Sunday, 11 August 2019

Climate Change Expert’s Predictions - CO2 or Sun Spots?

So many experts who either know or predict  outcomes! There are a number of dichotomies we all experience through life, where we need to make a decision, but one side is usually regarded as wrong and the opposite view is the respected one - the paradigm.  But how often do we discover that the one we were taught was correct - turned out to be wrong?

I am experiencing a curious feeling of déjà vu about the continuing argument concerning global warming. I’m amazed at the overpowering, apparent, consensus of opinion.  During a brief foray into google to look for global warming alternative views, I discovered a wealth of information backed up by respected science and climate experts too numerous to mention who all stress that the official demands to reduce CO2 will have absolutely no impact on the amount of CO2 in the upper atmosphere and will cost $2.4 trillion annually over the next 30 years.  The presence and increase of CO2 in the upper atmosphere, it is argued, is apparently not due to human activity but rather, a natural consequence of the sun’s increasing output, and they support this argument through the fossil record and ice core sampling, among a host of other methods all of which agree.

 Professor Lindzen, the foremost atmospheric physicist of his generation, wrote:-

“The relative stability of the earth’s climate throughout geological history, notably since life evolved, is truly remarkable. It is an extraordinary natural buffering system. While CO2 has fluctuated between about 280ppm where it was in 1940 and 5,000ppm during the Cambrian period 550 million years ago, the earth’s average temperature has been maintained by natural feed-back mechanisms within a range of about 10C. These feed-back mechanisms are extremely complex and even today are by no means fully understood." 

"Many highly respected atmospheric scientists support Professor Lindzen’s views; scientists such as Fred Singer (who designed the first meteorological satellite), the late Bob Carter (the famous Australian geologist), Willie Soon ( an expert on the sun’s magnetic fluctuations), Roger Pielke (an expert on extreme weather events and sea level change) , the two Svensmarks (who have demonstrated the link between sunspot activity, cosmic rays, cloud formation and temperature, Judith Curry, John Christy, Professor Happer, Peter Ridd ( the expert on coral ecology in the great Barrier Reef) to name just a few." Wikipedia

Professor Lindzen concluded one lecture with the following words:-

“What we will be leaving our grandchildren is not a planet damaged by industrial progress, but a record of unfathomable silliness as well as a landscape degraded by rusting wind farms and decaying solar panel arrays. False claims about 97% agreement will not spare us, but the willingness of scientists to keep mum is likely to much reduce trust in and support for science.” 

Descréjà  vu


The impact of global warming seems to be self-evident.  More extremes of weather; heat waves, floods, more and stronger hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.  No one can dispute the weather seems to be changing.  But is it really due to a build up of CO2 in the upper atmosphere?  The answer seems to be that probably it is, but that may be due to the normal fluctuations in the sun's output. There are strong arguments for this alternative view. 

So why are there so many experts with differing views?  Surely one side or the other must be right and the other wrong!  Reminds me of the Bessler wheel problem, too many experts telling us we are wrong, but there are some who believe in him.

We are all aware of the errors made in scientific predictions from before the time of Orville and Wright onward - How accurate were the predictions made around the time of the first Earth Day in 1970? The answer: “The prophets of doom were not simply wrong, but spectacularly wrong".

1. Harvard biologist George Wald estimated that “civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”

2. “We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation,” wrote Washington University biologist Barry Commoner in the Earth Day issue of the scholarly journal Environment.

3. The day after the first Earth Day, the New York Times editorial page warned, “Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction.”

4. “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” Paul Ehrlich confidently declared in the April 1970 issue of Mademoiselle. “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.”

5. “Most of the people who are going to die in the greatest cataclysm in the history of man have already been born,” wrote Paul Ehrlich in a 1969 essay titled “Eco-Catastrophe! “By…[1975] some experts feel that food shortages will have escalated the present level of world hunger and starvation into famines of unbelievable proportions. Other experts, more optimistic, think the ultimate food-population collision will not occur until the decade of the 1980s.”

6. Ehrlich sketched out his most alarmist scenario for the 1970 Earth Day issue of The Progressive, assuring readers that between 1980 and 1989, some 4 billion people, including 65 million Americans, would perish in the “Great Die-Off.”

