Saturday, 28 January 2023

The Code to Success - Bessler’s Wheel.

Johann Bessler suggested both directly and by inference, that he had placed clues to the design of his machine in a number of places in his books as well as his unpublished work, Maschinen Tractate.  Long ago, I became determined to find them and try to understand what they meant.  

Consequently I have spent a lot of time over many years looking for and finding clues by Johann Bessler, which he deliberately inserted into the text and drawings in his published three books.  In addition I searched and found additional clues in his unpublished work, a collection of drawings demonstrating various attempts at building Perpetual Motion machines, which I called Maschinen Tractate or MT.

Many of these clues are described in my website at

More of my work in finding and deciphering more pieces of code can be seen at another of my web sites at This web site explores the hidden coding system embedded within chapter 55 in his book, Apologia Poetica, or AP.

Another of my web site at provides pictures of the remains of Johann Bessler’s windmill, from which he fell to his death in 1745.  It shows the interior as well as some his drawings showing his designs for it.  It was his final project and typically it was an advanced version of a windmill designed to use the power of the wind from any direction without having to alter its position, by utilising a vertical axle.

Finally here is link to my original web site which tells the story of Johann Bessler and his perpetual motion machine  Copies of all the books can be obtained from here as well as from the panel on the right of this blog. There are brief explanation of the contents of each book.  You can also acquire a copy of my book about Johann Bessler.  It contains details of every available letter or other document sent either to or from or about the inventor.  

There are a huge number of clues and codes known to myself and deciphered to my satisfaction.  I have almost completed a book with full descriptions of the clues and their meaning and they reveal exactly how Bessler configured his machine.  I intend to begin building a model soon when the current alterations to our house are completed.   After I have tried to build Bessler’s wheel according to my interpretation of his clues, I will publish my book, whether or not I’m successful with my build.

The book contains so much information that I’m confident that even if my own build should fail, I know it will put people on the right path to success.



  1. John wrote: "After I have tried to build Bessler’s wheel according to my interpretation of his clues, I will publish my book, whether or not I’m successful with my build."

    We'll believe that when we SEE it actually happen!

    1. If John's last build doesn't work because he can't accurately finish it for some reason (like what happened with his Bessler/Collins Gravity Wheel back in September of 2020), then at least it would be nice if he had a sim showing it would run if it was accurately finished.
      If he doesn't even have that, then what confidence would anybody have in any clues if reveals? They will all just be dismissed as his delusions. He needs at least a working sim and one made by someone who actually knows how to make reliable sims.

  2. Ettcm wow you seem like a real life of the party kind of guy. Who should care about anything? Apathy is the scene sounds like a real wild pathetic extravaganza. Let's all just watch the moss grow on the stone Just for kicks!

  3. Guys , being wrong when your trying to figure out PM or how Bessler did it is normal and to be expected.

    If Bessler was a fraud and there is no possible way , then you have 0 % chance of ever being correct.

    If Bessler was not a fraud then there was only one way like he said , so then he was the 1 % , and it means you have a 99.9 % chance of being wrong and a 1 % chance of being right.

    Does it make sense to be very secretive all the time , or claim you have it every time you get a new idea , or care if you are wrong ?


    1. "If Bessler was not a fraud then there was only one way like he said..."

      IIRC, Bessler said that the secret to building working pm wheels had been given to him alone by God and he was very serious about that. But, if it was a general principle he saw in a vivid dream instead of a specific mechanical design, then maybe there could be many different mechanical designs, all using the same general principle, that would work and Bessler only happened to find one of those many mechanical designs.

      I think we need to focus on finding that general principle first and then worry about going after various specific mechanisms that use it. Maybe that general principle is what he meant by "prime mover". It is not some magic little extra mechanism you must add to a wheel's nonworking mechanics to make them pm, but rather a general principle which all "true" pm wheels MUST use in some form in order to be runners.


  4. Totally predictable John it was eventually going to happen! hey shemp move over EttCM is trying to make you a bit player again he wants to be stooge number one and he's willing to lie about anything. Nice blog John you really solve the problem you become anonymous and now the enemy has full control brilliant John just brilliant! Whatever integrity you thought you had it's gone!

