Sunday 5 January 2020

Global Warming or Overawing.

Cambridge Dictionary,  Overawing - to cause someone to feel a mixture of respect and fear. to feel threatened, intimidated, alarmed and frightened.

I’ve just been looking at the subject of global warming and it’s alleged causes.  I don’t think anyone is arguing that the earth is not warming, it’s the cause that is in dispute. I know that it is said to be due to an accumulation of greenhouse gases caused by the activities of humans in the last 100 years or so.  This allegation is by no means proven, it's a theory supported by an assortment of assumptions.

The major greenhouse gases are water vapour, which causes about 36–70% of the greenhouse effect; carbon dioxide (CO2), which causes 9–26%; methane (CH4), which causes 4–9%; and ozone (O3), which causes  3–7%.

To me at least and according to the above figures, 36-70%......the biggest culprit is water vapour, which is surely caused by global warming, but not necessarily the cause of it.  You must have more warming to increase the level of water vapour. Next we are told carbon dioxide is to blame for 9-26%.  Compared to water vapour it doesn’t seem amount to much.  Methane 4-9%, ok it has a more powerful, warming effect than CO2, but 9% maximum is not a lot.

The energy output from the Sun has increased significantly during the 20th century, according to a new study. Many studies have attempted to determine whether there is an upward trend in the average magnitude of sunspots and solar flares over time, but few firm conclusions have been reached.

Now, an international team of researchers led by Ilya Usoskin of the Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory at the University of Oulu, Finland, suggest the answer. They examined meteorites that had fallen to Earth over the past 240 years. By analysing the amount of titanium 44, a radioactive isotope, the team found a significant increase in the Sun's radioactive output during the 20th century. Over the past few decades, however, they found the solar activity has stabilised at this higher-than-historic level.

Prior research relied on measurements of certain radioactive elements within tree rings and in the ice sheets covering Greenland and Antarctica, but these can be altered by terrestrial processes, not just by solar activity. The isotope measured in the new study is not affected by conditions on Earth. 

The results, detailed in this week's issue of the journal Astronomy etc; Astrophysics Letters, "confirm that there was indeed an increase in solar activity over the last 100 years or so," Usoskin told

So if global warming is the result of natural cyclical increases in the sun’s output, obviously the earth will warm up; the ice caps begin to melt, water vapour increase, green house gases build up.

I note several favourite phrases littering the public announcements from IPCC, such as, “ long-term warming can be explained by ...” - “ extremely likely that more than half of the observed increase in global average surface temperature” from 1951 to 2010 was caused by human activity”,  what, only half by human activity, who caused the other half?  “Natural variability in the Earth’s climate is unlikely to play a major role in long-term warming”.  You can read these documents and be persuaded, but once you take a note of the vagueness of the language, you should be suspicious of their conclusions.

None of these theories, suspicions, opinions are as firmly stated as the opinions, theories and suspicions that Johann Bessler was a fraud!

This begs the question, if they (the powers that be) are wrong or lying about the cause of global warming, why? 

Further research indicates a number of discrepancies in the claimed 97% of scientists in agreement with the IPCC.  For instance only those who publish their science are in agreement, but we know all about publishing science and how it has to pass the peer review test.  This automatically rules out every scientist who hasn’t published or failed to get published because his work did not pass the peer review.....or in other words, went against the current climate of opinion.  Excuse the pun, but I liked it!

BUT....if the truth be known, it doesn’t really matter what reason is offered for the climate change, the arguments demanding  the reduction in the use of fossil fuels, the target of carbon zero, the discovery of finding new forms of energy and its generation is a good thing, in my opinion.  I just don’t like the feeling that we are being led by the nose by the so-called experts.  We know them well and we don’t trust them.



  1. Looks like water vapor is the worst greenhouse gas. But, burning fossil fuels actually releases H20 as well as CO2! Then as the atmosphere heats up, it expands and can hold even more water vapor and carbon dioxide which should then make it heat up even more! That creates the risk of a runaway greenhouse effect and then who knows how high the summer temperatures will get.