7. “It is already too late to avoid mass starvation,” declared Denis Hayes, the chief organizer for Earth Day, in the Spring 1970 issue of The Living Wilderness.

8. Peter Gunter, a North Texas State University professor, wrote in 1970, “Demographers agree almost unanimously on the following grim timetable: by 1975 widespread famines will begin in India; these will spread by 1990 to include all of India, Pakistan, China and the Near East, Africa. By the year 2000, or conceivably sooner, South and Central America will exist under famine conditions….By the year 2000, thirty years from now, the entire world, with the exception of Western Europe, North America, and Australia, will be in famine.”

9. In January 1970, Life reported, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….”

10. Ecologist Kenneth Watt told Time that, “At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.”

11. Barry Commoner predicted that decaying organic pollutants would use up all of the oxygen in America’s rivers, causing freshwater fish to suffocate.

12. Paul Ehrlich chimed in, predicting in 1970 that “air pollution…is certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone.” Ehrlich sketched a scenario in which 200,000 Americans would die in 1973 during “smog disasters” in New York and Los Angeles.

13. Paul Ehrlich warned in the May 1970 issue of Audubon that DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbons “may have substantially reduced the life expectancy of people born since 1945.” Ehrlich warned that Americans born since 1946…now had a life expectancy of only 49 years, and he predicted that if current patterns continued this expectancy would reach 42 years by 1980, when it might level out. (Note: According to the most recent CDC report, life expectancy in the US is 78.8 years).

14. Ecologist Kenneth Watt declared, “By the year 2000, if present trends continue, we will be using up crude oil at such a rate…that there won’t be any more crude oil. You’ll drive up to the pump and say, `Fill ‘er up, buddy,’ and he’ll say, `I am very sorry, there isn’t any.'”

15. Harrison Brown, a scientist at the National Academy of Sciences, published a chart in Scientific American that looked at metal reserves and estimated the humanity would totally run out of copper shortly after 2000. Lead, zinc, tin, gold, and silver would be gone before 1990.

16. Sen. Gaylord Nelson wrote in Look that, “Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, believes that in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.”

17. In 1975, Paul Ehrlich predicted that “since more than nine-tenths of the original tropical rainforests will be removed in most areas within the next 30 years or so, it is expected that half of the organisms in these areas will vanish with it.”

18. Kenneth Watt warned about a pending Ice Age in a speech. “The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years,” he declared. “If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.”

I am sure that when Bessler’s wheel is finished and a working model demonstrated and the full description published, there will a rush to duplicate it, improve it and find the best way of benefiting from it.

I think it will prove to be more than a seven day wonder and it won’t slip back into obscurity.  Just to produce a machine that works continuously purely from the effect of gravity, requires such a paradigm shift that it may well open up a new view of science, explaining how it works and discussions about how it was missed for so long.  If, as I believe, it will generate electricity in useful amounts, it will ultimately change the way we provide electricity.   Given the fears about global warming, pollution and the rise and rise of those protest groups, like Extinction Rebellion, I think the wheel will be an extremely hot topic of conversation.

I'm sure that intense pressure to reduce global warming has much to do with reducing the pollution caused by fossil burning technologies through out the planet.  It is related to the perception that  planetary sources of energy are limited.  This Eco drive is designed to save the remaining sources of oil, by replacing electricity generation with all the alternative methods so far known. The way to get progress is to find a safe, clean, cheap alternative to current methods and I believe that Bessler’s time has come.  It’s almost as if his technology came too early, but now the time is right and perhaps his wheel will save the planet or rather humanity’s existence.

All the old ways of producing energy, and the new ones are obsolete.  They are not ultimately green they cannot generate 24/7 365 days a year, but Bessler’s could.



  1. "It’s almost as if his technology came too early, but now the time is right and perhaps his wheel will save the planet or rather humanity’s existence."

    I think the real problem was that Bessler's technology was lost too early because of his inability to make it more affordable for the businessmen of his time. Imagine how different things might be today if, for the last 300 years, we had known how his wheels worked. During those centuries, the design could have been studied by the best engineering minds and improved upon to greatly boost its power output. Now, even if your or Ken's design does prove to be "it", we're basically starting from square one!

