think this blog is the last place on Earth anyone in search of serious information about Bessler and his wheels will ever find it being discussed! Sadly, it looks like just another site taken over by those who are achieving nothing of value with a subject and never will. Just a place to hang out because they have nothing better to do. Fortunately, I do. I'm very disappointed with it.

    Mark N.

    1. Ken, you are one great big wind bag of non sequiturs. Your "Mark N." handle doesn't fool anyone. Blah-blah-blah. Get lost.

    2. JC at the beginning of this blog:

      "I'm reluctant to put my own interpretations on the meaning of the phrases...if anyone can get closer to the intended meaning please feel free to add your thoughts."


      The final reaction a few days later of Mark who actually thought JC was serious:

      "I'm starting to think this blog is the last place on Earth anyone in search of serious information about Bessler and his wheels will ever find it being discussed!"

      BINGO, Mark! Yes, you have discovered the ultimate truth of this blog! Also, please do ignore the foul verbal pus that is squirting out of the festering pustule that is JM's mind. His suggestion that you are Ken's "sock puppet" would be laughable to those that know Ken. The real purpose of the attack by JM is to try to end all future mention on this blog of Ken, his book, or the video of the wheel that he claims is "it".

      But, didn't JC just devote the entire prior blog to endorsing Ken's book? Why would the mere mention of it now be forbidden?

      Yes, he gave a perfunctory endorsement, but it was really intended to deflect attention from something else. You see, JC had been happily assuming all along that he was destined to solve the Bessler wheel mystery and then, like Charlemagne on Christmas Day of 800 AD, grasp the glorious crown of that historically important achievement and place it firmly upon his own bald head. It was to be the justly earned reward of a lifetime of effort. However, things did not go exactly as planned. His attempts to successfully finish his wheel unfortunately bogged down and then, quite unexpectedly, like a mightly eagle, Ken swooped down from out of the blue with the largest volume ever written and published on Bessler and his wheels and a claim, backed up by a "unique" youtube wheel video, to have finally found "it". Realizing that the much prized crown was slowly slipping out of his hands and might eventually be worn regally upon Ken's head has really upset JC even though he has previously feigned that he eagerly looks forward to a solution even if another provides it. Naturally, the last thing JC really wants to do is see any further promotion of his now main rival's wheel design! Therefore, you can expect any future mention of Ken, his book, or his video by anyone here to subject him to immediate attack. Now that JM has used the "sock puppet accusation attack", expect it to be repeated by other JC butt kissers against future transgressors. In fact, although I've been lurking around here for years, I expect it to be promptly applied to me in an effort to undermine the credibility of the truths I dared to reveal here.

      In any event, Mark, I hope you will continue to share any interpretations of those AP poem lines that you've come up with. The majority of those here do want to read them and a small handful of JC's loyal butt kissers should not prevent you or anyone else from providing their thoughts on the lines even if they have been inspired by Ken's recent book.

    3. Mark, please don't go off in a huff and let those here envious of your interpretations because they did not come up with them win. I don't think they actually want to see any progress made in understanding Bessler's wheels. I've enjoyed your interpretations of the poem lines and want to see more.

      Not Ken Either...just in case someone's getting ready to use a "sock puppet accusation attack" on me!

    4. Anonymous of 8 August 2019 at 23:53

      "Not Ken Either...just in case someone's getting ready to use a "sock puppet accusation attack" on me!"

      ". . . on me!" he or she or it insists.

      But, you're nobody and possibly even, a thing. You could be anyone or, all of Anonymous postings could be KB's assuming different guises and varieties of styles.

      You (and/or Ken) KNOW (as in 'knowledge certain and true') but, we do not and can never. Such a situation would once have been known as 'an imposition' - an old and fine expression now conveniently trash-canned so that the thin-of-skin will not be bothered or, to feel badness.

      Blindly just as are we, you address someone or something self-styling as "Mark." How could you or anyone know?

      "Mark", what or who?

