Tuesday, 18 October 2022

Final Blog About Our Search for the secret of Bessler’s Wheel.

I must thank all the kind people who have visited this blog over many years.  I have welcomed thousands of comments, some serious some not so.

I’ve  posted 754 times and received 28783 comments, had 1688739 visitors, from all over the world. It’s been an excellent experience and hope I’ve managed to spread information about Johann Bessler as far and as wide as possible.

I began to write my biography of Johann Bessler back in 1994, but I couldn’t find a publisher then, although I only approached about 50, but my MS was too long at the time and Bloomsbury publishing said if I could shorten it by half they would consider it.  Unfortunately they were taken over by another publisher and their list of potential authors was scrapped.  I decided to self-publish although there was little information available at that time.  I was not computer literate but I managed.  The internet was young and I also designed and posted my first web site in 1997, see below courtesy of ‘the way back machine’


Subsequently I had at one time eight web sites, all but one devoted to Bessler, but I let some go but I will continue to keep the current ones, some of which describe the codes and clues I’ve discovered and solved.

I began this blog on 9th February 2009, and I wrote:

 Why am I writing a blog? I'm not sure, I don't even know for sure what's going to be in it, but I do know that someone (me!) has to get people interested in Johann Bessler also known by the weird name Orffyreus. Having spent most of my life researching the history of this man, I decided to set it all down in a book. The book covers everthing I could find about Bessler but it only scratches the surface of the facts regarding his codes. Yes, he left information about the secret of his machine encoded in his own writings This guy holds the secret to our future energy needs. The fact that he's dead is something of a stumbling block but don't let that put you off. It seems that he left pointers to his secret so all we have to do is find the information, decipher it and build our super new machine for supplying energy. Oh! Did I say he died nearly three hundred years ago? No? Sorry. Fortunately he left behind a huge collection of clues, hints and mysterious pictures all of which form part of the mystery - and the answer. I call it The Orffyreus Code! I know everyone's got codes in their titles, but this one is a real code Now, I've been ranting and raving about good old Johann since 1997 and those who have followed my lead and are now devoted fans form an enormous minority of the worlds population at about 0.000034%. and climbing! Maybe there should be a couple more zeros in there? Enough for now but I'll be back. JC

I’m not giving up on trying to recreate Bessler’s wheel, and I’ve made some important discoveries in Johann Bessler’s clues so I’m confident I can succeed.  But the urge to share what I know so far is no longer a temptation because I know that my explanation through this and other web sites will just get lost and maybe ignored among the competing designs, ideas, simulations and  actual builds.  

There will come a time when I decide to share my information and that will be when either I succeed with a working model, or it fails and I accept defeat. That defeat will allow me to publish everything I’ve discovered and hope there is enough new information to inspire someone else to take forward what I’ve achieved so far.

But if I succeed as I expect, it will be wonderful to prove that Johann Bessler did not lie.  How will the world react to that news?  How many people quietly working on trying to recreate Bessler’s wheel will be pleased and how many disappointed that they were beaten?  How many will claim that they too had succeeded?  I don’t know but it seems to me that at this moment in human history, this invention is needed desperately.

I’ve decided to stop posting blogs, for more than one reason.  Firstly it’s difficult to keep coming up with a new subject after nine years!  Secondly, people get irritated with me because they feel that I don’t keep my promises.  I do actually, I try to keep them open ended, but I should recognise that sometimes they aren’t fulfilled as people expect. The trouble is, I’m an incurable optimist, you have to be, in this field of study, and I keep making the mistake of promising too much, too soon, resulting in a lot of disappointment!  Finally, this blog was intended to provide an open forum for comments, discussion, airing of views and ideas; but in the recent past it has become infested with trolls and sock puppets.  There is, of course, always the option for anyone else to offer something similar or better.

So I’m leaving a brief description of the legend of Bessler’s wheel, and links to all five of my books which always available both digitally and printed hard copy.  I will probably return from time to time if I feel I have something of interest, but at the moment I think it will most likely be because I’ve succeeded - or failed! And of course there will be the publication of my own great treatise on the detailed description and meaning of Johann Bessler’s codes and clues.