  5. There is no way I would ever send anyone a email of any design!

  6. Hey John I thought this was a Blog about Johan Bessler now we have commercials it was one thing to promote your book so that people could read about Bessler but this guy is as bad as Ken B no that's incorrect he's worse it seems as though he's a persistent prick who wants to change the main purpose of this blog you remember John don't you. When you started calling yourself anonymous did you start becoming no one is that how you want it to end is that the MT you want this blog to die on ?

  7. First TW (aka "Dr. Wlazlak" over on bwf) tells us here:

    "...I don't do free energy invention. or overunity invention, or perpetual motion invention..."

    Then he tells us here:

    "The fact is I have working technology that produces more output than input power using a motor type device."

    Apparently, TW has trouble keeping his story straight from one comment to another comment! If he actually had what he claims he has in his second comment, he'd realize that if a device outputs more energy than the input power it requires to operate, then one could use a percentage of the output energy to keep the device operating at all times while it continuously outputted the remaining percentage of power. It would then be OU and perpetual motion.

    TW claimed "Stephen" emailed him drawings and thanked him here, but then TW quickly did a turnaround and said it wasn't "our" SG, but someone named "Stephen Grims". I searched this blog and bwf and there is no "Stephen Grims" mentioned on either of them. So, why would TW be thanking "Stephen Grims" here instead of just sending him a private thank you email?

    SG has a history of trying to make contact with newbies floating through here so he can "share" information with them IF he decides they are the "right" person to receive his higher knowledge of Bessler's wheels. In the last blog he tells John:

    "I'm not interested in what your design is I never was and I wouldn't even ask you to tell me I wanted to share with you what Bessler's was unfortunately you have only one thing on your mind it's pretty obvious now and there'll be no mistaking it any longer just like ken B it's just Fame and Fortune and nothing to do with Bessler's design!"

    Poor John just didn't impress SG as being worthy for SG to share anything with. But, then along comes TW who says to our SG:

    "hello Stephen: I would like to help you with your thoughts on your project
    That is all: What ever else is your mind. on any other subject is not that important to me."

    I think that's the kind of message that would draw our SG in and get him to send off his secret Bessler wheel design to TW who finally seemed worthy especially after SG saw him write:

    "I am a business person that has worked many years to develop the technology and prototype systems and motors that I have offered free to the world."

    SG now claims he never sent any email to TW. Maybe SG is just trying to cover up the BIG mistake he made with TW. SG probably expected TW to immediately declare his design "the" answer to the Bessler wheel mystery and maybe even offer to build it for him so it could be given out freely to all of humanity? However, now that SG realizes TW thinks his inspired design is just another useless nonrunner, SG wants to pretend nothing happened by saying he would never email his design to anyone including TW. That conveniently allows SG to keep telling everyone here that he actually has Bessler's design even though he now knows there's someone out there, an engineer even, who thinks it's just another nonrunner!

    Well, if so, then SG won't make that mistake again! Expect him to be more secretive than ever, but, a few blogs from now, he'll be right back here bragging about how he finally found the solution that everyone else was too much of a dullard or drunkard to find. His search to the "right" person will continue anew...

  8. In an attempt to get this blog talking about overbalanced pm wheels again instead of about whether SG sent TW an email or not, here's an image of a wheel design a friend emailed me a while ago.

    He called it his "Perforated Drum Wheel" because it consists of weight carrying rods that stick through holes in the outer rim of a thick, but hollow drum. He was very enthusiastic about it and claimed it had to work because it always kept five weights on one side of its axle and only three on the other side. The rods were of steel and easily slipped through small steel collars mounted in the drum's outer wall that were well lubricated.

    It took me some effort to make him finally realize that the design is not unique and had been built several times in the past and that none of them ever worked. He eventually accepted that, but was not too happy about it. He never attempted to build or sim the design.

    Can anybody here explain why it does not work? I have the inventor's permission to reveal his creation.

    PM Dreamer

    1. Thanks for that, PMD. Most interesting and very well drawn.

      Unfortunately, that wheel will remain stationary no matter into what orientation one manually rotates its drum. That's because the torques acting on both sides of the drum's axle remain equal and opposite in direction no matter what the drum's orientation happens to be.

      Some may think, like your friend, that it should turn CCW because there are more weights on the left side of the drum's axle while others may think it should turn CW because the weights on the right side are farther from the drum's axle than the weights on the left side. But, that really makes no difference.

