Sunday, 29 December 2019

A Happy and Successful 2020 to All.

Good luck to all of you in 2020! 

I say this every year but this year is special, I don’t know why, but something tells me that the solution to Bessler’s wheel will be found and demonstrated this year. There’s a feeling in the air that hints at impending success; whether it’s the global warming warnings and the need to find a quick way to resolve the excessive production of  carbon dioxide gas; or the lack of any cheap, clean alternative to way of generating electricity, or the problems involved in storing it, I don’t know - but something tells me that this coming year, 2020, success will arrive and it will truly blow the minds of the opinion-makers, also known as “experts”.

The knowledge that they got it wrong for hundreds of years is going make thousands of opinion-makers try and correct enough printed text to make a pile of books that would stretch to the sun and back, not to mention rectifying the digital directives from those same people.

Keep at it guys, it’s going to happen this year, I feel it in my bones, and it could be you.


And on another matter, my granddaughter Amy, who has her own crowdfunding site, aiming to raise enough money to fund her rehabilitation at the amazing STEPS centre, has announced that she can move her left thumb.  Now that may not sound much, but considering that she has been unable move any part of her left arm and hand for more than a year, suffered excruciating pain in the whole arm, lost the use of her legs, been unable to sit up or support her head, been fed through the nose, suffered the indignity of a urinary catheter - she is beginning to make  a number of improvements!

Here’s her mother’s post on the crowdfunding site today! (my daughter Jo.)

 Well, thought I would share the news with you all - Amy can now move her left thumb. The signal from her brain to her left thumb is now being sent and received......after more than a year of trying to get control of her left hand, she has now re-established that ‘broken’ link. Here we are, staying in Sheffield for a few days, giving Amy a ‘Christmas Day’ away from home....If she can’t come home for Christmas, ‘home’ will come to her! 

Thank you so much to everybody who has helped our daughter this year. I really do think that things will start to come together soon and that 2020 will be a major year in Amy’s journey towards recovery.

Please continue to support Amy and share this page far and wide to help raise awareness of CRPS, FND and PTSD.

Hope that you have all had a good Christmas and we wish you a Happy New Year too.

Love Jo (a very proud mum) xxxx

 See the very emotional video below, taken today!

For YouTube link to same video see 



  1. Yaaaay! Go Amy!
    That was absolutely wonderful to see John.

    And as far as 2020 and "freewheeling" goes. Yes! I feel it too.

    Gods richest blessings to you and your family :-)


  2. Amy seems to be improving although slowly. She's very talkative and appears happy which is a good sign. Hopefully, she's getting plenty of good nutrition to help her body and especially her nerves repair themselves as quickly as possible. It would really be nice if she could stand and walk unassisted by the end of next year. I think it will happen for her.

    I also agree that 2020 seems like a year that is destined to see a lot of progress with Bessler's wheels as well as other forms of energy production. We've all got to stay positive, ignore the noise of the skeptics, and keep working away at a solution. If Bessler could find one, so can someone else. He was definitely a mechanical genius, but I don't think he had a monopoly on being able to achieve success.

    Henry L.

    1. Yes Amy’s in the best place for her. Psychologically she has improved enormously. If you google suicide disease, one of the first entries is for CRPS, from the Mayo clinic, “ CRPS is dubbed the 'suicide disease,' as those who suffer from it have been known to take their own life in a desperate attempt to find relief”. Amy went through that but she’s come out the other side stronger than ever.

      2020 is looking good for many reasons


  3. The number 2020 is almost a true palindrome. To be "true" the number must read the same right to left as it does left to right. The last true palindromic year was 2002, but before that the nearest was 1991 and then 1881 which was 139 years ago. The next one won't be until 2112. Bessler's largest and most powerful Kassel wheel first turned in the almost true palindromic year of 1717. He would have been under some pressure to complete its construction in that year to maximize his luck in selling the invention. The date 02/02/2020 is also a particularly important true palindromic date that is upcoming soon. Look for something very significant to happen on or around that date.

