Thursday, 1 August 2019

The Triumphant Orffyrean Perpetual Motion Finally Explained! by Ken Behrendt

Sometimes I struggle to find a topic to write about and have had to resort to reposting “The Legend of Bessler’s Wheel”!  I don’t like to repeat stuff because it becomes boring but at least I can put something up which might catch the attention of someone who is/was unaware of Bessler.

There seems to be a lot of interest in Ken Behrendt’s book about Bessler, but I haven’t read it so I can’t comment from personal knowledge, but I welcome the fact that there is a book out there attempting to bring fresh information about the inventor.  Although I haven’t actually read the book, I was able to flip through various pages thanks to google books and I studied a number of Behrendt’s drawings relating to Bessler’s portrait, 

He has done an amazing job of extracting information from both portraits;  I use the word ‘amazing’ because the information he has found is so utterly at odds with the information which I have found elsewhere in Bessler’s publications that I cannot reconcile the two  hypotheses.  Unless there are two completely different concepts, unrelated to each other, one of them is wrong - or both are.

Strong words, and I mean no disrespect to Ken, and until I publish my own theory I cannot support my conclusions.  I’m pleased that Ken published his book and I encourage people to read it, I intend to buy a copy if only to check to see if my initial opinion is supported by the evidence he has found.  It provides a good subject for discussion and it introduces some new ideas about Bessler’s wheel which have been lacking lately.  Until my own work is published Ken’s is the only new piece of information out there.  I’m not sure how long it is since I published my books but it has been many years.



  1. John Collins,

    Seams to me like, he just copied your book, then added 600 pages of BS!!

    Sam Peppiatt

    1. Holy Moley! What a sobering suggestion! Might it actually be so?


    2. How do we know that JC didn't copy 27 pages of some earlier author's work and then just add 200 pages of his own BS?! Lol!

  2. I have Ken's book and it is truly an awesome contribution that he has made to the subject. I'm about 2/3rds of the way through the volume and the amount of info it contains is nothing short of staggering. It's sort of like the "Principia" of perpetual motion wheels! For the first time he takes the reader inside of the drums of Bessler's wheels and provides detailed illustrations of their working parts which include their various dimensions, masses, etc. The reader is even taken on an imaginary visit to Bessler's home to view a demonstration of his 12 foot diameter bidirectional Merseburg wheel given by Bessler and an assistant who was probably his brother. You won't believe what you will be seeing during that demo!

    For the craftsmen out there, Ken gives complete instructions for constructing a working replica of Bessler's first one direction Gera prototype wheel which can be enlarged and doubled up to produce 12 foot bidirectional versions. Those, however, require an additional mechanism to make them bidirectional and he provides the technical details of that as well. You will also learn the source of the mechanical energy the wheels were able to deliver since they were not making energy out of nothing and thereby violating the energy conservation law. Get ready for the surprise of your life! He has also found many clues, both alphanumerical and geometrical in nature, hidden in the two DT portraits that I have never seen discussed anywhere else. They all point to the exact design that appears in that youtube video he uploaded which was mentioned in the last blog here.

    Ken promises that anyone finishing his book will achieve what he refers to as "Total Bessler Awareness". This is an exalted cognitive state in which one finally understands all of the mysteries of Bessler's wheels! From what I've read so far, I have no doubt that this is exactly what a serious reader of the book will obtain from it! There is much, much more in the volume that I cannot cover in this post. I can only highly recommend that anyone who takes his Bessler wheels seriously, obtain this book! Think you now have all of the answers about the Bessler wheel subject? Lol! After reading Ken's book, you will realize that previously you only barely scratched the surface of the subject! I would also highly recommend that, after you've finished reading Ken's book, you reread all of John's translations of Bessler's books (if you haven't read them yet because you don't own them, then buy them all and do so!). I think you will, after having achieved "Total Bessler Awareness", discover that you will see Bessler's writings in an entirely new light. What seemed mysterious previously will become childishly obvious to you. You will be reading his works with the same knowledge in your mind that Count Karl would have had as he read them three centuries ago!

    Mark N.

    1. This is all very fine and well but how many tens-of-thousands of man hours might be 'spent' building a Bessler replica, that cannot of it's own sole self ever perpetuate?

      After all, is that not the goal itself, all other distracting considerations such are likely included within those 800's of pages, notwithstanding?

      This new overwhelming opus strikes myself as being of something like palliative relief or consolation - that the main objective itself is by normal means NOT to be had.

      Compliments of John's already published works and this site and that other one, the BWF, are all of these not already enough so as to constitute by themselves a "Total Bessler Awareness"?

      To what utility might be yet-more added distraction, from the one-and-only MAIN GOAL? Just that? So as to soften the blow that the genuine article simply is not to reveal it's self, despite all of the concerted will and talent as has been applied to it, thus far?

      Honestly. As regarding the appearance of this new publication I remain suspicious as to motivation and, about any real use it might provide, outside of the ones just proposed above.

      Also, let's not mistake quantity (bulk) for quality.

      (For more distractive-than-not entertainment of a similar sort, as is likely his nouveau livre per se, do not miss KB's "The Cosmic Vault." One can spend much time there, going from one fascinating section to the next, with vexatious remembrances such as wheels that will not spin-of-self no matter what, being surely soon forgotten?)


  3. Rick in Michigan1 August 2019 at 16:41

    John, I commend you for acknowledging the work of another researcher, even if it does line up with your own ideas. Until an idea is PROVEN non-functional, then all information should be considered. It may take tidbits of ideas from multiple researchers to find the ultimate solution. There is no room in exploration for pigheadedness. I'm looking forward to seeing working models from anyone. Even "close calls" can be an inspiration. Cheers!

    1. Thank you Rick, I’m ever hopeful to be the first with a working model, but I’d settle for someone, anyone, being the first.


