Saturday, 13 August 2022

The Solution Lies within the Existing Documents.

We should return to the task in hand and leave aside the dubious benefits of Remote Viewing, we need to trust only what we know.  We can only ‘know’ something we can acknowledge through observation, inquiry and or information.  Although we know that Bessler died when he fell from the roof of the windmill he was building, we only know about it from a written report from the time, but we don’t know how a remote viewer described it so accurately through some theoretical paranormal action beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding

I published photos of the remains of the windmill in 2010 but the RV report was published in 2008 so the r-viewer did not have my photos to use as comparison so that is a positive for him.  But the file about my search criteria included only the year 1712, but Bessler fell in 1745, so the r-viewer missed the date by 33 years, not so good.  But in the end, how come there was so much information about a separate event at a different time, but relating to Bessler, including what the windmill looked like, yet nothing from the 1712 wheel.

I published the Remote Viewing report with some misgivings but this recent re-evaluation exercise has confirmed to my mind that it can safely be dismissed as it contains nothing of value in determining the solution to Bessler’s wheel.

There are a number of documents relating to Bessler’s wheel which contain witness reports, official examination reports, letters to and from and about Johann Bessler.  These are accessible from the links in the side panel, both at the top and the bottom.  The links also connect with my other web sites which also contain additional information.

These details should be enough for us to find the solution to Bessler’s wheel and lead to a device for generating free, clean electricity.



  1. "... how come there was so much information about a separate event at a different time, but relating to Bessler, including what the windmill looked like, yet nothing from the 1712 wheel."

    It was just a random guess that happened to match one of the details of Bessler's life. It really means nothing. What about everything else he remote viewed that was nonsense? He could have scribbled practically anything down and someone here would say it must refer to this or that event from Bessler's life.

    Zeroing in only on the data that supports one's beliefs while ignoring the data that does not support it or actually contradicts it is known as "selection bias" in psychology. Humans have a tendency to do this all the time and usually aren't even aware that they are doing it.

  2. John You believe that Bessler wanted to get credit for this after he died I don't think that was the only motivation or maybe it wasn't the motivation at all. I do understand that he left it in the same kind of way he found it hidden in the past. I do believe you're going to do exactly like you say you're going to do the question is still what's your motivation it is always been that question hasn't it John? Bessler chooses who he gives the information to he made sure of that. Using what he already knew to be true! . Greed is an evil that blinds then confuses everyone who uses it.

    1. I think acknowledgement after he died was his last resort, he had other reasons but I don’t know what they were for sure.

      I don’t know what you mean by “ I do understand that he left it in the same kind of way he found it hidden in the past”.

      My motivation has always been the same - find the solution and tell the world. Greed? Who? Me? I want to give it away Stephen.


    2. Greed is actually a very good thing, SG. It is our genetically evolved and constant "need for more" and it motivated early humans to leave their caves and begin looking for new sources of food and energy and the methods and tools needed to obtain them.

      If not for greed, modern civilization and all of its scientific and technological achievements would not now exist and I would not be describing its many benefits here on the internet today. God help humanity if we ever stop being greedy and wanting to get as much as we can with as little effort as possible.

      Seeking pm is just another example of human greed at work. We seek a machine that will continuously put out energy, but not require us to constantly feed it fuel. That desire is a perfect example of human greed at work!

      Bessler may have denounced greed as an "evil root", but that did not prevent him from demanding a fortune in silver for the secret of his pm wheels! Apparently, he was blind to his own greed! When his greed was not satisfied, he then decided to screw the world by denying them the satisfaction of their greed by not revealing the secret of his pm wheels to them.

      Bessler was probably one of the greediest and most vindictive people who ever lived! If we want to duplicate his achievements, then I think it's really because we secretly want to be as greedy as he was. Like him, we want to actually make as much money off of our discovery as possible.

      Some say that's not their intention? Lol! I have no doubt that they will VERY quickly change their tune when they see that miraculous invention, that they spent years struggling to obtain at the expense of their OWN health and money and which they then gave away for free to prove to themselves and the rest of the world how noble and unselfish they are, making OTHERS and THEIR families into millionaires and billionaires while they continue to scrape by on a pittance per month from some government pension program.

      It's time to get real everyone and learn to love being greedy! I want to become as greedy as Bessler was and even more if possible!


    3. @Shemp
      I thought you were only the latest clown to show up here to entertain us, but now I see you are quite the philosopher. You took us beyond the happy talk we usually see on these blogs and into a deeper truth.

      Like you I believe that anyone who claims he's only a selfless saint looking to make this a better world with his free energy machine really isn't being honest with himself or others. He's probably afraid to admit that he's looking for some sort of payoff for his creation which will be in the form of a big ego trip and wealth increase.

      Think about this. How many people who win big lottery prizes give all of the money away to charities? So far I don't know of any. I read somewhere that about 70% of them go on a nonstop spending spree and actually wind up bankrupt only a few years later. They use all of that cash to satisfy their greedy material needs and the hell with tomorrow! Those big lottery prizes can quickly bring out people's true nature.

    4. So far the only people I see making any money off of free energy are the hoaxers looking for suckers to investor in their machines, the monetized video channel, website, and blog owners, and the authors whose books promote the subject. The number of people actually making money off of real WORKING machines is currently ZERO.

      This has gone on since the days of Bessler three centuries ago. I doubt if anything will change in the next three centuries. It will just be more of the same year after year. Oldsters will eventually drop dead convinced they would finally have found success if only they were younger and healthier. They will be replaced by the latest batch of enthusiastic newbies who are all convinced that their latest pm idea can't fail. After it does you'll see the few that don't just quit and get on with other things starting their own free energy channels, websites, blogs, and writing books a few years later and trying to make a buck that way.

  3. Thank you Mr. John Collins for bringing awareness to Johann Bessler and his invention. Otherwise they may have been lost among the footnotes of history. We are grateful for all your efforts!

    1. It may all still be "lost among the footnotes of history" if a solution is not found and soon. The clock is ticking and the masses out there demand results and not just endless discussion and theories.

  4. After all of the coincidences that you have experienced John it's funny you're willing to throw away the viewers impressions whether or not you derived any knowledge from them it is a validation to ones who have eyes to see. Now, as far as the motivation questions let's go to a perfect example of it. what you allow to go on this blog allowing anonymous particularly Shemp to regurgitate over and over again the stupidity of man and call it good. You can polish a turd all you like it's still a turd guaranteed the smell gets all over. it's only logical to draw the conclusion sounds like something I heard you say John it's it's a kind of overwhelming evidence don't you think. You can own the field you can even work in the field or you can glean field when you have need, but you're not allowed to take from the field what is not yours.

    1. @ SG - I’m sorry you think I threw away the r-viewers impressions, I meant that I saw no benefit in them with regard to Bessler’s wheel, but that is not to say that others might have seen something positive there.

      I have no choice about allowing anons to comment, but I prefer it if they sign in or just use their name.

      Finally I described your comment as ‘good’ not Shemp’s!


  5. Hey y'all,

    I described in another blog from 26 July 2022 that all the weights in a Bessler wheel have to be on the descending side at all times as it is spinning. Here is one humble interpretation to illustrate my words:

    The diagram shows a clockwise spinning wheel with 8 evenly-spaced seesaw levers around the rim. A torsion spring (blue circle) is attached to the center of each lever, much like the spring in your classic mouse trap. The bowl end of the lever is for holding a cylindrical weight. In the diagram there are two grey weights placed on the descending side. A pole hammer stands next to the brown axle. It is lifted periodically by a cam/teeth on the turning axle and then free falls afterward. The torsion spring needs to be properly "sized" so that the lever can still swing out and touch the wheel rim after it catches the flung weight in its bowl. If the spring is too stiff the weight will fall off because the lever won't swing out. If the spring is too weak, it won't be able to fling the weight later.

    As the weight descends near the bottom of the wheel, the combined forces of the falling hammer and lever spring eject the weight and land it on an empty lever higher up on the descending side.

    Permanent magnets repelling each other can probably be used in the wheel system to supplement the projectile action. One magnet is set below the outside of the wheel and the others are affixed to the lever bowls.

    On another note, didn't we say earlier that our planet is beautiful? Celebration at Heavenly Lake:

    (at 1:50, eight terpsichoreans are spinning the wheel. Cool huh?)

    formerly anon 19:35

    1. @mryinyang (can we just call you "Mr. YY" in the future?)

      Your design is interesting, but I can see some obvious problems with it that would probably not make it the one Bessler used.

      First, he wrote that nothing inside his wheels is attached to the axle and your design has a falling "pole hammer" that must be kept near the axle so it can be lifted and dropped eight times per wheel rotation by cam teeth on the axle (your drawing only shows one tooth, but there would have to be eight teeth). Keeping that pole hammer perfectly vertically oriented near the axle would require additional structures to be hanging off of the rotating axle that you don't show in your drawing.

      Second, lifting that pole hammer is going to use up all of the gravitational potential energy lost by the falling weights on the wheel's descending side during each 45 degrees of wheel rotation. There won't be any extra gravitational potential energy left over to accelerate the wheel or allow its axle to operate outside machines that were attached to the axle.

      Third, trying to get one of the weights to land exactly in the bowl at the end of each lever will not be an easy thing to do. If the weight misses, it will fall down to the next lever below it and then be carried over to the left ascending side of the wheel and that will cause the wheel to slow down and stop.

      Fourth, those skeptics examining Bessler's wheels during official tests probably held a compass below and above a wheel to check for any magnetic fields that might be used to turn a wheel. If they had found any, they would have concluded that all of his wheels were faked. They do not mention finding any in the written records of the tests we have.