Where visitors to this blog came from:-


  1. Dear John Collins,
    It is sad that you now want to close the regular blog
    But all the better you can concentrate better on building your version of Bessler's wheel.
    I wish you every success and a lot of health to implement your details from the books.
    We are all looking for a solution. Most are silent and yet every hint is valuable.
    Thanks for any information that you will be willing to share in the future.
    Sincerely - Marco Z.

  2. I sincerely thank you for all you do, have done, and will do. Your sites were my first introduction to the world of the Bessler wheel over a couple of months ago, of which I knew nothing. I consider you the granddaddy of the movement in disseminating this knowledge. Very Best Wishes to you in Health, Happiness and Success!

  3. @JC, I think your mission is already largely accomplished without you and your publications there would be no more researchers on Bessler. I think we will soon see a working wheel, and all thanks to you, no doubt.
    THX 4

  4. Thanks guys, for your kind words. JC

  5. I was a teenager when I first read about Bessler in a book Strangest of All and have been addicted to trying to solve the puzzle ever since. When the internet came along, I found your website and greatly appreciate all of the information that you have provided. I have purchased your books. I will miss your blog as I check it regularly and wish you the best in your efforts to solve the puzzle.

  6. I'm relatively new here, but I am also saddened to see you ending your regular weekly blog topics. I found the discussions on them most interesting and informative. But having to come up with new topics every week can be stressful as well as is having to endure criticisms and the occasional troll attack. I agree with others here that you need to focus your energy on finding a Bessler pm wheel design that works. Hopefully you will soon be back with good news of success. Meanwhile, you and your blogs will be missed.

    PM Dreamer

  7. This comment is being made by the real Ken Behrendt and not that mental case troll who has infected this blog for the last several blogs back. Imo, John should delete his nonsense and lock those blogs down to block any further comments he might try to add to them. This is also the only comment that I, the real Ken Behrendt will make on this blog, so if any other "Ken Behrendt" comments appear here, then they won't be by me and John should promptly delete them.

    It came to my attention that John was ending his blog and I also wanted to wish him the best with his future efforts to find a solution to the Bessler wheel mystery. As many know, I and John will probably never agree on exactly what "the" solution really is. I have found what I consider "the" solution even though there is no physical build yet to confirm it and I will be looking forward to seeing what John's version of "the" solution is. And, who knows, maybe his version will be confirmed with a working physical model while mine remains unconfirmed with one!

    Although I have not visited this blog regularly for several years, I too wish to express my gratitude to John for keeping interest in the Bessler story and his wheels alive while most of the other blogs and websites seem to have gone off in a hundred different directions and only occasionally mention Bessler. It's nice to have seen a blog devoted entire to Bessler and his wheels. But, as someone once said, "All good things come to an end." It's a sad reality, but a true one I've found.

    The fact is that prior to reading those translations of Bessler writings that John provided as well being made aware of the two DT portraits which I'd never seen before, my own research into the Bessler mystery was greatly impeded. John's efforts helped change that and without them, I most likely never would have managed to do the additional research that allowed me to publish my large volume on Bessler's wheels. I will always be grateful to him for that effort he made. I continue to recommend that those interested in Bessler and his wheels obtain all of the books John has produced and read and study them carefully. They still contain much information which is still not being discussed online.

    Best of luck to you, John, in the future...

    1. Ken wrote "I have found what I consider "the" solution even though there is no physical build yet to confirm it and I will be looking forward to seeing what John's version of "the" solution is."

      So to be fair that puts your clues and assumptions based on them along with the solution all in to the unconfirmed category.

    2. @anon 10:32
      I think that a pm wheel design that one person or even a small group considers to be "confirmed" most of the rest of humanity will consider to still be "unconfirmed" until some "serious" scientists somewhere confirm the design and are willing to stake their reputations on it being a design that works. Even if they do, there will always be skeptics who will question their credibility, honesty, or motives by saying they were probably part of some sort of hoax for financial gain and they will not accept the design as confirmed. Ken B most likely saw enough evidence to confirm his design to him even though there still is no working physical model. For some like him that will be sufficient while for others it won't be. I applaud him for openly revealing what he found and it's obviously a unique design. But even if someday a working model is made based on it, there will still be some that will admit that, although it works, it can't be Bessler's design for some reason they will come up with.

