Friday, 5 August 2022

2008 Report on Remote Viewing Carried out on Bessler’s Wheel.

I promised to post a report issued to me in 2008, on a project designed to try to discover any information relating to Johann Bessler and his perpetual motion machine by means of Remote Viewing. 

Finally, I managed to embed the pdf within my blog! 

Any comments welcomed and although I’m sceptical about such matters, there are a couple of items in the report which caused me to question my scepticism. Obviously there is the question of trust that no information was accidentally leaked but in the end we have to judge what we can see and decide whether it helps us or not.



  1. Well, it is definitely an interesting read John, thanks for sharing it.
    I don't think anyone was expecting a detailed explanation of how it was actually built, or how exactly it worked. In an abstract way there are a lot of details that could make sense. I think it is clear that none of the participants had an actual image, which they describe, more like some kind of explanation of an image with half of the words missing.
    It wasn't as nonsensical as i was expecting.

  2. I don't see anything of value here, unfortunately. To me it just looks like a jumble of random impressions and sketches. There's so much of it that everyone will find at least one thing that they think is accurate and the excitement of that find may then encourage them to unfairly praise the material in general as they ignore the rest of it that makes no sense.

    It's like reading a long general description of one's personality based on his zodiac sign and then seeing some one thing that is accurate. That doesn't prove astrology works only that random guessing will occasionally be accurate. Like someone once said, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day."


  3. Was this RV session done in September 2008 ?

  4. Maybe it would have improved the results if the viewers were told that they were to try to see the inner works of Bessler's Gera wheel? Maybe that would have better focused their psychic powers for better results? What they did see isn't really that impressive, imo.

    1. I bet they sat down and did a google search.
      In a way everyone have been "remote viewing" the wheel.

  5. Is there another version of this report where one of thr viewers drew a headless man?

    1. Its different from when I read it years ago, is this another timeline .

  6. Sorry guys, as I noted at the end of my blog, a chunk of the report didn’t embed and I’m trying to put the rest up.


    1. Oops! Wrong file, the right one is 38 pages and is an MS doc. I’ll try to sort it all out today.


    2. Thanks, I thought I had fallen through a portal into another timeline, lol.

    3. No need to struggle with another lengthy embed, John. That 38 page report is on your website. It looks like the target was more the location of Bessler's wheels than the wheels. Anyone who wants to see that report just has to go to:

      The only thing impressive to me was on page 6 of that report where the viewer "Mosaic" drew a building with a figure shown lying at the bottom with the words "trip-fall" near it. At the top of the building he wrote "Top u wrong". A crowd is shown running toward the fallen man. This could show the accident where Bessler fell off of the windmill he was building. But, then again, maybe it was just a lucky guess.

  7. The Impressions given they are very impressive. If you consider not only the design Bessler used but where and when it originated it makes perfect sense. The timeline is much longer than most realize. In order to understand the information you have to know how to play a association game only deep in historical and spiritual meaning also it is a targeted message of confirmation of the narrow path for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear what a great gift also a great message to press on.

  8. I'd like to know how someone qualifies to become a "viewer" for these remote viewing projects? No one seems to talk about that.

    At a minimum, I would place each of them separately into a room next to another locked room containing a single object having a well defined shape to it. They would not be able to visually see into the room and I would give each of them 30 minutes to try to use their alleged remote viewing power to sense the shape of the object in the room and then scribble down an impression of what the object was. I'd keep the object simple like maybe a bicycle, a three legged stool, a mannequin wearing a large colorful hat, etc. I'd then have the viewers each return on 3 separate days and try to sense the shape of a different object in the same room. Finally, I'd evaluate their results.

    Did any one of them accurately describe the different objects placed into the adjacent room say at least 2 out of 3 times? If not, then he or she would not be qualified for any sort of remote viewing project. I would also postpone any project until I found at least five people who could accurately sense the shape of the objects 2 out 3 times. If something like this is not used to screen potential remote viewers in advance, then I don't see how anyone could have any faith in the accuracy of the impressions they were getting about a "target" for a project. You might as well just invite random people off of the street to try to do it.