    Right now a large piece of Australia is on fire and people and wallabies are jumping into their coastal oceans together to escape the flames. Meanwhile over in the US their President continues to insist that Climate Change is just a hoax by the Chinese to destroy the US economy and he doesn't plan to do anything about it. He's also a self-described "stable genius" so his followers believe everything that comes out of his mouth. I'm dreading the shape that our planet will be in by 2030 unless all nations start to get serious about doing something about it and soon. 2019 saw a big increase over the amount of carbon put into the atmosphere during 2018 despite all of the talk and plans about doing something. Where are all of the nuclear, solar, and wind energy powered electric cars we are supposed to be driving and the all electric homes we're supposed to be living in? Maybe they will finally be produced when the winters completely disappear in the Earth's northern and southern hemispheres!


    1. I guess the Australian bush fires are also contributing even more H2O and CO2 to the greenhouse gases.

      As I’ve said more than once before, this is a good time for Bessler’s wheel to make its appearance and for it to be developed as quickly as possible to generate enough electricity to make all other methods redundant.


    2. John Collins, I see whats going to happen! When Bessler's wheel gets going,
      it will reduce green house gasses so much it will cause global cooling, driving the earth into an ice age! And, it will all be your fault!! Sam Peppiatt

    3. OMG, I hope not! 🤔. JC

  2. Scientists agree that 20,000 years ago the worlds average sea levels were 100 meters below current levels. 13,000 years ago sea levels were 80 meters below current levels. The sea rise is due to world wide melting of glaciers from the last ice age. Man isn't responsible for the sea levels rising 100 meters in that time. The seas will continue to rise post mans industrial revolution of 200 years or so. No one is arguing that man does not have an impact on Climate Change, just how significant it is in the scheme of things, and whether we can actually reverse these trends to protect our way of life.

    1. That sounds like common sense. If it’s taken 150 years of heavy industrial development to make the earth the way it is, surely reducing emissions to zero cannot possibly return the earth to anywhere near how it was then.


    2. Ice Ages occur about every 40,000 years with mini periods in between. We are mid period now so expect sea levels to keep on rising even if we could reduce our footprint to zero emissions.

  3. Global warming is a natural sun cycle beyond our control.
    Co2 is not the cause in fact it is needed to discourage the forest fires.

  4. I’m pleased to note that people seem to be in agreement with me that global warming is not necessarily due to human activity and that actions we take are probably unlikely to make much difference. I wonder if those who “guide” us think that we should take their advice just in case they are right? Case not proven but we should try?


    1. If we don't try to do something now and the climate change deniers are wrong, then it may eventually become too late to do anything and we'll wind up with a wrecked planet and a lot of extinct animal and plant species including billions of humans. My fear is that all those jungles in Africa and South America could dry out and then catch fire like parts of Australia now to release huge amounts of carbon into the atmosphere making the damage even worse and irreversible. I think as the coming years pass the percentage of climate change deniers will continue to drop as the past high temperatures recorded around the world keep getting exceeded. I read something that said that 2019 was the hottest year ever recorded since they started keeping global weather records back in 1880 and the amount of carbon in the atmosphere is also the highest it's been in the past 800,000 years. Coincidence?

      Henry L.

    2. I agree with you about doing all we can to alleviate the effects of global warming, and of course the planet is getting warmer, but I was simply making the point that it has been suggested in the very latest study that the cause can also be attributed to the increase in the sun’s radioactive output which has increased over the last hundred years and remains at the higher level.


    3. There are many causes with the greenhouse gases the worst. We cant control the sun we have to work on what we can control. Getting rid of fosil feuls wont be easy but must be done. Right now business isnt concerrned about the causes they are trying to figure out how to make bucks off the cures. People got to start cutting back on the use of the fosil fuels as much as they can. Smaller cars less traveling less electric use in home. The drop in profit will get the business attention. Thats the only thing that will.

    4. @ Henry L.