    3. Thats not what he wrote though.

  8. John,

    It has been a pleasure to come here daily and check for new information and clues regarding Bessler's wheel. Thanks for running the blog for so long.
    Your endeavors to spread the truth about Bessler's wheel and the events in the community of European science of the time are indeed outstanding.

    All the best going forward.


    1. Thank you again guys, more kind comments from you, and a particular thank you to my old friend Ken, who has always maintained a gentle and polite manner in all his communications despite my often harsh criticisms.


  9. I knew that this blog had to end someday, but it still came as a bit of a shock now that I realize it is actually happening.

    I thank you for letting me freely opine on various political, social, and technical topics that I thought were important. I can't build anything with my hands so I try to compensate by staying as philosophically active as possible.

    I will miss this blog and hope that somehow one day it will return again in some form.

    Now you can finally focus 100% of getting your wheel built and tested. There's no law that says you cannot pop back in maybe every few months to give us a quick update on your progress. Best of luck!

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. Another thank you, I’ve always enjoyed your posts AaPoi, even if I d isn’t always agree with you. Hopefully I will be back with news.


    2. I’ll leave the comments open for a short time, but I will delete anything I don’t want to see. 😀


  10. I wasn't going to check back here for at least another month or two, but had the sudden urge to do so now. Then I find it's JC's LAST blog! I was saddened, of course, but wasn't really surprised. Why?

    You see this blog's ending is actually the fulfillment of JC's numerological destiny! JC is now almost exactly 77.7 years of age. That's Bessler lucky ratio! This is actually the PERFECT time for him to end this blog especially since he's now made almost exactly 777 posts here! This can only mean that he will have extraordinary good luck with his future Bessler research.

    Btw. I've made another important discovery in the numerology of MT and this is probably be best time to share it and a great way to celebrate this blog's history. Basically, it is that ALL of the important mechanical principles you need to build Bessler's wheels are contained in only SIX of the MT drawings!

    You first consider the FIVE drawings from MT 9 where Bessler first shows ropes between his levers to MT13 where he shows multi arm levers being used and which I found contains the MOST religious numerology of any of Bessler's drawings. I remain firmly convinced that MT13 was the last failed wheel he built before he was finally able to modify to it and turn it into a working wheel.

    Add the ordinal numbers for those five drawings together to get 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 = 55. There's two of Bessler's favorite numbers. Multiply their digits to get 5 x 5 = 25. What's the 25th letter of the alphabet? It's the letter "Y" and most here know exactly what I'll say next. This is even more evidence that Bessler used "Y" shaped levers in his wheels. But, didn't Bessler use springs in his wheels? There aren't any in those five MT drawings. Where are they?

    For the spring clue you must count five drawings past MT13 to MT18 which shows you that you must use spring tension to help lift the weights on his wheels' ascending sides. If we subtract the digits in 18 we get 8 - 1 = 7 with is the luckiest of numbers and associated with God and heaven. If we add the digits we get 1 + 8 = 9 which tells us that we must use the spring tension principle of MT18 with the interconnected levers in a wheel that looks like MT9.

    Interestingly, if we add 18 to the previous 55 sum we obtained we get 55 + 18 = 73. If we add its digits together we get 7 + 3 = 10 and MT10 is that drawing that I previously showed was filled with many clues about the shape and arm angles of the levers Bessler used. Instead of adding the digits to get 10, however, we can also just put three 7's next to each other to get 777 which again is Bessler's lucky ratio. Only these particular six MT drawings of MT9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 18 will provide these results. Never forget that Bessler was a skilled numerologist and he hid many numerological clues in his various drawings that give the details of his wheels' secret mechanisms. Find them and you will find the secret of his wheels.

    That's enough from me and my parting gift to everyone as this blog closes down. I am highly confident that the coming years will be the most creative and productive ones in JC's life.

    Fare thee well, JC, until we see you again...

    Sayer of Sooths

    (As KB above did, this is also the only comment I will make here which should discourage that annoying troll from trying to mock me by impersonation as he continues to accumulate more and more negative karma to ruin his life.)

    1. Once again a welcome kind and fascinating comment. I shall study your comment with interest. Thank you SoS


    2. The wheel that SoS describes that utilizes spring tensions as shown in MT18 along with interconnected levers as depicted in MT9 can be seen in a simulated form in the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nP7KY6_EAM which in my opinion makes me think that SoS is actually Ken, although I could be wrong. It is obvious that no other wheel design fits SoS's description.