      There's also another less obvious reason why this is a nonrunner that many may not be aware of. If the wheel is slowly manually rotated in either direction, the loss of GPE per second by the weights and their rods on its descending side, whichever that is, will exactly equal the increase in GPE per second by the weights and their rods on its ascending whichever that is. For this wheel to be a runner, it would need to have the amount of GPE being lost per second by the dropping weights and their rods being greater than the amount being gained per second by the rising weights and their rods. However, the geometry of the wheel prevents that from ever happening. It also prevents it from happening in all other similar designs I've seen.


    2. PM Dreamer , the weights are balanced

    3. PMD wrote "For this wheel to be a runner, it would need to have the amount of GPE being lost per second by the dropping weights and their rods being greater than the amount being gained per second by the rising weights and their rods."

      Exactly and that is really the only way to do it and how Bessler must have done it. But how to achieve that? Ken B claims (as shown in his youtube Gera wheel sim video) that the secret was in the swinging motions of the weight carrying levers on the ascending sides of Bessler's wheel drums. The levers there first swung their end weights toward the drum's axle as they passed 6 o'clock in a cw turning drum and then, at 9 o'clock, they did a sudden reversal of direction and began swinging their end weights back toward the drum's rim again. However, the weights didn't get the closest to the rim until their levers reached around the 3 o'clock location of a cw turning drum at which time their levers came to a stop by making gentle contact with wooden stops attached to the drum.

      The result of that odd reversing motion was that the rate of gain of gpe by the weights and levers on the ascending side of a drum was just a little less than the rate of loss of gpe of the weights and levers on the descending side of the drum where there was no retrograde swinging motions taking place and the weights just slowly got closer to the rim as the drum rotated.

      So, in effect, the descending side weights and levers were always losing a little more gpe than the ascending side weights gained and that extra lost gpe, which was not needed by the ascending side weights and levers, was used to accelerate the entire wheel when it was released. Any machines attached to a drum's axle could also be driven by the constant extra loss of gpe by a turning wheel's descending side weights and levers. This is really a rather simple explanation when you think about it.

    4. I attributed the top quote in the post above to PMD, but it should have been attributed to Jason. Sorry about that.

    5. I’m surprised you’re still promoting Ken’s outmoded, obsolete and erroneous explanation of Bessler’s wheel, Jason, or should I call you Ken?


    6. Aside from explaining how Bessler built his wheels, there's always the problem of explaining exactly where the energy came from that his wheels produced. Most tend to ignore that matter or just assume the energy somehow magically comes out of thin air. But that would violate the first law of thermodynamics which is a big no-no in the world of science so that most scientists would reject that possibility immediately.
      To tell you the truth, the explanation Ken B has provided does make a lot of sense. At least it explains where the energy came from that Bessler's wheels could deliver.
      If you have a better explanation, then let's hear it.

    7. No, Ken’s explanation really doesn’t make sense, but although I have my own explanation, I’m not about to share it here, not until I’ve tested it to my own satisfaction. It is a valid explanation and breaks no energy laws.


    8. "I have my own explanation, I’m not about to share it here, not until I’ve tested it to my own satisfaction."

      Just another promise from John about what he plans to do "someday". Ken B, however, did not keep us waiting for "someday" to finally arrive. He gave us a credible explanation back in early 2019 when his huge Bessler wheel book was published. His explanation does not violate any energy laws and, unlike John's past "explanations", does not even require one of Bessler's wheels to be located inside of a planet's gravity field to work since it would also work just as well using the centrifugal force created aboard a rotating wheel type space station located out in deep space away from the gravity fields of any planets or stars.

  9. Please don’t abuse my relaxed attitude to comments by carrying on a conversation with yourself and wasting space.


    1. @JC

      Looks like you hurt TW's delicate feelings by daring to accuse him of abusing your kindness on this blog. He's removed (thankfully!) all of his babbling comments on this and the prior blog, so it looks like it's time for you to tidy up a bit. Hope you don't get carpal tunnel syndrome hitting that delete button so much!


      Thanks for your most considerate 2 February 2023 at 02:57 warning! How dare TW try to replace ME as the top stooge here! The nerve! I would never ever let that happen!



