Friday 3 March 2023

Sharing Information - Part One

1) As planned I’m sharing information both here and on the forum Besslerwheel forum . So here is the first part. All of the clues originate from the drawings and text in Grundlicher Bericht, Apologia Poetica, Das Triumphirende and Maschinen Tractate. I will try to keep the details brief and to the point so I won’t be showing where and how I obtained the answers but you can probably work out some of them.

Most people are aware of the ubiquity of the number 5 encoded in all of Bessler's publications and many don't see any significance other than perhaps a nod to some kind of mystery school teaching designed to hint at the inventor's knowledge of ancient wisdom. I don't believe that theory, I'm convinced that Bessler was passing on information.

I have always thought that there were two hard facts established about the internal workings of Bessler's wheel and one of them was that there were five mechanisms. The other was that the weights worked in pairs. All else is open to conjecture. But one certainty is that Bessler thought that this piece of information was extremely important and even encoded it in his name right from the moment he adopted the pseudonym, Orffyreus.

I’m well aware that many people dismiss my belief that Bessler used five mechanisms in his wheel but in fact I would go further than that and state that he designed wheels which all had an odd number of mechanism.  In [i]Maschinen Tractate (MT)[/i] he suggested this with the following number system, see below:-

He identifies the odd numbers as you see by placing a ‘Z’ next to the odd numbers to provide a clue.  There are other clues offering the same information that he used  5, 7 and 9 mechanisms.

The plethora of references to the number five also include a number of pointers to the pentagram.  The geometric figure is embedded in many drawings and I’ll show one below.  Bessler was familiar with the books by Euclid and in this case he referred to Euclid’s 11th proposition, which ran thus::-

“To inscribe an equilateral and equiangular pentagon in a given circle….”

In the above illustration A to C is what I call the ‘rope line’ on Bessler’s illustration  of the Merseburg wheel.  The ‘padlock line’ is the line from  C to the middle of CD. This mimics Euclid’s construction. Measure the angle CAD on Weissenstein illustration, it is 36 degrees. This is composed of the two 18 degrees angles.  The angles at C and D  are each 72 degrees. Note they align with the hatching lines on Bessler’s illustration.

The fact that the wheel includes such a clear link to Euclid’s pentagram construction confirms its presence is deliberate.

To make the point, here are three ways of confirming the pentagram within the Apologia Wheel.

….and his alternative method, and note how the red and blue lines are designed to skim the edges
 of the two inner circles.  Finally the white angles are 24 degrees.  24 x 3 = 72,  5 x 72 = 360.  

There is another clue in the chronograms above this wheel which points to the number 55.

2) Another of Bessler’s way of showing the importance of two number 5’s as a pair is revealed in the illustration below. 

JEEB, (his initials), J is the 10th letter, two letters E, which are the 5th letter.  He added the J and one of the Es to his forename when he succeeded in building his first PM wheel. J represents double 5, underlined by two 5’s as letter E.

JEEB using the Caesar shift becomes WRRO.  R is the 18th letter.  W 23rd letter which may only be there for the following reason, W is composed of two Roman numerals, V meaning 5.

He often, (dozens of times) hand wrote the letter W as shown below, as two Roman numerals linked together, and you can see it twice in the accompanying passage.  They are linked to point to them as pairing, but not in the same 5th segment of the wheel.

Bessler used any opportunity to put a veiled reference to these numbers.  I should also point out that the 2G’s, refers to his enemy in chief Andreas  Gärtner.  The 2 W’s refers to another enemy, Christian Wagner, the two B’s refer to the third enemy, Johann Gottfried Borlach.

3)  Although I’ve discussed the Toys page several times I’ll briefly run through some things again because they are relevant.

First there are the four numbers added to the bottom left corner - 138, 139, 140 and 141.  Was Bessler trying to reach the number 141 to get the only factors. 3 x 47, which might link to the three images on MT47? 

Was he pointing to Euclid’s 47th construction i.e, in any right triangle, the square of the two sides connected to the right angle is equal to the square of the third side called the hypotenuse?”  Also known as the 3-4-5 right angle?

Or was it the total of 558?  558 seems meaningless unless you simply add them together to get 18.  18 being the basic number upon which all the others are multiples of, in the pentagram, thus number 5 again.

Secondly there is the carefully drawn  number 5. placed  near to the comment about children’s games.  The fact that it has full stop or period with it means it’s a standalone clue or hint, it doesn’t really relate to the number of children’s games. This is also linked to the pentagram.

Thirdly the figures in the Toys page can be divided by 5, see the image below.

I first posted a blog about this back in 2012.  Notice figure A, it is simply five copies of figure C.  Partial copies yes, but the inference is strong.  The straight line between each of the figures in A, represents a length of cord or rope.  There is one mechanism and one weight within each of the five segments of a pentagram.

Bessler says (paraphrased) that the weights work in pairs. That means one weight from each of two adjoining segments work together, but only when they are at the lowest point in rotation. This will be shown to be part of Bessler’s “connectedness principle”, but there is more to know about that.  

The reason for the inclusion of figures C and D is that they form a pair at each advance in rotation of one fifth.  When C falls, it pulls D back up a little.

The second figure D, has no arms so although it has weights i.e. an axe, it cannot move of itself, because it has already fallen - so has to be moved by another similar figure, i.e. figure C.  Note that figure D has spirals around its body, this is to show that it lies at a different angle to figure C, because it is in the adjacent 5th segment. There is a length of cord running between each of the figures in A, when the active figure C, falls, he pulls the inactive fallen figure D upwards towards its former position.

One of Bessler’s asides includes the following:- a great craftsman would be he who, as one pound falls a quarter, causes four pounds to shoot upwards four quarters.” 

Note that within the quote he mentions that there are five weights, one plus four, and each one is equal to one pound.  Secondly, one pound falls a quarter.  How do we define what he meant by a quarter? In this case he was referring to a clock - a figure he embedded in the first drawings in both Grundlicher Bericht and Das Triumphirende - and a quarter of an hour or fifteen minutes covers 90 degrees.
Even though he used the word ‘quarter' twice, and in the first instance it  referred to the 90 degrees in a clock, in the second part the word ‘quarter' also refers to a clock but this time he has confused us by using the words ‘four quarters’. ‘Four quarter’s equals ‘one whole hour’.  Each hour on a clock is divided into 30 degrees, so the words ‘four quarters’ meaning ‘one hour’ as used here equals thirty degrees.  To paraphrase Bessler’s words, a great craftsman would be he who, as one pound falls 90 degrees, causes each of the other four pounds to shoot upwards 30 degrees.”  
You might also think it would have been better to have said that one pound falls 90 degrees, causes one pound to shoot upwards 30 degrees”, but that would have removed the information that five weights, and therefore five mechanisms were involved, so it had to be four weights plus the one.  Twice at least, Bessler informs us elsewhere that the weight is indeed raised 30 degrees.  
This explains how a fallen weight “shoots” upwards, a 90 degree fall will be able to lift an equal weight quickly.

Copyright © 2023 John Collins 


  1. Thanks for starting the new blog, John, but after reading through it I realized it's just a collection of clues that we've all seen in past blogs and often several times. In the previous blog you wrote:

    "I decided that when I was 78, I would begin to share what information I have acquired over the years, that I haven’t published before."

    So where are those previously UNpublished clues you promised us? Maybe I'm being impatient and they will start to be revealed in parts 2 and 3?

    1. That’s a fair comment anon 15:07

      When I decided do some posts about new info, I realised that I would need to provide information I’d given before, because people come here all the time who have not seen the old stuff, so I tried to fill in a few gaps to begin with.

      The next post should satisfy your need for the unknown.


    2. Well done John .. easy to follow and understand - sets a solid foundation to launch from.


    3. @anon 15:07

      Yes, this blog is just a quick review for any newbies (and also regulars who've forgotten them!) that covers past clues that John believes are important. Unfortunately, as past blogs did back then, I suspect that they will probably mean little to any newbies here. But, I did notice one item that might actually be new (I could be wrong about that, though) when he wrote:

      "...but in fact I would go further than that and state that he designed wheels which all had an odd number of mechanism."

      He gets that from the back digits of the MT drawing numbers that used the letter Z in place of the number 2 which was for MT drawings 52 written as 5Z, 72 written as 7Z, and 92 written as 9Z. So, now John believes that Bessler was building or planning to build wheels with not just 5, but also 7 and 9 mechanisms in them! Move over pentagonal designs because we may soon have to deal with heptagonal and nonagonal designs!

      That one new clue or actually interpretation of a clue was nice, but we will need to see a lot more in parts 2 and 3 if we are able to do what John suggested on 7 February 2023 at 08:53 in the last blog:

      "I anticipate three blogs to give enough information to make a sim."

      Without a working sim all of the new clues he shows us will just be written off as interesting, but subjective and of little value. They must at least finally add up to a working sim of a design based on them to finally be considered to be the real thing...objective clues. If that does not happen, then I doubt if anyone will believe his claim that he has found "99% of the solution". A working sim would be a 100% solution...assuming that the sim is accurately made, of course. With that achieved, the builders can get to work turning it into the first working reproduction of a Bessler wheel in 300+ years!

    4. Thanks anon 23:33 for agreeing with John's latest "valid excuse" for why we aren't seeing any new clues yet. That's because this part 1 is only a warm up review to prepare newbies for the actual new clues that will be in parts 2 and 3 when they finally (if ever!) show up.

      Unlike you, I don't think his explanation for the 5, 7, and 9 numbers on those MT drawing numbers is new at all. I vaguely recall seeing it before. So, imo, no actual new clues here. It's just a rehash of past things in the Bessler drawings that he thinks mean something important. Without them leading to a working wheel or at least a working sim like you said, they will forever remain "clues" instead of clues. IOW imaginary instead of real clues.

      But we sharks are hungry for fresh meat to sink our razor sharp teeth into, tear apart, and consume. So far all he's fed us is a pile of dried out bones from the past. They're crunchy but do not begin to satisfy our voracious appetite for something new. Careful fellow sharks that none of them get stuck in your throats as you try force them down and digest them!