      I look forward to seeing what JC will publish of his own wheel in the future, only time will tell if SoS or JC have successfully deciphered Bessler's clues and correctly reconstructed his wheel.

      Like others before me, this will also be my last comment. I still hold to my theory that I presented long ago on this blog of how the wheel works, namely, by extracting heat from the environment and converting that heat energy into rotational energy, which in my opinion explains why the wheel had problems in the cold and wouldn't work in winter. Bessler blamed that on the grease freezing up, but I think that was only a mere distraction from the fact that it was too cold for the internal heat pump engine to operate.

      John I wish you farewell and happy wheel building!

      The Scientist

    3. Thanks for your encouragement, ‘the scientist’, I think I know you.


    4. What a fitting tribute SoS has made to John on this his final blog.

      SoS neatly ties together John's post count, current age, and Bessler's lucky ratio with a nice ribbon and bow to reveal how they are all numerologically related to each other! This is classic SoS at work folks. The idea that he has boiled all of MT down to only six critical drawings is also totally mind blowing! Yet, he proves it numerologically and I understand his reasoning and can accept it. Now we all finally know just where to look!

      Where else on the web would we see material like this other than right here on John's blog? On any other technical type blog SoS would have probably been permanently banned after his first post when he dared to use his numerological analysis methods! We should be very thankful to John for having brought us material like this over the last 13 years.

      I only comment here occasionally, but I am also very sorry to see this blog end. I'm hoping somehow it will be reincarnated sometime in the future in some way. We have to remain hopeful.

      Best of luck to you John as you relentlessly continue to chase after Bessler's pm wheel design. If SoS is right, then you already have a lot of luck coming your way!

    5. Hmm...yes, another excellent SoS analysis. But, I would add the Toys Page (considered as a single drawing of five toys) to the six drawings he found so that the total number of critical drawings in MT is then SEVEN. That would be a luckier number than 6 in numerology.

      Also best of luck to John who we know will continue his search for the solution. But please do return here periodically to let us know of your progress.

    6. I just did some quick calculations and it looks to me like John will be exactly 77.7 years old on this coming November 16th which is a Wednesday. Notice that if you add the digits in 16 together you get 1 + 6 =7! I think that will be a very lucky day for John. Maybe that will be the day he finally makes an important breakthrough with his wheel?

      Many thanks to John for helping to stimulate and maintain our interest in all things Bessler!

    7. I've been a student of SoS's MT numerology for several years now and I think I have a little something to add here that he might find interesting.

      We keep writing MT all the time, but it really is the abbreviation for "Machinen Tractate" which was Bessler's planned machine treatise that was not published during his lifetime but is available now. But, look at those initials. M is the 13th letter of the alphabet and T is the 20th. Add them and you get 13 + 20 = 33. That just so happens to be the year Jesus was crucified! Maybe this is just coincidence, but knowing how religious Bessler was I doubt it.

      Also thank you John Collins for making your excellent blog available to us for so many years. Best luck to you in the future and please don't just fade away never to be heard from again as has happened to so many others over the years. We will need several updates a year from you at a minimum.

    8. anon 07:39 wrote: "That just so happens to be the year Jesus was crucified! Maybe this is just coincidence, but knowing how religious Bessler was I doubt it."

      I decided to see just how probable it would be that those two letters would add up to 33 by accident. For an alphabet with 26 letters there are 26 x 26 = 676 two letter combinations that can be made, but only 650 of them will have the two letters different from each other. Out of those 650 pairs of different letters only 20 pairs will add up to 33. Thus, the probability of the two abbreviation letters for the title of Bessler's book on pm wheels adding up to 33 BY ACCIDENT is only 20/650 = 1/32.5 or about a 3% chance. Since it did happen, that also means that there was about a 97% probability that it was NOT an accident and therefore was done DELIBERATELY! Like you I think it was done for religious purposes and is a reference to the crucifixion of Jesus.

