Sunday, 19 June 2022

Johann Bessler’s Research & Development.

I’m still in the process of moving into our house.  There’s a lot to do and my workshop’s having to take a back seat while I get us settled in.  I was in two minds about sharing what I know now or waiting until I can build the finished wheel in my workshop.  But I think that releasing any information risks it being lost or ignored so I’ll just keep going and hope to finish things as soon as possible.

How was it that Johann Bessler was able to solve a scientific puzzle that seems to have evaded the rest of us? Perhaps we are all too well educated, we understand so much more than was available to him?  He had spent years studying the machinery of his day, clocks and watches, windmills, pumps, organs etc, he was well taught in mathematics, music, etc. He didn’t just study them, he learned about operating and maintaining them. He was obviously very practical and  highly skilled in those subjects which interested him. He also read Acta Erudorum, (in Latin) a scientific journal, keeping up with the latest scientific discoveries and theories, but because had not begun to move in those more exalted circles it may have been easily accessible to him prior to his discovery of the correct configuration of his Perpetual Motion machine and Karl the Landgrave’s patronage.

I think he quickly became familiar with the actions of levers and pulleys and configuring actions at a distance (to borrow a phrase) in his study of organ building, and he was already able to build watches and clocks, which opened his mind to cogs, gears, pulleys and levers.  He could only do the same as us, but he could ignore what he didn’t know, unlike us.  We spend much time discussing where the energy came from, and so much theory about forces, vectors, acceleration, circular motion etc. None of this needed to concern Bessler, he used his practical experience to solve the problem.

Bessler spent most of his time thinking about his wheel and how to make it turn continuously and realised that it had to be permanently out-of-balance otherwise how could he expect it to turn continuously  or….permanently?

Two actions had to be available in order for continuous rotation to take place.  If a weight was ready to fall but had not fallen yet, then another action must have been active and engaged in rotating the wheel just enough to tip that weight which hadn’t fallen yet, continuing the existing rotation.  Bessler told us that his weights worked in pairs, so when that first weight fell, it must have lifted it’s paired weight, positioned in an earlier segment behind, some of the way back up.  But that paired weight in its earlier segment must have had some ability to rotate the wheel that little bit when it fell, just as it’s twin would do when it fell.

That is so difficult to explain, but I can picture it and I think that kind of process went on in Bessler’s mind, before he suddenly realised how to work it. 



  1. Many a truth is said in jest...

    1. While everyone is laughing at this Dilbert cartoon, you might consider that it was actually inspired by a pervasive brainwashing program promoted generation after generation by official science through the world's educational systems that eventually works its way down into the popular media and has here taken the form of this "humorous" cartoon. What do we see in this cartoon?

      We see Dilbert, who is some sort of white collar engineer, shown as being a fool who, unlike real scientists, is delusional and has plenty of time to waste chasing after something impossible like pm. He's even having a conversation with his pet dog which also casts further doubt about his sanity. The subtle message I see from this is that all pm chasers are psychotic! The dog also seems more aware of the reality of the situation than Dilbert which suggests that Dilbert is actually less intelligent than his pet dog. By extension, this suggests that pm chasers are also all less intelligent than dogs!

      Pm seekers are always ridiculed in cartoons and this is an excellent example of that. I have never seen any cartoon dealing with pm that says anything positive about those trying to develop pm machines. When someone needs get a quick laugh...just make fun of those nutty pm chasers.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    2. You obviously don't know Dilbert. His dog "Dogbert" is more intelligent than Dilbert but is motivated only by greed. Dogbert will rescue Dilbert when he gets in trouble so there is a friendship there. The most intelligent character in the comic is the garbageman. If you want a crash course in Dilbert you can watch the 2 seasons of the cartoon.

      Not a coward and proud of it.

  2. OK John penso che tu sia su una buona strada, cosa pensi dei pesi che Bessler scrive possono essere di materiali diversi e che questo fa la differenza ?

    1. Hi PG, you wrote,
      “ John I think you are on a good path, what do you think about the weights that Bessler writes can be of different materials and that this makes a difference?”

      I’ve puzzled over this. If you’re thinking about the same piece if text as me then I’m referring to his words on something he called FORM. As far as I can tell he is saying don’t be misled by appearances, the material the weights are made of is more important than their shape or form.

      If that is not the text you are referring to can you give me reference to it?


    2. @PG. Bessler wrote:

      "I must stress that if a Perpetual Motion machine of the type I have described really is in conformity with the demands of the most eminent mathematicians and engineers, then it really deserves to have the Perpetual Motion appellation NO MATTER HOW FRAGILE the material from which it is constructed. The case is no different from that of a leaden or even waxen sphere. They are both as perfectly deserving of the description “sphere” as is an iron one, despite the fact that the latter will withstand fire and other attacks better than the two former. For form gives the essence of the thing."