    2. Rick in Michigan2 August 2019 at 15:24

      oops... even if it *doesn't* line up

  4. Before Ken B stopped posting here several years ago, he mentioned that he was working on a large book that would finally solve the Bessler wheel mystery. At the time I just dismissed him as another overly zealous dreamer type whose plans would amount to nothing in the long run. But, here it is...a finished book and a rather impressive one at that! He also predicted at that time that the book would be very controversial and that it would generate much discussion in the years following its publication. I suspect those predictions will also come to pass as more and more finish reading the work and commenting on it. Assuming he's actually found the secret of Bessler's wheels (and that video he posted on youtube is very convincing!), then the race will be on to see who will be the first after three centuries to construct a working replica following the detailed instructions he provides in his book. Ken B will become famous for rediscovering the secret and the other person also for "reducing it to practice". I don't know if those achievements would rate a shared Nobel Prize in physics or not, but I definitely consider honorary PhD's in mechanical engineering and physics from acredited engineering schools and universities to be highly likely for both. I will be purchasing the download shortly based on the few images I saw in the free preview John linked to. Ken B provides the kind of precise details that a builder needs to have. If the download lives up to the excellent review given above, I will then order the hard cover edition for my permanent library.

    Anybody new to this blog who hasn't seen Ken's youtube video yet giving a "first look" at the mechanics Bessler's wheels used can find it here:

    Ignore any nonsense you read about the video's music containing subliminal messages that will hypnotize you.

  5. This is all just a big hoax everyone. Nobody is ever going to learn how Bessler's wheels worked because they were not genuine in the first place! If they had been genuine, then their big secret would have been rediscovered a long time ago and not three centuries later by someone selling niche market books on the internet. I'm always amazed at how gullible you pathetic people can be. If you're not wasting your time and money on some nutty religion, then it's on some nonsense like this. He uploaded a video to youtube? Means nothing. It's just another fake like everything else on that site. Wake up and don't waste your time on this Bessler nonsense. Nothing real will ever come from any of it. The scientists have all concluded perpetual motion is impossible and you can trust their conclusion. They all went to universities and, unlike you, worked hard to earn actual science degrees. They know what they are talking about. You don't!

    The Realist

    1. Anonymous realist I must admire your conviction for what you are saying. you believe there is a hoax you are also stating only someone with a degree could actually be trusted. and if there's a difference to be found it actually could not occur because this understanding was not achieved by someone with the proper credentials. Using that same understanding and judging it based on your assumption you are judged. You inject you’re ridiculous assumptions into the conversation for an obvious deception you sir are delusional furthermore you're intent is very suspect and Highly Questionable. I thank you for your comic relief there's only one question I have for you that question reflects upon your integrity. Why if you believe what you say with conviction wouldn't you use your own name?

    2. Anonymous 1 August 2019 at 21:35

      This offensive, accusative non sequiturous garbage doesn't deserve response. It is but cheap, button-pushing trollism pure and simple.

      "The Realist" is obviously a clueless youthful poseur, needing much attention in-between his sad, secret j-o sessions.

      Let us not humor cheeky clueless youth, for it only encourages them in their pointless, sad existences.

  6. Without a working wheel, no theory is correct.

  7. Ken B. posted under the name Technoguy. You can search back thru John's blog to find his posts. There you can about some of the clues he found. It is interesting reading but very subjective. If you are a Ken believer, then reading the Technoguy posts is a must. There are numerous posts, maybe over a hundred. Happy searching.

    1. Recently Ken B has been accused of being "Mr. Lepard Spots". In the past he was accused of being "Technoguy", "Boris", and two or three others IIRC. None of this was ever proven and the real Ken B. once denied being any of these people and said he never posted anonymously and only posted using his actual name.

  8. When I posted this blog I hoped we would get some comment from Ken and I have feeling we’ve had more than one, anonymously. I recognise the style and the understandably strong endorsement of the book. I don’t mind but I hoped we'd hear directly from the author.


    1. Yes John I do believe you're correct he takes what is simplistic and complicates rather than simplifies for the sake of understanding

  9. Okay, okay, John! Someone emailed me and told me you had a blog about my recent book and wanted me to comment on it. I usually don't return to a blog or forum after leaving it, but since you are kindly promoting the volume for which I thank you, I think an exception is in order this time.

    Yes, it is a large volume for whose length I make no apology. I needed that length to adequately cover the subject and, literally, thousands of hours of effort went into producing the book. I provide the details of that effort in chapter two wherein the reader will discover that it is a true miracle that the book was ever produced and published at all. I give the official date of the rediscovery of Bessler's secret wheel mechanics as having taken place on Friday, April 13th, 2018, but it took from that time until late 2018 before I could send the finished manuscript to my publisher.

    I, of course, consider the wheel design given in the book to be "the" one Bessler used and am looking forward to seeing confirmatory sims by others and, eventually, the appearance of working physical replicas based on the design in the book. I'm unconcerned about the negativity of the critics, detractors, naysayers, skeptics, and trolls. As it becomes apparent in the coming years that the book actually does provide "the" design Bessler found and used, they will all fall silent and slink away too embarrassed to admit their initial arrogance and ignorance. I also caution everyone to beware of people who give a book "review" after skimming their way through a few bits and pieces of a book! Their opinions are worthless. Also, beware of those who disparage the results of computer simulations, but who have never actually worked with simulations. True, all simulations can have flaws and limitations, but that in no way means they are totally worthless as their nonusing critics would often like to have you believe. For every 100 people who actually read my book, perhaps 1 will have the enthusiasm necessary to attempt constructing a replica of the 36 inch diameter Gera prototype wheel using the instructions the book provides. I've made ever effort to describe what must be done and to do so as clearly as possible so he will have as much chance of success as possible.