      If the more recent Anons are "real" (as I was once determined to have been some twenty+ years ago by The Needler, presently of the BWF) and desire to be taken seriously instead of being held in deepest suspicion by we identified posters (or having handles at least), then come out of the shadows and stop with the Anonymous terror, of which it IS a minor form as you Anons can jack your asinine jaws (by key-taps) from your secreted positions of anonymity, saying or accusing ANY of the most outrageous (or, brilliantly wonderful/complimentary) things and still, none will ever know who should get credit or, suffer just derision for it.

      It is COWARDLY, all of it!

      (But then 'cowardly,' just as with 'shame,' has been purposely made dead as a self-limiter residing within one's conscience, in this "new" and "improved" world.)

      Identify yourselves and gain credibility, or not and be loathsome with your spitting from the Pit of Oblivion.

  19. A question to everyone to consider was Johann Ernst Elias Bessler and inventor of the design or did he discover the design?

    1. If one says Bessler "discovered" the design of his wheel, that implies that it somehow existed prior to his discovery. Similar to the situation where Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity in uranium salts by accident in 1896. The uranium in the salts had already been radioactivity for billions of years and awaiting his accidental discovery of that radioactivity. However, the design that Bessler found that produced pm did not previously exist until he, through a tremendous amount of work and luck, brought it into existence. He actually "invented" it after a decade of trying a hundred different approaches that did not work. His dedication is rare and to be admired. Without it, none of us would be discussing his final success now.

      Daniel H.

    2. It seems as though by asking a question you think I am implying that Bessler didn't contribute to the rediscovery and to make information more available for us now. I merely asked a question a relevant question for people to have an open mind in investigating the clues and hints he handed down and passages he quoted from. I do have practical knowledge of Investigation. I worked as a investigator for many years. I am well aware of the methods he used to disguise some Clues and hints so that it was not easy and the proper way had a direct connection with the design itself with play on words.

  20. Despite Ken’s strident denials, it is easy to see his hand guiding the words ostensibly coming from new anons. Give it up Ken, you’ve been ‘outed’.


    1. This is really bizarre! It sounds like you are all suffering some form of acute "KDS" or "Ken Derangement Syndrome" and now think that any anons posting here, especially if they happen to mention his recent book or video in a favorable manner, must be Ken sock puppets. What would Ken possibly hope to gain by such a performance? He already well promoted his book in the last blog and, no doubt, it helped to raise awareness of it and increase sales. Then he politely left and it did not sound like he intended to come back unless specifically invited to do so. To do what you are suggesting, he would have to be suffering from some severe form of multiple personality disorder. In the last blog, although very enthusiastic about the details of Bessler's wheel mechanics that he claims he found hidden in the DT portraits, he sounded quite sane and sober which is far more than can be said for some of the obviously seriously disturbed individuals who post here. Maybe this blog should try to return to what its original topic was which was a discussion of those cryptic lines from the AP poem? So far, with the exception of the recently and, imo, needlessly insulted Mark N., almost no one seems to care much about the topic. I wouldn't blame Mark if he never returned here again which would be a real shame because he was contributing some very interesting interpretations of the AP poem verses that I've never seen before.

      Daniel H. (and I'm also NOT Ken in case anybody suffering from KDS is wondering!)

    2. It’s curious that your style of writing, your obsequious support for Ken’s book in the face of the majority of critics, and the length of your comments and the fact that we have never heard from you before strongly suggests that you are in fact Ken.


    3. John, I think you have your alleged Ken sock puppets confused. I've been around for several blogs now and I've only just received a soft cover copy of his book and have not had a chance to seriously read it yet so I'm not in a position either praise or condemn it. Quite noticeably, it is a BIG volume almost two inches thick, but from just perusing it briefly, it looks well written. I counted around forty illustrations and most of them pertain to various mechanisms inside of a wheel's drum and clues from both DT portraits that I've never seen before. My initial reaction was that he must have produced a work of fiction, but he assures the reader that is not the case and everything in the volume can be justified in terms of various clues he's located! I'm going to reserve judgement until I finish the entire book. Meanwhile, I can't deny that I found his youtube wheel video interesting...fascinating would be a more appropriate word! It contains all of the most familiar wheel clues that we all have read about for years. I cannot easily dismiss that as mere chance.