    We need to get very serious about switching away from fossil fuels as soon as possible and also trying to remove as much of the carbon we've already dumped into our atmosphere as possible. If we don't, then, according to a recent UN report, we will all be waking up on a morning in the year 2040 to a world we no longer recognize! That's a world that many of us, our kids, and our grand kids will have to try to survive in! It's true that there have been many false doomsday type climate predictions in the past, but today we have super computers working with the latest and most accurate climate models to make predictions and what they are all indicating is scary. I believe Climate Change is real and needs to be taken very seriously by the entire world.

    I generally ignore the "Climate Change Deniers". They are like those "scientists" during the '60's who were telling everyone that there was no "scientifically acceptable" proof that tobacco use caused lung cancer. That was in the midst of a growing epidemic of all types of cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disease that the world had never seen before. It came out years later that many of those "scientists" were given $5,000 "honorariums" (also known as bribes!) by the tobacco industry to write what it considered to be the "correct" opinions on the subject! Why do I get the feeling that the exact same thing is happening right now with the "scientists" telling us that Climate Change is not real or anything to be worried about? If we listen to them and do nothing, then when it finally becomes undeniably obvious to all how wrong or corrupt they were, it may be too late to save our planet!

    Daniel H.

    1. I didn’t say climate change was not real, I said the cause might not be down to human activity. How can anyone ignore the facts reported by Professor Lindzen?


    2. Professor Lindzen said:

      "... the earth’s average temperature has been maintained by natural feed-back mechanisms within a range of about 10C. These feed-back mechanisms are extremely complex and even today are by no means fully understood."

      Sounds good if those "feed-back mechanisms" are still working as well as they did in the past. However, what if they now no longer work as well because modern overuse of fossil fuels somehow disabled them? My fear is that we could experience what is known as a "runaway greenhouse effect". The atmosphere and oceans would just keep heating up as more and more of the Sun's energy accumulated inside of our atmosphere. Humanity would have to start living underground or move down to Antarctica to survive the high temperatures. The air at sea level might heat up to around 160 degrees Fahrenheit or 71 degree Celsius around most of the world before it finally leveled off at that temperature as all liquid water disappeared via evaporation from our planet's surface. Out of the world's current population of 7.7 billion people, probably less than a billion would survive...maybe only a few hundred million. Such a huge species die off would certainly help to reduce our carbon emissions into our atmosphere! But, what a way to do it!

      Daniel H.

    3. Also by Professor Lindzen, “While CO2 has fluctuated between about 280ppm where it was in 1940 and 5,000ppm during the Cambrian period 550 million years ago, the earth’s average temperature has been maintained by natural feed-back mechanisms within a range of about 10C”. Current CO2 levels are 410ppm, way lower than 5000ppm.


    4. Climate Change Believers and critics of Lindzen can just say that the past maximum CO2 value of 5,000 ppm he quotes is way too high or wrong (maybe someone put the decimal in the wrong place and the maximum was actually only 500 ppm!) or the Earth's supposedly automatically maintained average temperature range of 10 degrees C (or 18 degrees F) is way too small.

      What is interesting is that Climate Change Deniers tend point to causes other than human produced CO2 about which we can do little or nothing. It's all due to Sun spots or the geomagnetic field or animal flatulence or some such they claim. Their subtle message is that we should do nothing and just keep right on using fossil fuels and everything will somehow automatically work itself out. The feeling that Big Oil is behind all of these alternative "explanations" is hard shake off. Next they quickly add that actually trying to do anything about the Climate Change "hoax" will only lead to unnecessary over regulation of CO2 emissions by governments, higher taxes and costs for everyone, loss of jobs, higher national debts, and unnecessary worry.

      The current American president has apparently embraced this view and is actually advocating to increase production and use of COAL which one of the most polluting fossil fuels to ever be discovered and used! Meanwhile over in China the air has become so polluted in their cities from all of the coal they burn that they set up special emergency stations where people can enter and breathe clean air conditioned air and even take a few huffs from an oxygen tank if necessary! The Chinese have one of the highest rates of respiratory diseases on the planet.

  2. Therefore there needs to be a sunlight tax to solve global warming and climate change.

    1. We'll probably soon see a carbon tax slapped on all fossil fuels to discourage their use. The taxes will then be used to lower the cost of installing huge solar panel farms all over the globe. As Climate Change continues to get worse, more drastic measures will be proposed and implemented. Who knows if they will really make much difference. It may already be too late and we will have to get used to no winters and hot, unhealthy, and lethal summers. Maybe we'll all have to start migrating from the north to south hemispheres twice a year to escape the scorching summer time temperatures!