      Starved Shark

    5. @SS
      I think you could benefit from using Shemp's hypnotic animation in the last blog. Perhaps viewing it for 30 minutes per day will help you see the importance of John's current review of his past clues? Either that or it will turn you into a vegetable so that we won't have to listen to your constant complaining anymore.
      John is doing the best he can. We need to be patient. I don't think he will disappoint us this time. As soon as his new clues are revealed in Parts 2 and 3 there will probably be a dozen simmers out there ready to turn them into working sims.
      Once that happens Bessler will be shown to have been an honest man all along. His reputation will be polished up and he will finally get the recognition he deserves in the world of science. Better late than never!

    6. Shemp's brainwashing hypnosis gif in the last blog didn't work on me! I still believe that Bessler used eight mechanisms in his wheels and not the five that John insists he did.

      I think that John is hoping nobody here will realize that it's actually easier to get an octagon out of that Merseburg wheel drawing than a pentagon! Here's how you find the hidden octagon Bessler put there.

      Notice that if you extend lines (in black) between corners of the octagon they pass near the numbers 8 (circled). That was Bessler's way of letting us know that the levers in his wheels were arranged to form an octagon which has eight corners inside of a drum.

    7. Wow! Thanks for that drawing, anon 14:04, which I've never seen before. It looks like a perfect octagon inside of the drum. That can't be an accident. It's bad for John's pentagon theory.

      PM Dreamer

    8. Everything is subjective, till it's not.

    9. It looks like anon 14:04's drawing gives one a simple choice to make. Does he prefer John's tilted pentagon inside of the drum or anon 14:04's octagon with its perfectly aligned horizontal and vertical sides?

      I'm sorry to disappoint John, but I like the octagon better because its eight corners seem to be a better fit with those points where the vertical lines cross in front of and behind the outer rim of the drum.

      I agree with PMD that this shape cannot just be an accident. It had to have been set up in the drawing on purpose by Bessler. But was it a false clue intended to deceive everyone into thinking that the levers inside his drums were arranged to form an octagon or a genuine clue as to how he actually built his wheels? I think most are going to accept it as a genuine clue.


    10. I like to receive comments, and I have spent many years working on Bessler’s information and I’ve received many requests for me to share what I know. So I’ve taken the trouble to publish the important bits. I am a serious researcher and when I post my findings I would like the information I provide to be taken seriously.

      I’m not against humorous comments but when I state that Bessler embedded a pentagram in some of his illustrations and offer definitive proof of the fact, I expect sensible comments in response. Otherwise I might as well continue but keep all of it to myself until the sim is proven and/or my book comes out.


    11. A bit of a paradoxical comment, either you broadcast here and on or you release a book, but both are not possible, or the book will have no interest.
      Let's just wait for the book, nothing urgent 😊

    12. looks like that drawing by anon 14:04 showing the octagon in the Merseberg wheel must have shook John up a little. Of course, that's completely understandable considering that it directly contradicts his own research involving pentagons.

      I think John has reached a fork in the road to the future and has to decide if he's going to continue to go down the path marked by a sign with a big pentagon on it or switch over to the path marked by a sign with a big octagon on it. But which path leads to success and which to failure?

      Contrary to what John would like, it seems like most here have decided to go down the path with the big octagon on its sign. Will John be joining them? He and others risk wasting much effort if they choose the wrong path to follow.

    13. I also found that drawing made for us by anon 14:04 to be impressive. After studying it for a while I noticed some interesting things in it.

      Look at the locks at the bottoms of the two drums. They are triangle shaped and point down like arrow heads on the left drum to the number 24 and on the right drum to the number 42. To me it looks like Bessler wanted us to study those two numbers for some reason. If you multiply the digits in those two numbers you get 2 x 4 = 8 and 4 x 2 = 8.

      Also notice the rope that goes behind the right side drum. It is numbered 16 three times maybe to draw our attention to it and 16 = 2 x 8. There's that number 8 again. All of these number 8's have to mean something and possibly they are a clue that Bessler used 8 weight shifting mechanisms in his wheels.

      If you add together instead of multiply the digits in 16 you get 7 and according to SoS that's supposed to be the luckiest of all numbers. Maybe Bessler wanted us to get that number 7 from the 16 as a way of letting us know that if we use 8 weight shifting mechanisms in our wheels then we will be very lucky like he was and finally make a working pm wheel with them?


    14. I see the mistake I made in just giving bits and pieces without the background. Without explanations showing what and how Bessler presented his information has led to very silly speculations entirely missing the point. Octagon! What a ,lad of baloney.


    15. See what happens John when you let them go fishing they actually catch something! The question is what type of fish did they catch? If they could properly identify it they won't have to jig anymore and that ain't no abalone! You got to be careful with those shellfish you know you are getting on an age you know that's too rich for your taste oops did I let the cat out of the bag. Look here ! no look here ! you better not look there no that's... that's not it at all! Open the pod bay doors Hal come on Hal! Open the pod bay doors please! I'll let you sing the song! Daisy Daisy give me your answer please I'm half crazy all for the life of ease I can't afford a carriage I can't afford a marriage but you'd look sweet upon the seat of a Bicycle Built for Two! We're off to see the wizard the wonderful Wizard of Oz we here he is a wonderful Wiz if ever a wiz there was I'll get you and your little dog Toto! Remember all you besslerites everything is connected and you must pull back the curtain let the child speak and don't underestimate the insight I know you all like straight line reasoning the wise look in all directions when they find themselves in strange surroundings.

    16. John maybe you should teach them about your favorite design you know the yin yang teach them the meaning of the Dow I'm sure you'll have them Spellbound again knowing of your orational skill they'll be like putty in your hands and if that don't work just ask Shemp to help out if you can't Dazzle them with sideshows you could always baffle them with bologna!

    17. @Mark

      Your reasons for all of the 8's are good but there may be another reason Bessler was using that number so much in his wheel drawings. If you lay that number on its side it looks like the infinity symbol used in math or the ∞ symbol which is also called the "lemniscate symbol" (US ranchers who brand cattle with it call it the "lazy eight"). Because of that what better number to attach to his pm wheels that he thought could turn forever?

      I checked it out and that infinity symbol was invented by the English mathematician John Wallis in 1655. Bessler would have been familiar with its meaning from his own study of math.

    18. John Wrote : "I see the mistake I made in just giving bits and pieces without the background. Without explanations showing what and how Bessler presented his information has led to very silly speculations entirely missing the point. Octagon! What a ,lad of baloney.


      Hi John .. if people want your full background they can read your previous blog entries and web sites where you first explained and fleshed out your conclusions for the pentagram and 5 mechs per wheel etc. The point is these are your conclusions, based on your reasoning, in your blog, and this should be respected as you work thru the process of linking up your previous findings to what is to come from your further deliberations. Which is much more than they have done btw. Best !


    19. I decided to take a closer look at one of those pentagons that John claims he's found in Bessler's Merseberg wheel. Since he did not provide one in this Part 1 collection of old clues, I used the one on the right side at the top of this blog page.

      I just took the image of that pentagon, enlarged it in MS Paint, and used a clear plastic protractor and ruler to measure its five interior angles and the lengths of its five sides in centimeters. If it was a regular pentagon, then it should have had all of its five interior angles equal to 108 degrees each and all five of its sides of equal length. Here's what my measurements showed:

      As can be seen, the five interior angles, instead of all being equal to 108 degrees each as would be found in a regular pentagon, varied from 105 to 117.5 degrees. The sides varied from 14.8 to 16 cm.

      I then did the same analysis with anon 14:04's octagon which, if it is a regular octagon, should have had all of its eight interior angles equal to 135 degrees each and all eight of its sides of equal length. Here's what my measurements showed:

      As can be seen, the eight interior angles instead of all being 135 degrees each as would be found in a regular octagon, varied from 134 to 137 degrees. The sides varied from 7.0 to 7.8 cm.

      Because these inscribed geometric figures were hand drawn, one expects there to be some variations in their individual interior angles and side lengths. However, I found that the interior angles of anon 14:04's octagon seemed to be much closer to the 135 degrees each value of a regular octagon than the interior angles of John's pentagon were to the 108 degrees each value of a regular pentagon.

      I'm supplying this information to assist those trying to make up their minds as to which of these two geometric figures Bessler really intended to hide in that drawing of the Merseburg wheel's drum. I also encourage others to make their own measurements and see if they confirm the values that I found.

    20. Mark when it becomes known you will be satisfied to know that you're understanding is significant you truly have an intuitive understanding maybe someday we could meet in VR bigscreen I occasionally open up a room titled making the impossible possible

    21. Mark, the interior angles of a pentagram are 72 degrees, so times 5 = 360. The outer angles of each segment are 54 degrees.

      The hand drawn illustrations were done on woodblock, as a mirror image. Then printed in on paper, and left on dusty damp shelves until picked 300 years later. It is easy to see from looking at the images today that the pages have become distorted. So it is not surprising if we can detect variations in what we see.

      But besides that I pointed out very clearly in my blog that he supplied excellent evidence of the presence of the pentagram by including obvious duplication of Euclid’s instructions on constructing such figure. Now if you still prefer to believe the Octagon is really intended, I won’t argue with you, it is self-evident to me at least.

      The truth of the situation will become certain in a few weeks anyway


    22. @JC
      I can see how you got the red rope line AC and the blue lock line from A to the triangular lock in your blog figure of the Merseburg wheel's drum above. But the angle you then got for ACD depended upon what point you selected for D. How do we know that you didn't just keep randomly trying multiple points for D until you found one that made the angle ACD equal to 36 degrees? How do you justify putting D inside the hole in the vertical beam that supports the axle? Point D could have been placed anywhere along the drum's periphery from C to A on the right side of the drum giving different angle values for ACD from slightly greater than zero degrees to slightly less than 90 degrees.