    2. Yes Shemp you're the jester one King one fool dems the rules

    3. Well it seems like I can’t do right for doing wrong. I asked TW curb his numerous one phrase comments, and as is often the case, I’ve offended him and he’s removed every single comment. Sorry about that.


    4. Don't worry about it. I don't think he will be missed. Also I don't recall him ever being here before. He's one of those types who appears credible when he first shows up on a blog or forum, but then, after a while, it becomes apparent that he really makes little sense and just has some sort of need to ramble on and on. No wonder he has to keep moving from blog to blog.

    5. I definitely won't miss him. He showed up weeks ago on bwf and started out by calling himself "Dr" to impress everyone. Then he dropped that title and said he was an "engineer". Yet when you read his posts you saw that he had trouble even writing a complete sentence that made sense. His rambling posts were going all over the place. If someone asked him a specific question, he would either ignore it or give some "answer" that had nothing to do with the question. He's just another sad character looking for some attention, imo.

    6. Hey, John, you missed deleting one of TW's "EttCM Energy Technologies" Removed by Author comments in this blog. It's the 9th one down from the top of where the comments begin.

    7. Thanks, I missed that one! I think there were so many I lost track of where I was.


  10. I've been studying the Ken B version of Bessler's one direction wheel and I think it's impressive because of the clues it explains. But, I also think trying to actually build it would be a lot more difficult than he makes it out to be. I'm wondering if the following wheel design I came up with could do the same as his version does? It should be much easier to sim or construct.

    It replaces the two helical extension type springs he has attached to each lever with a single strong torsion spring that tries to rotate the levers outward until their end weights make contact with stops attached to the drum. It also does away with his design's forty cords and replaces them with only eight cords between the levers so there's no need for his Y shape levers.

    This design won't produce the noises at 3 o'clock like his does. The sounds will be made around 12 o'clock as each weight hits a stop there. I think this design should have a CoG farther from the axle's center than his does so it will produce more torque and power than his does.

    The major problem I see with my design is that the two cord connected levers going toward 10:30 and 12:00 have to both be lifted by the untwisting of only the torsion springs on those two levers (Ken B's design, otoh, uses the additional contractions of the extension springs on the levers going toward 1:30 and 3:00). If that can be done, then this simplified Ken B wheel should work.


    1. It’s very difficult for me to convey the frustration I feel when I read your’s and other’s belief that Ken B found real clues, rather than the imaginary ones I have stated many times. I would so love to point you to the real clues which are undeniable and utterly different to Ken B’s, but I would be giving away everything I’ve worked so hard for, and I am determined to build a working model, and have a sim made before I go on to sharing it all.


    2. @Mark
      I like your design and it might even work like you say it should. But, to be honest with you, I don't think it's that unique and has probably been tried many times before. It's basically just a spring assisted version of MT 9 with 8 levers instead of 12.

      Consequently, I personally cannot in good conscience add your name to that short list of "pm seeking heroes" that I started in the last blog and thereby authorize you to legitimately and proudly wear the golden "Hero Medal". I hope that will not disappoint you too much. However, if I see a lot of others here saying that your design actually is unique, then you might be placed on the list after all. Maybe you have some other design you would be willing to share with us that would look more unique?

      However, I do applaud the effort you made to share your design with us. We need to see more of such sharing on this blog.

      Hero List Keeper (formerly anon 18:37 from the previous blog)

    3. Mark, I built something very similar to your design years ago and never could get it to run. The big problem it had was that as soon as the 9:00 and 10:30 levers started to swing out toward their stops, the entire wheel would rotate ccw so there was no cw rotation. Also, the small angle the tight rope between the two levers made with the 9:00 lever made it very difficult for it to apply cw torque to that lever. I should have realized that Bessler showed this design in his MT because it can't work.

    4. Thanks for the feedback everyone.

      You keep telling us how imaginary Ken B's clues are yet we never see anything from you that would contradict any of them or the wheel design that his research based on those clues came up with. Hopefully that will finally change THIS year?

      Yes, it would have been nice if I'd gotten onto your list with my design so I could get my hero medal too, but my main goal was really just to see if I could make it easier to build that Ken B version of Bessler's wheel. Based on what anon 05:47 wrote, however, I'm now starting to see why a Y shape lever is needed.