    9. Thanks agin to all the above - so many kind people out there.


    10. "we keep writing MT all the time, but it really is the abbreviation for "Machinen Tractate" which was Bessler's planned machine treatise that was not published during his lifetime but is available now. But, look at those initials. M is the 13th letter of the alphabet and T is the 20th. Add them and you get 13 + 20 = 33. That just so happens to be the year Jesus was crucified! Maybe this is just coincidence, but knowing how religious Bessler was I doubt it."

      Machine Tractate was a made up name.

    11. There are no coincidences everything is connected then done for a reason the question is do you understand why?

    12. @anon08:17
      Bessler refers somewhere to his proposed future book as his "Great Treatise on Machines" so he probably would have put that title on the finished book and most likely dropped the word "Great" so as not to sound too boastful. If the words "Machinen" and "Tractate" appeared in the title in any order, then the numerological analysis done by anon 07:39 and anon 04:38 would still be valid.

    13. I did not argue order , I clearly wrote Machinen Tractate was a name given not by Bessler period.

    14. I've lurked here for the last year or so and also wanted to wish John Collins the best in the future for all of the hours he put into providing a place for people to discuss the details of the Bessler history and his wheels.

      I don't for a second think that Bessler faked his pm wheels. He had something real, but that comment above by "The Scientist" got me to thinking. How could someone have tried to fake a pm wheel using some sort of heat engine back in the early 18th century if he had to use the same materials that Bessler had available to him? Here is a quick drawing of what I came up with:


      It's just a watertight hollow drum that has a pool of hot water at the bottom of it. The pool of water stays stationary at the bottom of the drum even if the drum is rotated.

      If the drum is rotated, it will cause lead weights mounted at the ends of bars that are each made from a copper bar bolted to an iron bar to submerge into the pool of hot water and then rise up out of it on the other side of the axle. I only show four weights with their bimetallic bars in my simple drawing, but more could be used.

      Once submerged in the hot water, the two different types of metal bars will heat up and expand their lengths, but the copper ones will expand more. That then makes the bars bend toward their iron sides and the lead weights at the ends of the bars will be moved away from their stops attached to the drum. This bending shifts the COM of the wheel's weights toward one side of the axle. The shifting of the COM will not be much, but it will create a torque that makes the entire drum rotate.

      The stops and inner spokes would have their leading sides rounded off so they would waste as little of the wheel's rotational energy as possible as they enter the surface of the stationary pool of water and move through it. Maybe the lead weights could be egg shaped like the one on the pendulum that was attached to the Kassel wheel to lower its drag as it moves through the water.

      Once a weight rises out of the hot water, its bimetallic bar stays bent for a while, but by the time it reaches the top of the drum, its copper and iron bars will both cool off, return to their original lengths, and the bars will then unbend and move their attached lead weight back until it touches its stop again.

      This heat engine wheel should continue to run until the temperature of the water in the pool at the bottom of the drum decreases and finally equals the cooler temperature at the top of the drum so, eventually, the wheel will stop. If the insides of the drum insulate the water in the pool well enough and the water is hot enough to start with, then this wheel might be able to run for several hours before it comes to a stop.

      I don't think this was how Bessler's wheels worked because I don't think such a wheel would be able to reach the same speeds as his did. Also, there's no way something like this could run for two months in a sealed room unless some way was found to secretly pump hot water into it to replace the water as it started to cool off. I can't see any way that could be done to a wheel that was in continuous motion though.

  11. Although I died and was reincarnated back in November of 1955 and am now 67 years old, I'm fairly new to this blog. As a professional comedian in my past life who joined the Three Stooges team in 1946 to replace my dear younger brother who had suffered a disabling stroke, I was immediately impressed by the great sense of humor John showed here and how he always kept his cool and never took offense at the insults he occasionally received.

    For example, some nasty person a few blogs ago likened him to a orangutan! Did he get mad? No. Did he delete the insult? No. You have to have a pretty thick skin to do that. I would have had difficulty doing that in my past life.

    In that past life people were constantly telling me that I looked like a monkey and that really annoyed me. I found it particularly irritating when someone mispronounced my name as "Chimp" instead of "Shemp"! Fortunately, my current body is much different and, like John, I'm considered distinguished looking and I'm still attractive to younger women.

    Anyway, best of everything to John in the future and much thanks to him for providing us all with one of the best blogs to ever show up the web. It's been a pleasure for me to be a part of it for a while. (Like others, this is also the only comment I will make on this final blog so that if any other fake "Shemp's" show up, they will only be troll impostors that should be ignored until John deletes their comments.)