    So, if any one has any general questions concerning the book, my involvement in the subject, or something pertaining to the mechanics of Bessler's wheels, then please feel free to ask me either here or in the comment sections of my youtube videos and I'll try to give you a short, but accurate answer. But, for the most information and to finally achieve what I refer to as "Total Bessler Awareness", you will need to obtain the volume and read ALL of it. As someone earlier mentioned, follow that up by rereading or reading all of John's translations of Bessler's books. I think you will find they make far more sense when you know what was actually happening inside of the drums of his wheels!

    The person who finally constructs the first working replica of one of Bessler's wheels after three centuries will not only have obtained my book, but he will have read many of its chapters multiple times and taken many notes while doing so. He will not allow the negativity of the "educated" skeptics or of the self-appointed and self-annointed "defenders" of "established" science or of the flatulent armchair philosphers who feel a need to opine about everything to "prove" their intellectual "brillance" to deter him. He will roll up his sleeves and get to work with his build because he will know that once it undeniably works and he can document his priority to the construction, his place in the history of science will be assured. Centuries hence, he and his shining achievement will still be admired and discussed. His detractors, otoh, will merely be forgotten dust.

    1. Ken, I was surprised to see you posting here! I just want to personally thank you for that book you wrote on Bessler's wheels. I've been looking for something like it for years and had almost given up hope that it would ever come along. I'm slowly working my way through the final 1/3rd of the book that reveals the many DT portrait clues and your interpretations of them using Bessler's alphanumerical code system. Without your guidance, there is no way on Earth that I would ever have noticed them let alone been able to decode them even though I've studied those portraits for years.

      I got a chuckle out of that little bit of whimsy on the part of Bessler that you pointed out. Yes, he definitely put an image of a small mouse into the second portrait, but I never would have noticed it unless you pointed it out. That mouse is in serious trouble! The reason that mouse appears there is also fascinating. Most reading this, however, won't have the foggiest idea of what I'm referring to until after they obtain and read your new book and achieve "Total Bessler Awareness" for themselves!

      Mark N.

    2. Thank you very much for your kind words, Mark, and for that nice book review above. It's always gratifying for an author to receive some positive feedback on his work. I'm very happy you are finding the volume to be of value.

      Yes, that little mouse in the second DT portrait is extremely easy to miss and most have never seen it or even suspected it was there. In my book I provide a magnified image of it and there is no doubt that it is a mouse. As you've learned from the book by now, Bessler's bidirectional wheels actually contained two back to back one directional wheels arranged so as to normally self-start in opposite directions if they were not both attached to the same axle and thus cancelling out each others torque. Because of that, he had to have a simple and reliable mechanism that would cause all eight levers of whatever wheel was forced, after a push start of the enlarged drum, to undergo retrograde motion to have their weight carrying arms locked down tight against wooden radial stop pieces attached to the drum's radial frame pieces. Once that was done, the center of gravity of that wheel's eight levers and their weights would be located at the exact center of the axle and that wheel could be considered to be disabled and no longer able to contribute any torque to the axle. This mechanism, a cleverly designed gravity activated latch, then had to be able to completely disengage from the levers for whatever one directional wheel within the drum that was rotating in the normal direction that it was designed to spontaneously self-start in.

      I provide the precise details of that gravity latch mechanism in the book and the reader will immediately notice that the most important part of its shape is familiar. It actually looks like a cat's claw that is made out of steel! In the book I refer to it as a "cat's claw gravity latch" and provide several views of it for the craftman intent on replicating one of Bessler's 12 foot diameter bidirectional wheels for which he will have to construct two of the latches for every lever within that wheel (which means a total of 32 latches!). The similarity to a cat's claw would also have caught Bessler's attention and, sure enough, he placed a small mouse near the table item in the second DT portrait that symbolizes that gravity latch. The little mouse is somewhat frantic because a cat's claw has just come down on the top of his head!

      In Bessler's day, a house cat served only one purpose which was to creep around at night dispatching any house mice it came upon. The classic "snapping mousetrap" that we are all familiar with was not invented until 1897 by the British inventor James Henry Atkinson. Before that cats earned their keep by doing the job of pest control. However, I've always felt sorry for the mice. I had a pet one as a kid and they're really very cute and can be very friendly.

  10. Rick in Michigan2 August 2019 at 15:40

    I have an honest question, and am not criticizing your theory. If you have the answer, and valid sims, why didn't you first construct a physical model, instead of putting "thousands of hours" towards writing a book? Any book proposing a solution is merely conjecture until confirmed by a working model. Sincerely.

    1. Thanks for your "honest question", Rick in Michigan.

      I'm not currently able to construct a physical model for various reasons and I am also truly severely drained from the enormous effort it took to just find "the" solution and get it published which took years of consistent daily effort. I now know what a lemon that has had all of the juice squeezed out of it would feel like if it was conscious! I have, at very high personal cost, finally obtained the "closure" I sought and am no longer an active Bessler wheel researcher. Now it's time for other, younger people to take over with me, perhaps, chiming in now and then with some friendly advice and a few suggestions to assist their efforts. At this point in time, I'm quite content with the status of "Mobilist Emeritas", a title I just invented for myself! Lol!

      But, even if I could construct a working model wheel today, I have no doubt that it would be quickly dismissed as yet another hoax just as my book was by that odious "The Realist" above who would never bother to read it to see how the design was obtained from the many DT clues because he already "knows" it HAS to be a hoax. Having a single working pm wheel really means nothing today as far as introducing it to the world. That is an important lesson that all students of Bessler's invention must learn and accept. The major reason his invention was lost for three centuries was because he sat on it for decades waiting to get rich overnight from its sale instead of parting with its secret mechanics for a more affordable sum. Really big mistake that set back progress in self-motive machinery research for centuries! I don't intend to make the same mistake. THIS time his invention will NOT be lost to history! Even so, it will probably take a few dozen successful replications by different craftsmen around the world before the design attracts the attention of the media and the scientific world. Even then, because of a wheel's low power output compared to its size and mass, its social value will be questioned and it will probably be dismissed as a quaint, but not too useful invention. All we can really hope for is that its appearance will clear Bessler's name of the unfair stain of fraud attached to it.