      Also, I don't think trying to keep all of the weights on a wheel's descending side was what Bessler meant when he poetically wrote "one side is full and heavy and the other is light and empty". He was probably referring to just the center of gravity of the weights in his wheels being located on one side of a wheel which would be its descending side. The individual weights, however, would have actually been arranged around and near the outer circumference of a wheel. But, the weights on the rising side of the wheel would have always been a little closer to the axle than were the weights on the descending side of the wheel.

      The required action of the weights in your design reminds me a little of the Daisuke Fujikawa pm machine shown in the video below. Unfortunately, it is just a fake made using high resolution computer animation:


      Btw...for those that don't know, wikipedia says that "the Uyghurs are a Turkic ethnic group originating from and culturally affiliated with the general region of Central and East Asia. The Uyghurs are recognized as native to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in Northwest China."

      That "Heavenly Lake" that those women were dancing near is very beautiful and serene. It's nice that there are still places like that on Earth that have not yet been spoiled by pollution and climate change.

    2. The drawing is obviously a rough computer sketch. It doesn't represent how the wheel parts would look like or represent Bessler's various wheel designs. Even his wheels differed in performance and dimensions between them. The intend is to illustrate how the components work together to keep the wheel turning. In actuality the pole hammer hangs over the axle and is bottom-heavy. This bottom-heaviness I believe is necessary for it to stay more or less vertical, but you don't see that in the sketch because it's a sketch... The hammer is not attached to the axle. It is adjacent to it and falls freely after being lifted.

      "Lifting that pole hammer is going to use up all of the gravitational potential energy lost by the falling weights" -- Not so. If the mass of the hammer is less than the total mass of the weights there will be only some loss.

      This design definitely requires precision and repeatability. Than again the other designs I've come across show some element/aspect of precision as well.

      The magnets were my contribution to the design. I don't think Bessler used magnets at all. I'm open to any ideas that could potentially improve on the wheel.

      We don't really how he meant when Bessler stated one side being full and the other, empty. He could have been poetic; he could have been literal. I take the latter because intuitively it makes the most sense to me. The further away the center of gravity is from the axle the greater the ability for the wheel to do external work.

      So many places to vist, to see in so little time... If anyone isn't bored yet, here's another one. I like to call it Unity of (Wo)man, Nature, and Technology:

    3. Hello and welcome MRYY!

      You wrote "If the mass of the hammer is less than the total mass of the weights there will be only some loss."

      That's true, but it's also a problem. If the mass of the hammer being raised is less than the total mass of the weights falling as the hammer is raised, then the hammer will not be able to deliver enough energy to one of the weights to shoot it back up again high enough to keep the motion going.

      I've seen the same problem with so many other designs. They don't work because the amount of mass falling per second can never be more than the amount rising per second. This is why all of those perpetual water wheel designs by Robert Fludd would eventually stop working:

      One has to figure out how to make the amount of mass falling per second be more than the amount rising per second. Science says it's impossible to do that, but it's really the only way to make a gravity powered pm machine or wheel work.

      Bessler must have known how to do it. We don't!

    4. @anon 23:07 wrote: "One has to figure out how to make the amount of mass falling per second be more than the amount rising per second. Science says it's impossible to do that..."

      Science would also say it's even more impossible to have more mass rising per second than is falling per second. But Ken B shows exactly how to do that in this video of his:

      So much for the predictions of science!

    5. The projectile system utilizes the force of the downward hammer AND the torque of the unwound spring to shoot the weight back up. These two forces work hand in hand. One force alone cannot accomplish the task.

      The only way to know for sure if the design is plausible is to make one.

      I may well be wrong on this but I have a hunch as to why all pm wheel designs since Bessler just don't work. OOB issue aside, the weights are always in one form or another "tethered" to the wheel system, such as to the levers, to the chords, to the wheel surfaces over which the weight balls roll, etc. The weights are never independent of the system even for a very brief period of time so that they may possess energy independent of it. I feel this independent energy is needed to replenish the wheel and keep it spinning. These tethered weights may seem like they are effecting change but it's really energy belonging to the system that's being moved around. In other words the weights are part and parcel of the wheel itself. Nothing has changed. So the turning wheel seeks equilibrium and eventually comes to a full stop...

      Bessler, describing his design, stated the weights were in "wonderfully speedy flight". Assuming the translation is correct the term "flight" suggests to me the act of moving through space UNTETHERED. The weights are free flying within that fleeting moment. They separate themselves from the system and when they return to it, they inject fresh energy.

    6. @mryy

      Your idea of weights flying about inside of Bessler's wheels is certainly a new one for me. I like it. Yes, he did write the weights were in "wonderfully speed flight" which suggests they might have been momentarily detached or "untethered" from the rotating wheel itself. Trying to computer simulate something like that to see if it is actually workable would probably not be easy though.

      @anon 00:36

      That "great craftsman" video by Ken B is interesting and obviously works as shown. However, I realized it would be useless for making a pm machine.

      The reason is because after the 1 pound weight drops 1 foot on the short end of the lever and raises the 4 pound weight 4 feet up on the long end of the lever, if you then unload the 4 pound weight and the 1 pound weight from the two ends of the lever, the long arm of the lever will not be able to drop back down again to pick up another 4 pound weight! The still stretched spring attached to the long arm of the lever will only allow it drop a very short distance down because of the small weight of the long arm and not all the way down 4 feet to pick up another 4 pound weight.

      Ken B's setup shown in the video can only be used once to lift the 4 pound weight as the 1 pound weight drops. He shows a 1 pound weight doing that over and over again, but that is only because the video is looped.

      PM Dreamer

    7. Correct it is not impossible to raise a heavier mass across a larger distance with a lighter mass across a smaller distance , given the aid of a secondary force that adds to the total force or brings the force to equilibrium.

      Science & mechanics & physics does not stipulate that this is impossible to do , it can be done , in fact counter balance lifting systems and gravity "equalizers" are not new inventions , they exist and are used in a lot of applications.

      The supplementary force however , does not come free nor has it ever been able to be redirected (reset) by everyone who has dealt with such spring designs(they are not new nor unknown to us) , THIS is where science & physics & mechanics has a lot to more to say .

    8. To make the point cleared , consider throwing an weight upwards , its potential energy rises (gravity potential) , that is not considered impossible .

      Consider a falling weight whether thrown down or simply gravitating down, the falling weight loses potential energy ,that is not considered impossible.

      Consider an exchange of potential energy , one weight being lifted by another , one loses potential and the other gains potential , that is not considered impossible.

      Consider to continue the motion , the weight or whatever lost the potential in the exchange to lift the other , has to regain its potential again , that is where the issue is at , once the potential has been lost in the exchange there is no energy to re instate it back , it is not the object going up that is considered a problem it is the object/process doing the work to over and over again , providing the energy over and over again which is the problem .

    9. @PM Dreamer
      To be fair to Ken B and also Bessler, nowhere in his video's description does Ken say that his great craftsman lift method could be used to achieve pm and when you read Bessler's verses in the AP poem they only tell you that whoever understands the lifting method that Bessler describes there (I'm assuming here that Ken's version of it is correct) will "soon the motion perpetuate".

      I don't think Bessler was saying that exact lift method he describes was how his wheels worked, but just that SOME principle in it was used in his wheels. But which principle?

      My guess is that it was the use of stretched springs attached to weight holding levers to help to effectively reduce their weights on a wheel's ascending side so they could be more easily moved about by cords or ropes attached to other levers on the wheel's descending side. Apparently, this is necessary so a wheel can stay imbalanced no matter how it is turned about and also while it is self turning.

      Also, I'm convinced that the use of springs inside of Bessler's wheels means they could not have used rolling metal balls as weights. You wouldn't be able to attach a spring to a rolling ball. The spring would have to be attached to some sort of lever. However, I guess it's also possible that he could have just used springs as shock absorbers to suddenly slow a rolling ball and transfer its momentum to a wheel's drum.

      All this is fine to debate, but it still does not answer a basic question which is how can a collection of weights following a closed path around the inside of one of Bessler's wheels manage to produce energy for outside use? According to physics that is impossible. How did Bessler do the impossible? Obviously if he did do it, then it really isn't impossible and physics must be wrong!

    10. To anon 14:37

      In my proposed design the potential energies of the reciprocating hammer and the lever springs are reinstated -- as long as the wheel is out-of-balance hence turning. The ejected weight transfers the potential energy (PE) of one lever spring to another. It is cyclical. I feel how the levers are situated on the wheel is important...the gravity of the landed weight has to be properly utilized to optimize the PE of the spring lever receiving the weight. The only way to find out if this works is to build one...

      We live in the 21st century and our understanding of the world and universe around us has *vastly* increased. There are those who are supposedly well-versed in science, physics and mechanics. Yet none so far have been able to decipher Bessler's secret of 300 years ago. How much do they think they know?

      Yes, I am confident the Bessler wheel was a legitimate device and it did operate within the laws of physics.

    11. I know more about it from experience than just talking about it , i personally dont like springs but there was i time i explored the concepts for GPE and springs and lifting and falling etc just as many others have or still are:

      I personally don't really care what method gets us or myself there in the end , as long as we/I get there .

      I am more in to trying to find some kind of proof for a real possibility , rather than just having a theory , trying to find fact rather than being opinioned , sadly i dont have a lot more than theory atm as for what might have happened.

      I only wish we can have hands on experience , with what the real possibility was , we think bessler found , real proof of whatever it could have been.

    12. @JB
      Trying to 'prove' anything when it comes to B's wheels is never going to happen unless someone finds another document that B didn't destroy that shows the design of his wheel. Not just clues or hints, but an actual drawing of the wheel and all of its parts.