      You say "climate change deniers". Nobody denies that there is climate change upon us. There are in fact very few climate change deniers. What is the major driver of that climate change is the debate that gets confused from comments like yours. Rising sea levels from glacial and snow melt increase water vapor in the atmosphere and that is THE major driver. And the cycle has been going on for millennia. In the time of the dinosaurs O2 atmospheric content was 23-26% which was the reason some of them grew so big and heavy. More Co2 for plants and plankton not sequestered could see that Oxygen percentage rise again. But that would be a natural process.

    5. There are several types of climate change deniers. Some absolutist types do say, as HL suggests above, that there is no real climate change taking place and that the data showing that is flawed and the predictions from it just "fake news". They will produce stacks of charts and graphs to "prove" their conclusions. Others are actually covert climate change deniers. They say that sure there is some small amount of climate change going on but it's only part of a "natural" process ongoing since the beginning of our planet. Some of them then tell you that human fossil fuel use is only a negligible contributing factor and there's no real need to do anything "extremist" about it like cutting back on fossil fuel use or switching over to renewable energy power sources. Some of them then go even further and try to switch the focus of a cause to something bizarre like sunspots or even inside the planet like a coming geomagnetic pole flip. That's a slick way of trying to get those who don't know what to believe think that all of the climate change believers are really nut cases to be ignored or ridiculed. I suspect most of these types of stealth climate change deniers are actually schills working for Big Oil that sees the future end of its high profit industry on the horizon. They are like the scientists who were hired by Big Tobacco to publish, for a $5,000 "honorarium" (really a bribe), "scientific" papers "proving" there was no connection between tobacco use and cancer. Well, we all know how that turned out. Their efforts kept their profits rolling in for decades more while millions were sickened and caused to die decades ahead of schedule in the US and who knows how many worldwide. The absolute and covert climate change deniers could be helping Big Oil keep their profits rolling in for decades longer at the cost of billions of future human lives and a planet that may never recover.

    6. That's enough for me. I'm going to finally sell off all of my oil company stocks and start buying solar energy company stocks before all those jungles in Africa and South America catch fire. Always get in on the ground floor of any new industry and ride the profit elevator up to the top floor before cashing out!

  5. That we are heating the planet to death may be debatable.
    That we are polluting it to death is not.

    We need a clean free energy source either way but, most probably due to both.


  6. They are lying for two reasons,
    1. is to blame everything on one thing they can easily collect taxes on - co2.
    2. they do not want many people surviving upcoming natural disasters which will come about as a result of the heating of Earth's core - increase in earthquakes and volcanic activity, flooding in low lying areas, this will ramp up dramatically this year.
    They want a reduced population of sheeple which will be more easily subjugated in the future.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You can just respond to them, for examples, by using "anon 16:47" or "anon 18:09" which identifies them by the time of their comments. People have many reasons for wanting to remain anonymous. What's really important is their opinions, not their identities which can be pseudonyms that they can change from comment to comment. Seems very few actually use their real names on the web which might allow identity thieves to collect data files on them for criminal purposes. How do we know that "Stephen Glorioso" isn't a fake name?

  8. WOW...... that is definitely something that was in my equation, cooling OMG

  9. When it comes to the unknown; a scientist is as dumb as the rest of us. Bessler's wheel is a good example of that. After all, the causes of global worming could actually be anonymous. Sam Peppiatt

  10. See also for a different take on this.

    1. Most of the climate change believers here would probably say geoengineering to reduce the carbon in our atmosphere and help cool it down is a good idea. Those approaches all require us to do something up in the air rather than down on earth in our personal lives to remedy the problem. But the site you give a link to seems to be promoting a weird conspiracy theory involving governments tampering with weather to conduct some sort of secret warfare against each other. Most people will dismiss that as fake news without a lot of evidence being provided and websites and conferences catering to true believers of it aren't enough to convince them otherwise. They have to read of some professional meteorologists who were perhaps flying around and then saw a giant passing by unmarked aircraft spraying chemicals out which then caused a hurricane to mysteriously form or which caused an already formed one to hit a certain country's coast to cause a lot of property damage counter to what their computer models were predicting its course should have been. So far, they aren't seeing those scientists on CNN so it's not real to them.