      Maybe you were so mesmerized by the number 5 and the pentagon shape that you experienced selection bias that made you hunt around for point D until you found one that then gave one of the inscribed triangles inside of a regular pentagon as was shown in Euclid's 11th proposition? In other words, you were expecting to find a pentagon hidden in the drum and you kept hunting around until you finally found one. Your discovery would then not have been provided by the actual evidence, but by your own desire for a particular result to verify your preexisting belief. Selection bias can be a problem in all scientific measurements.

      I'm one of those who was surprised at how easily an octagon, and a nearly perfect one at that, can be gotten from the Merseburg drum illustration in DT as was shown to us by anon 14:04. One does not have to guess at the locations of any of its vertices or corners and they are all defined by the illustration itself although to find the two on the drum's right portion one must extend a vertical line downward from the side of the box of bricks.

      Also, your Merseburg drum pentagon is tilted so that its top side is not horizontal. The octagon anon 14:04 showed us has its top and bottom sides perfectly horizontal, its left and right sides perfectly vertical, and its remaining four sides all inclined at 45 degrees. Doesn't that perfect alignment seem like something that would appeal more to a carpenter like Bessler than a pentagon that is twisted out of alignment?

      Anyway, I do hope you will eventually provide us with Parts 2 and 3 that will finally contain your previously unpublished clues which is what everyone here really wants to see. Perhaps they will make your five mechanism / pentagonal approach more acceptable.

    23. So you don’t see the connection with Euclid’s demonstration of how to construct a pentagram inside a circle. TNSBATWWNS or YCLAHTWBYCMHD.


    24. Pentagon? Octagon? Heck no! My research into that Merseburg wheel drawing clearly shows that its drum contained a hidden equilateral triangle and therefore Bessler's wheels all contained only three weight shifting mechanisms. Don't believe me? Then check out this proof of my discovery which I call Bessler's "Trigon" design:

      Sorry JC and Anon 14:04, but you two are definitely going down the wrong paths. No one way wheel with more than three mechanisms has any hope of ever working!

    25. Much thanks to SG for his astute analysis of the chaos and irrational opposition that JC's part 1 past clues review triggered on this blog.

      I think JC is finally starting to wake up to the sad reality that most of the amusingly foolish dullard drunkards (as SG has so correctly previously labeled them) who have stumbled into this blog are neither intelligent enough nor worthy enough to receive his most advanced knowledge of Bessler's wheels. Because of that JC should definitely NEVER EVER publish parts 2 and 3 containing his newest and most powerful clues on either this blog or over on that waste of bandwidth known as the bw forum.

      Doing so would be like dumping a treasure chest filled with large, flawless, perfectly cut gemstones into a pit filled with filthy, squealing hogs all gleefully wallowing in their own stinking excrement! They will briefly sniff at the sparkling gems of JC's most important new clues that land before them, try to eat them, spit them out, and then viciously attack him for daring to disturb their play by feeding them worthless rocks! JC's research deserves far more respectful treatment than that.

      An octagon hidden inside the drum of Bessler's DT Merseburg wheel drawing? A totally ridiculous idea that is actually INSANE! JC has, after decades of careful research, already determined it was a pentagon. That should settle the matter once and for all time.

      Those believing it was an octagon should immediately commit themselves into their nearest asylum for the insane to get treatment and also start a support group there for other patients who suffer from the same bizarre octagon delusion.

      Hopefully, with enough psychotherapy and maximum doses of the strongest psychiatric medications available, they can be cured enough so that they can then finally accept the reality that Bessler hid a PENTAGON inside of that Merseburg wheel's drawing in DT just like JC claims he did and NOT an octagon! If the therapy and drugs are not enough to restore their sanity, then lobotomies should be used next on them!


      PS Everything I said in this comment also applies to that absurd "Trigon" design anon 15:37 revealed.

    26. "...a pit filled with filthy, squealing hogs all gleefully wallowing in their own stinking excrement!"

      Reminds me of some of my in-laws! Lol!

      Shemp, you have a rare gift with words!

    27. I sense that a lot of the octagon believers here think they are going to somehow convert John into also becoming one. My advice to them is that they shouldn't waste their time trying to do that.

      That's because John has the number 5 and the pentagon shape so deeply embedded in his brain that it is no longer possible for him to even consider any other number or shape no matter how many people provide him with supporting evidence of them. He will chase the number 5 and pentagon designs from now until the day he dies.

      How did this happen to him? My theory is that it has to do with his birthday and birth year. He was born on the 5th day of a month and in the 5th year of the 5 decade of a century (1945). All of those number 5's were programmed into his unconscious mind long before he learned about Bessler and his wheels. That programming is not going to ever change.

      Also, I think this blog's Part 1 release of his old pentagon supporting clues was really intended to be a test...of us! He hoisted the flag of his old clues up the blog flagpole to see how many would salute it and found out almost none did. Yes, Shemp did but that was obviously an excessively exaggerated response that was intended for humor. Now that John realizes how poorly his past old clues have been received, he's starting to think that his new and previously unpublished clues planned for Parts 2 and 3 won't do any better and he'll be right about that unless they are amazingly convincing clues.

      As a result, I doubt if we will ever see Parts 2 and 3. Why should he bother to hoist the flags showing those new clues up the blog flagpole two more times only to provide the octagon believers out there with more opportunities for target practice with them? John is looking for support for his approach and not constant criticism and rejection which is mostly what he's gotten so far.

      I think it's likely that he will soon withdraw into a shell of secrecy and just keep chasing pentagonal designs in private there. He won't get much built and will become solely dependent on simming done by Fletcher to see if his latest design can run. Since he won't be reporting any of the results here, most of which will be failures anyway, there really won't be any need to keep this blog up and running.

      Right now I'd say there's a good chance we could be within a few more blogs of seeing this blog permanently shut down again like it was supposed to be back in October of last year. If it ever does return again, it will only be because he's bored to tears and his Bessler book sales are seriously lagging.

      If only he had been born on the 8th day of the 8th month (August) of the 8th year of the fifth decade of the century (1948), then I think he would be firmly on the side of the octagon believers right now.

    28. In the case of SoS it seems like the numbers 7 and 13 are "embedded" deep in his brain. But, I think this is a common trait for all pm wheel chasers. They get some approach to a solution in their head and it takes root there and is difficult or even impossible to get rid of. The problem is that if it's a wrong approach, it will forever keep them from achieving any success. It's good to stay flexible and not make too much of an emotional investment in any one approach. Sure give it a try for a while but if it doesn't produce any positive results, then it's time to move on. Bessler had to do that a hundred times before he finally found his runner.

    29. @anon 12:35
      SoS also has the number 25 stuck in his brain and he claims it represents the 25th letter of the alphabet or Y. He says the shape of that letter is the same as the shape of the levers Bessler used in his wheels. But, SoS has found a lot of clues in MT that back up that clue.

    30. @anon 09:52

      Interesting psychoanalysis you've done of John, but I don't think he likes those.

      I agree with you that we probably won't be seeing parts 2 and 3 with his unpublished clues and for much the same reason as you gave. But, there is an alternative to shutting this blog down for good that he could try and which won't require him to publish any more new clues here.

      Rather than showering everyone with Euclidean geometry type clues that only the few who are good at math have any real interest in, he could just upload an occasional drawing of his latest "Pentagonal Pentagramal Extravaganza Gravity Wheel" design (as Shemp called it in the last blog) and explain how he thinks it should work. Some here will sim it and we can all then discuss the results of their sims. That would take the burden off of Fletcher to have to do all of his simming for him and John would get continuous feedback about why a particular design was a nonrunner and suggestions on how it might be improved. He will have many such nonrunners until, if he's correctly interpreted his new clues and has collected enough of them, he finally hopefully gets a runner. It would be independently verified by several simmers and then he could legitimately declare success which he would get the historical credit for. Real world physical builds by others would eventually follow that announcement.

      I think him retreating into a "shell of secrecy" is not the best thing to do and if he does that it will probably mainly be to punish all of the pentagon design deniers out there who he considers to be his enemies because of all of the rejection they gave him over the years. That reaction would be similar to that of an eight year old telling his friends while they play some ball game in a local park that if they don't all play by only his rules, he's going to take his new ball and go home with it so no one else can play the game with it anymore. But John is 78 and not 8 years old and such a reaction would be seen as being a very immature one by him.

  2. Quando arriverete alla conclusione, se ci arriverete avrete un meccanismo in grado di funzionare un poco, ma che non sarà mai in grado di sollevare pesi o girare viti di Archimede.
    Queste congetture o indizi possono solo dirci che dobbiamo andare oltre col pensiero per arrivare alla scoperta meravigliosa fatta da Bessler alla fine del suo lavoro e della quale non ci dice quasi niente.

    1. Which in English is:

      "When you come to the conclusion, if you get there you will have a mechanism that can work a little, but that will never be able to lift weights or turn Archimedes screws. These conjectures or clues can only tell us that we must go beyond thought to arrive at the wonderful discovery made by Bessler at the end of his work and of which he tells us almost nothing."

    2. 'He tells us almost nothing', but he actually does show everything about it, for those with eyes to see.

  3. I have done my own work on them through the years too.
    3d full scale version

    and straightening out the image ,when i had time , i believe i have the straightest version (this one took me ages).

    1. Your 3d full scale version of the two Bessler wheels reminds me of this physical model made by artist Jose Antonio Penas for an article on pm in a Spanish magazine:

    2. @anon 17:58

      His models are nice, but not too accurate. That looks like the Merseburg wheel and it should have two pendulums with one at each end of the axle. Also, the drum should be mounted in the middle of the axle and not more toward one end. Both wheels he shows are actually identical. He must have put a lot of time and effort into constructing both of them. I wonder what their actual size was.

      PM Dreamer

    3. I dont understand all i dont see a physical model all i see is a rendered image

    4. The only physical model i know of is this one created by veproject , i know about that 3d rendering in my opinion it is something meant to have been an artisitic representation and not an accurate representation.

      My 3d model is build from the illustration from bessler and the known measurements , it has 2 3d models for the 2 views that can be enabled and disabled , the front view and the side view .

      The scale of the later wheels bessler build was very impressive !