      I, of course, consider the designs in my recent book to be far more that "merely conjecture". If that was all it was, I wouldn't have wasted five seconds writing it. I can only say that, based on the many precise clues I found in the DT frontispiece portraits and share in the book and the end result of evaluating about two thousand very carefully made computer models and their simulations, I have NO doubt that the design presented in my book solves the Bessler wheel mystery and is, in fact, "the" exact one he found and used. I'm not prepared to offer to let my head get cut off if I'm wrong, though, since I prefer to keep it where it is.

      I predict that the first working physical replica of at least Bessler's 36 inch diameter Gera prototype wheel will appear before this time next year. No guarantee, of course, but I think that event is far more probable of occurring than not.

  11. Ken Behrend I have two very simple questions for someone such as you who claims to understand Bessler’s design. Do you understand what Bessler meant by pulling back the curtain ? and do you understand what I mean when I say climb the ladder? If you are correct then I would be happy to purchase a hundred copies of the book.

    1. Bessler mentions "pulling back the curtain" in the note to MT 11 where he wrote:

      "This figure is doubled, as one can see, and the form does not involve much, but there is more in it than meets the eye, as will be seen when I pull back the curtain and disclose the correct principle at the appropriate place, as mentioned previously."

      Pulling back the curtain is a metaphor for the revelation of his working pm wheel design which Bessler intended to do at the end of MT, but decided not to do after his arrest. One will find that design that he removed and destroyed in my new book on Bessler and his wheels!

      On page 259 of John's commissioned translation of AP, Bessler wrote:

      "I discovered how a man can climb higher on Jacob's ladder, and learn to shun all superstition."

      Jacob's ladder appears in Genesis 28:10-19 and Bessler's mention of how he discovered how one can climb higher on it and shun all supersititions is just a metaphor for his own personal struggle to experience spiritual growth as he increased his knowledge of God while avoiding accepting false religious beliefs. Bessler had his own version of Christianity which usually brought him quickly into conflict with the clergy of the local churches in the various towns he temporarily resided in. He was not referring to any ladder-like structures inside of the drums of his wheels.

    2. Ken Behredt Your answer is incorrect. far far too many words the true answer could be expressed in 3 words.

    3. I must admit I absolutely agree with Ken's answer to your two questions Stephen. You have never given any answersfor your two frequently asked questions, so until you do I can't see any other explanations.


    4. Stephen, if your three word answer about the meaning of the "curtain / ladder metaphor" is different from mine, then I'd certainly like to hear it. Perhaps you are afraid to reveal it because you have your own doubts about its validity and how it will be received here? A person who is confident in their beliefs and knowledge does not fear to reveal them because he knows they will stand up to objective scrutiny by others. I was confident enough in the design to which Bessler's DT clues led me to present them to the world in a heavily illustrated 800 page book. If I had not had that confidence, then that book would never have been published and be selling all over the planet right now. Your failure to give your definition of the curtain / ladder metaphor only shows me and everyone else here that you have your own doubts about its validity and are afraid of having it dismissed or ridiculed for being nonsense if you were to reveal it here and now.

    5. John and Ken, Bessler never worked alone! Bessler rediscovered this technology! What everybody refers to as mt11 is the drawing of ii! You know two as one. Both of you have gleaned the field but give no thanks to whose field it is Ponder on that for a while before you ask your next question.

    6. Stephen, I doubt if any one here will be asking you any more questions because you have well demonstrated that you are unable or unwilling to give us straight answers. We don't have time to play this nonsense game with you.

    7. you've all been chasing your Tails one after the other Bessler gave the answer to it I told you where to start you can't hear what you're not listening to

    8. Read MTii used deductive reasoning with lateral thinking even you and John I believe could achieve this if not build a time machine and go back to 1728 find a child twelve or thirteen year old have him look at a portrait of Bessler show him the toy page and ii and listened to what the child says

    9. You have both been gleaning the field for a long time why others do your work time to get up off your lazy ass and do some real work Not For the Love of Money or fame because it's the right thing to do what would Sir Arthur Conan Doyle say it's Elementary

  12. Thank you for responding with your comments Ken, it’s good to hear from you after such a long time. I’m curious about the information you managed to extract from the two portraits in Das Tri and I will have to see about buying a copy of your book. As I said before, I cannot reconcile the information you have found with that which I have found, and I hope to find a connection between the two apparently different pieces of information when I get to read your book. I wish you the best of luck and I hope that you will get plenty of sales.

    I doubt that the first working physical replica of Bessler’s wheel will prove to be based on your design, but I will acknowledge that I was wrong if it does. Good luck.


    1. Thanks, John, for the warm welcome. I do wish I could provide you with a gratis download of my new book which I think you would find most interesting, but my publisher has changed ownership recently and the new owners are no longer providing their authors with a small supply of physical books or even downloads to give out to various reviewers for promotional purposes. I was so turned off by this latest profit maximizing change, that I almost went with another publisher!

      I don't know if you are still pursuing the same wheel design as when I left here back in, IIRC, the spring of 2017, but, if so, then I do wish you the best of luck with it and, hopefully, you have made significant progress with it since then. Unlike what Bessler believed, I've always maintained that he did not have the only possible design for a pm wheel that would work (consider, for example, the Asa Jackson wheel which was witnessed by many to be a genuine working pm design). So, while I am 100% certain that I do finally have "it" or the actual design Bessler found and used, I don't deny the possibility that others with different designs may also find success. Obviously, however, my and another's different design cannot both have been "the" one that Bessler found and used. If they both work, then I can always justify my claim to having "it" based on the many precise clues I've found in the two DT portraits and other places in the Bessler literature. The other claimant would then have to be able to point to clues as precise and numerous as the ones I've found to justify his design as being "it" which should not be possible.