      Even if someone announces they've "found it" based on clues and even if it works, whether or not someone accepts it as being B's design really comes down to whether or not he accepts the discoverer's clues and his interpretations of them. Even if 90% do, the remaining 10% will not and say some other design was really B's. That other design will only be theirs of course.

      JC's translations of B's books have been out for over a decade so far, but some people are still debating the translations of certain words and sentences in them or how they should be properly interpreted. A some of those pretending to be B "experts" probably haven't even bothered reading those translations because they assume that they were only intended by B to mislead people so why bother?

      However, those "experts" all believe that B actually did have a runner and when they finally get something running, that will mean it must automatically be very similar to B's design and they really don't care if anyone accepts that or not. Their satisfaction will come from finally having a runner while everyone else can only keep talking about getting one someday, but never producing anything other than a lot of hot air.

    13. That's the thing you cant really go out to prove much about Bessler because you dont have anything from him to prove ,why im more focused on just trying to prove my own theories correct or wrong , than get stuck on what Bessler said , even though i do think the man was an honest individual and there are things he wrote/said to explore.

      Physics is very counter intuitive , what you might expect or presume to happen , usually ends up being different from reality.

      Testing out aspects or the entire theory you have , either lends more weight to it or not , and in doing so helps you move forward and build upon what is real and what is not ,learning what is problematic instead of just being stuck at having a theory and no outcome.

  6. Does anybody have a translation or transcription of Bessler's document entitled "Full Disclosure on the Principal of Perpetual Motion" (the actual German title being "Prinzip des Perpetuum Mobile" as assigned by the library)? As it is, I can barely read fraktur, but this kurrent script he handwrites in is just too impossible for me! I know its probably some nonsense babbling he does again to confuse the reader, but I can't help but think there might be some important clue within? Or perhaps a code?

    1. His "full disclosure" will just be him rambling on about his wheels using weights and being overbalanced. Don't expect any details of how he managed to make them do that. The price for those details was 100,000 reichsthalers and not a pfennig less!

    2. You need to provide a link please and I will tell you what it is about.


    3. @JC
      Here is the link, its a pdf file and it is 8 pages long:

      @Anonymous15 August 2022 at 19:13
      True! Like I said, most likely he just rambles on, and no I don't expect him to spell out all the details plainly. I just can't help getting excited over the title though, but I'm seriously wondering if perhaps a clue or two was hidden in some way here, most likely in a confusing phrase or so, like he usually does. We won't know without a full translation, though.

    4. This is among over 600 documents I have copies of and nearly all are illegible to most people. It is possible to pick out some words but without the remaining text it is hopeless. I strongly doubt that anything in the document you have linked to will provide anything of value relating to how the wheel worked.

      I have a correspondent in Germany who has been ploughing through this massive collection for many years and he is an expert but until or unless some one succeeds in building a working model, he isn’t planning on publishing any of it. He is also waiting for another collection of documents to be recovered from damp and mould and given access to them, but that too is going to take time.

      Sorry to disappoint but many of these documents are letters to and from Bessler and are unlikely to give anything away.


    5. Half the battle with understanding this document is reading his scrawling handwriting and the other half is translating it accurately into English. Not a job for amateurs to attempt. Too bad they didn't have typewriters back then!

    6. Yes indeed! I have tried almost entirely unsuccessfully, to read or transcribe Bessler’s handwriting in the documents I have. My correspondent did tell me that there are 60 pages of notes in defence of the charges made by his maid. Mostly he blamed his mother-in-law and her two sons and daughter who all came to live with him after her husband died. They plotted against him trying to extract money from here by some illegal means.


    7. JC 16 August 2022 at 18:01 said:
      "This is among over 600 documents I have copies of and nearly all are illegible to most people"

      Do you plan on ever releasing those 600 documents to the public? Such as links to pdf documents?

    8. I’ve often considered it, but I’m not sure I’d even know how to do it. The file of 600 documents are all Tiff files which could be converted to jpegs but even then how could I offer them for public access?


    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Thanks Marco, I had forgotten that link. My copies were all obtained many years ago on photographic negatives from the museum library and these latest ones ar probably better quality.


    11. Neither of those two links Marco gave works!

    12. Hello 17:24, yes that's right. But you should also manage to follow the instructions that I wrote before.
      I couldn't deny the links. I deleted the comment and inserted the instructions as EDIT.
      Thanks for the hint and forgiveness for the inconvenience.

      If you enter the search term "Orffyraeana" in a search engine, you can reach the collection directly with the first link. The content list appears and if you click the PDF icon of the respective section on the far right, it will be downloaded high-resolution. You can change the website in the top right in German, English, Spanish and French.
      All the best for research.

      Marco Z.

    13. @JC
      If you have all the files in a single folder, you can right click on the folder and then send to a compressed zip file. Then, you go to and upload the file for free. Alternatively, you can upload each of the individual tiff files, but zip is probably easier. It will take huge files, so you don't have to worry about size.

    14. John, to add to Anon's comment above, don't forget to share the filebin link so you don't lose access to the file. I will gladly turn the tiff files into a pdf for you, so you don't have to worry about having to do that. I will also archive the filebin link in the wayback machine, because it expires in six days from filebin, but it will stay permanently in wayback. At any rate, once I make the pdf, we probably won't need the tiffs anyway.

      Just as a side note, you posted a document on the blog here before that I absolutely cannot find anywhere online (and yes, with all due respect to Marco Z, I am aware of the Orffyraeana catalog), so I am quite confident that you have some materials that we haven't seen before. Regardless of whether one feels that they are important or trivial, we need to at least let the public see these to give their own examination, because you never know if that one document gives that one tidbit to that one person who in turn discovers the wheel. I for one will be very excited to see what you have, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone here.

    15. @21:26. I have several documents which I have published here over the last nine years or so, but you’ll,have to give me more information about it and how long ago I published it.


    16. @21:26 I forgot to add my thanks for the offer to pdf my files. It seems as though there are other options to access the files, so I must consider my next move, but thanks.


    17. @anon 19:13 way above wrote "Don't expect any details of how he managed to make them do that. The price for those details was 100,000 reichsthalers and not a pfennig less!"

      That was the original price 300 years ago. Fortunately, today's price is a far more affordable $9.99! Seems too good to be true but I'm going to get the download just in case it is true.

  7. If you Google “Johann Bessler” "Prinzip des Perpetuum Mobile" you get the following website, and you have the option to translate to English.

    Das Perpetuum mobile – oder: wie das Provisorische in die …

    I’m not sure what this document is, but down a few paragraphs you will see this. The key part is the last sentence. The author does not explain where this information comes from.

    … In 1718 it finally seems that time has come – the European elite up to the Russian Tsar Peter I learn about the 'Kassler Rad', the first perpetual motion machine. Johann Ernst Elias Beßler, alias Orffyré, was looking for investors for his perpetic construction and even provided proof of this in the run-up to a possible money transaction: For twelve weeks, the wheel-shaped apparatus rotated in his house – this demonstration, three months exemplary for infinity, was sufficient to attest to the correct functioning and a broad public attention, especially possible donors, generated. It was only after Orffyrés' death that the truth became apparent – the wheel turned for weeks because well-paid employees secretly supplied energy.

    1. It's just a five page article written in November, 2015 by Cristina Dorfling about Bessler. Maybe it was for a course she took at the University of Kunste in Berlin?

      She seems to assume that one corrupted maid's perjurious testimony about the Kassal wheel being hoaxed implies that all of Bessler's wheels were similarly hoaxed. But, Bessler's Gera wheel was mounted on a MOBILE stand that could be wheeled around to different locations. How would Bessler have used a hollow vertical support and steel rod with a hook at its end to power the axle of that wheel?

      It's amazing the nonsense people can come up with about Bessler and his wheels when they don't have all of the facts of his story!

    2. @anon23:35

      There's a guy named "Dr. Ramesh Menaria" who has an interesting and very colorful website devoted to Bessler at It's a little bizarre, but it has some interesting drawings he made on it.

      This one he made is for the Merseburg wheel being shown to a outdoor crowd. But, the Merseburg wheel was located inside of Bessler's rented home and was not portable. This drawing is more appropriate for the Gera wheel because, as you mentioned, of the cart that carries it.

      The clothing of the crowd is not appropriate for the 18th century, but rather for the 19th! It looks like his drawing of the wheel is the only part he actually did and then he just added bits and pieces from other artists' drawings to create the scene. There's a figure in the foreground playing with one of those scissor jack toys. Why? Who knows? Lol!

      Despite all of those problems, you have to admire Menaria's devotion to the subject.

      On the first page of his website he placed a drawing of Bessler and his wife! Bessler is shown holding a drawing. Is that drawing one of the ones that he later removed from MT and destroyed and which gave the secret of his wheels?! Did Menaria find some evidence we don't know about?

    3. @anon01:10
      I noticed there is a small hook at the end of that scissor toy in the drawing. Wonder what it was used for? Maybe you could use one of them to reach up and pull a piece of high hanging fruit off a tree?

      I read somewhere that these toys were used when a circus came to town. They would have comic characters called "harlequins" in front of the circus parade and they would run around using these toys to poke at people on the sides of streets as the circus passed through the town. The crowds loved it and would laugh hysterically at this. Wonder if anybody ever lost an eye as a result?

      Bessler shows one of these toys in MT on the toy page but it ends with an arrow head instead of a hook. That arrow head would be better for poking than collecting fruit.