      As for the recent outbreak of KDS here, I think I can provide a possible answer. Apparently, he was very popular when he commented here regularly years ago and many wish he would return and continue to infotain them with his in depth answers on various subjects. But, I think he made it clear last blog that he had no interest in that and has said that he finally achieved "closure" with the Bessler subject and was no longer actively researching it. I think everyone believes he's behind every anonymous post because they cannot believe he's really gone for good. It's similar to what happened after the popular American singer Elvis Presley died. He had a private funeral and then, a few months later, people started to report that they were seeing him and even talking with him! These "Elvis sightings" increased in number and the rumor spread that he had faked his own death because the strain of being a famous star became too much for him to bear. He had to disappear for "health reasons". His ex-wife gave a tv interview and assured everyone that Elvis was, in fact, dead and she was at his funeral and saw his body in the casket, but her testimony was dismissed as being part of a coverup of the truth. I think much the same is happening here with Ken. Every time someone thinks a new anon is Ken's sock puppet, it's the equivalent of an Elvis sighting. I was not here when he regular posted, but he must have been very popular. If someone misses him that much, then he should obtain a copy of his book and he will be able to read his many thoughts about Bessler's wheels for weeks to come and will get far more depth out of it than he could from Ken's past posts here or any future ones he might produce if he was to return.

      He also promises that one can achieve what he calls "Total Bessler Awareness" from reading his book at which point he understands every aspect of Bessler's wheels. Once this state is achieved, one, essentially, becomes another Johann Bessler! I find that hard to believe, but I'm willing to give it a try. I envy Ken because he's probably one of the few who can honestly say he achieved the answers he sought before he died and can now enjoy that status of "Mobilist Emeritas" that he mentioned. I need to end this now before I'm accused, aside from being another Ken sock puppet, of being "obsequious" which I had to look up to find out means "obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree". While I respect Ken's effort, I definitely do not consider myself to be "obedient or attentive" to him. If I read his book and decide it is total nonsense, you can count on me to state that. If, however, I find it actually does give me "Total Bessler Awareness", then I will state that also.

      Daniel H. (and still not Ken!)

    4. Thank you Daniel. I appreciate your gentle reaction to my accusations, but I remain convinced that you are Ken. My feeling is that you, Ken, are simply using my blog comments to maintain interest in your book. Enough said.


  21. Ken! Wtf are you doing? Leave those peaople alone.

  22. Dear John, concentrate on your wheel...please?...

  23. In an effort to finally return the discussion here to the actual original topic which was the metaphors in AP XLVI, here's another line interpretation that some may find interesting. The line is:

    "The cunning cat slinks silently along and snatches nice juicy mice."

    This could refer to the actions of the "cat's claw gravity latches" that were required to make a large Bessler wheel bidirectional (each such wheel utilized a total of 32 such latches!). The steel arms of a gravity latch would, during CCW drum rotation, slowly and quietly swing down and into place and then, via square notches cut into their ends, suddenly grab onto a steel pin located inside of a lever to secure its weight holding arms against a wooden stop piece at the drum's 6:00 position and attached to the drum. This was done for all eight of the levers of the one direction wheel inside of the drum of a two direction wheel that was forced to turn opposite to its normal start up direction. That then locked those arms into alignment with the drum's radial frame pieces that held the lever's pivot pin and they stayed locked down against the stop piece until that one directional wheel again turned in its normal direction (these gravity latches are probably not shown in the linked youtube wheel video above because they are much smaller than the levers and the wheel shown there is only a CW turning one direction wheel and, consequently, does not need to use the gravity latches).