      The advantage of the design I've found, however, is that it can offer one the chance for success with his very next build! Working on his own with a different design, however, he may still be 10 or 100 or 1,000 or even 10,000+ modifications away from success IF it's even physically possible. And, sadly, for the vast majority of mobilists, they won't live long enough to reach the last modification that finally brings them success if such is physically possible. What I have effectively lets one cut ahead of that long line of failures to the end where success will be waiting. The price to be paid for that express trip, however, is a willingness to accept the design I've found as being "it" and, of course, to make a physical model based on it. But, I don't expect most committed to other designs to be able to do that.

      Once one has become emotionally invested in a particular design it can be nearly impossible to make clean a break with it and try a different one. No one wants to admit that they had been wasting their time, effort, and money and only deceiving himself. It is a very bitter pill to have to swallow. Rather, he wants to somehow eventually make it work no matter how long it takes in order to prove to everyone that he was right all along. That's a quite persistent attitude to have, but the unfortunate reality of life is that continual failures are very psychologically stressful and have a way of wearing one down over time and making him very depressed and discouraged and even bitter. One of the purposes of my book is to finally help one escape that sad scenario and do it now.

    2. Ken Behrendt truly you have a lot to learn!

    3. Most likely, Stephen...but not from you!

  13. Ken, you should give him, (John), a book!

  14. Ken, I note that your publisher is Authorhouse, a vanity publisher?


    1. John, you should know better by now not to ask me a question requiring a lengthy answer! Lol! But here goes:

      Part one:

      Authorhouse might, by some, be considered a "vanity publisher", but I have found them to be more of a "self-publishing / authors' services" type of company. I have published six books with them so far and the costs have been quite reasonable considering how much time, effort, and aggravation it saves me. Once I have the manuscript finished including its proofreading and all illustrations, I burn it onto a CD and send it off to their company in Indiana. Within days they have the first galley for the book's text completed and ready for my inspection. After several rounds of corrections, I'm done. Meanwhile, using my sketches, one of their digital artists completes the book's front and back covers (that Kassel wheel on the cover of my recent book was actually made by me using MS Paint and their artist incorporated into his cover design!). I pay particular attention to the cover because it is a major factor in attracting a potential reader's attention and it has to look good which it usually does. If one has an allergic reaction to what they come up with, they will redo it once for free. I rejected the first version of my book's front and back covers because I did not like the color used which was a bright green that did not look right to me. More appropriate for a book on Ireland than a pm wheel!

      I submitted my current Bessler book's manuscript CD to them in mid December of 2017 and the book was selling on Amazon by early February of 2018! It might have been sooner if not for the holiday season slow down. The work is available as an .epub download which can be read on most ebook readers and also tablets and laptops with the installation of a free app that Amazon provides. For those that like a regular physical book in their hands (I do!), there's also a hardcover version and a less expensive softcover edition.

      The materials and binding that they use in their physical versions are top quality and one of their books sitting next to a traditionally printed volume in a bookstore or library will often look even better! All of their books are produced, when ordered, by the "Print on Demand" technology. A giant machine at a company they own uses the digital data on a master disc to print up one to a thousand copies in a batch as needed to fill orders. Unlike a traditional publisher who, if an author's "first printing" does not sell, will pick up all copies from bookstores and from warehouses and grind them up and "repulp" them to make paper for other books at which time one's book "goes out of print" and is no longer being printed, Authorhouse's books NEVER go out of print. If someone a hundred years from now orders a copy of my Bessler book, he will get a new copy and not a used one or one that has been sitting in a warehouse being fed on by dust mites! In the US, a copyright lasts for, IIRC, 75 years after the death of an author so my heirs will still be collecting my royalty checks then and, hopefully, singing my praises (if not, then I'll come back as a ghost or zombie and scare the sh*t out of them!). Lol!

      Continued in Part two.

    2. Part two:

      I tried to get my first book, "The Physics of the Paranormal", published the "traditional way". I spent five years sending queries out to over a thousand publishers all over the US. The result? Two out of three never answered me. About one out of three sent a quick rejection letter or even rejection postcard. And, only six expressed interest. Five of those six said they couldn't wait to publish my book, it sounded fantastic to them, and all I had to do was just send them a quick $10,000 USD so they could print up a minimum "run" of a 1,000 copies for me. After they were printed up, they would then ship them all off to me so I could sell them!!!

      One of the smaller publishers, however, expressed interest and had me send them sample chapters! I did and got a letter back from an editor saying they were "excited" about my book on the paranormal and that a "publishing contract" would be on its way for my signature! I was very excited and told all of my friends about my luck while I fantasized about seeing my book in all of the local bookstores while I attended them for book signings to boost sales. Everyone was happy for me and admiring me for my apparently soon to be success. But, then the months passed and I only kept getting letters from my editor at the company telling me that the book was being sent up to "higher levels" for additional editorial review and she apologized for the delay.

      Continued in Part three.

    3. Part three:

      I endured that nonsense for a full year and then the day came when a package landed on my doorstep containing the expensive photocopy I had made of the entire manuscript and a short rejection letter. In other words, "Thanks for letting us jerk you around for a year and filling your mind with fantasies, sucker, but someone here that never wrote anything in his life and can't even spell paranormal feels your book might not make us enough of a profit so here it is back again and goodbye!" My reaction to that sh*t was "NEVER AGAIN!" I will not deal with any traditional publisher ever again who, for the pittance royalties they pay most authors, expects full rights to his work, full editorial control, and the signing of a one sided contract designed to maximize their profit while minimizing that of the author. Authorhouse lets me avoid all of that emotional, psychological, and financial abuse and, unless they get too pricey in the future, I will stick with them for my futue books and continue to recommend them.