    4. So here is my try at the Prinzip das Perpetuum Mobile.
      I only did page 1, this is an 8 page document, so there is more than what is shown below.
      After using Transkribus ocr, I found a bunch of gobbledygook which I will put below, some words didn't make any sense at all and so I put a ? in their place.
      "This is the whole principium moriem (principle of motion?) by the ? wheels in different close together and move around driving wheels which by several weights hanging down on either side are not unlike the wheels of a common city-watch(clock?) receive your drive and ?? hooked up from the shaft above ? of the big wheel so it runs around ? hanging down and drooping inside the interior and therefore in teh circulating wheel perpetual ? hover(float?)"
      and then it gets weird about a spatula and a steer driven by court judges hanging on a piece of wool "so that the wheel drive is not seen and consequently the secret is not seen"

      Below are 4 different recognition enegine results for comparison (again, this is only for page 1):

      Es bestehet das gantze prncepium moren
      von H. Wageners Rade in unterschiedlichen
      meinander schließenden und sich herumb
      treibenden Krädern, welche durchetliche zu¬
      beyden seiten herashoegerde gewuhte nicht
      anders als die ruder einer gemeinen Stad¬
      uhr, ihren tries empfangen und vrreite
      telst verhanen oben von der wolle oder ag¬
      des großen rades, so man hernen laufen
      siehet, herabhangen, und also wnwedig
      in dem hermenlaufenden rorde perpendin
      cularter schweben, und kan man sich
      die sache fast nicht beßer einbilden, als
      wan man sich einen bratenwender vom
      stellet, der durch gerichtstene getrieben
      wird und oben durch hacten an durstle
      hänget, damit nuch dieses raderwerkn
      do dem großen rade den trisb piebe nicht gesehen und folglich das geheimnuß entdeckt

      Es bestehet, das guate principium monens
      von H. Wageners Rade in unterschiedlichen
      eneinander schließenden und sich herumb
      treibenden rädern, welche durch etliche zu
      beyden Zeiten herabhängende gerichte nicht
      anders als die räder einer gemene Stadt¬
      uhr ihren trieb empfangen und permit¬
      telst rer hacten oben von der welle oder an¬
      des großen rades, so man herrnlaufen
      fiehet, herabhangen, und also iwedige
      in dem herumlaufenden rade perpendiu
      culariter schweben, und kan man sich
      die sache fast nicht beßer einbilden, als
      wan man sich einen bratenwender vom
      stellet, der durch gericht steergetrieben
      wird und oben durch hacten an der wolle
      hanget, damit nuh dieses rachewerd,
      so dem großen rade den trieb giebt nicht gesehen und folglich das geheinrnuß entdrcte

      Es bestehet das gaute prmenpium moveni
      von H. Warrners Rade in uinterschiedliche
      meinander schließenden und sih herumb
      tredbenden räden, welche dürchetliche zu
      beyden heiten herabhangende gewichte nicht
      anders als die räder einer gemungn Stach¬
      uhr, ihren trieb empfangen und grreite
      telst rer hacten oben von der welleoder an
      des großen redes, so man hernen laufen
      fiehet, herabhangen, und also inwedig
      in dem herumlaufenden rade perpendiu
      culanter scchweben und kom man sich
      die sache fast nicht beßer einbilden, als
      wan man sich einen bratenweeder von
      stellet, des durch gericht stin getrieben
      wird und oben durch hacten and wolle
      hangt, damit nicht dieses raderwerd
      so dem großen rade den Trisb giebt
      nicht gesehen und folglich das geheimmunß entdikt

      Es bestehet das guate principium movens
      von H. Wageners Rade in unterschiedliche
      ieinander schließenden und sich hirumb
      treibenden rädern, welche durchetliche zu
      beyden seiten herabhangende gewichte nicht
      anders als die räder einer gerenen Stadt¬
      uhr, ihren trieb empfangen und vermite
      telst rer hanen oben von der wolle oder au
      des großen rades, so man herum laufen
      siehet, herabhangen, und also inwendige
      in dem herumlaufenden rade perpendin
      culariter schweben, und kam man sich
      die sache fast nicht beßer einbilden, als
      wan man sich einen bratenweeder vorn
      stellet, der durch gewichtestene getrieben
      wird und oben durch hacken ander wolle
      hänget, damit nuh dieses raderwerden
      so dem großen rade den Trieb giebt
      nicht gesehen und folglich das geheimnuß entdeckt

    5. TLDR
      "This is the whole principium moriem (principle of motion?) by the ? wheels in different close together and move around driving wheels which by several weights hanging down on either side are not unlike the wheels of a common city-watch(clock?) receive your drive and ?? hooked up from the shaft above ? of the big wheel so it runs around ? hanging down and drooping inside the interior and therefore in teh circulating wheel perpetual ? hover(float?)"
      and then it gets weird about a spatula and a steer driven by court judges hanging on a piece of wool "so that the wheel drive is not seen and consequently the secret is not seen"

    6. @Anon 04:27
      I found this image of a harlequin using a large scissor type gadget. You can't see the far end and what he's doing with it though.

      @Anon 04:29
      Not sure what to make of that "translation". Sounds like someone thought that the "principle" involved descending weights inside of the drums of Bessler's wheels. But, on page 278 of AP, Bessler wrote:

      "But one swallow does not a summer make, and there still remained one or two fools and idiots who would start off the old wild-goose chase again with their lies about my wheel needing to be wound up. My answer to them is this; you go and make a wheel that turns both ways before you spout off again. And then I will still be able to cap it all by making the true claim - even my enemies won't be able to deny it - that no weights hang from the axle of my wheel."

      Bessler says there that there were no weights descending at the ends of ropes or chains wrapped around the axle inside of a wheel and he seems to think that building a two way wheel proves that. I have my doubts about that belief, but I do agree that his wheels did not use descending weights to power them like found in a grandfather clock.

    7. Hmmm... Bessler's own admission of fraud in one of his private documents?

    8. @Anon
      "Hmmm... Bessler's own admission of fraud in one of his private documents?"

      Not likely, this "Prinzip" document was taken from Orffyraeana, as Marco Z has already mentioned, and was in a section of letters from Wagner. The phrase "es bestehet das guate principium moriem von H Wageners rader" is saying that the principle is "from H. Wageners wheels", and the name may very well be "Herr Wagner."

    9. Sounds like Wagner was just telling someone that Bessler's wheel had to use the same principle or design as Wagner used in a fake pm wheel that he personally constructed. Here's a diagram of that fake wheel that Wagner published in one of his tracts criticizing Bessler's wheels:

      He would have to use a socket wrench to wind up two giant springs contained in those drums at the bottom and then they would drive the gear train above them to move the straight arm "o" up and down which would then work the crank that comes out of a split axle inside the wheel. Wagner's wheel would not be self-starting from all positions, but it could be made to turn in both directions.


    10. @jason
      and also anon, I have a question for you both. How do you get "wagner" from the word on that document that clearly does not spell wagner, wagonner, or any other such thing? and the h is part of the word too you know. also wagner's wheel used springs, like you said, but the prinzip translation mentions weights on either side of the wheel, not springs. this is not wagner's wheel. what it says is that there are wheels in the big wheel that close in together (bessler said "the weights come to be placed together") and weights drop on the descending side and then hover or float on the side going up. how is that wagner's wheel?

    11. @anon 18:15

      anon 11:42 wrote:

      "...this "Prinzip" document was taken from Orffyraeana, as Marco Z has already mentioned, and was in a section of letters from Wagner. The phrase "es bestehet das guate principium moriem von H Wageners rader" is saying that the principle is "from H. Wageners wheels", and the name may very well be "Herr Wagner." "

      That letter H is assumed to stand for "Herr" and that seems most likely. The part about "weights on either side of the wheel" might refer to weights outside of the wheel that were attached to its axle by ropes and could rise and fall like the weights in clock when it is running down and then wound up again.

      I think if these translations are typical of what will come out of those other 600 documents JC has copies of, then nothing of any real value will come out of any of it. Bessler might have been educated, but his penmanship in private letters left much to be desired. He also used a lot of idiomatic phrases, now obsolete technical terms, and shortened phrasing that make it virtually impossible for any sort of AI translator to accurately translate them. They need to be translated by a professional that specializes in early 18th century documents. Unfortunately, they are few and far between and don't work cheap.

      Would anyone want to invest maybe tens of thousands of dollars to have 600 pages accurately translated only to find out that they just contain a lot of irrelevant techno babble from Bessler? Imo, we're lucky to have the translations that we currently have of Bessler's major works.

    12. We don't need to translate 600 pages of nonsense if we only have 8 pages that look informative. I would like to know how much it will cost to have the experts translate 8 pages, specifically this prinzip thing that everyone is discussing right now.


    14. Thanks anon 22:28, but it's just a list, in Latin, of the numbers and letters used to describe the parts of the Merseburg and Kassel wheels.


  8. Marco Z thank you!!! for the information on the high definition Orffyraeana it was able to give me insight in the refinement of a critical part I'm going to use that in a new simulation hopefully it will improve the amount of torque. Marco where do you live in the world I am in Chicago Illinois.

  9. Hello Stephen Glorioso, good to hear that you found new details.
    I am from Germany Saxony - now in Austria most of my time because of work. Simulations could be useful and I use Algodoo on Windows or Machinery2 App on Android tablet. But last time I try some real modeling. Good to use a 3D printer too ;-)
    My English is poor, so I am glad to read the blog with Google translation.
    Greetings - Marco Z.

  10. Marco Z I've used Algodoo before I'm unfamiliar with Machinery 2 is it about the same.
    Algodoo gives a lot of feedback in the physics is this Machinery 2 for Android equal to or better

    1. Hi Stephen Glorioso, Algodoo is very extensive in functions, Machinery2 is rather rudimentary. It is actually a skill game with different levels, but you can also create your own scenes with a sandbox. The basic elements are circles, rectangles, movable and fixed connecting points. Very limited but interesting to test.