      I think what Bessler is saying here is that it was only the unique design of his wheels' hidden machinery that made them perpetual motion and not the durability or types of the materials that the wheels' parts were made of. Those materials, with the possible exception of the lead used for the weights, would all eventually wear out and prevent his wheels from running continuously. Bessler is pointing out that limitation, however, did not mean that his wheels were not actually genuine perpetual motion machines. He would have been confident that if he was actually able to make a wheel out of indestructible materials, then it could run forever.

      Bessler probably wrote the lines above to neutralize the criticisms of skeptics who said that his wheels weren't really perpetual motion because their parts would wear out after a while and needed to be replaced otherwise the wheels would stop running. But, even a perpetual motion wheel needs to have routine servicing to lubricate its parts and replace them when they wear out if the wheel is to be kept running.

      I think Bessler's critics were looking for any little negative feature they could find to put down his invention and prevent it from being sold. Imo, they were all very envious of his invention and his fame. Maybe they also wanted to suppress his invention so it wouldn't be around to compete with the steam engines then being developed?


    3. Thanks Jason, on behalf of PG and myself, I was looking for the wrong passage!


    4. Anonymous 05:22 I believe Bessler's enemies understood that bessler did achieve exactly what he said he did they just didn't like what would happen to the status quo. People of power do not like their power threatened governments govern what! $$$$

  3. Grazie Jason per il contributo

  4. If you haven't read the book now you can see the movie!

    I came across this the other day. It's a youtube video advertising Ken B's big science book that he published months ago. He fumbles along but gives a nice description of it. He only mentions his Bessler book in passing at the beginning though.

    1. Usually I would delete anything relating to Ken B, but I’ll let this one go because he’s not pushing his Bessler book, but his verbal description is excruciatingly laboured and as you say, ‘fumbling’.


    2. He does seem to be groping for words at times but that only shows me he's not reading a prepared script. I think that makes him appear more genuine. Making his own videos probably also keeps his promotional costs next to zero.

      You usually delete anything relating to Ken B? Why? Are you afraid that he beat you to finding the solution to Bessler's wheels and don't want others to start thinking that? How many posts by others here are you also secretly deleting? Better yet, maybe YOU should start revealing the clues that gave you the Bessler wheel design that you claim to have found so we can see that there is an alternative to Ken B's design?

      IIRC, you previously promised to reveal everything before the end of THIS year and that we all had to be patient because you are currently moving house. Sounds reasonable considering how stressful moving can be. But there are now only 191 days left in this year and as the end of the year approaches many will begin to wonder what your next excuse will be for NOT revealing anything. Based on your past history it will probably just be your standard excuse which is "I won't reveal anything until and unless I first prove my design with a working wheel." That one conveniently allows you to potentially never reveal anything. If you have anything real then you shouldn't be afraid to reveal it. As long as you delay doing that it is like it doesn't really exist and if anything happens to you it could all be lost forever assuming it ever existed in the first place.

      The fact is that Ken B promised years in advance that he intended to rediscover the secret of Bessler's lost invention and then publish the design in a book so it would not be lost again and would be available to all. He didn't then make endless excuses for not doing so and finally fulfilled that promise and I think he should be congratulated for doing so. Unfortunately, the world of pm wheel chasers has been and still is full of posers who at the end of the day deliver little of value as far a solving the Bessler wheel mystery is concerned. Imo, Ken B is the rare exception to that rule.

    3. I’m not sure I agree with you about Ken’s unscripted approach, but if you have the patience to watch ‘til the end, well done.

      You know why I usually delete anything relating to you Ken, it’s because you were shamelessly promoting your book on my blog despite being asked to stop.
      Now the only reason I don’t want you to promote your book here is because it is stuffed full of imaginary clues which you interpreted and came up with a design which clearly doesn’t work. Nobody on the entire planet has produced a working model based on your design. Your video is claimed to be faulty or faked, but I’m no expert on simulations so I can’t comment authoritatively on that although some people who do know about such things have dismissed your video as proving nothing.

      As if that were not enough to reject your design outright it doesn’t match anything mentioned by witnesses, i.e, Karl the Landgrave, the only independent witness to the interior of the wheel, described the design as very simple and he was surprised that it hadn’t been discovered before. Your design is far too complex and definitely not simple.

      It is for these reasons, as you know perfectly well, why I don’t want you or any of your “sock puppets” promoting such a collection of false information and speculation here where we prefer to stick to the facts.

      I’m well aware that my promised revelations have slipped past several deadlines and I understand people’s frustration at the delays but I’m trying hard to accomplish several projects at the same time but my firm intention is to release the information asap, but after I’ve completed and tested my design, then I will finally give it all away.


    4. I watched Ken's promo video for his science book and its okay and better than I could make. I'm not really into that physics stuff so i wont be getting it. But I am interested in his Bessler book. I've heard much talk about it and want to read it for myself. When it comes to Bessler, one man's clues are usually another man's nonsense and visa versa. He supposedly found dozens of previously unknown clues. I want to see exactly what they are for myself.