  11. Some of us here are old enough to remember the doom and gloom merchants of the 1970's warning about an impending ice age.
    Bet because that never happened, and the funding dried up, they found new ways such as climate change to cream off the tax payers money.


    1. Yes I remember that Stevo. I just watched the geo engineering watch. Com. Link above. I don’t know what believe now!


    2. I remember reading a book by a biologist named Paul Ehrlich titled "The Population Bomb" that came out in 1968. In it he predicted that, due to overpopulation, there would be worldwide famine in the coming decades that would kill off billions. This would lead to all kinds of chaos worldwide and he was saying we needed to immediately begin putting the brakes on population growth. The brakes were not applied and practically none of what he predicted happened and the world population is now bigger than ever. In 1970 the world population was 3.686 billion and now it's about 7.8 billion or more than doubled and the human race still struggles on. But, a billion are living in poverty and "close to the edge". Any serious prolonged famine caused by climate change could be disastrous for them. The loss of a billion people is something that would be expected from a nuclear war. World population will reach 8.5 billion by 2030 so that's another almost billion mouths to feed. I think this planet is ripe for a major disaster and climate change, if it gets a chance, could cause it.

      Henry L.

    3. won't be long before those chemtrail planes are spraying the peoples in the poorest countries with chemicals to make them stop having babies. their probably working on the chemicals right now! all top secret of course.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I have no doubts that Bessler’s wheel is needed and should be built ASAP..


  13. Visible light is a small part of the EM spectrum, other radiation on the EM spectrum can also cause heating of the Earth and in fact heating inside the Earth which can and does cause Earthquakes and increased volcanic activity. All the planets in the solar system are heating from inside caused by EM radiation from the Sun and something else incoming, there is something coming from space that is interacting with the sun, this is causing heating of all the planets, just because its not visible light that you clearly see does not mean the radiation is not there.
    An example is your microwave, it heats INSIDE the food you put in it, visible light cannot do that.

  14. I agree the Bessler wheel is needed but exactly what is really going on with the climate, find out what is really going on in the world before allying or associating the Bessler wheel with any agenda .

    1. It has happened before in history that the Bessler was associated with an evil regime, the nazis were using psychics called the vril to try and get the secret of the Bessler wheel, they thought they owned the Bessler wheel, that they has a right to it. Things like this have a habit of repeating throughout history.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. The problem is that Bessler's writings and drawings are so ambiguous that they lead everyone in a different direction. As we try to recreate his wheels it's like we've all been turned into the people who tried to construct the Tower of Babel and were cursed by God with different languages for their efforts to reach and plunder Heaven using the tower. Like them, we're all now babbling endlessly in different technical and conceptual languages and no one understands or cares to understand what others are saying. This really makes any sort of long term collaboration impossible. Each one of us can only try to solve the mystery of Bessler's wheels on his own and pray he has the luck he needs to do it.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. "the nazis were using psychics called the vril to try and get the secret of the Bessler wheel"

      where can we find some of them vrils now. we need them!

  15. Search inside and find the path, all we really have is this moment

  16. @ Stephen Glorioso

    You wouldn't find a more willing or better equipped group than found here at John's blog to understand, accept and appreciate your design. Why is it that you withhold it from even them? Those that would support you and spread the word.

    1. He has to withhold it because he doesn't really have anything other than his pseudo religious babblings. He's played his tedious "I've got the secret game" here for a while now. It's best to just ignore him.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. More babbling from SG really intended to make himself look like a gifted genius while making everyone else here look like they are too stupid to realize how simple Bessler's wheels were. His "tedious" game should really be called the "I've found the secret because I'm smarter than all of you game". Well, he is not and has obvious trouble even writing simple sentences that make sense and have proper punctuation. Any "solution" he thinks he's found is only a fantasy in his own mind. Anon 4:20 above is right. It's best to ignore SG's babblings.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Even though we who gather here are of one mind about Johann Bessler, generally speaking, we all have our various philosophies and some of us share the same or similar ones, but here are many variations and variables, so no two are identical. The same applies to our ideas about how Bessler's wheel worked. I believe I know how it worked but until I produce the proof in the form of a proof of principle (POP) wheel, it doesn't exist outside my mind. The same goes for anyone else who claims to know how his wheel worked. I know that there are several, maybe many, people who say nothing but have their own theories about Bessler's wheel and like myself, are building it as we speak and will present a working model as soon as they are able. For those who claim to know the secret, I say, build a model, prove it, because if you don't and someone else does it, you cannot then say that it is the same as yours and that you have the secret all along. No one will believe you.