    2. Marco Z thanks for the information yes algodoo is thorough I especially like the ability of it to plot all the forces in real time the force Direction arrows are very helpful. Put a load represented as a break and adjust the torque the machine design I tested recently ran and maintained its speed with a 600 Nm torque using the break. I have done many tests and created variations of the design it has remained to be consistent. I did expect the machine to run I didn't expect it to perform with that amount of power! It is truly extraordinary!
      In all the researching I've done over the years there should be no doubt to anyone who has studied Johan Besslers work once I reveal how and where it is hidden in his Communications. I have discovered absolute proof that this is what Bessler was conveying in a unique way in all of his Communications to the Future and also where the understanding came from.

    3. "I did expect the machine to run I didn't expect it to perform with that amount of power! It is truly extraordinary!"

      Looks like some tasty bait that SG is now using to lure in potential followers. But, will any take the bait? That will depend upon how hungry they are!


    4. Right now the burning question in everyone's mind is who will the first to reveal all of the secrets he learned about Bessler's wheels after years of study and experiment? Will it be JC or SG?

      And the correct answer is...NEITHER! Lol!

  11. Nothing ground breaking has happened here in 55 comments?!


    Above link is a generalized sketch of my take of a bi-directional wheel (I use MS Paint software so forgive me). The wheel has 8 pairs of levers (16 in all) arranged around the rim. Both ends of a lever have finger-like protrusions similar to the tines of a fork (see illustration below wheel). This allows closely spaced levers to overlap or pass over each other without touching.

    For each pair, one lever is used for the CW spin and the mirrored other (with solid blue circle) for the CCW. To spin the wheel in one direction, a push start in the opposite direction is initiated. So if one decides a CW spin, the wheel needs to be pushed some degree to the left to start.

    The pole hammer that hangs over the axle more accurately reflects its true form and configuration than the previous one I posted. It is shaped like a "T" and is bottom heavy. I think the shape and the weight distribution will help maintain verticality and minimize side-to-side swinging.

    Again, a generalized sketch. Lots of fine-tuning is needed if the design is workable.

    Bessler and Karl the Landgrave stated, implicitly and explicitly, that the wheel's internal mechanism is simple. If an offered design appears complicated, I would say it is a red flag that it is not a Bessler wheel.

    A zest for life:

    1. I think most here would agree that Bessler's two direction wheels actually contained two separate one direction wheels that each contained eight weighted levers because of the sudden doubling of drum thickness that occurs when Bessler went from building one direction to building two direction wheels. But we consider those two separate one directional wheels inside of a drum to have been placed side by side and your latest design actually blends the sixteen levers together and puts them into the same plane. The advantage of such a design is that it would not require drum thickness to be doubled and Bessler would have liked that because he was always trying to make his wheel drums as thin as possible for some reason.

      But, I still see a lot of problems with you using a dropping pole hammer to propel weights back up to a higher lever's end cup so you can keep all of the weights on one side of the drum. I think when one end of a lever is struck by the pole hammer, the weight will not fly outward toward the higher lever's cup near the drum's rim as you expect it to do, but rather will actually fly upward and toward the axle of the wheel. If that happens, then obviously this design will not work. Correcting such a flight path for each weight won't be an easy thing to do.


    2. John 8:16 kjv And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me.

    3. Let's SUPPOSE for once that Bessler's bi-wheels contained the same lever configuration that I posted earlier. I hypothesize the following (btw I don't have on hand the observed details of his various wheels) :

      1. If his levers were made of wood back then, it might make sense to widen them. Otherwise the finger protrusions would be thinner and likely break over time from repeated impacts of the weights. Wider levers allow for wider, sturdier fingers.

      - and/or -

      2. His large bi-wheels may have used heavier cylindrical weights which for whatever reason were longer rather than diametrically bigger. Hence, the need for thicker wheels.

      As for your reservations about the pole hammer, my answer is: Fine tune the process! Bessler did many experiments over the years to "perfect" his wheels. I feel this design fits many of the clues. I also feel intuitively that it can do external work like Bessler's. Then again just my feelings...

    4. "His large bi-wheels may have used heavier cylindrical weights which for whatever reason were longer rather than diametrically bigger."

      If throwing up a spherical weight so it reliably landed in a higher lever's end cup would be difficult, imagine how much more difficult it would be if the weight was cylindrical! Its axis would have to remain perfectly parallel to the axis of the wheel's axle during its flight upward to the higher lever and the weight would have to land perfectly in that lever's cup which would have to be shaped like a half cylinder to hold the cylindrical weight. I just see too many problems with a design like this.

    5. I thought about it. Considering the larger size of the bi-wheels, wouldn't a longer cylinder be more axially stable in flight versus a shorter one? I was thinking there's a higher chance of the shorter one rotating end to end in midair. If that happens, the receiving lever won't be able to hold onto the weight due to misalignment.

      In the proposed design the receiving lever catches the cylinder and swings out to the rim of the wheel almost horizontal. This swing out prevents the cylinder from falling off. Bessler could have used spherical weights I suppose. What made him decide on cylindrical ones?

      The only way to ascertain is to build a prototype of this design. Who knows? It may not be as difficult or impossible as we'd imagined. Reality doesn't always correspond to our mental predictions. Remember the naysayers who denied an airplane could ever fly? And airplanes are a lot more complex than Bessler's wheel I think...

  13. Jason mentioned Wagner's fake pm wheel earlier in this blog and that got me to thinking about Wagner and his criticisms of Bessler's wheels.

    Unlike others here, I don't really consider Wagner to be an "enemy" of Bessler. Wagner was probably the most intelligent critic of Bessler's wheels, but critics are not necessarily enemies. They just point out problems with something and seek additional info that can explain away those problems. Unfortunately, in the case of Bessler, he could only explain those problems away by revealing the details of his invention which he was certain would ruin the future sale of it and keep him from collecting the huge reward for it that he needed to fund other projects of his. I agree that most likely would have happened and the less who knew the details of his wheels internal arrangement of parts, the better.

    Was Wagner justified in his criticism of Bessler's perpetual motion wheels being fakes?

    Wagner was a mathematics professor and he knew that it was physically impossible for a weight A to drop vertically through a distance B while causing another identical weight, C, to rise vertically through a distance greater than B. He was 100% convinced that something like that could not be happening inside of Bessler's wheels which he thought would have to be happening if Bessler's wheels were truly perpetual motion wheels like Bessler claimed and could produce free energy forever.

    Since he considered that impossible, Wagner was forced to conclude that Bessler's wheels were fakes and had to either contain an internal supply of energy periodically supplied to them by someone from the outside world or could somehow automatically and continuously tap into some outside natural source of energy without anyone having to supply it to them.

    Wagner eventually likened Bessler's wheels to machines he was already familiar with which were ordinary clocks. Those had to be wound up by someone outside of them, would store that supplied energy inside of them, and then gradually use it to run and that's what gave Wagner the idea for his own fake pm wheel he constructed which he was convinced had to be the same basic design Bessler was using in his wheels. Wagner just viewed Bessler's wheels, like Wagner's smaller version, as large wound up clocks, but instead of making hands rotate around a dial with hour numbers on them, Bessler's wheels made their entire drums rotate.

    I've often wondered what would have happened if Bessler had allowed Wagner to visually inspect the internal parts of one of his wheels so that he could see for himself that they in no way worked like a giant clock movement. Of course, the price for that privilege would have been Wagner swearing never to divulge what he had seen unless Bessler gave him permission to do so. I wonder if he might then have published a pamphlet, without revealing what he'd seen, saying that he had seen the inside of Bessler's wheels and was now retracting all of his former doubts about them being genuine. That would have been nice if it had happened that way.

    Wagner no doubt would have been stunned to realize how wrong he had been. I don't think he'd have dropped dead on the spot from shock, but he would have been amazed and probably immediately returned to his blackboard and tried to use all of his math knowledge to determine where all of that mechanical energy produced by Bessler's wheels was coming from since he then would know the details of how their simple mechanics worked. One wonders what conclusion he would have reached. From carefully reading Bessler books, I get the feeling that even Bessler himself did not know where that energy produced by his wheels was coming from.

    PM Dreamer

    1. "Of course, the price for that privilege would have been Wagner swearing never to divulge what he had seen unless Bessler gave him permission to do so."

      Actually Wagner could have viewed the inside of Bessler's wheels...for a price, that is. It was a mere 4,000 thalers and also being willing to sign a blood curdling oath never to reveal what he'd seen and, if he did, beg God Almighty to cast his immortal soul down into the foulest, hottest, flaming pit of Hell for all eternity upon Wagner's death! Wagner was religious and would take such an oath seriously. Bessler was so imaginative with his oaths and even stated that he was willing to let his own head be hacked off if someone bought his wheel and it wasn't the genuine item.

      4,000 thalers was about a year's salary for a big professor type like Wagner at the time, but he probably couldn't afford to hand over that amount of money to Bessler in his preferred form of immediate, giant, lump sum. If he could, then Wagner could have made the additional condition that if, as he suspected, Bessler's wheels were just wound up clockwork fakes, then his 4,000 thalers would be immediately refunded and he'd be free to publish what he'd seen and expose Bessler as a scammer. If that was done, then Wagner would have been losing his 4,000 thalers because Bessler's wheels were genuine.