    Btw. Here's a nice photo of me taken with my past life father a few years before I died in 1955 and was reincarnated into my present body. He's gone now and I still miss him very much:


    1. Lol! Now I understand how Shemp became this blog's unofficial clown!

      Without doubt this was a unique blog and probably one of the longest continuously active ones on the internet. Thanks to John for the exceptional effort he made over the years to keep it going and best wishes for him in the future. Also thanks to the many who took the time to support his efforts with their 28,783+ comments!

    2. You’ve all been very kind and I thank all of you who’ve taken the trouble to comment so positively about my blog. I will probably do another blog or two as soon as I have some news about my wheel, but it may not happen until early next year when my workshop will be fully functioning.


  12. Nice to see all of this blog's regulars appearing here for one final time to wish John bon voyage as he gracefully sails off into the sunset. Since I'm also a regular who has been coming here at least weekly for the last year or so, I too want to wish him the best in the future. Let's all hope he makes some solid progress in the years to come as we await his future updates here.

    For anyone new to this blog, it will be well worth your time to slowly read your way backward through the blogs and their comment sections from the present back to those of early 2009 if you can. If you do that, you will get an amazing education about Bessler, his wheels, life in the early 18th century, science, mechanics, philosophy, and a dozen other topics. That information will change how you view the world in general and most likely you too will become firmly convinced that an early 18th century inventor really did do what was and is still considered to be physically impossible by established science. I know it convinced me and I tend to be very skeptical of most things. All that the establishment scientists can do is authoritatively label it all a hoax every time one of them hears about Bessler's wheels, yet they still cannot explain how that alleged hoax took place. They probably never will.

    Good luck John! I will be checking back here around the beginning of next year to see if you have any news for us. Happiest of the upcoming holiday season to you and your family.


    (This is also my last comment here just in case that nut case troll is still out there lurking around hoping to create a bit more mayhem by impersonating real people here before he finally gets bored and must then go off looking for someone else's blog to make trouble on.)

    1. Thank you Jason, you’re right is nice to see many of my regulars coming in to wish me well. I look forward to sharing my latest news as soon as I can.


  13. John, you will be missed.

  14. Ich bin traurig diesen blog verlassen zu sehen. Aber die besten wunsche an John Collins in der zukunft.

    (auf Englisch: I am sad to see this blog leave. But, best wishes to John Collins in the future.)


    1. I remember you anon 07:46. You was that old guy from Germany who claimed he had paid big money for a very rare and genuine sketch book of pm wheel pencil drawings that Bessler made about a decade BEFORE he wrote AP! You said it was stolen by a crewman as they were throwing Bessler's luggage overboard to lighten up a sinking ship during a storm and it was then passed down through that crewman's family for three hundred years. IIRC you said it took you twenty years to track down the family who owned the book and when they rejected your offer for it they finally lowered the price so you could buy it. You mentioned that when you died it would go to a rare book library somewhere in Germany.

      You was giving us a few drawings as gifts from that book for a while years ago but then you suddenly left here for some reason. Most here thought you was hoaxing us but those drawings all looked damn real to me and I didn't think you were hoaxing. The pm wheel drawings you was showing us was ones I never saw before! If you have any of them left how about one more here to honor John and his blog for letting you show them here?

    2. @anon 18:13
      Please reference the places where you say that the man from Germany had posted images from the book you say he purchased.

    3. Hi anon 18:13, this is great news to help with my theory that Bessler DID actually sell the secret to his wheel! It may be that this individual, or some person connected with him, who had obtained Bessler's book may also have BOUGHT the secret outright and maintained it as a secret in their family! Perhaps they sold the book to deflect any ideas that they might actually know everything about the wheel! This is fascinating!

      John, if you ever go to Germany, look up 's Gravesande's special library he had there they have in a museum now, I think he also knew Bessler's secret, although he obtained it by sneaking peeks into the wheel, which of course made Bessler mad and he smashed his wheel up, and 's Gravesande's experiments are revolutionary for his time, which makes me think he stumbled onto some fine mechanical craftsmanship.

      Just Thinking...