  3. There is no denying climate change is real, and it changes by the moment. Yesterday it was warm and breezy, today it is raining and really hot. When I was a kid there was real concern about the impending ice age, not it is all about deserts and death. I find it laughable that the same people that can't predict tomorrows weather know that absolute certainty what is going to happen years down the road. These so called scientists have not gotten one prediction right in my lifetime. I say watch the money. For years the conservatives have taken a pro fossil fuel approach and that funded those industries to billions in worth. Now the pendulum is swinging to the left. The leftists are pushing green alternatives like windmills and solar panels, and you know who will benefit from that - Clinton's buddies and the like. Don't get me wrong, I am for cleaning up the environment and eliminating smog, pollution, and all other life threatening chemicals, but the drive for green energy is driven by dollars, and that is the sad fact.

  4. You guys are really nuts if you think perpetual motion machines are going to save us from Climate Change! Let me explain what will actually be happening to stop Climate Change in the coming decades. Nothing, that's what! That would need a coordinated international effort which won't take place until about one second after Big Oil and Big Coal have extracted the last bit of those fuels out of the ground and you've blown off their carbon into the atmosphere while they grab as much money out of your pockets as possible for the privilege. You need to stop talking nonsense and get real! Meanwhile, I'm investing in companies that make air conditioners and the nuke plants to power them! That guy who mentioned moving down to Antarctica to escape the heat had a great idea. Those investing in land down there first will clean up as the temperatures keep rising and the demand to live there increases. Only the richest will be able to afford the rent and I'm looking forward to being their landlord! Lol!

    The Realist

  5. Anonymous who screwed you up man they did quite a number on you. Do you have faith in anything? or anyone? even if this was a delusion which I know it isn't you are under estimating power of belief and just how far you can get if you don't give up. It never ceases to amaze me how many people call me up that I know when they have a problem with their Plumbing or their car or their computer or any other upsets in their life weather I fix their problem or advise them where to go to get the problem resolved they trust my opinion or ability. but mentioned something about what I believe in they look at me like they don't know me after knowing me from when we were kids. I told my sons I told my neighbors I told my Brothers and my sister they all say the same types of excuses without even looking at my evidence not even the slightest attempt to understand but I'll tell you here and now I believe someday they will. you may call that delusional, I call it faith! and at the end of the day that is worth more to me then all the riches in the world.

    1. "I call it faith! and at the end of the day that is worth more to me then all the riches in the world."

      Too bad you can't use that "faith" to pay your monthly bills. In today's world money is all that counts and that's a lesson that all delusional types eventually have to learn unless they happen to be lucky enough to have someone else paying their bills for them. In that case they can stay delusional right up to their deaths believing they are going to wake up on a cloud with a halo and plucking away on a harp as their angel wings glisten in the sunlight. Lol!

      The Realist

    2. "The Realist": definitely not KB!

      Keep posting!

  6. To the so-called realist you post on a Blog that discusses topics you don't believe in. You say we're wasting our time and you call us delusional and to add to it you try to insult and insinuate character flaws. Now let me throw this out there to you it is a simple deduction that the character flaws you insinuate are your own. May God keep you and bless you with what you need to be made whole! A suggestion find something constructive that benefits you put the same amount of energy that you post here with and I know you'll find the peace you seek.

  7. "May God keep you and bless you with what you need to be made whole!"

    He, She, or It can start "blessing me" by making me be the sole winner of the next multi-state Power Ball lottery drawing when the jackpot climbs up to one billion dollars or more! If that ever happens I just might become the biggest religious believer on the planet who can't stop praising God! Amen. Lol!

    The Realist

  8. This newest essay of yours, John, as usual provokes thought and reflection. The following few things were in-essence, inspired by it.

    As based upon faith as backed up by the pile of evidence mostly supportive/exculpatory, I believe that Bessler's Wheel was real and, worked as then advertised and witnessed by men of expertise. To not, I charge, would be irrational. Of these that are, there are MANY such superficialists.

    Into the provinces of The Fantastical and The Ignoring, is their usual refuge for sought comfort.