    2. Four thousand reichsthalers was a lot of money back then. The average person probably only earned about a tenth of that per year and that was for performing a lot of labor. The final price to own Bessler's wheel would have been twenty-five times that four thousand reichsthalers.
      You'd have to be a king to have that kind of money to spend on an invention and you wouldn't do it unless you thought it could make you back even more money. That's why Bessler's wheels were always being tested by the representatives of potential buyers. I think the real reason they didn't sell was because once they got past the gee whiz factor of Bessler having a real perpetual motion wheel, they weren't too impressed by their power output.
      IIRC someone here years ago estimated that they only put out a small fraction of what a regular wind or water mill could and you could have one of those built for less than a thousand reichsthalers. Maybe they couldn't run nonstop 24/7 like a Bessler wheel could, but they were good enough for things like grinding grains and small manufacturing jobs and they also did not require any fuel like the newly being developed steam engines of his day.
      Bessler should have lowered the price he was demanding to make his invention more attractive pricewise, but he wouldn't do it. He really wasn't that good of a businessman, imo.

    3. @anon 22:51

      Bessler's story is really a sort of tragedy. He suffers for years to find a design for a working perpetual motion wheel and then finds that it does little more than amaze and entertain the public but no buyers come up with the money to buy it. On top of that he has to endure constant accusations of faking everything. Finally, he dies in poverty and not in a very pleasant way.

      I think he may also have been disappointed by how low the torques of his wheels were which is why he kept scaling them up to get more power out of them. He had some impressive demonstrations to excite the non technical public and get them talking about his wheels, but he couldn't fool those with technical training that were actually doing their own tests on his wheels. They knew that their torques were much lower than those of the water and wind mills you mentioned. If they complained about that, all he could do was say that they would need to build a bigger wheel with heavier weights and then use several of them together on the same axle. I don't think that answer satisfied them though.

      I agree with you that he should have reduced the price. Maybe he could have worked out some deal to license the use of the wheels to manufacturers so he could collect a nice yearly fee off of them. But, I guess he didn't want to be bothered with all the paperwork involved in something like that.


    4. Bessler was praying day and night to God to help him find the secret of pm. I wonder if after he finally got it he prayed as hard to find a buyer for it?

  14. I am having a bit of fun with the wheel... A sketch of my updated pet design (pls note that components are not drawn to accuracy):

    Five curvy "Y" levers are spaced evenly around a CW spinning wheel (I hear 5 is the magic number here.) Where the 3 arms of the lever meet is the fulcrum (grey circle). A torsion spring is affixed there. In its unloaded state the lever is roughly perpendicular to an imaginary radius that runs through the fulcrum from the wheel axle. Two cylinder weights are placed next to each other in the levers on the descending side of the wheel.

    Here is the process:

    1. Figure 1 shows a (rolling) weight near the bottom of the wheel being ejected by the forces of the triggering hammer and the unwound spring. The weight then follows a precise trajectory, landing on the second next lever above into the corner space created by the lever's two arms.

    2. Figure 2 shows the second weight behind beginning to roll via gravity down the curved lever during the wheel's descent. The weight then gains kinetic energy as the lever swings downward. In turn, the spring of the lever gains torsional potential energy.

    3. Return to Step 1 above.

    I would say the design is an improvement because it utilizes weights that are already in motion (ie, cylinder rolling down the curved lever) before being ejected. It increases the power and accuracy of the projectile.

    It occurred to me the shape of the pole hammer looks similar to the swinging pendulum in one of Bessler's illustrations. I honestly suspect he hides his secrets out in plain sight! I mentioned the same in another blog about the illustrations of the pounding mill and archimedes pump.

    1. Nice changes to your basic "all weights on one side" wheel design, mryy. You have five levers which will make John happy and you also have a Y shaped lever which will make guys like Sayer of Sooths and Ken B happy. Something for everyone!

      It also looks like it would be better able to launch each descending weight back up toward the next higher lever near the rim of the wheel's descending side.

      But, this wheel is only one directional. You will have to add an extra long curving arm to the other side of each lever to make it X shaped if you want to make the wheel two directional. That change will still keep John happy as long as you keep the number of levers at five, but it will not please Sayer of Sooths and Ken B who seem firmly committed to Bessler's levers being Y shaped and not with curving, but rather only with straight arms.

      PM Dreamer

    2. PM Dreamer

      I am glad you think John and the others will be pleased by the new design. Let's unite, not fight lol. I am predicting the curved arm will effect a steeper flight trajectory -- which I am aiming for -- rather the broader flatter one from the straight arm. One eyewitness account thought that the weights were in contact with "warped" boards.

      If the wheel is two directional the paired levers should form a bow shape ideally. Due to my basic (hint: poor) drafting skills I can see why they may look otherwise. I am using a more powerful software called (switching from MS Paint) and it's free, as in free energy. I am still familiarizing myself with it.

      Thanks for the feedback.

    3. MRYY wrote: "One eyewitness account thought that the weights were in contact with "warped" boards."

      The description of those boards tends to change over the years. Now they are "elongated" which can be interpreted as straight rather than curved. Here's the latest quote from that letter by Wolff to Leibniz describing them:

      "During rotation, one can clearly hear the weights hitting against the wooden boards. I was able to observe these through a slit. They are slightly elongated."

      But, the sentence before that one reads:

      "I conclude, not only from this but also from other circumstantial evidence, that the weights are ATTACHED to some moveable or elastic arms on the periphery of the wheel."

      Obviously, if the weights were "attached" to moveable or elastic arms, then they could not be thrown up to another lever as happens in your wheel.

      That T shaped trip hammer on the axle is another problem with your design, imo. Bessler in AP (page 347 in JC's version) warns us that:

      "In a true Perpetuum Mobile everything must, necessarily, go round together. There can be NOTHING involved in it which remains stationary on the axle."

      There is another quote somewhere in AP where Bessler mentions that he would let people reach into the drum of his Merseburg wheel so they could "grasp its axle" to convince themselves that there was nothing attached to it. He would not have done that if there was, as you suggest, some sort of pole hammer hanging off of it.

    4. Anon 16:25,

      It all comes down to readers' interpretation and translation of Bessler's 18th century German-language statements and the eyewitnesses' conclusions.

      "Elongated" does not definitely mean straight. It means just that, elongated. A curved surface can be elongated...

      One thing is clear is that Wolff HEARD, not saw the weights hitting against the boards. He never elaborated on the "other circumstantial evidence". If he heard the sounds, how can he logically conclude that the weights were attached to the arms?

      You quoted Bessler:

      "In a true Perpetuum Mobile everything must, necessarily, go round together. There can be NOTHING involved in it which remains stationary on the axle."

      The above statement can be interpreted a number of ways... He never said that something can't exist on the axle. It just can't remain stationary on it. The hammer in the proposed design is neither attached to nor stationary on the axle. It hangs over it and moves reciprocably when the axle is turning.

      Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't there an incident whereby Bessler destroyed his wheel after someone inspected the axle without his consent? If so, what lies on the axle to prompt him to commit to such a drastic action?

    5. MRYY wrote: "He never said that something can't exist on the axle. It just can't remain stationary on it. The hammer in the proposed design is neither attached to nor stationary on the axle. It hangs over it and moves reciprocably when the axle is turning."

      Still, IF there was anything on or even near the part of the axle inside of the drum of the Merseburg wheel, then those reaching in to grasp its axle would have felt it and they would have then immediately thought Bessler's wheels were all faked.

      Also MRYY asked "Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't there an incident whereby Bessler destroyed his wheel after someone inspected the axle without his consent? If so, what lies on the axle to prompt him to commit to such a drastic action?"

      That was the Kassel wheel that Bessler destroyed in a fit of rage and paranoia on August 17th, 1721 at Weissenstein Castle in that city. The 301st anniversary of its destruction was only four days ago! No one else on this blog even seemed to notice that.

      Apparently, while he was not present, Count Karl and Willem Jacob 's Gravesande, a Dutch mathematician and natural philosopher, entered the room containing the wheel and Karl allowed him to test the wheel. Since Karl had paid for its construction and was watching 's Gravesande, the count probably thought Bessler wouldn't mind. 's Gravesande was an expert on things like winches and gears and was curious about just how much torque the Kassel wheel actually produced.

      When Bessler found out about it later, he went berserk, went to the wheel's room and worked his largest wheel over with an axe! He then scribbled something on the wall about the wheel's destruction all being due to 's Gravesande's unrestrained curiosity. Bessler would have viewed his unauthorized testing of the wheel as a suggestion that it was a fake that only worked when Bessler was present for some reason like maybe he had to be present to signal someone else in another room to work a hidden mechanism to make the wheel begin turning when its drum was given a push start?

      I don't think 's Gravesande would have tried to peek inside of the wheel's drum. Like the count, he was an honorable gentlemen and he wouldn't have dared try to steal the secret of the wheel and ruin his relationship with the count. At most, 's Gravesande may have had the end pins of the wheel's axle uncovered so he could see if there was anything inside of the axle support beams that was secretly turning the axle by its end pins.

      After finding out about 's Gravesande's unauthorized inspection of the wheel, Bessler should have laid down in a darkened room until his rage and paranoia passed instead of running over and destroying a wheel that took months to build and cost the count a lot of money. Later 's Gravesande wrote that he was impressed by the wheel, found nothing suspicious about it, and believed it was a genuine perpetual motion machine. Bessler actually destroyed his masterpiece for nothing and his enemies could then say that he destroyed it to cover up that it was a fake.

      The more I think about Bessler, the more I realize that he was actually his own worst enemy! I know a lot of people with the same problem today.