    This action of a gravity activated latch reminded Bessler of a cat sneaking up and using his claws to catch a mouse. Bessler acknowledges this by including an image of a small frightened mouse in the second DT portrait but it's not easy to find. The "nice juice mice" refers to the heavy cylindrical lead weights located at the ends of a lever's weight carrying arms. Btw, it turns out that both the Merseburg and the Kassel wheels' levers actually each had three such cylindrical weights attached to them! This is one of many little surprises in store for those who will be obtaining and reading Ken's book.

    Mark N.

    1. Okay, Mark, so the Merseburg wheel contained two back to back, one directional wheels each of which had eight levers that each carried three weights. From that info we can write that the total number of weights was equal to 2 x 8 x 3 = 48 weights. The statements from witnesses to the official test of that wheel indicate that each weight was 4 pounds in mass. So, the total mass of the Merseburg wheel's 48 weights was 48 x 4 pounds = 192 pounds! No wonder Bessler removed all of those weights before moving the drum and attached axle to another set of vertical supports. In the case of the Kassel wheel, assuming he wanted to double the start up torque compared to the Merseburg wheel to impress Count Karl, he would have needed to double the mass of each lead weight to 8 pounds. That then meant that the 48 cylindrical weights removed from the drum of the Kassel wheel for a transport of the wheel would have had a total mass of 2 x 192 pounds = 384 pounds. That's a lot of lead mass for both wheels and it becomes obvious why the weights needed to be removed for easier transportation of the drum and axle. I'm curious to find out exactly how Bessler secured these weights to the ends of each lever's weight carrying pair of arms. I think the best method would be to use a long, smooth shank type bolt that passed through holes at the ends the wooden arms of a lever and also through a long shaft drilled down along the center axis of a cylindrical lead weight (made easier because lead is a somewhat soft metal). The head of the bolt would have been slotted so he could use a screw driver on it and the other end of the bolt threaded so it could be screwed into a nut that was embedded in the wood at the end of one of the lever's arms. He had to have a simple system that let him quickly remove and replace weights and to be able to do that completely from the cloth covered backside of the drum which I'm sure most of those at his demo's never got a good look at.

      Daniel H.

  24. To@
    Maybe the book isn't doing to good, he does sound a little biter-----------------
    Sam Peppiatt

    1. I'm assuming that the "he" you referred to is Mark. If you had been mocked and cursed out like Mark had, you might also be a little bitter too. I'm really amazed that he is still here and posting. Such treatment on other blogs would have gotten the offender immediately banned for life by the mods. Here, however, every type of rude behavior seems to acceptable. As far as Ken's book is concerned, I just checked his youtube promo video and he already has over 1,600 views. I think the book is probably doing quite well. Of course, it's a niche market book and, although there are a lot of DIY'ers interested in constructing pm wheels, only a minority of them will be strictly interested in Bessler's wheels. That's fine, of course, but they might find something in Ken's book that could help them with other approaches. I noted at the end of the copy I received that the epilog even contains a diagram for a permanent magnet motor of his own design that, like the Bessler's wheel mechanics he found, looks "unique". It uses the interaction between "distorted" magnetic fields to produce a net torque on a rotor's axle. Again, I've never seen anything like it and, if it actually works, it will be revolutionary. I really think he should have patented the design instead of just giving it away. What's it doing in a book on gravity wheels? I won't know that until I've read my way through about 800 pages to reach the epilog! For anybody who has not yet seen the youtube promo video for Ken's book, it's here. You get to hear Ken's voice and see his left hand, but that's all. Maybe he's a little shy or something.

      Daniel H.

  25. John don't you think it's time to remove the option of anonymous

    1. I know Stephen, I did it a couple of times in the past but a lot of people complained so I put it back to the way it is. I can delete anything if I wish, but if possible I prefer not to delete comments. I don’t think I’ve deleted more than one this year and probably none last year. I will continue to keep it in mind.


    2. Sorry Sam, I’ve deleted the last from Ken. I think he’s really lost the plot.


    3. John, I am your same age (less five months) and I'd never before even heard the expression "lost the plot"! This is proof-positive that every day brings something new to be learned.