    5. @JB
      PMD is not referring to your renderings which are accurate. He was referring to the image of the physical model of the two Merseburg wheels on the site that was made by the artist Jose Antonio Penas and which was linked to by anon 17:58. My guess is that the standing figure of Bessler in Penas' model is only about 5 inches high and those two Merseburg wheel drums he made are only about 10 inches in diameter. It looks like he made the wheels from cardboard and maybe balsa wood and used wire for the pendulum pieces. In art constructions like this are referred to as "miniatures" and they can sell for high prices at auctions.

    6. Yes i understand i was just pointing out mine was based on the illustration , but i cant find a physical model where is it ?

    7. Good question because I'd love to own the physical model. Maybe he sold it or it got destroyed?
      Wouldn't it be nice if some toy company made a plastic model kit that would allow you to assemble a small model of the Merseburg or Kassel wheels? It wouldn't have to be a genuine pm wheel, of course. It could be turned by a hidden battery powered electric motor so it would look like it was pm.
      The model could run the stampers, lift weights, or run the waterscrew that would have real water in it. The kids would love something like that and it would be nice way to introduce them to the Bessler story.

  4. Nice work JB. Thanks,


  5. Some images from a Russian website devoted to Bessler:

    Early scientists adjust their pm machine:

    Bessler shows one of his pm wheels to a potential buyer:

    1. I don't think they are adjusting that pm machine. They look like they are examining it while the guy on the right uses a pointer to show them its different parts. Also, what's up with that thing under the table? It looks like a car battery! The second guy from the left seems to have discovered the battery and maybe suspects the machine is a hoax? Maybe the message the artist was trying to give is that all pm machines are faked?

      Obviously this is not a genuine centuries old engraving, but just a modern pencil sketch. Anyway, it does look authentic at first glance.

    2. yeah its just satire , used in many websites .

  6. Nice pictures, particularly liked the early scientist’s machine.


  7. I have drawn this with cad over my straightened image version , both seem pretty close .

    If anyone wants my straightened image (around 10mb its a small version) you are free to have it , just dont call me out on anything in it , i did my best straightening it ,i used cad and guidelines to check straightness , i did not care about keeping the scale measurements of the measuring scale vs the drawing bessler drew in the left corner , there are some inconsistencies in the image like the rope not being straight from end to end etc.

    To get the full size: click on download original image , the dimensions should be 5799 x 3637

    1. Excellent work JB. I’ve downloaded both images, thank you.


    2. Thanks, JB. That's probably the clearest image I've ever seen of the Merseburg wheel drawing. I've also downloaded and saved it for future reference.

      A pentagon with five sides or an octagon with eight...which is best? The debate will no doubt continue well into the future.

      I notice that if you add 5 and 8 you get 13 and that's supposed to be the number that symbolizes rebellion and lawlessness in the Bible. What better number to represent how scientists view those who have always tried to build genuine pm machines?!

      Is this just a coincidence? According to SoS (who I consider my mentor) there are no coincidences when it comes to the numerology and symbols that Bessler put into his literature. I believe him.

      Notice that if you multiply 5 by 8 you get 40 that is yet another important number in the Bible which appears 159 times there. It is a number that symbolizes a period of testing, trial and then final triumph. Could any other number better describe what the quest for pm has been for us and what we hope it will become?


    3. Okay no problem , here is something interesting , I'm not saying its a clue or anything , just if you extend the lines and take the words they align with , in John's proposal. you get this.

      stabe kan alles werden / everything can become stable

    4. If this is a clue , im not entirely sure what it would mean for us , but it is kind of a true statement (if its correctly translated) , that everything can become stable , a good example is the spinning top.

    5. There is a toy top shown at the bottom of MT's Toys Page and many wonder why Bessler put it there. To understand why, you have to look at how a spinning top behaves.

      That toy top, once made to spin at high speed, could be put on a table top and it would probably start precessing. As it did that, its point of contact with the table top would follow a circular orbit. The spin axis of the top and its center of mass would then be leaning over to one side of the point of contact and would stay there without the top falling over. It looks like the top is defying gravity, but there is a simple explanation for why it is not defying gravity.

      So maybe Bessler intended the behavior of the toy top on the Toys Page, when it was spinning at high speed, to symbolically tell us how his pm wheels worked as they turned.

      The center of mass of one of his pm wheels' weights would always stay to one side of the wheel's axis of rotation (located at the center of the axle) even though the wheel was constantly turning and trying to move that center of mass to a location directly below the wheel's axis of rotation. If that could happen, which it could not, then equilibrium would be achieved and the wheel would then have no torque and would then have to stop turning.

      Figure out how his wheels did that and you will be able to build one of them.


    6. Just in case anyone is still doubting the pentagram you can read in depth about the special numbering of the first two illustration by visiting my web page at


    7. Frustrating isn't it John focuses on the number five while it is important it's only part of the solution how or why John only thinks that there are five mechanisms or that the wheel is segmented by five is unnecessarily restrictive to the rediscovery of what works. In the search for The elusive perpetual motion there has always been the serendipitous effect that is hard to deny the benefit most certainly leads to a better understanding however if you restrict your viewpoint so narrowly you become blind to the obvious. There is one giant glaring hints that Johann Ernst Elias Bessler left which should be obvious to everyone who has studied rotational motion and understand all of the forces involved.

    8. JC wrote:

      "Just in case anyone is still doubting the pentagram..."

      Maybe he should have more accurately written "For all of those who still doubt the pentagram..."?

      On his webpage that he linked to he wrote:

      "The omission of 5 and 18 in DT is explained by the fact that 5 is the most important number to Bessler because of its connection with the pentagram, and 18 degrees is the basic angle of the pentagram."

      Yes, the number 5 is missing, but there is a simple explanation for that. Maybe after Bessler carved the 4's on one night into the printing plate for the Merseburg wheel drawing that is in DT, he hit the sack and then he started the next night with the 6's? By the time he realized he'd goofed up and forgot to start with the 5's it was too late to change the 6's to 5's, so he just left the 5's out? Not every error in the Bessler drawings has to have been done on purpose and has some "deep" meaning. He could have been working on that DT figure with poor lighting after a day of hard work and while half crocked from too much wine. Bessler was only human and all humans make mistakes.

      Btw, the number 18 is not missing and you can clearly see it by the section of rope near the floor pulley of the Merseburg wheel drawing in DT.

    9. Please show where in the GB drawing the hard to see 18 is? The 18 next to the rope in line with the right side 24 padlock is obvious. Is the small hole through which the rope passes the trapdoor in the wall to the pulley-wheel and box?

      JC wrote "Its almost impossible to see but in the first drawing, GB, the second number 18 is almost invisible, having been squeezed into the small hole through which the rope is supposed to pass."

    10. @anon 04:02
      Here you go:

      This is a blow up of the cut out from the vertical wood axle support of the Merseburg wheel shown in GB. It is hard to see the number 18, but it's definitely there.

      Why didn't Bessler use the same drawing for the Merseburg wheel in DT? Maybe he no longer had possession of the copper plates used for GB which he had handed over to book's the printer? Maybe he was trying to keep the printing cost down since Karl was footing the bill for the printing of DT and opted to engrave the DT drawing on a cheaper wood block?

      That would explain the missing number 18 from DT because you cannot get as much fine detail engraving wood blocks as you can copper plates. Therefore, he just left the extra number 18 out of the DT drawing because he knew its printed image would come out looking like a black blob inside of the cutout in the support.

    11. Thanks, I'll have to take your word for it. If so that would make the left side 18 the hole for the rope to pass through in the side on view by the floor mounted pulley-wheel.

    12. I wrote, “ in GB there are two number 18’s but only one in DT”, I can’t put it more clearly than that. There is only one in DT. If you can find the missing one in DT do please show!


    13. SG to JC: "But I have to admit you take the cake..."

      Did you mean like this?


    14. Thank Shemp you never disappoint you're consistently there fore comic relief but really would anybody ever be caught dead in a powder blue tuxedo that in itself is too cruel!

    15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    16. Shemp your strong suit will always be in black and white and whipped cream pies however if you wish to make the transition into color giving your character might I suggest plaid! pastels are not that funny. It's just a little comical deconstructive criticism🤔🙊🙉🙈

    17. I've seen your posts SG here on JC's blog. You seem to know what you're talking about so my personal litmus test is to ask you if you have a running mechanism for real - as it a tangible mechanism that can be touched - or does your wheel only run in your mind? I ask not to be cynical, but there is no proof like an actual running machine. In an attempt to pick your brain for a clue - if you're so sure about a child's toy - is it a toy found today in current production or do we have to go back to sometime between Bessler's day and now to find it?

    18. Uh oh...looks like SG's got a nibble and maybe he'll hook one this time. Let's see if he can successfully reel him in. I say no because this fish sounds smarter than the average one that swims through here and notices SG's bait.


  8. I wasn't going to return here for a few more blogs, but I've come across a new clue in MT that is so astounding that I decided to share it in this blog. Yes, I know I previously said that I was finished with my researching of the MT drawings, but this clue is so stunning that it pulled me right back in again!

    I call it the "Axmen Lever Clue" which I found hidden in the Toys Page. Even KB missed this one! Unfortunately, I don't have the time to present it now because I will have to prepare a paint drawing to properly show it. But, rest assured, it's something entire new and totally amazing.

    Stay tuned my fellow Bessler pm wheel chasers...I have a real treat in store for you all this time! I'll try to have it posted in the next day or so.

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. Hi, SoS!

      I'm a big fan of yours and have been collecting the clues you found in MT for several years now. What you have found so far is truly amazing!

      I've never been able to get anything out of the Toys Page, but with you analyzing it I'm sure that is about to quickly change.

      I'm looking forward to seeing the details of your new "Axmen Lever Clue". I assume those axmen you are talking about are the two little men on that lower flip flop toy who look like they are chopping on a log with axes. All I see when I look at them is that their bodies look like coiled springs. I'm sure that you are seeing a lot more than I am though.