    4. @anon23:55
      That old German with the rare Bessler pm wheel sketch book started showing up here in the comments for the Thursday, 21 October 2021 blog:


      He called himself JEEB1717 and only wrote in German. Needless to say, his claim to having such a one of a kind item was immediately met with much skepticism and most thought it was a hoax. But as he posted additional links to more of the early Bessler wheel drawings from his book in the following blogs and astonished more of us by what he was showing, we started to believe that he was telling us the truth!

      He called the drawings "gifts" from Bessler and he said he had a really special one he planned to reveal to us as a Christmas gift for that year. He said that the drawings he was showing us were actually reproductions made by an artist friend of his from the faded pencil sketches Bessler had made in the book. JEEB1717 claimed he was not that knowledgeable when it came to computers and he could not reproduce Bessler's original drawings himself because he could not draw.

      Then suddenly before Christmas he left because he said he no longer felt welcome here. I'm not sure what the cause was but maybe someone said something mean about him that hurt his feelings? Some people are sensitive like that. I just noticed that all of the links to the few pm wheel drawings he revealed to us back then no longer work so he must have deleted all of the image files attached to them. I only remember that what he did show us was quite amazing and there is nothing like them in MT. Maybe some of the people here copied his pm wheel drawing images? I didn't, but now I wish I had.

    5. Weil anonymous 18:13 fragte:

      Viel Gluck an John Collins von Johann Bessler

      (auf Englisch: Good luck to John Collins from Johann Bessler)


    6. @JEEB1717
      You had previously posted the following images but then deleted them:
      Since this is John's last blog, could you please repost those images here for those of us who haven't had a chance to view them yet? Thank you

    7. Wow! That good luck gift for John from Bessler looks like it could work. Someone needs to let Sam know about that wheel design. He's been trying to make a pendulum powered pm wheel work forever with no success. Looks like Bessler was way ahead of everyone with that approach. Thanks for sharing it JEEB1717.

    8. Compare this:
      with this:
      why two different renderings of the same figure Bessler made?
      why were the two axle bars added in (or taken away)?

    9. @anon18:37
      Maybe JEEB1717's artist friend originally made the reproduction years ago that does not have the frame pieces attaching the drum to the axle because he thought including them made the design too confusing? Then maybe now when JEEB1717 had him add the good luck message to John from Bessler to the drawing he noticed that the drawing really wasn't complete without the frame pieces so he had his friend add them?
      I notice that the frame pieces are made with thin lines to make them less prominent.
      It's important in the new version with the frame pieces added to the drum to realize they only connect to the axle and not to that collar that suspends the big weight below the axle. For this design to work the collar has to ride loosely on the axle which can turn inside of it and independently of it.
      I'm impressed by this gift for John and cannot see any obvious reason why it would not work. But there's probably some problem with it that makes it a nonrunner. Maybe someone could try simming it?

    10. @anon 15:55

      Fortunately I did copy JEEB1717's "gifts" for us and finally found the folder I stuck them in. I've taken the three wheel designs you listed and put them on the same page from left to right so they can be compared. All look like they are supposed to be overbalanced wheels and were allegedly made by Bessler around 1705. They look interesting, but I still think this is just a hoax.


      IIRC JEEB1717 actually showed us four different wheel designs in the past, but I can't find more than these three.

    11. If this is a hoax, then it's one of the more creative ones I've seen.

      We know Bessler used square pulleys on his Kassel wheel's water pump, but in that right side drawing anon 01:34 shows us we see Bessler using hexagonal pulleys! What's amazing about them is that they would actually turn smoothly as the pieces holding the flip out weights traveled around them.

      Again, I can't see any reason why that right side wheel wouldn't work, but of course if it actually did, then we'd be using designs like this now which we aren't.

    12. Any wheel that always keeps its center of gravity on one side of its axle's center will always have more weight on that side of the wheel than the other. It will have to keep turning if released.
      Now look at that first left Bessler design that anon15:55 has in that collection of wheel drawings he uploaded for us.
      If you draw a vertical line down through the wheel's axle center which is just a dot (looks like Bessler forgot to add a circle for the axle) you will see there are 3 weights on the left side of the wheel and 5 weights on the right side. This wheel must turn when released.
      To make it work better I would use weights that were actually small wheels. As the larger wheel turned, those little wheel weights on its right side would be able to easily roll right up along the lengths of the levers they were leaning on at the bottom of the wheel.
      I'm another one who thinks these drawings are genuine.