    That being 'a given', the whole of the big saga of-then for myself boils down to one single issue: that Humankind FAILED The Test!!!

    The Test being, of course, that our forbears for whatever reasons or madness, would/could not part with a 'mere parcel of lucre for what soon, tho unbeknownst to them, was to become an absolute necessity.

    As a result of such a spectacular display of niggardliness and/or shortsightedness, we were to have the steam engine as driven by fossil fuels and, the consequent slow-but-sure destruction of the environment that is now known to have transpired by the energetic requirements for their operation.

    Afterward came all the rest of power sources, culminating with Nuclear Genii being released upon us all, the effects of which to NEVER EVER be obviated.

    (Only physical escape from this Earth could ever serve-to. This is the eight-ton gorilla sitting before all of us, that most simply will NOT admit to consciousness!!)

    If the Bessler Wheel had been purchased by someone or ones and, become a useful technology as expanded-out and made efficient and more compact, then some uses for the steam engine would not have been necessitated, and on account of such lesser usage, not as harmful as they were to be and, as their myriad of successors are. (Don't get me wrong here. I LOVE the huffing and puffing and rumbling things! How could fellows not?)

    When finally, some time later, electricity was to become a workable reality for remote actuating and lighting purposes, coincidentally the applying of unveiled, perfected Bessler Wheels for such energy production, would have become obvious and thus used commonly. For the Environment, this would have been a grand plus no question.

    Also, I believe that Besser's creation will come forth again soon, and that as well there will be The Test applied once again.

    Will fundamental, most famous concerted human stinginess once again mandate yet another three centuries or so of new oblivion, of the primitive apparently miraculous technology? ('Twould be a beloved thing to the New Luddites.)

    Making of this second fatal mistake, would not surprise me at all, as Humanity seems to have incorporated within it a general self-destruct device, this defect taking always the form of irrationality combined with narrow, personal want for self-aggrandizement (emotionally/evilly empowered).

    What cannot be undone by a billion discovered Bessler Wheels put into operation, is the sad tragic fact of The Nuclear Genii and it's poison commonly now infesting all.

    Consider: IF the ten thousand pounds for Bessler's wheel had been paid, then opening of the deadly poisonous genii QUITE LIKELY would not have been found at all necessary.

    Only the friskiness of our Sun is equivalent to the impossibility of escaping the mad Nuclear Energy industry. By comparison, Global Warming, is only a secondary problem, one that can be handled if addressed in-time-enough, and properly.

    As-summed, for want of those ten-thousand-pounds not found, we are now poisoned inescapably.

    In light of this, the next question for right asking becomes obvious: what further penalty are we to pay for A SECOND FAILURE? (Or, is it now even important?)



    1. Yes James you are correct it was an Insidious way to maintain the status quo it is obvious that the enemies of Bessler already knew what he had discovered they just didn’t know the exact design. Yeah that sounds a little crazy doesn't it and yet would sound even more unbelievable if I were to tell you how they knew it let's just say they sowed the seeds of prejudice and to this day the vile fruit has ripened the only cure for this poison fruit is too fast. Be warned prepare yourself listen very carefully to the innocent child Within protect and defend then give the child its name! Then afterwards please explain it to John may God bless you and keep you forever thank you James the just

      P.S. It’s not a test it’s a lesson and there’s still more to learn.

    2. "Then afterwards please explain it to John..."

      Yes, we must have pity upon poor, old, ignorant JC and explain to him just how Bessler's wheels worked using an ancient principle that the Enlightened Ones have known for millennia. That way, he won't continue to waste any more time beating the totally dead horse of his present build and can finally find a fresh live one to mount that will take him to the destination he seeks. We must help him finally pull aside the curtain, climb the ladder, and ring the bell that will give him the enlightenment we've already achieved. However, you, SG, because of your obvious superior knowledge of the subject seem destined by the Most High to guide and teach JC. But, please be gentle with him because his aging brain can only absorb information a little at a time before it becomes overwhelmed and he must retreat to Spain to recover. Have pity upon the poor wretch as he wallows in his current foul pit of unending frustration and ignorance. He needs your help as soon as possible.

    3. Anonymous if you were enlightened you wouldn't be talking the way you are now and many people have suffered for truth to be known so forgiveness could be achieved and the power of healing could begin again

    4. S-G, did you mean here ". . . the only cure for this poison fruit is too fast. . . ." i.e. as-in the act of 'fasting'?