    2. Never underestimate SoS. He's probably gotten more clues out of MT than anyone else ever has. He also explains things so simple that even a dummy like me can easily understand them. I'm also looking forward to seeing that axmen lever clue he found. I didn't know the two guys on the lower toy were swinging axes. I thought everyone had hammers. Live and learn!

    3. I've always felt there was something a little spooky about SoS. But if he can show me some new clues in that toy page, then I don't care if he wears a cape, sleeps in a coffin, and only comes out at night to drink blood...just so long as he stays out of my neighborhood while he's doing it! Lol!

    4. No, I don't sleep in a coffin...not yet, that is. But, like all fortune telling psychics, I do have my few eccentricities. They come with the job much like, for example, the odd hairstyles and outfits worn by rock music artists come with their jobs. The people I deal with actually expect them and I wouldn't want to disappoint them.

      Okay, everyone, it's time to reveal the "Axmen Lever Clue" that I previously teased you with. To begin, you need to study the Toys Page in MT. But, I prefer that you instead study using this version of it that I've made for you (I apologize in advance for the somewhat sloppy quality of the drawing, but being pressed for time I made it in haste):

      Look at the upper right corner of the drawing which has the letter "B" near the top of the Jacob's Ladder toy. Notice that the three sections of the toy there form the letter "Y" which I'm sure everyone knows that my previous MT research indicates is the shape of the levers that Bessler used in his wheels (adding the alphanumeric values of the "A" and "B" letters there also gives 1 + 2 = 3 indicating a lever with 3 arms which a "Y" shaped lever would have). That could just be a coincidence, of course...unless there is something else in the Toys Page to confirm it. Is there? Of course there is or I wouldn't be posting this now!

      If you follow the sections of the Jacob's Ladder downward, you will notice something that is VERY easy to miss. Under magnification, you will notice that the right handle of the top hammermen toy does NOT physically touch the nearby hinge of the Jacob's Ladder because there is a tiny gap separating them. But, now look at the right handle of the bottom axmen toy and again do so under magnification. That right handle DOES physically touch the section of the Jacob's Ladder (in fact, of the four handles of the two toys, only that one actually touches something). Bessler uses that physical connection to tell us that there is some sort of connection that we can make between the "Y" shape made by the three sections at the top of the Jacob's Ladder and that bottom axmen toy and he wants us to study that bottom axmen toy carefully to find out what that connection is.

      Well, I did so study it for a long time and then, all of a sudden, its meaning hit me like a bolt of lightning out of a clear blue sky! Look at the two axes that the little men with the spring-like bodies are holding. The axe on the left resembles a letter "T" whose handle is tilted about 60 degrees from the vertical to its right side while the handle of the axe on the right is tilted about 120 degrees from the vertical to its left side to make the axe resemble the letter "V"!

      "T" is the 20th letter of the alphabet and has an alphanumeric value of 20. "V" is the 22nd letter of the alphabet so it normally has an alphanumeric value of 22. But, Bessler usually uses the letter "V" like the Roman numeral which has a value of 5.

      Now, continue up the left side of my Toys Page drawing to the upper left corner. There I have added the values of the two letters formed by axes together and get 20 + 5 = 25. And, the letter whose alphanumeric value is 25 is the letter "Y".

      So, to review, we see that Bessler has placed the "Y" shape of his wheels' weight carrying levers into the Toys Page at the top of the Jacob's Ladder and has even given us an ADDITIONAL physically connected clue on that page to verify that lever shape. I call that additional clue the "Axmen Lever Clue" which, as was seen, uses the shapes and orientations of the axes wielded by the two little axmen of the lower toy to form two letters, "T" and "V", that have a numerological sum equal to the alphanumeric value of the letter "Y" which is 25.

      Consequently, I remain firmly convinced that the levers in Bessler's wheels had a shape very similar to that particular letter of the alphabet.

      Sayer of Sooths


    6. @anon 20:13
      That split image you made from the original MT Toys Page at the Kassel University library was a preliminary print probably made by Bessler himself and it even shows a slight gap between the hinge and the Jacob's ladder in the top half which shouldn't be there. I think Bessler may have made those gaps as small as possible because he expected later printing using more pressure to close them up due to ink bleeding. SoS obviously used a low resolution image of the Toys Page off the web so it kind of duplicates the effects of ink bleeding to make the lower toy's right handle appear to touch the Jacob's ladder piece. Even if that gap didn't close up in a final printing, I think it's so small that anyone viewing the page without magnification would see the two pieces as being in contact.

    7. Interesting as usual SoS.
      Even if the bottom of the jacob ladder isn't touching that axemen toy handle you still get taken down to that toy by the hanging jacob ladder. I never thought they were swinging axes. I always thought they were hammers like in the top toy but with different heads on them.
      You are right those axes look like letters and they add up to 25. Has to mean the letter Y. Too many Ys from Bessler so they have to be important. Y shape levers? I can accept that.

    8. Thanks for another great clue, SoS! You never disappoint us. I've looked at that Toys Page forever and I never noticed that the shapes of those two axes are actually letters of the alphabet. Incredible!

      You just keep piling up more and more evidence that Bessler used those Y shaped levers in his pm wheels. Now we learn there are even clues for them in the Toys Page which are the last clues he would ever leave us! Imo, it now seems like a certainty that he did use them. Their shape must have been somehow critical to making his pm wheels work.

      You didn't mention it, but after reading how you numerologically analyzed the Toys Page, I could see another number 25 hidden there.

      Look at that large letter E in the lower left corner. It's alphanumeric value is 5. Notice that it is placed inside of two of the large X shaped sections of that expandable scissor toy. If Bessler used the letter V like the Roman numeral V which has a value of 5, then maybe he also occasionally used the letter X like the Roman numeral X which has a value of 10. If so, then that E is right between two X's that if added together because they are on top of each other, have a sum of 20. If you then add in the value of E or 5 to that, the sum becomes 25. Even more evidence for those Y shaped levers!


    9. I also found this new clue from SoS interesting and I agree that those lower axemen are swinging axes and not hammers and that obviously the axes were intended to look like letters of the alphabet. But it does not look like its possible to make letters out of the upper hammermens' hammers. However I noticed something else interesting about those top hammermen.

      Each hammerman is grasping the handle of his hammer using his two hands and their arms. So in a sense each hammer head, that is just a metal weight, is attached to the end of a handle which can be considered to be one long arm and that long arm then has two other arms attached to it that are provided by the hammerman holding the hammer's handle.

      That's a total of three arms connected together with a weight at the end of one of them. Doesn't that seem like those hammers were intended by Bessler to be a clue showing us that he used Y shaped levers in his wheels?

    10. On your knees heathens and prepare to worship your new GOD!

    11. Thanks SoS for feeding us clue hungry sharks some FRESH meat dripping with warm juicy red blood for a change!


      Ahhh...that's much better now. Our stomachs are finally almost full and that meal you served us was so much tastier than those dried out bones we were previously given to gnaw on. I think I even broke a tooth on one of them! Good thing my teeth grow back so fast.

      Do you have any more fresh meat you can feed us? Some of us may still be a little hungry. It's always nicer to go to bed with a full stomach than one that's still partially empty. We'd appreciate anything else you can share with us at this time.

      Starved Shark (who is now a new SoS fan)

    12. Hmm...a blog is like a shark in a way. It has to keep moving or it dies!

    13. @Mark

      I think you did a nice job of finding that extra number 25 hidden in the Toys Page and that you would make an excellent numerologist. I was aware of it, but did not include it because I think it appears in the Toys Page analysis KB gave in his book and I don't want to risk presenting someone else's research as my own even if it's done accidentally.

      It looks like my "Axemen Lever Clue" wasn't quite enough to satisfy the hunger of some of the clue hungry "sharks" here. I do happen to have another VERY bizarre new clue that I found recently in the Toys Page that I could feed you and that would immediately stuff your stomachs to near bursting while also giving you the surprise of your lives.

      However, this new clue is somewhat shocking in nature and it has to be clearly understood that if anyone is upset by it, then I will accept no responsibility for that since he has been warned about it in advance. Because of that, anyone prone to fainting, subject to nightmares, or who has serious heart problems should avoid viewing it if I reveal it on this blog.

      So, if that is acceptable and there is still interest in seeing it, then let me know here and I will prepare another quick paint drawing to show you what it is, what its meaning is, and how to find it in the Toys Page. Rather than adding that information to this thread, however, I'll post it at the bottom of this comment page in a new thread to make it easier to find and also to keep this thread from getting excessively long.

      Sayer of Sooths

    14. You have a new clue that is so shocking it could actually make someone faint?! Are you serious about that? If so, then heck yeah let's see it. I'll keep my smelling salts handy just in case I start to feel like I'm going to black out as I view your new clue! Lol!

    15. It's hard to take what you wrote seriously, SoS. But, otoh, you do have a reputation on this blog of carrying through on your claims.

      I've gone over the Toys Page many times and found nothing shocking on it. All I see are some nice kid toys that don't seem to have any obvious connection to pm. However, your recent Axemen Lever Clue is starting to make me think that I might be wrong about that.

      But, if you have found a new "bizarre" and "shocking" clue on the Toys Page, then please do show it to us. I think my brain and heart are still healthy enough to handle viewing it...I hope!

      PM Dreamer

    16. @SoS

      It's obvious to me that, aside from numerology, you are an expert at arousing people's curiosity about your latest discoveries of the clues that Bessler left behind for us. That's not necessarily a bad thing. But, after hinting that you have a new Toys Page clue that might potentially KILL people if you revealed it, of course everyone wants to see if it actually does make one of us drop after viewing it!

      So count me in. Let's see your new and bizarre "killer clue". If it does not kill at least one person here, I think I will feel cheated after all of your hype about it. Lol!

    17. This is kind of exciting. With mention of this killer clue SoS will soon unveil, I feel like I'm entering a '50's movie theater where they were showing some new horror flick.