    Most here are predicting wonderful things for 2020 and that fits in with both true or almost true palindromic years generally being lucky with the true ones being the luckiest. However, I see another meaning to 2020 that is a bit more ominous. Think of each of the 20's as actually symbolizing a single Bessler wheel represented by the 0 and it being a two way wheel because of the 2 next to it. BUT, there are TWO of the wheels! They may look identical, but that is only their external appearances. They are subtly different inside because one is on the left side and the other is on the right side of the almost true palindromic year. This means that in the coming year the Bessler wheel community will be presented with two distinctly different designs for Bessler's wheels and will have to choose which one is "the" one he used and was the one he wanted his future followers to embrace and begin building. There will be much contention among the believers in each of the designs as they argue in favor of it and against the other. This will last for most of the year, but by the beginning of 2021 the majority will go with one of the designs because it looks the most promising even though a working physical model will not yet have been built based on it.

    I can add no more at this time...

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. Thank you, very interesting, I look forward to 2020 with renewed enthusiasm.


    2. Also, second of February 2020. = 02022020 Perfect palindrome


    3. Yes, very interesting, indeed! As I read SOS's comment, I realized I'd seen those 2's and 0's somewhere else. Where? Right here:

      which is the image at the top of every one of John's blog pages! Look at the design at the top middle that Bessler made. What do you see? Two concentric 0's one of which is larger than the other. And, two elongated number 2's on the sides of the larger 0. The 2 on the left side is horizontally reversed from the one on the right side. This design could represent another Bessler prophecy in which he tells us that in the year 2020 there will be two competing wheel designs that claim to be his, but only one of them, symbolized by the larger of the two 0's, will predominate and be ultimately accepted as actually being his! Was this Bessler's way of telling us that we'd have to pick one of two designs as being his in the year 2020? Maybe it's all just a coincidence though. Or is it?!

    4. You could also 2🧿2🧿, using the circumpunct.


    5. Damn, John! You need to have something to show the world on Sunday 02/02/20 so you can grab a chunk of that palindromic luck for your wheel! That day could be your last chance this year. Your very place in history will be at stake! This is SERIOUS! For maximum luck upload the details of your wheel here on the second second of the second minute of second hour of the second day of the second month of 2020 or 02:02:02/02/02/2020 using the local Kassel, Germany time that is one hour ahead of your local time which means you have to start the upload at exactly 01:02:02/02/02/2020 your time. That should do it!

    6. I’ll do my best my friend!


    7. This picture is at the end of DT where Bessler is defending his truth and honesty claims! It is not his normal signature. The circle within the circle looks a lot like 2 wheels, a wheel inside another wheel on the same axle, with 2 mirrored R shaped attachments left & right side. These doodlings have symmetry & balance. The full special DT signature on the left side has the backward 4 letter word Rath & on the right side Bessler's 6 letter name Offyre, which are not symmetrical. Are these cart & horse symbolisms suggesting a preponderant clockwise rotation for his PM wheels?

  4. May the Lord bless Amy with perfect health.

    1. Thank you Trevor, I know Amy will appreciate such good wishes as do I..


  5. Happy New Year everyone! Best in the new year and also the new decade!

    Henry L.

  6. Some "perpetual motionists" out there might be interested in reading this free copy of "Perpetual Motion: The History of an Obsession" by Arthur W. J. G. Ord-Hume which was published back in 1977.

    He mentions Bessler on page 68 and Orffyreus' wheel on pages 55, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, and 181. Here's a link to page 68 of the book that describes Bessler and his wheels:

    He concludes that Bessler's largest Kassel wheel was a fraud powered by some mechanism concealed in its eight inch diameter axle which he was able to make because of his experience with clockmaking. That's really impossible because it would not be able to work unless the end pivots of the axle were stationary on their bearings and the wooden axle rotated around them. Since the end pivots were both fixed into the axle and turned with it, that would mean that to be hoaxed Bessler would have had to have some sort of spring powered overbalancing mechanism inside of the axle. That seems improbable in such a small diameter axle and he'd have had to make these mechanisms even smaller to power his earlier wheels that had smaller axle diameters.

    The notion that, possibly, Bessler had something that was genuine never even occurs to Ord-Hume.

    1. If he hoaxed then axle would be solid and the wind up overbalancer mechs placed inside of the drum. Bessler was a paranoid case but I dont think he was a fraudster. He had something real. He should have demanded lower price to sell the damn thing so he could get something for it and it could be revealed.