    6. I got these Bessler statements from

      "Now look Wagner, you claim to have devised a Wheel which has a divided axle. You claim my wheel is the same. Ask any of those who have groped inside my Wheel and grasped its axle – and you will be assured that my axle is not like that. Rather it has many compartments and is pierced all over with various holes." AP 326

      "How suddenly the excess weight is caused to rise (as does a weight above the point of application of a lever)." and My axle has many compartments.� The lifting end of the long lever could be in one of these compartments. The AP wheel drawing has 3 white segments and their angle matches the angle of the 3 items on the table in the DT base portrait. The vase is leaning 27° from the vertical and the skull and book are tilted 27° from the horizontal.

      From the above, note the sentence "The lifting end of the long lever could be in one of these compartments."

      So his axle has holes and compartments. And a compartment can hold some long lifting lever...

    7. mryy quotes from page 326 of JC's AP:

      "Now look Wagner, you claim to have devised a Wheel which has a divided axle. You claim my wheel is the same. Ask any of those who have groped inside my Wheel and grasped its axle and you will be assured that my axle is not like that. Rather it has many compartments and is pierced all over with various holes."

      I've seen others suggest that the word "it" in the last sentence of that quote does not refer to the section of axle hidden inside of the Merseburg wheel's drum, but rather to it's entire drum itself. This use of the word "it", they say, is a translator error and he should have used the word "wheel" or "drum" there instead.

      That drum had it's sides concealed by stretched sheets of linen that were dyed a dark color to prevent window light from shinning through and making shadows that would reveal the arrangement of levers inside of the drum. Bessler had holes cut into the linen covering on the back side of the drum so he could inspect and service its parts through them when necessary. Those holes were covered over with large patches of cloth that had to be pinned on somehow.

      So, when Bessler wrote "...IT has many compartments and is pierced all over with various holes.", he was probably referring to the drum and the inspection holes in the linen covering it and not the hidden section of the axle inside of the drum.

      The "compartments" probably referred to the sections (most likely eight) that the drum's radial frame pieces subdivided the drum into. Many think the levers were mounted between parallel pairs of of the drum's radial frame pieces and that the ropes that interconnected adjacent levers crossed through the volume of the space inside of each "compartment".

    8. And Bessler destroys the Kassel wheel in a fit of rage!

    9. Anon 00:02,

      I am not so sure if your reading of that paragraph is correct. Bessler clearly is referring to the axle when he used the word "it". He was contrasting his axle to Wagner's divided axle as he said pointedly. Furthermore he used the word "grasp". How does one "grasp" the entire drum? One can "grope" the drum, a word he did use about searching the wheel's inside and in the same sentence with the word "grasp". Bessler differentiated the two words.

      The holes ARE on the axle. Why would he refer to some unmentioned linen covers if the subject was apparently about axles?

      Can you cite the source or passage about persons who were permitted to touch the axle in the context of verifying that it was unaccompanied?

    10. When Bessler stated Wagner's axle being divided, I believe he could be referring to the illustration on this link (scroll down to the bottom of page):

      The illustration shows an axle in the upper right divided into 2 or 3 parts (depending on how you look at it). Bessler wanted to clarify to Wagner that the compartments (and holes) on his axle should not be confused or equated with the gaps that divided Wagner's axle.

    11. To answer some of mryy's points:

      "How does one "grasp" the entire drum? One can "grope" the drum, a word he did use about searching the wheel's inside and in the same sentence with the word "grasp". Bessler differentiated the two words."

      Obviously one cannot grasp the entire drum with one hand. But the axle section inside of the Merseburg wheel's drum was less than 12 inches long by 6 inches in diameter. That's small enough for a single hand "groping" around inside of the drum to almost "grasp" the axle. It would be like trying to grasp a large cardboard canister of oatmeal and pick it up with one hand. It can be done even though one's fingers do not completely surround the circumference of the container.

      "The holes ARE on the axle. Why would he refer to some unmentioned linen covers if the subject was apparently about axles?"

      If that small section of hidden axle inside of the drum was "pierced all over with various holes", it would only have greatly weakened it. If the Merseburg wheel weighed, as some think, about 500 pounds, that weakened section of axle might have allowed the entire axle along with its attached drum to snap into two pieces as the wheel was spinning at 40 to 50 rpm's and also vibrating a bit due to some imbalance in it. Imagine the stories that would have spread if it was known that Bessler was trying to sell an invention that had snapped in two and flew out of its vertical supports and might have injured or killed anyone near it?! Such a mishap would have put Bessler permanently out of business.

      I also tend to go along with the theory that the word "it" was mistranslated and really refers to the drum's linen covering and not the hidden section of the axle. If one does not accept the mistranslation theory, then it's also possible that the word "it" still does not refer to the word "axle", but rather to the word "Wheel" that proceeds it in the same sentence. We have to remember that we are reading a translation of early 18th German poetry into modern English and the German language can sometimes get confusing when it comes to trying to figure out what the particular antecedent of a pronoun like "it" in a sentence might be when there are several antecedents to choose from.

      "Now look Wagner, you claim to have devised a Wheel which has a divided axle. You claim my wheel is the same. Ask any of those who have groped inside my Wheel and grasped its axle and you will be assured that my axle is not like that."

      Yes, definitely, the "divided axle" of Wagner's wheel that Bessler mentions is the one shown in that drawing Wagner published in his criticism and which someone earlier in this blog posted a link to:

    12. anon 03:44,

      Dunno. That paragraph was VERY CLEAR AND SPECIFIC about the subject matter Bessler was addressing -- the axle. You claim mistranslation but you have not adequately backed up that argument. I am sorry but seems to be a case of grasping for straws.

      May I be your online shrink for a moment? Methinks you are experiencing cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias. You have a strongly held belief that no component/part accompanies the axle of a Bessler wheel. When evidence straight from the inventor himself contradicts this belief, you attempt to explain away this contradiction. You may want to examine how such a belief first came to make a home in your mind.

    13. MRYY isn't the first one to try to keep all of the weights on the descending side of an overbalanced pm wheel. Here's one invented by an engineer named Pierre Richard in 1858. It was granted British patent No.1870 and was even shown by Dircks on page 482 of his famous book:

      Richard must have been very confident that it would work because he even put some sort of brake, labeled "c", at the 9 o'clock position!

      However, he should have checked his patent drawing more carefully because it looks like he drew the two upper spokes of the big wheel incorrectly. It's really amazing that the British patent office would have approved this invention.

    14. "Methinks you are experiencing cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias."

      Lol! That appears to be one of the many occupational hazards of becoming a pm wheel chaser. You'll find that everyone here is convinced that they have found or will find the actual design that Bessler used and will soon prove it to the world with a runner. Each also thinks everyone else is delusional about what they think the design is and feels sorry for them. Most will not share what they think they've found with anyone else because then they might not be able to patent it and make a huge fortune off of it.

      This mental disorder has infected all pm machine chasers since the dawn of time. It is only permanently cured when the victim's brain waves finally vanish and some doctor pulls a sheet over his head and fills out a death certificate for him.

    15. "This mental disorder has infected all pm machine chasers since the dawn of time."

      This is alarming and worrisome and scary! What did I just get myself into?! OK maybe it's time to step back and I don't even consider myself one...yet. Is there a pm chaser support group nearby?


    16. @mryy

      Fortunately, there is a recently developed treatment for the more severe cases of this nasty disorder that is somewhat effective. The patient is strapped to a chair that is bolted to the floor. He is then required to stare at a large photo of one of Bessler's wheel drawings and must try to figure out how it worked. While he does that, a therapist applies the treatment. It is continued until the patient loses consciousness.

      A course of several sessions on different days is administered until the patient no longer recognizes the drawing of the Bessler wheel. At that point in his treatment he is considered cured and can finally be released from the hospital to again resume a normal life free from the symptoms of the disorder. While he is being treated, anything related to his previous pm research such as drawings, models, books, computer files, etc. are removed from his residence and destroyed. Any family members who have contact with him are instructed not to discuss the subject after he returns from the hospital. He is only told that he was hospitalized for treatment of the headaches he had recently been having and the medications that they gave him might have caused some memory loss of his time in the hospital.

      Here's a link to a simulator that was developed to teach therapists how to apply the treatment. The more severe the symptoms of the patient's disorder, the more vigorously the treatment must be applied:

    17. To anon 17:58

      The treatment is electrifyingly more painful than the affliction. I have a low threshold for pain and a phobia of slimy slitherings, so between the two I think I'll stick with the affliction.


    18. Seems like a very powerful therapy that can be effective in most cases. However, I don't think it would even begin to free John from his obsessions with pentagons and the number 5.

    19. Anon 06:27,

      Initially I wasn't going to respond to your dismissive comment of the proposed design but I now think it's worthwhile to drive in a point I made earlier about weights needing to independent of the wheel system. My design is not like that of Pierre Richard. Richard's design has one notable feature: the weights are attached to a rope.

      I want to expand on this and explain it so that even a layman (like myself) can understand. The weights are tethered to the rope which is part of the wheel. In effect the weights are part of the wheel too. The wheel "sees" these weights and possesses them. It recognizes where the CoM (approximately between the axle and the 3 o'clock position) is and instantly turns so that the CoM is directly under the axle. When that happens the wheel stops. Period.

      The Richard wheel and others are what I coin "one-time" CoM designs. There is only ONE starting CoM for the wheel to act on. When the wheel ceases, as is always the case, the design becomes a dud. That's why you never hear a runner coming from them...

      My proposed design relies on "multiple" CoM's to work. This is accomplished by weights in free flight. After a weight is ejected near the bottom and is in midair, the wheel system no longer "sees" it because it is independent of (or detached from) the system. It is only when the weight lands on the upper lever that the wheel recognizes the mass and by extension the CoM, possesses it, and acts on it. (I would even argue that another CoM was created at the moment the weight was launched.) BUT, there is always another weight in free flight. From the wheel's perspective -- and this is a very important point -- it keeps seeing a mass appearing out of thin air or "refreshening" at around the 3 o'clock position. And acts on it...repeatedly. This keeps the wheel turning.