      To hype those films they used do cool stuff like require you to sign a release saying you wouldn't sue the theater if you had a heart attack or stroke because of the film, have a nurse take your blood pressure before you were seated to make sure it wasn't too high and could increase your risk of a fatal stroke (funny, those "nurses" always looked like the same girls that were running the concession stands the previous week!), and some of the theaters even offered to pay for the funeral of anyone who died of fright while watching one of William Castle's latest horror movies.

      Those were the days...I really miss them. Thanks, SoS, for giving us a taste of them again. I'm looking forward to your new killer clue for us!

  9. Muscles = Springs.

  10. I noticed the angle between the hammer/ax and the wooden piece hooking the figure to the mechanism is 90 degrees on one side and obtuse on the other side. the opposite is true on the lower figure.

    1. Interesting piece of speculation SoS, and anyone’s speculation is valid until the true meaning is shown with a working wheel.


    2. If someone does not come up with a valid reproducible real world experiment or proof of principle-concept , it remains impossible and Bessler remains branded as a fraud , no pressure though.

    3. I used to think Bessler was a fraud, but I can't figure out how he faked it. All these numbers and lines and hints are great, but they aren't going to magically produce a wheel. It's kind of like talking about numbers like 8, 4, and 1 as pertaining to a car. It might have 8 cylinders, 4 wheels, and 1 steering wheel - but knowing that isn't going to create a working vehicle.

    4. God knows we have been trying , if the man had something special or not , even if it was a wrongly named invention or not ,one thing is known he sure as hell was being stubborn about revealing it.

    5. @anon 12:52.
      It's highly improbable that Bessler's wheels were frauds even though it's not completely impossible. But, if they were, then he wouldn't have been able to get away with selling one of them. Once the fraud was discovered, he would be hunted down, as much of the money recovered as possible, and he most likely would have been promptly executed. Just not the worth the risk, imo.

      If you want to see the most detailed analysis ever done of Bessler's wheels, you need to see Ken B's Bessler book. He actually gives you detailed schematics to begin making the parts for and assembling them into Bessler's wheels from a 3 foot diameter prototype you can put on a table's top right up to the 12 foot diameter, bidirectional Kassel wheel which weighs 1,100 pounds!

      Some think Ken had to be insane to write that book and others think he's a genius. He claims to have sims that verify the design he reverse engineered from Bessler clues actually works. Some think he has found the secret of Bessler's wheels, but so far no one has built a working replica based on his design. That doesn't mean that no one ever will, though.

    6. I wonder what would happen if someone were to do as you suggest, anon 13:29, use his detailed schematics and build Ken’s wheel exactly as he described….and discover the truth. That it didn’t work and no amount of adjusting, altering, improving could change the fact that the whole thing was a load of complete and utter tripe, nonsense and rubbish. I wish some would take the challenge and build it, but no one will because we all know it’s based on entirely imaginary cluescwhichbdontvexistvoutside Ken’s feverish imagination.


    7. In the spirit of Bessler's time : sounds a lot like a golden opportunity for a public wager.

    8. JC .. Ken's wheel was built by a member "whatzonstrat" - he says he faithfully followed the book and it did not show any tendency to move on it's own. He adjusted it and played with it till he gave up on it. You can red about it here ..

      The topic he started was called "Ken Behrendt 3 foot Gera wheel unfortunately a dead duck"

      You can see he was a serious and capable builder. Where was KB to help him sort out why it wasn't working since he claims he waiting for others to build it ?


    9. "I wish some would take the challenge and build it, but no one will because we all know it’s based on entirely imaginary cluescwhichbdontvexistvoutside Ken’s feverish imagination."

      No, we don't "all know it" and most likely a lot of people will say the exact same thing about John's clues in Parts 2 and 3 IF he actually ever shows them to us. Sadly, in the bizarre world of pm wheel research, one man's clues are another man's nonsense and vice versa as shown by the earlier pentagon versus octagon debate on this blog.

      It's always been that way since Bessler's time and will continue until a working wheel is finally constructed. Even then, while the builder proudly proclaims he's found Bessler's secret design, some will say "no way" because they really know how it must have worked even though they never produced a runner of their own!

      This is all part of human nature. Our species consists of billions of individual egos each trying to inflate itself by minimizing the efforts and achievements of others while exaggerating its own efforts even if they led to no real results. That's why any pm chaser going to a "free energy" website looking for emotional support is generally wasting his time. As soon as he dares to say he's making any progress, most of the rest of the failure pm chasers there will begin to use him and his design for target practice.

      They will openly insult him, lampoon him, and do everything they can to make him feel like a piece of sh*t who can't add 2 plus 2 to get 4. I've seen this happen a hundred times all over the web. I think this is the main reason most use a pseudonym on a site. It makes them feel like all of the insults are actually being directed at someone else so they hurt less.

      The only good news in all of this is that, if a post-Bessler working pm wheel is ever invented and becomes commercially successful, the inventor, assuming he's still alive by then, will be able to enjoy the praise of a planet full of grateful people all of who's electric bills he's helped to lower so they have some extra money in their pockets at the end of a month. That should help him heal up from all of the grief he had to endure from his "peers" to reach that point.

    10. @JC , since KB and company always come here and leave links to his book and videos , perhaps you should create a permanent link to the build on your blog for them to follow.

    11. @Fletcher

      Unfortunately, that builder on bwf, a New Zealander named "Dave", was a bit suspicious, imo. He had only made two posts on bwf after being a member for years. In the first one he was asking about Ken B's book. In the second one, made about a week later, he states he built an exact replica of the wheel described in Ken's book! He must work really fast! In that second post he provided some photos of HIS version of the wheel which only vaguely resembles what Ken B describes in his book.

      Ken B describes a model wheel that is housed in a very light, open framework type drum made of thin wood strips which has an axle through its center whose end steel pins rest on tiny open brass bearings on a lightweight wooden stand. The entire drum and its axle with the eight weighted levers installed in it weighs about 5 pounds! It's basically a toy intended for tabletop demonstrations.

      Dave, however, mounted his wheel's levers on metal pins bolted into a much heavier solid wooden flywheel type disc that was attached to a shaft on one side of it resting on bearings. Ken B's levers are mounted quite differently in his wheel's drum. Even despite its much greater mass, Dave claimed his wheel was self-starting from some positions, but not others.

      While Dave kept telling everyone how accurately he replicated Ken B's design, he never mentioned the values of the parts in his wheel so it could be confirmed they were the same as the ones specified in Ken B's book. I suspect he couldn't do that because it would have been immediately obvious to others who had read the volume that Dave's wheel was not the same as the one described in the book.

      We have to keep in mind that Bessler said that his 3 foot diameter Gera prototype wheel could barely move itself so obviously it produced very low constant torque and it would not run continuously unless it had been very carefully balanced. Ken B emphasizes this detail repeatedly in his book. Maybe if Dave had actually followed Ken B's instructions so he could have constructed an exact replica of Bessler's Gera prototype wheel, he would have gotten better results?

      It's dangerous to base one's appraisal of a design on a single failed test. I don't think the Ken B wheel has been sufficiently evaluated yet. Other than his claimed successful simming of the design, no one else has made an accurate sim of it (although I do recall someone on bwf quickly slapping together a faked motor driven sim to mock Ken B's design). They are all too busy chasing their own designs for that.

      Maybe Ken B's wheel is really not meant for our generation, but for the next generation of Bessler wheel chasers? In a similar way, Bessler's wheel was really not meant for his generation and it just disappeared along with him. Hopefully, that will not happen to Ken B's version of Bessler's wheel.

    12. Ken, have the guts to sign your comments with your own name. It’s so obviously you who is desperately promoting your book.


    13. Anonymous 21:23 AKA KEN B. "Ken B's version of Bessler's wheel" bite my ass!

    14. @Anonymous10 March 2023 at 21:23

      "Unfortunately, that builder on bwf, a New Zealander named "Dave", was a bit suspicious, imo. He had only made two posts on bwf after being a member for years."

      Nothing suspicious about him .. he had private mailed me on a few occasions over a period of time, and he seemed credible and honest to me. IIRC he didn't feel confident enough to post at until he had something to share, and he was working on his own projects besides a replication of the KB wheel.

      "It's dangerous to base one's appraisal of a design on a single failed test. I don't think the Ken B wheel has been sufficiently evaluated yet.

      Other than his claimed successful simming of the design, no one else has made an accurate sim of it (although I do recall someone on bwf quickly slapping together a faked motor driven sim to mock Ken B's design)."

      That's is complete B.S. AFAIK no one has tried to make a replication sim of KB's sim, including me. That's because when his 'sim runner' first appeared on YT I had a close look at it. It was a capture of the sim in steady rotation state. Not from start up to full rpm which would have been more meaningful. This resembled to me a hidden motor driving it around at constant speed, for show only. The next thing is that it had a lever passing thru its stop which is clearly an amateur mistake and unforgivable in a POP sim, imo. Don't bore me with the diatribe that it didn't make any difference - clearly it does make a difference and it would show up in a fluctuating sim rpm (there were no graph of rpm Output details to study).

      "(although I do recall someone on bwf quickly slapping together a faked motor driven sim to mock Ken B's design)"

      Hogwash .. no one slapped together a fake motor driven replication to mock KB or otherwise. It was suggested by others and myself that it looked like it was hidden motor turned. And since KB would not release the 'sim runner' for interrogation or give any meaningful Output Data to analyze then no one thought it was genuine or worth spending their time on, including me.

      All he has to do is release a file of his "runner sim" to other WM users and all would be answered within hours. The answer to that is rather obvious. He wants you to spend your time and dollars building sims and real-world builds and maybe 'tweak' his design into a bona fide runner (and then validate his claim) - fat chance of either imo.


    15. hmmm Dave wasn't the one that was suspicious lol. The gaslighter.strikes again.

    16. Thanks fletch, for adding a few words of honesty and common sense, to counter the bilge coming from Ken.


    17. I think a lot of the anger toward Ken B shown here has to do with the envy caused by someone who is NOT one of the fixtures over at bwf having the fortitude to carry through on his promise to finally find a clue based solution to Bessler's wheels while the rest of those fixtures just continued to babble on about designs that had nothing to do with Bessler's wheels. That, however, was when they weren't busy engaging in p*ssing contests with each other. Ken B, otoh, invested his time in providing the world with a huge practical guide dedicated to actually building working replicas of Bessler's wheels.