      Think an "agent" will help you? Lol! They are just another part of the scam of the "traditional" publishing world. NEVER get involved with any of them that requires you to make any "upfront" payment for their "services". That's really a nonrefundable commission they need because they know that telling new authors about all of the things that could potentially happen with their book is how they really make their money and not by actually effectively helping new authors get their books published by traditional publishers. Yes, SOME of the reputable ones may actually do that for a small percentage of new authors, but a new author must be VERY lucky to be in that percentage. A reputable agent won't be asking you for any money and will only collect their percentage of any advance and future royalties after they place your book. They are also very selective. If they have any doubts about the interest traditional publishers might have in your book, they will tell you and decline to handle it. The only way to overcome that is to hunt around and hope to find another reputable agent who has a different opinion. But, in any case, don't pay they any money because your most likely to lose it all and still have an unpublished book.

      So while others are putting down the independent, self, subsidy, and vanity publishers and singing the praises of being an author with a real "traditional" publisher, I know better and am busily working on my next title to be published and looking forward to my next quarterly royalty check and making a few more happy dollars from my book sales. I would recommend Authorhouse to any new author with a first book to publish. They will do it right and make sure it is properly copyrighted and registered and selling all over the internet and available through any one of about 25,000 "bricks and mortar" bookstores worldwide. They will also do it quick and, assuming your book is not a real mess require professional editing, have it published and selling in about two to three months. While I'm certainly not getting filthy rich selling niche market books this way, I have made modest profit over the years and continue to do so quarterly. The reality is that few authors ever make "serious" money with niche market books no matter how they are published. I'm writing for other reasons that have more to do with staying mentally active as I age, expressing myself, and making what contributions I can to the world's knowledge base while I'm still among the living. I just hope they can have a positive effect and result in a better world. If that happens, then I really have all of the reward I need.

    4. Oops! Got my years mixed up. In Part one I wrote:

      "I submitted my current Bessler book's manuscript CD to them in mid December of 2017 and the book was selling on Amazon by early February of 2018!"

      That should have read:

      "I submitted my current Bessler book's manuscript CD to them in mid December of 2018 and the book was selling on Amazon by early February of 2019!"

      Only off by a year!

  15. John Collins,
    For once I agree with anonymous. He should buy you a book, sign it, and give it to you. What a cheap skate he is!
    Sam Peppiatt

  16. Let's for a second pretend that we don't understand anything about mechanics and physics and just compare the work in the video with the evidence provided by the witnesses. I will list just two of them which are the most obvious:
    - nothing falls, so that it's heard (remember the "clattering" that was directly linked to principle of working of one the wheels?)
    - there will be no sound at all with such a mechanism except for the sound of friction. The wheels that were presented were all noisy. This is a very very very strong clue and is important for all builders.

    Now, if someone knows mechanics and have been making multiple attempts will know why this wheel (in the video) will not work even without reading John's books (which are a great source, by the way).

    1. Well, I am quite familiar with mechanics and I see no reason why the computer model wheel in that video (which I made and posted on youtube) will not work. If you think it will not work, then please explain why.

    2. You should know that. You wrote a book after all. I'm just saying from my experience that this mechanism doesn't work. To understand why, you should understand why all of Bessler's unsuccessful mechanisms didn't work. They all had the same pattern. If you understand the pattern this will save you a lot of time not building something else that follows the same path.

    3. Thomas, it's no secret that ALL of Bessler's overbalanced type wheels shown in MT will not work because they fail to keep the center of gravity of their weights on the descending side of the wheel during rotation. The design I show in my video does not have that problem! That design has not appeared anywhere before and, currently, I am the only one that can legitimately claim to have any experience working with it. Based on that experience, I am quite confident that a physical version of it, if carefully made and balanced, will work. I am also equally confident that it is the same design that Bessler found and used three centuries ago.

    4. By "experience" you mean "simulation." That is anything but convincing.

      Tesla once said that the scientists of his day substituted experiments for formulas. That was more than 100 years ago.

      The reason for the non-working experiments of Bessler is not what you say. What you say is the product of the primary reason. The reason is the principle on which all these wheels were built. The same principle lies in your theory, i.e. simulation.

      An analogy would be to say that trying to unlock a door with a random key doesn't work, because the pins in the lock are not moved. Of course. The lock of a door is made by pins that are moved in a certain combination and if they aren't, the door remains locked. But is the pins the reason for not unlocking the door? Isn't it the key shape that is to blame?

      Bessler once stated that (paraphrasing): "Now I understand why all previous wheels didn't work and that one works." He knew quite well that perpetually pushing the wheel out of balance is the goal. The reason lies in the principle the parts in the wheel are interacting with each other. All non-working wheels are based on one and the same kind of interaction. And yes, your design has the same problem: the ascending side is full of weights, while in order to work it has to be "empty." This is what Bessler also stated. Also weights have to ascend QUICKLY. That's been emphasized onto a numerous times.

    5. bravo. very good points! .

    6. "And yes, your design has the same problem: the ascending side is full of weights, while in order to work it has to be "empty." This is what Bessler also stated. Also weights have to ascend QUICKLY. That's been emphasized onto a numerous times."

      LOL! Thomas, if you think you are going to make an imbalanced pm wheel in which one side of the drum has no weights in it, then you are definitely in dreamland! That quote you attribute to Bessler was his way, assuming it was accurately translated, of saying that the center of gravity of his wheel's weights and levers stayed on one side of the axle, the descending side, during wheel rotation. Thus, one side of the drum was "full" in terms of having the center of gravity located in it and the other side was "empty" in terms of not having the center of gravity located in it. He did NOT mean that one side of the drum was completely empty of weights and their levers! As far as the design I show is concerned, the weights of the levers passing the drum's 9:00 position do ascend very rapidly because of the forces acting on them. That is a very important condition and critically necessary to maintaining the center of gravity of all of the weights and levers on the descending side of the axle.