    2. Thanks for the link. I will read the entire book!

    3. I've read it and like most books on the history of pm it tends to show it as one long tale of mechanical ignorance and fraud. However, it can show what's been tried in the past and why it did not work. If one wants to have success in his search for pm he needs to try something that hasn't been tried over and over again in the past by others without any success. It's got to be something new.

      Henry L.

  7. Happy new year John, and to Amy as well! About the numbers..2(0) 2(0) You may have a look at the upper right corners of the last pages of AP, after the last page.. This is part of the encoding system of AP (IMO) but you will see the letter Z and Z, and as dawn so many times by Bessler Z and Z means 2 and 2. Happy 20 20 to all Bessler enthusiasts..{%22pages%22:[105],%22view%22:%22info%22}{%22pages%22:[107],%22view%22:%22info%22}

    1. I noticed the Z several years ago but I didn’t think about the reason for it being there. Thank you Øystein and thank you for your wishes for us. Happy new year.


    2. The two ZZ is a code/cipher key. And has to do with a code applied to the other "Z" in the book.. Look at the last page you can accept that ZZ can be written as "33". This you have to accept..Let it sink in. It will finally lead to great secrets decoded. By the way also J+E+E+0= = 33 When you are ready yo umey drop me an email and I can show the first place it is used for letter-encrytion in AP..Best wished for the future!

  8. Here's another book, titled "The Seven Follies of Science", second edition "greatly enlarged", by John Phin published in 1911, that mentions Bessler's wheels and concludes they had to be frauds powered by mechanisms hidden in their axles. The brief section on Bessler starts at the bottom of page 76. The book is yet another disparaging history of the subject which some may find of interest because it does devote 43 pages to explaining why past attempts were failures.

    He again brings up the argument that in order to have been genuine, Bessler's wheels would have had to create energy out of nothing which is impossible so therefore they had to be hoaxed. No mention of them using some unseen form of energy from their environments.

    1. I bought copies of all the books mentioned here, Orde-Hume, Frank Edwards plus the the two volumes by Henry Dircks aka Percy Verance and photocopied numerous articles from Scientific American, Popular Mechanics and many more too numerous to mention. I appreciate that your trying to provide as much information as possible, but to be honest I don’t think it will help solve this puzzle looking back at negative accounts of previous machines. The fullest account of previous attempts is the two volumes I mentioned above by Henry Dircks.


    2. Sorry if you feel these volumes are of no current value. I offer them mainly for those new to the subject who may be unfamiliar with them and who might benefit from knowing more about the history of the various failed approaches to achieving perpetual motion. I will offer only one more. The book by Dircks you mentioned, "Perpetuum Mobile or A History of the Search for Self-Motive Power from the 13th to the 19th Century" published in London in 1870 is, without a doubt, the most important book on the subject written in the 19th century. Its chapter 2 provides 27 pages that deal with the machines of the Marquis of Worcester and Johann Bessler. The material on Bessler begins at the bottom of page 94 and here's a link to that page:

      Dircks, even though a skeptic, seems to have had a far more positive opinion of Bessler when, on page 114 he wrote:

      "But his was as sort of madness we do not often see: a folly fixed only on certain objects, and merits more than the name of fantasticalness or whimsicalness; this kind of folly is often accompanied by much genius, and when persons of this disposition apply themselves solely to one subject, as it appears he did, it is not surprising to find them making discoveries which had escaped the sagacity of wiser people. Thus I do not wish to agree with M. de Crousaz, that it is incredible that a madman, such as Orffyreus should have found out something that learned men have searched for unsuccessfully."

      In Dircks' entire book, Bessler is really the only one about whom he had something favorable to say!

    3. Dircks, Is saying that Bessler is a f'en insane idiot!! I fail to see how that is very helpful-------------Sam Peppiatt

    4. I think when Dircks says Bessler is a madman he's only repeating what others have written about Bessler in the past which was based on their meetings with him. However, when Dircks says Bessler is a genius, I think he is giving his personal opinion of Bessler based on the descriptions and tests of his wheels.

      Henry L.