      Let me briefly try to correct some of "-f's" latest outpouring of misinformation here:

      -f: "Nothing suspicious about him (Dave)...he was working on his own projects besides a replication of the KB wheel."

      Reality: Dave just cannibalized some parts from his other failed wheels and tried to make it sound like he made an exact replica of the 3 ft wheel in Ken B's book. What he threw together is NOT the wheel Ken B describes AND illustrates in his book which is why he dared not provide the specs on the parts in his "exact" reproduction. If -f had actually read Ken B's book he would have realized that. But, why bother doing that since -f is sure that he couldn't possibly learn anything of value from the book (how wrong he is about that!).

      -f: "Hogwash .. no one slapped together a fake motor driven replication to mock KB or otherwise."

      Reality: Go to this bwf page and look at the nonsense uploaded by some twit from the Netherlands called "ME":

      Then note how other bwf fixtures join in on mocking Ken B and the wheel design he found based on the clues Bessler left in his drawings that those fixtures are STILL totally ignorant of.

      -f: "He wants you to spend your time and dollars building sims and real-world builds and maybe 'tweak' his design into a bona fide runner (and then validate his claim) - fat chance of either imo."

      Reality: Ken B is not looking for anyone to "tweak" his design to make it into a runner. He has already done that by making about 2,000 sims that finally proved to himself that the last designs were runners. Although he has opted not to release his original sims because of a bad initial experience he had with one of the bwf fixtures who said he was eager to obtain them so he could prove the design was really a nonrunner, Ken B invites ANYONE to take the part values he gives for Bessler's wheels in his book and make his own sims to verify that the design is actually a runner and is what Bessler found and used.

      Ken B apparently does not want to take the risk of providing his original sims to someone he does not know whose only goal might really be to sabotage Ken B's efforts to get people to take the design seriously and begin building wheels based on it. Imo, this is a very wise precaution and don't think you won't see others doing the same thing if and when they finally find a design for a pm wheel whose sims show it is a runner. So far, other than Ken B, none of them has.

      Ken B Believer

    18. There is only one way to "proof" something is a "runner" , build it , let it run.

    19. @ Ken B Believer. If you really aren’t Ken himself, and I’m sure you are…. Then you cannot in all seriousness have studied his so-called clues. They are fake for two reasons. Only Rorschach inkblots could make sense of them, and secondly Ken’s interpretation of them is designed to fit in with his preconceptions of how the wheel worked. His mass-loss theory is completely loopy because, if it was real it still couldn’t generate enough energy to raise a feather and certainly not drive any of the wheels.


    20. JC wrote "His mass-loss theory is completely loopy because, if it was real it still couldn’t generate enough energy to raise a feather and certainly not drive any of the wheels."

      Once again JC displays his ignorance of modern science. If he, who claims to be an engineer, actually did understand that science he would realize that the energy content of a SINGLE nanogram of mass is about 90 joules which is equivalent to about 66.4 foot-pounds or enough energy to lift 1 pound through a distance of 66.4 feet or 66.4 pounds through a distance of 1 foot. You need a LOT of feathers for them to weigh 66.4 pounds! Next, imagine the energy contained in the hundreds of kilograms of lead inside of Bessler's largest wheels all of which could potentially, over the course of hundreds of millions of years, be slowly liberated by the unique mechanics of those wheels.

      The ubiquitous Fletcher claims that it's "hogwash" that anyone ever mocked Ken B's wheel design, yet when you visit that bwf page that KBB linked to you will see good ol' Fletcher right there joining in on disparaging Ken B's wheel. Apparently, he was upset because Ken B's wheel sim wasn't accelerating enough to suit Fletcher. Maybe he was unaware that Ken B purposely restricted his sim wheel to turning at a low constant speed so people could study the unique swinging actions of its interconnected levers?

      Also, notice that you will never see JC disagreeing with Fletcher about anything on this blog and only constantly praising his input. They are just two peas in a pod. But, I think JC has actually now become Fletcher's perfect little toady! He must remain so because he dares not anger Fletcher who then might pass on the "opportunity" to sim all of those "pentagonal pentragramal extravaganza gravity wheels" wheels that JC plans to build, on paper only of course, and have sim verified before he can legitimately claim he's got something that might be able to seriously compete with the design that Ken B has ALREADY found!

    21. anon 13:18 You are as usual talking rubbish. How do you, Ken, explain how you will derive all this energy as it will “over the course of hundreds of millions of years, be slowly liberated”, within a single rotation of your wheel That’s a rhetorical question which you needn’t/can’t answer in any sensible way.


    22. Uh oh...looks like John and Fletcher made the grand mistake of besmirching the sacred integrity of "Ken the Great"! That of course, quickly triggered a retaliatory counter attack from some of his devoted disciples. They are apparently so enthralled by his wheel design that they take it personally if anybody even suggests that it's not what Bessler used!

      John, I think you are a bit confused about what anon 13:18 was saying. All of that energy, if I understand Ken B's theory correctly, would be released gradually over such a long time period as the wheel's lead weights gradually became less and less massive, but it would not be done with a single rotation. If it was done with a single rotation, one of Bessler's wheels would explode like a really power hydrogen bomb!

      No, the wheel, if it was the Kassel wheel, would have to rotate constantly at 26 rpm's for all of the minutes in those hundreds of millions of years. That's a lot of rotations which I will leave to others to calculate. This long run time is only a theoretical one because no real physical wheel could possibly run that long without regular servicing and parts replacements. Without those, it's parts would eventually all disintegrate back into dust long before the run time was completed.

    23. I’m not confused, I was pointing out that if it takes hundreds of millions of years for all the energy to be liberated, what is the point if we can’t get even one rotation of the wheel because the amount of energy released by one fall of the weight is too small to measure.


    24. John, I think you need to read anon 13:18's comment again. He was basically saying that if during a single wheel rotation all of the weights in one of Bessler's overbalanced wheels lost a single nanogram of mass then that would be equivalent to enough energy to lift a 66.4 pound weight a foot higher in Earth's gravity. That is not an insignificant amount of energy and it would cause even a very massive wheel to accelerate.

    25. Ok last attempt to try to explain something very simple. This fascinating theory has nothing to do with Bessler’s wheel. We only have one rotation to create enough energy to generate one more rotation.


  11. You forgot to mention that Ken B has two left thumbs so couldn't real-build his model sim himself, or get someone else to build it for him lol.

  12. Back to the KB sim "runner" for the benefit of the moron who keeps digging the hole deeper.

    I had forgotten that I had also identified the lever attachment points migrating on the levers during a wheel rotation, besides an individual lever passing thru its stop when it should have contacted.

    And that ME had built his own Y shaped lever and spring sim which didn't work. He had gone a step further in the analysis of the KB sim and joined opposite sides rim points (geographical anchor references) on the disk and found that they centered below and to the right of the represented axle. In his own sim he looped the video after a 1/4 turn it seems to show a rotation. His point was that it appeared to him that the sim was turned at an offset background disk which was hidden, or some such, to explain the migration of set geometric anchor points and steady rotation rate.

    Conclusion .. I found myself in much agreement with ME's likely analysis - a bad fake made by a dishonest moron for personal gain !


    1. Your buddy ME is obviously too incompetent to realize that in some of the later versions of WM2D an anchor point icon always stays to the lower right of its attachment point despite the rotation of an object that it is attached to. That gives the illusion that the icon is orbiting its attachment point when the object it is attached to rotates, but it really is not. There were no hidden "offset background disks" in the Ken B wheel sim video shown on youtube. If you "find yourself in much agreement with ME's likely analysis", then you are just as incompetent as he is!

    2. If you call a sim a runner and working wheel you need to go and visit your nearest mental health facility.

    3. @Anonymous11 March 2023 at 22:06 .. "Your buddy ME is obviously too incompetent to realize that in some of the later versions of WM2D an anchor point icon always stays to the lower right of its attachment point despite the rotation of an object that it is attached to. That gives the illusion that the icon is orbiting its attachment point when the object it is attached to rotates, but it really is not. There were no hidden "offset background disks" in the Ken B wheel sim video shown on youtube. If you "find yourself in much agreement with ME's likely analysis", then you are just as incompetent as he is!"

      That is total self-serving B.S. that you have served up before and it was debunked then ! Earlier programs don't and do not do this. Neither do the newer iterations. The sim is a graphic representation of sets of code coordinates which calculate the whole frame by frame based on the Laws and math of Physics. The program doesn't adjust the positions because of some 'bug' that then gives a false illusion of migrating fixed points - laughable if it weren't so sad for you and your sycophant personalities !

      You redefine incompetence .. If you are so sure it's genuine why aren't you simming it yourself in a more modern program and fixing the glaring problems, and posting the result with your real name, or getting someone you trust to build and publish for you with their real name ? Or building or commissioning it for that matter ? That's the scientific process, building robustness into the experimental procedures whilst testing the hypothesis until the outcomes are reliable, predictable, and repeatable. And why do you obscenely pollute and hijack John Collins blog with your idiot ravings with no practical proof to back up your claims of sincerity ?

      I think we all know why ! You are a Looney Tune, and a dishonest one at that !


    4. @JB
      Mass does not need to be converted into energy because it already is energy. This is a difficult idea for many to grasp, but it's the truth. From what I got from the Ken B book, he says that the energy that one of Bessler's running wheels outputted was paid for by a very slow but continuous loss of the masses of all of the subatomic particles that made up all of the atoms of the lead in the weights of the wheel. There were no fission or fusion reactions required for that to happen and it was caused just by the overbalanced mechanisms in the wheel as it turned.
      He thinks that mass loss is evenly distributed among of all of the subatomic particles and after so much time of a wheel running, they will all have lost the same percentage of their starting masses.
      He has a new way of viewing overbalanced pm wheels that can explain where they would get their energy from that doesn't require it to be made out of thin air and violate the 1st law of thermo. As with any new concept, it takes time to get used to it.