      I strongly believe Bessler's wheel works the same way. I am not sure if he used torsion springs though...

    20. mryy made a statement about the Richard wheel that isn't accurate:

      "The weights are tethered to the rope which is part of the wheel. In effect the weights are part of the wheel too. The wheel "sees" these weights and possesses them. It recognizes where the CoM (approximately between the axle and the 3 o'clock position) is and instantly turns so that the CoM is directly under the axle. When that happens the wheel stops. Period."

      It is true that the CoM of the weights in the Richard wheel will be located between the center of the axle and the 3:00 position. But, it will stay there and produce no motion of the wheel! His wheel will actually remain stationary regardless of what orientation it is manually turned into. Many a pm chaser has been shocked to discover that just because a wheel is overbalanced does not guarantee that it will turn!

      "It is only when the weight lands on the upper lever that the wheel recognizes the mass and by extension the CoM, possesses it, and acts on it....and this is a very important point -- it keeps seeing a mass appearing out of thin air or "refreshening" at around the 3 o'clock position. And acts on it...repeatedly. This keeps the wheel turning."

      There will be a small time delay between when the weight is launched and it reaches the next higher lever (assuming it can actually reach that lever's starting elevation and land in its end cup) during which there will not be enough torque provided by the central hub protrusion to begin raising the pole hammer. During that time delay, the lower end of the pole hammer will be pressing down on one end of the lever at 6:00 and will block that lever's motion around the axle. As soon as that happens, the wheel will quickly come to a stop and any angular momentum it has might be enough to damage both the bottom end of the pole hammer and the then empty lever at 6:00.

    21. "It is true that the CoM of the weights in the Richard wheel will be located between the center of the axle and the 3:00 position. But, it will stay there and produce no motion of the wheel!"

      If what you say is true, that defies even common sense! I am highly doubtful it remained stationary...

      The purpose of the hammer is to trigger the loaded lever that is under spring tension. The lever is doing more of the projectile work. The hammer is lighter than one of the weights and there would be sufficient torque of the axle to lift it. ** Another weight inside a lever is descending while the other is in flight and is thus keeping the wheel on the move, if you saw my illustrations. In the end it's about fine tuning the system so that the hammer and levers coordinate smoothly.

    22. Anon 18:33 wrote:

      "Many a pm chaser has been shocked to discover that just because a wheel is overbalanced does not guarantee that it will turn!"

      Oh, yes! I've gotten that unpleasant shock several times myself and after paying a small fortune for the privilege each time!

      The guy who invented the "Overbalanced Ferris Wheel" linked to below probably thought he had finally found genuine pm and was looking forward to becoming the world's next billionaire because he would annually license the design to thousands of manufacturers worldwide all eager to use it to run generators and power automobiles with free energy. Hopefully, he didn't max out all his credit cards with a lot of high living while he waited for his patent to be granted thinking he would quickly pay off all of their outstanding balances just as soon as his invention's licensing fee money started pouring into his bank account.

    23. Here's another pm wheel that's always out of balance but doesn't work when built (except for the fake one in this video).

    24. Anon 19:14. That should work. I don't see why it wouldn't work. Maybe it's not faked like you think?

    25. @anon 19:53
      IIRC there was some Italian inventor who showed up on the bw forum years ago who was building one of those scissor mechanism wheels. He was very enthusiastic about it and revealed his design there. Within a few days everyone there shot it down and he got angry and never came back.

      In these designs the weights start to rise as they approach 12 o'clock from the ascending side and also 6 o'clock from the descending side and that causes a lot of overbalance and cw torque. Unfortunately, that also puts a ccw torque on the two slanting discs as the weights try to drop back down that exactly equals the cw torque in the discs that is caused by the overbalance. As a result the two discs remain motionless no matter how you turn them.

      A lot of pm wheel designs look great in drawings. But drawings and reality tend to be two different things.

    26. If this helps anyone, think of axled wheels as nothing more than levers in the shape of a circle. No matter what components (weights, chords, movable/immovable arms, etc.) you add to either side of the lever, they will be simply treated as mass and integrated. The lever will seek equilibrium from the new center of gravity (CoG) -- assuming it isn't at the fulcrum -- and rotate so that the CoG is underneath it (the fulcrum). The lever is now at rest.

    27. Here's one that uses ten fold out arms instead of scissoring levers to stay out of balance. When the arms hit the curved ramps to fold out or fold back in, their weights must rise. But, they resist that and push against the ramps to make a torque that opposes the torque due to the overbalance of the weights at the ends of the folded out arms. If he shuts off the hidden motor that runs his fake, it will just stay motionless even though the CoG of the weights is to the left of the axle (but not in the plane of the wheel).

  15. Anon 19:07,

    Btw I only stumbled on these quotes for the first time after attempting to verifying your claim. What inspired me to include a pole hammer at the axle was a Bessler illustration of a pounding mill, I think. If I had seen these quotes beforehand, they would have given me ideas as well.

  16. Sure, everyone here has heard of Johann Bessler, but how many have heard of another great pm pioneer named Mikko Mikonpoika Minkkinen who lived from 1858 to 1930? Bessler struggled for 10 years to finally perfect his working pm wheel. A long time? Minor compared to Minkkinen who spent 30 years trying to get his perpetual motion car working and eventually went broke because of it.

    But, he never gave up until the Grim Reaper decided that it was time for him to end his research. If only the Grim Reaper had been more patient, then we might all be driving around in Minkkinen perpetual motion cars today and climate change wouldn't be as bad as it now is.

    What did he get for all of his effort? Just mockery from his fellow villagers and one failure after another. Here's a link to an article on his sad story and a photo of his wooden car that was donated to a museum in Finland:

    1. It's a beautiful example of woodworking. I think Bessler would have admired it. But, I wonder how it was supposed to work. The inventor supposedly based it on dreams he was having and left no diagrams. Bessler also had some dreams that motivated him.

      There's some mention in the article of bellows being used so maybe the idea was that as two of the car's four wheels made a half rotation each, they worked crank shafts that compressed the air out of bellows and put it into a storage tank which immediately supplied compressed air to make a different bellows expand and use its crank shafts to drive the other two of the car's four wheels through a half rotation?

      The two sets of two wheels would each alternately pump up the tank with air during half of their rotations and then use some of its air pressure for the other half of their rotations.

      He might have used a hand pump to initially pressurize the storage tank and then took off in his car thinking it would keep running. But, eventually friction in his system would heat up the air and make it more difficult to compress it. At some point it would become so difficult to compress that the car would just come to a stop.

      Assuming that his car actually ran, I wonder how far it could travel?

      PM Dreamer

    2. There have been several attempts to make cars that would run on compressed air stored in tanks, but they all had severe range limits. IIRC, there was even a French inventor who came up with a car that was powered by expanding springs. It needed a powerful electric motor to compress the springs and the car could then only travel for about 5 miles before the springs needed to be compressed again.

    3. @PMD

      I found another photo of that Minkkinen perpetual motion car that was taken from its opposite side:

      It actually has six wheels with two in the middle and on the top. His invention started out to be a car, but when he couldn't get to run he decided to just make it into a stationary power source which might be why the car in the museum display is propped up on four wooden legs. That means it did not rely on the motion of the four bottom wheels to generate its power. Maybe those two big wheels on top where two pm wheels or were part of the invention's pm power supply? Apparently, no one ever took this thing apart to see how it was supposed to work accept to notice that there are leather bellows in it somewhere.

      It reminds me of the Asa Jackson pm wheel which is another pile of wood pieces that is sitting in a museum that no one knows exactly how it worked. It's too bad that some of the parts of Bessler's last destroyed wheel are not also sitting in some museum today. Even if no one was sure how his complete wheel worked, at least we'd have a better general idea of its internal construction.

    4. @anon 22:17

      I found this interesting article on several of the spring wound cars that were invented in the late 19th century and are little more than spring powered quadcycles. However, one made of wood was invented by Leonardo DaVinci centuries earlier and a recent replica of it works. There is also mention of a 20th century Japanese spring powered car that the inventor claimed could run 40 miles on a single winding!

      All of these spring powered cars seem to need to be wound up by using arm or foot power. I would think you would have to do a lot of winding to make a car travel 40 miles. Also, would it be able to handle hills? Sounds like a good way to get some exercise though and would be perfect for local shopping trips.

    5. That 40 mile range figure for that Japanese spring powered car might even be extendable to 100 miles. You'd have to use what's called "regenerative braking" to do that though.

      When you stepped on the brake pedal to slow the car, the drive shaft to its rear wheels would then be used in reverse to partially wind up the springs again whose torque provided forward motion to the car when the accelerator pedal was used. That way you would recover as much of the energy as possible that was originally put into the springs when they were first fully wound up. Little of it would get wasted by converting it to heat energy in brake pads that only then pass it on to the air flowing around them. The more of the original energy put into the springs that was recovered, the farther the range of the car would be.

      However, you would still need to have brake pads to lock the wheels when the car came to a complete stop at a traffic light or if a very rapid deceleration or a panic stop had to be made to avoid an accident. You could probably also replace the current hydraulic brakes used in our gasoline and electric powered cars with simpler mechanical ones like you find on bicycles that use cable activated brake pads.

      I was surprised to learn that Da Vinci invented a spring powered car. Like Bessler, he was truly a mechanical genius centuries ahead of his time.



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...