    1. They probably consider someone qualified to be a remote viewer if he can fog a mirror held under his nose!


    2. Sounds like the same qualification necessary to become a pm wheel builder. Lol!

  9. All I've been seeing for the last day or so is the "Forbidden - Error 403" message in place of that embedded file you put into this blog. If the file was put on Google One Drive, then they may be blocking downloads for some reason and the problem may be be temporary. Then again, it could be permanent for some reason. Maybe you should just have given the URL's of the two pages in your website where the two remote viewing project .pdf files are located? Here's the URL's I found for them:

    For the 18 page file where the viewers try to see the inner details of B's wheels:

    For the 38 page file where the viewers try to see the details of a location of one of B's wheels:

    Hope this helps.

    1. Hopefully it’s all there for you now. 🤞


  10. John I thought you might like to know Herman von Helmholtz was not only wrong about if a PM is possible just about everything he ever studied wasn't correct he did a fine job of messing up how's science perceives perception itself his Concepts contaminated a lot of how we understand what we see. I thought it relevant to the topic at hand due to his insistent that perceptions are learned and not innate he was an idiot not only that A pompous self-centered one. the universe according to Herman von Helmholtz! quick someone give me a transdimensional warp drive so I can get the hell out of this universe!

    1. When von Helmholtz said pm was impossible, he was just saying that you can't build any machine that will make energy out of nothing. No one has disproved that so far and if B's wheels obeyed all of the laws of physics as they outputted energy, then they didn't do that by making the energy out of nothing. That energy they put out had to come from somewhere either outside or inside of a wheel.

  11. Oh and about the transdimensional warp drive NEVER MIND! ....

    1. So good to hear such comments SG, I love it!


    2. Anonymous 22:30 or anyone else that wants to join I'm opening up a room in big screen VR it's also cross-platform if you don't have a headset I do believe there's a way to go on on the PC occasionally if you look in the public forum it's under chat when I'm in it'll be there make up a good handle and we'll have discussions about Bessler and the physics involved in his machine the title of the room is The Impossible in our time

    3. It's an interesting idea, but we really don't need it. We already have John's blog right here to discuss Bessler's wheels on. Since John loves your comments so much, maybe you would consider taking over this blog from him? That would give him plenty of free time to finally get his wheel completed so he can prove to the world that he really has solved the Bessler wheel mystery. You taking over this blog would actually be helping John. I'm sure he would be so grateful to you for your kind assistance.

    4. Anonymous 5:36 what's it to you who I talk to if you don't want to talk that's fine what are you the leader of the cult no you couldn't be a leader of a cult you're anonymous I still fail to see the the whole point of being anonymous you guys wear it like a badge of honor like it's some great thing it's totally immature and irresponsible not to mention cowardly

    5. @anon 05:36
      Every time John decides to climb up a tall ladder there's the risk of him having a Bessler type ending and that would immediately put an end to this blog. Imo, he should start thinking about picking a replacement to keep this blog running just in case. Who better to take over this blog from John then someone who is also an expert on Bessler's wheels? Yes, SG would be perfect for the job. I vote for SG!


  12. I'm curious does anyone here understand the difference between a cylinder and a solid piece of round stock just so we understand the significance of why Bessler used cylinders?

    1. Anyone else notice that JC deleted a reply to SG here yesterday that talked about B's smaller wheels possibly not using those lead cylinder weights like were in the Merseburg wheel? Why is he trying to hide that info from us? Makes you wonder...

  13. John don't you think it's time that you explain to everyone what the prime mover is surely by now you know what it is don't you?

  14. To answer some comments… although I like your VR idea, it’s not me, but I wish you luck with it.

    This is my blog but anyone can have there own blog if they want, so I won’t be stepping a side for SG or anyone else.

    I think the weights were cylindrical in shape but solid.l

    Yes I do know what the prime mover is and how it works, but I’m not ready to share it yet.


    1. Better not to share it now JC because whatever you reveal SG will just disagree with it and say that it's 100% wrong and that only HE actually has the correct version. Of course he'll never reveal his version and we will all just have to take his word for it being the right one.