      Basically the extra fork arm on the Y shape makes the angle between the rope and the 9:00 lever much bigger (and closer to 90 degrees) and that then lets the rope from the 10:30 lever apply more torque to the 9:00 lever to begin swinging its weight located on the other fork arm out toward the rim of the drum as that lever travels from 9:00 to 10:30.

      The bottom of a Y shape lever also permits a rope to be placed between a lever that is trying to rise as it passes 9:00 and a trailing lever that hasn't yet reached 9:00 and is still swinging toward the axle so that rope can help raise the lever passing 9:00 and swing its weight closer to the rim of the drum.

      I'm not sure anymore if Ken B's Bessler wheel can be made simpler and easier to build and building his design as it is now won't be easy for the average build imo. It is what it is. Most of the pm designs I see online and in old books on mechanics tend to be simplistic compared to Ken B's design. I can see the influence of Bessler's experience as an organ maker in that design with all of the ropes, springs, and multi-arm levers it contains.


    5. Based on Bessler quotes/clues AP 291 and MT 41: Ken B's wheel as shown will not work.

      Bessler AP 291: "I also think it's a good thing to be completely clear about one further point. Many would-be Mobile-makers think that if they can arrange for some of the weights to be a little more distant from the center than the others, then the thing will surely revolve. A few years ago, I learned all about this the hard way. And then the truth of the old proverb came home to be that one has to learn through bitter experience. There's a lot more to matters of mechanics than I've revealed to date."

      By Bessler's own words any wheel design having driving weights move closer or further from the center will not work.

      Bessler MT 41: "The horizontal application of the stork's bills is always better than the vertical application. I can assure the reader that there is more to the stork's bills than is shown."

      Seeing how predominantly Bessler showed the stork's bill/lazy tong in his early promotional material and again in the "toy page", I can only assume it to be of critical importance too the function of the wheel and thus any proposed wheel design lacking the stork's bill/lazy tong mechanism is most likely not going to work.

      Sadly i do not have the insight to tell how Bessler achive the rapid lifting of the weights, where essentially one weight whould need to be lifted ~12 feet every ~0,288462 seconds in order to have 8 weights fall during every rotation of the wheel, 26 rotations per minute.

      Random Bessler Lurker

    6. @RBL
      Actually, all Bessler says in AP p. 291 is that it's difficult to make an OOB wheel work, but not impossible. Elsewhere he says he found his runner where everyone else was looking for one which was with an OOB design. Many are convinced that the Ken B wheel IS the design Bessler found and used and is really just a successful modification of MT13. It is a design that automatically stays OOB as it turns because the interplay of forces between its levers makes it impossible for its weights' COG to go and stay below the center of the axle. It is a most unique and interesting design he has found.

  11. Happy birthday !

    1. oh yeah, it is John's birthday today. happy birthday John!

      you're 78 today. in another two years you'll be 80. that damn age clock never stops ticking so you better get started on your last wheel as soon as you can and while you still can!

  12. Thank you guys, there’s a new post for today with some positive news, well I think it’s positive!


  13. ATTENTION: Here are some New Rules which are effective immediately!

    I've reviewed my list of the original 10 "pm seeking heroes" in the previous blog and noticed that only 5 of them have ever published a design anywhere. The others, however, were allowed onto the list because there seemed to be enough evidence that they do currently have unique designs, but are not ready to reveal them yet.

    However, to prevent future newbies from showing up on this blog and trying to talk their way onto the list without showing us anything, I have decided to make some changes. Here they are:

    1.) The old list of "pm seeking heroes" will henceforth be known as the list of "Bessler pm seeking heroes" since the award is only for designs that show how BESSLER'S wheels may have actually worked. The golden award medal will continue to be called the "Hero Medal" and only those on the list are authorized to wear it as proof that they are on that list.

    2.) The design revealed on this blog must be unique and look like it could work even if past or future construction or simming shows it's unworkable.

    3.) The design MUST use materials and technology that Bessler would have had available to him in the early 18th century. That means it cannot use any kind of electric motor, batteries, electromagnet coils, etc. It can, however, use low strength lodestone type magnets.

    Additional future changes to follow if deemed necessary to maintain the integrity of the list.

    Hero List Keeper


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.

Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...