    7. I guess you don't remember that Bessler said if you are not able to make a 4x weight jump rapidly by the fall of 1x weight beyond the point of a lever your work will be in vain. Your mechanism can't do that. It's all standard levers and ropes which can't achieve the "beyond the point of a lever" requirement. Let me state it this way: You should be able to make a four-pound weight jumpst for more than one foot if a one-pound weight falls from four feet.

    8. The translation John Provides in AP page 296 is:

      "But I would just like to add this friendly little note of caution: A great craftsman would be that man who can “lightly” cause a heavy weight to fly upwards! Who can make a pound weight rise as 4 ounces fall, or 4 pounds rise as 16 ounces fall. If he can sort that out, the motion will perpetuate itself. But if he can’t, then his hard work shall be all in vain."

      Getting a 4 pound weight to rise through a certain distance as a 1 pound weight falls through the same distance, is actually a simple matter. It only requires attaching a stretched spring to the 4 pound weight that reduces its weight to less than 1 pound throughout its ascent. The design I found for Bessler's wheel uses this principle. The lever at the 9:00 position of the drum in the computer model wheel of my video is perfectly counter balanced by the stretched extension springs attached to it and that is one of the reasons its weight is able to so rapidly rise as the drum turns and the lever's pivot pin travels from the drum's 9:00 to 10:30 positions.

  17. Oh, one more thing:

    The biggest mistake most people make is to work with software simulators assuming they represent the world of mechanical interactions in a PERFECT way and they understand everything.

    Well, let me tell you that if you make a hammer and an anvil inside such a simulator and drop the hammer onto it it will NOT react the way it reacts in the real world. If you don't know what is expected from an anvil, go and try it yourself or see a video.

    Simulators will lead you astray. Grab tools and materials and get your hands dirty. This way you will understand much more. Don't assume you know everything. In this "simple" world of mechanics you will be astonished how many times you will get fooled by your own pride that you know simple mechanics.

    1. I totally understand and appreciate your concerns about simulators. But simulators are actually a good way to start. If it don't Work in a simulator it probably won't work at all...

    2. Per-Henrik, that's a completely wrong assumption. I gave an example about the anvil. It doesn't work in the simulator, but if you've never had an experience with a hammer and an anvil you will assume the simulator is doing a great job and "it works fine." A simulator can fool you with things working and things not working. The real life is much more complex than the simplified simulator. It's a very wrong thing to assume that we know it all, we can program it and it will be the same.

    3. "... if you make a hammer and an anvil inside such a simulator and drop the hammer onto it it will NOT react the way it reacts in the real world."

      I just made a quick simulation that dropped a steel mallet with a 10 pound metal head and 3 pound wooden handle onto a 50 pound block of steel used as an anvil. The mallet bounced off of the anvil exactly as a real one would have. What exactly is it that you think a real hammer does when it hits a real anvil that is different what happens when a simulated hammer hits a simulated anvil?

    4. For example, simulators work with a constant "g" which is not constant, because what is "calculated" as 9.8 m/s is in vacuum which, last time I checked, is not the real world. This "constant" is proven to be different for different objects and materials even if they are the same size. It's just "in theory." Also those simulators don't take into account the "opposite force" that occurs as a wave within the material. There are lots more things in real world they don't show you.

      Theory doesn't mean anything if not proven. Claims are not proofs. Legitimate claims are not legitimate proofs.

      Again, the simulation will not work in real life, because it's based on the non-working principle of Bessler's non-working wheels. It is not by chance that he stated he understood why all his previous non-working models didn't work. This is something people need to think about.

    5. You wrote: "Again, the simulation will not work in real life, because it's based on the non-working principle of Bessler's non-working wheels."

      You keep mentioning the "non-working principle" of Bessler's wheels. Can you please tell us exactly what you think that is? I've already said that the problem with the MT imbalanced wheels is that none of them will keep the center of gravity of its weights on the descending side of a wheel's axle. ALL of the simulations I have made of his wheels from MT accurately show exactly what happens to their weights' center of gravity when the wheel is released. The wheel may oscillate briefly until the center of gravity settles down right below the center of the axle. Like a pendulum, the center of gravity just drops to the lowest possible position it can have in Earth's gravity and stops after any kinetic energy the wheel had is dissipated by air and bearing drag.

      The simulations show exactly what happens in "real life" and which others, who have gone to the trouble of actually making physical models of the MT wheels discovered which is that they do not work. For example, here's a very brief, 10 second video I made about two years ago of a simulation showing how MT 24 did not work (it can be looped by right clicking on the video player and then left clicking on the word "Loop" in the menu that appears):

      Anybody who actually went to the trouble of building this wheel would quickly discover just how accurate my simulation of it was!

    6. This is what astonishes me when people make bold claims without backing them up. I already explained the non-working principle, but as I am a random person on the Internet, that didn't have much weight on your opinion.

      I'm leaving you with your legitimate claims, and I hope someone will grasp the non-working principle and start building something that is actually capable of producing extra force beyond the point of a lever, i.e. more than a lever can do.

    7. "I already explained the non-working principle"

      If you did, neither I nor anyone else here can find your "explanation"!

  18. Bessler's MT book is clear indication that he moved beyond just levers and ropes.
    There are really very interesting designs in the book, that clearly show he was more than you assume who he was.
    You are confusing simplicity with simple machines.

  19. Thank you, Ken for your lengthy responses and other people’s, I think we have seen and read enough and I hope this post has encouraged further sales. I remain mildly curious to read your book, but not curious enough to spend money on a purchase. This is simply because our two sets of findings appear to be so disparate. Good luck.