      I did a bit of researching and found - just as I thought - that it is British for 'gone off the rails' - Ha!

      (It would seem that he, KB, may in fact actually have done-so. Of we that might remember, some years ago he had had a very bad experience with mercury poisoning as accumulated to dangerous levels from consuming fish. He explained much about this terrible experience within various pages of the BWF.)

      Cont. In doing-so, this very neatest site I found, addresses directly the topic of "Britishisms". Here is a link going to it:

      Showing on it's banner is yet another never before seen by these older eyes (actually only one presently), namely "gob shite."

      Hevens! Dare one ask what that might be? Well, not this one here.

      Most of us over here "across the pond" do know (and use) "knickers is a twist" but, in a modified form as "panties in a bunch" and, for really older centenarian ones "bustles in a bunch". The first one was delightfully used by the BWF hell hornet "Mons. Avoidupois de deux lettres" himself, on yours truly himself. (What a memorable moment that was.)

      I am going to have to learn about more about these. Between this new study and regular, weekly lessons in high-propriety compliments of our Hyacinth of "Keeping Up Appearances," we may just have a slim chance of becoming as civil as are you English, John. It is difficult slogging though, and so-particularly when having to deal with insolent, obstreperous young Anons. (This assuming that they ALL are actually not KB himself, which IS a possibility.)



    4. Thank you James, I wrote quickly without consideration for the intricacies of our common language. So sorry. 😃


  26. This blog attracts more nut cases than a pile of still steaming, freshly produced cow manure attracts flies!

    That prophecy guy that got his reply deleted was just another bogus, self-deluded fortune teller. Bit of advice, folks. Never ever give any of these creeps any financial information such as your credit or debit card numbers over the internet or phone. They'll start you off with a free "reading" of some sort that is very general. Sure enough, by chance one of two of the things mentioned are accurate or do occur. Then you're hooked! Believing that they can help you get rich, make you famous, find a dream job, meet the perfect partner, avoid accidents, contact departed loved ones in the "hereafter", or cure you of that strange pain you have, you will quickly find that more and more money is flowing out of your wallet and into theirs. Be particularly cautious of any of them that tell you that all of your problems are because your money is "cursed" and you need to give it to them so they can safely remove the curse from you by destroying the money which they will require you to give them as cash. They will then put on a nice little magic show for you during which they appear to be burning the money, but they have actually secretly substituted stage money for the real thing which they keep! These people practice the oldest con game in the world (next to those asking suckers to invest in a "revolutionary" perpetual motion machine!) and I know that from personal experience after I got involved with "psychic" Tarot card reader years ago that had me brainwashed and running to her store front parlor weekly to get her latest predictions about what I should and should not do in the coming week. I could have gotten equally reliable advice by just flipping a coin and that would have saved me several thousands of dollars!

    The Realist

  27. Again returning to this blog's topic, I have only two interpretations of the AP poem lines left to share.

    "He knows how to please by playing with his little toys and nick-knacks."

    It took a lot of headache producing adjustments by Bessler to finally make all of a two direction wheel's cat's claw gravity latches work smoothly. I think he was referring to the interaction between a lever, symbolized by a "dog", and its gravity latches as the lever "playing with his toys and nick-knacks". When a properly adjusted latch was finally working flawlessly as it interacted with its lever, it then would "please" Bessler.

    And, finally,

    "He wags his tail, creeps through the hoop and is rewarded with a pat on his paws by the stiff fops who watch him."

    This mostly refers to the motion of a lever on a one directional wheel's ascending side. The swing direction change of the lever from CCW to CW inside of a CW turning drum at its 9:00 position, as shown in Ken's youtube video, reminded Bessler of a dog wagging its tail. The continuing movement of the lever around the drum is described by Bessler as "creeping through its hoop". The "reward with a pat on his paws" describes the gentle contact or "pat" that the lever's weight carrying arms or "paws" finally made with a wooden stop piece after the lever passed the drum's 3:00 position.

    Mark N.