    13. My mistake. The collection of three Bessler wheels was uploaded by anon01:34 and not anon15:55. Thanks anon01:34. All these anons can get confusing!

    14. @anon 17:46
      I'm wondering if that left side wheel could be bidirectional? If it was manually turned CCW enough would its levers eventually start supporting each other on its left side so that side would then have more weights? If that happened, then that side would become the descending side when the wheel was released and it would continue turning CCW unless manually stopped.
      It's probably one of the simplest overbalanced wheel designs I've ever seen.

  15. Thank you Paul, and anon :07:46:0, and you Johann!


  16. So far John has made a total of 764 posts on his now 13+ year old blog. That means he only has another 13 posts to go until he finally reaches that lucky 777 number of posts that SoS suggested earlier he will make so that he can "fulfill his numerological destiny" and "have extraordinary good luck with his future Bessler research"!

    Will John end this blog after making a total of exactly 777 posts? Will he stop short of that number or fly past it?

    The stress of all this anticipation is almost too much to bear!

  17. @JEEB1717
    Du hattest zuvor die folgenden Bilder gepostet, sie dann aber gelöscht:
    Da dies Johns letzter Blog ist, könnten Sie bitte diese Bilder hier für diejenigen von uns posten, die noch keine Gelegenheit hatten, sie sich anzusehen? Vielen Dank

    1. Just see the 24 October 2022 at 01:34 post above that gives a link to a composite of the three separate wheel images that someone here saved when they were originally provided to us by JEEB1717.

    2. JEEB1717 @ 19:22. Wrote “ Since this is John's last blog, could you please post these pictures here for those of us who haven't had a chance to look at them yet? Many Thanks”


    3. @JC
      The comment above was not JEEB1717, it was a question directed to him, and merely a German translation of oct 23 15:55 above to enhance communication.

      Many thanks to Anon oct 24 1:54 for the link, greatly appreciated!

    4. Thank you anon15:55, my error. Sorry


  18. Sorry to read that. You have been an inspiration to so many! Will you still be following the Besslerwheel forum? I will return to the forum this winter. This year I've been doing carpentry on the house and cabin before the Nordic winter sets in. The winter is a fine time to stay inside and continue the life long Bessler research project. All the best - Øystein

  19. Hi Øystein, yes I’ll still be following the Besslerwheel forum, and will be posting the odd comment. Once I’ve tested my design I’ll comment appropriately, maybe not until next year, it depends on how long it takes to get my workshop up and running. Thanks for the kind comment. Best wishes.



  20. Only 11 more posts to go by John until his total reaches that lucky 777 amount! I'm betting he'll stop at exactly 777 posts!

    1. @anon 16:39
      I'm sure you'll help him get there even faster by continually reminding us about how many posts he has left before that number is reached.

    2. Ich stimme Ihnen vollkommen zu, anonymes Poster 18:40, und ich denke, sogar Bessler selbst stimmt Ihnen zu, wie ich in seinem letzten Video-Chat mit mir gesehen habe ...


    3. Hello everybody,
      Being that this is the final blog, I thought this would be helpful to post here in case someone needs the link to Bessler's documents, please see here:

    4. @anon 20:02
      Thank you, that helps a lot, greatly appreciated!

      I have two questions for you. My apologies if someone asked you this before, I just can't find it anywhere.
      #1. I purchased your book Maschinen Tractate. However, there is only the English translation, but no German transcription of the original writing. Do you have that transcription from your translators available?
      #2. The text is different between MT1 and MT2 on the first page, and Bessler's rewrite of MT1 and MT2 on the second page. What are those differences?

      Thank you!

    5. @ anon 20:02. I’m unable to provide a version of the original German as the translator was unwilling to give me a copy.

      I’m not sure what differences you are referring to, but I did make some minor alterations to his translation.


    6. @the commenter who has ‘lurked here for the last year or so’. Unfortunately your comment was too long to get published and I apologise for that. Thank you for kind words.

      I’m now closing all comments until I return with news about my own work, either to tell you of my success - or share my knowledge because the test failed.



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...