      And, I believe I know what you mean in referring-to the "innocent child within," that it is good to reflect upon our own young selves of long ago, this tending then to preserve right pity, understanding and compassion.

      (And also, sorry for getting on your case earlier about lacking the use of question marks. 'Twas rather naughty of James . . . the teenager!)

    5. Yes James that's what I meant as in fasting. as far as the question no problem forgiven and forgotten!

    6. "...sorry for getting on your case earlier...'Twas rather naughty of James..."

      JM apologizing to someone?! Quick call an ambulance! He must be seriously ill!

    7. Ha! Very funny but, not exactly inapt.

      When being 'firm' wrongly, I get feelings of regret soon after, and so must make amends or suffer. That would be "the teenager" within acting-out to which I referred or, "naughty puppy" as another once so nicely put it - ha!

      Using the hatchet is one thing as is sometimes mandated - the Three Hell Hornets of The BWF being a prime example of such required need but - burying it, quite another and often not.

  9. Something else to consider when talking about the impending global warming and the impending doom. The Piri Reis map shows the Antarctic continent without ice. While it is thought to have been compiled from other maps in the 1500's, the idea of the Antarctic being without ice during human times does not jive with modern day scientist claims. So take the scientists and historians claims with a grain of salt when you hear about what has and has not happened, or what will happen, and keep your wallet safely in your pocket.

    1. I got to get me one of those Piri Peis maps so I'll know where to start buying up the land when the ice down there finally melts away! I'm thinking of concentrating on the coasts where we can set up hotels and casinos for the millionaire and billionaire residents inland to come to and drop off as much of their cash as possible while they are enjoying the surrounding warm waters with their yachts and other smaller pleasure craft. But I think those penquins will have to go. I wonder how they taste when they're batter coated and deep fried? Probably like chicken. Well, people got to eat, you know, and no sense letting a valuable food source go untapped. Their eggs are probably tasty too.

      The Realist

  10. Maybe this planetary crisis will be solved by orbital mechanics used in rocket science. That most brilliant gravity assist method which increases freely rocket velocity. Perhaps Bessler wheel used this velocity increasing effect by using magnets instead of planets. Perhaps this is the missing link of Bessler wheel secret.

    1. Here's simpler solution. We just build time machines and go back to 1712 and pay Bessler to reveal his secret. Then we hunt down and kill anybody working on a steam engine. That then eliminates the future use of fossil fuels and, when we get back to our 21st century, there is no more Climate Change!

    2. We have already used remote viewer time travelers years ago who went back through time and viewed it.

  11. Well, visited Tokyo last year in july. It was impossibly to breath normally because of smoke and pollution. Everybody would wear masks.
    Thats sad...

    1. Before you know it, they'll be walking around outside wearing oxygen tanks and full face masks!

  12. Dear John,

    many thanks for this post! For me, it's one of the most meaningful ones you've written so far. This is because I suffer from oversized fears of the future, especially with regard to the climate. Your statements or quotations give me back some courage.

    Thank you!

  13. If done right, BIG money can be made off of Climate Change!

    So what if we don't burn fossil fuels anymore and switch over to nuclear, solar, wind. We can still make a buck by turning the remaining reserves of fossil fuels into plastics to make large items like cars, houses, and solar panels out of. Probably make even bigger profits per pound with those than could ever be made with coal, gasoline, gas, and oil used as fuels. Also, people got to stay cool. More and bigger air conditioners that need a LOT of power to keep them running. I'm already investing in that area. Everyone not rich enough to move to Antarctica will need to have some sort of refrigerated clothing when they are outside their homes and cars. Sort of like what the guy that plays Mickey Mouse down at Disneyland wears under his costume. More profits there.

    The polar ice caps will melt? Good! That will make it easier for ships to travel over the top of planet and lower shipping costs. Getting rid of that ice covering the South Pole will uncover an entire continent waiting to be carved up and sold off to developers and landlords like me! The sky will be the limit on the rents! All of that extra fresh water can help irrigate deserts and turn them into profitable farmlands. All that melting ice is actually distilled and ready to drink water. Bottle it in plastic bottles and sell it off at $2 a bottle as a "healthy alternative" to the polluted water coming out of city water faucets. With all the hot summers to come, the average person could drink a gallon or two of it per day! I can see the ads now like "Drink New 'Pepsi Antarctic'...Now Made with Genuine Melted Antarctic Ice"! Won't be long before Coke and the other soft drink producers will have to have a steady supply of that ice.