  13. (part 1 of 2 parts)

    Okay everyone, your wait for the Toys Page "killer clue" is now over!

    Since there seems to be sufficient interest in seeing the new and somewhat shocking clue that I recently discovered on the Toys Page despite my previous warning that it might upset some, I am presenting it now along with a few other interesting numerological clues on that page as a bonus. Once again, here's a quick, but not too neat MS Paint drawing I made showing the new clues:

    First, the "shocking" clue which is a SEVERED HEAD! I have put a red circle around it and it is located just below the log that the two lower toy axemen are hitting with their axes. I realized that the log can also be considered to be a chopping block used to execute people via decapitation! Right below that chopping block, which the right axeman has just hit with his axe, you can see a HEAD dropping away from the block! The silhouette profile view of the head is admittedly small so I added some thin white lines to show where it's eye, ear, and scalp would be located. On the right is a box showing an enlarged view of the severed head which is looking down and toward the left side of the page. You will notice that its nose and open mouth are similar to the profile of the face shown on the upper toy's right side hammerman. An open mouth on the severed head indicates sudden agony which, I imagine, is the last thing someone having their head chopped off with an axe might feel!

    Why did Bessler put something like this into the Toys Page? I believe it was to remind future analysts of the page (that's us) that he once offered to be decapitated as punishment if someone bought one of his wheels and it proved to be a fake. It may also have been an expression of a "death wish" by Bessler who unconsciously hoped he would be executed so the torment of him trying to sell his invention would finally be ended. If he was so killed, by others, then he would not be committing the sin of suicide and his immortal soul would then immediately fly off to Heaven. Now you know why I cautioned those prone to nightmares not to view this clue.

    Sayer of Sooths

    (end of part 1 to be continued and ended in part 2)

    1. (part 2 of 2 parts)

      But, there are some additional important clues in the Toys Page that I show in my uploaded drawing as a bonus. Bessler placed letters into the drawing that seem to direct us to move from "A" at the top right corner down toward "E" on the lower left of the page. Let's take that journey he wanted us to take.

      First, we start at letters "A" and "B" whose alphanumeric sum is 3 and indicates his wheels used levers with 3 arms on them which my previous MT drawings research indicates were shaped like the letter "Y". Next, we see two "C" letters around the upper hammermen toy along with some of the hidden multiplication signs in its mechanism. When we multiply the alphanumeric values of the two "C's" we get the product of 3 x 3 = 9. Then we move on to the two "D" letters around the lower axemen toy along with its hidden multiplication signs in its mechanism. Multiplying their alphanumeric values we get 4 x 4 = 16. When we add those two products together we get 9 + 16 which equals 25 and is yet another reference to the alphabet's 25th letter or "Y".

      How many such "Y" shape levers did he use in his wheels? I've indicated that by drawing them in, using alternating yellow and orange colors, on the scissor jack toy on the left side of the page and we see that one can stack exactly 8 of the levers into it. The arrowhead pointing upward at the top of this toy indicates all eight "Y" shape levers were working together to keep the offset center of gravity of one of Bessler's wheels constantly rising as the wheel turned and tried to lower that center. That action then constantly maintained the overbalance of the wheel so it could maintain a steady torque and continually work any machines attached to its axle.

      From the top of the scissor jack toy we have to return to the top of the Jacob's Ladder again where the letters "A" and "B" are located. But, notice that to do that we have to pass through some loop-like object as I've indicated with a thick red arrow. What is that object? I think it is the cuff of a shirt sleeve that was supposed to have had a hand sticking out of it whose fingers would be holding the top section of the Jacob's Ladder. Why is that hand missing? Unfortunately, I still haven't figured out why, but I don't think it was because Bessler wanted you to imagine it was there. There must have been some technical issue with the carving of the wood printing block image that prevented it from being included.

      That's it for the new clues I'm revealing in this blog. In a future blog I intend to reveal some clues that I've found in the DT drawing that shows the two full face views of the Kassel wheel's drum. Those clues will all also be completely new and I believe will really amaze everyone.

      See you then everyone!

      Sayer of Sooths

      PS...If you haven't read JC's translations of Bessler own books yet, then what are you waiting for? If you want to have any hope of becoming a "next level" Bessler wheel researcher, then you definitely need to read them ALL and as soon as you can.

      (end of part 2 of 2 parts)

    2. Omg! I looked at SoS's "killer clue" and almost immediately blacked out! Why oh why did I not heed the warning he gave us earlier?

      I woke up in my local hospital's ER hours later and was told I experienced a complete cardiac arrest! Fortunately, the ambulance's medical technicians who were called came quickly enough and used one of those defibrillators gadgets on me and managed to restore a weak pulse again with it. But I was very close to being lost I was later told.

      I'm stuck in the hospital's intensive care unit now for the next few days for observation and being treated with about a dozen different cardiac medications. Please anyone with a heart problem, do NOT look at that killer clue that SoS uploaded for us. I have heart problems and it almost put me six feet under!

    3. All I see is some black thing and not a severed head. I don't know what you're drinking these days SoS that makes you see faces in things. It must be strong stuff. Where can I get a case of it?

    4. "All I see is some black thing and not a severed head. I don't know what you're drinking these days SoS that makes you see faces in things. It must be strong stuff. Where can I get a case of it?"

      Local gas station ?

    5. Read my next blog.


    6. I first thought when I saw SoS's "killer clue" was that he was a victim of pareidolia or seeing familiar objects in ambiguous visual patterns. That's easy to assume because he again used a low res image of the Toys Page which he must have taken off the web and that "severed head" he claims to have found is blurry at best. So I decided to go to the source which is the high res image of Bessler's original MT Toys Page drawing that's available from the Kassel U. library.

      I took a cropped capture of a close up of their digital file of the center part of the lower axemen toy and made this from it:

      On the left is what they have and on the right is the same image only I wrote in what I think are the parts of that severed head which appears as a profile view of the head. Imo, you can definitely make out an eye which is a tiny white spot, a nose, an open mouth, and what looks like part of the neck that is still attached to the head. It's very difficult to see, but there appears what could be hair on the head.

      So, yes, I think SoS, even though he was using a low res image is correct when he says it's a severed head. It's a cartoon-like head as are the ones on the four little figures holding the hammers and axes and I have to consider that Bessler purposely placed it into that lower axemen toy. I guess this can certainly be considered to be an interesting new discovery, but I don't think it has much to do with how Bessler's wheels actually worked. However, maybe some of the clues SoS shows in Part 2 do.

      On the original wooden printing plate this severed head was probably no larger than a peppercorn! Bessler must have been very skilled with the tools he used because I read somewhere that it's much more difficult to create fine details on woodcut printing blocks than it is on copper metal printing plates.

      Note that woodcut printing is a form of relief printing. The artist can draw his design directly on the surface of the wood, but then he must use little gouges to remove a thin layer of all of the wood surrounding the lines in the image so that those lines stay at their original level compared to the level of the areas where the wood was removed. The printing ink is then applied to only those still raised areas of the woods surface and the paper is pressed against it. When the paper is peeled off, the image appears on the paper.

      What makes this a challenge is that everything you want to appear in the final printed image has to be formed as a mirror image on the wood printing block's surface! That means all letters and words have to carved out into the wood's surface in reverse. It takes a lot of skill to do something like that.

    7. I made a comment here about SoS's killer clue last week but it got deleted for some reason so I'm giving it another try.


      I wasn't expecting anything like this. Even in your low resolution image I can with a little straining of my eyes see the severed head and it wasn't really that shocking although it is when you think about it too much. It was nice to see your discovery confirmed by the high resolution image that anon 13:47 found for us.

      I'm surprised that Bessler would stick something grotesque like that in among a collection of children's toys which seems inappropriate to me. He must have been in a bad place when he decided to do something like that. Your reasons for it being there do make much sense as usual, but I think there could have been another message he wanted to send to the world with that severed head that's not as obvious.

      He knew the Toys Page would be considered to contain the last clues he would leave the world about how his wheels worked and those in the future would be carefully going over it looking for the solution hidden in it. He also knew that, as you did, they would eventually find that severed head. Maybe he was planning ahead (no pun intended!) for the possibility that he might actually be executed for fraud if he refused to reveal the secret of his wheels before he was paid for it?

      If that happened, then that severed head on the Toys Page could have been his last laugh on humanity. It would be like him saying to the world that they shouldn't have been so stupid as to think they could force the secret out of him without paying for it and so now that he's dead everyone can spend the rest of their lives desperately trying to find the secret that he hid in the items in that page and do it generation after generation. That must have given Bessler much satisfaction as he thought about all of the frustration in store for those who thought they would finally get his secret for nothing. That could also have been his way of paying them back all of the frustration that they had given him during his lifetime.

      Anyway, SoS, it looks like you have again announced an interesting new clue in Bessler's MT drawings and done it right here on this blog for the first time. I'll be looking forward to anything else you can share with us in future blogs.


    8. Thanks for feeding us clue hungry sharks that severed head clue, SoS! It was a nice and tasty surprise. Too bad you couldn't have also thrown in the rest of the body so we could have had it later for some midnight snacks.

      Our stomachs are now filled to near bursting as you promised and we are all enjoying our post digestive stupors. But soon we will be hungry again for more new clues.

      Starved Shark

    9. The last clue Bessler left for us was a drawing of his severed head?! That's really creepy. Maybe he was trying to tell everyone that he had become a sort of human sacrifice to the search for pm which he kind of did.

    10. The things the hammer toys are pounding on are the ends of columns in my opinion. The reason they are drawn funny is if you look up the 3 main types of columns that the Greeks and Romans used in their architecture were Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian. The Doric columns had round ends and the Ionic and Corinthian had square ends (for the most part.) So you're looking at the ends of columns. I always figured the bottom one was the end of an Ionic column rotated 45 degrees so that you were looking dead on at one of the scrolly end things. I always figured this was the pictorial equivalent of his clue that the "children play with heavy clubs amongst the broken columns." But I could be wrong so whatever.


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...