    5. Sorry Henry L., I think Dirck's remarks are meant to be sarcasm at the highest literary level. His insults are really top notch. Certain people who write about perpetual motion love to quote him, for that very reason. Sam Peppiatt

  9. Follow up: It's beyond me why some people seam to have the need to insult, belittle, and ridicule a dead man! Sam Peppiatt

  10. Thanks for that link, anon 18:05. I've been looking for that book for free online for a long time without success. Although written by a skeptic, it's an important treatment of pm devices of various types. Like an encyclopedia of pm!

  11. Here's an interesting miniature model of Bessler with his wheels that was made for a Spanish magazine article on him. It's not technically accurate, but is nice to look at:

    1. Nice image.

      Upon reflection I can see why supplying links to previous accounts of Bessler’s wheel would be of interest, good work anonymous.


    2. If you click on the last two item on the right side of this page, you can see my video about the clues I found several years ago, but underneath is an interview I did for Italian TV eight years ago, which has some nice moving images of Bessler’s wheel. It’s rather long! I wish it had subtitles, I’d like to know what I said in English!


    3. You can see the video with English subtitles by clicking that "CC" symbol on the player so a red line appears under it. Then click the gear shaped icon for the Settings. There click on "Subtitles / CC", then click "Auto-translate", and then select "English" from the list that appears. Finally, click the arrowhead Play icon on the lower left of the player window and you will see the video playing with vertically scrolling English subtitles showing on two lines near the bottom of the player window.

      When you first appear at time 2:00 you are talking about how paranoid Bessler's secret made him and how he was convinced his various enemies wanted to steal it from him.

      Starting at time 6:27 the sloppy youtube autotranslator has you saying:

      "...insists the first wheel made by
      ex ofir had about a meter and a half of
      diameter and was 10 centimeters thick
      it was mounted on a pair of supports
      attached to the sides of two pillars and could
      make 50 revolutions per minute
      it was really amazing."

      You appear again at time 7:50 talking about his forth book, Machinen Tractate, and how its 141 drawings give an account of his search for pm. You say that on the cover Bessler mentions that someone could combine parts of the drawings to discover his secret.

      You're not in the rest of the video. I think they should have used you more in it.

      Henry L.

    4. Thank you Henry. The flew me to Rome and paid for two nights hotel and took me to this famous old film directors villa by a beautiful lake to do a two hour plus interview, which was, as you see, cut down to a few minutes, took me out to dinner, but after all that they preferred their official guests. They were professors etc, whereas I was just a retired engineer. Same old story no professional would support Bessler’s views nor mine. I wish I could have kept copies of my interview - I was brilliant, but you’ll have to take my word for that! 😆. JC

    5. That's the problem with "creative" video editor types. After they get done butchering a quality interview all that's left is a few scraps of the original that usually give an incomplete version of what the interviewee was saying and can actually make it misleading. That's one of the major pluses of self-produced videos. You get to say exactly what you want to say and exactly how you want to say it without some moron editor trying to rework it all to suit his preconceived and biased ideas of what your subject is all about.

    6. They spent to much time employing an actor wandering around the countryside. Too arty-farty!


    7. Einstein once submitted a paper revealing this latest research findings to an academic journal called "Physics Review" for publication and got a letter back informing him that his paper had been handed over to some professor for "editorial review" (it was later learned that the reviewer was a relatively unknown astronomy professor at Princeton University). Einstein's response? He immediately withdrew his paper and never submitted another to that journal because they had dared to suggest one of his papers might actually need editing! Einstein knew how to handle editors!

  12. RAF About Dircks, Yes, He was convinced Bessler was a success. In his second edition, his name becomes PERCY VERANCE, his clever way of saying that PERSEVERANCE is required, Mr. Bessler's sterling quality!!

    1. I like that RAF. Henry Dircks FRSE FCS. Very highly qualified engineer, with several patents.

      I was familiar with his jokey pseudonym but it never occurred to me that he was hinting that Bessler was genuine. If you have read both volumes of his books on PM, you can see that he must have thought it possible. His is the most detailed account of every single claim about PM to have ever been published. He must have devoted an enormous amount of time to have assembled so much about it. I think you’re right, he knew a Bessler wasn’t a fake.


    2. Anyone with half a brain that reads the Bessler story will realize he was not a hoaxer. No one offers to have himself decapitated if he's lying as he did! And, I'm sure he knew that if he got paid that huge amount he wanted for his invention and it did prove to be a hoax, that is exactly what would have happened to him!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...