      I've also looked at his wheel video and the only part that could really be considered complicated is the network of connections between the levers. Bessler said somewhere that his experience with building organs helped him with his pm wheels. I once got some photos of those old church organ insides and they were loaded up with levers and cords for all the notes! Compared to them Ken's design is simple.

      I'm also not that bothered much that his design hasn't led to a runner yet. It probbably needs to be very carefully balanced to work. Most of the builds I see online are crudely made and they probably wouldn't work even if the design was good. Bessler was a carpenter but he was also a clockmaker and used to carefully balancing things. I think that very careful balancing needed to be used in his wheels so they could work.

    5. Enough said!


    6. @JC wrote:

      "...but my firm intention is to release the information asap, but after I’ve completed and tested my design, then I will finally give it all away."

      So does that mean that if you still haven't "completed and tested the design" by the end of THIS year, then you will STILL not be showing us any of your clues BEFORE the end of this year?! If so, then I'm starting to think anon 19:05 was right when he wrote:

      "Based on your past history it will probably just be your standard excuse which is "I won't reveal anything until and unless I first prove my design with a working wheel." That one conveniently allows you to potentially never reveal anything."

      I think a lot of followers of this blog are growing weary of the constant delays. We want to see your clues asap and even before you've "proved" any of them with a build which may never actually happen for one reason or another. I'm sure you are well aware that there is a huge difference between talking about building something and actually building it. Talking is easy, building is not.

  5. Hey John here's a question for you to Z or not two Z that is the question just so you know!

  6. In MT Z sometimes means the number 2. See my webpage posted in 2009.


    1. Yes JC that is Bessler's hint I am well aware of it and its connection to a configuration of course you are well aware of that right?

    2. Rights!


    3. So you don't have a clue with the association of the 2 and the Z represents other than Bessler interchanges it. What appears to be abstract is not at all, it draws attention to a problem of how people think. Rather than looking how things are connected it's the old divide-and-conquer instead of finding common understanding. You might want to try instead of divide and conquering add what is missing and you just might find what you concur with and What it represents.
      The philosophic depiction in art reflex the Deep understanding of the artist what better way to teach then to show something that seems to have no connection so that you might search for something there does and in that search find and extra-ordinary understanding. Some people would say that's is Genius others might say divinely-inspired but rarely you'll find someone who understands that both are correct this is the problem with a purely analytical viewpoint it is also the problem of Blind Faith . In order for Bessler to find his truth he had to understand is weakness the faith he had in God was strong he also was aware of his weaknesses the way in which he left his information artfully hidden was to teach the Seeker in a way that tame the ego so that when the individual made sense of the clues and hints and understood exactly where it came from they would understand exactly what they had to do.

    4. Hi Stephen, you’re posts are always interesting to me, but I’m not convinced this time. I didn’t describe my interpretation of those features in MT, back in 2009, but since then I have made progress and I understand their purpose. That does not necessarily mean that your understanding is wrong, Bessler often added layers to his clues which I myself have only found much later.


    5. Does your understanding have to do with As Above So Below?

    6. JC may find SG's comments "interesting", but I think most here just see them as irrelevant word salads that make no sense. Not that he actually has anything of value to share about B's wheels, but even if he did, he really has no intention of doing so here.

  7. I don't believe we can consider ourselves (even the most capable of engineer or physicist of our time) more capable or smarter than Bessler when it comes to classical mechanics, as his works are clearly mathematical in nature and were not stumbled upon by chance. Many an iteration after painstaking iteration had finally led to Bessler’s discovery.

    As both a capable engineer and well-versed mathematician, he rubbed shoulders with many a tradesman, scientist, theologian and even royal party.

    One such acknowledgement came from Jean Bernoulli, a mathematician of prominent historical standing, and witness to Bessler's works of the time, who stated "... any motion which exists in nature can be used to support a perpetual motion. In these instances, such machines cannot be regarded as purely artificial perpetual motion, but rather as a combined perpetual motion, because their motion is assisted by Nature. I am convinced that Bessler's wheel is of this type."

    To go one step further, I believe Bessler had not only found the key to perpetual motion, but also the secret of Nature, and in doing so found God.

    Deus ex Machina


    1. I agree Yuri, and thanks for reminding me about Jean Bernoulli.


    2. "... any motion which exists in nature can be used to support a perpetual motion. In these instances, such machines cannot be regarded as purely artificial perpetual motion, but rather as a combined perpetual motion, because their motion is assisted by Nature. I am convinced that Bessler's wheel is of this type."

      Bernoulli, like Leibniz, may have been a genius, but we was 100% WRONG about that assumption he made! Bessler's wheels were in no way "assisted by Nature". Like Leibniz, Bernoulli was totally clueless as to how Bessler's wheels actually worked.


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  I wish all of you a happy new year!  This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...