  20. No problem, John. I enjoyed my brief return here and am grateful for the exposure you've given to my new book on Bessler and the secrets of his wheels. It really is the BIG breakthrough that everyone has been looking forward to for years. In the future, if you want further input from me, then please feel free to contact me either directly through an email or via my youtube channel video comment sections. I'm currently taking a short break from writing to recover from the strain of getting that Bessler book finished and published, but, hopefully, I'll soon be able to start on my next book, my 7th, which will deal with various topics in physics that I feel are long overdue for a serious reevaluation. Look for it to appear a few years from now.

    Also, I'm not offended in the least that you are only "mildly curious" about my book at this point in time. I think I can confidently predict that, eventually, the world of Bessler researchers will divide itself into two distinct camps. Those in the first camp will be intently studying the contents of my book and the rediscovered Bessler pm wheel mechanics it presents and thereby becoming ready to begin making WORKING replicas of Bessler's wheels. Those in the second camp will, unfortunately, automatically assume that no one, other than each of themselves, of course, is destined to rediscover Bessler's secret pm wheel mechanics so there is no real need for any of them to waste his time reading about a rediscovery of those mechanics made by someone else!

    However, most of those in that second camp will, as the unrelenting frustration of one failed wheel design after another occurs over the remaining years of their lives, eventually be joining those in the first camp who have embraced the design I show in that recent youtube video I uploaded (and its ambient background music does not contain any "subliminal messages"!) and will finally obtain a copy of my book to understand the full details of it without which duplication is not possible. Most importantly, one very lucky craftsman in that first camp will be the first one to make a working replica of a Bessler wheel since the last one Bessler destroyed in 1745 and he will make sure to carefully document it so his claim to priority cannot be challenged by any rival craftsmen. There will be quite a bit of fame awaiting that person.

    I should finally point out that what I've mentioned in this blog only lightly touches upon a very small fraction of the topics treated in the book. There is far more to attaining "Total Bessler Awareness" then I can provide in a few comments here despite their length. One really needs to read the book, the entire book, and to do so in the order that the chapters were written. If he does that, then he will finally achieve TBA and the satisfaction of no longer wondering about the how and why of Bessler's wheels. I can speak from personal experience that it is a VERY good feeling indeed!

  21. HE'S BACK! And taking-over just as he did long ago here, as at the BWF long ago there. He WAS drummed-out, tho he'll deny it! READ there the sequence of events, and determine for yourselves.

    Why cannot this strange omnipresent, clearly overbearing personage not write succinctly and, with at least some minimal creative style, rather than square-toe plain writing?

    (And I was graced by the BWF darling himself - The Prince of the Isles - as being "verbose"!? Ha! Now that is rich. Behrendt is the RULING MONARCH of it, and with every post, only reaffirms this as pat-truth!)

    There is no question that, when he dies, they will have to kill his still-tapping hand specially. (Anyone care to take bets on it? I'll give fair odds.)

    Who would want or need to wade-through all of his effusive slick verbiage, such cobbled-up apparently so as to draw attention and inspire wonder, within a too-easily-impressed unwary?

    Why, I ask, this new nose-lure being savagely sniffed and bit-at? Because NOW 'a cult figure,' on account of a self-published overly large tome guaranteeing of NO-WORKING-WHEEL-SOLUTION whatever?

    Within this context consider "Upon he who asserts (or accuses) lays the burden of proof, not on him who denies (or defends)." Maxim of Law, original in Latin. This is a vital one as it defines who is and who is not obliged TO PROVE made assertions, or accusations.

    I ask, has everyone here gone "celebrity" mad, now being in-awe of this proved, diarrhist wordster?

    To these and much else of their like, we await necessary answers . . .


    1. Ken apparently returned at John's public request and it seems it is only a one blog appearance. Yes, he is a bit "verbose", but I can fairly say I found his past comments here to be very thought provoking. I wouldn't mind seeing more of him here. He tended to prompt others, especially you, to comment. As far as his book goes, I will reserve judgement about the validity of what he's found until after I receive and read my copy. I found his youtube video of the Bessler wheel mechanics to be very interesting and, as someone else described it, "unique". If he's finally found Bessler's secret, then it will change the history of perpetual motion wheel research forever. Someone was bound to rediscover it eventually, why not Ken? He's not some stranger who just appeared on the scene a few weeks ago with a quick idea that occurred to him. He's been working on it for, he claims, fifty years! That's a major fraction of an entire lifetime. I'm looking forward to seeing those "many" clues he's found in the DT portraits which he says all point to the design in that video of his. He also says they are all "new" and "previously unknown". That's enough to motivate me to see what he's found.

    2. Well, all fair enough, whoever or whatever you may be.

      Slick old KB would best be served, so I believe, by allowing his 800+ page opus of-recent, to SPEAK FOR HIM SOLELY. Why add any more to what is already over-enough? To irritate the devil out of us, and of J.C.?

      Once again I advise this following wisdom to be allowed fair sway here "Let us not mistake quantity (bulk) for quality (fineness)."

      If only Behrendt HAD GUARANTEED a working wheel design instead of having not (and, so cannily provided such materials so as to inspire such likely inferences on the part of very solution-starved book purchasers, thereby taking profitable advantage of this and by extension, them), then I'd be ALL PURCHASER and LOUDEST BOOSTER for the authoring character.

      He and his produced bookly malodorousness of recent is wearying and, is but a distraction to any real business of discoverie. My suspicion re his intentions (and it's utility) continue.

    3. "Let us not mistake quantity (bulk) for quality (fineness)."

      From his somewhat lengthy and very detailed comments here, I suspect we'll find his epic tome on Bessler will be a combination of quantity AND quality! His books are expensive (what isn't nowadays!), but will probably be worth the price for the serious student of Bessler and his wheels. It's nice to see something new on the subject finally come along. I think he should to be commended for his effort. I'm looking forward to receiving the soft cover copy I've ordered.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...