  15. Anybody seen this one yet that surfaced on the bw forum the other day? It is a modern artist's conception of an interesting pm wheel design that was described in an old book someone found:

    It's called the "Moteur mécanique à gravité" (or "Mechanical Gravity Motor" in English) and was invented by Henri Maillardet who was born in Murten, Switzerland in 1745 which was the same year Bessler died. Like Bessler he was into clockmaking and mechanics and worked in a Berlin watch factory. He also built various automata that were exhibited in England after 1800.

    The weights in his design are at the ends of arms that rotate 90 degrees as they approach the 6 and 12 o'clock locations of a rotating wheel. The tricky part is making the arms quickly rotate as close to those locations as possible. That is done by gears at the ends of the arms' radial shafts that interact with teeth on a large central stator offset from the plane of the wheel.

    Supposedly, a detailed math analysis showed that the wheel is always over balanced and should work, but it's torque is low.

    PM Dreamer

    1. Sorry, my mistake. The ends of the arm radial shafts do not have gears attached to them. They just have two smaller arms on each side of them that hit against fixed pins on the top and bottom sides of the central stator so that an arm radial shaft will rotate through 90 degrees at the 6 and 12 o'clock locations of the rotating wheel.

      PM Dreamer

    2. PM Dreamer your suspicion of Henri Maillardet as it relates to Bessler is most likely to be correct from the understanding of the drawing there are similarities!


    4. If Bessler's "ghost" doesn't like it then it can't work. Lol!

    5. Maillardet was without a doubt a true mechanical genius. Here's a short video of a little robot called the "Draughtsman-Writer" that he built that had a cam controlled arm on it holding a pen. It could write poems in French and English and also draw pictures!

      Here's an image of the drawing of a ship that it can make!

    6. Unfortunately, I can immediately see some fatal problems with Maillardet's pm wheel design. As drawn by that "modern artist", the CoM would actually be located on the RIGHT or rising side of the CCW rotating wheel and providing CW torque instead of CCW torque! That can't be correct.

      For the wheel to rotate CCW as shown, the CoM must be located on the LEFT or descending side of the wheel to provide CCW torque. That means that the artist should have drawn the 12:00 weight arm swung out to the left and in the plane of the drawing and the 6:00 weight arm swung toward the reader and perpendicular to the plane of the drawing. With that correction made to the drawing, the wheel will be slightly overbalanced with the CoM on the left descending side of the wheel and it will have some CCW torque as a result. But I doubt if this wheel or any design similar to it will ever work. Such designs may look good on paper (when drawn correctly!), but they don't work when actually built.

      What a person viewing Maillardet's design may not realize is that the two weights whose radius shafts are approaching the wheel's 6:00 and 12:00 positions will also both slightly rise in the Earth's gravity as they each swing through 90 degrees. That requires outside energy to be supplied to the weights and also creates a CW counter torque that opposes the CCW torque produced by the wheel's slight overbalance as those little arms at the ends of the radius shafts strike the two vertical pins attached to the stator.

      As any two opposite radius shafts in this design get closer to the 6:00 and 12:00 locations, that CW counter torque will steadily increase as the CCW torque produced by the wheel's imbalance steadily decreases. As a result, there will be twelve different orientations of the wheel's radius shafts where the the CCW and CW torques will be equal in strength and will provide no net torque to the wheel. The wheel will always remain stationary if manually placed into any of those twelve orientations.

      The German word Bessler used in MT for that troublesome counter torque was translated into English as "friction", but maybe a better translation for it should have been "resistance" since it is not the same as the friction force produced by two objects rubbing together.

      I agree that Maillardet was a mechanical genius. But his pm wheel design, if it was actually built, would fail for the exact same reason that Bessler's MT 13 design failed as its weights' levers approached its 12:00 location. That failure was due to a build up of too much resistance or counter torque in the wheel as a lever began to raise its weight that the torque produced by the wheel's overbalance could not overcome. Bessler tells us in MT 13's note that someone would have to be located near that wheel's 12:00 location to manually raise up the approaching levers to make that wheel run. In other words, MT 13 would need an outside source of energy to run and so would Maillardet's wheel if it was ever actually built.


    7. Nice analysis, Jason, which I think also explains why MT's 12, 23, 30, 41, and 42 cannot work either. Basically any OOB wheel design where the weights can only rise because they are forced to collide with some surface as the wheel rotates is going to be a nonrunner because of that resistance torque you described.