    The more I think about Climate Change, the more I think it will be the biggest opportunity for profit in the history of the human race! With any luck it will last for centuries before things cool down again. We may eventually decide that we need to keep the atmosphere overheated in order to keep the profits rolling in! Might even have to go back to burning off coal to assure that. Plenty of coal in the US just waiting to be used!

    The Realist

  14. RAF Greetings John, To what website of yours may pictures be sent for your review? Thanks!

    1. Hhhmmmm - I don’t want to put my email address here. Send pictures to me as jcollins at my free-energy address.


    2. The Bessler wheel principle is no longer a mystery.It relies on a secret principle in physics the shows you how you can raise a a weight 4 quarters with just 1 quarter.

    3. John, your post about Co2 is so true, it shows how global warming is just a scam to make money and Trump was right!

    4. Trevor I agree that the Bessler principal is not a mystery to some who know it! The principal and the example of it exist in historical documents today and in Bessler’s time also! Weather in anybody used it except Bessler is open for debate.
      As far as global warming is concerned I can only say the things are changing! understanding that burning fossil fuels has an impact on this planet is obvious not debatable! As far as the the root cause of it is also obvious greed. To invoke Trump who is the perfect example of greed as an opinion on what is right or wrong hurts your own credibility! I cannot understand why anyone would want to be associated with Trump except that they share the same beliefs a total disregard for anyone who stands in the way of their own self promotion! He has no credibility whatsoever he is a liar a cheat all around despicable! I’d compare him to a used car salesman but that would be unfair to all used car salesmen!

    5. For many profit hungry capitalists, Trump is like a Moses come to lead them to the land of milk and MONEY! Unfortunately, so far, all of his economic plans are backfiring. I wonder how many would have voted for him if they had known that, during the '90's, he was referred to as the "King of Debt". At one point his business interests were about $1.6 billion in the red and he was selling off yatchts and mansions to just keep servicing the interest on his outstanding junk bonds in order to avoid default which would have made all of them immediately payable and forced him into an embarrassing bankruptcy. US banks learned to ignore his hype and promptly stopped lending him money and he was then forced to turn to the oligarchs over in Russia for it. He really is not that good of a business manager and he tends to leave that to those know what they are doing. His real strengths are as a promoter and saleman and he used those skills to get himself elected. He reminds me of P.T.Barnum! I think those he conned the first time around won't be voting for him again. His own pollsters are telling him that he is steady losing support, but his reaction is to tell them that they don't know how to "properly" poll voters and then he fires them. Reminds me of Hitler in the bunker when his generals brought him bad news from the fronts!

      Daniel H.

  15. Of course you are entitled to your opinion guy's but let's face facts; I have the wheel solved,and Trump won the election because God ordained it.
    Furthermore he will win the 2020 election as well; why! because regardless of the lies regarding his imperfections,he has been appointed as a strong leader to get rid of corruption in America period.

    1. Your oft stated optimistic view of your certainty that you hold the solution to Bessler’s wheel Trevor, is not only and an example of perpetual self delusion but also of survival in the face of absurdity as well as adversity. Many of us share similar traits, I salute your inspiring self confidence. 🤔


    2. John, the very reason I have the record for the number of views (111000) indicates how badly people want a solution.
      Fear not, it won't be long now!

    3. No need to keep looking, Trevor, because Ken has already found and published the design Bessler used!

  16. So Trevor you say you have the solution so answer the question what does the curtain refer to if you can't answer that simple question you don't have it!

  17. Please be more explisit because once you have the principle there is more than one way to have working wheel.

  18. Incorrect answer! I'm not talking about opinions I'm talking about fact! If you have the eyes to see you will see if you have the ears to hear you will hear.

  19. I have got his books and I have never read about a curtain.
    I am a hands on guy and I don't bother with codes and symbols, that is how I solved it.

  20. without a working wheel, any theory is just a garbage

  21. Replies
    1. since you are spending your time here, the only thing coming is an epic disappointment for you I think


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...