    1. The rock bottom minimum you need for a POP is a sim that works and not due to glitches. Not you or anyone else here may ever actually get a real wheel finished and running. You could get bored of it all and quit or too disabled to work on a wheel or just plain deceased before that happens. Sims are here and now. Real wheels are always for tomorrow...maybe. We all have to ask ourselves how many of those tomorrows we have left! Many trying to solve Bessler's wheels since the 50's and 60's ran out of their tomorrows years ago with nothing to show for all their work but their names carved on headstones. RIP! Maybe one of them did have Bessler's wheel but died before building it. If he had a sim POP of it back then at least he would have the credit for that.

  20. Climate change ...
    Yes, there is a change in the climate. But seeing all pieces of evidences through the long, I mean very ... very long earth history (Not only "through short known" human history). Here can not be sure what exactly can cause it. Because the climate have been in constant change through all the history of our planet. So we must remember here that the climate has not changed ONLY in the last 150 years.
    And what if we focus now on wrong data and we do wrong decisions from that data?! So, here can be a situation that we humans cause climate change, but the real cause for that is not CO2!? What if the real cause of climate change is something else?! Something that we do not know or correctly understand jet!?
    When making some search about climate change. Why ... everywhere where to look at, there is shown and talked about CO2 levels ONLY!?
    About CO2 in our atmosphere. The Internet is filled up by different graphs, where is shown how the CO2 level has raised up ... Yes, the CO2 level is pointing up at about 15...45" angles in every graph. This is scary and awful! Right?! Yes and NO! It all depends what there (and who) need to present with that or where "someone" want that we "need to focus now". When putting this graph to the real atmosphere scale, where is persist also N2, 02, Ar, Co2 + other atmospehere gases. The rise of CO2 through the last 150 ... 200 years will look like about 0,018" degree angle rising line, not 15...45" degrees as they like to show?! This is 0,02% total CO2 rise in last 150 years. To me seems strange that this 0,02% CO2 rise in the atmosphere has changed the climate 1 ... 2 degrees!? Same time CO2 contribution to the greenhouse effect is between 9...26% only?!
    I have a lot of philosophical thoughts that it is not a good idea to find and reveal a solution to, so called PM.


    1. I understand your point of view PLMKRN, but in the interests of replacing fossil fuels, Bessler’s wheel might be able to produce electrical energy, and even if it doesn’t turn out to be a practical solution, it seems to me to be the right thing to aim for.


  21. Sorry I haven't looked at all the comments but nobody wants to even go near the subject of the nuclear power plants that exactly fits this subject
    Taking water to a high temperature to be made into man made clouds
    Eventhough it is clean energy it needs to be a perfect reason for it but not to blame for it . Or it is just a natural cycle that the whole solar system is going through
    But we all know that our governments are looking for a reason to tax us for causing global warming

    1. "Eventhough it is clean energy..."

      Depends on your definition of "clean". Maybe it does not put carbon into the air, but a few months after being used in a nuclear reactor a fuel rod is one million times more radioactive than when it was first put in. When first put in the 12 foot long rod is safe to hold in your hands. A few months later it is so radioactive or "hot" that if you tried to hold it in your hands you would receive a fatal dose of radiation in less than one minute! All of those used rods that have been accumulating for the last 60 years have to be stored so none of their contents which also has a lot of highly toxic plutonium in it gets loose in the environment for millions of years! In the US they still have no solution to that and the rods are usually just kept on the grounds of the nuclear power plants. It's actually an ecological disaster waiting to happen!