      Also, I couldn't make one of those poem writing, ship drawing robots Henri Maillardet made if my life depended on it!

    8. Yes I agree, good work Jason. JC

    9. @anon 01:08

      I just took another look at that video of Maillardet's robot you gave a link for. They said is was built around 1810 which means that it was built when Maillardet was around 65 years old since he was born in 1745. I find that hard to believe and think it was probably built decades earlier. But that then raises another possibility.

      The little robot is writing with a pen and it's not a quill pen that has to be constantly dipped into a filled ink well halfway through every sentence. From looking at his poem and drawing he apparently writes or draws continuously with his little pen. That means he was actually using some sort of FOUNTAIN PEN containing an ink supply! But, the first English patent for a fountain pen was not issued until 1809.

      So not only did Maillardet invent that amazing little toy of his, but he may also have invented the fountain pen DECADES ahead of its official date of creation by someone else.

      I also noticed that the robot's head moves and I could swear that his eyes even blink!

    10. Those failed MT wheels anon 8:30 mentioned were all really just different types of what are called "ramp designs" and that Maillardet wheel is also another ramp design only it uses the pins on the center hub as the ramps. I know from enough bad personal experiences with them that ramp designs don't work and I don't waste time with them anymore.

      But I think that Ken B wheel design is a horse of a different color. It is definitely not just another ramp design. Its weights raise themselves up automatically as the wheel turns and no ramps outside or inside the wheel are needed like we see in MT 12 and MT 13. Some here think it's not Bessler's design but I wouldn't be too fast to assume that. It looks very impressive to me.

    11. @anon 20:23

      Maillardet's robot or automaton is amazing. The brass cams that control all of the movements in it are located under the floor that his little desk rests on and his eyes do blink. His left arm is also able to move around a little. I found this chart that gives an idea of the mind boggling mechanics needed to make him work. Something like this must have taken years to plan, build, and debug.

      The doll itself is not that big. Here's a photo of it with Charles Penniman who was the curator of the Franklin Institute that now has the automaton on permanent display. It was donated to the museum by the estate of John Penn Brock and arrived in pieces. Penniman had to reassemble everything and get it working again. It is considered to be the most complex automaton ever built. I agree!

      We could probably easily duplicate something like this today using some sort of pen controlled by a computer program and small electric motors. But Maillardet hand made this automaton decades before the electric motor was even invented!

      PM Dreamer

  16. Soon it will be revealed, the Bessler wheel - the singular greatest invention in all of the entire universe, invented by the super super super genius Johann Bessler

    1. Let’s hope so! JC

    2. Looks like we are beginning to have a bumper crop of solutions to triple super genius Bessler's pm wheel!

      There are now JC's, KB's, SG's, and maybe even HM's if it can be made so as to eliminate that pesky resistance torque that also doomed MT13. Who next will be added to this illustrious and slowly growing list of genius Bessler pm wheel chasers?!

      Was anon 08:27 hinting above that he is ready to announce that he also has a solution so he can be added to the list? If so, will he amaze us by revealing all or will he endlessly drip feed us tantalizing hints about his design and how, after many decades of study involving dozens of rare sources, he finally rediscovered it?

      However, perhaps he will quickly disappoint us by telling us that we are not yet worthy to receive his design and that we must first prove our worthiness to him by regularly begging him for it. Are we humble enough to do that to learn one of the greatest secrets in all of history? Seems like a small price to pay...

      We truly live in amazing times. Hopefully, we won't see it all turn into yet another dismal crop failure!

      One can only guess how many past crop failures there were back in the 18th, 19th, and 20th and even earlier centuries. Their many tons of past withered crops were eventually plowed under to prepare the field of pm wheel research for the next bumper crop. The pm wheel chasers involved were also all eventually planted.

      But, this is a brand new century and surely we will not experience such another crop failure especially considering the copious amounts of Bovine Substance fertilizer that have been applied to the field of pm wheel research recently thanks to the miracle of the internet. This time things MUST be different! potent is the odor of all of that BS fertilizer...I believe that we will indeed have a huge crop and harvest this time!



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...