    1. Your comment is of course speculation Mark, N, because no requirement for so-called ‘gravity latches’ has been established, unless of course they were mentioned in Ken’s book, which means you must be Ken.


    2. Yes, those "cat's claw gravity latches" are mentioned in Ken's book. In fact, he has an entire chapter devoted to explaining how Bessler made his two largest wheels bidirectional and, using the clues in the two DT portraits, can provide the exact structure of these little steel latches. And, by "exact", I means he gives the exact shapes and masses of the parts required so a craftsman can duplicate them as quickly as possible. Ken seems to have done everything he could to encourage people to begin building physical duplicates of Bessler's wheels and I'm now considering attempting the construction of the 36 inch diameter wheel he describes in the book's fifth chapter. He claims it can be made in only a few weeks of part time effort. It's easy to dismiss the info he provides as fictional until you see the various clues he's found that justifies it. The last third of his 800 page book is devoted to those clues. It's really amazing material and unprecented in Bessler or any pm literature for that matter. For example, I never knew that there was a mouse shown being grabbed by a cat's claw in the second DT portrait, yet once he points out its location, it is undeniably there! He mentions how, with only two dozen attempts, he was able to make a computer model showing how the latches on a lever worked as a wheel's drum turned first CCW and then CW and the latch worked flawlessly. Anyone hoping to actually duplicate one of Bessler's bidirectional wheels will find that these latches are an absolute necessary. In fact, he explains why it's virtually impossible to achieve bidirectionality by any other means!

      Mark N. (and I'm still not Ken, just someone who actually read his full book and can recommend it, without hesitation, to anyone who is serious about understanding the finer details of Bessler's wheels. Ken's book will, literally, be a revelation to such a person and he will achieve "Total Bessler Awareness" as a result!)

    3. Hi Mark, aka Ken. You’re interpretation of clues you think you’ve found have resulted in a device which simply won’t work. Sorry to be blunt, but you’re results don’t match up with Bessler's real clues, and they describe a completely different design. I wish you would make it clear that your writing is speculation and not fact. In the end it’s just your opinion, as is this mine!


    4. John, you cannot claim that the design Ken obtained will not work because the clues he found in the DT portraits that indicate that design "don't match up with Bessler's real clues". So far everything I've seen in his design does match the well known clues and rather well. You really need to find out exactly what those additional DT portrait clues Ken found are. I think that, after you have read his book, you will be quite convinced that he has, indeed, managed to find "the" design Bessler used and which worked.

      I, too, was very skeptical at first of his claim to having found Bessler's secret as I have been about such past claims by others. Ken's book, however, quickly eliminated my skepticism. There are many new clues he points out that were previoulsy completely unknown to Bessler researchers. And I'm not referring to just a few clues either. He has actually found about two dozen new very specific clues that are repeated in both portraits and they all indicate a single design which is, basically, what he shows in that youtube video he made. The repetition of a particular clue in both portraits cannot just be chance. It had to be done deliberately by Bessler so future craftsmen seeking to duplicate his design would know that a clue was actually a clue because it had been repeated in both portraits. It's actually a odd form of self-verification that Bessler came up with. Knowing something is a clue is one thing, but properly interpreting it is something else. Ken had to do an incredible amount of work using thousands of computer model sims to be able to give the proper interpretations of those verified clues he found. The amount of work he put into his research is mind boggling and maybe only one in a million people could match the effort he made. But, that was the price that he was required to pay to obtain the long sought solution. While Bessler wanted his secret mechanics to eventually be rediscovered, he also wanted to make that rediscovery as difficult as possible which is exactly what he did.

      Right now I'd say that if anyone actually hopes to duplicate one of Bessler's wheels, the first place he needs to start is by obtaining Ken's book and reading and studying it intently. I'm generally a very critical and skeptical type of person and I don't give endorsements easily. But, I can say that, having read all of it, I can endorse his book without reservation. If I had not done that, then those interpretations I gave above about the AP poem lines would have been impossible for me to make.

      Mark N. (and I'm not Ken!)


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...