      Henry L.

    2. "It's actually an ecological disaster waiting to happen!"

      It already did over in Fukushima, Japan. The people over there are being told that their fish is "safe" to eat even though it's still "slightly" radioactive. Lol! I wouldn't eat any of it if they paid me to!

    3. Expect the Japanese government to downplay the radiation biohazard from eating their contaminated seafood. Their equivalent of Big Fish over there is probably paying off their politicians with bushels of 10,000 yen notes to send out their "approved" message about the disaster and its effects on the environment and food chain. That message will be intended to keep fish consumption as close to the pre-disaster level as possible and, hopefully, increase it. Here's an article that tells you what the real effects have been and they are scary!

  22. The wheel is the practical solution, no matter the power output initially. This is a problem that can be solved because we can focus. Focus on the requirements and how to solve them. SG I will be coming to IL in July for class reunion. Might the an opportunity there Best of Luck to you with your build

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Can I have some French dressing with this word salad?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Finally sentences with some punctuation marks! You are making progress, SG!

  25. SG you are full of it!

    You said in an earlier John C blog that Calloway's wheel at would work with a small change.

    You have absolutely zero credibility or integrity!

  26. My different thoughts about revealing PM information ...
    Before revealing PM, there need to change all humankind's habits and thinking, how to understand energy and how to use it reasonably ... how not to waste ALL ... at once. But this will be finally harder then invent a PM. As we all need always some "new stuff". From where it comes from?

    Positive side: humankind can get "almost" clean and "virtually" unlimited energy source. ("almost" - as there need to build a wheel from ... let say metal, there will be more minings to dig it ... and there is used not so clean energy for it)
    Negative side: Short version of it ... Initiated from previous thought ... As energy is free and unlimited, there will be energy overproduction at some point in the future. And from that ... there are no limits for using energy ... we just build more wheels ... as we do not need to pay any extra for using it ... just use it ... But we live mostly in capitalism ... where is the need to make a profit and more "things and new stuff" ... more quickly ... for more inhabitants... But this all comes from earth resources ... finally, we use more earth resources more quickly to the end... then at the moment.
    Shortly, we will exhaust and rape our plane/t at least 10x more rapidly then we do now. Because we can go "cheaply" everywhere, where we "have not gone before" and stay there as long we want... do and take what we want (because of "greed ... which is the evil root"). This means also humans will invade and start to live also in ... at the moment "hard to live, non-touchable, unique ..." resource-rich places... there is no need to go somewhere to replenish your supplies.
    I see that just revealing PM information, we make big disservice to all "future" humankind... at the moment. There is not possible to take your words and invention back then (force forget this or "put gin back to the bottle"). From this point, there is no way back to the previous "old" world. This may sound awful at the moment but will be remembered as not so bad at all, finally.

    I know that all here committed person's inner will/wish is to make good things only. But unfortunately, all people are not thinking the same - "good" way. Mainly those whose main focus is on money.

    I'm not a religious person, but I see that there is some "higher force" which keeps certain information from falling into the wrong hands. There need to think also about the future.


  27. Latest News! US President Trump now proclaims that Climate Change is no longer a "hoax by the Chinese to destroy the US economy"! His previous theory was so ridiculous considering what's going on down in Australia that he was forced to make a quick 180 degree turn so as not to look even more foolish in the upcoming Presidential candidate debates.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I get the feeling that aTrump improvises without much consideration, preparation or rehearsal, in other words, he wings it. Then keeps his fingers crossed.


    1. Yeah, whatever belief pops into his head at the moment becomes the truth as far as he's concerned. Then later, when it proves to be nonsense, he'll say that everybody misunderstood what he first said or that the actual truth is just fake news from his enemy the liberal media. He's slipperier than an oiled hog on ice. I cannot believe he actually got elected and it's upsetting to think he might get reelected by the same voters he brainwashed with his nonstop flow of bs the first time around but it could happen!

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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...